"Preamble to Deuteronomy" - Lesson 1 - Pastor Doug Batchelor

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please stand please [Music] jesus is coming again cheer up your pilgrims be joyful and sing jesus is coming again [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus is coming [Music] jesus [Music] increases in [Music] is [Music] [Music] join me as we ask the lord to be with us in prayer father in heaven as we stop we pause for a moment in reflection of the music in which we have just received that we might worship you in prayer and now also in study i want to pray that you will be with our teacher pastor doug batchelor is he brings to us the word of god and god we want to pray that you will fulfill your promise that you will send your holy spirit to guide us into all truth and teach us all truth please give us that promise give us your spirit we prayed in christ's name amen thank you pastor sean morning everybody good to see you here i want to welcome those that are not only here in the granite bay hill top building welcome our friends that are watching on amazing facts television or facebook or youtube or one of the hundreds of different ways now the programs seem to fragment multiplying we're always thankful for that today i'm excited i specifically asked today i decided i'm either going to preach or teach i wanted to teach because this is the first lesson in the book of deuteronomy that we're covering today and i don't know if i've ever shared with you but deuteronomy is probably one of my favorite books in the bible favorite book in the new testament luke since you asked favorite book in the old testament deuteronomy and maybe you'll understand why a little bit better as we proceed so this book of deuteronomy is really foundational to understanding so much in the bible and our title for our lesson today this is lesson number one is preamble preamble to deuteronomy and the memory verse is from first john 4 verse 8. if you've got your bibles you can look that up and if you want you can say it with me it's a short verse i bet most of you know it by heart already first john 4 verse 8 he who does not love does not know god for god is love and we talked in our message last week about the priority of knowing god and it says of course that um uh love is the essence of god the quentin central essence of god is love it doesn't doesn't say god is loving though he is it doesn't say that god can be lovable though he can it's saying his essence is if you are to define him love when you look at the ten commandments the first four deal with our love relationship with god last six deal with our love relationship with our fellow man but it all springs from love anyway with that i want to dive into our study of deuteronomy with a a little disclaimer we've got a lot of folks out there that watch sabbath school study hour and some of you are teachers and if i don't get all the way through the lessons the teachers kindly chastise me and i'm telling you in advance it it may happen again today i'll do my best but there's so much i want to say i may not get to all the categories so please be patient with me and i will pay the all at some point all right deuteronomy the name deuteronomy it comes from a couple of greek words it means the second or repeating of the law in hebrew deuteronomy is devarim and it means the words the reason for that if you've got your bibles i'm hoping open to open your bibles to deuteronomy chapter 1. it is the fifth book of moses in the pentatonic penetration five books it may be the sixth book if moses wrote job first which most scholars believe job was probably the first book that was written but in the pen it took of genesis x's leviticus numbers deuteronomy deuteronomy is the fifth book deuteronomy transpires in a short period of time oh i was going to read something to you look at deuteronomy chapter 1 it says these are the words that's where you get the hebrew word for the book of deuteronomy now sometimes they called it devarim and sometimes it was mishnah torah it means a repeating of the law and of course in greek it's deuteronomy sometimes i wish that they had found a shorter title for the book because i've still not learned how to spell that now the book of deuteronomy is called repeating of the law but it is not an addition to the law in other words moses spends some time reviewing god's leading in the book of deuteronomy he actually expands a little bit even even in the ten commandments that are given in deuteronomy you'll see that moses does a little bit of commentary and expansion but there is no conflict between what he says in deuteronomy and the other books deuteronomy well let me you know what i'm going to do now i'm going to give you the the what the where the who the why and the when of deuteronomy before we dive into it talking a little bit about the what um deuteronomy is divided really into three sections it was probably delivered over a period of oh maybe three weeks we're not sure it's sort of the last message of moses to the people and he's renewing the covenant you've got verses one through our chapters one through four of deuteronomy that are dealing with what you would call the review he's reviewing god's history and how he led them then as you get to chapter five he repeats the ten commandments you know the two principle places where you're going to find the ten commandments exodus 20 and deuteronomy chapter five and then from chapter five to 26 you've got the requirements so first you've got the review then you have the requirements and then if you go to chapter 27 through the end of the book 34 chapters in deuteronomy there you've got the review he's talking another review sorry the road ahead so he's talking about the review the requirements and the road ahead it's broken up nicely into those segments there are 34 chapters it takes about 2.5 hours to read the book of deuteronomy deuteronomy is basically it's a big sermon of moses renewing the covenant now why does he need to renew the covenant well when they left egypt how how long ago was that 40 years earlier what has happened to virtually every adult from the time they left egypt to this point in history they've all died everybody 20 years old and upward has died how old was the oldest person when moses gives deuteronomy that had left egypt 59 or 60 right 40 plus 20 am i in the right ballpark so you've got a very interesting dynamic here you've got a nation where there's no senior citizens well not too many except three aaron has died when deuteronomy is given meriam has died moses is alive and joshua and caleb everybody else is young and most of the people you know god told them be fruitful and multiply and they did you read the beginning of exodus it says the people grew they grew they multiplied they grew exceedingly and it's really emphasizing that the nation exploded that also happened in the wilderness my god protected them from disease god gave them food every day i mean a lot of things that take out the the infants in other cultures they weren't grappling with and so you've got this explosion of young people a whole new generation and they don't know everything or remember everything many born during the wilderness wanderings they don't remember the plagues that fell on egypt they need to hear it again in fact if you read in deuteronomy chapter 6 the lord says these words that i command you this day shall be in your heart you shall teach them diligently to your children when you lay down when you rise up when you go out when you come in and so moses knowing that he was about to go out he wanted to repeat and remind them of god's leading that they would not repeat the history of unbelief of their fathers and so this is a very important renewal of the covenant that is happening here where does this happen well the first few words here it says he spoke to them in the wilderness in the plain opposite stuff between paren and toefl laban azeroth dis di zahab it's 11 days journey from horeb by the way of mount sierra decades barnia and so this is happening in the plain on the east side of jordan it's what we would call today the modern hashemite kingdom or the country of jordan they are on the east side of the jordan river great plain there now how many people are there well we don't know exactly but we can extrapolate the bible does tell us there were six hundred thousand that were qualified to fight you had to be 20 years old or older to fight in a battle we know all of the older ones have died off but there's like 600 000 people how many women and children would there be and the conservative estimates are there's like 2 million or plus people that are gathered here on this plane that's where it happened who moses is speaking now is he speaking to all of israel what says he says you read right there these are the words that moses spoke to all israel but if you've got two million people and you don't have artificial pa can you really address two million people one of the greatest preachers in history who had the most booming voice was george whitefield and he was legendary for having a voice that he could talk to 10 000 people at once without without a pa system and benjamin franklin reports in his autobiography that he did a test because he'd heard about whitfield's voice they were actually friends and exchanged quite a few letters that one day when he was preaching in philadelphia franklin you know he's always a scientist he paced off how far away he could go and i think he got at least half a mile away and he could still hear him which is extraordinary it helps if you're up on an elevated spot and even if moses was standing on mountainside and talking to the people in the plane it'd be very difficult for two million people to hear so when it says he spoke to israel what they often do it says in other places they spoke to the heads of the families and so and then they would you know subsequently relate this thing to the the teachings to their families but probably the the 70 elders and the heads of the families and the tribes were at the forefront in the best seats where they could hear and see what moses was saying why as i mentioned he's renewing the covenant they needed to hear it again when this happens about 1406 bc that's about the year that joshua also led the children of israel into the promised land and it contains an account of what happened in the wilderness from the first day it gives you the dates here it says from the first day of the 11th month of the 40th year wandering in the wilderness after the departure of from egypt and the book of deuteronomy concludes with the death of moses it actually talks about 30 days of mourning following moses death and so it's interesting that in the 40th year you've got this book that covers about 40 days so god always does things in a fascinating way all right and then i want you to turn with me in the bible this is one of the most important books in the bible turn with me in deuteronomy chapter 27 i want to read something to you i'm going to read deuteronomy 7 27 verses 1 through 8. deuteronomy is something of a summary of the covenant that they used as their constitution so you think about the most important documents in america and you're going to think of the bill of rights and the constitution declaration of independence probably one of the most important books for the nation of israel was the book of deuteronomy notice what it says here i'm in verse 1 chapter 27 deuteronomy now moses with the elders of israel commanded the people saying keep the commandments which i command you today and it shall be on the day when you cross over the jordan to the land which the lord your god is giving you that you will set up for yourself large stones and this was to happen between the mountains of uh evil and in the area of ephraim and whitewash them with lyme and you'll write on them all the words of this law and he's talking about the book of deuteronomy when you've crossed over that you may enter the land which the lord your god has given you in a land flowing with milk and honey just as the lord your god the god of your fathers promised you therefore it shall be when you have crossed over the jordan on that mount evil you shall set up these stones that i command you today and you'll whitewash them with lime they basically had a form of primitive concrete back then and they were going to mix that up these you know they'd been builders in egypt they knew the best technology white washed them with lime and there you shall build and alter the lord your god an altar of stones you'll not use an iron tool on them don't make any image you shall build them with whole stones the altar of the lord your god offer burnt offerings on it to the lord your god you'll offer peace offerings and you shall eat there and rejoice before the lord your god notice verse 8 and you shall write very plainly on the stones all the words of this law there in the middle of the land the mount evil opposite done on the mount uh what are the two mountains of blessing and cursing is it uh okay bling brain cramp it'll come back on these two mountains they had the mountain the blessing which is where they put the stones and then they had the other mountain where the people would stand and they were to put these stones and right now can you imagine being the guy and they said we need to scribe okay we want you to write out the book of deuteronomy in stone like i said it takes two and a half hours but this was so important they wanted to have a big wall and on this wall the constitution of their covenant with the lord in the middle of the promised land i think that's very significant something else i want you to notice go to deuteronomy chapter 17 verse 18. moses is giving some instructions deuteronomy 17 verse 18. also it shall be that when he the king that you've chosen see back in the in the book of samuel when the people asked for a king and samuel said you know god is your king god always knew they would ultimately do that because he gives a law here about it says when you pick a king from among your people it says and he sits on the throne of the kingdom he shall write for himself a copy of this law in a book from before the one of the priests and the levites and it shall be with him and he shall read it all the days of his life that he might learn to fear the lord is god and be careful to observe all the words of this law and these statutes now how many of you remember the story where the priests were cleaning out the temple of the lord during the time of josiah and it says we found the book you know what book they found they found the book of the law that was supposed to be read before the king and when hilkiah the priest found it he went in and says we have found the book of the law he reads it to king josiah who weeps and tears his clothes he thought if i'd only had this before so you find that the book of deuteronomy was to sort of be a constitution for them it was in the middle of the land it was supposed to be read before the king and now to top things off you go to the new testament in the temptation of christ in the wilderness you read in matthew 4 devil comes and he says if you're the son of god turn these stones into bread christ responds it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the lord what book was jesus quoting deuteronomy well the devil goes for strike two and it says that the devil then tempts him and he leads them up to the temple says if you're the son of god jump off for it is written his angels will bear in these quoting psalm 91 or misquoting in psalm 91 they'll bear you in your hands lest you dash your foot against a stone and he leaves out the part that says and keeps you in all your ways and jesus says it is written matthew 4 7 you shall not tempt the lord your god and then the devil says bow down and worship me and i'll give you all these kingdoms you don't need to die and jesus says away with you satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only shall you serve now all three times jesus was tempted he returned to scripture what scripture did he return to deuteronomy 8 3 so he humbled you and allowed you to hunger and thirst hunger and he fed you with manna that you did not know nor did your fathers know that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of god it's deuteronomy you read deuteronomy 6 16 you shall not tempt the lord your god as you tempted him in masa you read in deuteronomy 6 13 13-14 you shall fear the name of the lord your god and serve him and take oaths in his name you shall not go after other gods that's why jesus said you shall worship the lord your god and him only shall you serve all three times jesus was tempted what book does he resort to deuteronomy no i could be wrong but i i think it's safe to say jesus had probably memorized this book and so i just kind of want to give you a little backdrop as you start studying the book of deuteronomy you're studying basically the foundation document of the old testament now you can read in deuteronomy 31 actually i want to go to deuteronomy verse 30 deuteronomy is a book of prophecy i don't know if you've ever thought of it that way but it's not just a history book it's a prophetic book for example deuteronomy 31-3 now will come to pass when all these things come upon you the blessings and the cursing you can read about that deuteronomy 28 which i've set before you and you call them to mind among the nations where the lord your god drives you and you return to the lord your god and obey his voice according to all that i command you today you and your children with all of your heart with all of your soul the lord god will bring you back from captivity and have compassion on you and gather you again from all the nations where the lord your god has scattered you now what's in here moses is saying you're going to play the harlot with other gods you're going to be conquered you're going to be carried off to captivity when you return to me in your land of captivity and you pray to me i will forgive you and i'll bring you back not just from the nation but from all the nations now did god do that did that all happen anyone that knows a modicum of history knows how israel's been carried off twice now not only scattered and carried off by the babylonians but then conquered by the romans and scattered in many nations and brought back again and so moses of course was a prophet nobody will contest that you look in deuteronomy 31 verse 16 and the lord said to moses behold you will rest with your fathers and this people will rise up and play the harlot with the gods of foreigners of the land which they go to be among them and they'll forsake me and break my covenant that i've made with him i wonder you know god why did you tell that to moses just before he died but anyway god said this is what's going to happen also one of the most vivid prophecies of jesus is found in the book of deuteronomy look in deuteronomy 18 15 the lord your god will raise up for you a prophet like me from your midst from your brethren him you shall hear according to all that you desired of the lord your god and horeb in the day of the assembly saying let us not hear the voice of the lord god anymore let us n see this great fire anymore lest we die and the lord said to me what they've spoken is good i will raise up for them a prophet in other words god was saying they were saying to the lord we can't bear to talk to you face to face after mount sinai god says i will give you a mediator i'll speak to him and he will speak to you jesus is the ultimate mediator in that god became a man it says the lord god will raise up a prophet for you like me moses the prophet the priest the lawgiver the judge jesus is our prophet our priest our lawgiver our judge moses was the savior born you know there in interesting circumstances as a baby born among the slaves but he was not a slave jesus was born among sinners but he was not a sinner there are many many ways where jesus is a type of moses and the disciples many times when they spoke to jesus or john the baptist they said are you elijah this is mark 6 15. are you elijah he said are is are you the prophet they used to say are you that prophet that we're looking for they didn't have a name for him they heard that elijah was coming back but there was this enigmatic prophet that moses talked about that was nameless so they always called him that prophet and so they knew this great prophet like moses was coming all right that was my introduction i hope it was edifying amazing as i teach other lessons along the way i'll be able to delve into some more now let's go to the first section uh under sunday love to be loved the word love is found 25 times in the book of deuteronomy people often say to me oh the old testament it's all la la la jesus is love love love but in fact there's a lot of love in the old testament i don't know if i'll have time to read them all but you read in deuteronomy 6 4 hero israel this is called the great mishnah the lord our god the lord is one you shall love the lord your god with all your heart and your soul and your strength that's the great commandment jesus said deuteronomy 7 verse 8 because the lord loves you and because he would keep his oath that he swore to your fathers the lord has brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of bondage not just talks about us loving god it says god loves us in deuteronomy 7 13 and he will love you and bless you and multiply you he'll also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your grain talks about god will love us and then deuteronomy 30 this is the end of the book or near the end that you may love the lord your god and obey his voice so the idea of loving god and keeping his commandments do you just find that in john chapter 14 or is jesus actually quoting the teachings of moses love and obey god in fact in the ten commandments do you find the word love come on that's not a hard question yes showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments and so love is the foundation it's the heart of the law now what is our problem our problem is sin what is sin sin is selfishness you want to find an easy way to define sin whenever i'm thinking sinful thoughts i'm thinking selfish thoughts sin always springs from selfishness our problem is god created us where if if god is love right we all agree god made man in his image man was made loving and then because of sin the compass needle got skewed 180 degrees instead of our thinking of loving god and loving others as we love ourselves we love ourself first and because of that selfishness every other sin flows from that so when we're praying for salvation we're praying for loving hearts what's the new birth i'll put a new heart within you instead of being motivated by selfishness or motivated motivated by love so where did this problem begin it's a perversion of love instead of our being now in god's image we took on the image of a new master satan who rebelled was the highest of god's angels and he began to think those selfish thoughts wondering why he was not god why he did not have all the power of god and you read about this in isaiah 14 how you are fallen from heaven oh lucifer's son of the morning how you are cut down to the ground you who weaken the nations for you said in your heart something happened in his heart i listened to heaven i will exalt my throne i want my glory above the stars of god i'll also sit on the mount of the congregation the heavenly throne on the farthest sides of the north i will ascend above the heights of the clouds and maybe nebula clouds i'll be like the most high so satan was desiring the place of god eye and god is about love love love and so god created a beautiful angel that of his own free will chose to not live for the glory of god but to decide to live for his own glory and we've all been contaminated with that selfishness and that sin during worship and amazing facts this week i asked a question if you see a group photograph and you're in the group where do you first look if you're honest do you say oh so-and-so looks really good and they look really first thing you do is you go over that picture and you look for yourself it's because we got a broken compass needle and it always points to self so of course there was a war in heaven we're leading up to deuteronomy now there was a rebellion satan was cast to the earth this earth now has taken on a different master and satan even jesus calls the devil the prince of this world that's why satan said i'll give it back to you you don't have to die if you worship me so christ came to redeem the world in a legitimate way by paying the price for our sin and transforming our hearts recreating us in his own image that's the new birth and where god then gives us once again his own mind the mind of christ is in us well following he got the fall of the human race now we've got the fall and the flood so god creates man satan there in the garden of eden he attempts adam and eve to surrender their their freedom the bible says in romans 6 whoever you obey that's whose servant you are whoever you obey and when they chose to obey what the devil said instead of what god said they surrendered the dominion that god had given them of this world to the archdeceiver and the devil and his angels were ultimately restricted to this planet prior to this i think that they roamed through the cosmos and tried to get other worlds to follow them satan had gotten one third of the angels he thought he might get other maybe unfallen intelligent beings but there were none except this beautiful new planet where people were made in god's image and satan took this as his headquarters this is now the beach head where satan is carrying out the great controversy on this planet you can see what happened to the world in the days of noah when the sons of god children of seth who still worship god they stayed separate from his brother cain and their descendants who were living purely selfish hedonistic lives when the children of seth in their shopping at the mall they saw the daughters of men the daughters of cain that they were fair the distinction was lost because the sons of god began to intermarry with the daughters of men some people think this is talking about aliens or angels marrying with humans and they're just totally missing the language in the bible the bible says what um behold what manner of love the fathers bestowed on us that we should be called sons of god when we are saved the bible calls us sons and daughters of god it is used for angels other places but it's used for people so these are the children of seth intermarried with the children of cain they lost their spiritual holiness and identity and then it says the thoughts of men's hearts were only evil continually violence filled the world god then declared something that's heartbreaking it made god sorry that he made man and he said i'm going to wipe them all out but you know i love them so i'll save a remnant and from them i'll repopulate the world and we'll try it again so you've got the story of noah and that he finds a grace in the lord well not too long after noah he discovers wine and we have problems again and then you've got the tower of babel and they sort of try and develop a man-made religion on the earth salvation by works in case god floods the world we'll build a tower to heaven and god confounds that and scatters them well then god says i'm going to call another remnant and he finds a faithful man a man that he believes has a heart after his heart his name is abraham that's in section 3 and god says in genesis 12 1 the lord says to abram his name isn't abraham yet get out of your country from your family and from your father's house to a land that i will show you and i will make you a great nation i will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing and i'll bless those who bless you and i will curse him who curses you and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed and he's talking about blessed with the ultimate blessing and what is the ultimate blessing god through abraham god the son would come and jesus would be born the messiah and through jesus salvation would come not just to one race of people but to all people whosoever will all the nations of the world would be blessed through christ it's amazing that the disciples did not understand until 1834 that the gospel was not just for jews but jesus was meant to save everybody because it's even in the old testament so you read in galatians chapter 3 verse 7 i know i'm bouncing around trying to cover as much as this as i can therefore know that only those who are sons of abraham say that again therefore know that only those who are sons of faith are sons of abraham and the scripture foreseeing that god would justify the gentiles by faith preach the gospel to abraham beforehand saying in you all the nations will be blessed so then those who are of faith are blessed with believing abraham now jesus made it pretty clear john the baptist made it clear think not to say unto yourself that we are children of abraham so god has to save us and it's a tragedy when i encounter people you know i've got a jewish family and many of them are indifferent about looking for god they think they've got a one-way ticket to heaven because they're jewish i don't know any other way to say it they're very secular but they think we're the chosen people and god's going to save us and our our ancestors suffered so much that we kind of we go to heaven without passing go and it's really sad because the bible's clear jesus said to religious leaders you're not sons of abraham you're sons of your father the devil children do the works of their parents and the bible says it many will come from the east and the west and sit down in the kingdom with abraham isaac and jacob and the children of the kingdom meaning the natural children of the kingdom will be in outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth you and i can learn from that also because don't think to say to yourself well i've been in this church for four generations you ever heard anyone brag about how many generations or families been in the church huh do you get extra credit for that no god has no grandchildren everybody must be born again you must be a child of god yourself you can't say well my dad was a preacher and that's somehow going to give you extra points it doesn't work that way the bible tells us that they that believe are the children of abraham uh he is not a jew which is one outwardly in the flesh he is a jew which is one inwardly and you know every jew or gentile can be saved but we must all be grafted into the stock of christ and so this is one of the very important teachings that we encounter so the lord saved the nation of israel he called abraham he put him strategically in the land specifically for the purpose of being the crossroads to the world i mean you know god couldn't put them everywhere all at once so he picked this humble nation started with that wasn't a nation family picked a man with no children says i'm going to give you this land this land is at the intersection of africa asia and europe it's a bridge they had no airplanes back then and when jesus comes to that land and the gospel explodes at pentecost it's going to be on the road the roman roads that have been built that are going to take the gospel quickly to the world and ultimately over the oceans to every corner of the planet and then let me jump i've i've got a couple of sections left and that's a few minutes so let me jump over here and then you can hear the covenant is repeated at sinai now keep in mind deuteronomy covers the period from the exodus it doesn't start with genesis deuteronomy covers a period following the exodus up to the death of moses 40 years later and then of course their prophecies about what they could expect in the future so the covenant he talks about deuteronomy 4 he reminds them of the repeating of the covenant at sinai or did god ever try to go and take for himself a nation from the midst of another nation by trials and by signs and by wonders by war by a mighty hand in an outstretched arm by great terrors according to all the lord your god did for you in egypt before your eyes he said this has never happened in history before it's never happened since to you it was shown that you might know that the lord himself is god and there is another none other besides him he wanted to emphasize that to them because all the other surrounding nations both in egypt and when they would ultimately go to canaan they believed in multiple different gods some nations had many gods like the greeks some had you know one or two pagan gods that they worshipped and he said don't forget there's one god he made everything he's not just the god of the rivers or the oceans or the birds or different things he's a god that made everything so moses wanted to emphasize that on him he said you see what i did to the egyptians and this is under the section apostasy and punishment he reminds him don't don't turn from god it doesn't end well there is justice with god you know paul talks about behold the mercy and severity of god we see both we can't really have one without the other you've seen what i did to the egyptians and how i bore you on eagle's wings and i brought you to myself now therefore if indeed you will obey my voice and keep my covenant then you will be a special treasure to me above all people for all the earth is mine not just the promised land so god is calling his people to keep him as supreme in their lives he says obey me if you love me keep my commandments and jesus is pretty clear matthew 5 19 whosoever therefore will break one of the least of these commandments he's talking about the law and the prophets that moses wrote and teach men so he will be called least in the kingdom of heaven but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great some people think that jesus came to do away the law of moses did he do that did jesus come to do away the law of moses he said think not that i've come to do away with the law and the prophets i did not come to destroy but to fulfill now we all understand that there was a big transference that a lot of the ceremonial laws christ then fulfilled those but the idea that you know the principles of the covenant the foundation and what was the foundation for the covenant written in stone the ten commandments she said don't think that and yet how many of you have heard christian leaders say oh it doesn't matter isn't that sad well we are out of time and i want to remind our friends that may be watching that we do have a gift book that will enhance your study today does god's grace blot out the law by my predecessor great book we've never changed it because it's just a great book it's called by joe cruz and though you can have this by calling 866 and that would be 866 study more ask for offer number 715 well god bless you friends and uh we look forward to studying his word with you again next week
Channel: Daily Hymns
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Id: P837FoFJnLI
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Length: 42min 31sec (2551 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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