S05 Ep09: A Root of Rejection & Mental Health

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hi everyone and welcome to this episode of transformed you I am mark de hey Suz here doing a solo episode to discuss and share and just really share my heart with you about a subject that is near and dear to my life and the life of those that God has called me to help so I pray that this will be a real blessing to you and if you've been a listener or watcher of the transformed you show and haven't been enjoying it consider donating towards this work and we are supported by those who are getting a lot out of the material and those who've just aligned with our heart to see people experience healing of the heart renewing of the mind and transformation in relationships and I believe this is a heartbeat a core issue of what God is doing in our lives so take the time to do that check out our website and resources we've got ebooks training materials that can all be a benefit to your life into your journey so consider that in this episode what I want to get on is one of my deep passions and that has to do with the subject of mental health emotional health or really delving into the depth of the life of the heart and helping people to experience healing freedom and transformation in all those areas mental health is becoming a growing topic that people are addressing realizing we need to address in our families we need to talk about it in our homes our churches need to be aware of it and I don't believe the subject of mental health should be exclusive to those who've been officially diagnosed that's just my opinion I believe mental health is an everybody issue and an everybody subject because all of us have areas in our life that needs some tweaking all of us have areas of thinking areas of mood stabilization areas of our lifestyle how we do relationships how we see life our belief systems that need tweaking that need development that need healing and what I want to do in this episode is my goal is not to cover whole subject of mental health my goal in this episode is to cover specifically how a route of rejection is a major is one of the major route systems that causes people to lose a sense of mental health or to not be able to have the prosperous thinking the healthy thinking the vitality the hope and the fruitfulness that God's called us to live in and there is an absolute war over the hearts and minds of people and I've dedicated myself to really setting my feet in the trenches to encourage you to teach you to exhort you to equip you to mentor you and to give you insights and to help consider me your brother to just walk alongside of you and to show you some things I've learned and what I've learned from my own journey and also the people that I've helped over the years and the great news is that God has taken what I've been through and he's used it now as as my calling as what I do to help others and it's it's really a great place when you can take what you've been through and use it now to help others and I believe this is really where ministry needs to be is that God is taking the bread that you're eating and feeding on and using it to bless others the story of what you've been through and using it to bless other people and that's where he's positioned me and one of the areas I'm so passionate about is helping people to restore their mental health now many of you know my own story of struggling with severe anxiety which a lot of that anxiety was going down the lines of obsessive-compulsive disorder and it took me a long time to even realize that was kind of the main theme in Main Avenue you know in the late 90s and the early 2000s it wasn't as easy to like go online and kind of search what you're what you're struggling with there'd be these obscure websites that was helping people with anxiety wasn't as much material as there is today and even in church avenues there was zero discussion that I saw of like people deeply struggling it was kind of like well go see a counselor and and there was a lot of shame attached to it and it's like and you know what's wrong with him kind of feeling even if people didn't say it there was kind of that sense of shame that that surrounded it but I was so hungry to be free that I didn't care if people knew I struggled with those kind of things and so breaking off the shame is really important in this subject in this issue we're not gonna get anywhere unless we really break the shame and learn to process out with trusted friends with people that are leaders around us the family of God our biological family people that we can feel safe to process with because as you're gonna see in this episode the rejection route is so important in understanding mental health because rejection seeks to separate you from the love of God it seeks to twist and distort thoughts it seeks to isolate you relationally you can be around a crowd of people you can be around a ton of people but still feel isolated it wants to take hurts where authority figures have hurt you parents church leaders pastors bosses any kind of community leaders and out of that relationship create hurt that then causes you to withdraw from future relationship then to isolate you so that you're in a world of an echo chamber of these thoughts you're struggling with and then the enemy kind of uses a sniper to to isolate you in that place and just fire away nuclear blasts of torment that keep you from the freedom that Christ wants you to experience and so I lived in that and I struggled with anxiety panic attacks a lot of OCD kind of thinking around relationship unwanted thoughts perfectionist sick kind of things of always feeling like I had to do everything right get everything right didn't know it was OCD for a long time I thought of OCD as just people that have liked cleanliness obsessions and didn't realize that these unwanted thoughts that tormented me these fixations that I had these patterns that I lived in were where OCD like so this this spreads into a lot of other areas that people struggle with when it comes to mental health there's bipolar which has to do with mood stabilization there's paranoid schizophrenia which has to do with with thoughts that feel as though they are real as though they are legitimate but yet they're they're not there's a sense of voices that are calling for your attention my goal is not to try to be a clinician I'm your brother in Christ but I know a lot about these things in my own life and helping people and and seeing them free I've worked with a lot of these areas in in helping people to spiritually understand these battles psychologically understand these battles and even physiologically to know your body and how your body responds to thought and I think that wherever you are on the spectrum whether you recognize some of your struggles whether you've been diagnosed or whether you know someone I think everyone should be aware of how thought influences us spiritually psychologically and physiologically because they're they're kind of three areas that that that work in those ways that create this package of how we find peace how we live in wholeness and how we struggle and I want to tell you that rejection is the common root of all mental health so if you have somebody who's struggling in mental health you'll find a rejection route somewhere down in there and I'll explain that more as I move along in this episode now I could talk at length at mental health I could talk about the battleground of thought the struggle of thought and and and you need to know there's a war over your thought life like you're not just in this little incubator by yourself thinking these thoughts there is a war / what will be the dominant thought that you will think of if you wanted to summarize spiritual warfare it comes down to this this is where the war hinges on this statement what will be the dominant thoughts that have the most influence in your belief systems your perspectives your choices what you lean on as your grid for how you see life for how you do relationships for how you see yourself how you see God how you see other people that's where the war is and you must understand you live in a world that's at war there's a system in the world that wars over you there's also an internal war that the enemy seeks to do to steal kill and destroy get to that in a minute over your thoughts you need to be awakened and one of the reasons I passionately like to work on people's hearts as number one to awaken them to the war stop sleeping at the wheel stop living in autopilot stop thinking that every thought is just your own thought we need to become more aware of the war and battle that we're under and so you live in a system that's at war you also live in your own battles you also have battles that have been running in your family line do you notice that the patterns of struggle that you have tend to run in your genealogy do you tend to see that even certain mental health battles they find run in family history and we could get into all kinds of things about that but I'm talking about thought thought can actually run in your generations in fact some of the battles that you have in your thoughts are carbon copy the thoughts that your parents probably struggled with and at the same time in their life it's bizarre right but this shows you that we're not just fighting for you or fighting for the generations we're fighting for the healing and the restoration of our generations so I could talk about taking thoughts captive I could talk about mental health and physiology and and even nutrition and and being aware of some people are having mental health struggles coming out of side effects of certain drugs or taking for something else and that's a whole nother topic in itself but what I want to talk about is the rejection route and a very common root system that I want you to think about you want to enhance your state of well-being you want to enhance your outlook on the day you want to enhance your mental emotional heart health it has to do with the subject of love at the root system one of the key factors in all mental health battles is the subject of what love means in this person's life in some area of a person's life who has a mental health battle any kind at any level whether you been diagnosed or not even if you're just like man I'm just struggling with feeling discouraged and depressed and it's just not going it's not going away or man I just find myself anxious a lot or I worry a lot or maybe you've got more significant anxiety or or wherever you're at the issue of love is what's at stake your perception of love somewhere in the root system love has been compromised so we're in the root system love has been non-existent in other words there were certain things you needed to receive that you didn't receive so for example every single one of you God designed your mom and your dad to set a grid of love in your life to equip you so that you know that you're loved and out of that love you know who you are and out of knowing who you are in love you do relationships in an overcoming way and you learn to overcome the things that come against you and for everyone there's been a compromise in that area and one of the things we've were trying to help people understand is one of the deep wounds that people have is the wound of lack meaning that you should have been loved in a certain area but you weren't and so many times it comes simple down growing up did your father on a regular basis tell you that he loves you did your father reinforce in a firm who you are did he encourage you did he give you validation validation meaning that hey you did a good job you're a good son you're a great daughter proud of you like validating affirming that giving encouragement to who you are and some people will say to me oh yeah you know my dad was great he loved me and sometimes we we tended to sugarcoat over our history to not realize man I got some stuff I got to work through and it's not in blame it every generation is responsible to recognize what they weren't given so that they can receive it from God and give it to the next generation and and so this is not a blame thing and so sometimes people say well yeah my dad told me he loved me all the time and I'll ask the second question did he equip you in love to do relationships well and to live powerfully out of who you are and many times if we're honest the answer has a lot of holes there and that's where our pain is and rejection gets into those areas and we develop a rejection mindset by which we try to survive maybe you perform for love maybe you're just busy all the time maybe you're on social media all the time just trying to get likes and trying to get affirmation to feel good about yourself maybe you're just constantly busy maybe you self reject all the time so you never take any risks because you just don't believe you have any worth of being loved maybe you just always feel separated from love so you're in the inner prison all the time we get into our relationship with mom where rejection gets into the love of nurture she your mom was designed to receive love from your father to feel safe under his spiritual leadership and be able to nurture you and nurture is the love of recovery nurture is the love of comfort nurture is the love of everything's going to be okay and a very common root in the area of of mental health is a lack of nurture the inability to know how to regulate your mood to regulate your thoughts how to have a thought that flies in and and go it's okay that I had a weird thought it's not the end of the world how to cultivate what kind of meaning do you attach to your thoughts you know and this is where the struggle is a thought comes to you and you attach a meaning to it this must mean something that it explodes and it expands and rejection creates the meaning and the narrative and it's lies it's counterfeit belief systems it's chronic dysfunction and I want you to know that this is a prime place where the enemy is seeking to steal kill and destroy and I want to remind you of a scripture in John 10:10 where Jesus reminds us saying the thief does not come you know it's like he's not here to do anything else but to steal kill and destroy he's not here to be your friend he's not here to do anything else but to steal to kill to destroy you must realize when it comes to your mental health the thief wants to steal it steal your birthright as a believer to live in the fruit of the Spirit which is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness patience meekness kindness all those things right to have power love and a sound mind he's coming to kill to kill what to kill your ability to live in the fruitfulness of God and destroyed to just leave casualties everywhere because Jesus says here I've come that you might have life and have it more abundantly so what's the thief coming to steal the life that Jesus came to bring the life that he came to bring to breathe life and where does that life come it comes from the Father flowing through Jesus as a work of the Holy Spirit towards you and you must realize that flow is at war there is an all-out assault of you landing in and resting in the love of God his nurture love of the Father coming to protect you make you feel safe and that's why I deal so much with helping people to heal the father and mother image because that's where rejection is in creating a root system to compromise your ability to experience love so many times people will say well I'm not sure why Johnny struggling with mental health issues he grew up in a loving home and I would help people to understand here's the problem it's not that he wasn't in a loving home there's a war in Johnny's heart over being able to receive that love and if you as a parent will not blame yourself and not beat yourself up because sometimes these subjects are so difficult cuz they're like my son struggling because I have a terrible mother I'm a terrible father that's not gonna go anywhere that's not gonna help you we need sobriety and humility to realize Johnny struggling with some things that I've struggled in my own life and let's kneel down and let's work together on seeing the root system that wants to separate you from love be broken sometimes people say men you know my son or daughter you know had self-destructive thoughts or even suicidal thoughts it's like well we all loved him they were surrounded by love the war is over receiving love any of you have like a relative or somebody you loved who struggled with addictions who struggles with addict tendencies of any kind maybe drug addiction or or and everybody would gather around maybe even have an intervention you're like we love you we love you and that person would receive the love and hugs and all that and then that night go out and use why is that because of the war inside that won't allow this person to receive the love that God has for them and receive the love of the relationships around them that's why uprooting rejection route in your life is so important because rejection wants to infiltrate every place in your life that has to do with what love means you experiencing love from God loving yourself and loving other people and then out of that if if you don't receive love you will have no idea who you are so don't walk around and go I Know Who I am and I'm secure in that baloney it has to come out or receiving love the Father's love sets the atmosphere to tell you who you are and out of that is how you do relationships and how you do relationships will set the footprint for what mental health will look like in your life this is making sense so far so one of the Scriptures I bring up to people a lot is Romans 8:15 which is the cornerstone for how God began to help me recover and root and restore mental health in my life because I was saying God I want I want to heal I want you to heal my anxiety and God began to show me well I want to show you how to experience intimacy with me and I was like yeah that's great but I need you to heal the anxiety and the only thought that was coming back was I wanted to teach you how to connect with me how to worship how to spend time where you truly can receive from me and the first block I was confronted with was the route of rejection and at first I was like I don't know if this applies to me but then when I began to discover it I was like it's everywhere and I remember the day I remember the the moment my eyes were illuminated and it was in Romans 8:15 this is my life Scripture it's even written on the inside of my wedding ring for you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear but you received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry out Abba Father in my course that's based on experiencing God's love as your father and exposing the rejection mindset I teach in these passages but this is the it reveals the mission and assignment of rejection Paul says you didn't receive spirit of bondage again to fear there's rejection why because it's the opposite of the spirit of adoption God says when you became born again there's a spirit of adoption that comes to you I don't know what this looks like I don't know how to fully explain it but there's an adoption God brings there's a revelation experienced when you come into the family of God you're no longer just a child of your earthly father you're now of a spiritual order you've been rebirth there's a renewal there's a new identity new nature you have a new father of a heavenly order and he says you've received that by whom you cry out Abba Father so you say how do I know I've received the experience of adoption well you're comfortable talking to God as a dad because Abba means dad Abba Father dad father when you are comfortable with a dad relationship with God that shows you for me you've received the spirit of adoption you've understood that and that's available at Salvation it has been my discovery that me and masses of other believers never received this experience so their foundation of salvation is like well move well you came into the kingdom yeah I loved you enough to receive you but now perform for the rest of your life and and the dominant problem that Christians struggle with is feeling separated from the love of God not feeling connected not feeling close and so they feel like well I don't feel close because I'm doing something wrong and I need to do more and and you're just in this constant cycle and breaking out of rejection learns to break the cycle to say I need to learn how to receive love from God and you learn how to receive love for myself to love myself I need to learn how to receive love from relationships and so it awakened me I said that's rejection right there this spirit of bondage again to fear the rejection seeks to separate me from love even though Paul says nothing's gonna separate us but this rejection comes in with lies to separate you from that connection to love and connect you to fear so rejections the route that starts it welcomes in fear and now this becomes the Twin Towers of what you battle against because once fear comes in it compromises peace it compromises sound mind Paul said in in Timothy he's to to his writings to Timothy God's not giving you the spirit of fear but what's God giving you power love and sound mind and that's part of the antidote to mental health strengthening is you need power which comes from the Holy Spirit of releasing boldness in you confidence and courage love which comes from the father establishing in you love that love casts out fear and a sound mind which can go into soundness of stability or it can go into self-control that can be translated there this is the war that is over your life of keeping you from that so rejection and and fear are like these this this connected spiritual force to steal your ability to live in the power of mental health that God's design or a prosperous soul or the fruit of the Spirit or a a heart that is awakened to the life of God and living and flourishing in that right the NIV will even say that this spirit of bondage makes us a slave to fear so rejection will hardwired you interfere so you're constantly in that now for the antidote of mental health it's been found in the writings of scripture that have been here all along it's in first John 4:18 it says there is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear so if you battle with any area in your life of keeping a sense of peace stability sanity and resting in that stability there's a love issue love needs to have a deeper work in your life of you experiencing it receiving it because what does it do it actually casts out fear and when we talk about spiritual warfare there's many things that people talk about battling the enemy and we can get in all kinds of tangents on that but I've found the most fruitful place is what you need is love what you need is connection to love and when I work with people one-on-one settings or group settings my goal is to create safety so I can be a vessel to help this person to experience love because if they can experience love it will actually cast out fear better than anything I've ever seen love will cast out rejection it'll cast out anger and bitterness they'll cast out so many things and so it gives you the antidote he who fears he who fears has not been made perfect in love there's your prescription that if you have if you have anxiety you have fear fear anxiety is a form of fear if you have panic attacks it's a form of fear right these areas are if you have mood disorders there is a fear there at work somewhere okay if you have OCD fear is in there somewhere you know this could go into all kinds of things schizophrenia personality disorders depression somewhere fear is in there even people who struggle with depression the Bible says that anxiety can lead to depression so this fear factor needs to be resolved how your focus isn't receiving love but rejection wants to separate you from receiving that love so examples of this how this rejection can can work in your life and keep you from the power of love give you example so for a person struggling with anxiety anxiety the theme of anxiety is lack of safety in love within your physiology your psychology your thinking your spirituality there's an area of a war over you feeling confident in the safety of love in the area of panic attacks panic can offer come out of chronic anxiety that just keeps building and building leading to panic attacks and come out of trauma what is a trauma it's an event where you didn't feel safe where love and safety was compromised and now you've got to work through what you've been through many of you have been through series of traumas you don't even know they're traumas and what you need over time is a journey of reestablishing the safety of what love means when it comes to depression many times the growing disappointment or heartache or unhealed sorrow can get turned inward right we're now it's battling against you and there's pain that you're going through and what you need is the love of recovery to slowly methodically restore you back to a place of refreshment I work with so many people who've struggled with disappointment and it's there's many people that are depressing didn't even know it they don't realize it but they're manifesting all the symptoms of it and and what they need is the safety and love and the nurture of God to get them back on their feet so desire can be conceived as a tree of life to restore the life of the heart again to restore who you are and get you back in the game of relationships you know I could even talk about the the battleground of bipolar which which in people who struggle with bipolar whether it's one or two or and getting all the technicalities there's a mood issue there's an inability to regulate moods and there's somewhere in there what rejection keeps its clutches on is the lack of nurture it's the inability to receive love and nurture yourself through the things that you're going through right I've even worked with people at times who've had personality disorders massive rejection issues massive massive very very deep I mentioned obsessive compulsive rejection breeds obsession because people with OCD have unhealed pain unhealed emptiness and their brain has been conditioned to obsess and then the compulsion acts out of the obsession and deep below there's an emptiness and there's an unhealed pain that hasn't been met so they survive and they seek to hope by following some obsessive and compulsive pattern I hope this is making sense when you don't have the love your design for your mind will become obsessive in some form in thinking or in behavior so my awareness is to the awareness I want to bring to you that I talk about the rejection mindset is to help you to realize okay rejection blocks you from receiving God's love so if you struggle and feeling close to God that's a key if you struggle it not now people think that because someone grew up in a loving environment that they should be fine I'm telling you there can be a war in them that doesn't allow them to receive and we have to work on our ability to receive love we've lived so long in performance-driven Christianity we've got to learn how to receive love now Paul said I'm convinced nothing shall separate me from the love of God right you need to tune into that word convinced which sometimes is translated persuaded Paul had to be persuaded he had to come to the belief and the agreement that nothing will separate him because all day long the enemy is seeking to separate you from love don't you see it separate you not feel close to God not be able to love yourself and then separate you relationally and that third area really puts puts a deeper trench in the struggle that people are facing today because we live in a world that may be socially connected digitally in social media but we're very disconnected in true relationship so rejection seeks to isolate you from relationship fulfilment I've been doing a study personally in the book of first John and maybe at some point I'll do a Bible study on it cuz I think it's so fruitful for mental health emotional health and John is constantly talking about walking in the light with God learning to receive love from God but he does a lot of discussion about processing that with each other you know he says how can you love a God you how can love of God you can't see when you don't love a brother you can see and one of the things John is bringing out is we learn how to receive love from God and love God by how we do life with each other many Christians are like Oh God in a prayer closet seeking God and they don't realize we've got to work out our woundedness and heal because many of our struggles lead back to our earthly relationships so it's like that friend who betrayed you that God helps you heal through which leads you back to maybe a pastor who hurts you an authority figure that wound did you wrong do you and then there was at relationship there and it leads back to your mom and dad and and God wants to heal you of those issues and then the cycle continues and God continually works he's working a healing of your relationship grid you want to shove it down put it away and just not think about it and God's gonna know that's the place that I want to meet you and show you who I am John's writing is all about fellowship with one another he says your fellowship is with us and our Fellowship is with the father in the Lord Jesus Christ so it's like the the fullness of joy comes about with us with each other relating with God together and don't you see that's where the battleground is it's like we're separating from each other constantly we're isolated from each other and that's the war and the battle ground because the healing of mental health comes down to you recognizing the war over your ability to receive love and the practicing and healing of it is going to be found in your spiritual family in the family of God and your biological family and God bringing restoration now some of you say man that's really tough because my family is rough and I get it and that's why God gave us the family of God and and and that he is our Father we are brothers and sisters but all that needs to be worked out I want you to know that if you battle with any area of mental health your remedy is connection with the body of Christ its connection relationally to work out some of the thinking that works against you to work out those areas I see many times you know families will come to me with their children and they'll say my son or my daughter really concerned can you help him and I tell them what I really can do is help you because you as a mom you as a dad you're the most powerful voices in your child's life don't ever let the enemy steal that from you now there's nothing wrong with getting the counselors help and but learn for yours don't outsource the power that God has given you because I've seen people set free and break free of mental health battles simply by establishing a loving environment by which they could process out and and in that context prayer and Ministry of the word and and just being able to love on them and break through those areas where they've not been able to be loved because in the storyline there's been an isolation and disconnect from what it means to be loved and you can hide in your roles you can hide in your stuff let's see this is the problem is that many times the body of Christ is not a safe place and the body of Christ is accepting a very shallow life hey how's it going about minutes going good we've lost our depth because church life is so fast our lives are so fast we have time for it anymore and our mental health is is suffering and so we're going to doctors and psychologists and psychiatrists go fix me fix me fix me it's like wait a second you've got years of things that are piling up inside of you that need healing it's time to start facing this stuff one of the things I want to encourage you in that rejection really wants to mess with and I've seen this over and over again many people have a loss of peace and sanity because they've been injured by an authority figure in their life I'm not just talking about mom and dad I'm talking about a church leader I do a lot of work on spiritual abuse and it's been an astounding to see what's been happening over the decades and how church environments have been abusive and this is where rejection works the most because it it gets into places where authority figures who should have loved you but didn't it just didn't step up to the plate either they did things towards you that were harmful or they didn't give you what you needed both create a great deal of woundedness so here's what happens your lens on authority figures gets distorted so for example you get hurt in a church and the pastor was abusive in some form in some way and understandably so you get out of that church and I understand that the problem is if that doesn't get healed your lens to Authority will always be cynical judgmental and then it can be very easy for rejection to create walls in your heart where you never allow an authority figure to be allowed in your life again now I know the healing and recovery takes time trust me trust me it takes time but I caution against vows that separate you permanently from ever having safe Authority leaders in your life because God placed when you're when you're looking for breakthrough God will place somebody in your life to be a healing vessel to help you and if you've got these wounds and walls you won't be willing to receive it now I'm not telling you to just you know if you've been in a spiritually abusive situation you've been deeply hurt to just run back to another authority figure no that's not what I'm saying it takes time but what I'm saying is allow God to heal your hearts so that you can remain open because here's what rejection do this is a cycle of destroying your mental health an authority leader hurts you you withdraw in the withdrawing you can create walls in your heart and rejection loves that create those vows create those walls rebellion conform in that and what rebellion does is push back towards the authority figure or any input and then in that then you I salute and you're an emotional isolation that's where the enemy can get you the most I've found in my own healing recovery comes out of finding safe relationships and and it may be organic it may may be you've been in an institutional Church and you're out of it now and you're struggling to find authentic connection I get it because the church needs to make a decision are we gonna be a real body are we gonna really be a body or are we just gonna be a machine that just kind of like goes through the motions like we're having Church but we're really not grounded in the depth and developing maturity I get it it may need to be organic relationships that form or you meet with somebody on a regular basis have coffee and you do life together and maybe in a group that forms maybe some business people that you know that are Christians that are believers that you get together with and just share life out of that the love of God begins to be formed in your life that's where I found the greatest breakthrough because my battleground isolated me and I remember in in pastoral days years ago when when I was first really dealing with this stuff I was surrounded I was in a big church surrounded by a lot of people but I was isolated in this battle I don't know where to go I didn't know what to do and I had to allow God to heal the relational wounds heal my ability to receive the love because there was love there I just couldn't receive it but I also had to heal the lens of how I saw authority figures because I created vows of separation that then gave more room for the enemy to perpetrate torment and insanity and belief systems that kept me out of the power of God's healing love so the action step I want to encourage in breaking out of the rejection mindset is finding organic relationship connection start somewhere and what you want to do is you want to ask yourself what does love look like in my life am i able to receive and give love out because that's the foundation for where we're gonna begin to recover and to heal so I pray this is a blessing to your life I pray it encourages you and action step I want you to take is the book exposing the rejection mindset because this is where it's available on audio Kindle paperback it's also there's also a training course a very extensive training course I know groups have been using it churches have been using it individuals going through it if you want to take a smaller start I've got experiencing God's love as your father which really specifically goes into that subject right there if you realize like wow I struggle to receive God's love you want to you want to really hit the exposing the rejection mindset and you want to toggle into the book God loves me and I love myself because this is gonna help you to open up the pathway of receiving and loving yourself the way that God loves you and would you consider please if you love what we're doing consider becoming a regular partner we're trying to raise up a tribe of people that are supporting these podcasts videos and articles that we put together on a weekly basis your support helps us to do that um you could do a one-time donation just go to mark to he's calm and you can click on donate and you'll see the instructions on how to do that you can also utilize our free a free 30 day subscription to audible and by clicking on mark dejesus com forward slash audible the link is in my show notes it will help support us and the episodes that we're giving to you guys and so I pray that this episode is an encouragement to your life in your journey because I'm taking what God's shown me and the work that I do you may want to sign up for some personal coaching you can go to my help page right at the top there's a link on mark DeJesus com in fact I can show it to you here for those watching the video you see right at the top page next to donate that says help there and it'll give you some some information on where to start my process and working with people in various areas of their life but I'm praying that God would help you to heal the areas that Rick Jackson has has infiltrated in your life so that you can receive the healing that God has for you to receive his love let that love cast out fear and to re-establish what because your thoughts are so powerful love creates the atmosphere by which your thoughts can have the power that they need to have in their life and I pray that even the peace of God as you've listened to this episode will help and encourage you to feel God's presence it's love and that relationally you can begin to to work out these things and and and God can show you that love that casts out fear so anyways praise a blessing to your life go get them I love you thank you for all your support we'll look forward to more great episodes that Melissa and I will do together and we'll see you next time god bless
Channel: Mark DeJesus
Views: 9,634
Rating: 4.9511003 out of 5
Keywords: Rejection, Mental Health, Relationships, Healing
Id: rXB-u26iVE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 6sec (2706 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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