Sadhguru and Ananya Birla discuss leadership and life

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a big big thank you to Economic Times for having me it's such an honor a big thank you to all of you for being here and most importantly satguruji thank you so much this is an absolute honor for me uh I can't wait to uh learn from you uh seek your guidance um and uh I look forward to having a great session absolutely foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I thought they are not on talking terms no I think we all love you and we really look up to you and this video is so inspiring guruji really I think you're a huge inspiration and we all have so much to learn so should we can I start with my first question I think all of us here are relatively ambitious people I'm surely quite ambitious and in the midst of all of that I tend to forget about my own needs um I put myself on the back burner which I'm learning isn't the best thing for me to do um so what would your advice and guidance be how does one have a successful professional life while also maintaining a healthy personal life and you know taking care of our own Wellness wow what we call as ambition is a very constipated expression of fundamental human longing when I say fundamental human longing doesn't matter who you are what you are you want to be something more than what you are right now hello hello yes or no if you know money you're thinking more money if you know wealth you're thinking more wealth if you know power you're thinking more power if you know knowledge you're thinking more knowledge if you know pleasure you're thinking more pleasure it doesn't matter what currency may be different from person to person but everybody is longing to be something more so whatever that something more that you're longing for right now supposed to be fulfill for you to fulfill that for you right now are you fulfilled for life hello no you want something more okay that also will do it are you fulfilled no that also we will fulfill the next one are you fulfilled no so essentially you're longing to expand in a limitless way if you want to become Limitless trying to do it through physical means is a foolish thing to do hello because the fundamental of physical existence is a defined boundary we call this a physical body because it has a defined boundary if I take away all the boundaries of this it is no more physical isn't it so you're longing for something which is boundless through boundaries well life is going to be a frustrating course it can't be any other way I'm saying it's fundamentally flawed so you have a longing to become everything but your ambition is for something that's why I'm saying it's constipated you know constipation means what happens but it happens little by little hello so ambition is a constipated expression of what is a fundamental human longing to expand so you're longing to expand if you pay attention to it you will see it is not looking for more is looking for all hello when you're looking for all you can't call that an ambition because you cannot how all in terms of physical having all right but you can make everything yours nobody to stop you do you know this I have made all of you mine we're not without your permission is it okay whether you give me permission or not I don't care I have anyway made you mine can you stop me hello can you stop me no you think if somebody has to be yours you have to marry them or you have to beget them or something else must happen you need a legal paper that they belong to you no this planet can be yours isn't it hello this universe can be used it's just a question of will you allow your Consciousness to expand or will you keep it constipated so first of all that is ambition in that how to balance my personal life and my ambition see what you want to do if it's not your life why the hell are you doing it people are always asking how to get work life balance I'm saying with what you're doing your work if it's not your life please don't do it because if you're reasonably successful in your life you spend more time with the people with whom you work than your so-called family yes or no day in and day out you're with them maybe only weekends you're seeing family faces depends what kind of work you're doing you know but if you're reasonably successful in this world most of the time you are with people that you work with isn't it and if that's not your life I'm sure it's miserable it's like you know when I first went to United States some 23 24 years ago I they took me to this restaurant and it said TGIF whatever what is it I asked thank God it's Friday so then I looked into this what is where does this come from then all the research says studies show that 70 of the Americans hate the work that they're doing heat not dislike they hate it if you are hating what you do for five days of the week you think two days will be fantastic no it only overdoses that's all that's happening because you're doing something that you hate I am saying life is such a limited amount of time in this where did you get the time to do something that you hate why the hell are you doing something that you hate when life is such a brief happening when I say life is such a brief happening before you were born ananya how long were you dead wow I don't know you don't know endless amount of time probably and I'll wish you another 100 Years thank you because when it comes to death nobody is negotiating death we're only negotiating time hello yes or no we are not negotiating whether we should die or not we are negotiating whether it's today or 100 years later that's all so I'll give you another 100 years okay but after that when you die how long will you be dead will I be reborn or just don't go into all that okay how long will you be dead those people who died how long are they dead they just were dead forever forever I added I wouldn't yes so you are dead for a very long time before you are born and after you die it's just a brief amount of time that you're here in this why the hell are you doing something that you hate you must be doing something that you love something that you Embrace with the greatest amount of love and affection whether it is work or industry or people or whatever nonsense you want to embrace it's up to you hello so guruji coming to this I personally have reached the stage where I love most of what I do and I feel very grateful to be in this place however I still I still wonder what's right so if I can give you an example let's say my mother is here so I'm just going to use her as an example let's say I have a really important board meeting that I'm chairing tomorrow and it also happens to be my mom's birthday now the decisions that I make for the company obviously affect so many other people who are working in the company but it's also my mom's birthday tomorrow and I want to be there for her let's say I can only do one you can take her to the boardroom and celebrate along I would love to I'm going to do that that would be great but what I'm trying to get at is when things like that come up what is the right what is the right thing to do or is there nothing right and wrong and it just depends from situation to situation uh this is something that I really struggle with I think this is what I meant by personal and professional say when we say personal life whether it's our parents or our children or whatever it is not the volume of time that we spend with them it's about how we spend that time with them so I've raised my daughter with my little finger F involvement only but she thinks I have been a fantastic parent to her all right that's her experience and that's all that matters I know I only let my little finger involve myself with her because rest of it was all involved with my work but with Littlefinger you can do a lot it is the quality of what you do it's not about how much you do wow we have to raise that quality wow yeah that's really good I think it's becoming quite commonplace and especially in gen Z to do more than just hey what do you mean gen Z you are the last generation sorry guruji is just a word that I've gotten off Z and all the Russian tanks and armored vehicles or are you part of the Innovation I think it's anyone born I know my sister's part of the Gen Z and she's 19. I know what the I'm saying is when we say a of life we mean beginning of Life when we say Z of life we mean end of life when you say I'm gen Z it's not sounding good to me thank you does actually if you think about like that's actually quite unfortunate hopefully they're not the last generation so I've personally noticed that we tend to do more than just one thing and given that I'm trying to balance a career in both business and music is this something that you think is sustainable or should we as individuals be focusing and giving our all to just one field see whether I can ride two horses at a time or one horse at a time it's a question of my competence isn't it if I can effectively do it you can write 10 what's the problem but if you're going to fall between the horses better right one that's something you must make a decision it's not about right and wrong it's a question of you invest your life and time and energy into something how effective and impactful will you be because when we do activity whatever the nature of our activity I'm asking you a simple question suppose you make music do you want to make music that nobody wants to listen to um I would love to idly make music for myself and I don't get all so complicated I'm asking a simple question if you make music do you want to make music nobody including yourself want to listen no no no you want people to listen to it when they listen to your music if they sit here with tears in their eyes that's a day your music huh isn't it do you want to write a book that nobody wants to read no do you want to make a movie nobody wants to see do you want to cook something nobody wants to eat no no so essentially you must understand human activity is relevant only in terms of the impact that it causes so if you can be impactful doing 10 things great if you cannot be choose what's your competence right thank you guruji that that person has really helped me I hope some of you I hope this was relevant for some of you as well not many musicians out here so you know given there's this elephant in the room um and many who is that um you're talking to me it's given all the biking and everything I think you're a huge inspiration for all our fitness levels um given the corporate conditions uh you know many people are being asked to leave their workplace and this is as a young business person um yes dude laid off yes do due to uh not due to incompetence but due to the fact that costs need to be cut to meet the needs of uh the company's professional changing situations absolutely um now in a situation like this of course as a as a young business person it it really hurts to see that you know you're affecting the livelihoods of please fire some more people I'm looking for uh I can give a lot of work no payment but a lot of work we're a volunteer organization you know we're always looking for people who are willing to work for nothing commitment no I think everyone seems very happy and that's the end goal so that it's lovely but how do we it's it's a battle between the heart and the mind uh and it's a it's a moral for me personally it's a moral issue um so how do we reduce this conflict which is good for all versus good for majority see um there are many changing situations always there are you said I mean we got into a different tangent on that you said right now this generation is facing so many things I am telling you you're facing the least number of challenges if you ask me because never before Humanity had this level of comfort convenience technological empowerment never before in the history of humanity where human beings ever this comfortable and this much convenience so you should never complain this generation what shall I call you yes that means if you use that only 26 alphabets are there let's call you whatever 100x all right because numbers are Limitless if you go by alphabet somewhere it has to end so never before these kind of Comforts and conveniences ever been there for human beings never before food and survival has been this well organized unfortunately still there are many people in the world you know there are famines in the world there are droughts in the world unfortunately it's there that is not because of lack of resource not because of lack of food in 20 in 20 uh 12 I think in 2012 the study shows that on that in that year we were producing food enough food for 18 billion people on the planet but we were only seven something at that time but we had food for 18 billion people still 30 percent of the population is hungry they have not eaten properly so this is not because of resource this is because there is no care and concern in our hearts we we have not felt for other human beings now I am glad at least you're feeling something I'm glad about that that it hurts you to know that somebody is going to be troubled in their life it's very good your humanity is alive please keep it that way if you just think you know there is somebody who wrote a book you're fired I don't know who you don't know so it's not fun to throw somebody out if if we have to relieve somebody we'll have to do it because there's a picture of a larger well-being but you should not enjoy those things that shows you're lacking Humanity hello suppose I have to put you into some little bit of trouble at least I must have some trepidation that unfortunately I have to do this I enjoy it this is sickness yes or no sometimes we are forced to do certain things because world is not all properly balanced like this it's never been and never will be many times we are at Advantage somebody is a disadvantage at least you must have some feeling even though even though you can't fix it many times you can't fix it at least your heart should breathe a little bit if that stops you forsaken your Humanity please don't do that it's all right you you fire 100 people today and you go suffer tonight please do that it's good it's good for you because deepening your sense of humanity will come a long way in your life in many many ways but there are ways to settle this for example I mean my example may not go well with your kind of business but anyway I'm telling you for example when pandemic came all our activity came to stand still because all our activity is mass you know people Gathering so we couldn't do that for over two and a half years so uh largely we are a volunteer on an organization but other kinds of uh you know labor and there are other things which are higher labor and also there are accountants and this and that which is where certain Talent is needed if we have many higher people so the only way was to relieve them because the foundation was sitting there without any Revenue so first thing I did was I curtailed the food of all our people including myself I said let's eat far more simple than what we eat only two meals a day in that I simplified because at that time nobody knew how long it'll last there were predictions it will last for three years five years like this so if it happens for five years where will you go begging for food because I have over 5000 people living with me this my family live close family you know this is our nuclear family five thousand so these five thousand people have to be fed it doesn't matter what happens to the foundation so first thing is we simplify the food and next thing is we told everybody please we will have to relieve at least 30 percent of the staff we don't want to do that instead of that everybody take 30 cut in your salary we will make it up when things pick up everybody willingly took that cut so we never fired anybody we never relieved even a single person but everybody went down to their salaries were cut by 30 percent I'm saying there are ways to negotiate situations rather than simply blatantly doing things that will happen anyway if it hurts you a little bit you look for a solution not always the same solution there may be different solutions it's a great insight for all of us here to find some sort of Middle Ground so that you know sadhguruji you spoke about suffering um and economic Times like I'm going to go a little off topic I hope that's okay but you know when we it could be anything right it could be pain um it could be grief uh of course it's very important to feel it but how much do we feel and then at what at what point do we do distract our mind why do you say it's very important to feel it this is the little learning that I have I feel like the only way out is through um but I may be totally wrong I thought you heard in the video I said the only way out is in I know I heard that I heard that actually and I was going to ask you about that as well um but how much of our pain should we be feeling how much of it should we be distracted you know occupational therapy is something that we do that are you know that things like social media and all of that I work um what's the right balance there how does one go about doing that you don't want to sell flow within an emotion and you know feel um so that's something that I I struggle with sometimes they're not talking about physical pain no I'm talking about emotional I get you right now my right knee is in a little bit of physical pain little meniscus but my left knee is joyful okay so that keeps me joyful now I want you to understand this pain or pleasure where did you experience it where my heart area I think no no no don't website outside or inside oh inside inside Joy or misery where did you experience it inside inside ecstasy where did you experience it inside light or Darkness where are you experiencing it inside also inside only so every human experience is happening only within you what happens within you must happen your way isn't it I may not happen your way these people may not happen your way but you must happen your way isn't it what happens within you must happen your way world will never happen hundred percent your way anybody your world is happening 100 your way no not your husband not your wife not your children so giving up on all of them you got yourself a dog but he does his own thing even they do their own thing these days soon nothing ever happens hundred percent your way when it comes to the world if 51 is happening your way you have the controlling stake okay that's good enough 51 good you try 100 nobody will be around you they'll be gone yes sir no if somebody around you tries to make it their way hundred percent will you be there you're gone it doesn't matter who they are so you must understand nobody and no situation ever happens 100 your way little bit my way little bit your way little bit somebody else's way it's good because if everything happened your way where do I go I'm glad it's not happening your way it's happening little with your way a little bit my way a little bit somebody else's way but what happens Within Me must happen my way isn't it hello so if this happened your way would you keep yourself Blissful or miserable or would you have managed some space for grief pain this that nonsense no I would choose I don't know about all of you but bliss right you just choose choose blissfulness and misery please choose I'm going to bless you blissfulness I think we all agree so if you had a choice that's what you would do where how did you lose this choice you lost this choice because you have no distinction between what is you and what is around you wow okay you've lost the distinction if you know this is me here you do what you want here you keep this blissful outside sometimes happens our way sometimes doesn't happen our way some things go the way we want some things go right against us all kinds of things the more act the more your spread of activity more things won't happen your way so if you want 90 of your life at least happening your way you must just live in your bedroom there also cockroaches won't listen to you mosquitoes won't listen to you they do their own thing all right I am saying the moment you think world should happen my way otherwise I can't be there you will just limit limit the scope of your life that's all that will happen if you understand this will never happen to your way hundred percent but you can push it in the direction that you want to whatever extent you can but this one must happen my way so you've already chosen its blissfulness make this Blissful just get into the world and see some things work some things don't work everything is fine with you because you're blissful now your experience of life is determined by somebody else and something else now you're a Slave now you're terrified of everything now in knowingly or unknowingly you make yourself into very constipated life because the fear of suffering if you are joyful by your own nature if you're Blissful by your own nature you have no fear of suffering only when you have no fear of suffering you will walk full stride otherwise you're just half a step all your life don't do that to yourself and how do we overcome fear of suffering you don't have to overcome fear of suffering suffering is caused by you see I can take a pin and put it I want I'm just I can take a pin and put it in your body right now I can poke you you can cry or you can laugh The Choice is still there isn't it somebody whom you love very much if they cause pain to you don't you laugh hello hello your child beat you up in the face not intentionally but like that didn't you love how nicely he smashed you up he peed on you didn't you laugh foreign because it's not about what they're doing it's about how you're responding your life or your experience of life is determined by either you're responding to life or you compulsively reacting to life this is the difference between being conscious and unconscious if you are a conscious response this one will happen the way you want if you're a compulsive reaction this one will happen the way they want thank you I didn't point at anybody I pointed there okay um I think many of us uh you know our companies have a larger vision um of achieving something of creating impact more than just financially or maybe even financially um and then there in there are individuals which make up the team what's the best way to align everyone to that larger vision I understand you this happened somewhere around Delhi not in Delhi close to Delhi almost 12-15 years ago I'm doing a event for one of the you know the top mega multinational companies I don't want to name them so one of the top companies top 25 of their management are there and I have nine volunteers with me I have a nine our volunteers are always on their toes nobody needs to tell them what to do what not to do they're simply on so these people see on the second day they asked where do you get such people because they're looking for attrition when I say you don't get them you got to make them what do we make them I said you must make them fall in love with you how do we do that I said first you must fall in love with them or they don't pay us for that so when you're looking at life only in if you're looking at Life as a transaction you will not be alive you will be a Marketplace a Marketplace is always dependent profit and loss life is not like that life is a progression of experiences all right but if you made your life into your transaction then the question is not about how much you have what you got where you went no just before this same soil movement I was campaigning in United States for support at that time around me there is one young man he is behaving like his tail is on fire I said hey what are you up to Guru I want to make one billion dollars I want to make one billion dollars I said that song you come tomorrow morning I'll give you a billion dollars really I said yes you come tomorrow I'll give you a billion dollars he had eight friends with him who are sitting quietly I said see these eight guys I am going to give all of them 10 billion dollars tomorrow morning you wanted only one just now now one billion dollar is valuable only if others don't have it if everybody has it I it's not enough so essentially you enjoy what other people don't have this is not Joy this is sickness hello you enjoy what others don't have is it Joy or sickness it's sickness if you give up this sickness you will do the best that you can do in your life am I the best there is no such thing all right there is no such thing as the best the best that you can do in this life if the times in which you live allows that that's a great benediction because a lot of things that we are doing are a consequence of the times in which we exist yes or no if you were here 500 years ago would you be talking all these corporate stuff no definitely not so it is the times in which we exist which has allowed us to do certain things let's do our best that is whatever potential you have should find expression if you are doing something significant where do you have the time to see whether this guy has it or not if you see what you're doing is very significant you don't have time to see who's got What whose doesn't have what and whether they have it or don't have it doesn't make a difference because what you're doing is significant enough so if you understand what is significant enough every other barrier will be crossed you know we are a volunteer organization can I say something volunteers I take permission [Laughter] volunteer organization means nobody is trained for the job okay everybody is enthusiastic everybody wants to do everything but they're not trained for the job and you can never fire them for inefficiency because they're volunteers you didn't hire them all right so this is a different kind of management if you want to go crazy come and manage Isha Foundation like that but all our events everything they work like clockwork before Corona now it's come down a little bit we'll pick it up now it's gone into various other areas otherwise on an average over 260 to 270 evens were happening on any given day not a single event has been abandoned ever in the last 30 years so that must be good management all right so our events generally happen I'm telling you not to boast about ourselves but to congratulate all these untrained people untrained unpaid people because our events happen in clockwork I have been to literally everywhere everywhere in the world the biggest events economic forums this that nowhere will events happen with the efficiency that happens in Isha Foundation I'm saying this I am saying this as a congratulation to all of them because that's a level of dedication to the process that they're doing they may not be qualified but they are devoted to what they're doing which makes a huge difference so the important thing is that people around you should be inspired they must see that they are doing something significant in their life if if you I don't ever pay them but even if you don't pay one month salary they won't mind if they're doing something really important right now they're just doing a job thank God it's Friday they're in that mode all right so that inspiration is not happening most businesses unfortunately I'm not saying everywhere there are people who have managed to inspire but that needs to happen because what is the point living with people who are dragging their feet I can't live with them yeah you don't want to do it don't do it but when you take something up you must be agile you must be there all right you must see it's important because if it's not important why the hell are you doing it no because I'll get money I'm doing it that's a bad way to live because this is a brief life as I told you we are dead for a very long time we are only alive for a little bit of time we must be we must be doing what we love to do what really matters hello and when I say what I love to do should I do music should I do dance should I do this should I do that it's not about that see if you really look at yourself as a human being what impacts people most with what kind of activity can you really touch another life that's what you wish to do whatever it is you can touch people with business you can touch people with industry you can touch people with politics with spirituality with art music in every way you can touch only thing is what is your Consciousness are you doing this to make yourself great or are you doing this because you genuinely want to touch another life so once you touch another life why do you call a handful of people your family and the rest are out because somewhere you touch their lives and you're only able to touch one or two lives in your entire life it's a constipated life you must be able to touch a lot of people hello yes or no you must be able to profoundly impact lots of people then everybody feels like family to you so if everybody is feeling like family with you or family means not in the usual structure I am saying they're really you know looking up to you because they know what you're doing is significant and it's significant for them they'll do their best and of course you'll pay their salaries and if everybody is agile and doing their best that's the best you can get out of anybody isn't it guruji you had mentioned that leadership means partnership cooperation mentoring and support and not dominance which is lovely I guess how do we as Leaders keep our ego in check where is your ego show me I'll fix it right now where is it somewhere within my system I guess tell me is it in your foot no I think my upper body somewhere you can only make guesses your dentures Dentures Dentures are enough real teeth yeah is it in no oh oh it's called danger I didn't mean to say artificial Dentures so your generation Zia you use language in a certain way I'm not gen Z I'm I'm a millennial I think why I'm why I'm why I'm why so why XY somewhere in the middle Y is a good generation whatever you see you ask why that's a good generation very true we do question a lot I think and I don't think I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing question is never a problem as I told you before we came here people are always in satguru can I ask you any question uh because I don't want to ask a wrong question they say how can a question be wrong only an answer can be wrong that's my problem I may say something wrong when you are asking the question how can you ask a wrong question is there such a thing that is only in the you know high school examination they asked you a wrong question have I answered that question no no no no you have it I was just taken in with your sense of humor so uh still leadership means people think it's power you know leadership is a sacrifice leadership is a larger Embrace of life when you sit here and think your thought is not about you know like this young man was saying I want to make one billion dollars this is personal ambition if you're a leader you're thinking how you can make a difference for all these people all right whoever is in your perspective so leadership means in some way you sacrifice so many things other people eat on time leaders don't eat on time others sleep on time we never sleep on time we don't know when food and sleep will come to us we don't know where we will sleep if I sleep in the same on the same pillow two nights it's a luxury all right well people may think this is fantastic yes it is if you feel it that way but if you think you are doing somebody else's work it can become terribly important song Hello it can become a killing process but if you see you're doing something significant and this is what you wish to do then what you do leadership is not a leadership first of all anybody calling themselves a leader is I think it's quite ugly you never say I want to be a leader people should say by what you're doing oh she's a leader I am a leader I am a leader this is a very gross thing to do hello other people should feel this is a leader why would somebody see you as a leader see if you sit here right now we are sitting on the stage compared to people who are sitting in the audience we have a little better view of everything this is what leadership means they put you on a perch once they put you on a perch if you don't see better than others you will make an utter fool of yourself it's very important absolutely so you sit on a perch means you must see better maybe all of them are working harder than you but you see better because you see better they'll put you up there it's like a you know if you in a small world like a ship on a vessel the captain does nothing he just resists himself nicely usually sub captains are like that everybody is working their lives out but they are all looking up to him because he sees he sees what others cannot see hello that's an important thing so once you're a leader you must have an insight that you are able to see something that others cannot see it's just this successful leader means just that what they see tomorrow you see today that's all thank you guruji that was really very insightful that really helped thank you so much and you must be able to inspire people because if you don't have an inspired lot around you for whatever reason whether you throw money around and Inspire them or you inspire them with your own activity how you inspire them it doesn't matter they must be inspired otherwise you are not getting the best out of people isn't it absolutely absolutely yeah talking about digitization you know it's a big part of our businesses um and specifically talking about Ai and AGI people in the business world uh you know I think a week ago came together to say that it needs to be monitored more carefully because it can be very dangerous you want to pause absolutely asking for a pause no it won't pause um what are what are your thoughts around AI should we um as business people artists human beings rather should we be embracing it uh because of course it does make things more convenient or is it something that should be not encouraged at all say in 2017 and 2018 I was in Oasis for a lot of artificial intelligence conferences I said why me you know I'm not an artificial intelligence why I'm not I'm not a technical person why are you calling me for this artificial intelligence conferences so all these professors and academics who are there in this kind of places they're saying we are all really worried that we will lose our jobs I said I am so glad academics lose their jobs means it's a joy all right then this they said you know when we look at you probably if everything becomes AI you're the only guy who will be relevant so we want you to tell us what is it I said see this you must have foreseen beforehand you did not foresee I foresee this long time ago anything that you can accumulate data wise in your mind you can accumulate certain data process analyze and throw it out this a machine can do better than you anything I want to lift this with my hand maybe I'm very strong I can lift you with the furniture but a machine can do it better than me yes or no I remember in 70s nobody old enough to be in 70s sir generation W is it whatever in 70s there was news all over saying that in Magic on docs the coolies have all gone and strike why means they were setting up the first Gantry in massagon docks till then those days the largest ships were approximately 125 000 tons to unload a hundred and twenty five thousand ton ship they were taking 24 to 28 days one ship today a quarter million tonne ships are unloaded within 24 hours because of machines so those days they all went on strike if this Gantry comes what are we supposed to do what are we supposed to do with our muscle I told them see this is what the coolies were doing this is what the academics are talking right now if AI comes what are we supposed to do all the coolies what are they doing now you must ask them and you must do that okay I'm saying every time a convenience comes somebody is going to lose his job because he was doing that job all right so with AI comes essentially I would like to move towards the world where nobody has to do any work for their living living is taken care of because machines do everything what you want to do only that you do fantastic world or no hello right now everybody working especially in the west if you go people ask me what do you do for a living I said I breathe laughs hello for living what are you doing right now their idea is because you have you know put your life on lease doing something just to earn a living it's a terrible way to live that you work 365 days all your life just to earn a living this is not what a human being is designed for okay because once you come as a human being your ability to be you must understand this this woman settle you're the only one on this planet you're the only species rather whatever generation alphabet you are you're called a human being did you call a tiger a tiger being an ant an ant being an elephant an elephant being no they're all creatures you are a being what this means is you are the only one who are capable of determining how to be if you knew how to be what is the problem hello if you knew how to be Blissful or miserable what's the choice Blissful Blissful we decided so if you knew how to be what is the problem in life whatever you can do you will do your best and when it's your time you go hello yes or no only because you don't know how to be you are making a signs of all your misunderstanding of life so you know on one hand uh this is going to the human beings on on one end we are just specs in this big I don't I don't even know how many universes there are on the other end uh there are you know we are omnipresent where energy were everywhere um how do we not take ourselves too seriously yet take ourselves seriously enough to know that we want to make an impact and the same I'm gonna just put another question in because I'm selfish I'm being greedy how do we remain attached enough to enjoy what life has yet detached enough so that we can live without materialistic things around us it's a very Indian problem attachment detachments so how to be involved and not entangled that's a question yeah thank you thank you see people are saying because they are reading bhagavad-gita with half a brain no because they all say my only my left Works my right works whatever you know people these days it's fashionable to say my left brain says this my right brain says this so half a brain is working and they come to their own conclusions that Krishna said you should not be attached you forget about what he said or you might not have said look at his life is he an embodiment of involvement or is he detachment involvement isn't it absolute involvement in small things big things everything he's absolutely involved you're accusing that man of teaching you detachment this is because you are looking at everything with your half a brain they openly admitting people are admitting my left brain says this my right brain says that so half a brain shouldn't make such conclusions about everything with the full brain you still can't make conclusions because the nature of creation is so complex if you spend a million years here you still won't figure out one thing from the other right now you are talking about you being tiny and significant at the same time see where this Cosmos begins where it ends neither the religious people know nor the man of science no yes or no body has figured it out so in this seemingly endless Cosmos beginning less endless Cosmos here we are sitting on a tiny little mud ball that we call as planet Earth and the damn thing is spinning and traveling at a tremendous speed and we are sitting here nicely and talking all this this is definitely not our making isn't it hello not our making and we have no clue in this Cosmos where exactly do you have a geodrop you know the Google drop you have where you are in this Cosmos no you have no clue whether you are at the end of the cosmos beginning of the cosmos being crushed by something or thrown away somewhere you don't know anything and we are fine hello we're quite fine isn't it [Laughter] so this is the nature of our existence countless number of people before you and me you know your Z but ABC all those people they've all come and gone when they lived they also thought they are great men they also thought they are very smart they also thought they are very significant where are they right now all top soil not you me also this also will be me too much later 100 years later but this also will become top soil a little while now when we are sitting here we just a small pop-up on this planet will pop out and this is my life and I'm so important as far as the Earth is concerned you it's just recycling its soil hello yes or no so when you look at all this how can I go to my office tomorrow what is the use see this is because you're always trying to draw a conclusion with every realization don't draw a conclusion the moment you draw a conclusion that will be your last realization well so life is a progression of realizations as you realize more and more and more life becomes more and more beautiful and magnificent but every time you realize something you want to take notes and say this is it this is not it if you live this is not it if you die this is not it this is the nature of life thank you guruji thank you so much
Channel: ET Insights
Views: 164,052
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Id: 8nnhCFwo7Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 2sec (3302 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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