Tacos | Basics with Babish Live

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] well let's we have to do precisely what let me do one quick double check to make sure everything [Music] they might hurt you [Music] you [Music] you welcome everyone to a new kind of streaming experience basics with babish live I didn't write a script so I'm just sort of making things up right now and trying to do it like it was some sort of official announcement that we're well past that welcome everybody thank you guys for coming and hanging out I hope you can see me I hope you can hear me and yes you can call me babby and so this is the first basics livestream we've been streaming basics for a while on Twitch and we had a lot of fun over there and we decided to move over here because we want to share the experience better with you guys will eventually be hopefully some simultaneously streaming on Twitch and YouTube but for now let me just give you a little intro into what we're going to be doing here and everybody thought my thanos right now so what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be making last week's basics every other week so if last week's basics was tacos which we're pretending it is because I'd rather make tacos than salad then the following week you can cook along with me 8 p.m. Eastern tentatively we might switch that up but for right now it's 8 p.m. Eastern right here on YouTube thank you guys for coming and hanging out wow it's already 6300 people here and I would also like to introduce you guys to my partner in crime so we're Jacobs who is in the other room he this way I wouldn't say I helped say hello hello everyone so happy to be here I'll be listening in from the other room and chiming in every now and again yeah so there's gonna be going through the comments looking for any interesting questions looking for any wegmans or upstate New York Bills shout outs which I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of now that I just said that and one day hopefully we're gonna be doing a sort of Fraser style callin thing where he's going to be my rods and he's going to be screening calls and we will be you doing things live in that way thank you so much folks that are that are donating to super Chad I'm seeing Mexi men and cheese is saying hey babe love your recipe recipes but recently went keto you do some keto recipes in the future if not it's all good you're the best that's really nice thank you I have inadvertently done a bunch of keto recipes there are a lot of recipes on the show that are unintentionally keto just like there are ones that are unintentionally vegetarian or vegan or gluten-free my buddy in the other room Sawyer who we just met a minute ago is Quito himself so it's the least that I could possibly do to try and support y'all that are doing a special diets like that that are that's a pretty fun diet to be on all you gotta do is eat meat all day we got ten pounds coming in from somebody who just Zach just gave ten European pounds I didn't know that it would show up like that thank you very much Zach you said to make a taco and guess what guys that's what I'm here to do I'm here to make tacos not every not every stream but this stream it's all about tacos uh-hum so welcome 7,000 people here now thank you guys for coming hanging out I got some Booker's here that I'm gonna pour myself a little a little whiff of Sawyer would you care for some Booker's yeah I would love some thank you okay I'm gonna pour you some of my you come on in and you can meet all the Bread on people here let me get you a glass this one says Glenmorangie I don't let's just pretend we're doing cubes cuz it's summer and because cubes can sometimes you know open up the whiskey and you know give you a give you a different perspective on a whisky that you already know and love so Sawyer's coming on in to say hello and have a drink with me real quick and then we will get down to the business of making tacos like Annie removin he's over in the living room right now if you guys watched the tour of my apartment for the 3 million subscriber special he's over at the desks that you might have seen here is now folks this is swear all right sure that sure thank you let's so let's let's have a good show all right no show duck just gave five dollars it's battery time uh yeah thanks man god I can't pronounce your name cut Castle just gave some money gamer for the wind game 50-somethings I don't know what that what currency that is you're gonna have to fill me in on the super super chats Nick Reese gave $5 love your cookbook will another one come yes absolutely there's a new cookbook on the horizon and it is it's going to be the definitive binging with babish companion cookbook and it's gonna be coming in fall of 2019 I've already begun writing it or I'm like halfway through writing it and we're going to be starting photography which we're going to be doing right here in my apartment just like everything else in in the very near future in October I believe what else we got here hey we got Jabbar a1 Wiggins gave $4.99 thanks man hey babish originally from upstate New York what's up represent now in Florida your channel inspired me to cook and now it's my favorite thing to do thank you that's so nice thanks so much to borrow one Wiggins I'm very happy that I could do anything like that even called well gift 10 Australian dollars looks like hey babby thanks so much for getting me into my cooking addiction your recipes are amazing I've attempted like 10 of them favorite so far is the pot of chili from the office that's awesome dude I hope you've tried to make that because it is a really solid chili recipe though these are pouring in here Cynthia gave 499 thank you so much Cynthia Oliver sorry I gave 5 euros amen been a fan since twenty thousand subs love the show when are you coming on hot ones as soon as hot ones invites me hot ones give me a call you know where to find me let's see rogue vampire get 5 bucks thank you so much Brian Russ gave 5 bucks I just finished watching the waitress pies episode on Facebook that's a good one I'm really really happy with the way that Cheesecake came out granted I took the technique from America's Test Kitchen so no wonder it came out so good but if you're looking for like a really thick New York style cheesecake that's where it's at speaking of thick we don't know if it's gonna translate but back on Twitter or twitch rather we we referred to ourselves as the thick boys because we were constantly making steaks about you a thick and the early the early livestreams and I see a couple of stick boys in the in the comments catchment we have some thick boys I see you asking for a sheet they know what's up it's okay we got some we got some some originals and the crab that's awesome somebody gave 20,000 see Opie's I don't know what that is legend 7 thank you so much Jeffrey Blair gave five bucks Thank You Jeffrey Punkie 10 men gave $10 and said Panos car I know what that means hum okay let's see Glasper it just gave five bucks and said we just scheduled a life life-saving surgery for our dog wish Momo a speedy recovery everybody please right now wish Momo a speedy recovery thank you so much first time here I love the show says dwarven marauder $5 thank you so much doreen games $5 says I've watched all of your videos so many times you are very enjoyable to watch keep doing what you're doing thanks so much I see a lot of thick boys in the audience thank you thank you thick thick squad thick crew Thank You elf basically these super chats are coming in faster than I'm gonna be able to answer them and I need to get cooking so I'm gonna try to burn through as many as I can right now but I'm gonna have to chill out in a second Cole Atkins says please make 500 shrimp dishes I'll check that out Maple Leaf gave $10 and says I've been watching your videos with my family ever since Bob's Burgers episode it's always been a dream to stream live keep making me hungry I'm will do thank you so much I'm glad that you that you want to see me stream because here I am one of your tattoos have a meaning to you they look really cool all the tattoos have a meaning you can see them on my website got a pension with babish calm about me and you can see the explanation of most of my tattoos Syracuse represent alright Syracuse how you doing I have some friends that went to school there and I draw through their a lot o badge was gave $5 will you ever make a Seinfeld volume to black and white cookie absolutely marble ride definitely please come to Seattle we love you I cannot wait to go to Seattle for those of you who really know me you all know I got a Seattle tattoo right here and that is that is a more Frazier tattoo than a Seattle tattoo but no scar so um let's see EJ bug boy 3 hey babish can you do and always sunny a special party with max mac and cheese and growth Frank definitely and energy balls Courtney price $5 do you do you do cancer kid wishes I would love to use my wish to cook a meal with you yeah shoot us an email shoot us an email shoot us an email we shoot us an email yeah I mean if you do actually have cancer then yes absolutely if you're just if you're just yanking my chain right now cuz cancer is very either way they just need me yeah she just an email binging with babish at gmail.com let's see the stove Joss V says I currently have a stove I do have a convection oven a microwave would you ever do an episode on meals you can make in the microwave or convection oven yeah definitely I hope I can do that respectfully yours love your show thank you so much CJ I you know I can't keep up with these guys I'm so sorry I really appreciate your donations what's the what's the first step in the cooking process I'll I'll aggregate these for you and we could go through it a bit yeah all right so guys we're gonna get started here the first thing we got to do is is marinate our meats and I think we'll start with steak I've got that so we're gonna make a chimichurri and we're gonna marinate the steak and half the chimichurri reserving half of it serve with the tacos okay so chimichurri for that we need a food processor I'm gonna use this little one here go see yeah whoever whoever just reached out and said that you'd like to cook with me and if you and they that you have cancer if you do my deepest sympathy and support my mother died of cancer when I was 11 so obviously that's something that it's very close to home with me so please do reach out finishing with babish at gmail.com we will get back to you and see if we can set something up so please do reach out okay into the food processor goes pull up my recipes here because I'm not some kind of genius that can do this from memory let's see we got chimichurri here we go I'm gonna throw a Fresno pepper in there these guys have like a tiny little bit of heat to them but like barely anything they're like less less spicy than a jalapeno I also want to show off my new my new life partner to you guys this is the newest addition to the babish family I got this out in California it I've always wanted to have a son and I'm very excited to have gotten one and oh it is sharp I was telling Sawyer earlier that's if if there's ever a time for me to really really hurt myself with a extremely sharp brand new knife it's probably on a live stream where everybody can see so I'm also going to pull the veins and seeds out of this I'm sorry I'm doing this off-camera but this is where the trash can is there we go and I'm just gonna cut this up a little bit just to the food processor hesitant an easier time with it into the processor it goes next up we got let me wash my hands I don't want to get I don't wanna rub my eyes and then I don't know if you guys have ever done that I did that before a date once I was making one of the dishes that were making tonight I was making Roskam crema and sometimes poblano peppers can be crazy hot and these ones were I went to the bathroom after cutting them and touched myself in a sensitive area we're adding and you can guess you can guess the rest of that story we're adding a little bit of red wine vinegar all I had with sherry vinegar that's gonna be fine for right now 1 to 2 tablespoons depending on how sharp and how acidic you wants your chimichurri a quarter cup of olive oil and you know this is a sauce so I mean I'm eyeballing this stuff that's probably about a quarter cup and since this is going sauce we want good olive oil they want good quality because we want that flavor and I'm not sponsored by these guys they're just good brad leone for those of you who also like Brad show he uses this stuff trying to get a angle where it won't Glen Lucy need said so it's a very tasty olive oil alright four to five cloves of garlic all right while I'm crushing up this garlic Jake let me know if there's any questions that should answer it comments we want to respond to you yeah well I'm looking for you know any comments or questions people have about how they make tacos anything they might be interested in knowing to make the process easy for them hopefully we got some people cooking at home some you know who here is cooking along with us tonight anybody making tacos in their home one or all three of these recipes chime in because we'd like to know inquiring minds want to know and so you know something that people have have have criticized me for in the past is peeling individually peeling all my all my cloves of garlic just like this just like pulling off the skin and they've always said smash it with a knife and that's true it's a ways your way to peel your garlic unless you want to keep the clove intact and you know there's something meditative and calming to me about peeling my garlic that way so that's why I'd do it but I'm also definitely not above the old smash and squeeze yeah what does that mean hopefully that's just what we're doing with the garlic here so alright see easy as that you give it a little smash to squeeze they jump out of their skin and these are really small cloves of garlic gifted to me by a dear friend mr. mark mayor who pulled these right out of the ground for me when he was visiting a farm up in upstate New York how many people out there are representing upstate New York our hometown preferably of Rochester but also equal respect and love for Buffalo Syracuse Albany water water water town or Waterloo rather Naples Canandaigua Lake Geneva Vega the leather stocking region I think you have we have one person named Eric one who said that his brother once got banned from a Wegmans in Auburn New York for climbing on the roof I wonder what he was doing up there huh I'd like to know what your brother was doing up there that sounds like it would it's not in the spirit of what Wegmans is all about and well my man Danny Wegman would he want for one of his retail locations order but if it was a 24-hour Wegmans then you know it was open at least so there's that yeah well that I guess that's okay as long as they were open I might as well go up there and see what's going on I guess we go ahead okay got a Jake B Shaw or Bashar from Fairport in New York that's where out there what's up what's up what's up what's up Jake you know right by the canal there it's really nice how you doing Jake welcome to wherever you live now we're up to 8,000 189 viewers that's pretty damn good for a first first stream there okay garlic and then normally we'd add some fresh oregano I am fresh out to the fresh oregano so we're just gonna use I'm just gonna use a little bit of dried stuff it's okay we just want a little bit of that flavor just gonna put a solid sprinkle on there and then mostly what we're gonna use for greenery and and for greenery is you could use cilantro if you want that's probably a bit more you know legit but a lot of you hopefully by now know my feelings towards cilantro so we're obviously not doing that I'm just using some curly parsley but chimichurri is kind of like I don't like pesto and that you can sort of switch things up and make it your own as long as they're just you know the sort of core ingredients of like garlic and some something Irby and and oil and and you know I want to throw a little bit of lime into this who know I don't that's okay I don't want to all right so now so I'm showing you a little bit of face time here not not that kind of face time now what we need is this here we go all right this thing's so handy this was a gift to me by my bosses back when I back when I had a day job they gave this to me and it's one of my favorite kitchen tools and we're gonna use it to quickly make sure it works [Applause] also we want to season this a little bit because it's both going to be a sauce and a marinade so it doesn't need a bit of seasoning and I'm gonna throw a little bit of salt little bit of pepper in there we're obviously also seasoning the steak you know we can hit that with salt and pepper if we want but you know [Applause] we want a layer flavor so we want to get as much you know seasoning into every aspect of the dish we obviously don't want to over season well we don't want elements of the dish that are unseasoned if we've got a steak that had salt and pepper on it but then a sauce that doesn't have any salt in it you know you're ending up with something that's trying to compete with the other and it's just good to keep your seasoning consistent so there we go we got ourselves a very quick very easy chimichurri that I hope we have I don't have enough of this a mistake we're working with here Wow skirt steak has gotten expensive it's bleeding a little bit okay that's why you should always keep your meat especially if it's some in one of these paper joints should always keep your meats in a glass bowl or Tupperware or something like that so it can't bleed all over your nice things hang on folks I just need to get some storage bags over here just stocked up on ziplocs and that's just what I needed any questions or anybody that we we should be addressing here yeah I'll let you know my favorite upstate New York shout outs real quick pretty impressed by the diverse number of towns represented on the New York State Thruway here tonight we have byron new york remember that one yeah i member by play soccer in byron once Oneonta remember that one of kaloor I went I went there for Boy Scouts and then you know I don't know if it really counts Kingston New York you know that's the Hudson Valley right Beauty down but you know they're lovely and then Saratoga which I've spent some time in beautiful yeah so those are my favorites keep them coming I do have a food question for you it was some of those gone it was asked with ten whole dollars really appreciation yeah thank you and that's rice rocket airsoft by the way funny name sounds like a real hobbyist and and they were asking babby do you have idea how to marinate flank steak well I mean yeah you can very much do it in the exact way that we're doing it right now I'm not gonna use all this stick by the way just so you know what I'm doing here I you know this is too much steak especially for this me an old old old lawyer in the other room but you know marinating flank steak you could use flank steak in this recipe instead of skirt if you wanted my steak would be great you just need to slice it thin across the grain after you've seared it let's yeah you can you can marinate it the same way you'd marinate any other old steak pardon me and chimichurri is a great great way to go for marinating your marinating steak so I highly recommend this is a starting point you can totally do this with flank and you can throw that guy on the grill once once it's once it's well marinated and I would do this for between 30 minutes to maybe like two hours tops like this this acid in this marinade and that does break down the fibers and meats and you can overdo that you can definitely have too much of that and as you can see I'm reserving a little bit of the chimichurri here this is for putting it on the actual tacos lid on but in here I'm just massaging the snake around making sure everybody is getting covered with some sweet sweet flavor I don't think I made enough here let me dump a little bit more in here just so we sure we have even coverage only eating a couple tacos here tonight cuz there's only two of us the rest of it is gonna be leftovers it's gonna be my lunch tomorrow oh that smells good just talking about like hmm you have to get the this would the you know the vinegar and the pepper that hit you in the nose immediately together garlic it's just it's just a lovely lovely sauce for putting on stuff you ever just grill a steak on its own no marinating whatever you just grill it and then slice it up and then hit it with some chimichurri over the top forget about it there we go now we got a nice even coverage and we're gonna put this like I was saying we want to prevent cross-contamination so I'm gonna put this in the fridge like that that way we're not getting meat juice everywhere all right so next up and this guy is this guy's go going and hanging out off camera because we're gonna use him later on if we got some chicken and for this we're making a marinade also this is a recipe also from America's Test Kitchen we're making a marinade that is just just great for almost any application of chicken this is definitely more oriented towards Mexican cuisine because it's got cumin and and cayenne in it and whatnot but this is this is an excellent all-around marinade it's the same marinade that I used in what's called pull up a la plancha from moonlights I'm sorry from from la-la land getting funny still relevant joke like two years later it's still funny still so relevant Thank You guys looks like we got some new top chatters over there thank you so much for your donations it's very very kind and yeah next up we're doing this guy so we need a butterfly our chicken breasts go and I'm gonna put these you know it's gonna grow some people have but this is a work surface this whole thing is just a giant cutting board so far be it for me to get squeamish about it the way I sanitize it is with vinegar vinegar will take care of any issues that you might have so I'm butterflying these oh sorry to interrupt but we have a celebrity in the chat who I'm pretty sure this is the president of the Tang gang here's a tank here Harrison what's up Harrison just gave us $20 saying whatever swatch Esther in Ohio nice cool Thank You Harrison really appreciate it button you're in high school you shouldn't be doing that thank you though yeah we're gonna make sure dr. Dolin gives you that money back all right yeah let's call it strong-arm Dolan yeah you tell Dolan he owes you 20 bucks just for context for you know everybody else here that's an old high school teacher of ours that is still at the same high school and Harrison is the president of a food enthusiast club called the tan gang you might have seen them in the cheesy blasters episode of binging with babish with a group of young toughs street toughs that that's that helped me taste test the cheesy blasters because I didn't want to eat don't think I'm 31 and I don't want to die sorry about the noise folks I'm just washing off the knife quick because it's got chicken all over it and I need it for other things there we go one moment that will be right back I hope you don't miss me too much this is gonna be a relatively long string because we got a lot to do three different kinds of tacos here that two different meats to marinate we've got potatoes to cook we got chorizo to cook we got tortillas to make as well that's next up once we get the meat marinating time to make some tortillas which I might cheat on I have some some pre-made tortillas okay so this is ready for marination and the moments for now I'm going to hit this guy with some like I said vinegar that's gonna get this all food safe we're ready to go and it smells good too I like the smell of vinegar nice sharp happening the smell okay so what's our viewership like how we doing over here we got eighty three hundred thanks so much for coming and hanging out guys I really appreciate it this is the first stream on YouTube for anybody who's just joining us this is the first three mined YouTube we've been streaming on Twitch for a few months now and just decided that you know it was about time that we bring the babish live experience to all of you because this is where I got my start this is where you know vast majority of my audiences and just want to hang out with you guys as well mmm so Cheers I'm drinking some Booker's right now what'd I just do oh here we go just having a bit of Booker's this is excellent excellent bourbon if not a little expensive but very expensive it's like 80 to 80 dollars I think then again we live in New York City everything's twice the price here it's probably $50 in a liquor store upstate okay so where they marinade for the chicken here we go we need some more garlic oh yeah one clove there and I need a little bit more it's not sweat enough I got some habaneros in this in this fridge that are just taunting taunting me every time they every time I look in there and you know what do we say to the god of death not today any Game of Thrones fans out there I want to leak to you guys right now because there's only a thousand of you here but I want to leak to you something that I'm going to be revealing on Instagram in a couple days Maisie Williams is going to be on the show she came by and helped me make some some direwolf bread and it was really it was really good time she's super sweet really amazing person and it was amazing to meet her and she beat me and she made a better-looking direwolf than than I did some she's a champ but keep an eye out for that because she is going to be on the show not next week's episode but the following week you can expect to see Maisie Williams in the binging with babish kitchen all right I like my chicken really garlicky I guess we'd probably don't need this much this is probably enough right here actually not I'm looking at it is it more than I thought so give these guys a little smash smash as I'm sure my buddy Bradley honey would say Brad is foraging for mushrooms right now with Vinnie and they're getting some really cool mushrooms and what I think is upstate New York you can apparently go foraging for food here in New York City you can like do like mushroom and like wild edible plants foraging in like Central Park which I would never do I would just assume that any plant that I see has been pissed on by like three different people so there's no way I would do that all right so now I'm just gonna mince up this garlic a little bit to the best of my ability because it's kind of falling apart here and [Music] they'll learn a better technique for mincing garlic this is the this whole cutting it into strips and then chopping thing is old news around you especially with this sharp ass knife I probably should have smashed them more that's the key you smash the hell out of them and then you chop them up and then you got like garlic paste practically alright so here we go knife through this guy a little bit more we want to get this garlic relatively finely minced because it is going on the chicken we want it to stick to the chicken when it's when it's cooking but we don't want big old hunks cuz they you know they'll burn and they'll look unsightly we want this to to be a fine looking fine looking marinade and we need this pretty finely minced up so I hope you guys can see what I'm doing let's see press f to pay respects what does that mean yeah buddy Brad gotta love bread oh yeah yeah I'm sure Gordon heard Gordon Ramsay has a tipper mincing garlic cuz he is you know Oh way better chef than me and you know most most people uh-huh it's one of my dreams to meet Gordon and to have him on the show or something he's always been one of my culinary idols but I'm so scared that he'll be mean to me I know some people that work for his show and they say he's the sweetest guy until you do something stupid and then he's all over you and I did I have been known to do stupid things so you know it's a it's a concern alright so we got some nice relatively finely minced garlic here we could make that into a paste but it's not really necessary I just want enough so it's gonna be like totally evenly coating the chicken and giving it lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of flavor I almost just got my finger up and just then glad I didn't alright next up we have olive oil and lime juice for the liquid delivery system lime juice is going to both tenderize the chicken and add flavor olive oil is going to act as it's going to add flavor and once it comes not into cook it's going to act as the cooking lubricants so here we go we got this guy here you got a lime already all have here I'm just gonna squeeze this guy in and I want this to be really really limey this this this dish which is chicken it's just a marinated chicken with Rajas con crema it just goes so well with a healthy amount of acidity like I get one of those lime squeezers this is way too hard on my old man hands what's going on over there Jake anybody stuff to talk about first and foremost I wanted to tell Colin Maki who gave us another five bucks to mention the fact that Kingston New York used to be the capital of New York so hey we recognize that we respect that we like it up there I'm just you know is it western New York is it upstate New York but those are the questions were asking when was it the capital of New York I I don't know but I'm sure if Cohn still around he will tell us somebody also shouted out from Kingston Ontario that's Bill's country that's western New York go bills Kingston Ontario and a quick shout out to Caitlyn Chapman from Webster New York one of America's top marching bands Webster New York that's now Wow how did you know that well my father was the administrative director for the music department cool they write the Rose Bowl they want Awards so so listen we've got a couple questions for you food related you want to get through it let's get it on let me just run through this real quick so people know what I'm doing I'm just adding pepper cumin smoked paprika oregano cayenne pepper olive oil and I'm gonna be adding sugar to sugar is going to help the Browning when it when we get this guy over to the to the to the grilled pan we're gonna it's gonna help give us you know we're gonna be hitting this with pretty high heat because it's so nice and thin and that's gonna help give us a better crust on the outside of the chicken okay sorry here we go all right and I see all your bills comments we can talk about the bills whenever Andy is really busy doing something you know he doesn't want to talk about that okay we all know the bills suck all right so here are the food questions Nick Henderson Nick Anderson gave us ten bucks thanks so much dude that is really cool and his question is any general tips for cooking for picky eaters that's he's a longtime lover of the channel and he makes his burgers with that crisped cheese on a crisp burger from Parks and Rec all the time that's so what what can we recommend for the for the as my friends call it for the baby math um III would say for picky eaters I mean appeal to the the the sort of baser instincts in the picky eater which is pasta and pizza you know that just burgers I once knew a girl that would only eat cheeseburgers plain cheese pizza and hot dogs that is the only food that she would eat I don't know how she's still alive I guess because she was younger and she can handle like her stuff but like I you know I the way that I tried to get her to eat you know slightly more interesting more exotic foods is to spice those guys up I made juicy Lucy's I made um cheese stuffed burgers and I made I knew she liked potatoes so I made like a really good potato salad that was not too crazy not to out their pizza try loading up with some different kinds of toppings things that they might be you know just just try to try and jazz up the delivery system and hopefully the rest will follow so okay and the last thing that we need in here is a healthy helping of salt just try to look at the food that you're that you're gonna be seasoning I got two chicken breasts here that are cut into three pieces and I'm just looking at that thing like how much salt would I put on that if a dish in front of me so that's where I'm getting that cuz I've measured anything here marinades much less need to measure than than most recipes so you can you can really eyeball it and just sort of trust your instincts the chances that you're going to over-salt a marinade very low because a lot of its going to come off and yeah but very low chance that you're going to over salt this too just don't go crazy and you'll probably be fine so same deal here and giving this guy a good massage to make sure that the chicken is evenly coated yeah there we go what is our somebody gave $50 and ours that like Russian bucks or like republic goon something I know I don't know my country currency short name short shorthand okay same deal here we want to prevent cross-contamination so we're putting this guy in a bowl don't want any drippings you know hurting anything in the fridge and for anybody who hasn't wasn't really familiar with the the new kitchen it's got these awesome drawer fridges this is a fridge this is my fridge uh-hum that's so cool and freezers as well got some drawer freezers back here I'm so in love with it let's see can my mic fell down a little bit you guys still hear me okay that was a dangerous question levels look okay over here but yes question yeah yeah and I'm sorry for the noise that I'm sure I just made because I was just crinkling me well how people are saying face reveal I've revealed my face 10 million million times just as episode what's up guys this is the earpiece that I'm talking to Slater Sawyer and my mic is hidden here somewhere and we just finished marinating our meat so we're moving on to [Music] tortillas we're making tortillas so was this this is a knife we don't don't need that right now so a very basic corn tortilla dough is literally and I'm really a true corn tortilla dough is masa harina and water that's it that is all you need and I didn't put these directions by weight like I normally do I did it by I'm sorry yeah not by weight I did it by volume which I'm normally against for accuracy's sake but like this is the kind of thing where you got to go by feel you really need to know what kind of what kind of consistency you're looking for in the dough alright so if you'll excuse me for a moment I'm gonna run and get 1 and 1/4 cups of water I touched my face after handling that Fresno chili and it is feeling interesting it's getting a little tight a little tingle going on okay we got our one and a quarter cups of water but anyway I hope that was a good enough answer for the picky eater question I know that that can be very frustrating to to cook for somebody who who is very particular about what they eat and just just keep at it and just try to sneak it in there that's really the that's the that's the just try it just try to jazz up the things that you know they do like alright so I'm grabbing two cups whoa got on two cups of masa harina here here we go I didn't see the comments on on the on the audio are they cool with it okay I apologize guys not only are the comments going super fast shoutout from Norway what's up Norway greetings from Michigan what's up Michigan what kind of watch is that my good man this is a 1989 I'm sorry 1981 Rolex date jest which I was very happy today I came across it's a very rare very strange watch it's got a silver case with a gold bezel and and a like a sky-blue face and it's it's it's a it's a very odd strange probably custom watch from 1981 and I saw it on a you know what's a column at a police auction a our favorite website yeah it's called live auctioneers calm where you can just bid on like art and and jewelry and stuff and sometimes they have government like seizures and stuff like that yeah let us know if you guys ever used live auctioneers calm and the kind of stuff you like to buy it's really cool you can get some great deals on some beautiful stuff yeah I've got this guy for a song I've always wanted to own a Rolex it's been a life a life goal of mine and I'm very happy that I've been able to to get one alright so now I've got the the water and the masa harina put together here and let's see somebody somebody gave a few bucks to talk about Kingston being capital of New York yeah he's back team we appreciate that we got the facts now he also wanted you to do a beard episode which could be a nice idea beard episode a like the basics yeah beard maintenance we are grooming I wish somebody had given I wish there was a beard episode around for when I was growing a beard cuz then mine was pretty gnarly for a while that's what I figured out really the the golden rules you gotta follow guys are you know shampoo condition trim brush and oil every day like take good care of it it'll take good care of you I used to have complaints from from the ladies that it was a bit scratchy to kiss and I haven't gotten that complaint a while because it I've been taking taking very good care of its where hasn't complained about it at all so it's always a married man just in case I was worried it was just adding somebody and he has been for anybody who's not versed in our relationships where has been my closest and dearest friend since about ninth grade we went to high school together and this is looking pretty good looking a little crumbly the problem is I'll get back to swear in a second but the problem is when you when you when you press these out you don't want them to crack up you want them to to be able to retain their shape it looks like these are doing it but it's very hard to add water at the stage which is why I'm being a little hesitant but I am gonna oh you know what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna let it rest for 10 minutes because that's going to allow the it's gonna allow the masa to better absorb the water and it's probably going to help make it a little bit more cohesive so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put this guy make him into a little bit of a ball here are my hands too hot should I close down that should I close down the ISO on this camera a little bit hands are a little hot from what I'm seeing I mean they look great in OBS but yeah maybe a touch but nothing too crazy okay all right I'll do that in a second so yeah back to story time so where is my oldest and dearest friend from high school we always sort of schemed and dreamed that one day we would be able to make content entertainment business together we always just wanted to to try and try and take over the world and we're I can't tell you how exciting it's been to you know have have brought on to the team one of my best and oldest friends it's it's it's a really cool opportunity that not many people get to have and I'm very grateful to have him here thanks Jake for everything you do he does the legal work he is my creative partner and a lot of new projects we got some new stuff coming down the pipeline in the very near future that we're very excited to share with you can't talk about it just yet but keep an eye out letting this guy rest for 10 minutes there we go speaking of new projects we had a request for a show that we've been talking about actually so they're right on our level here this guy Sean McMann McClellan new he says new concept idea there's so many shows like chef's table that follow three Michelin star restaurants to showcase the well-crafted dishes I think if you be cool if you did a new series where we went and deconstructed those dishes a little bit yeah I we were actually thinking about doing a live show where I could go to higher-end restaurants and do their tasting menu live so you can see you know exactly what that kind of meal is like but also go to the holes in the walls go to the places that you know have achieved mastery through the the the perfection of a single art form like you know someplace that's done a certain kind of pizza for a hundred years you know too far is that in Brooklyn or something and you know examine that break that down order one of everything off the menu see so we can see with what that restaurants all about I think that could be a lot of fun and definitely something that would be interested in pursuing I'm just cleaning up the massive arena down here so guys I'm gonna I'm gonna take my my mic offline for a second Jake can you mute me I just want to pull it up and I don't want it to make a lot of noise when I do it so let me know when I'm muted sorry guys I'll be and we're back thank you thank you very much folks for waiting there I just had to adjust my mic all right captain I just saw somebody say captain tacos tacos de lengua amazing if you ever have the opportunity to have a good cow tongue taco take that opportunity seize your moment as my man and esto de la cruz would say that is reference to the Pixar movie Coco from which I made tamales which I hope somebody has tried out there because two homemade tamales are a really really special thing they're hugely labor-intensive and time-consuming but they turn out delicious and they freeze beautifully they're a wonderful thing to have around the house yes I will definitely be doing more stuff with with Bon Appetit and Brad don't you worry okay so we got that stuff marinating we're letting that dough rest in the meantime we can par cook our potatoes that's what we'll do next so I've got I'm gonna do like two russets here the vegetable peeler need a garbage boom going so I don't have to keep walking off camera whenever I whenever I got a mess on the way fix my apron here get all situated there we go so we're just we're just we're part cooking these potatoes the same way we would if we were going to be roasting them like one key to getting really super crispy potatoes is to parboil them with a little bit of vinegar the vinegar helps them retain their structure but it cooks the potato you know just partially cooks it power cooking throughout and then you can focus on hitting it with extremely high heat higher than you'd normally use on a potato otherwise the outside would cook in the inside would be raw and by using that very high heat you can get super crispy crispy exterior so I highly recommend giving that a shot it's something that I will definitely cover in on the show at some point whenever I can do roasted potatoes for some reason but we're just we're just giving these guys a nice appeal and going slow because I'm trying to keep everything in the bowl here and I'm worried it's gonna go flying everywhere and this is New York City I can't have food scraps sitting around the house no sir all right so just peeling these guys up this is probably too much but whatever we're just well if you guys are following along at home if you were making this for a crowd or for your family for for dinner or something this is how much you'd want to do you probably want to do two potatoes two or three sausages call it a day I'm so bad at peeling things the peel always jumps back up on me yeah guys I'm so excited to show you the episode with Maisie Williams in it because she was just so cool so much fun and she's such a badass on Game of Thrones that like it was so crazy to meet her in person and I'm very excited to show you that episode because we have some fun we make direwolf bread which doesn't taste very good because I found a recipe that is supposedly by the the food designer from the show and if you look at my Instagram you'll see the direwolf that I made recently and it looks just like the one on the show but the problem is that it's pretty dry and pretty flavorless and it's really only good when you load it up with a whole bunch of a whole bunch of accoutrement like clotted cream and jam and honey butter and all that stuff I'm just cranking down the ice a little bit here some White's don't blow out so much so much okay there we go that's a little better so now we're just cutting these guys up into bite sized cubes the kind of cubes that you'd want to see in a taco so not very big just just something - yeah we're gonna go pretty small on the on these on these taters because we want something that will fits comfortably in our taco and yeah that's one week before right there nice mouth size potatoes go mouth appropriate that's that's the term that I used in a recent episode I think one of these is gonna be enough I don't want to waste it but like this is hardly like more than enough for what we're making tonight but whatever and I'm trying to work fast here not that it matters but potatoes oxidize pretty quickly and they turn red they turn like a reddish brown pretty quickly and I don't like that it doesn't affect the flavor and it doesn't affect the texture but it's it's like I'm not a fan so trying to work with relative expediency here just so that doesn't happen this is way more than enough potatoes here so I'm gonna throw this guy in the fridge and I'll contend with him later because this is this is more than enough 1 1 large russet potato that should do it for tonight and what I'm gonna do if you'll excuse me folks is I'm going to grab a big a little saucepan this guy off the wall and I'm gonna dump these in there okay and then just like any time you're boiling potatoes I'm gonna cover these with cold water so pardon me I'm just going off camera here to hit the sink wall Mothe camera Jake anything we should address but dere asked can you make an episode about your hydroponic garden oh thanks for asking about that thank you for asking about that I can't say any experts out there we'd love to chat about it of course yeah it's not a hydroponic garden it is a it's called it's called a smart soil garden it which I actually had to look up because I didn't know what it was called it's if you've ever seen arrow garden or click and grow it's just a giant bookcase sized version of that maybe later on I can turn one of the cameras and give you guys a look at it but not right now because we are in the doing some stuff but yeah it's really cool right now we got some got about 50 different plants going in there and basil tomatoes strawberries lettuces dill rosemary all kinds of stuff so I just hit this with a little bit of white vinegar and that like I said before is going to help the potatoes retain their structure and not break down and not get all you know mushy on the outside they're gonna help keep them nice and square and crisp I'm also going to salt this a little bit before seasoning and so the water boils more quickly there we go and Jake when we let you take us over to camera 2 you ready all right here all right here we go we're over at camera 2 folks got a lot of cast iron over here waiting because we're gonna need it later on sorry it's a little dark over here but we can see everything just find the background just looks dark but everything that matters up here is perfectly good this is my stove which doesn't have a pilot light which is why I always got to light it with a torch like so there we go all right and while that's coming up to a boil let's head back over to camera 1 I got the tortilla dough here there we go back over and this guy should be rested enough well we should be able to start cranking out tortillas so what I'm going to do and let me get my tortilla press going which I'm not entirely sure I'm not entirely sure what I did with because it was so big and heavy um let's take some questions while I find the tortilla press how about the good I don't remember seeing it either so I don't where that thing well you know all right you know what never mind let's do the let's do the the old-fashioned not old-fashioned but the the the hack the food hack way of doing things which is to use a big ol heavy saucepan [Applause] I'm sorry for the noise folks there we go so instead of tortilla press we're just going to use this guy and we're gonna use this guy to to press out a couple they come out more evenly with this than they do with my scissors now losing track superior they come out more evenly than they do with the tortilla press because tortilla press is a lever mechanism that like Majin G and it's thinner on one side technically than the other so these tend to come out a little more perfect which is ironic considering I went out and bought a freaking tortilla press I think it's in the utility closet but they did doesn't matter this is a zipper lock bag so I'm just gonna snip off the zip you know camera one thing I'm not very good at you will find is arts and crafts even though I did make those McDonald's chicken nugget molds which I was very very proud of whoo going on over there all right so now what we're doing is just basically cutting open this ziplock bag like a book Jake I'm not sure what Scott oh I think I got you back not sure what's going on over there boom okay okay cool so sorry folks just some mic troubles growing pains we got to we got to get through this stuff together so I'm taking a golf ball sized piece of dough here a little smaller little smaller the golf ball I'm putting it right in the center of my plastic wrap here and I am taking a saucepan like this pressing down with like most of my body weight Oh still needs more this is why it's harder method because we really gotta apply a lot of pressure and even then see this okay this is a pretty good thinness kind of but it's too small so let's and that this stuff is like played out it's so great I'm just like reworking it there's no gluten to worry about because this is just pure corn so I'm going more like a legit golf ball now here we go there we go that's probably gonna do it right there so we got like a legit golf ball sized piece here and we're just gonna press it and I'm actually jumping off the ground to utilize the full weight of my human body to try and spread this guy out as much as possible I'm not gonna be able to make too many of these is where's my tortilla press come on oh wait I don't know where it is all right hang on a sec one sec folks let's uh let's entertain some questions well I look in the utility closet cool first and foremost john ridd oh thanks so much for the $25 woof that's me Fred oh thank you he said he loves your show and you really helped him out and he really appreciates the work you're doing Oh doing some cooking John really appreciate you watching and thanks so much for the cash dude really John John thank you so much for your support I'm really happy that it's gotten cooking and I hope you're cooking along with us tonight but if not tonight I hope I hope you keep on cooking because that's really really sweet to hear and thank you so much for that for the gift that's very very kind all right I can't find the tortilla press so the page CL wants to know what your favorite garbage plate is I mean I grew up on peanuts yeah so that's but no no way peanuts is gone yeah I thought peanuts was gone oh I don't know HS yeah I don't know peanuts is my answer though oh yeah a classic a classic yes it's a respected establishment this is more what I'm looking for folks we got back say five six inch tortilla here and this is this is good for munching you can already tell this is a good taco sighs it's a little thick but that's as thick as I can get it at this frickin pan so now that we've got one rolled out I'm gonna start preheating you don't have to switch cameras just yet I'm just preheating my my skillet folks because we want to get that nice and hot like smoking hot that's probably gonna smoke too because because this cast iron you know I tried I tried to experiment with my cast iron a little bit and this one in particular I'm not washing with soap I am just you know doing the classic thing of like of just rinsing and scrubbing it but not using soap and that is supposed to help supposedly supposed to help the seasoning the time will tell on that but there we go that's pressed down to a nice thinnest I like that okay so then all we got to do to make these tortillas is hit him on a really really hot skillet until we get some nice sort of char marks little black marks all over it and then it will hold together like right now it's very very fragile you have to be very careful when picking it because this will fall apart if you if you hold it incorrectly but once we cook it it'll be a cohesive perfect little xx let's see what do we got going here folks 25 bucks thanks man Robert Maher says hey babish it's really late for me is the way for you it's like 2:00 in the morning it's not that way it's 9 p.m. where we are right now here in New York City hmm and this Booker's just treating me right I wish I were drinking a margarita with the tacos like that makes sense but I just realized I don't have any tequila so oh well oh let me give you guys a little prism owes artisanal pickles update remember that these guys we're gonna age for three to five days not age but ferment these are lacto fermented pickles pardon me there's no vinegar giving them any of that's you know sour flavor it's just happening from the National fermentation and with this method you have to didn't make any noise at that time but you have to burp you have to burp this every day otherwise it could crack the glass could explode because their gas is building up in here so these are these are the second batch of prismo does two pickles the first batch we're still got to try surely he can back me up came out really really good I'm very very happy with those very good very dimensioned somewhat Christmasy garlic pickle very good yeah the Christmassy is coming from allspice and cloves like those are things that you might put in you know like eggnog um so you're very right to say Christmassy and yeah it's it's Minh has it has depth to it it has layers of flavor and it's quite unlike any pickle that I've bought in a store so I I fell down again this tape sucks uh-hum gotta get that gaff tape back okay as long as it doesn't sound weird it's just like down in the tape you know I mean all right so skill it's getting hot over here we can we're gonna be transitioning back and forth as I make tortillas and put them on the grill I just want to give you a heads up bro you ready for this all right I'm gonna get another one of these guys on deck see Travis ten dollars thank you so much I'm so happy to get to check out a live stream I love this channel hope you get to keep going forever thank you so much Travis this is up seven seven five one we're still holding strong at 8200 viewers it's great we haven't had any any hiccups in the stream this but I don't want to jinx us but we were worried that we might have some connectivity issues but it looks like we're in good shape yeah I haven't seen that many cross words good can't say I'm a fan of cross words in in my in my in my chat which is what they're very insistent that you call it on twitch got to call it chat not the chat but chats brad is not here right now but brad comes and hangs out you know see wouldn't be easier to roll out the dough and cut out circles that might be true I'm not entirely sure I just know that this is how it is traditionally done I can't tell you why I can't tell you why not to do that I won't say don't do that in fact go for it but this is just the more traditional method to start with a ball don't squish it as that's that's why they sell tortilla presses which of mine I cannot find I know I put it in some stupid place because I was like I'm never going to use this again and look at me now peering around like some kind of some kind of so-and-so okay I think we're ready to move over to the stove because my skillet it's just starting to smoke so I'm grabbing this guy we're heading over westward and I'm dropping this guy oh yeah a nice little sizzle when I put that down that's just my 1/2 here and the these are just starting to bubble and I won't let them go for like 5 minutes they're very very small we're not trying to overcook them we're just trying to park them we're just trying to get them going oh yeah it's nice and high okay that is happening now I just need a little spatula to give her a flip when the time is right and kind of like pancakes you can always trust that the first tortilla is gonna look kind of weird so don't don't don't don't stress too much if if you don't like like the way the first one looks but I think this is what can just find nope not enough enough still still naked on that side I don't think the heats high enough this thing has to be ripping high and let me get a colander ready for the potatoes when that time comes there we go and once you've cooked the potatoes they're not gonna oxidize anymore I don't know why they oxidize when they're raw but they do not oxidize once they're cooked so that's why we're gonna parboil them we're gonna spread them out on a baking sheet and let them cool that all the the the moisture evaporate off of them and then we're going to cook them with our cheese oh I can already feel that this is like binding together like it's becoming one cohesive mass still okay this this skillets not hot enough that's the problem it's it's okay the first like I said the first tortilla is kind of like a dummy tortilla you can just you can mess with it you can see if your your skillets hot enough I'm seeing smoke now so that should be hot enough I want to see some char marks though while that's going I'm going back over here and I'm going to get another tortilla I'll press it out I'm seeing Aaron Donahue $2.00 Thank You Aaron I love the show thank you for ever think of doing food from Tolkien absolutely the problem that I have is that it's fantasy food and I tend to not do foods like like lembas bread I get a lot of people asking me for that and I'd love to do lembas bread but it's supposed to to fill a grown man with like two bites or something so I'm crazy like that and there's no way I can accurately recreate that so that gives me pause but if I can ever figure out a way to you know emulate that in real life I will I will take that opportunity I just recently figured out a way to do it with the death sandwich from adventure time I'm not going to tell you how but I have a very fun exciting way that's we're going to be trying to recreate the death taco or death sandwich rather not taco I got tacos on the mind folks okay so these are cooking this is perfectly edible this guy but it's just yeah it's just got no all right so this is boiling I'm gonna go ahead and I'm just I'm gonna do that by feel because I don't have the ability to set the timer right now what anybody watching like to set a timer for us to just tell us when the time is up want to try that I mean there's about a three to four minutes away so I'll have to take that in the back I don't that four minute delay it's like a 30-second delay all right we'll shoot I'm sorry for the delay folks I know that we can try and fix the latency in the future I'm not entirely sure what happened this time well this is smoking like they're like the devil but not giving me any browning it's doing some live switching just so you know no thanks thanks dude yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna stop being like okay ready just just do what feels right baby yeah it's hard for me to enjoy the comments but I know my job okay this guy's not this guy's not browning up for me so I'm gonna gonna take them off just starting to firm up that's much being see now this is a cohesive tortilla it's not it's not how hmm I guess when you put things on a really hot skillet they get hot huh what do you know okay going back over here got the skillet nice and smoking hi hopefully this time we'll get a little bit of a little bit of charring that's really what we're after here and you know that one cooked for too long so it's become pretty brittle like it was on there forever so now it's become you know a little little brittle I'm a little brittle isn't that like that's that was the name of the wrapper from Aqua Teen Hunger Force anyway I'm sorry uh-huh mmm yeah I mean no it's a perfectly edible tortilla but you got experiment you got tested all right and wasn't going away let's make another one golf ball sized piece of dope and I'm very curious about that I wonder why this is the quote-unquote correct way to make tortillas why can't you roll them out and then cut them I guess cutting them would be a pain rolling it out might be a pain - like this gives you such even such such an even distribution of dough without breaking it it's so hard not to break the dough this tends not to see it's just like one cohesive get that a little boy Oh jiminy crickets okay there we go yeah that's what I'm looking for right there beautiful all right let's see if this guy I got a little bit of charring with all this smoke it's looking better have a little tiny bit but we're still not there jeez this thing needs to be hotter it yes and I don't know if it can get much hotter it's smoking like the devil the devil smokes kids remember that smells bad for you that's why I joule sorry um okay I'm gonna hit myself a little bit more Booker's here cuz we're um let me know if you need a refill Jake yeah I might as well well I'm almost out of this so it looks like you're gonna be it's your lucky day because the next bottle is angels and be cast strength which is a very fine bottle of whiskey okay I think this guy's gonna have some charring now here we go okay a little bit a little bit I'm feeling a little bit happier about that just cuz we got you know a little bit of color going there I don't know if you can see it but we got some nice little brown specks but you want you want some like big ones you want some like big dark marks let's see how these potatoes are doing it's still feeling really firm the best way you know oh they're not ready I can feel they're not ready I can feel how firm they are through the spoon it's a very rare gift that I have I could feel how hard things are through spins I've never told anybody this until tonight anyway so this is a lot of people I guess something we can go through right now is a lot of people we're asking what one of my tattoos mean one of my more recent ones is right here which is a tattoo of cilantro and anybody who knows the show knows that I hate cilantro so I thought you know keep your friends close and your enemies closer and I have it growing right out of my armpit so that was intensely painful to get tattoo to my armpit but I had to complete the joke okay how we doing over here all right now we're getting a little bit of a bit more color that's looking good that's high put the finished ones finished ones normally you want to wrap in tin foil or something like that but I don't have any tin foil so we're just gonna have to live rustic over here I'm sorry I'm like between the two cameras I'll pick a camera I promise I nailed that that a flip but landed there so this is this is why this is why you're part team babish I you know Sawyer is the first step in establishing the babish comic universe so I'm just just taste that to that just see um how done it is it's still like a little crunchy so these probably need another two or three minutes from guessing I'm gonna get another bowl dough ready here because you got to sort of get an assembly line going when you're making tortillas you want to you want to always be ready with the next one you don't want to be sitting there and being like Oh have this really hot skillet and no no no dough ball you'd feel like a real real dunce if he did that I promise you I feel like a real Dunston checks in okay pressing down with all my might ooh the next thing that we get to do which I'm very excited about is char some some some poblanos right over the open flame which is a it's a passionate hobby copy of mine let's take a look at this guy okay we're getting places now I think now I got this I got this skillet up to heat up to spec I think we're finally going places I think you know we finally got noticed on open mic night what so drinkin Booker's right now for a busy bee who's curious the the I love the discussion here you know we had a good time talking with people and interacting with people on Twitch but on YouTube you know you guys are talking about food I love it you're saying hi from the Philippines what's up spoon thing gave you a good laugh thanks thanks I love you thanks for the five bucks let me check my bike it's falling down pretty far as long as people can still hear me I'm happy okay let's check Oh see it's I I'm very very very bad at focus on more than one thing in this time there we go that's the kind of color I'm looking for I'm looking for some nice charring and then these I'm looking for them to be kind of toothsome but with cooked a little little little less cooked than you would like serve like still have a little bit of al dente I guess you'd call them al dente potatoes that's what I'm after I want these to just barely be kind of like a little bit more okay now that we got this guy up to temp we're gonna make some better better-looking tortillas here yeah there we go that's what I'm talking about let's see what this one ends up like Saturday got to say the name no my brother any anybody know what I'm talking about right now yeah I was just gonna say did you see any sign up taste in the comments I haven't seen it yet no I was just saying it okay I was just saying site I'd say sine your pitty on the runny kine may add gain on the cherries mama D yes you made that guess I shouldn't say name to somebody that's made point smell much love for mr. starfish are you doing a lot of rochester love thanks so much big shout out to Matthew garland giving us 30 bucks watching the show with his family and friends thank you so much thank you for an episode was the Frazier special oh that's dude you're your true fan and thank you so much for the for the 30 bucks man that is unbelievably generous I wish I could repay you in in laughter Joey if something some kind and thank you for watching what with your friends and your family ah thank you guys for tuning in really happy you're here I hope that we're giving you a relatively entertaining cooking experience I can't think of many livestreaming cooking shows on youtube so we're trying to we're trying to break them the mold that doesn't even exist yet I'll see ya after these guys are getting nice and flexible once what should do is I'll cover them I guess I'll cover them a little bit of paper towel because we actually want the heat and the steam from them to kind of kind of soften them up a little bit and ideally we want to keep these here we go this is one way for ya see that that's exactly what I'm looking for right there see once you get to that optimal temperature if you know it you feel it in your bones and I'm giving my buddy Sawyer in the other room a run for his money keeping up with these cameras I was still got 8,000 people here thank you guys so much for coming through was a lot of fun I love live streaming I love doing it with you guys this is stop smoking that's kind of like concerning it's like so hot that it stopped smoking uh-huh that's interesting that's an interesting phenomenon okay we got more tortillas coming you get into a rhythm you start feeling like you know okay now this part happens we got a good color on both sides of this guy let's stack them up and then throw this guy down I bet these potatoes are good by now we're just we I didn't time this we're just doing it by feel it's definitely longer than five minutes but more like ten but it's more about getting them to the right consistency than following some dumb recipe there's some guy on the internet that calls himself Dabish might have written because was that guy no oh okay yep that's exactly where I want him to be the edges are still nice and sharp they're not getting soft on the outside they are they're perfect so I'm gonna get a baking sheet ready let's need a smaller small one in this case and grab this guy and I'm going to strain this guy over in my sink we need a we need a sink cam I think I'm kidding that'd be boring sorry for all the crashing noises okay and we're just spreading this guy out just switch hands here because it's gonna get hot we're just spreading this guy out on an aluminum sheet and you can see you know all the steam is going to come off these a lot of moisture is gonna come off of these and they're gonna get nice and dry exactly we want because we're gonna fry them up later those going back there to steam off and this guy is finally doing exactly what alone - that's that's perfect but let me get another dough ball going here because things are starting to move once you get that once you get that that skillet up up to temp things start to happen much more quickly and you got a you got to roll with the punches so I'm getting another one ready put that guy there go there and let's flap okay glasses are falling off flatten flatten basics with bald damn right I'm proud to be bald builds character look little uneven squish down one side a little bit too much there we go come on there we go there we go all right now let's get this guy off cuz they're they're coming out they're coming out hot now and I'm gonna do like two more and then we can move on to other stuff [ __ ] and I've got this paper towel here just to sort of like concentrate ideally you want to use mm-hmm aluminum foil or something but I don't have any so I'm just putting that constant putting that there to concentrate the heat keep them soft and then ideally you also want to put these in an oven a low or off oven to keep them warm but I don't have aluminum foil so I am unable to do that so we're going to unfortunately be eating with some cold tortillas tonight I apologize Jake we'll do what we can to try and keep these appetizing and palatable but sometimes it forgets to order aluminum foil off Amazon Prime now and that's why I did and the aluminum foil from hope from from you know the I don't want to say who but the big grocery chains natural foods really sucks it's really thin breaks easy I like the thick stuff stuff they've been making the same since thinking 55 there we go that's a good tortilla right there all right things are happening more quickly over here hell yeah look at that that is a good-looking tortilla these are starting to come out just right and these ones that we're keeping under the the paper towel here they're softening up nicely even though they were like you know super rigid when I took them off the skillet there they're nice and soft they are ready to hold taco fillings they're ready to receive okay this is starting to get a little bit of burp crap on it don't want to get that off of there so stick to the tortillas we look in here a little bit longer on that one I'll make how many do I have here four four or five six if I make six then that'll be free tacos each from me and Jack that's perfect so this one and then we're done and we can start burning peppers one of my favorite things to do mmm especially over this new stove man like that was the biggest upgrade and that is why I chose this apartment to make the show for him because of this so okay here we go this guys coming off going under and this guy is going on Bao last one and we can start burning some peppers I'm gonna get rid of this and I'll put them excess masa over here and it's time to cut up some peppers and these guys can be deceivingly spicy so we're going to exercise precaution we don't want to end up like the guy on that one episode that very sweet very charming episode of high maintenance where he where he cuts up peppers and then goes after him and she has to dip his balls and milk and we don't wanna end up like that guy not on a second or even third date save that for the fourth or fifth and use gloves when you are chopping up peppers do it be safe be careful out there and I got to keep an eye on this tortilla over here I don't wanted to burn it's my last one it's my ace in the hole and it mustn't burn not on my watch I'm just gonna rinse my knife off real quick cause it's got a little bit of potato gunk on it there we go it's not necessary but you know I like to have a nice clean looking knife especially this beauty it's got that like Damascus kind of steel thing going on like that oh so cool okay any uh any fun stuff going on in the comments there I've been whipping the camera back and forth but I got a couple here we can go to let's you know don't worry about the camera for now I'll just flip to the other things quick ooh Allison walnut said that you make her laugh even out of bad days really thanks Alison that's really nice Thank You Allison and you share the last name of one of my favorite characters on television Paulie walnuts which actor well that's that's his nickname that was real name nickname or his real name is paulie gaultieri correct I believe so yes yeah I think we can remember Toni saying that in a really angry way oh when he comes in he's got like the Napoleon picture of him a picture of the painting of Tony dressed up as Napoleon that's probably my favorite moment in the series I vouch for that painting man it's cool it's real cool yeah there we go Tony thinks that it's like a joke on him but Pauly's just really all about it there's Sopranos fans out there I bet they lighten up the comments right now okay what we have here folks are a selection of four poblano peppers that I have top cut the tops off pulled the seeds out of and cut in half so we have these nice surface area rich when a nice flat you'll notice that the peppers were like this I found two they actually cut we're together I should have shown you this sorry peppers were like this they were you know kind of thin and thin I'm from one angled wide from the other so we're cutting them this way so we get maximum outside surface area because we're putting these directly against the flame we want them to get jet-black just totally charred on this side and then we're gonna peel all that off and underneath is a flavorful delicious roast poblano pepper so Jake if you will follow me in a moments we got our last tortilla off here looking good I'm gonna put it under here you you know I can do to kind of keep these warm there's a repurpose this guy there we go that's gonna keep our tortillas warm for as long as possible not long enough okay so now we're going over to the stove and we are lighting up two burners nice and high heat and I'm gonna get some metal tongs cuz I don't want to melt anything and I don't want to burn my hands so I'm grabbing some metal tongs and we're just putting these guys down where they have good exposure to the flame like so a little bit of a balancing act your your apartments gonna smoke up you are going to set off your fire alarms but it is worth it for the flavors that you will experience from these OOP if it falls in no biggie because we're trying to char these guys we're trying to really really get them dark so do not worry if there are a little accidents like that won't hurt them well there's it that's a good animal right there have the tip pointing out that's the way to do it there we go I'm not pointing in pointing out and then it doesn't fall see simple math oh that one fell it's okay see no problemo all right I'm gonna let those go for a minute I'll hang out over here on this camera and I'll get try get some of the ASMR of this because this is a lovely noise does anybody talking about the audio do is my voice okay so far so good it seems okay yeah I understood that I can feel that the mic has slept and I just don't want anybody to that I don't want you guys to not be able to hear me very well or anything like that all right so oh it smells so good I love the smell of charring peppers it's one of my favorite things and these are gonna chart use a very very powerful burners like I was saying I love the stove and these are like jet engines and you can see they're gonna char super quickly so that's one that I'm gonna give it a little flip so it gets a little bit better exposure this guy look at this guy's almost done look at that Wow I've been seeing some Holly Halloween questions excuse me a wing questions Kathleen Burns gave us ten bucks thanks so much thank you asking about a hocus pocus themed episode oh that's an interesting idea I don't know they're removed from that I don't know it either but I remember there was food Kathleen can you remind us what the food is that you'd like to see from hocus pocus and we will happily oblige you ah jeez these are all flowing in it's okay no biggie that one fell face down though I don't like that I'd only want this hit in the skin that's the only place geez these are small poblanos if you get bigger poblanos they're less of a less of a hassle now these you ideally again want to you wrap in saran wrap or nasara I wrap um aluminum foil but unfortunately that's like I was saying something I do not have handy is so I'm looking for some surrogates this will do I'm just gonna put them under a bowl because what we want them to essentially do is steam in their own heat and cook the rest of the pepper the rest of the way through because the outside is nice and soft now but the inside is still pretty crisp you don't want that do we yeah I was making this have to be so easy and I've dropped him like ten times the grates on this it seeped it's gonna be easier on your stove at home because the grates aren't as big as this these grates are very hard to contend with oh yeah oh it's a good smell I'm very happy that I don't I don't really have any fire alarms if it's support me which is a big problem and should be remedied but uh well what are you gonna do that's life man okay so I'm thinking these are good yeah see that's the char that I'm looking for just blackest night just just just charred it just completely burnt and trust me that's what you want so we're pulling these over here take them off the heat and I'm just gonna stack them up like that so all their heat is concentrating Leslie are you switching back and forth you mad now wow this is some pro level [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen all right and now that we got them all over here bow we're just gonna let those steam up and I'm gonna kill these burners cause we don't need them right now okay so we got these gone our chicken and steak are nearly done marinating our potatoes are cooked we're almost ready to start making tacos here folks we're almost ready oh we got to make pickled radishes that's the last accoutrement step I also I made before the show started I made some I just chopped up a white onion and mixed it with some you can use cilantro if you want to be legit but you know I hate cilantro so I mixed it with some parsley and some lime juice and that's gonna make a lovely topping for any of these tacos would be most welcome on any of these tacos these are just radishes that I rinsed before before we got started and we're just gonna slice these up into little rounds I'm gonna get a bowl into which I can deposit them and yeah we're just gonna slice these up nice and relatively thin you know we don't want them too thick because we don't want like a soup a super crunch that's pretty much what we're looking for right there that's very those brief in but you know you can go up to like that that's that's the most that I would go and these are gonna be for the chicken and Rajas from Cremona tacos these are going to add a nice acidic once we pickled them we're gonna quick pickle them they're gonna add a nice acidic little bites let's see if I can Oh cut that one too thick oops I'm doing the old-fashioned way here we go give me some control over this very very sharp knife and I'm just gonna do about four DS and it's so easy to quick pickle vegetables all you have to do is slice them up the way you want to eat them which in this case is nice thin slices and pour some pour some boiling vinegar over them in this case I'm gonna use apple cider vinegar because it works particularly well with radishes and I love snacking on pickled radishes is one of my favorite snacks and you know you can add some some pickling spices to this I add some mustard seed I add some cumin seed sometimes if I know that I can be careful and pick around it because I don't want to I don't want to bite down on one of those that's super super fun but I got these nice thin paper-thin radish slices here they're all going to bowl I'll do one more why not we're living life 2018 well this is a radish home I know that much get some hello from Lake George New York alright what's up George I know man named George the lives of Lake George how about it okay there we go we got oh I got ratted Oh hit me Garret see thanks for the cash my man he's asking if we could do a food from NCIS New Orleans what I mean then watches in there must be a big food episode we can find I don't know that you know it's there's great food from that neck of the woods yeah I mean that's sort one of a Sawyer in my favorite places in the world is New Orleans oh I didn't think I was gonna be able to do this Wow this knife is so sharp I managed to slice that slice in half that's that's crazy mmm yes we're and I spent a great deal of time in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina we were back in college at the time and that's one of the one of our earliest content creation efforts we went there to get houses which people needed doing there we go I'm gonna get the rest of that out there this is just apple cider vinegar folks people needed to have their houses gutted meaning get all the debt resists out of there rip out the drywall just get it down to a skeleton of a house so it can be rebuilt so we went down there to do that and we also simultaneously in the evenings after we were done we tried to go and make a documentary and it didn't come out very well because you know I was and I was I was a freshman film student I didn't know what I was doing yet and well we were all just kids so the house cutting went wow that was really cool oh the house thing was great we had a lot of great people here a lot of fun doing that and you can see the trailer for that for that documentary still on my channel it's the earliest video that I ever uploaded so if you go to my channel and sort all videos by by oldest you will see the trailer for our documentary it's called waterproof so what I'm doing over here is I'm just bringing some apple cider vinegar to a boil I'm going back over here and I'm going to add some mustard seed to to these radishes just because mustard seeds and pickling they just go together really really well and while we're waiting for that to come up to a boil I'm gonna contend with these peppers because they have been steaming for five six seven minutes now and they are gonna be ready to go we're just getting all of our couch from our race so once we hit the stove once we hit you know all those hot pans and everything's in its place that's that's the whole point of nizam plus a place for everything or everything in this place okay which one is suppose one of those and I get my garbage bowl right here get it away from my knife and these got nice and soft and I'm just going to do that I'm just gonna rub all that charred stuff off even though I love this tri stuff and even though it is bad for you because it's it's it's it's what's what's the word I'm looking for carbonized it's um yeah carbonized that's the word it's a carcinogen yeah in that yes but but when you burn something to to to completion I believe the term is carbonized and it is a it is a carcinogen I believe yes I don't freaking know point is it's supposed to be not good for you to eat burn things but something that you know is being discovered right now most chefs particularly by Francis moment if you watched him on the chef's table is that burnt food taste cut burnt tomatoes taste amazing peppers tastes awesome but you know might as well take care of ourselves these still taste great even without the black stuff on them and the black stuff it's an acquired taste not everybody's gonna like it if you leave the burnt stuff on there so you got a you know keep your audience in mind you're gonna be like who am i serving this to or they're gonna want to eat like burnt stuff no are you alone and drunk in your apartment and we're on there I don't care but you know again it's bad for you so don't leave it on there that's my final word on that we're just rubbing all that off this is like this was one of the one of the recipes that when when I found it is sort of reignited my interest and passion for Mexican food I like most Americans was dining on what we know is Mexican food which is burritos and tacos and and you know just yellow cheese and ground beef and and and if we're really feeling fancy chipotle and that's there's so much more to mexican food than what we know of it and this is evidence of that it's this tangy funky complex spicy beautiful dish rosco crema is such a treat it's so unique in its flavor and I'd love for you guys to try it because it's one of the dishes that'll make you think like oh wow what's next like what else can I learn about this culture and its cuisine so get on it I can hear that the apple cider vinegar is starting to simmer so just in time I'm just going to take these guys and just go slice and cut them into strips taco appropriate strips thusly ooh a little squish out there I'm gonna make sure that these are relatively uniform there we go there are roasted poblano peppers cut in strips that we're going to make into Roskam crema and I'm gonna take this guy off the heat and all I'm gonna do I got my radishes shuffle I got my radishes right here with some mustard seeds that's it folks that's all there is to it pour that over and let those sit for like 15-20 minutes and boom you got pickled radishes maybe the best snack in the entire world so I'm putting that over to the side and then I'm just gonna keep these in here until we need them and then all I need to do is slice up an onion and I believe we are ready to move to the cooking phase of the operation which is both exciting and a little scary because we're gonna be making three different things at one time almost four different things for different thing it's gonna grill the chicken I've got to grill the steak got to cook the chorizo and potato combination got to make the raw scone crema in another pan speaking of which I need to find that pan there it is it's just washer just as I suspected and see that we got four pans going here I guess I should probably angle this camera down a little bit so I'm sorry I'm gonna hop off camera for a second folks I'm gonna angle the camera down so you can see all the burners a little bit better there we go and hopefully this will give you a little bit better perspective on what's going on I'll try to keep everything on the front three burners but some you know I'll put something else up here so that's still wicked hot this is good cast a little bit of fat cast iron gets really really hot so you gotta be careful there yeah it's kind of a kind of a mix and mash game here to see who can fit where there we go that's the combo that's the winning combo that way everybody's right in the center of their respective burner and yes so now all we're doing is slicing up an onion that's it's and I believe we are good to go so onion top off cut in half for you newcomers out there I've shared this this trick a lot on live streams in the past and this is the first one in youtube so I'm excited to share with you once you've cut an onion in half and cut the tip off not the root side this is the root side we cut the tip off the little sort of nubbin that forms on the other end cut that off and then you can peel off the top layer of the onion like so and you get yourself a little handle here that you can manipulate the onion by without if you're just learning how to cut up onions this is a great way to hold on to the onion without getting your fingers in harm's way if you're still learning how to do the claw shape just do this and then you have control over the idea oh wait oops we're cutting this guy in too and Minh to strip so this actually doesn't apply in this in this scenario but it's okay so it's fine anyway that's that is a very useful tip if you are just starting out and learning how to cut onions yeah I'll show you what I meant right now so we're grabbing on to the outermost layer pulling it back you can get you know see I'm not just getting the skin I'm also getting changed and focus up here I'm not just getting a little bit of too much light there oh shoot that's blown out sorry folks I'll just try to do it from a distance I'm not um I'm not just peeling at the skin I'm also peeling back the top layer of the onion it's usually pretty green and tougher than the rest of the onions so it's okay to lose it in fact it's preferable and then once I've peeled that back I have a handle by which I can control the onion if I'm just learning my look and my knife skills and I can manipulate it that way and for this we want you know we have these strips of poblano pepper right here so we want comparably sized strips of onion so that's why we're cutting these into little half moons rather than dicing it because that way you know you just have a uniformity and your and your cook so I'm break I'm just breaking these up a little bit just to make sure that they all cook don't stick together so much and you'll see that I accidentally diced a couple of those because I was trying to show you guys something doesn't matter it's okay these are onions they're they're gonna end up in the dish they're gonna end up in the same the same way it's fine the the the size thing is really just for like a visual flair it's not for it's not gonna ruin the recipe these are these are the things the as you learn to cook you'll start to recognize like the things that are important versus the things that you can just kind of go screw it there we go got ourselves some nice onions let me consult the recipe briefly sure that we are good to go but I think we are ready to move all right yeah let's do it so let's set over the stove over here I've got a nice big flat surface this is probably gonna be ideal for grilling the steak because it's so big and long and it needs space to sort of hang out and do stuff this is probably going to be good for the chorizo and potatoes because there's less browning that needs to happen we do need to brown the chorizo we do need to brown the potatoes but they can be stacked up a little bit it's not going to make as much of a difference this is gonna be ideal for the chicken because the chickens gonna be able to fit all facedown in here and we're gonna be able to get a good crust and the whole thing and then this is gonna be good for the Rajas scone crema because it's nonstick and it's fine okay so now should we address any questions before I get because I'm gonna be like non conversational for like 15 I'll be talking about what I'm doing but I'm not gonna be able to answer any questions for like 15-20 minutes so what we want to talk about gang let's see here [Music] got a bunch of nice super chants over the last couple of minutes just to thank you to all those people yes everybody who super chatted who donated thank you so much thank you for supporting the stream thank you for supporting the show thank you guys all so much for watching I hope you're having fun hope you're cooking along we're still holding strongly 300 people that's awesome I'm glad that you're here because the main events about to start when I'm going to be burning up all them kinds of meat over there all at once and we're it's gonna be a test of my multitasking abilities which are not strong so thank you so much what do we got questions wise well I've seen a bunch of questions what the knife was what your favorite movie is what your favorite recipe was things of that nature you might want to roll couple of those Oh roll through right now what we have right here is a shun eight inch chef's knife western chef's knife it's got this sort of it's not Damascus obviously I guess Damascus is not replicable I can't remember that's the weird story behind Damascus but it's got that Damascus kind of ribbing on it and it's very pretty I just got it it's wicked sharp I love this knife it is expensive but I've always wanted a shun and it was high time I got one I usually use Wisthoff which is another great great great great brand my favorite movie has got to be twelve angry twelve Angry Men the original one with Henry Fonda and it's it's the only movie that not only has like made me tear up but also make me like jump out of my seat and excitement even though it's like like like a dozen old guys in a room like that's the whole movie it's just almost in real time a dozen stuffy old dudes in a room in the 50s but like when Henry Fonda pulls out that switchblade and stabs another the table it's like the most badass moment I've ever seen I love that movie and then my favorite recipe I love Brooke Bergen Yona I love Julia's boeuf bourguignon I love pressure cooker before you love most recipes of both you know I will say that my the recipe that I've probably made the most in my life has been pasta Eleanor nor China which is a recreation of a pasta that uses noir chin Ian's sausage which is a small town in Italy as I understand they make a very specific kind of sausage that is laden with fresh nutmeg and and some sort of unusual non traditional spices and you mix that with some rosemary and some lemon juice and a whole bunch of pecorino romano cheese and you're left with this incredibly flavorful very unique tasting pasta dish and it's it's been one of my favorites for many many years now I made it on my first date with a girl I knew I was in love with I I MIDI for friends and family I've never been a first lawyer I got to make a purse or show and I really love them and and then we'll take our friendship to the next level but that is my favorite recipe what else we got along those lines somebody wants you to make a meal plan show natural phenomenon thanks a lot for the super chat cache by the way where you do quality foods that could be prepped for the week ahead I've been you know looking to do that myself so thanks or it's been an advocate of that for a while and I do think that it's something that we're going to be exploring in the near future thank you for thank you for the donation and that is a very solid idea as something that I could use more help with like I yeah just it feels like we eat better if we just had a bunch of meals that you made ready to go you know yeah yeah we'd probably eat better if I just made us meals you just made them frozen we ate it yeah that's all I'm asking for okay we'll figure that out but uh yeah no meal prep show is definitely something I'm interested in checking out and it would be cool because we could like shoot it on a Friday and then have meals for the week and also have a show that we could put out on the Sunday for everybody who's cooking at home I need a drink okay moving over to the Angels Envy this is probably my favorite American bourbon right here this is Angel's envy cask strength I'm coming in for this one so I'm gonna stay this is okay this is abhorrent ly expensive it's I think this guy's like $200 a bottle so that's crazy but it is brutally fabulous if you want a more reasonable whiskey that is still amazing just go for angels Envy baseline it is so good here's Jake I call him Jake by the way because that's his nickname and and so if I'm talking to Jake it's it's Sawyer sorry for any confusion cheers good just wait till you eat it bud oh I have that Suntory I have that Suntory whiskey that my buddy Eddie gave me could have done that Eddie if you're watching shout out man thank you for the whiskey for my birthday I got to go out to LA and celebrate my birthday with some of my dear my nearest and dearest last week I got to rent a Ferrari um I went to an exotic car rental place and I rented a Ferrari 458 Italia Spyder and I did a tactical firearms course and just got to have like a day of good old-fashioned IDI and and it was it was a real good time so what college do I go to I went to Hofstra University I think it's probably time I start cooking is there any other any other pressing questions we should answer yeah just one Britany pate asks can you please make the Reptar bar from Rugrats do you remember that I don't know what that is but it sounds good I remember that it's it's a Reptar candy bar and I probably can because they don't say what it is or what's in it but I feel you I understand your strife and wanting to see and try that because I would like to try to but I generally can't recreate things that are just a name like you know the the honker burger from Doug I'd love to recreate that but it's just a burger I don't know what's in it I don't know what the deal is so I'm sorry I will I will I continually try to research ways that I can stretch the truth and make make make these recipes make sense in context of where they're from like I was saying death sandwich from Regular Show I just came up with very clever way to do that I'm not gonna say what but keep an eye out for that because I wasn't gonna ever do that because it's just a meatball sandwich with some ham on it or something that kills you if you eat it wrong or I'm sorry I can't remember oh no yeah if you don't eat it wearing um cutoff jeans and a mullet you'll die and that's hard for me to recreate but I found a way that I think I think will satisfy even the Stickley wrists of sticklers out there so so heads up I will say Doug episode coming up probably next week Doug episode coming up banana pudding pizza from when he and and and Patti mayonnaise tried to make make pizza and Roger Klotz made banana pudding and they fell into each other and won't okay let's start cooking things y'all let's do this I'm gonna take the meat out the fridge you know what Pam guys needs I'm plus like you know I'm gonna I'm about to make all this meat and I need to bring it over I need to plate up the tacos over here in a minute and look at this it's a disaster so I'm gonna lose the garbage Bowl this isn't exactly the meats on blast it's just more like taking care of business you know I mean we're done peeling things we're done well actually I'll probably use this for something but we're done peeling things that's for sure well you definitely use these for something to put these over here we got our ingredients right here you know what I'll do is I'll put these in a bowl and that way I don't have to I can that that way I can clean up the countertop here there we go get some nice prep bowls like this these these these prep bowls are just so handy to have they really clean up your your game and just like make things more organized like leanness I got things just laid out just like we're ready to go speaking which one more thing we do is I'm gonna strain these I'm gonna use the strainer from before to be just to be efficient and it's straining out the radishes and I'm gonna put those and another little Bowl here believe these guys huh oh I'm gonna have one right now hmm I love pickled radishes so much so so much oh I swallowed the vinegar a little bit wrong ah messed me up okay all right so now we got all of our little taco Kuchar mouth our top Kouta mom I feel like I already made that joke a long long time ago I think during the yeah I did the fish tacos from I Love You Man okay so moving these at the way tortillas are still warm against all odds and I'm just gonna move everything that I can try to get a nice clear workspace going wipe this guy down with a little bit of white vinegar and this way like I'm spraying it right near the food it don't matter it's vinegar if this were Windex well this would be an entirely different story okay wiping this down you've got to carve some chicken and some steak on here and then I'm going to wipe it down again and then we will be plating up the tacos okay there we go nice clean workstation let me get the meat out the fridge alright we have our nice marinated chicken oh and the other thing we need is this some chorizo which feels like this three in here and I'm probably just gonna use two what we're gonna do is we're gonna saute these up we're gonna scoop before okay um what we're gonna do here is we're going to squeeze the meat out of the out of the casing and we're gonna saute it up get all the fat out of it and get it nice and browned set it aside and then sear the potatoes in the sausage fat get them nice and crispy and then we will be ready to go so since these guys have the longest to cook we're gonna start with them before going anywhere I'm gonna go ahead and turn on the stove here we're starting here so I'm gonna preheat this fella there we go get this dad nice and hot and yeah then the Rajas gone crema we can make those and they can kind of sit so they're probably gonna be next because they can just hang out once we've made them as long as they're slightly warm when we serve them they're gonna be fine but you can see the yeah that steak is just covered in that and that's chimichurri sauce and this chicken is just our all these are just gonna be so flavorful they're gonna be so nice sue let's see here hey there's our over here I got onions ready I got peppers ready we're good to go as soon as this this pan is preheated we're gonna start wearing it at the ball rollin where's my whiskey I'm gonna need this whoo last time I did this it was for the episode but then no I'm sorry see we batch shoot these the episode of we batch shoot basics like five days in a row we'll shoot or you know 16 hours a day so we can have like 10 episodes of basics in the back pocket ready to go and we can edit them and do the voiceover and I was gonna say the last time I made tacos like this was then but actually last time I was in Nashville I made this at a friend's home and for a dinner party and I got to say it's it can be very very stressful to make this amount of food this variety of food all at once generally if you're planning a dinner party you want something you can throw in the oven you want something you can make ahead of time you want something that you do on the stovetop so that way your attention is just sort of focused on where it needs to be at any given time that's the beauty of Thanksgiving is that you can make a bunch of stuff at a time you can have the turkey in the oven and you can be making stuff while it's roasting but this everything's on the stovetop and all at once so it's it can be a little stressful but just you know keep your head on straight if things don't go quite right if you burn the chicken if you overcook the steak if you if you I don't know if the potatoes come out soggy guess what everything's still gonna taste really good you have a lot of great flavors going on here just try to just try to relax and stay in your elements if you're of age and don't have any any issues with don't have any problems have yourself one of these loosen up and just just just you know relax okay so we got this going even though sausage has a lot of fat in it I'm just gonna hit with a little bit of vegetable oil just because I don't want it sticking because that's gonna give us some smoking and burning issues dental in so I got two links here and I'm gonna go ahead and pull them apart first off and just squeeze the meats out into the waiting cooking vessel and if you guys haven't have never made your own sausage give it a shot it's fun you just gotta get the attachment for your KitchenAid or a meat grinder or something Wow right that's probably enough chorizo that way I can save these guys I can have a breakfast or something let me just wash my hands get the chorizo off of there mustn't have raw sausage on the old digits okay and we're moving so I'm gonna go ahead and throw these back in the fridge because they are gonna be my director at some point this weekend all right and I'm gonna get a wooden flat wooden spoon off the wall here you can see that I've made I've used this one to make gumbo you can see how birth it is because I've been using it to stir hot roof for like you know 45 minutes so that's that's how you know this is a gumbo spoon also one thing that I can do with this know that I couldn't do back my old stove is get a little bit of flame going haha yeah I love yoga Jake I can't wait for you to see that up the delay no it looks great in OBS now I'm waiting for it over the way yeah okay but ya couldn't do that in my old stove can't do that on most conventional stuff it's a very very powerful one I'm already getting some nice browning on this sausage here looking good no basically no the the oil and the fat is being aerosolized the smoke these-- coming off its smoke and it's also vaporized oil so if you tip it forward and let the the vapor come in contact with the flame it'll ignite it's the same principle behind behind flambe when you pour alcohol in it aerosol eise's and then it catches you let it catch fire okay so now I'm gonna get the Rajas foam crema gonna get that burner going I'm gonna get it yeah I'm gonna get the steak going to this guy this guy's tired this is some tired cast iron it just went through a lot making them some thinking those tortillas I feel bad putting it through more but we're about to put it through its paces let's see so into this pan I'm gonna throw a little bit of oil a little bit this is for the onions for the sake of the onions I'm going to eat another radish because I love them I love those radishes what you want come over all right I don't know it's it's it's such a satisfying and yet it's still relatively healthy like pickled foods oh it's very healthy for you pickled radish yeah I mean picking foods are high in sodium generally so if you have an issue with sodium then steer clear but they're low in fat they're high in fiber they're in their net their net good their net positive okay this guy's heating up I'm gonna hit him with a little bit of oil I'm gonna hit this guy with some well too and start heating him up because we're about to start rolling on all these on all cameras not literally it will that's them you know what I mean so okay we got the chorizo going this guy's getting pretty warm here this is where I'm gonna do the steak this isn't quite there yet you can also tell I love these these pans if you're just learning how to cook get one of these pans t-fal professional I'm not sponsored they have this little temperature indicator in there you can still see the text right now you still see the T and the little circles and that will go solid red once it's preheated so it's a great learning tool I'm gonna turn down this flame a little bit these guys are browning up right good and then before we get anybody else started I'm gonna I'm gonna take these sausages out onto a plate there we go sorry you're not gonna be able to see this because I'm gonna do it behind and do it back here but I'm just getting the sausages out of the situation trying to keep some that sausage fat in there I'm gonna wipe up the remnants cuz they will catch fire the bits of oil that come down the side don't want that get that nice and hot again and then in go the potatoes all right this guy's getting pretty hot I want them smoking them smoke coming off of here mean higher flame over here skirt steak cooks so quickly that you really need to hit it it's so thin it's you know we're talking about skirt steak we're talking about something this thick and if we want to get a good crust on both sides without cooking it you know without overcooking it we really need to blast it with heat so this needs to be just wicked hot so this is vegetable oil that I'm putting on here and I want it to be smoking I want smoke coming off of this okay so this is getting hot again and we can just go ahead and throw the potatoes in there oh I feel my arm hair like a singeing all right I'm gonna get those spread out a little bit and we're just gonna let those sit and pick up some color and some some Chris penis there this feels so hot but I'm not seeing smoke yet so I'm not going this is ready to go though you see how the tea and the circles disappeared that's ready to go so in go the onions and look at that nice sizzle because it's preheated whoopee-doo do that little toss I lost an onion there it's okay okay and we're just letting that guy go until until those onions are nice and soft and see now now these are coming in handy and go what okay we got some smoke coming off the soil here you check that for it all right here we go I'm gonna throw a glove just for expediency sake I don't want to have to wash my hands after throwing this on I want to be able to just move on to the next thing cuz I have a feeling that other oil is gonna smoke very soon this is too long I'm just realizing so we need to cut this down to size and I guess we are gonna be washing our hands and the countertop but we got to do what we got to do oh look it looks like Christmas I love it okay mom she goes oh yeah oh yeah there we go all right so that was a waste of a glove it's okay it happens all right sorry guys I'm getting zone here let's hope I don't mess it up enough I'm gonna spray this down get this guy out of the situation cuz he's got raw meat on them go oh yeah this oh my god best day smell so good oh all that garlic and then pepper and look well it's just it's just so good all right this is starting to smoke - which means it's chicken time and this time I know that I don't need to cut the chicken down so I'm gonna go glove hopefully to some benefit let's give these onions a little tossing to us yeah I've got some nice browning going on there that's great cuz we don't we don't need these to be just like caramelized or straight-up sauteed they can have a little color on them because we're gonna be cooking them cream later on finish them off okay here's the chicken so I'm gonna pull this out and I shake it off a little bit cuz I don't want to hold that marinade going on there here I'll show you I'm down just give it a good shake and then now she goes okay give it a shake shake shake shake shake shake oh yeah and shake them shaking shake and here we go okay now now it's a good thing I use this glove because now I can just go like back to work alright these potatoes are probably starting to crisp up a little bit so I'm gonna give them all flip oh maybe not okay somebody needs more heats drink up okay let's see how these guys are looking oh yeah okay a little bit more time and that's but a lot of fat going on here but you can see we're picking up some good color but I want to get a lot of color in the first side because the second side is gonna be about finishing it's gonna be about getting a nice fully cooked doesn't matter as much if there's a crust on the second side and really not as some of the top side alright so this is looking good so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna add the poblano peppers mustn't missed any and we're just gonna let those flavors get to know each other a little bit just a little bit just give those a minute oh yeah we're getting a great press on these yes sir that one's looking good yep look at that oh yeah oh yeah OOP that guy didn't unfold all the way that's interesting okay new I also I'm pretty sure this guy's gonna catch on fire because of all the all the air sliced fat that's going up there so we got to be careful these potatoes are still crisping up these still need more time you get another set of songs going here so we don't cross-contaminate let's take a look yeah they're not ready yet they're getting there though they get some nice color on them but I want more ahh and this is what it's all about folks four burners all going you're in control of everything I know what's going on up there and know what's going on here and know what's going on here and know what's going on here except for that steak folded up that was that was a that was a that was a wild card but for the most part we are in control and I'm gonna go ahead and grab a temperature probe because I really don't want to over cook the steak I would really like a nice medium medium-rare in the steak and we're still ways off in that we're at a hundred degrees on that steak alright now let's give it a flip see if we're getting a color here I'm still not yet I'm gonna add some will to these potatoes I feel like they're not getting enough fat maybe I poured off too much that sausage fat oil sauce okay now to the peppers and onions which are nice and hot we're going to add a little bit of where are you a little bit of oregano there you go just a little bit just want to let that spice toast up for like one minute oregano is a big element in Mexican cooking something that I was not aware of but there is such thing as Mexican oregano that it's a big element and that cuisine and something that I was not savvy so let's see how these guys are looking oh this guy's under auger this guy [Music] no no oh this that might be done yeah I think this guy's done don't know why but yeah he's put in 1/35 he's coming off I'm just gonna put him right over here what status guys don't he's took so fast yeah we're already up to 115 it was that a hundred when a second ago now it's up to 115 116 this guy's got to be done just because he's so thin I can't even take the temperature this one's a way for them like that so this is a steak that you served your friends that don't like medium-rare you know this is that's the one that that's one for people who like well-done steak which is fine then live your life I'm not gonna indoctrinate you okay chickens ready to flip I can see that from here oh yeah there we go got some nice color on that real nice real nice talk let's turn down the heat on that because those guys need to finish cooking not not sear too much okay and then these guys are coming off heats and what we're gonna do is we're gonna add some cream I can get the cream out but this is like one of those little milk cartons from your night in the middle school I'm gonna throw some frame about that much there yeah that's gonna turn a nice lovely brown oh yeah oh yeah all right a little bit human in there just a touch of cumin I'm gonna turn down the heat a little bit - it looks like it's spitting pre-split mad they're just chipped cumin and then let's take some temperatures over here I'm reading 125 I like that this guy's got to be done let's go still in 115 this guy's done I like 125 and this guy's just too thin to not be done it's totally it is done so I'm gonna take it off this guy's still go this guy still has some ways to go all right now these get there we go we're getting a little bit of color now this set of burner is weak man I swear I'm gonna I'm gonna really crank the heat on this one trying to get some color going there okay steaks done almost Roskam Kremen are almost done the last and most important step here with the Rosco crema is a good sweet wine and don't try this with a lemon lemon will curdle your cream or I'm sorry don't try this with milk that's my men say milk will curdle instantly the higher fat content prevents this from curling you can see it's still a nice creamy mixture so do not try this with milk or you will end up with some chunky chunky sauce and in the worst possible way okay this is for steak here we go yeah this this read 1.7 that's why I like to see okay steak is off chicken was so good just gonna flip it just for like just so it's getting evenly heated let's see where we're at temperature-wise I'm getting 120 on this one one about 118 on that one this one's 141 142 you got to keep in mind you know this guy's gonna be done well before this guy like he's way way smaller you know this guy is thicker and bigger it's just gonna take longer for him to cook soon okay are these potatoes getting any color yet come on there we go gee whiz still no color some of these cast iron pan has been a mystery okay I'm gonna turn the heat down even more in the back I'm also gonna taste it well we gotta hit a little bit of salt and pepper this salt a little bit of fresh ground I swear this is this is the best fricking condiment you're ever gonna like I adore Rosco friendly that's my new favorite thing it is so good it's sweet and spicy and acidic it's said we've gotta taste these consistencies looking perfect I'm sorry I've been just all narration here and no no interaction folks this is the intense part this doesn't always happen we don't normally have this many dishes to try to make so the lime we're trying to we're trying to emulate crema wow this room is so smoky I can barely see the [ __ ] door I bet I wonder if that big noise but I'm sorry on the other side of their work this is the smokiest room that's ever existing oh yeah with the color on you this is because this is thanks to the sugar that we added the marinade that really helps you get an amazing crust on the chicken I'm reading 155 130 this guy's gotta be done I think this guy's done 157 almost there almost there okay just over by the over on the table here I'm going to no I should be covering these steaks these steaks should be covered with aluminum foil but again I don't have any aluminum foil we want to try to keep them warm but things are happening so fast that it's gonna be just fine so I'm gonna I'm just gonna put these guys on a plate I'm gonna stack them together so they retain their warm foam all themselves there we go we are letting him rest just like any steak that we cook using a traditional method non sous-vide non reverse sear we are letting them rest or gonna be about ten minutes especially with such a thin steak we don't want it like we lose it all the juice we've lost just sitting there if you cut them open you'd be gonna be swimming in the pool yeah yeah swimming in a pool steak juice there we go now we're getting a little color these potatoes good Jesus I've been hearing some comments about the potatoes maybe people said that you should use coconut oil to get them browned up quicker people also said that you should just switch the burners for then put the potatoes in the back burner because that seems to be hotter yeah this burner definitely does seem to be not as good even though they should be all the same but I'm finally getting some color in these potatoes so I'm just gonna just go ride this out here all right let's check these chickens temperatures again this guy's got to be done by now one sixty one two three 163 you know what I'm calling it I'll take that just fine these are plates I don't think more pools juice like an infinity God do this so smoking that's freaking me out a little bit more the cops are gonna show shut this street down we gots one 135 on that one so I was watching the stream for a while so we're back on we're back on you now thanks thanks for the tips comments did my Michael just fell all right if yeah thanks for the tip I just had to Micah's at the Mutis microphone for a second because it fell you see him you see him grabbing it now oh he's walking away but I got you here yes they're just grabbing it Oh area's grabbing it I'll take you back to the stove just checking on the checking on the status of these these heaters here everything looks pretty good crackling bring you back over here take a look at this I'm hearing some great tape ASMR right now that nobody else is alright I hear you good and the levels all right here we go you're back in business there you are levels look okay hey folks very sorry about that mic fell out of my pants and it just was a whole thing so I'm very sorry lost you there for a sec but I'm back hopefully for good okay so oh yeah these potatoes are getting nice and crisp I can feel how crispy they are even though I'm not using a spoon I can feel it I can feel the Christmas see we already have inside jokes is to house over here on YouTube this is gonna be a pain in the ass to clean man this is the most cast iron I think I've ever had to clean it once okay let's see how ya still 155 come on dude oh this guy might be done note 145 jeez pair of thick leaves Louise alright so this these potatoes I think are about ready to go now we're gonna have the sausage back to cheresa that fats gonna work some wonders let me get a glove on here yeah yeah I'm gonna have this a little bit of salt and pepper there we go thank you guys for putting up with the technical issues that we're having you know with Mike's drop and stuff like that you know even though we've done this a few times over on Twitch like it's still just the two of us and we don't know what we're doing um and we really appreciate you guys sticking it out and being supportive it's very very kind thank you so much to all the super chat folk that have made such generous donations the show would not be possible without your guys generosity and and just everything that you do on a daily basis to make it happen this is this is a show that that relies on the support of you and I'm really really grateful for the opportunity you've given me to entertain and hopefully sometimes inform you we'll see oh yeah nice crispy potato use more salt this is the stage where we're tasting and seasoning is necessary there we go see what's this that's perfect this little salt all right here we go we're looking at 160 one two come on three Oh somebody's somebody said 155 was okay yeah but you know I I personally cook my chicken to 155 but if I do it here in a live stream we're gonna catch flack for it so we're doing the FDA good to know we're doing the FDA recommended 165 right on FDA approved yes just like the new just like the new Apple watch just like the new Apple watch this has been approved by the FDA and the ATF I think all right this guy's winding down what we can do is we can start plating up over here let me get all this crap out of the way oh I got a good one for you why did they make breasts why'd you use breasts instead of thighs you usually love thighs I usually love thighs and I guess I wanted to show you how to make juicy chicken breasts by marinating and cooking quickly and over high heat and butterflying butterflying is an important step in keeping chicken breasts off the floor what's this worth what just wet that's fine we it's just for us we can eat it we don't care yeah no no it's gone but anyway bye bye butterfly in these chicken breasts getting nice and thin and cooking them over high heat quickly hum no we can we can keep them flavorful and juicy I do love chicken thighs absolutely and I would recommend using chicken thighs with this recipe any day the week go for it okay I'm killing the flames over here we are plating up folks it is that time of the evening you're finally plating up first what I'm going to do is I'm going to carve the steak and the chicken I wish I had my nice new knife but it's dirty and we're just going to go with the boost off Pro here which is a perfectly lovely knife and so this is the most important lesson just take away from skirt steak is this is the grain you see the grain it runs this way and the skirt steaks are nice long pieces of meat with grain that runs perpendicular to the length of the meat so we are not cutting with the grain and you cut the with the grain we end up with that which is long muscle fibers which are hard to chew but if you cut the gifts across the grain like so oh the steak is cooked then we are doing is you're cutting the muscle fibers down into tiny little bite-sized pieces oh come on that is so goddamn good the chimichurri has like the tiniest little bit of heat to it little suggestion of heat from the Fresno peppers the big garlic coming in with a punch the slight acidity from the from the Redwine vinegar all the herbaceousness of the Wow if they're so it's so many simple beautiful flavors coming together mostly garlic which you ain't gonna hear me complain it but look at how perfectly it's cooked - that is perfect medium-rare and for that man you know you can definitely do it by instinct and by feel and look touch but I really recommend getting yourself a thermometer because like it has endless applications and look at what happens you get perfectly cooked meat hmm oh my god I mean look at it look at it yeah this is a particularly hard one to cut because it's kind of the grain I don't really know where the grain is going I should have you know a three away huh okay that's enough for a couple tacos the rest of these I'm saving for leftovers oh hell yeah and then go and these are complementary flavors so I'm not that worried about carving up chicken on the same in the beef juice doesn't bother me we're just cutting these into nice strips no tacos again across the grain helpful not as necessary with chicken but like definitely helpful mmm it's just a nice and flavorful all those spices from the challah voya will lie and you can taste the acidity from the lime and if that one that I dropped on the floor over here I bet he'd agree but I drop them on the floor it's live television baby slapping school this is you know the best chicken breasts you're gonna have is the one skinless and boneless at least like the best one you're gonna have is with skin on and bone-in but that's what best skinless boneless chicken breast you're gonna have is one that has been treated properly by being marinated and then cooked quick and and over high heat is the best way to do it okay you got our meats carved so now all that is left to do is plate up and there's a very slippery spot here on the floor where that chicken fill and I'm trying very hard to to dodge it cuz if I eat [ __ ] on the camera right now that'd be a bad bad look first stream whoa okay here we go let us play we have some inexplicably still warm tortillas we're plating up three different kinds of tacos right now let's get these nice and centered you guys who watch the show must know I'm all about symmetry I like symmetry in my shots okay let's start with some steak throw a few strips down here some nice medium-rare bits beautiful and then some chorizo and potatoes which I'm just gonna grab a spoon here oh yeah the potatoes are you can hear it you hear that potatoes are so nice and crispy I'm not sure either on there I think I went a little bit too light on the chorizo and the chorizo potato ratio and sort of centralized that [Music] there we go you get it together and then we're putting some chicken right here it's a nice flavorful juicy chicken right there when you guys to be able to see the steaks on the food flip that like that yeah no like that there we go I want you see the red of that steak cuz it's gorgeous then we have a Kuchar mom for all these you can really do the accoutrement however you like but I like personally a bit of this is just just white onion with some some lime juice and some in my case parsley in your case probably cilantro that's for the chorizo and potato what you can do is you can set all this stuff up in a bar like we're just doing this right here so you have a demonstration of what everything looks like but if you're serving this to a group of people you can have all the toppings to set up an Abarth tell them what goes best with one another make recommendations but tell people they can do whatever they want cuz it's because it's their lives and they they should be able to live you know in freedom and love and happiness we got the roscoe crema on top of the chicken along with you pickled radishes which give this great color contrast on top like this burst of pink on top of the green and the whites and the red and then the only thing we got going on the steak is a little bit of the chimichurri sauce which we reserved some that we didn't use for the marinade just go for a little bit of that in there because that is just like pure unadulterated unapologetic flavor right there and then on all three we are going to sprinkle some cotija cheese Leslie and there you have it folks tortillas with I'm sorry not tortillas tacos with homemade corn tortillas we have steak with chimichurri and and cotija cheese we have potato and chorizo taco with a little bit of white onion and we have chicken seared in the pan with some Rajas con crema some onions some pickled radishes all three with some cotija cheese these we're gonna wake up your taco night in ways that you cannot even imagine until you try it yourself and I'm actually you know I'm actually I throw a little bit of this this steaks looking a little bit left a little lonely I'm actually gonna throw a couple onions on there I promise you ain't gonna hurt I'm going straight for this guy right here Jake if you want to join me now is the time yeah you got to do up another three for me I want it all but I'm a car take I mean however you want to do it but I I what I'm taking by bit all right hmm hmm might I suggest that you go for the Rosco crime my life everything that's going to me where is that mmm or eat it's almost canceled out by the cream looking a little bit of acidity from the line you can also squeeze fresh lime over holidays like there is traffic yeah this will be a clean plate club boys cheers Cheers you want to take away this one oh you enjoy yourself well smokey still is over there just eat before barely see it laser tag here it's like laser tag in here that's really funny Oh folks I wish you could be here and try this with us but at the same time I hope that you're making this yourself we're planning on making it yourself very soon if you can't make your own tortillas listen they are great they're they'll change your whole taco game I personally like flour tortillas more than corn but you know the fillings are really what are gonna excite and enliven you so do it a shot mmm you want okay give me some that whiskey Oh oh yeah Vegas all day to make stuff mm-hmm so okay I should probably try a bite of this as well just to just to say that I did I mean I know it's friendly and healthy for me to be life potato tacos ma'am was something about him so we're and I have been to Mexico once for his bachelor party and and I got you know we got some quesadillas and some tacos like fresh out that you know whatever that giant big thing is that they make the tortillas and the quesadilla is on we got some fresh tacos right over there and this reminds me of that the the potatoes have a distinct crunch to them and there's just so much flavor from the chorizo then the lime onions all these really should be served with a squeeze of lime over them that's really what wakes them up hang on a sec you boys gonna get a little wedge of lime just to wake things up hmm Nathan frog flush what's been says name with a the taco I could have bled you Nathan Kronk Oh folks I am spent we just spent three beautiful hours together making all kinds of delicious food this was the first live stream that we've done in YouTube and it was so much fun I can't thank you guys enough super chat donators thank you so much for your support for your kind words for your interesting questions thank you everybody for coming and and hanging out and hopefully cooking along I hope you guys enjoyed yourselves I know I did and I'm really excited to sue to be doing this with you every other week after basics any idea what the next episode is gonna be next episode is going to be salad we made basically tacos came out and I was out of town so we weren't able to live streaming the tacos live stream and the salads livestream was supposed to be tonight but this is the first live stream on YouTube I wanted to do something more exciting tacos felt you know more fun and so next time we'll be doing salads and then we'll be able to sort of catch up because oh my my my glasses are speckled with that oh and with grease we're gonna be able to catch up because the following episode of basics is about kitchen kitchen basics how to maintain cast iron and how to sharpen knives you know things like that general general questions and so we're gonna be able to skip the livestream on that one meaning next live stream will be salads and then the next one after that will be ramen we'll be doing be doing a tonkatsu ramen which we've been slowly working up towards by making tonkatsu broth in one episode and in the Arrested Development episode by making sous-vide pork belly which will be going in there sliced up and then in the basics episode I'll be showing you how to make the noodles how to make the marinated egg and all that good stuff I feel like I've stuff in my teeth right now sorry thank you guys so much for coming and hanging out thank you for all of your kind comments thank you for adding to the conversation thank you super chatters for your generosity and and thank you ten Chuck John you zoo for $20 $50 John Randall thank you that's crazy John John riddle thank you so much general that's incredibly generous and I don't know how to thank you enough thank you I'm really excited to be streaming on YouTube now you guys have been the most amazing community over the past two years as my channels grown and this is a great new way to share my kitchen and my food and and and your food and your cooking experience I'm really happy to play a role in that I hope that you're cooking along there at least I hope this makes you want to try and make one of these go home and try making one of them and thank you so much to my man in the other room who is who is keeping this show going Sawyer Jacobs when they oldest dearest friends my business partner and couldn't do the show without him and thank you Jake and hell yeah dude happy to be here thank you I'm gonna come back in there and eat a ton of this stuff when as soon as I cut these mics off all right well I think you can do that because it has been three glorious hours and I'm tired and I'm ready to eat the rest of these tacos and then fall into a deep deep beautiful sleep so thank you so much have a great night guys thank you for hanging out and you know just keep it stick on the ISIS as my men read Grimm used to say and keep binging I don't know well I need a tagline so I can be like and you know keep binging not binge eating just binge watching my show and other shows anyway have a great night guys thank you so much for hanging out and we'll see you in two weeks we'll see you next live stream salads guys Cheers where's my drink Cheers [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 879,037
Rating: 4.7575006 out of 5
Keywords: rajas, steak, chorizo, corn, with, press, rea, foodie, basics with babish live stream, babish, binging with babish live stream, beef, cheese, livestream, basics with babish livestream, andrew, tacos livestream, tacos live stream, binging with babish livestream, food, con, binging, show, live, crema, tacos, poblanos, basics, chicken, potatoes, pear qwerty horse, tortillas, cooking, stream
Id: nKKznGaN7PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 44sec (11024 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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