Sabbath School Panel | 3ABN Virtual Homecoming Camp Meeting 2021

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hello friends i'm jill moriconi and i just want to welcome you at home to a special live edition of our 3bn sabbath school panel that's right this is our fall homecoming camp meeting and this is sabbath school we love to share this time with you we are on lesson number 13 the ultimate rest i want to remind you that we will be taking your questions as soon as we finish our study for the next hour at 10 am central we'll be taking your live questions so get ready as we study to send in your questions right now you can text your questions to 618-228-3975 that number again to text your questions is 618-228-3975 so grab your bible and your pens and notebooks and get ready for the special live edition of camp meeting sabbath school free angels broadcasting network is pleased to bring you something better a faith-inspiring picture of a loving god from the book of hebrews welcome to 3abn's virtual homecoming camp meeting welcome to camp meeting welcome to our homecoming fall camp meeting i have been so blessed by the messages by the music by what god has done by the power of his holy spirit in and through each one of our hearts and lives i'm jill moriconi this is one of my favorite parts of camp meeting because we have the privilege and opportunity to open up the word of god and to study together for 3bn sabbath school panel i want to remind you that next hour this is an hour this program immediately following at 10 a.m central we will be taking your questions live so make sure you text in those questions 618-228-3975 that number again is 618-228-3975 i'm joined on the panel by my family your family too at home this is pastor ryan day glad you're here bro hey i'm excited we're going to be talking about the countdown amen what a privilege to study the word of god on sabbath pastor john my pastor so glad you're here yes and i have been given the title marching orders so stand by for news i love that my sister shelley quinn delighted you're here thank you mine's i get to rip it rest in peace all right i love that last but not least pastor john denzie student of the word man of god thank you for being here it's a joy and a blessing to be here thursday's portion is rejoice in the lord always rest in christ amen amen this is of course the final lesson of third quarter lesson 13 the ultimate rest before we jump into the word of god we want to go to the lord in prayer and pastor denzel would you pray for us sure our loving heavenly father we thank you so much lord because of your mercy and your goodness and we thank you for the holy scriptures that are able to make us wise unto salvation yes and we pray that as we share of the things you have shown to us the light of the glory of the knowledge of jesus will shine through us and be a blessing to your children all over this world we ask you for these things in the holy and blessed name of jesus amen amen if you've been following 3b and sabbath school panel you will know that last week we discussed jonah the restless prophet and this week at the very last week we jump into the ultimate rest you know life is a battle we are engaged in this thing we call the great controversy the battle between good and evil between christ and satan that battle began in heaven when satan thought he would be like the most high you can find that in isaiah 14 or ezekiel 28 he wanted to ascend he wanted to be like god he thought only of self in fact revelation 12 tells us about that battle in heaven and how satan was cast down to this earth revelation 12 verses 7 through 9. war it broke out in heaven michael and his angels fought with a dragon and the dragon and his angels fought but they did not prevail nor was placed found for them in heaven any longer so the great dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the devil and satan who deceived the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels they were cast out with him and this war this battle this controversy between good and evil between christ and satan continued on the earth here below adam and eve they engaged in the great controversy when they partook of the forbidden fruit and that plunged this whole world into the battle between good and evil christ came to pay the penalty and free us from the penalty of sin and from the power of sin he came to redeem us from the curse of the law to free us from the dominion of satan to grant us the gift of eternal life to buy us back from the land of the enemy to cleanse us from any trace of sin to restore in us the image of jesus to reconcile us back to the father that's why jesus came to this earth and the great controversy is still being played out on a global scale today we have the global scale this battle between christ and satan being played out over the entire universe and it's also played out on a personal note the battleground of each person's heart each person's life and soul as they make a decision each person individually am i going to follow christ or satan when we look at the book of revelation we see that this battle eventually ends and we know that christ jesus will win our memory text and then we're going to revelation but let's read our memory text first this is first corinthians two verse nine first corinthians two verse nine as it is written eye has not seen nor ear heard nor have entered into the heart of man the things which god has prepared for those who love him this great controversy will one day be over that's right and we'll spend an eternity with our lord and savior jesus christ sunday's lesson a vision of the end we look at this vision that john the revelator has so let's go to the book of revelation we're going to look at chapter one and then we're going to look at the next the last chapter chapter 21 but let's go to revelation chapter 1. john of course is the beloved disciple he was the youngest of jesus disciples when he walked this earth but now he's the oldest he's the only surviving disciple the others have been martyred for their faith he's exiled to the island of patmos the young church has undergone a generational change since jesus walked this earth and they're facing intense persecution from without and heresy and apostasy from within so john is on the island of patmos and he sees a vision of jesus from jesus of jesus it's the revelation of jesus christ and if you look at the book of revelation it's all about his character and his love his death resurrection ascension his heavenly sanctuary we find in the book of revelation and his throne room his plan of redemption for fallen humanity his plan for the future his soon return his home which is the inheritance of the saints his power his glory his honor his victory his out working of the plan of redemption and the final conclusion of the great controversy all of that you can find in the book of revelation let's look at revelation 1 9 verse 9 chapter 1 and verse 9 i john both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom impatience of jesus christ was on the island that is called patmos for the word of god and for the testimony of jesus christ and we'll see in just a moment that john sees a vision of jesus and john is instructed to write what he sees and send it to the seven churches in asia so let's look at the vision of jesus first of all jesus shows up in the sanctuary let's look at verse 12 revelation 1 12. i turned to see the voice that spoke with me and having turned i saw what seven golden lamp stands this is an allusion of course to the lampstands in the old testament sanctuary and the seven lampstands represent the seven churches christ is in the sanctuary where is jesus he's with his people in the midst of difficult times are you going through a difficult time does it seem like life is difficult and there's persecution from without maybe heresy from within christ shows up in the midst of the churches he shows up in the midst of the difficulties let's read verse 13 we see jesus showing up dressed like an old testament high priest and king in the midst of the seven lamb stands one like the son of man clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band now the son of man is jesus's favorite self-designation is it not we see that especially in the book of mark and you can see that in the book of luke as well both of those gospels this one like the son of man and he is dressed if you study it like the levitical priest the old testament high priest he shows up like melchizedek as it were a priest and king and he shows up with wisdom look at verse 14 his head and hair were white like wool as white as snow it reminds me of the ancient days in daniel 7 9. his hair was white like pure wool representative of that wisdom veneration respect keep going in verse 14 his eyes like a flame of fire in revelation 19 12 we see christ show up on a white horse and he has eyes like a flame of fire our god is a consuming fire purging away dross purging away sin he is all knowing possessing knowledge of the inmost secrets of men and possessing knowledge of um upcoming events and his feet were like fine brass i'm in verse 15 refined in a furnace his voice is the sound of many waters he had in his right hand seven stars out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword and his countenance was like the sun shining in its strength so who is he if you look at the book of revelation and you look at the designations given to jesus in the book of revelation he is the faithful witness he is the first begotten of the dead he is the prince of the kings of the earth he is the son of man he who lives and was dead he who holds the seven stars he walks in the midst of the golden candlesticks he is the son of god he which searches the reigns and tries the hearts he that has the seven stars he that is holy and true he that has the key of david he that shuts and no man opens he is the amen he is the faithful and true witness he is the beginning of the creation of god he is the lord he is the lion of the tribe of judah he is the root of david he is a lamb as it has been slain he is the lamb of god the king of kings and lord of lords he is faithful and true the word of god the writer of the white horse the christ the lord god of the holy prophets the bright and morning star alpha and omega the beginning and the end the first and the last that's the god we work that is the god we serve that is the god that we see in this book of revelation and in this book we see the final triumph over sin and sinners we see that christ jesus is victorious look with me at revelation 21 this is where we see that victory revelation 21 verses 1 through 4 i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth they passed away there was no more sea then i john saw the holy city new jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god prepared as a bride adorned for her husband i heard a loud voice saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them they shall be his people god himself will be with them and be their god god will wipe every tear from their eyes there should be no more death no more sorrow no more crying no more pain for the former things they've passed away that's right the new earth is a place of rest no more sin no more sickness no more suffering no more sorrow no more separation no more devastation no more destruction no more despair no more despondency no more difficulties no more death no more because why the great controversy will be ended sin and sinners are no more that's right the entire universe is clean one pulse of harmony and gladness beats through the vast creation from him who created all flows unlimited life and light and gladness through the realms of in limitable space from the minutest adam to the greatest world all things animate and inanimate in their unshadowed beauty and perfect joy declare that god is love you see in the beginning there was perfection there was harmony there was god's character his law his law of love and we've endured the 6 000 years of controversy of satan i've seen what happens when satan has a bit of control but this world is not all there is eye has not seen nor ear has heard nor has entered into the heart of man what god has prepared for those who love him that's right one day this world will be over and what we experience here will be no more and we will once again have perfect unity perfect peace perfect love with our father who is god over all hallelujah thank you so much jill that was a beautiful beginning and and and we got to continue that energy because that just set the tone so nice that's right thank you so much i'm ryan day and hey we want to remind you before we go any further that you need to send in your bible questions so get out your phone right now we know you got your phone beside you and text in your questions because we're going to be taking your questions immediately after this program that number to text in your questions very simple 618-228-3975 again 618-228-3 send in those questions we're ready to answer those i have monday's lesson which is entitled the countdown and ultimately we're talking about the countdown prophetically from where we are now what the bible reveals from where we are now all the way into this great ultimate rest time period in which we will be with jesus christ be dwelling with jesus christ and monday's lesson comes from within the context of a prophetic theme and more specifically the prophetic themes we find in matthew chapter 24 a top of the mount of olives as jesus is giving this great discourse of the signs of the times and all that we can expect as a countdown to this great time of rest and so we read there i'm going to begin reading right there in matthew chapter 24 verse 3 because jesus obviously has just come out of the temple he's had this big showdown with the uh with the pharisees he's been in there turning over the money changers he rebuked them for uh for for you know defiling his house defiling his father's house of prayer and now here he is as he's left the temple uh he's gonna go meet with his disciples privately atop the mount of olives and so matthew chapter 24 verse three says now as he set on the mount of olives the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things be and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age now the reason why they're asking that is because jesus was leaving the temple you know i guess to try to relieve the tension because jesus just i mean he really expressed himself emotionally in that scene within the temple walls and so now they're turning to the temple and they're looking at the beautiful table oh jesus look how beautiful our temple is look how enormous look how great look how grand look how majestic and jesus turns to them right there and says look there's coming a time soon when there will not be one stone left upon another they knew this to be a time of judgment a time of destruction so now they're intrigued they're interested and so that's why verse 3 says that they met with him privately atop the mount of olives and they're asking him lord tell us when these things are going to be and the sign of your coming and the end of the age so christ gives a very detailed panoramic timeline stretching from his day to the end of the world and we know too well about a time of trouble that comes prior to the second coming of jesus and jesus wants us to be ready for when that time comes of course we're referring to that time of trouble mentioned in daniel chapter 12 verse one when michael stands up and there will be a time of trouble such as never has been nor ever will be and of course at that time god's people will be delivered we will be here but we will be saved through that great tribulation time period but only if we have a relationship with jesus and that's the purpose of this message so let's get right into matthew chapter 24 as jesus now begins to unfold all of this in kind of a panoramic view what is going to happen to this you know a great countdown of events leading up to this great time of rest matthew chapter 24 beginning with verse 4. jesus answered and said to them and i find this to be very interesting of all the things that he could open with the very first words out of his mouth he says take heed that no one deceives you is there a possibility that jesus is trying to hint at the fact that deception is going to be a big issue in this great countdown of events leading up to the second coming of jesus i believe this is a theme i believe this is a thesis because he mentions it not once not twice but three times in this same discourse do not be deceived do not be deceived in verse 5 he goes on to say do not be deceived for many will come in my name saying i am christ and will there it is again deceive not a few but many that represents the majority verse 6 and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you are not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet verse 7 for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there will be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in various places you know as you're as we're hearing this list and as we've heard this many times wars and rumors of wars earthquakes in various places you know famines and pestilences and earthquakes and you know all of this that he's listing you know these these events have happened for a long time we've been seeing these since long before even jesus was ever born these type of things happen and so a lot of people question the validity of this they say well you know it's not really a sign of the time because we've always had these type of things there's always been famines there's always been pestilences there's always been earthquakes and and rumors of wars and wars itself but yet verse 8 is the key to understanding why christ is listening listing this because in verse 8 he says all these are the beginning of sorrows and you have to dig a little deeper to really understand what he means by that what he's emphasizing in fact the same word used here for sorrows it's the it's the greek word odin which means birth pangs all of these are the beginning in fact some some modern translations actually say all of these are the beginning of birth pains and it's interesting because paul uses the same word over in first thessalonians 5. when he says of the times and seasons brethren i have no need that i should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so comes as a thief of the night for when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains odin right there in the in the greek labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they shall know not escape that's what paul is saying to them jesus is saying all of these things i've just listed it's not that they're new it's not that you know this is somehow some new event that's going to happen but rather all of these are the beginning of birth pains much like a woman who goes into labor you know she gets that first contraction that the second and the third as you begin to watch this theme play out the closer you get to the arrival of that baby coming those those the interval of time between those contractions they shorten and the intensity of those contractions get get much more intense i'm not speaking about this because i have you know uh i have uh uh interest in this or in the sense that i've experienced this but nonetheless it's it's interesting to note that yes there's there we're gonna see more of these things and they're gonna be more and more and more intense as we get closer to the second coming of jesus and that is what jesus is communicating here in matthew 24 verses 4 through 8. so what will happen leading up to the second coming this great time of rest that we're looking forward to let's continue reading in verse 23 of matthew 24. it says then if anyone says to you look here is the christ or there do not believe it for here we go again for false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive if possible even the elect and then he says see i have told you beforehand christ is saying i've told you about this i'm telling you now it's going to happen it's going to come and then he goes on to say in verse 26 therefore if they say to you look he is in the desert do not go out or look he is in the inner room do not believe it for as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west so also will the coming of the son of man be you know it's amazing because i grew up in northeastern arkansas the part of the southern states of the united states that is known as tornado alley and there would be times i would look out toward the western horizon i've seen this many times it'd be a great storm coming a storm wall would be fast approaching and for a moment you can stand there before it gets rough and you can watch it just fast approach and you can just see the lightning just coming down every so many seconds i have done this before where i've literally turned my back to this storm wall that was fast approaching our land in our area and i would close my eyes pointing in their opposite direction and you can still see through your eyelids the flashes of the of the lightning from behind you that's lighting up the entire sky my friends there's a reason why jesus said for as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west so also will the coming of the son of man be it's not so much talking about swiftness while i do believe these events will be swift and rapid it's also talking about no one is going to miss it he will know that jesus has come you will know when your savior has arrived let's go to verse 29 he says immediately after the tribulation in those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light the stars will fall from the heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken then the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and they will send his angels with the sound of a trumpet and what they notice he will gather they will gather them his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other this will happen my friends i believe we're fast approaching the soon coming of jesus the time in which he describes as being like the days of noah you can read that in matthew 24 verses 37 to 39 that just as in the days of noah wars so shall also the coming of the son of man be when they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage and then the flood came and it took them all away my friends jesus is saying it's going to be very similar are we living in days similar to the times of noah yeah is this world is this world flooded with sin are we fast approaching the end i believe so so in our part our part in preparing and closing here jesus says in matthew 24 verse 12 and 14. i have to read this this is powerful he says and because lawlessness will abound the love of many will grow cold are we living in a loveless society yeah that's another sign of the time my friends it seems like the love of many are growing cold but notice verse 13 and 14 it says but he who endures to the end shall be saved my friends are you fighting the good fight of faith are you running the race are you running the course are you hanging in there because jesus says and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations and then the end will come jesus is on his way are you ready hallelujah wow praise the lord thank you ryan thank you jill and once again a reminder uh as i handled the lesson number uh number tuesday actually number number lesson number two marching orders before i talk about that remember to text us to your questions 618-228-3975 and i'm john loma kang and thank you for staying you guys have lit a fire shelley we can't let this fire go out but it's the lord's work to keep that fire going and mine is entitled marching orders as you were laying the foundation ryan talking about the last days you know it is obvious when we look at a world that we're living in today that we are living in the closing scenes of earth's history and more so today there are things that have happened in the last two years that have not been in the previous decades that we're seeing in our time and as i pointed out we're we're living in a time where we are confronted by an indiscriminate contagion and one for the first time in american history at least in my time we are confronted by an enemy we cannot even see we cannot even touched and um to be very candid covet 19 does not distinguish between the wealthy and the poor that's right so we're living in this day and age where people from every class in crete and race are beginning to experience what the bible talks about the birth pangs pestilences earthquakes fires floods men are as you talked about the love of many will grow coal but on the other side love is heating up men shall be lovers of themselves lovers of money lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god that's the kind of environment so charged is our environment that people are getting to the place that they say well if i die i die well it's not going to be that simple because we're going to face the judgment one day yeah but as the as the news continues to to come to us each day calamity and disease are satan's tools that are preparing the world for the end and he has pulled out all the stops uh like in that scene in the wizard of oz years ago i remember watching that where you know the wizard of oz he was behind the curtain pulling all the cords and when the curtain was revealed he seemed to be so grand in light of it the world looks at lucifer satan that's so grand but behind the scenes god is still in charge that's right amen but there is an irreversible fearful anxiety that is hovering over humanity today people are asking the question what's going to be happening next and then we look to the west coast unquenchable fires that are consuming people's life's accomplishments and they are unchecked people can't do anything about it then in the east the floods that are coming washing away the things that people have amassed for decades things that have meant so much to them they could see how in a flash that all that they have amassed has gone away what is the message the lord is saying to this world there's nothing in this world that is secure the only security that we can have in this last day these closing scenes is the security anchored in christ alone so we find the battles medically socially economically financially religiously the citizens of our world are in a solemn awe about what's going to take place next and that is why i love the title marching orders because it is in this context that the lord begins to refocus our attention he begins to tighten the lens bring it into a sharper focus as it were with the messages of the three angels of revelation chapter 14. go with me to the urgent proclamation in the closing scenes of earth's history go with me a god who sees the world falling apart and like the doors on a train that are closing the last train out the lord is saying listen to my voice there will be no more messages following this that's right revelation 14 verse 6 then i saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth how many to every nation tribe tongue and people saying with a loud voice urgency fear god and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship him who made the heaven and the heavens and the earth the sea and the springs of waters and another angel followed saying babylon is fallen has fallen that great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of fornication better than a third angel followed saying with a loud voice if anyone worships the beast in his image and receives his mark on his forehead or in his hand verse 10 he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of god which is poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb in verse 11 and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever and they have no rest day or night who worship the beast in his image and whoever receives the mark of his name here in this crisis hour here is the patience of the saints that's right here are those who keep the commandments of god and the faith of jesus you know had it not been for verse 12 we could say the world has no hope but here god is saying in the midst of a world gone mad in the midst of an a shaking foundation in the midst of a society being agitated stripped of all security here they are unmoved in the shaken world here they are uncompromised in a melting society here they are standing firm in a crumbling society here they are an anchor firm in a world being washed away by compromised here they are they are patient why because they know how the story ends that's right amen so god is saying to us i'm giving you marching orders as the world is crumbling polish your trumpets get your armor put it on and get your prayer life together stand firm and begin to trust in the promises of god what is he saying we have an urgency that should grip us in a society that seems to find no hope to the north to the south to the east and to the west and so the question is what is being taught here and what should we proclaim to the world well i go back to the time of the israelites when they were drawn out of the bondage of egypt and they too in their journey to the promised land many many years ahead of them they were gripped by fear in the midst of an approaching army and friends today i know in your home and your family and your marriage you can somehow sense the approaching footsteps of an angry adversary trying to destroy your home trying to destroy your children your marriage trying to consume your future all the things you saved up looking at your life falling apart as the israelites did i've got to communicate to you what god communicated to them exodus 14 15 when they heard the footsteps of an approaching army determined to extinguish them from the earth here's what the lord said to them exodus 14 15 and the lord said to moses why do you cry to me tell the children of israel to go forward amen friends today we can't go back we've got to go forward the apostle paul joins the words of moses in philippians 3 and verse 13 he says this is not the time to stand still this is the time to put on your gospel shoes he says brethren we're not there yet i do not count myself to have apprehended philippians 3 13 but one thing i do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead what is he saying it's time to press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of god in christ jesus he is saying this hour doesn't call for the reverse gear this hour calls for one gear alone go forward that's right stop looking back let go of the things that have been a part of your past defeats and look forward to the future victories in christ i look back to the days of joshua when the lord told joshua this great army the lord gave them marching orders and he said in joshua 6 and verse 20 so the people shouted when the priests blew the trumpets and it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet today god is saying to the church blow the trumpet because the fall of jericho is synonymous to the fall of babylon but how would it fall unless we proclaim with faithfulness the trumpet gospel blow the trumpet and when they were faithful to the declaration to blow the trumpets blow the trumpets seven times walk around that great city the very thing that they did god is calling us to do today but before we blow the trumpets we've got to say come out of her my people that you be not partakers of our sins that you do not receive of our plagues you see this is an urgent hour marching orders what confidence have we been given matthew 24 and verse 14. here's the confidence if you blow the trumpets if you shine your armor if you stand firm on the promises of god we know that soon and very soon all destruction itself will be destroyed and we will have peace because here are the words of blessed assurance matthew 24 14 and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations and here's the good news let's see it together and then the end will come that's our marching orders you guys have stoked a holy ghost fire but now i'm going to calm it down just a little bit because we're going to be talking about resting peace if you have your bibles turn to john chapter 5. don't forget we're going to take your questions after this hour and you can text those to 618-228-3975 we look forward to answering those questions i'm shelley quinn this is wednesday's lesson rest in peace you know for long centuries christians have been awaiting the return of jesus christ and jesus says in john chapter 5 we're going to look at verses 28 and 29 he says do not marvel at this for the hour is coming in which catch this all those who are in their graves will hear his voice and come forth those who have done good the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation he's talking about two different resurrections they're actually a thousand years apart and they're talked about in revelation but you know what these words of jesus contradict the popular teaching that is in the church that says that when a born-again christian dies where do they say they go they say oh they go directly to heaven right oh they're dancing with jesus they're doing this but see that is an error of thinking and it is based on a deception as you were talking about that those that we have immortal souls you know first timothy 6 16. we don't have time to turn there but first timothy 6 16 tells us god alone is immortal right now that's right it says he who alone has immortality dwelling in unapproachable light whom known man has seen god is an infinite being he is self-existence there was no beginning no end eternal infinite i don't know we can't our our little finite minds can't wrap around it but did you know that the bible mentions a man's soul over 1600 times and never once associates it with immortality there's not one scripture that refers to humans as having an immortal soul as a matter of fact what does the bible tell us paul the great apostle of grace he makes it perfectly clear in first corinthians chapter 15 so if you have your bibles turn there because what we see paul telling us is that christians all of god's people from the old covenant in the new covenant we are all going to put on immortality at the second coming of jesus at the last trump let's look at that first corinthians 15 51. he's paul speaking to the christians that he says first corinthians 15 51 behold i tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep now that's a bible metaphor for death but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye when at the last trumpet this is a trumpet that's announcing that jesus is coming for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruption corruptible must put on incorruption and look what he says verse 53 this mortal must put on immortality so when the corruption is put on incorruption and this mortal has put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory oh death where is your sting oh hades where is your victory so this happens we do have immortality promised to us but it doesn't happen until christ returns god who alone is immortal right now will grant his people his redeemed that's right immortality eternal life and they will put on that immortality so also i want to point out you can turn in your bibles to john chapter 11 john chapter 11. and in this chapter jesus compares a person's condition between death and resurrection mourning when we put on immortality he refers to it as an unconscious sleep john 11 verse 11 john 11 11. these things he said and after that he said to them our friend lazarus sleeps but i go that i may wake him up this was mary and martha's brother and that sent word our brothers died oh you know he's dying dying and jesus waited until he had been in the grave long enough to start corrupting but he sells his disciples who are trying to figure out why he waited to go to lazarus and he says lazarus sleeps but i go that i may wake him up and then the disciples said lord if he sleeps he gets well however jesus verse 13 says jesus spoke of his death but they thought that he was speaking about taking rest and sleep then jesus said plainly to them in verse 14 lazarus is dead throughout the bible old testament and new testament death is referred to as a sleep david in the old testament kings they sleep with their fathers that means they're dead they call it sleeping with the forefathers when stephen was martyred luke wrote in acts chapter 7. he says in that 7 sixty he said that he fell asleep that's right the greek word for sleep is coy mao and it is used of an ordinary sleep or it's used to the sleep of death it's translated asleep sleep die or to be dead so rip remember when you see all these tombstones with the rip that's rest in peace because for a christian when we die or a believer in christ when we die it's like we close our eyes we rest in the grave and the next moment when we open up our eyes we're in the presence of jesus and i want to show you that this is how the bible describes it i'm just going to take down these scripture references because i've got to go fast my time's going away what does the bible say happens when we die ecclesiastes 9 5 says like slave the dead are unconscious ecclesiastes 9 5 for the living know that they died but the dead know nothing right and then if you jump down to verse 10 ecclesiastes 9 10 says like sleep they are resting it says whatever your hands find to do do it with all your might for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going psalm 146 4 says that when we die it's like sleep there's no conscious thoughts we lie unconscious in the grave psalm 146 4 it says his spirit departs this is talking about the breath of life he returns to his earth and in that very day his plans perish psalm 115 verse 17 says the dead don't praise the lord no to do any who go down into silence job 14 12 says we sleep till we're awakened job 14 12 it says so man lies down and does not rise till the heavens are no more they will not awake nor be aroused from their sleep daniel 12 verses 1 and 2 daniel 12 1-2 oh daniel's prophesying a time of trouble just before christ returns he says at that time this is daniel 12 1. at that time your people shall be delivered everyone who is found written in the book that's the book of life and many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life some to shame and everlasting content contempt so death is asleep it's a sleep from which there will be an awakening hallelujah christ's second coming is the culmination of all of our hopes and not just ours today but all of christ's people if you read hebrews 11 you see how they were pilgrims and strangers on the earth and they didn't receive the promises yet but we know that there is a day coming that all of us will be perfected together in christ amen amen praise the lord well we now come to thursday's portion but before this i must remind you that you can participate in this program by sending in your questions and that will take about 30 minutes to answer those so please take this opportunity to write the number down if you haven't yet the number is 618-228-3975-618-228-3975 text in your questions and we will do our best by god's grace to answer those questions my name is john dynsey and thursday's portion is entitled rejoice in the lord always this takes us to philippians chapter four beginning in verse four and we're gonna read all the way to verse seven now lesson says to six but i like verse seven it's wonderful as well notice that it says rejoice in the lord always and again i will say rejoice and this is paul talking a person that went through a lot of difficult times but yet he was able to say rejoice in the lord always notice he notice he didn't say rejoice in money he didn't say rejoice in your car in your house rejoice in your job he said rejoice in the lord and when you rejoice in the lord you really have the joy that is pure and come from heaven verse two as we continue it says let your moderation that's verse five verse five verse five yes well verse five says let your gentleness be known to all men the lord is said hand notice we have been talking about the time of the end and resting in the lord the lord is at hand and if that was ever true it is true today the signs are telling that jesus christ is coming soon and the best thing you could do is rest in jesus be anxious for nothing it continues but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god is there a benefit to letting your request be made known to god yes jesus said ask and you will receive that's right now notice verse 7 and it says and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through christ jesus these are the benefits of rejoicing in the lord god will guard your heart and your mind through christ jesus this is marvelous to consider now studies have been conducted that confirm what the bible says you know science will eventually catch up with the bible proverbs chapter 17 verse 22 says a merry heart does good like medicine but a broken spirit dries the bone and that is so true and science has caught up with this there are many studies that confirm that having a merry heart having the joy especially the joy of the lord has healing virtues it works throughout your bodies to bring you it activates your body's healing properties and that god put in there so rejoice in the lord let's move to james chapter one james chapter one i'm gonna begin in verse two now this is something interesting because james says something that to some people may be shocking my brethren counted all joy when you fall into various trials what he must be he must not be right he must be dreaming counted all joy when you fall into various trials it is not that you enjoy suffering it is not that you uh are sadistic but that you recognize that if god allows something to come to you he has a benefit in mind for you because the bible says in the book of romans and knowing this uh what houses knowing this that all things work together for good to them that love god to them that are called according to his purpose now notice some of the benefits mentioned here in james now we continue verse 23 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience but let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing so when trials come you may rejoice in knowing god loves me he has allowed this trial to come to me because he sees something in me that he wants to develop this is the way that you can face trials and difficulties notice i'm reading to you from the gospel worker page 441 marvelous things notice trials and temptations may come but the child of god whether minister or layman knows that jesus is his helper amen he says i will be with you always even to the end of the world and it says as we continue reading here it says uh through self-denial and suffering with christ we grow in grace there's benefit and in the knowledge of the truth trials will come but they are an evidence that we are children of god that's right paul passed through great trials but he did not despair as though his father in heaven were dead he rejoiced in tribulation for he desired through participation in the sufferings of christ to be conformed to his image let this hero of faith speak for himself notice what he says i take pleasure in infirmities in reproaches in necessities in persecution in distresses for christ's sake it is not the suffering you enjoy but the results of the suffering they draw you to the lord your faith increases and you are also allowing the healing blessing of the lord to come to you that's right and so uh we have a uh a dear brother that is a volunteer for many many years larry mclucas and he is just a blessing you know when you are walking down the hallway and you run into larry he will say he will say it's a good day today is a fantastic day he says but he also says this saying which which i really i am blessed by he says every day is a good day but some days are better than others now that's a positive attitude and he i i can tell you he has many health challenges but he rejoices in the lord john 16 verse 33 jesus says these things i have spoken unto you that in me you may have peace we have peace in jesus in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world so in knowing this we can rejoice because this world is not our final home that's right trials may come difficulties may come we are facing difficult times but we rejoice because as you have already heard we know what is in the end of the book god's people are delivered and they rejoice forever throughout eternity with the lord philippians chapter 5 verse 527 it says let your gentleness be known to all men the lord is at hand that's right that's what we read notice that it says the lord is at hand it's in the context of the time of the end that we must make our decision to rejoice in the lord and now i'd like to read to you something that is another evidence of god working it says second corinthians chapter 4 17 for our light affliction which is but for a moment is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while we do not look at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporary they are temporary but the things which are not seen are eternal so my brother my sister rejoice in the lord rejoice in jesus christ and remember the invitation that jesus gives to you in matthew chapter 11 verse 28 28-30 he says come to me all who all you who labor and are heavy-laden and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for i am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light keep your eyes on jesus face trials and difficulties with your eyes on jesus look to him for strength and with paul you can say i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i need to end with the desire of ages page 331 notice beautiful as through jesus we enter into rest heaven begins here we respond to his invitation come learn of me and in thus coming we begin the life eternal heaven is a ceaseless approaching to god through christ so i encourage you continue to approach g approach jesus this is where heaven begins right here amen thank you so much what an amazing study pastor johnny shelley pastor john and pastor ryan thank you for sharing i love that the ultimate rest i want to remind you we are taking your questions immediately following this program so make sure you text them in 618-228-3975 that number again is 618-228-3975 and we will get to as many of your questions as we can in just a moment but we just have a couple moments left here before the end of this portion so want to give each one of you a moment to share something amen yeah you know jesus said there in matthew 24 the love of many would wax cold on the last days i just was reminded what paul wrote in first corinthians 13 he says though i speak with the tongues of men and angels but i have not love i have i am become sounding brass or a clinging symbol and though i have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though i have all faith of course this means even if he could he says if i do not have love i have nothing my friends the point we're getting at here is that we need love it's all about love god is love and we need to be reflecting that love right here in these last days and we go forward with our marching orders until this proclamation this is a prophecy that is yet to be fulfilled isaiah 25 9 and it shall be said in that day behold this is our god we have waited for him and he will save us this is the lord we have waited for him we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation amen amen i just want to repeat john 5 28 and 29 jesus said the hour is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come forth some to the resurrection of life and righteousness and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation are you ready to rest in peace and the next thing you know you'll open your eyes and see jesus amen amen and i'd like to add psalm 46 verse 1 beautiful god is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble are you facing trials and difficult difficulties god is near reach out to him amen what an amazing study the ultimate rest and in the beginning i thought what in the world do all of these how do they all fit together but it's amazing because we're called to have rest in christ here and now in the midst of the trials in the midst of the tribulation in the midst of what we are living in we are called to have rest now some people will be laid to rest in jesus meaning sleep in jesus but eventually all of those who have accepted christ as their personal savior will have rest in the earth made new in heaven and in the earth made new and jesus is coming soon so we want to encourage you to make your life right with jesus john 14 26 peace i leave with you this is rest my peace i give to you not as the world gives give i unto you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid i want to remind you don't go anywhere because camp meeting will continue in just about two minutes we will be out on the main stage and taking your questions stay with us [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
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Keywords: Sabbath School Panel, 3ABN, rest in Jesus
Id: jJbQ2EShMvY
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Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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