Sabbath School Q & A | 3ABN Virtual Homecoming Camp Meeting 2021

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[Music] free angels broadcasting network is pleased to bring you something better a faith-inspiring picture of a loving god from the book of hebrews welcome to 3abn's virtual homecoming camp meeting happy sabbath so very excited and we have this privilege and opportunity to bring you answers to your bible questions we just finished our three ebn sabbath school panel and we were actually in another studio just on the other side of this stage and but we wanted to come out here for the live q and a with you at home thank you for joining us you might notice that we had pastor john loma cain as part of our sabbath school panel and now we have pastor james rafferty pastor loma kane was not raptured he just stepped away for something else and we asked pastor james to step in and to answer your bible questions they are already coming in i have pages of them that you have been sending as we've been doing the three avion sabasco panel of the past hour so we have one hour we are going to be taking your questions want to encourage you we're going to start with the ones that you've already sent in but if you would like to send in your questions you can do that right now you can text your questions to 618-228-3975 that number again is 618-228-397 we're going to get to as many of these questions as we can and on the panel with me is pastor ryan day pastor james rafferty miss shelley quinn and pastor john denzen just a privilege to open up the word of god and to study with each one of you we're going to try to keep the answers fairly short so that we can get to as many questions as we can before we go to this special q a section we want to go to the lord in prayer i know we already prayed for the other program but it's important that we continue in prayer as we open up the word of god pastor johnny would you pray for us sure let us pray our loving heavenly father we want to thank you lord for your goodness and your mercy thank you lord for 3abn that you have called to bring a mission to the world the three angels messages we pray that you will continue to bless us with the holy spirit as we seek your grace to answer the questions you have come in we pray for a blessing upon all and we ask it in jesus name amen amen this question is coming to pastor james first and it's one of the first questions that you have sent in thank you for sending them in it says is it true that at some point during the judgment jesus our savior will no longer be standing side by side with us before father god thus we will at some point at the end be left alone to face god before our own glorification is complete this person sounds a little stressed yeah that it can be a distressing question when you think about the fact that we as fallen human beings rely heavily upon the mediation of jesus christ but there comes a point in history when god's people are going to be sealed with the holy spirit in other words we're going to be settled in the truth so that we can't be moved and this point is described for us in revelation chapter 22. let's just take a look there at revelation chapter 22 and we'll look at verses 11 and 12. now these are just a summary these verses just summarize what happens to god's people there are a number of other verses in ephesians that talk about being sealed with the holy spirit in revelation chapter 7 we're sealed in revelation chapter 14 we're sealed with the father's name in our foreheads that simply means that we cannot be changed or altered when you seal an envelope that means that the contents cannot be removed until the seal is broken and we know when we're sealed with the seal of god that seal cannot be will not be broken and this is what how jesus describes it here in revelation 22 beginning here with verse 11. looking out on the world just before he returns looking at those who are saved and those who are lost he says he that is unjust let him be unjust still he which is filthy let him be filthy still he that is righteous let him be righteous still he that is holy let him be holy still and behold i come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be so what we have here is a picture of god's people those that are sealed those that are righteous those that are holy will not be moved from that position so before jesus comes we're sealed with the holy spirit and that holy spirit is what keeps us jesus has to return so he steps out of mediation to come and get us but he sends his spirit in fullness of measure to seal us so we can't be moved so we have nothing to worry about it's not like god is leaving us god is actually filling us and settling us in preparation for the second coming of jesus amen what an incredible blessing i'm so grateful for that that gives us hope in the judgment shelley we're coming to you how do i answer my friends when they quote the bible to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord does not mean we go to heaven at death thank you yes that's a that's one that people usually go to in second corinthians chapter five and verse seven let's look at this because it's easy to see when you read it correctly he says we all know that our earthly house this tent if this tent is destroyed so we've got a tent a body we have a building from god a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens for in this we groan earnestly desire to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven so we have a tent we have a further habitation which will be our glorious body and then he says if indeed having be clothed we shall not be found naked now naked is the condition that most people don't think about we are in this earthly tent when we die and we're in the grape we're naked then we are further clothed from above for while we're in this tent we groan being burdened because we want to be clothed further clothed that mortality may be swallowed up by life first corinthians 15 52-57 explains that we put on mortality at the second coming of christ amen amen amen thank you so much we will be immortal at that point praise the lord ryan pastor ryan coming to you explain daniel 12 verses 7 11 and 12. the 1260 the 1290 and the 1335 days now we don't have a lot of time we could spend a great deal of time on this when do they start and when do they end and why are these dates important yeah absolutely but there's a whole lot that can be said about these particular time prophecies because they all come within the context of the longest time prophecy in the bible which is the two thousand three hundred years of daniel chapter nine um but of course referring to the specific specific issue that's dealing in uh daniel chapter 12 verse seven that time frame of the time times and a half of time of course is talking about the 1260 year timeframe we know that this is talking about that that persecution time of the little horn the antichrist power of bible prophecy is persecuting god's people which is why in uh but verse six it says and one of them one of the men uh one said to the man clothed in lenin who was above the waters and the ritters how long will the fulfillment of these of these wonders be they're asking how long is this gonna go on similar to uh the question that's being asked there in daniel 9 were in reference to the 2 300 years how long is this going to go on they're wanting to know how long is this going to go on so excuse me daniel 8 i said daniel 9. yes daniel chapter 8 is that particular reference but right here dealing with the 1260 years the time times and a half the time of course we know that begins in 538 a.d dealing with when the papacy came in full supremacy and they ruled for 1260 years they were the superpower of the time and they of course persecuted god's saints they persecuted the holy people which is a reference we find there and revel excuse me daniel 12 verse 7. now dealing with the 1290 uh and the 1200 and excuse me the 1335 uh that is within still the 1200 excuse me the 2 300 year time prophecy but again the 1260 from 538 until 1798 that's where you get that 1260 years 1798 is when that's that papal supremacy came to an end and that time prophecy is mentioned many times in the book of daniel as well as revelation the 1290 years starts a few years before this is when the king of the phrase clovis which of course became known as the french clovis basically uh gave authority gave his allegiance and his support to the papal system and which basically during and around that same time of 508 a.d the papal uh priesthood became supreme and it was with the help of the franks that the papal system began to really uh flourish and so it was from 508 a.d when that priesthood was set up from that again the reference of the abomination of desolation there's many many factors that play in there it's a multiple uh it's a fulfillment on multiple levels throughout scripture and throughout history but in this case from 508 a.d if you count 1290 days it brings you to the time of 1844 excuse me 1798 i've got that wrong 1798 and so that's your 1290 days but if you read verse 12 what does it say there in verse 12 it says blessed is he who waits and comes to the 1 330 five days the 335 days begins at the same time as the 1290 508 a.d but if you extend past 1798 a.d that 1290 year period you're going to come 1335 years which brings you to the time of again 1844. why why blessed is he who waits and comes to that time period because again what was happening in 1844 god was establishing his last day remnant movement christ of course had went from the holy place into the most holy place in the heavenly sanctuary and the work of judgment had begun we had entered into the final work of this earth's history from christ's perspective as well as the church's perspective it's a blessed time and we are we should be accounted blessing uh counted a blessing that we can be a part of that work in these last days there's a whole lot more that can be said on those times time periods uh but uh we're going to leave it at that right in the question we'll we'll try to answer it on our bible q absolutely obviously we need to do a whole program on that a whole hour you can take just to really unpack those time prophecies understand the day for your principle and just have a good understanding of that thank you pastor pastor denzie will we see our loved ones in heaven and where in the bible does it say that this comes from beth in washington well there is a scripture that can point you to that may be of help and that's in luke chapter and verse 28 i'm going to read the verse before to see if that will give us a little context but he verse 27 but he will say i tell you i do not know you where you are from depart from me all ye workers of iniquity there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see notice abraham and isaac and jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of god and yourselves thrust out they will come from the east and the west and from the north and south and sit down in the kingdom of god so i believe here it is giving us an idea and understanding that you'll be able to see abraham and recognize abraham right so with this in mind if your loved ones are walking with the lord and as the bible says they endure unto the end they love the lord and they die believing in the lord you can expect to see them in heaven and rejoice with them and so i encourage you to follow the lord with all of your heart and hopefully the the way they have lived will be an inspiration to you to continue following the lord amen thank you so much shelley we're coming back to you my 14 year old nephew has committed suicide please give us comfort for his salvation this comes from charlene in las vegas nevada well charlene first i want to say how very sorry i am for you my heart bleeds for anyone who goes through that experience of losing a loved one to death by suicide my mother attempted suicide another a number of times and i understand the pain behind that but i want to give you an example in when i lived in san francisco many people committed suicide by jumping from the golden gate bridge interestingly the po i knew a policeman who said if we can get them usually within 24 hours of saving them if we get them before they go off they can change their mind so they had a pastor who was on the edge and they talked him off and then he continued to live for the lord here's what i will say god is more interested in saving people than we could ever imagine his heart is that he wants all to be saved so if the life if if someone like this pastor god is looking at the record of the life and where they were suicide is when somebody loses hope and it can be a momentary thing it can be coming like you i don't know what happened with your nephew he could have been bullied it could have been mounting up but the lord understands our hearts he looks on the hearts if your nephew believed in the lord even if he wasn't baptized we see that the thief on the cross didn't have a chance to be baptized my personal belief is that god is looking at the heart and just because someone lost it for a moment i mean we know that it is self-murder but i don't believe that god's going to keep him out of the kingdom if he was walking with him amen thank you so much know that we'll be praying for you in your family this time of loss this time of pain that you are not alone the lord jesus is with you and your 3bn family stands with you in prayer as well i want to remind you this is a live question you can text in your bible questions for our panel right here that number to text in your questions is 618-228 that number once again is 618-228-3975 pastor james we're coming back to you and we're going to kind of combine a couple questions so we'll give you a little more time with this this is revelation eight and it says in revelation eight two seven angels are given seven trumpets when the trumpets are sounded the plagues are poured out for each one then again in revelation 16 1 there are seven angels which are given the command from a loud voice within the temple go and pour out the bowls of the wrath of god on the earth the question is while they are different plagues one set of angels are given trumpets and the second set of seven ages are commanded to pour out the bowls are these the same angels and then a follow-up question has to do with the seven plagues so we're gonna just you can combine however you want with your answer this one says please explain the seven plagues in revelation well both the saved and unsaved feel the effects of the first three plagues my understanding is the saved will not be affected by the last four plagues if i am correct why would god punish the saved with the first three plagues so they're both dealing with the plan okay let's start in revelation chapter eight we definitely have seven angels there and they are commanded to sound trumpets and we see judgments coming upon the earth in response to these trumpets being sounded but these seven angels are not the same angels that we find in revelation chapter 15 and 16 in the seven last plagues and there are a number of reasons why number one is the time sequence we know and if you want to get some more information on this because we don't have time to cover it all right now you can watch salvation symbols and signs where we cover this in a lot more detail just a little plug there for salvation symbols and science that's good but there's a phrase that is used all through revelation chapter eight and that phrase is the third part the third part the third part the third part it suggests limited judgment in other words this is not a judgment that is complete and full in its measure it's a judgment that is limited in its impact there is room for mercy in the trumpets but in revelation chapters 15 and 16 we are told that the seven last plagues are poured out in the full measure of god's wrath that's why they're called the seven last plagues there is no more mercy their probation is closed this is a full measure of god's wrath being poured out upon the earth now the second question you asked is a really significant one and i think the reason why you ask that perhaps is because there are plagues that are are revealed to us in the book of exodus uh chapters seven and eight we see the plagues that were poured out upon egypt and there were ten of them and but seven of them fell upon the egyptians only the first three of the ten fell upon the egyptians and god's people and it may be that you or someone else has suggested well if the first three fell upon everyone maybe the first three of the seven last plagues falls upon everyone that's just not the case in fact i think it's interesting that god is showing us in revelation 15 and 16 that there's seven and not ten the seven then would line up with the last seven in egypt and we know for a fact that psalm 91 those that dwell in the secret place of the most high will abide unto the shadow of the almighty no plague shall come near our dwelling in other words god is going to deliver us daniel 12 1 he's going to deliver us from that time of trouble everyone who's whose names are written in the lamb's book of life are going to be delivered from the time of trouble we're going to be protected from those seven last plagues and i've given you a couple of verses there but i just want to say emphatically the seven last flags do not fall upon the righteous upon those who trust in god upon those who are sealed with the seal of god they only fall upon the lost and the trumpet judgments in revelation chapter 8 are limited they're not full measure of god's wrath they're limited in who they affect and what they affect amen absolutely we're going to come right back to pastor rafferty because i just got this message it says please have pastor rafferty re-respond to this question because we had a glitch in our broadcast i did not know that but the viewer did not hear the answers so this is actually the first question we asked you it's at some point is it true that at some point during the judgment jesus our savior will no longer be standing side by side with us before father god thus we will at some point at the end be left alone to face god before our own glorification is complete so we had a problem we apologize for that with our broadcast that that portion of your answer was cut out so if you don't mind just touching sure we we went to revelation chapter 22 of that question verses 11 and 12. and the reason this question is so significant is because we rely heavily upon the mediation of christ he is the righteousness that is represented the merit that is represented before the father for us as we come and we confess our sins and so if there's a time coming when we're not going to have that mediation what are we going to do well the bible teaches us pretty clearly in ephesians chapter 1 in revelation chapter 7 in revelation chapter 14 that god's people are at some point in time going to be sealed with the holy spirit so they cannot be moved like an envelope is sealed you put the context in you seal it up we're going to be sealed so we can't be moved when we come to that place where we're sealed with the holy spirit jesus is going to return we we read this in revelation chapter 22. let's look at verses 11 and 12 of revelation 22. jesus is making a pronouncement here before his second coming he that is unjust let him be unjust still he which is filthy let him be filthy still he that is righteous let him be righteous still and he that is holy let him be holy still and behold verse 12 i come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be so just before jesus comes there's a ceiling a settling in so that we can't be moved even though we don't have mediation anymore we are filled with the holy spirit we have the presence of god in us and through us so there's nothing for us to fear when you're settled into the truth so you can't be moved and that happens just before jesus returns amen thank you so much we have 60 questions that you have already sent in they just gave me several more pages we will not get to all of these but i assure you on an upcoming 3b and today bible q and a we will answer your question those programs air every monday and you can check them out on youtube or at and you can watch them on demand anytime so if we don't get to your question this morning we will get to it in the future now i'm going to shake it up a little bit and i'm going to ask you all a question that just came in and this is thrown out for everyone so whoever wants to jump in and answer is it a sin for a seventh-day adventist to listen to other speakers or pastors not of our faith and this comes from mary i would say absolutely not it's not a sin to do that absolutely not i agree um god tells us in the several places in his word he tells us that he has other people that are not of his fault uh he tells us his people are in babylon and he also tells us that we should prove all things amen and hold of that which is fast so it's like eating watermelon you know you eat the fruit you spit out the seeds the problem of course sometimes occurs when we listen to other people and we're just ready to receive whatever they say no we've got to be faithful bereans we've got to go to the word of god you know the bereans listened to what paul had to say and he was inspired of the holy spirit they listened but they went back to the word of god to see if it was so and so if we get to the place where we're not students of the bible we're not studying the word of god for ourselves and we're just listening to what preachers tell us then we're in a dangerous position but as long as we're filled with the spirit anointed with the spirit first john 1 20 and verse 27 and checking the word of god and and making sure we're just we're proving all things there may be a blessing i've been blessed by many people that have preached that are not of my faith and and edified by what they have to say and i've learned a lot from them amen any other thoughts ditto ditto yes a ditto diddle diddle i i would like to add of course that um before you listen to anything whether they be adventists or not pray to the lord and ask for the holy spirit because the holy spirit will guide you into all truth and you'll be able to discern what is truth and what is there amen amen that's good okay pastor johnny we're coming back to you in the countdown we are in do you consider things going on now as part of the elements of getting ready for jesus's second coming uh yes indeed uh because you know these things are given unto us so that we we can see you know you look at matthew chapter 24 you look at book of daniel book of revelation and you see that the bible prophesies talks to us about things that are going to come to pass these are to help us uh to be ready for the lord's coming so when you see the things taking place it lets you know you better get your act together because the lord is coming soon and yes absolutely these are things that are telling us be also ready for such a time as you think not the lord the son of man is coming amen so yes watch and be ready we should be ready today uh because we never know you don't know if you're not promised tomorrow you should be ready at all times for the second coming of our lord and savior jesus christ amen great answer pastor ryan if there will be no sickness in heaven why will the tree of life need leaves for the healing of the nations as stated in revelation 22 verse 2. all right well i would say the the answer to that question is the same as the answer it would be is why uh adam and eve needed the tree of life uh the bible makes it very clear in first timothy chapter 6 verse 16 that only god has immortality and therefore this tree if we go if that reference of course is found in revelation chapter 22 uh what the question is referencing here and i'll just read it here verses 1 and verses 2 of revelation 22. it says and he showed me a pure river of water of life clear as crystal notice this proceeding from the throne of god and out of the lamb and then comes verse 2 regarding the tree it says in the middle of the street and on either side of the river was the tree of life which bore 12 fruits each tree yielding its fruit every month and then it says the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations if god only has immortality and created beings do not have immortality in and of themselves the only way that that life can be sustained is only from god and therefore what we see there in revelation 22 verse 1 is that the life source that pure water of life that's coming from god from the throne of god it's feeding that tree of life and when the people eat of that tree they are they are their their immortality is being sustained by god and so in this case obviously there's going to be no sickness in heaven because again sin is done away with god has come he's finished it right he's by this time he's he's put it behind us and therefore we have eternal life not in and of ourselves but as we eat of that tree of life each and every month of that beautiful new fruit that comes from that tree we are receiving the life source from god so yeah if god was not in the picture and that that immortality or that immortal life source that comes from god was not there then i would say you know man would probably just deteriorate over time because they're not obviously participating or partaking of that life source that comes from god so the answer is simple only god has immortality that immortal life sources coming from god's throne through that pure water of life that's feeding and giving that life source to the tree when we eat of that tree we also are immortal through god because god has given it to us not because we have it in and of ourselves amen thank you so much shelley coming to you what is the difference between a delight and my pleasure this can comes from someone in maryland i assume they're referring to isaiah 58 i would think they are but i want to begin with psalm 37 verse 4. because so many people quote this scripture the psalm 37 verse 4 says delight yourself also in the lord and he shall give you the desires of your heart what that bible what that verse says is that when you look to the lord and find your joy in him when you delight in him he lines your desires up with his desires now if we turn to isaiah chapter 58 and then we'll look at verses 13 and 14. it says this is the lord speaking if you turn away your foot from the sabbath from doing your pleasures on my holy day and that word in the hebrew is actually talking about business pleasures and call the sabbath a delight the holy day of the lord honorable and shall honor him not doing your own ways nor finding your own pleasure no speaking your own words then you shall delight yourself in the lord it's going to be an exquisite delight as we lay aside all of our business pleasures and he says i'll cause you to ride on the high heels of the earth and your feet will be on those high heels this the sabbath is that time of intimate quality time with god he says put away your business pleasures don't be thinking about the things of this earth this is a time that i ask you to come spend with me spend with your loved ones and you will find that my delight is yours amen speaking of the sabbath this question just came in i'm going to toss it out for the whole panel is it biblical to have sexual relations with your spouse on the sabbath anyone want to jump in and tackle that i'm going to say yes agree um and and this is interesting i don't know if you know this about the jewish religion they consider because the sabbath was created in the beginning i mean that that's god created man and woman brought them together marriage was created in the garden of eden the sabbath was created in the garden of eden and jews actually believe that that is one of the high pleasures of the sabbath is to come together as man intended i'll let you expound on that i think i think if we look back to the garden of eden there when christ created adam and eve on the sixth day he what was the first command he gave them on the sixth day be fruitful and multiply but he didn't say be fruit from the multiply except on the seventh day because the sabbath is holy and you shouldn't do that i think that we have to stick to the bible and what there's no text in the bible where god says if you if a married man and a married woman obviously come together and they have that special relationship that bond on the sabbath that somehow they're violating the holiness or the sanctity of the sabbath i've never found a scripture in all this in all the bible that says that and so again if it was a violation of the holiness of the sabbath i think we would see that there in the garden of eden where god created both marriage and the commandment given for them to be fruitful and multiply and then the very next day was the sabbath in which god was giving them example of how to keep the sabbath and and so i think that we would see evidence there we would see some type of command where the lord would say no no no that's not good to do on the sabbath but it's not there i think the sabbath is a holy day we should we should protect the sanctity and the holiness of that day uh but it's also obviously a day for us to commune not only with our god but with our family with our husband our wives with our children with our church family our loved ones and so it should be a day of pleasure within the confinements of the holiness and the sanctity and what we see is okay in the bible but obviously there's certain things which is a whole another question and of itself that we know that it's not good to do on the sabbath but in this case there's no biblical evidence that says that it's somehow wrong to have that special bond or relationship with your husband or wife on the sabbath yeah the sabbath is all about intimacy with god and intimacy with each other amen i just want to say their wedding night was friday night right i mean that is the sabbath so what a beautiful thing they were married on friday their wedding night was was the sabbath okay this is pastor james blessed morning sabbath school panel can you explain matthew 24 40 and 41 what does it mean one is taken and the other one is left okay this is a great question it also connects with question number 16 which uh refers to matthew 24 28 so let's just read all of those verses we'll start with matthew chapter 24 28 since it's in sequence it says for wherever the carcass is there will the eagles be gathered together and then verses 40 and 41 then shall two be in the field the one shall be taken and the other left two women shall be gathering at the mill the one shall be taken and the other left the context of this is really important not just the immediate context but the biblical context and even the storyline context which actually takes us back to the days of noah in verse 37 for as in the days of noah so it shall be in the coming of the son of man for as in the days of noah they were before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving him marriage until noah the day noah entered in the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away so shall also the coming of the son of man be so when the flood came there were those that were taken and those that were left the ones that were taken were taken by the flood the ones that were left were the ones that were in the ark and so jesus is saying when i return there are going to be those that are going to be taken by the seven last plagues by the destruction by the glory of his brightness and they're going to be those that are going to be left and the context of this is that they're going to be taken to destruction because in verse 28 it says wherever the carcasses is gathered there will the eagles be gathered together in fact in luke 17 the disciples go through this same quandary they have the same question in luke 17 jesus talks about the days of noah are going to be a type of his second coming he talks about how the days of water a type of a second coming and he talks about the two in the field and when he's done with all of that he talks about all of the the those that are taken and those are left the disciples ask him the question where lord and he says wherever the eagle is gathered together there also the carcass will be and we see this also in revelation chapter 19. so in second or first thessalonians 4 paul again a larger context explains the second coming of jesus christ and he says those of us who remain and are alive will be caught up so again this is affirming that those who remain those who are not destroyed by the brightness of his coming those who are not destroyed by the seven last flags those who remain and are alive and it was the same of course in noah's time that scripture now that we've just talked about can be understood a different way and i don't think this is uh something that we need to have a great controversy over there are a number of theologians in our denomination you see this a little bit differently but the point is the same there are two groups of people when jesus comes some are going to be saved some are going to be lost the position i take is basically that god is going to destroy the wicked from off the earth but the righteous will be preserved in the midst of these commotions as noah was preserved in the ark amen amen thank you so much pastor johnny when jesus died on the cross did the people in the grave go to heaven or back to the grave this is a reference to matthew chapter 27 where it talks about that the graves were open and many of the saints appeared actually i'm pretty close to that let's see matthew 27. ah yes and verse 52 and the graves were open and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised now this is very interesting because it says many bodies of the saints now some people believe that once you die you go to heaven but here are these saints it's still in the grave and coming out of the graves after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many so what happened to these people these people there's a verse in ephesians chapter 4 that gives us an understanding or a hint that these individuals went with jesus when he ascended up on high and this is ephesians chapter 4 and verse 8 and it says the following therefore he says when he ascended on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men this idea of captivity those that were in the grave or or the captives that were in the grave that resurrected uh during that time that we just mentioned in matthew chapter 27 he led these to heaven and they did not go back to the grave it doesn't clearly say that in the bible but these saints were resurrected because christ was victorious on the cross and there was no need for them to go back to the grave they were taken as a as a sampling if you want to call it uh the first fruits of those that will be resurrected because of the victory of christ on the cross these were taken as a as a sample or at first fruits of those that will be resurrected when jesus christ comes the second time because there's a first resurrection and a second resurrection and so by god's grace let us live to be either alive righteous living with the lord or to be part of the first resurrection amen thank you so much well done we're going back to one of the bonus questions here that have come in this hour and this is for everyone on the panel i think this is a really important question it's about ellen white as a prophet within the seventh adventist church why does the seventh-day adventist church look at ellen white as a prophet even though scripture says no man knows the day or hour christ will return yet she tried to figure out the date wasn't that arrogant and misleading so a little bit about the beginning of the church in the date setting but then also why would the seventh-day adventist church consider ellen white to be a prophet well i would like to go with the first part first because um the person seems to to indicate that ellen g white tried to figure out the date she did not try to figure out the date this was done by others and there was a huge movement it was not only here in the u.s but in other countries people were studying the book of daniel and they were coming to conclusions that led them to believe that jesus christ was coming soon one of these was william miller he was not a seventh-day adventist by the way and uh he believed that jesus christ was coming first as he studied he thought it was the fall of 1843 but then later because of some further study they thought it was the fall of 1844. uh ellen g white heard these presentations and believed the lord was coming however she among others uh were wrong about the date because she believed uh what the what the presentations were about the coming of christ but these people uh misunderstood the reference because they belie because it says in matthew and matthew daniel chapter 8 14 and it says unto 2 300 evenings and mornings it says or it says days and days are equivalent to years then shall the sanctuary be cleansed these people believe the sanctuary was the earth and there's no scripture that says the century is the earth so they thought the earth is going to be cleansed and jesus christ will come so then we can tell you that history does not show that lng white tried to find a date she in fact said that no man said knows the day nor the hour so there is a second part to the question and that is why do we believe she's a prophet right and i spoken maybe somebody else can speak now i would just like to add a personal perspective when i i joined the seventh-day adventist church because i believe well what god was teaching me i found out that the seventh-day adventist church believed i think we believe more truth than any other church i know of or i would have joined that i confess that when i first came in god had me reading only the bible for several years and i had not read ellen white i was in berkeley springs west virginia my host for the event i was doing was roger we went downstairs one night after a meal and he said i told him i haven't read ellen white yet and he said shelley god's leading you in exactly the way he led her you're going to love her he said something interesting she is a teaching of the church not a test of the church and i said what do you mean he said you didn't have to on a baptismal certificate say i accept ellen white i say all of that to say this i was reluctant in the very beginning about the idea of quote unquote a prophet everything that i have read from ellen white is backed up by a thus saith the lord everything that i've read from ellen white points us to the scripture she does not take any glory upon herself i believe that this was a woman filled with the holy spirit dedicated to the lord and i trust that she had a prophetic gift the ellen white estate says only about three percent of what she wrote was like a futuristic prophecy but prophecy can be just expounding on the scriptures and this lady knew what she's talking about i agree with with shelley i had a similar experience becoming a seventh-day adventist i was baptized and didn't necessarily accept ellen white in the way that i understand her today it had to be proven to me and it was absolutely and i believe we believe ellen white is a prophet because of what it says in revelation 12 17 that god's remnant church will have will keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus and that that testimony of jesus is defined in revelation 19 10 as the spirit of prophecy it's the lesser light though and a lot of sometimes adventists make it out to be equal with the bible sometimes you go to an adventist church and all you hear is ellen white and i think that in those cases we're doing the same thing with the gift of prophecy that perhaps pentecostals do with the gift of tongues we're over using and over exaggerating that gift and ellen white would be shocked for us to be doing that with her she said we need to preach from the bible and the bible alone i believe that is what adventists are called to do amen do you want anything well i just want to say uh in reference to the herd setting the date or you know some people try to use that as this person is trying to allude to um and i agree with pastor what john what pastor dinzy said uh that yes ellen white was among that millerite group that accepted that time frame that the the date of 1844 they just got the event wrong right they just they they missed the point the meaning of what was actually happening with that 1844 time period but if you look at the time frame it was in the aftermath of that disappointment uh it was in the aftermath of that it wasn't until december of 1844 that ellen white received her first vision from god as a prophet or a calling for a prophetess god knows her heart he knew her heart that even though she was among that group that had made a mistake as far as the event yet at the same time he knew her heart he knew that she was a humble he knew that she was a servant of the lord that her heart was in the right place and again as she refers to it god had called the weakest of the week and she was she was a powerful woman who came about to preach a mighty word and to share wonderful things with us and i will also just give really quickly my my testimony on that and that is i came into the church and i was kicking and screaming i didn't like ellen white i was like you know what all we need is the bible we don't need ellen white and you know i had all kinds of arguments and things with people and the pastor came up to me one day and he handed me this little tiny book called steps to christ he said have you ever read any of her writings i said no he goes well then how can you judge a person if you haven't studied her writings i tell you what if she's a false prophet go home and read this little tiny book hundred pages steps to christ surely if she's a false prophet there's something in there and oh i love that challenge i was like yes i'm going to take this book home and with a fine toothed comb i'm going to figure out that this woman i'm going to show proof that she's a false prophet i went home and i read that book and with each passing chapter that i read i became more and more convinced and more and more convicted of the power that god was you know working through her to communicate the gospel so again don't judge a book by its cover spend some time in her writings and you'll find that it's not her but the power of the holy spirit through her writings that's bringing people to christ and pointing them back to the greater light of jesus christ in the word amen let's see if we can get to at least another question each this one is for shelley please elaborate and make plain hebrews 11 13-16 it seems contradicting this is from rachel hebrews 11 13-16 let's see what it says hebrews 11 is of course the faith chapter and it's speaking about sarah noah and jacob and everything it says these all died in faith not having received the promises but having seen them afar off they were assured of them embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims in the earth for those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland and truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out they would have had opportunity to return but now they desired something better that is the heavenly country therefore god is not ashamed to be called their god and prepare the city for them all of these saints in the hall of fame were looking forward to the new jerusalem the heavenly country the new earth but the bible clearly says repeatedly they do not precede or it says let me just read this to you because in first thessalonians 4 the bible says um verse 15 first thessalonians verse 4 15. this we say to you by the word of the lord that we who are alive and remain until the contin coming of the lord will by no means precede those who are asleep what's he saying they did not receive the promise we're not all we're all going to receive the promise together if we're alive and remain when christ returns we don't go up and be in his presence before first thessalonians 4 16 he's going to bring everybody up out of the grave and we're caught up together so there's nothing contradictory about chapter 11. they died in the faith the bible teaches that death is a sleep a rest and we covered that in our sabbath school panel amen thank you so much this is for pastor james i've asked this question several times for three being to answer maybe this time will be my lucky day so we apologize that we have not gotten an answer to your question yet my question is how is the best way to talk with our military veterans about the end time role of the united states in prophecy that's an excellent question and i apologize too that we haven't gotten to that question we do have a lot of questions that come in and sometimes we can't get to them all right away revelation 13 11 i believe is the best way to answer this question it's so powerful and it's so clear revelation 13 11 i say 11 13 13 11 it says here and i beheld another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon this is without going into a lot of detail a depiction of the united states in bible prophecy it comes up at the right time in the right place a beast in bible prophecy represents an earthly power or kingdom this one comes up from the earth a less populated part of the earth as compared to previous beasts that came up in the sea among people's nations tongues and kindreds so we understand for a number of reasons this is talking about the united states in bible prophecy you're talking to a military person you're explaining to them all of the reasons why this is the united states and you're explaining to them that this country has two horns like a lamb in other words it's a christian nation as it rises the two horns represent civil freedom and religious freedom and this is what you want to push you want to explain you want to emphasize whenever you talk to a military person or to any american citizen because we are proud of these principles we are thankful for these principles these are god-given principles these principles is what make us a christian nation we're not a christian nation because we believe only in god and only in christ we're a christian nation because even though that's what we may believe we allow other people muslims hindus buddhists atheists also to have freedom to choose what they believe that's civil liberty as well as the principle of religious liberty but notice now that it's going to speak as a dragon and that's what we're not happy about that's not what we're not positive about we also need to share that part the dragon is a representation of satan and he represents the spirit of coercion of anger of control of manipulation of deception all of these principles are seen throughout the book of revelation and through the rest of the bible and so we see a a wrestling match taking place between these two principles and i think we should be open and honest to share with any military personnel any united states citizen the context of this verse the contrast that's taking place the wrestling match is taking place and and encourage them to stand for the principles of the lamb the lamb-like principles and to do all they can to hinder the manifestation of the dragon-like principles amen thank you so much very clear pastor ryan please explain the parable of the rich man and lazarus this is from luke 16 19-31 this parable seems to teach that at the time of death and it says from joe so they must mean the seams to teach maybe we go to heaven right yeah so obviously um let's just make to make it clear that this is a parable and many people look at this because it says uh you know the rich man and lazarus and because it mentions lazarus name some people say well it's not a parable because it's mentioning you know the name lazarus but there's no doubt that this is a parable because there's language in here that you've used very similar to other parables for instance if you go back to uh the parable of the lost son there in luke luke 15 verse 11 notice what the very first words are a certain man had two sons uh you come over to the next parable right there in luke 7 luke 16 um the parable uh of the unjust steward there was a certain rich man right the parable right but then what does the word start with in the the parable of the rich man and lazarus there was a certain rich man there this is very consistent and the language that jesus would use when he was about to tell a story a short story that would teach a moral lesson of some kind obviously keep in mind that the purpose of this of this parable my friends is not to communicate the realities of heaven and hell many people read this and think oh you know it's because lazarus is there in abraham's bosom and you know you know the the rich man is down there and hades burning and torment well it's it's all about heaven and hell and the realities that's not the case because if you look up to verse 14 of luke 16 it says now the pharisees who were lovers of money also heard all these things and said and and they had derided him so jesus is now going to tell a few parables one of those being the parable of the rich man not for the purpose to communicate the realities of heaven and hell but to actually tell a similar story that they would have told to their people this was a common parable that they told in jesus's day that the pharisees would tell when they were teaching you know the word of the lord and in this case the roles would be switched it was the rich man that would be in heaven all the time and lazarus who would be in burning torments why because they were lovers of money and the concept back then and these days was that if you're rich you're blessed by god and god has put his favor on you and if you're poor and beggarly and you know you're living in the streets and you have nothing well then you know you must be a horrible sinner and god is cursing you right well jesus flipped the script amen and actually the parable the story the contents of this parable it actually is flooded with hellenistic greek philosophy and ideology because the concept would be is that this this this idea of the dualism of the body and the spirit the concept that uh you know when a person dies their spirit goes on somewhere else jesus did not believe this jesus obviously taught in john 11 that when a person dies they sleep but he's using a common story of their day to try to teach a truth and we know this is a parable when you get to read in the details of this it's clear that it's a parable right you know although all the the lazarus goes to to the bosom of abraham right abraham being one of the central figures of the judaistic faith he's using the language that they can relate to because they often would say you know the bosom of abraham because abraham was the central figure but the fact that you know this is a good one here uh verse verse 23 and being in torments talking about the rich man being in torments in hades he lifted up his eyes and saw abraham afar off and and lazarus in his bosom and he cried out said father abraham have mercy on me and send lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for i'm tormented in this flame i want to i want to challenge you to do something again this is this is figurative i'm not literally telling you to do this but you know what if you're just not convinced go out and just stick your hand in an open flame and try to hold it there number one and hold an intelligent conversation with someone as they're doing here that obviously is number one that is a parable number two just have them just dip a drop of water on the tip of your tongue while you stick that hand in the fire and see if it gives you any kind of relief obviously this is figurative language but i just my final words that i want to say about this which is rather interesting is that if you get to the latter parts of this uh parable it says abraham said to him they have moses and the prophets let them hear them because he wanted the abraham to send lazarus back from the dead go tell my brothers my family not to come to this place of torment send them back from the dead and he said no no no they got moses and the prophets in other words they have the word of the lord that they need to trust but notice his response it's verse 30 it says and he said no father abraham but if one goes from him for the dead they will they will repent and then he said to them in verse 31 if if they do not hear moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded the one rise from the dead and it's interesting because one actually literally did rise from the dead his name was lazarus and they still did not believe in christ as messiah in fact the bible says in in john 11 and 12 that they went and plotted to kill both him and jesus so this is a parable jesus is not teaching about heaven or hell but rather the fact that we need to love our brother we need to treat each other that there's not different social classes that christ considers that obviously we need to have a relationship with him and it's not based on riches amen thank you pastor johnny we don't have time probably for a full two minutes we're actually two minutes to the end of the program but see if we can get a short answer this is from melbourne florida i follow the space travel that man has been developing jesus is coming to destroy the earth at his second coming man is trying to go live on another planet namely mars if people are on mars and jesus comes what about those people and the moon will that be destroyed too since sinful man has gone there well that's a good question uh many good questions have come in by the way i congratulate every one of you that are looking for answers and studying god's word we appreciate the opportunity to answer your questions and or at least get you started uh the bible does not say what will happen to the moon and mars uh so we don't have a scripture to tell you that we do have a scripture that will tell you about the earth and that's in second peter chapter three um we're going to look at verse 10 and 11 and it says here but the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise and the elements will melt with fervent heat both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up so we don't have one that specifically says moon and mars but if the lord sees it necessary he will do so and so that's the answer i can give you in a short time very good thank you so much pastor johnny sister shelley pastor james and pastor ryan for your knowledge of the word of god thank you for your heart for bible study i love that you all are bible students and we're so glad that you have joined us want to remind you that our three being today bible q a program is just like this we take your questions every monday so feel free the number you've been texting today you can text that number anytime and we will get to your questions your bible questions on a subsequent program the end of this program is just ahead of us but i want to remind you that divine worship hour with dr ben carson will be directly following this program so don't go anywhere just grab a drink of water and settle back in your recliner or if you're driving in the car listen on the radio because it's important that we continue connecting with you on this blessed sabbath day [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 4,394
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Keywords: Bible Q&A, 3ABN, 3ABN Virtual Homecoming Camp Meeting 2021
Id: a39Sg0VDSlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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