Music Hour 03 | 3ABN Virtual Homecoming Camp Meeting 2021

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[Music] free angels broadcasting network is pleased to bring you something better a faith-inspiring picture of a loving god from the book of hebrews welcome to 3abn's virtual homecoming camp meeting [Music] hello and welcome back to three abn fall homecoming campaign we are so glad that you have stayed with us the entirety of camp meeting it's hard to believe we're down to the last couple of programs what a blessing we have received of course being here at 3abn and we have heard from many of you which joe's going to read a list of some of the countries that we've heard from during camden it's absolutely phenomenal but it's a blessing that you're part of our family being part of god's family what an incredible blessing you know mr danny earlier today uh you were singing holy ground you know for the divine worship hour and it's a beautiful song one of the i mean it just means so much to me and i think about this land this property what god has given to the ministry of three avians powerful and i think about where we're standing on we sing as holy ground and all of us believe of course that it's not wholly because of us it's wholly because of the lord jesus christ and we counted a privilege to be able to spread this gospel around the world there are many people with all the chaos that's going on in the world right now that are looking for answers looking for truth and by god's grace three even is presenting that truth to the world you know greg it's interesting you say that because so many people over the years who've never been here they show up at 3abn they say we feel like we're on holy ground wow and it's really been amazing i remember when we were building the first building that we shelled up the big building and the blackboard that they put on it was made by a company called temple so when you drive by this big building it's a temple all over and i remember the guy from the lumber yard who delivered the lumber came out there and and we called it later and said where's the lumber and he said i'm not going out there without you guys we said why he said he said i tried to go there and i felt like i was on holy ground and he said i'm not a christian so we said well then ken what can we do to help he said when you're there so he said i'll be glad so we actually made an appointment he came sunday morning to deliver the lumber but we were there with him and then he said i'll stay and help you even on doing this but yvonne said the very first time she came here years ago she said i was asleep and she was coming i forgot who was driving her from the airport she said i woke up just as we came to three abn and i said i i feel like i'm on holy ground so we know that it's it's the lord it's it's not any human doing but wherever god is it's holy ground amen you know the list of countries that we've heard from too it's amazing from this little spot middle of a cornfield basically mr danny this gospel is going around the world and it's an incredible list you want to share those with us that we've received the last couple days and these are people who are watching camp meeting we've heard from you at home and it's incredible to me to think that the gospel of the kingdom can go around the world from this spot right here in west frankfort illinois this is just a small sampling cyprus new zealand jamaica guyana trinidad and tobago united kingdom japan bahamas saint lucia australia puerto rico barbados south africa mexico france philippines peru panama ethiopia and the list goes on these are people that have been watching since the start of camp meeting you are part of our three man family we're so very grateful for that that you are part of the family of god what an incredible blessing and privilege amen standing next to you mr danny is something special brother john stoddard john it's so good to have you here my friend thank you danny always a privilege to be in this on this holy ground as we just said i i i felt it uh as well as i heard you guys talk about this yeah i can relate always a wonderful place i always feel like i'm coming home we're thrilled that you're here standing next to you of course brother ryan day he's one of your fans and i'm one of his too oh my goodness we we uh when you first came was that a few years ago we asked you to do was that christmas program it was christmas yes and the guy where the poor guy we were going to have you do what two one program i think one program and yvonne said we can't let him go what are you i said no and he was here playing in t-shirts we'd like give him a coat i don't even know if it was his coats but he didn't bring enough clothes he only brought clothes for one program but you spent about three three days here right it's a testament to how welcome i felt you know and uh just what a privilege to be able to hang out we love you daniel thank you one of the most uh incredible voices in penis that i've ever heard in my entire life and tim parton who's also great will say that he always i mentioned john stoddard and he started shaking his head like oh no donna you know i'll say won't you guys do do that and he'd say i can't even keep up with him there's no way i can so you guys have a mutual respect i was going to say it's it's the mutual admiration society is much of an admirer and appreciator of what a gift danny might play anything my mom always told me don't follow animal acts children acts or john stoddard and here so i'm going to go before it that's that's probably some good advice and you're going to get to in just a few minutes you're going to get to go before him but no we've been having a great time camp meeting is great i have a praise report just for me can i give it absolutely and uh so the first night of camp meeting yvonne and i weren't here our youngest daughter trinity she's really been sick for two or three days i've never seen anyone throw up incessantly literally every 30 seconds to every minute for hours wouldn't quit we went to the emergency rooms they'd give her ivs what have you because she was so dehydrating and this went on several days and i mean we just we didn't know what to do i literally pled with the lord i said lord please because she looks so pitiful she look up and and like help me and you can't do you're so helpless and it went on for hours and just held a you know a little bag in front of her and she just could not so i'm like lord please please and so we had a breakthrough and i went to dr davis yesterday he found out what it was told us what it was and one of the things now this comes from not one of our health retreats abner's health but from her doctor said go home and take some hot hot showers and then do cold on top of that there's something up here that's that's causing this and it needs a shock and today this afternoon i'm so happy to report this morning last night she was sick this morning she slept all night this morning this afternoon she and i were outside in the field petting the horses so we're out and so now when i left she had a big smile on her face i said thank you lord so that's a great report amen praise god god is good isn't he sure yeah amen i think about the family we have here at 3abn and of course we count you as our family as well and we love singing this course i'm so glad i'm a part of the family of god we hope you stand at home or sing along with us [Music] [Music] in the fountain cleansed by his blood joint airs with jesus [Music] i've been washed in the fountain cleansed by his blood joined hairs with jesus as we traveled [Music] oh you should have been here every night we needed this we needed that amen praise the lord brother ryan have a prayer please let's pray oh father in heaven mighty are you god worthy are you lord as we stand here today we are humbled in your presence because we believe in the promise lord that where two or three or more gathered in your name there you are in the midst and this is holy ground god because you are here lord you're so marvelous we thank you for the opportunity that we have to be a part of this great family of god this incredible three angels broadcasting ministry that's going all around the world lord tonight as we lift our voices in song and as the word is preached with power with boldness with clarity and truth lord may you be worshiped may you be glorified and may each and every one of us be brought closer to you to the foot of the cross at the throne of grace we praise you god and we thank you so much we ask this in jesus holy name amen i got an email from someone that said you all know how to have church they said we love the church and we've been loving the music programs we've been so blessed and so it's somebody very well known in fact and and they said we are loving this camp meeting we're watching it and so we've been amazed at people we know that some folk that we know that said and we know them they're not even christians say we've been watching this camp meeting and we're being blessed by it so that's really what it's all about getting together with the family of god and asking god to work in us and through us in spite of us none of us are perfect we all you and i were talking back we're all sinners saved by grace and so the lord you know blesses us in spite of us but still yet he says after we've given our heart and lives to him go and tell what he's done for us so that's what we're all doing here tonight and i think ryan you and tim are you next up hey we're ready praise the lord life will be sweeter someday amen jesus said i believe him life will be sweeter someday i'm gonna trust him never doubt him no matter what the folks may say can't turn away from him lightly because the joys of heaven i miss for i will live on up in glory after a while after a while don't you know i'm gonna sing with the angels above i'm gonna talk to the ones that i love i'm gonna tell him about my troubles after why after a while well i'm gonna march down the streets of pure gold i'm gonna talk to the prophets of old and i'll be happy up in glory after a while after a while [Music] well i'm gonna march down the streets of pure gold i'm gonna talk to the prophets of old and i'll be happy up in glory after a while after a while i'm gonna sing with the angels above talking to the ones that i love [Music] i'm gonna tell him about my troubles after a while [Applause] [Music] down the streets of pure gold i'm gonna talk to the prophets [Music] [Applause] [Music] up in glory [Music] after [Music] why [Music] [Laughter] praise the lord praise the lord you know we live we're living in interesting times and you know there's a lot of discouragement a lot of despair going around our world a lot of fear a lot of anxiety and there's someone right now at home perhaps maybe even watching this program and you need a little bit of encouragement because maybe you're at home thinking man i just feel like giving up it seems like my best just isn't good enough right but god understands he understands what you're going through and that's what this next song is all about beautiful song listen to the words sometimes i feel like giving us it seems like my best just ain't good enough lord if you hear me i'm calling you do you see do you care all about what i'm going through that's when he says one more day one more step see i'm preparing you for myself and when you can't hear my voice [Music] please trust my plan i'm the lord i see and yes i understand [Music] you see sometimes i feel like i'm all alone i'm just like a stranger so far from home i feel like i've done all that i can do please lord give me strength i'm just trying to make it through and that's when he tells me oh one more day oh one more step see i prepare it for myself and when you can't hear my voice [Music] please trust my plan i'm the lord i see and yes i understand how he knows just how much we can bear oh and in the time of trouble he promised he would always be there i understand oh the lord is telling you yes i understand i am the lord i see you and yes i understand this is what the lord says he says i am the lord i change not i won't forget nor have i forgot you see everything works according to my plan i have god trust me i've got the whole world in my hands [Music] one more step see god preparing you for myself and when you can't hear my voice please my plan i'm the lord i see you and yes i understand yes that's when he says i am the lord i see you and yes i understand just trust him and understand that he says i am the lord i see you and yes i understand [Music] thank you jesus [Music] peace till my soul the lord is on thy side bear patiently the cross or grief or pain leave to thy god to order and provide in every change he faithful will remain be still my soul thy past thy heavenly friend through thorny ways leads to a joyful land peace till my soul thy god undertake [Music] to guide the few to rest he has the past thy hope thy comes let nothing change oh now mysterious shall be bright at last be still [Music] below [Music] never let me go i place my life within your hands [Music] when we shall be forever with the lord when disappointment grief and fear are gone sorrow for god love's pure rejoice restored be still my soul when chains and tears [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] you never let me [Music] still my [Music] to my soul [Music] oh what beautiful music be still my soul what a privilege to be here i uh as i was anticipating coming and sharing today this sentiment i guess just seemed to flood my heart today yeah it's just been particularly this past year and a half it's been so crazy and we've had a lot of uh sorrow we've had a lot of uncertainty you know i just for me personally in my family i feel like in spite of it all i'm just grateful i'm grateful for god's provision i'm grateful for his healing for his comfort for those who have had loss and i wanted to start out tonight and i hope you'll sing along with me this is a song that many of you will know and if you recognize it and if you feel it all like i feel today then you can sing with me thank you lord thank you lord [Music] thank you [Music] lord i just want to thank you lord cause you've been so [Music] you've been so good [Music] [Music] i just want to thank you lord [Applause] you've made [Applause] even when i did know how you would do it you made it away yeah and i'm so grateful that you you made a way [Music] and i just want to thank you i just want to thank you [Music] i just want to thank [Music] you lord [Music] how can i say thanks for the things you have done for me [Music] things so undeserved [Music] that you gave to prove your love for me the voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude all that i am [Music] to thee [Music] to god be the glory [Music] to god be the glory to god be the glory [Music] for the things he he has done [Music] with his blood he has a saved me with his power he has raised me to god be the glory for the things he has done [Music] just let me live my life and let it be pleasing lord to thee and should i gain [Music] calvary [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he has saved me [Music] the glory for the things he has [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] thank you lord [Music] thank you lord oh i just want to [Music] thank you thank you lord if you're grateful right there in your homes all over the world [Music] in your heart if you want to lift your hands if you want to say a prayer but just let god know god i thank you for all that you you do for me it was enough that you saved me [Music] but you didn't stop there you provide for me [Music] you comfort me you encourage me it's a song that says you walk with me you talk with me [Music] and every day you tell me that i belong to you thank you god [Music] hey [Music] i just want to thank you thank you [Music] and all god's people said amen [Music] [Music] come thou found out every blessing [Music] to my heart to sing your grace streams of mercy and never call cease songs of loudest praise teach me ever to adore thee may i steal thy goodness proof um [Music] endless glory [Music] fills my heart with joy and love [Music] here i raise my [Music] and i hope i by thy good pleasure safely to arrive at home saw me when a stranger [Music] wandering for the fold [Music] rescue me from danger [Music] his precious blood [Music] how great a debtor [Music] by thy good pleasure safely to arrive at home [Music] prone to worry [Music] here's seal it for your quartz [Music] i love [Music] seal it for your course seal it for your course um [Music] [Music] amen lord please seal our hearts for your courts above [Music] there's all sorts of things pulling at us this life has lots and lots of distractions doesn't it so we need you to seal us we need you to to put a a covering that protects us that that keeps us when we are overwhelmed that helps us remember that this world is not our home that helps us remember that you have promised to prepare a place for us and that one day you're coming back to take us home to live with you forever and ever [Music] is this what i've been praying for the answer to all my fears now i'm afraid of drowning and this hurricane of tears would happen to the promise about a mustard seed of faith [Music] but it won't move out my way can i give you all my heart can i trust you with my dreams are you really all i need my everything oh everything [Music] is this what i've been praying for the answer to all my tears is this what i've been asking asking for years happened to the promise about a mustard seed i failed i asked that mountain nice enough but it won't move out my way so lord i give you all my heart and i trust you with my dreams lord i long for you to be my everything lord i'm longing for your touch and the peace that it will bring lord i long for you to be my everything [Music] everything all i knew before [Music] oh lord i give you all my heart and i trust you with my dreams lord i long for you to be my everything lord i'm longing for your touch and the peace that it will bring lord i long for you to be my everything [Music] everything [Music] everything [Music] every thing [Music] i don't know if you can sense it but uh one of the things that i always pray for when i have the privilege of sharing music is that the spirit of god would attend all that's going on and it's always a miracle to me when you know we've got cameras and internet and transistors and all these inanimate things and and still somehow [Music] um we get a chance to in spite of that experience the closeness of the spirit of god and it's a real privilege a true privilege i i there's a sweet sweet spirit you know the song in this place [Music] and i know that it's the spirit of the lord there are sweet heavy expressions on each face and i know that is [Music] [Applause] sweet holy spirit um sweet heavenly day why don't you stay stay right here with us oh feeling us [Music] [Applause] [Music] each blessing [Music] without a doubt we'll know that [Music] is [Music] i don't know about you brother but i feel the spirit of the lord in this place don't you my goodness i mean there's music ministry is powerful and this brother's just full of the spirit of the lord i hear his music i hear how he plays and it's just it's powerful i hope today that while you're being blessed and and while you're hearing this that we're not just i know ryan and i were set back kind of marveling but we're also leaving room for the holy spirit absolutely absolutely we have felt the holy spirit in this place and i hope you at home that you felt the holy spirit and that it's your your desire to serve the lord and all you have to do is ask jesus into your heart ask him to forgive you from your sins he's faithful and just and then go and tell what he's done so speaking of that i kind of like to put put john on the spot brian i don't walk over here now i may never get to do this again but while we're on live television you probably wouldn't turn me down i wouldn't turn you down okay all right maybe we could do that again and let's see if ryan and i can join with you on the course and the folks at home [Music] and i know that it's their presence oh [Music] express [Music] on each face [Music] and i know that it is the presence of the lord [Music] i'm singing sweet holy spirit [Music] [Applause] oh why don't you stay right here with us [Music] [Applause] is [Music] without a doubt we'll know that we have been revived when we shall leave this place [Music] [Applause] sweet heavenly [Applause] why don't you stay right here with us [Music] for these blessings [Music] is [Music] [Applause] when we shall leave [Music] oh praise the lord i really almost broke up it almost took me into tears i mean you're thinking about the holy spirit sweet holy spirit in this place right here anywhere where you are the holy spirit is right there i mean that's right that's right anytime in our beck and call amen in that amazing bible says ask and you shall receive seek and you shall find knock and it shall be open to you all we have to do is ask and the bible says when you receive the holy spirit you shall receive power to be a witness and that's what the three angels broadcasting network is all about we're here to be a witness for jesus christ and you can't do it without the sweet holy spirit there's folk at home right now making that decision to accept jesus christ and ask his holy spirit to be with him why don't you just play a little bit of that same song [Music] all right [Music] this place [Music] it's incredible the gifts the music that god gives and music can reach where sometimes you you know that both of you where ministry can't somebody up preaching people not in the mood maybe they're at home their their their wives been nagging at them or their husbands been nagging at them they go to work all day and somebody's bossing them around they come home and some preachers saying if you don't serve the lord you're going to hell and burn forever i mean you're not ready for it but then you come on there's a sweet sweet spirit that's right in this place everything changes for i know it's the spirit and i know it's the presence of the lord sweet holy spirit sweet holy spirit so today it's our hope and prayer that each and every one of none of you will go away from camp meeting without knowing that you had an opportunity and we're here to join with you to give you that opportunity to ask you to beg you if necessary to serve the lord there's nothing on this this world that lasts that's right nothing going to last on this world it's all going to be ended before too long one way or the other jesus is going to come or we're going to die all we have to look for is that hope and security in the lord jesus christ as he is the rock of all ages so please ask jesus today lord come into my life i want to feel i want to experience that sweet holy spirit just let's go out playing that john [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 5,519
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Keywords: John Stoddart, 3ABN Music special, Ryan Day, 3ABN Virtual Homecoming Camp Meeting 2021
Id: iWxundTQFLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 50sec (3470 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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