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hi I'm Sierra Murray welcome to 3a biens 25th anniversary music special and I want you to prepare your mind and your heart to experience some of the most beautiful contemporary Christian fact let me change that neoclassic Christian music ever recorded it's beautiful because of the singers and the orchestrations and the choirs but it's also beautiful because of the words and the message that they carry this is the pillars of our faith music each song highlights a key doctrinal tenant of the seventh-day Adventist faith these are the core beliefs established by our pioneers that have made us a distinct bible-based movement indeed the remnant Church of God now this music is sure to bless you if you were an Adventist as a child you may remember songs like 123456 for us the seventh is for Jesus or Jesus loves the little ones like me well you'll soon be humming words like remember the Sabbath to keep it holy I fixed my mind on another time oh that I could talk in the language of Canaan and many other songs on baptism heaven the atonement and a number of other songs that really really will bless you people like our vice president knowledge steenson the wife of our president Camille Gilly and even Danny Shelton have said that these songs have sort of embedded themselves in their minds and they sing them over and over again and I'm quite sure that you will find that true in your own life as you experience just a little bit of what we felt that night in historic battle creek michigan when this music made its debut and stay tuned because in just a little bit i'll tell you how you can order your own CD of this wonderful music so please now join us on a musical doctrinal journey an odyssey of worship through the pillars of our faith let's talk about the first song you're going to be doing tonight are we doing with the choir and again I want to thank dr. Zorka in the andrews university choir for being here and to to help us in all of this and what's the first song the first song is simply the most distinct or at least in the public imagination the most distinct Adventist doctor and that is the Sabbath is saturday the day of rest commanded to be observed through Moses the Ten Commandments and Adventist believe that that is an eternal message God rested after six days of creation we should rest too okay and this is remember the Sabbath and I love the song because we live in modern times with a lot of stress at any given moment we can think I need to do this I need to do that God says slow down amen I want you to honor me and remember the Sabbath and who wrote this song I wrote it and my wife contributed to it lyrically you know it's becoming a good song Oh hi thanks with your voice is free Oh 2g Oh Oh amen beautiful thank you so much our second song David tell us a little about this song in researching the project for Margie rice and after writing remember the Sabbath I found out about ellen white I knew she was highly published but I'd never read any Ellen White I got online and the first thing I discovered was her vision of heaven I think she received the the vision the prophecy when she was 16 or 17 I wrote it down when she was 18 I was reading through it was very poetic and then two lines stuck out to me she says if I could talk in the language of Canaan I could tell the story and tell a little of the story of a better place and I thought this isn't a song yet it's so beautiful we don't know how to talk in the language of Canaan she got a vision she had a glimpse she caught a glimpse but it's not like here at all it's not like Earth the rules are different we won't study war anymore as the spiritual says and so I wrote a song the language of Canaan it's a wonderful song we have Susan Zork the wife of dr. resort you're going to be actually playing I don't want to say playing the part but actually reciting the ellen white parts and we thank you for that if you want to come on up here and we just appreciate so much and David this song i have to say when i heard this song and find i know Molly and shelly something all over there Jim I mean I actually cried when I heard this song it was so beautiful and I knew that God had had really used you David and you caught the vision he said to me no one could write this much good things about God and brings so much delight and not be a real prophet and so he said I want to do this song because I think even your young people may not realize and maybe you have lost the vision of who this lady is and what she means to this church and to the world and so therefore I want to do a song about the spirit of prophecy and this is result of it oh that I could talk in the language of Cain I can share a little of the glory of a better word oh that I could talk in the language ok I could share the middle of the glory of a better world where there is no night and the lamb is the love where no teardrops 40 heaven it's not like here at all oh that I could talk in the language okay I can channel it about the glory of a better word the wonderful things the Lord showed me there I cannot describe I saw their tables of stone in which the names of a multitude of the redeemed were engraved in letters of gold and after we beheld the glory of the temple we went out and Jesus left the city soon we heard his lovely voice again saying come come my people you have come out of Great Tribulation and done my will suffered for me come in to suffer for I myself will serve you and we shall alleluia glory and entered into the city and I saw a table of pure silver it was many miles in length and yet our eyes could extend over it I saw the fruit of the tree of life the manna almonds figs pomegranates grapes and many other kinds of folks and then jesus said you must go back to earth again and relate to others what I have revealed to you and then an angel bore me gently down to the dark world sometimes I think I can stay here no longer all things of Earth looks so dreary I feel lonely here for I have seen a better place a better land whoa for waist like a dub so that I could fly away I shall across the river shorter move to a better place oh where they're sweet peoples and the living water flows and I'll verse no more Oh heaven alone to reach your Shore Oh I could talk in the language of cake Shannon little of the glory of a better word I could tell him in love the glory world of a better world of a bed or hey man did Annette and a wonderful incredible song we gave God all the honor and the glory in the praise for that song and yeah just thank you all so much I mean I really feel like I'm standing on holy ground tonight i really do it's not too often I get choked up on the air but I'm just about there again so I got to move on to the next song and we we heard brother Knicks last night talk about the great disappointment and out of that and of course we're talking about William Miller you you were reading about that David and I think that William Miller said well I've got to go back I have to do something different right we've got to re study and you came up with a song about the second coming and tell us a little bit about well when William Miller predicted that Christ would return in October of 1844 he felt he was in God's will and operating according to the proper biblical principles of prophecy from from passages in Daniel Christ didn't come back many people lost the faith William Miller did not he said lord I don't know what happened but I know you're coming back that's the Adventist part of william miller ellen white in later years said you know William Miller didn't get it all right but he was an important character in Adventist history and to this day we don't know exactly when jesus is coming back but he's coming back but William Miller wrote and it was published in the midnight cry he says I have fixed my mind on another time and here I mean to stand until God gives me more light he's coming back I know he'll explain what happened and that is today today until he comes and I once again was such powerful powerful passage that I thought this needs to be a song so I have fixed my mind on another time all right let's do it I have fixed my mind on another time on another time and here I mean to stand on T God gives light and that is today today today hun tu he comes I have fixed my mind on another time on another I have said my quartz on the narrow way on the narrow way for I know the time is close at hand for which I watch and gray and that is today today today until he comes I have set my course on the narrow way Oh this is my bed and I'm longing to hear a o truong I with all the same where the sleep Oh hey when shall the Son of Man here the Son of Man appear be there for I caught a glimpse Oh I have fixed my mind one another god bless so much this is so wonderful David the next song is take me to the water right absolutely I don't think we have to talk about what that too much spent a lot of time what pillar that is right take go to the water what happens get baptized right so this song is just is this something you just wrote after this pillar thing had you already were already committed to the project and baptism is such an important event in a Christians life it's not the way we're saved but it's the way we show were saved and weird to be buried with Jesus crucified with Jesus under the water and we rise again as he did unto new life led by the Holy Spirit joined with our brothers and sisters in Christ and that's what the songs about take me to the water all right Nathan take me to the water to be baptized barring me with Jesus the Crucified punch me in the fountain in may I rise take me to the wall to be baptized what a joint blessing to be bad time as a testimony of the work inside Jesus blood has cleansed me and you run come to the world to be better any bad time take me to the water to be bad time bury me with cheese on cheese the Crucified punch me in the fountain and may I a sweet take me to the water to be bad time I've come to the wall to be baptized amen alright the next pillar David is the sanctuary and I don't know how many songs are written on the sanctuary but this one tell me a little bit about it well when I first started reading about Adventist doctrine it seemed that the most controversial one was the sanctuary doctrine and it was important in Adventist history because the sanctuary doctrine was was illuminated to some of the early Saints to explain the great disappointment something happened in 1844 Daniel made a prophecy about something and I was talking to Chris and how do we write this song well after reading some of the the scriptural references given to me by CA Murray and John McCain and you Danny its scriptural we have a high priest in heaven amen he's in a heavenly sanctuary alright it's analogous to the sanctuary in old Israel the day of atonement and Jesus is ministering to us he did the work at Calvary shed his blood so that we could be forgiven of sin amen yet we stray he needs to forgive us again if we were repent and he will yeah furthermore in his sanctuary ministry he still hears the prayers of sinners amen praise God the day will come we know that the Second Coming is going to happen Jesus will come in clouds of glory in the first resurrection and take the body of Christ home but now Jesus is looking at the law books the books of our behavior he finalizes our salvation he hears the prayers of sinners and he still forgives those who love Him strand perhaps what the song is in the San uary alright we have a high priests up in heaven hallelujah Oh hallelujah he's our defender before the father in a temple made by God not man behind the in a place most holy hallelujah Oh hallelujah investigating he clears the record all those reading my his own blood he's bloody sanctuary he seals my ball in the sanctuary ah in heaven he makes provision for me in the sanctuary he's purifying heavens temple hallelujah Oh hallelujah in preparation for his return e for those who love and follow him he's bloody Oh in the sanctuary he seals my way sanctuary up in heaven he makes provision for me in the sanctuary mercy in the hole in the high he's blotting sanctuary here's my mom if a sanctuary up in heaven he makes provision for me in a sanctuary here the sanctuary in the sanctuary Oh I haha in he in the sanctuary me what incredible music you know the preliminary production meeting for this project was more like a Bible study than a standard production meeting I recall passage on Loma Kang and myself answering questions on the different aspects of our faith as we talked with Dave huntzinger and Chris and the spirit that fell on that very first meeting when this music was sung was literally just there was not a dry eye in the house my favorite song is still I fixed my mind on another time but I must admit a certain love for the language of Canaan and the beauty of that particular song and i know you will quickly discover that you have favorites also we would love to share this music with you and have you get a copy for yourself or a friend dare I say it makes the quintessential gift for holidays birthdays anniversaries baptisms bar mitzvahs weddings you name it this is good music to give to those you love and those that you want to hear the pillars of our faith and the truth so call 3abn during regular business hours 618 627 4651 or write us at post office box to 20 west frankfort illinois six to eight nine six and we will rush your copy of the pillars of our faith CD to you you'll love it but more than that you're going to be blessed now let's go back to some more of our fine pillars music well this one's now is the day and I saw it said words and music by David and Chris so well I thought of Chris because that was the first great idea she came with me but now as a day it's just a simple message of Jesus come to me now the opportunity is still here now he won't always be there he promised he would come back and when he comes back there'll be a first resurrection and it'll be too late for those that are lost now is the day amen now is the day of salvation today today sinner without hesitation great Christ will hear you Christ is near you is the day of salvation let him wash your now is the day of salvation today today sinner without hesitation garage will hear Christ is near you though you've gone astray now is the day of salvation let him wash yours Oh let him wash your sins Oh okay our next song is written in stone and is this the story is it another one yet no I'm going to tell the story about the right song okay Kristin have you read the book the Ten Commandments twice removed by Danny Shelton and Shelley Quinn I hadn't she said come over and look at these lists we were trying to think of a song about that the everlasting that's the eternal application of God's law and thank you God for you law because without it as humans we are lost we are ships cast in the sea of trends even great thinkers looking back 400 years a thousand years we could see they're wrong but God's law is eternal and it applies today just as it did amen 4,000 years ago amen and so she was showing me the book and the thing that I learned from the book Shelley and Danny was that the law is not to punish us or to make us miserable or you naughty children I don't want you to have any fun it's for our good all right God is holy he wants us to obey his law because it reflects his character he created us in His image we are to be like him amen but anyway when he gave Moses these laws which were in his heart from the beginning God knew who he was and what he was about and what he wanted for human beings he wrote those laws with his own finger mm-hmm the only record we have of that in all the biblical accounts so Chris had said let's write written down in stone and all right we wanted the song to reflect the ancientness of the law at the same time its current applicability written down in stone amen you is just and the Lord law is love and the law my I will follow he's gone bye more is Lord is my dear it's written install install the law is holy the law is my oh my it's written in stone in stone blow brought by and the brats flood it brought down judgment from a holy God but the Lord showed mercy when he said his son who balls my part up with this fresh My dear it's written down in stowe I will is go back bye hi install install inscribed by God's almighty day Oh you know the production and all of the strings and David and Chris put all of this Orchestra together all the band together I mean it's been amazing in the arrangements and all I mean sometimes we take for granted about all of the instruments of one of the choirs that you had how many members up to a hundred members I think on the choir I'd it's the Nashville more into the direction of John Coates it's a choir of believers from a bunch of different Christian churches that just sing for the glory of God their motto is a light to the city and in this modern world with a constant attack on any spreading of the gospel of lubbock's public square there's a game with the symphony all kinds of people they're going to proclaim the the love of Jesus to the world amen and they wanted to sing on this project good and we were delighted we r glad that they did our next song is number eight song as I will give you rest what pillar would you say this comes under this is the big door Jesus invites us to come to him to be saved all right and this particular song is just the simple words of Jesus it's not theological he's saying if you're weak and weary come to me I will give you rest amen you you you are weak and weary I will give you rest the burden ah I will give you rest take my yoke upon and I am me and give you ye whose hearts are greatly troubled by your fears distressed lean upon my steady shoulder I will give you rest for my yoke is easy my me and I will keep you you are weak and weary you is Marvel not and David tell us a little about this is actually a pillar of the state of the dead right absolutely in Jesus himself delineated this doctrine and that is simply that the hour is coming when those who are in the graves will come forth unless we're here when Jesus comes back and we all hope that we are if we died in Christ we're going to wake up be resurrected then we're given our immortality now our bodies incorruptible and will rise with him that's the good news of the song I think David's an Adventist picture don't you you've already committed yourself well the truth is the truth tonight you've committed yourself all right and the door edges your lady singing this force go ahead oh I was just gonna say the dead shall rise to those who were wicked not forgiving and they're gonna rise to judgment hmm and that's what the song is about all right I say hi and bye come the day when the souls asleep in Christ will hear his walls and we'll run will I'm to the unto the resurrection Oh just as surely I will come when this chamber we'll hear is war will I under Oh by now I'm sure you can see while we are so very excited about this pillars of our faith 25th anniversary music and we also were very happy to have the participation of the andrews university singers call us 618 627 4651 or write us post office box to 20 west frankfort illinois six to eight nine six and we will get this pillars of our faith music right to you so you can be part of this wonderful experience we've got one more song it comes to us from the Great Lakes academy choir called beautiful Zion you will be blessed by this as you were by the other songs you Oh Oh who do the you you you Oh Oh you Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Channel: onelifepoint
Views: 186,160
Rating: 4.7528424 out of 5
Id: cu76DhHy_JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 27sec (3507 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 22 2014
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