Corn Chowder – Creamy Corn Soup - Heirloom Recipe - 100 Year Old Recipe – The Hillbilly Kitchen

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Howdy Folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're making a creamy corn soup our corn chowder [Music] now the basic things you need for this are corn onion potatoes and milk it's winter time though and normally if I was making this in the summer during Garden season I would use probably four to six ears of fresh corn and cut them off and scrape the cob and you can even boil your corn cobs for about five minutes and you can use them for the water that I'm going to simmer my vegetables in to make my vegetable stock you can also add chicken stock to this if you want to but when I'm making um vegetable soups like corn chowder or any other vegetable soup I like to keep it a vegetable soup but if you like the flavor of chicken stock and you've got it you can certainly add it you could also drop a bouillon cube in there or a little bit of the better than bouillon soup bases just you know it's your soup you make it the way you want it now what I'm using is I've got a couple medium potatoes here diced up and I have a can of fro or not a can a bag of frozen corn like a 12 ounce bag you can use canned corn if you want to I have a medium onion I've diced up a couple of tablespoons of butter and I grated a carrot and a stalk of celery and I'm going to use this to make a vegetable base of broth for my soup base but like I said if you want to use the um canned broth the chicken or the canned vegetable broth you can do that um you could also maybe add a bell pepper into this you can add some garlic into it kind of whatever you got or whatever flavors that you like I've got it on kind of a medium low heat and I'm going to get my butter melted because I want my vegetables to cook not burn and stick to the bottom of my pan at this point though if you do get a little bit of sticking when you're sauteing these vegetables together just as long as they don't burn it will actually add a little flavor into your vegetable broth foreign if you like celery a lot you can chop up a couple of stalks and add it into this and I'm not crazy about that texture so I usually chop mine really really fine this time I had The Grater out my box grater to grate my carrot because I wanted it really fine and I decided you know what I'm going to see what seller it'll do if you grade it because I do like it chopped really fine if I use it in something like this it adds a lot of flavor and you can great celery it's kind of a trick but I figured since I had it out I'd give it a shot a bell pepper would add a ton of flavor just chop it up fine or if you like it chunkier you can leave some chunks in there I'm also going to go ahead and add my potatoes in and I've cut my potatoes up fairly small you can leave them in bigger pieces if you want or you can cut them up smaller and my potatoes are actually going to help thicken this up a little bit and I'm just going to kind of add them on top of my other vegetables now I'm going to wait until I add my water to add my corn and I'm only going to add enough water to this to barely cover the vegetables and I'm going to cook them in the water until they get tender and then I'm going to add my milk um you'll want a little salt and pepper to season it it is just a taste and I will say this about salt be very careful with your salt you can always put salt on the table so that folks can add a little bit more but it is much easier to put salt in soup than it is to get it out and here's a little tip if you happen to over salt it you can drop a whole potato in there and let that potato cook in it and it will soak up the excess salt and that's true with any super stew or anything like that if you get too much salt you can drop a potato in it and it'll help take some of the salt out so especially these days and times we don't need to be throwing out a whole pot of anything because we spilled a little salt so that might be a good tip to hang on to something I like to keep for Soups especially in the winter is evaporated milk now evaporated milk you would mix a can of water with it like this is 12 ounces so like you'd mix 12 ounces of water with it to get about the same consistency as just milk and but what I have here is two cups of whole milk today but especially in the wintertime when it's snowing or maybe if I hadn't just hadn't felt like going to the grocery store I'll use evaporated milk in my soups because it makes it extra creamy it turns this water that I'm cooking my vegetables in and milk pretty much so if you're making this during Garden season and you're using fresh corn and you've boiled your corn cobs if you use the evaporated milk when you add your milk instead of just the whole milk it will turn your corn water much creamier and your whole pot of soup will be much richer and also this stuff is good for at least a couple of years so it's something good to have on hand for those times when you don't feel like going to the grocery store maybe you're snowed in or the Hurricanes that come through or around here we've had tornadoes that have knocked out power for days and days and days so this doesn't need Refrigeration keep it in your pantry a couple years and then you can pull it out when you need milk for Soups gravies whatever this makes excellent gravy too use this in your sausage gravy if you don't have enough milk you know maybe you getting up on Sunday morning to make breakfast and you're like oh gosh I forgot to get milk well you can use your evaporated milk to make a gravy and you've got enough milk for breakfast anyway during Garden season you can also chop up a couple of tomatoes and put in this just seed them and dice them up and add them into this stock and that's really good in this you can pretty much add anything into this that you want to some of y'all are going to laugh at this but I know a lot of you are wondering because I wondered being from the south when we make soup with milk we just call it cream soup I did not I I kept seeing all these recipes for soup and it said chowder after it so I got curious one day and got on the internet to look and see what the difference between a soup and a chowder was well guess what chowder is soup made with milk it's cream soup and in the South we always just call it cream soup cream and tomato cream chicken cream or whatever but in other parts of the country and other parts of the world it's chowder so if you've always wondered what the difference is and maybe you've been in a restaurant and you've hesitated to order the soup of the day because it was Chowder now you know and I know some of y'all are going to laugh about that because I didn't know that I had to look it up but you know if you're not learning you're not living and you're never too old to learn something new in the kitchen so now you know if you didn't and if you did you got a good chuckle so either way it's all good okay my onions are starting to get tender my potatoes are not quite yet done but you can see here I'm starting to get a little bit of sticking and I don't want it to burn so I'm going to go ahead and add my water in which will get everything off the bottom of my pan not all of it I put about half of it in because I just want enough water in here so that they don't stick and they continue to cook and get soft okay it's going to take a little bit more because that's soaked up all my water and I'm going to add my corn in here now too okay I put almost that whole Cup in there go ahead and add in the corn because we don't want to be tough if you watch for sales you can get frozen vegetables pretty cheap and especially if you're cooking for just one or two people it's easier to divide the frozen vegetables up when you're cooking them than it is to divide up a can I mean once you've opened the can it's open but frozen vegetables they can stay in the bag in the freezer and especially if you've just got a few left in a bag of different varieties that's excellent soup making ingredients right there so if you're just cooking for one or two people you might find that frozen vegetables actually save you money because you don't have as much waste if you find them on sale I mean nowadays I don't buy any groceries hardly unless they're on sale now I want to keep an eye on this because I don't have much water in here and I'm only going to let this simmer maybe five minutes total before I add my milk because my potatoes are cooked or cut up really small so they'll cook fast and all my other vegetables like my onion was chopped super fine and it's already cooked some my carrots were grated I grated my celery like I said normally I'd chop it up but I had the Box grater out so I thought I'd try it and you can see I still have some liquid in here but not too much and that's what I want you can also see probably the color of that I mean that is a very rich broth so you don't really need to add the chicken broth unless you just want to but like I said it's your pot of soup so if you want to add a little chicken broth to it you go right ahead if you've got you know folks in your house that are vegetarian or vegan though this is an excellent recipe for those folks um some stuff that I would serve with this I would maybe have a little cheese a little sour cream maybe some crumbled up bacon to go with it and if you have some bread to go with this whether it's homemade rolls um some of that Irish soda bread would be excellent with this our cornbread is really really good with this any kind of vegetable soup especially something that has potatoes and corn in it the cornbread makes is good with it I mean it just goes with it but I think the texture and the flavor of the Irish soda bread goes excellent with this and nobody ever turned down rolls with their soup or breadsticks you could do breadsticks if you wanted to and make a meal out of this um I said a lot of folks like the cheese and the sour cream and the bacon bits so have all that stuff to go with it if you're serving it for a meal for sure uh other than that I really don't know what to tell you to put in it it's good especially when corn is in season with just the potatoes the onions the corn and the milk I mean that's excellent all by itself without anything else added to it but when we don't have the fresh corn and that the flavor the fresh corn you got to kind of help the soup out a little bit I mean it's January 7th there ain't a stalk a corn anywhere inside around here right now so or put some extra stuff in there to make it more flavorful you can also season it a little bit spicy too if you want to if you like hot stuff serve a little hot sauce on the side with your bacon and your sour cream and your cheese spice it up while we're waiting I want to share Proverbs 27 17 with you iron shape of iron as a man's shapeth the countenance of his friends Proverbs is just full of old wise sayings and you have probably all heard from somebody older than you that advice choose your friends wisely and that is certainly important for your success for your emotional and mental well-being even your physical well-being you should choose friends who will lift you up friends who will share the Lord with you you need you all need a friend who is like Vanessa and says more of you and less of me Lord and if your friends are not lifting you up if they're not encouraging you if they are especially um leading you into some path that's going to get you into trouble and New Year might be a good time to find some new friends but even more than friends if you're looking for that person to spend the rest of your life with that one special person that choosing someone who is going to shape your countenance in a positive way in a good way shape your countenance and strengthen your walk with the Lord is more important in that one person you're going to share the rest of your life with and in all the rest of your friends the divorce rate in this country is just out of control and I guess worldwide it's out of control so when you're looking for that one person to spend the rest of your life with make sure that somebody that's shaping you into a shape that you want to be make sure it's somebody that's improving your accountants somebody that makes your somebody that puts you in a good mood somebody that is positive and light and loving it should not be somebody that you feel bad after you see them so choose your friends wisely but definitely choose your mate wisely okay I'm sure these taters are Tender by now like I said I cooked them or cut them pretty small oh yeah they're breaking up good now that's what I want all right before adding my milk I'm going to give it a stir and then I'm gonna take this gadget over here that's for I think some places call this a tater Masher I've never really used it to mash taters but it's great for making soup um I like my mashed Tater is a little bit creamier and what this is going to do is it's going to bust the taters up it's going to bust up some of the Corn and it's going to get that in our soup broth it's going to thicken it so when we add the milk we're not going to need to add anything else to thicken it because we've got the starch and the corn and the potatoes and we've busted some of them up so that's going to make our broth thick and creamy and like I said we're not going to need to add any flour or any cornstarch or anything to it and it also makes the soup a little easier to eat now if you like super big chunks of taters in yours you might not want to do this because or you might not want to do it that much you might you could still do it some to get some of that starch in there but you don't have to do it as much as I did it okay now I'm going to add my milk and kind of bring it back to a boil now you want to keep an eye on it for sure after you've added your milk you don't want it scorching because you've cut up vegetables and you've simmered them and sure don't want it scorching now even cutting up vegetables and stuff and doing this from scratch this takes less than 30 minutes and if you made a quick bread to go with it like cornbread or the Irish soda breads pretty quick and pretty easy you wouldn't have long at all in preparing this meal and I do want to add my salt my pepper I haven't added any salt or any pepper yet um and like I said it's just a taste and you can always add more on the table of both I probably just put about half a teaspoon in there and I've got a lot of vegetables but I don't want to overdo it I'm going to do about half teaspoon of salt and you might want more than that and folks might want more than that at the table but you can set the salt pepper and or salt shaker and a paper Shaker on the table along with some other stuff if you want to add other stuff into it and everybody can just that adjust it to suit their own taste which is something that you can't do with a canned soup really I mean you can add more but you certainly can't add less and for folks that have dietary restrictions that's definitely a good thing is being able to have less this soup like I said it's hearty enough that with a little bread of some sort it would make a meal dinner or lunch and it would be a good side what we did here would serve four people a meal if you were doing it as a side at a big dinner you could get probably eight cups out of it maybe even more than that because normally when you serve a cup of soup with dinner you don't serve a whole cup so you know a meal four people if you're making it for more people than that just double the recipe it's pretty easy to add more to it and if we were doing fresh corn we'd have about five six ears corn in here said you got to try this with fresh corn at least once this summer if you've never had it with fresh corn but for the winter the Frozen stuff will do the only thing left to do is just let this heat back up make sure that milk is hot now the longer you simmer it the thicker it will get it will tend to thicken up more as it simmers sometimes I let it sit here and simmer on real low heat which I can't really do real low heat on this stove it doesn't do real low heat it'll go out but if I was cooking it on my stove back here I might let it simmer for four or five more minutes just to really get the flavors and the milk good but you want to at least heat it back to a boil so it's hot nobody likes cold soup okay and that is all there is to a delicious bowl of homemade fresh corn chowder or creamy corn soup depending on what part of the country you're from make sure you get a little bit of that cream stuff in there when you serve it excellent by itself add a little cheese add a little sour cream add a little bacon and if you're looking for something simple and different for dinner tonight give this a try or if you want something maybe after church on Sunday this would be a good one thank you so much for joining us the hillbilly kitchen please don't forget to click like And subscribe before you leave share our videos with all your friends and until next time remember to put God first
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 90,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, bret and becky, potato soup, tater soup, root soup, 100 year old recipe, heirloom recipe, world's best potato soup, potato soup recipe, recipe, tater soup recipe, cooking, old recipe, soup recipe, delicious soup, best soup recipe, best soup, old fashioned soup, granny's soup, potato recipe, vegetarian soup recipe, vegetarian potato soup, easy soup recipe, how to make soup, corn, corn chowder, chowder, corn soup, fresh corn, cream corn, no broth
Id: cYKUjuI-VfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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