5 Healing Experiences Needed for OCD Struggles

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] welcome everyone to this broadcast mark dejesus here i'm going to be talking today about the subject of ocd and the healing journey what it can look like for you and what it can be in your life again i'm not trying to replace any professional help that you're getting but i do have a passion for the subject of obsessive-compulsive battles because i myself have had a journey in my life of recognizing its effect on me and being able to understand how do we navigate this as christians and as believers and so what i want to do is i want to encourage some biblical spiritual aspects of what your heart needs i'm going to get into five healing experiences that are needed in your journey now i'm gonna say this these are five healing experience that everybody needs but i'm gonna bring this down to the world of ocd issues and how it impacts us if you want to get into some of the specifics and things i have some other videos that i have that get into some more specifics on the battle i'm going to continue from this point on to make more and more content that gets more and more specific into particular battles but my goal in this is i want to encourage three things up front number one is in your ocd battle it's very easy for you to focus on the symptom the argument and getting spun out it's the very nature of it it's so disturbing you get focused in on that and so my encouragement is going to be redirection because the issue is not the issue whatever the subject is that's not the problem there's actually issues of the heart that you can be invited in to work on that have not been equipped in your life okay and and the the quicker we can begin to take that posture the better things can can be because secondly i want to encourage a movement from being stuck in your head to being able to live more free from your heart and that takes some work it takes help it takes mentoring it takes a process and takes a journey which leads me to number three and that is i want to encourage you out of quick fix what do i do what do i do what do i do mark i'm having an ocd thing in this area what do i do what do i do i do what do i do should i call should i do this should i wash my hands am i saved should i confess i want to encourage you to take a step back take a deep breath and begin to say i'm going to move into a journey and a process the more you can allow yourself and give yourself permission to go on a journey and a process the better off you'll be now i don't you know no person has the magic formula for everything that you exactly need in your journey only god does but i'm a big believer that god reveals things to our hearts as we take one step at a time and under this pressure and fear and stress i gotta oh my and all this we get lost we start drowning and so these three things are very very important one is the problem is not the problem so we have to learn to take our eyes and redirect them to what's going on in my heart which leads to number two i want to move from my head to my heart i don't want just information i want to experience the truth of these things and number three is i want to get out a quick fix and i want to move more into process and journey with that in mind i'm going to encourage five major things that are going to be important that have been so helpful in my life and my journey these are words that become cliche in christianity that move right past us because we think we know them in our heads but we don't possess them in our hearts and we need to learn because living from the heart is different than just living purely out of our mind our minds are just like data one plus one equals two and that's not relational data doesn't lead necessarily to better relationship i mean information can be helpful if it's awakening our hearts right and that's why i'm so passionate about the heart healing journey because it plugs you into getting more heart aware more heart connected so that you live and experience god relationally and many people who struggle with ocd admit yeah that's where i am i try and then they get accusatory towards themselves well i'm not saved i'm not a good enough christian i'm not this i'm i'm i'm filthy i'm unclean i'm i'm i'm a deviant all these things and what i want to do is we need to learn some things to help nurture you to help lead you into a new direction of being able to live free from the heart okay so let me walk you through some of these the first one that's the fifth one i'll get to that in a minute we'll get to grace in just a minute the first one that i want to bring out in your life and in your journey is this is crucial because i i notice there's a there's a pandemic in christianity where there is a disconnect in being able to truly experience the love of the father and the way that you were designed and this was one of the first things that i encountered because in my history growing up in the church i stopped for a moment and said wow i grew up in the church all my life and i feel disconnected from the love of the father now many people then assume oh it means because you're not really a christian and then we we diagnose ourselves in in very accusatory ways no it just means that you've not been trained in what it means to be unconditionally loved by your father in heaven what jesus did in that work on the cross gave us access to the father and many believers are seeking to believe in christ but you notice we're avoiding the father it's it's reflected in so many areas we when we pray we we pray lord jesus help me but we struggle and praying to the father even though jesus said pray to the father in my name i'm the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me he's the way one of my healing steps was reading through the new testament through the lens of just observing the word father and it helped me to realize that i was not tutored mentored fathered in the ways of knowing father god and his absolute love for me now when the bible uses the word love it's often the word agape agape i don't know that i necessarily pronounce it perfectly that's all right right is this love when you look at it and its meaning one of the things that it brings out immediately in the definition is to welcome to bring in that is what this you're welcoming in it's almost like you're being brought into a to a belonging you're bringing brought into a community so that's why i talk about the power of loving acceptance where the father loves you and embraces you right where you are and see when you're in ocd you're looking to fix yourself fix yourself fix yourself as a way to then feel peace and then maybe in that piece you'll feel love that's not how love works love receives you right where you are so let me ask those of you who struggle with ocd what is your god image what is the kind of god that you see that you relate to and for most who are honest they see a father who is angry harsh judgmental rule giving disappointed with you all the time and they can take certain verses and scriptures and and and use that as evidence listen you can have any view of god and find a scripture to back it up [Laughter] because the bible is meant to be received relationally in context in a big picture view and it must be based out of the covenant of what jesus christ did for us right but many people who struggle with ocd have a very harsh guilt-ridden judgmental disappointed performance driven father in heaven they serve so therefore when you read the bible it's a struggle for your life because it doesn't connect you more into the love the father has for you it disqualifies you so there's a lens that happens when you approach the scriptures and that's why many ocd suffers struggle in being able to read the bible i'm going to do a podcast episode tomorrow about mental health and the bible and i'm going to talk about some things that are important when it comes to actually reading the bible because for most they're not reading it in a love relationship with the father they're reading it in an accusatory rule heavy-handed kind of relationship with god so no matter what's being said you hear it in a way that accuses you and this is the this is the frustration so when i learn to connect to the father it it changes the filter out of how i hear through his goodness through his love for me so what does it mean to you as a believer in christ to experience god's eternal love right where you are right now to know that you are accepted in the beloved in the midst of this craziness and these battles that you're suffering with because for an ocd mind they're conditioned to think things need to be just right just right there's that perfectionism and then i'll be loved and then i'll be safe and then i'll feel better and what god is wanting us to understand is you being loved is not something that starts with you the bible says this we love him in first john 4 we love him because he first loved us so i've got to learn how to receive the love of the father john said oh what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we may be called children of god and ocd sufferers are spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and they can't see what their hearts what you're missing is you're missing the equipping of being loved right where you are and so in my life in my journey i began to just read the whole new testament and just noticing what the father any time the word father was mentioned especially when it related to god of how jesus expressed that compassionate heart and jesus said if you see me you see the father so if i want to know what the father is like i watch jesus carefully how he handled people how he graciously with truth loved people how he thoughtfully relate all all scripture needs to be processed relationally and a major turning point for me see if i can pull this up was when i dove into romans chapter 8 this was a life-changing scripture for me romans 8 15 for you did not receive a spirit of bondage again to fear ocd is bondage again to fear it keeps you bound to fear keeps you bound to anxiety keeps you bound to guilt and he paul is telling us you did not get that from god so this is not from god this battle that we're having but you receive the spirit of adoption by which we cry out abba father and many believers realize they're not comfortable crying out abba father or abba meaning dead or calling out to the god as their dad they're very uncomfortable with that at times it could feel sacrilegious or can feel like this isn't it feels weird because they've not been equipped in father relationship and that's why i go back to what was father what did father mean to you what did mother mean to you in your upbringing in your home upbringing and in your spiritual religious upbringing what was that like to equip you in being loved because in that you you get your identity john says we know this love because then we're called children of god and he says in in the previous verse you see that verse 14 those who are led by the spirit of god what's your identity are you good christians are you you know are you good ministers preachers no he said your sons sons of god that's who you are so ocd becomes heightened because we don't know who we are we're insecure in our identity so a thought comes to you and you think that must come from me because we don't know who we are and then people say well i need to learn who i am so let me try to learn who i am no no you learn who you are by learning to be loved be loved right now where you're at but i've got this thought it's your compulsion that's that urge to keep following that and anything that's not flowing through the conduit of love is gonna lead you into your ocd compulsions because love will calm you love will bring you in yeah but i got to get this thing what about this thought that i have you know this thing and and i noticed that in my brothers and sisters who email me they have a compulsive urge to make sure they get their story out let me tell you my thing because here's what we believe we believe that our battle is unique to us we have so much shame i'm the only one that battles this i'm the only one that battles this and this is really crazy and it's like no there's many others who have that same battle many others have that same battle but we become so focused on that we don't see what we need here you need to be rooted in love and it reveals histo historically what you probably did not receive and get equipped in and what it means to be unconditionally loved because love is the answer to to to our battles but not just love being present experiencing it and so this passage of scripture helped me to realize the spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of god so all these obsessions and compulsions don't bear witness to just being loved children like you got to do this you got to do that you got to do this you got to do that so we're following these lies that are just deceiving us that no you're you're a child of god you're in his those thoughts that you have flying by that's not you that's not you that's not this is not god this is not his ways and if i'm a child i'm an heir heirs of god and joint heirs with christ so paul even says even in my suffering if i go through persecution or whatever i go through it's it's there's a glory that's going to be revealed now as romans 8 goes on the power of god's love and sonship opens up the revelation for freedom and to go through anything paul's like man nothing's going to separate me from the love of god which is in christ jesus jesus reveals the love the eternal love of the father that meets us right where we're at so application what does father mean to you what does it mean to be unconditionally loved in his love for you right now because of what he did not because of how great you happen to be performing today the second thing i find is important in the journey is that you're gonna have to learn how to love yourself in the midst of your battle now the the trap is is this i'll be loved when i have peace and i'll have peace when i fix this whatever it is you're battling i'll have peace when i fix this so the problem is is that you put more pressure on yourself to try to get fixed without learning how to first be loved because everything lands on love learning to be loved learning to live in love jesus said they'll know you by love they'll actually notice it who you are because of the love true love that you have for one another and jesus even in his command he said on this hangs all the law and the prophets matthew matthew 22 let me pull that up here he says you shall let me pull that up on the screen you all know this you shall love the lord with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind is basically with all of your your everything about you learning what it means to be loved and to love him now many ocd sufferers they start with trying to love god because it says it here love god that's all the prophets hang on this now the thing is is that the bible is in harmony with each other so you have to also see in first john where it says we love him because he first loved us because then and then we put another piece of the puzzle together here he says you shall love your neighbor as your self and christianity has been living in this bondage of works where we're trying to love people trying to love people trying to love people hey can i be honest do you notice that christianity's burnt out like some of you you're like if i if i get involved in another activity or another uh serving project i'm going to lose my marbles right because you're burnt out you're fried because you're told love god love people love god love people love god love people and so we've chronic in a chronic pattern ignored ourselves and we saw being aware of our heart and our receiving of love loving ourselves and that seeing ourselves through that love we saw that as being selfish and so that is because what we saw in the world then began to define what self-love is but jesus said you got to love your neighbor as yourself there's going to be a connection and how you love others coming out of how you love yourself now this is the key loving others out of what you've received now this is authentic ministry you only give out that which you carry that's it so if i want to be a blessing to my wife to my children to my community to those around i've got to spend time learning to receive how do you learn to receive take everything you're going through obsessively and go what does it look like to be a hundred percent loved right now in the midst of my battle because many ocd suffers they're very very you're very hostile towards yourself you have a hostile inner world that anger rises up that anger gives way to judgment and that judgment puts you into punishment love has been perfected among us in this that we may have boldness in the day of judgment wow that's a powerful powerful promise because as he is so are we in the world that's a confidence builder there is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment or punishment he who fears has not been made perfect in love so ocd suffer you have to recognize right here there's a fear component that you live by and here's your antidote here's your antidote you need to walk into a journey of being loved okay how do i do that do i gotta make sure i pray right and do my bible reading right and do it no the next verse you can't even love him unless you learn to be loved so just learn to be loved and it starts with 100 percent total unconditional loving acceptance right now why where you're at i call it tula tula t-u-l-a total unconditional loving acceptance right now right where you're at i am loved and then activating two key things that help break the bondage of self-hatred and animosity that you have to yourself and how you feel like you're your own worst enemy i want to unglue you from being your own worst enemy i want to disconnect you from that i want to plug you into kindness and patience love is patient and love is kind would it look like for you right now in the midst of your ocd struggle to be kind and patient to yourself because patience says this will take as long as it takes this will take as long as it takes to journey kindness is how god deals with you the whole way through and i want to always direct you back to the kindness of god to his goodness because that leads to the turnaround that leads to breakthrough that leads to experiencing now here's the third experience we need is receiving nurture nurture nurture this is a massive area because god is a nurturing god in fact he sent us the holy spirit who is a comforter now when i talk about nurture i'm talking about receiving loving comfort healing and recovery during hardship now most ocd suffers in your battle you judge yourself judge condemn guilt shame and it reveals a lack of nurture because what happens in life is when things go wrong you beat yourself up you get in the blame game you get hard on yourself you you start you start listening to the self-talk that spirals you nurture says it's okay i'm here and i've seen this as a chronic pattern that people struggle to connect to the comfort of the holy spirit that's who he is he empowers you and comforts you and so ocd suffers get lost in am i hearing from the holy spirit or not and sometimes ask do you not receive his comfort because when jesus announced his arrival there's there's there's a couple things he brought out that are really important he talked about in acts 1 8 about receive power that's that's one aspect of this but let's look at this other area here in john chapter 14. i'll look at this briefly john 14 verse 25. these things i've spoken to you while being present with you but the helper you know jesus is bringing about this is look at this he's an intercessor that's what this word means that come up yeah he's an intercessor consoler advocate comforter summoned called to one side one who pleased another cause before a judge good stuff here who pleads another cause with an intercessor of christ in his exaltation at god's right hand pleading with god for the father for the pardon of our sins in the widest sense a helper aider assistant okay all this stuff here it goes on this often translated comforter the holy spirit whom the father see when you start seeing the father you see over and over again jesus and the apostles always mentioning the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of the father the grace of jesus christ and peace from our father this is a key of connecting us to the heart of the father over our lives that so many believers feel disconnected from and struggle the father sends the holy spirit in my name and what's he gonna do he's gonna teach you all things but really what's the basis of teaching he's gonna bring remembrance all things i've said to you now for many believers that sentence all things i've said to you it's just harshness you read your bible more you do more you all these accusations jesus is going no no no no no he's a comforter and helper this is an empowering thing see mark how do you know that read the next sentence peace i leave you not a not as the world gives do i give you what's the piece of the world well the peace of the world they want circumstances to change and then they'll feel peace in ocd you need your thoughts to get better and then you'll feel peace and i had to learn how to experience peace in love when i felt totally disconnected from it and those thoughts didn't leave that takes practice doesn't it it takes daily hourly minute by minute sometimes redirection he says don't let your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid so i believe a key aspect of the healing journey is learning how to receive loving nurture many of you will in your journey need to recognize in your heart maybe mother wounds that where your mom wasn't a nurturing present in your life that when you when you struggled or had made mistakes she yelled at you blamed you shamed you or maybe your father didn't have a nurturing presence in your life that sets the grid it's not a blame game it sets the grid for how you then because these are your references earthly relationships become references for how we relate to god because god calls himself by the references we live by father in heaven we are brothers and sisters right that's why we struggle in relating to brothers and sisters in christ because you don't have good models of your own brothers and sisters growing up you're estranged from many of them you have battles with any of them right so it's like brother and sister in church like what does that even mean right father we need you to heal these areas and each one of these i've said to god god i don't know what they mean but will you teach me and will i learn and so i read the whole bible and just look at the word nurture and just notice it through scriptures or forms of the word nurture it led me into proverbs and the what solomon said in the wisdom he had of his father and mother relationship what he gained out of that it led me into passages like father's do not provoke your sons but nurture them in the admonition of the lord those kind of scriptures that brought out because many times what god will do is lead you through the scriptures to notice a certain theme that needs highlighting in your journey and where you are what we often do is we get lost in the scriptures that confuse us ocd sufferers can be very vulnerable to getting lost in certain scriptures that they need to figure out and oftentimes those scriptures it's not time for those to be revealed in your heart yet just put them on the burner it's not bringing revelation yet so it's not time but then we spin about it and then we look do web searches other than rain and maybe i'm missing something and notice it gets worse and worse it doesn't make it better and i've learned in my journey to starve some of those compulsions to figure out certain scriptures that are just not speaking out but but pay attention to what is what is speaking life what is leading me into greater faith hope and love jesus said he's going to remind you and that's going to bring about help it's going to bring about advocacy it's going to bring about comfort and he takes it even further in acts 1 8 says you're going to you're going to receive power so the fourth thing this has been this has been a fun journey too for me even though um i was disconnected for a long time is learning how to receive the mercy now here's a simple way that i define mercy is god's compassion for us in our suffering see in ocd your go-to response is and compassion it's hostility to matter with me why can't i get it together what's going on right and what you need you need mercy now i'll even bring this up scripturally give me a second here i can give you the address so jude says this in verse 20 but you beloved building yourselves up in your most holy faith building yourself up that's the faith journey being built up ocd tears you down tears you down disempowers you so we have to notice the deception and those thought patterns right building yourselves up in the most holy faith praying in the holy spirit keeping yourselves what keeping all your thoughts together make sure you get everything just right keep yourselves what in the love of god why because that's where a lot of the battle is looking for what what do i want to look out for the mercy of our lord jesus christ and to eternal life and look at that word nurse mercy compassion mercy kindness or good will towards the miserable and the afflicted join with a desire to help them now i take out of some of that some of that old english kind of language your professional language just make it simple god's compassion on you and your suffering and struggling right he looks at you with goodness because we feel that affliction we feel that misery that the strong's is bringing out there the definition what your heart needs is your heart needs an encounter with god's compassionate love and mercy so when you interpret what you're going through where you're at do you do it through mercy do you do it through love through nurture or do you interpret it through hostility hate being an enemy to yourself i want to release you from being an enemy to yourself and learn how to see yourself through kindness which leads me to the fifth one you saw that is receiving grace now grace can be defined in a lot of different ways because grace is like love just when you feel like you've understood it it's like a beautiful diamond you turn it and you see a whole other aspect of it you never saw before but here's what i often use to help people and i'll show you the real definition so you don't think i'm just making stuff up but i like to help simplify things so that we can we can understand and practically live it because sometimes we get so without shallowest thy benevolence forthwith all beef we have done to be meritorious of thine favor it's like what does that even mean right so i like to cut to like here's what it means and here's how it can be received and i just i i teach that god's grace is his relational power now that power can be in the form of favor empowerment working his works in your life happening right but it's relational it's not god fix this god do this okay by god i'm gonna be a robot and make sure i do everything right now it's relational i gotta learn who you are i gotta learn who i am i to learn this journey each day i discover more about you and in discovering you i discover more about myself and i learned and am loved and i let my battles reveal the grace that's there and i don't get lost in all the accusations of the enemy by i pay attention to what you're doing it's god's relational power working in and through your heart it's that careless word right that that it's not just something that god delivers to you and you sit there it's going to impact people around you because you pay attention to the grace so for example there's areas and aspects of where i love to teach and explain things and my journey has taken me through the ups and downs of i i love that there's grace and and i can't help but just explain things and help bring things to light and and dive into difficult subjects right i love that whereas make somebody else miserable doing that but it follows in my grace but i've had to learn relationally with god who i am and and and paying attention to what is god doing in my life now ocd will completely distract you from god's grace in in two main areas one it'll send you into topics you don't need to think about and two it puts all the pressure and weight back on you do you notice that you don't say all roads end with you need to get it right and that it's a yoke of bondage right so let me pull up um just one example because my my goal is not to dissect you know grace in all different ways won't just give you just enough nuggets to get you thinking and get you moving in your life and journey so peter says but grow in the grace and knowledge of our lord and savior jesus christ and so you see this word found in the strong's keras okay um we often relate that to charismatic which talks about believing in the gifts of the spirit working and operating but really this keras is speaking now in the sense of gifts yes god gives you giftings that he's supernaturally putting in your life so that we look and go wow look at what god is doing and flowing right grace is what brings us in in the first place for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves many believers who struggle with ocd they may have entered into the faith saying okay it's by grace but then the bait and switch happened and it was just all works from there and everything comes back to you make sure you get all your t's crossed and your eyes dotted and so i talk about grace being god's relational power working so look at this um it speaks kara speaks of graciousness or manner of act um figurative spiritually especially now look at this the divine influence upon the heart and it's reflection in the life i like to take that and just kind of bring it down to the brass tacks of daily work okay it's god's empowerment okay he is the strong's use the word influence right he's working and many ocd servers say i don't know i don't feel i don't connect to him okay well that's where faith needs to kick in we need to learn and and we have to realize that our feelings are lying to us and our interpretations off and we have to lead our hearts in new directions knowing that our feelings are going to take a while to catch up and and and that's where the discomfort comes about but the grace of god now i'm moving and shifting because that word can speak of gratitude it can speak of of thanksgiving right i encourage you look at these definitions and and and let it let it lead you into greater revelation because what we want to do is we want to receive the love mercy nurture and grace of god while we're starving those compulsions that's the journey of ocd freedom it's like those areas our obsession which is whatever the thought pattern that is disturbing and then there's the compulsion what we do to try to alleviate that discomfort and it keeps us in a feedback loop that never gets solved so we have to we have to throw the train off the tracks and move into a new set of tracks how many of you know that doesn't happen overnight it takes learning but these five words must be learned from the heart and it can be started with just simply humbling ourselves humbling ourselves before the mighty hand of god speaking of grace god says this word he gives grace to the humble right so if you just humble yourself before god and say god i don't know but would you show me mark this smart guy is talking about the father's love i have no idea of that but would you show me i want to learn the smart guy is talking about nurture and comfort i don't know what that feels like i don't know how to experience that but would you show me and now you put it on the tapestry of your life where you're available to notice it in the simple things to notice god's love for you because i found i humbled myself and i just said god i have no idea what i'm doing but i know this ocd is leading me to dead ends so would you teach me and would you show me and as i redirect gently there's the graciousness gently redirect myself from those obsessive thoughts into learning i've got this thing screaming at me but i'm gently redirecting myself how to be loved and over time love begins to drown out the voice it doesn't just like go away overnight stop praying and asking for the voice to go away because that just makes it worse because then you're checking is it there is it there is it there it's still there oh it's there of course it's going to be there because you're looking for it right it's a gentle redirection back to love starving your compulsive patterns i gotta make a call i gotta do i gotta repent i gotta you know what does it mean to be loved in the midst of this i hope this is making sense for your battle and your journey i'm checking out some of your questions some of the things you're posting here yeah when it comes to ocd too like there's a re-tuning of how we even see our thoughts and how we how we respond to them and i want to take the pressure off of like this is god i think christians put way too much pressure on themselves to a hear from god and hear from god perfectly um i like to release the pressure of that off of you paul said this he said we see through a glass dimly no this apostle paul third heaven apostle paul right like we would all die to experience what he experienced right to taste and and and extract a revelation that he got right and he's saying on his best day he's seeing through a foggy windshield so ocd suffers we need to and i know this is a journey so i'm not telling you just hurry up and just do this but there is a learning of i don't have to hear from god perfectly today because on my best day the windshield's still foggy that's why paul said we see through a glass dimly but then face to face right so we're still learning and we're still we're finding our way through and we've got to give ourselves permission to do that and so i encourage you take the pressure off of having to hear god perfectly and go okay this is the i i do know my ocd patterns um are leading me astray so what i want to do is i want to learn what it means to relate to a loving father because anything any precept of the kingdom of god that is learned outside of covenant grace and love is going to lead you to performance to bondage it's going to lead you to law it's going to lead you to frustration and depression and despair and all kinds of stuff and just checking out your questions we're getting free coaching here's a blessing good good yeah somebody's talking there about the grace yeah crockpot not a microwave marination it's what it's all about thank you abby my daughter's in the comment section here she's she's bringing in the first john 4 18 we talking a lot about that haven't we sweetheart yes thank you so much for making these videos good there's more to come there's more to come i'm going to do more content on this and feel free to jump on my mailing list for that you can go to mark dejesus.com forward slash ocd help forward slash ocd help i'm going to quickly go through some of my resources if you're like man that father thing is important then get my book experiencing god's love as your father it's like 90 something pages it's not a lengthy read but it's meant to be received in the heart i've got hardcover i've got a free download you can get as of this broadcast so take advantage of that but if you want to have it in your hands get a hardcover there's also audio book and e-course and then and then i want to encourage you to go deeper because a lot of the father issues and mother issues lead us to rejection issues a root or rejection exposing the rejection mindset will walk you through that if you found that learning to love yourself the way that god loves you is something that's highlighted in your journey which i know was for me major major shift in my life in what i wrote in this book god loves me and i love myself if you need to get some more clarity on this anxiety worry kind of stuff i will not fear is a great 28 day kind of process i'll walk you through just to get some greater discernment and again everything is available on audio and e-course as well too in my current book the heart healing journey if you're like man i want to get out get you know get out of this like stuck in my head and get more connected to my heart and learn that i think there's some great insights that can be available there but all in all i want to encourage you keep walking this out this is a journey not a quick fix this is a relational process god's walking with you again if this video has been encouragement consider a one-time donation or becoming a regular subscriber in in many ways you can subscribe on youtube you can also subscribe to our email list get updates on these things you can also become a partner and i say a partner means on a regular basis monthly basis you support the work of this ministry so appreciate that so much look forward to seeing you all in future episodes blessings
Channel: Mark DeJesus
Views: 1,470
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: OCD, Healing OCD, Heart Healing
Id: mJggIPMmG28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 44sec (2744 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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