Ryzen 5 5600: When Will it Bottleneck your GPU?

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foreign [Music] today we are testing another popular budget CPU to see when it will create a bottleneck with your GPU amd's ryzen 5 5600 is one of the best value purchases on the market right now but how far can you truly push it before needing an upgrade I'm not going to waste any time and just jump straight into some benchmarks here we are pairing the 5600 with a RTX 3050 to start and for most this obviously weak GPU isn't going to cause any kind of CPU bottleneck but I wanted to show you guys all the different ways you can experience a CPU bottleneck in your system because depending on the settings you use and games you play you can get wildly different results things aren't always as black and white as it seems starting with Red Dead Redemption 2 at 1080p with the balanced preset this is a great example of a more cinematic single player game with no Ray tracing and dlss turned off the CPU stays Just Around 50 usage and keeps the GPU at a solid 97 to 98 usage throughout the entire Benchmark pretty clearly we have no bottleneck happening here but let's switch over to a game with some light Ray tracing like Spider-Man remastered starting at 1080p High We once again clearly seen a bottleneck happening the big thing to look at being the CPU GPU usage which looks almost exactly the same as what we saw in Red Dead Redemption 2. but once we turn on high Ray tracing you will notice our CPU usage jumped up by almost 20 percent hovering around 60 to 70 depending on how demanding the area is bumping everything up to the very high preset with very high Ray tracing plus adding on dlss we start going even past the 70 CPU usage mark let's look at another heavier example with cyberpunk 2077 starting with 1080p Ultra Ray tracing and dlss Ultra performance the CPU sits pretty close to 80 usage during the difficult parts of the Benchmark and sticks around 60 at its lowest this is all just to show that depending on if you use Ray tracing or dlss or even both this can cause a CPU bottleneck because both are more CPU intensive tasks than just running the game raw another area where you can be bottlenecked is in competitive Esports titles and trying to reach high frame rates using Modern Warfare 2 is an example here we are at 1080p balanced and at least with the 3050 we almost get no bottleneck only pushing the CPU to around 30 usage but as the benchmarks keep showing up you're going to see the CPU reach a point where it creates a huge bottleneck in terms of the amount of frames that can output in this particular title and that'll be the same for other competitive Esports titles like Counter-Strike or valent as well there usually is going to be a limit where these CPUs reach um that's what we're going to be trying to do with the Modern Warfare 2 example in the benchmarks today now that you have a better understanding let's start getting into the real tests starting out with the 3060 we are comparing the 5600 with the 5800x 3D to better see when we are running into a bottleneck so we aren't completely reliant on usage percentages starting with Red Dead Redemption 2 at 1080p Max settings I made the mistake of forgetting to run MSI afterburner for the 5800 X 3D so I apologize for that but as you can see from the FPS counter at least we are getting nearly identical performance in this game switching over to cyberpunk 2077 and starting with ultra 1080p we once again get identical performance even bumping it down to high we see absolutely no difference outside of the 5600 having a little bit higher CPU usage all right and the last 30 60 comparison we have is Spider-Man remastered at 1080p starting with the ray tracing on very high settings it's kind of hard to tell because we can't do a perfect side by side in this game but from my point of view both CPUs are running the 3060 exactly the same once again even turning Ray tracing off it's hard to see any noticeable difference between the two games I'm not quite done with using the 360 yet though I did decide to run a benchmark on Modern refer 2 at 1080p balance for the competitive Gamers out there the cool thing about Modern Warfare 2 is it will actually tell you if a bottleneck is occurring and the stats after the Benchmark and it seems that once again the 5600 handled the 3060 with ease upgrading to the 3060 TI we once again start out with the Red Dead Redemption 2 Benchmark at 1080p Max settings this time we are seeing a little bit of a minor separation the 5600 is occasionally two or three FPS below the 5800x 3D but realistically it seems to be within a margin of error to me so they are still performing exactly the same changing over to Spider-Man remastered at 1080p very high Ray tracing to me both CPUs are once again tied and that appears to also be the same when turning the ray tracing off as well looking at cyberpunk 2077 and starting at 1080p Ultra once again both CPUs are performing almost exactly the same within a small margin of error and I apologize the recording of the 5600 somehow got a little messed up but looking at the high settings is really no difference both CPUs are running the 3060 TI at 100 percent ending off once again with a quick monitor for two Benchmark at 1080p balance we again are at one percent CPU bottleneck to 99 GPU bottleneck which is exactly what we would like to see now with how even both these CPUs were performing at those cards I decided that maybe it's time to take a bit of a larger leap and go up to the 6800 XT figured it was time to save the 5600 can hang around with the big guns I decided to forego any more 1080p benchmarks by the way from here on out because to me it's an easy way to create a CPU bottleneck but it's kind of forced for what I'm trying to do in this video today in my opinion unless you're playing a competitive game at 1080p it starts to not make sense at this tier of graphics so I feel much more realistic comparisons is to use 1440p and 4K with these higher end gpus starting once again with Red Dead Redemption 2 we are at 1440p Max settings The Benchmark starts out pretty strange with the 5600 doing better but the second we get outside the 5800x3d takes a small lead of around 10 FPS and keeps it not sure why we saw such a weird difference at the beginning uh to me this behavior is pretty strange let me get up to 4K Mac settings both CPUs simply running the game almost exactly the same here with the 5800 x3d maybe taking a two to three FPS lead which is you know basically within a margin of error again going back to our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man we are starting out at 4K with the ray tracing on and surprisingly both CPUs are running the game exactly the same here they were chasing off we still see both CPUs perform very similarly although I do notice the 5800x 3D occasionally reaching the upper 80s in fps while the 5600 doesn't ever really get that high but the average looks to be about the same going down to 1440p with very high raid chasing both CPUs once again almost perform identically between the retracing off at first seemed to yield no difference but as the 5600 runs into certain areas on the map you can see the GPU usage drop drastically around the 80 percent Mark and the FPS also takes a huge dip so you're starting to see a bottleneck show through at this setting switching to cyberpunk 2077 we start with the 4K medium Ray tracing and both give the same unplayable 17 FPS average experience going down to 4K Ultra both CPUs once again perform exactly the same with literally no difference between the two ending it off with 1440p ultra we finally start to see some separation between the two CPUs but 5800 X 3D averaging about 5 more FPS which isn't really much but I suppose it's a lead nonetheless now with our Modern Warfare 2 Benchmark we can actually compare the fps to our 1500x 3D we're starting out with 1440p ultimate quality those CPUs are doing almost exactly the same it actually seems like the 5600 is doing slightly better but to be honest I believe both are running on a different patch unfortunately because when I was doing the recordings for these it took me a couple days to get all the footage down and model for two patches constantly so there was a patch in between the two so I think it's throwing off the numbers a bit going over to 4K ultimate quality now we get the same exact result both showing 99 GPU bottleneck to one percent CPU I did throw in a 1080p balanced Benchmark here for the competitive Gamers again we get very high FPS but in the performance summary we are at a 52 CPU bottleneck showing we have a lot of Headroom for better performance with a higher end CPU going another step up to the 6900 XT we once again are starting with Red Redemption 2 and running it at 4K and maximum settings this time we actually get some separation between the two CPUs with the 1500 X 3D getting close to 10 more FPS on average than the 5600 which isn't much but it starts to get to be a pretty large separation popping down to 1440p Max settings we once again see the 5800 x3d strangely start out with a lower FPS average inside but then gain an almost 20 FPS lead once we reach the outdoor section overall it's a pretty big win for the 5800x 3D and we can see the CPU usage climb pretty high for the 5600 moving back over to Spider-Man remastered we once again start at 4K with very high Ray tracing and again we have pretty large parity between the 1500 X 3D and 5600 with the 5800 x3d averaging almost 20 more FPS turning the ray tracing off we still see a difference between the two CPUs but it might not be quite as drastic it's still a little less than 20 FPS difference though going to 1440p with very high Ray tracing you're still seeing a large difference this time more than 20 FPS and the 5600 struggles to even average 60 FPS doing the ray tracing off the FPS difference tightens up a little bit but the 1500x3d still seems to Edge out more frames than the 5600 but I would say the difference is a little less noticeable here taking a look at cyberpunk 2077 you're again starting with 4K medium Ray tracing and again it's a pretty unplayable experience but I I guess you could say the 1500 XD is getting maybe one more FPS going down to 4K Ultra we do once again see a little bit of separation between the two CPUs but it's very small but the 1500x3d getting maybe four more FPS changing the 1440p resolution with medium Ray tracing we once again see a pretty minor performance difference of maybe three to four FPS between these two CPUs going to 1440p ultra we start to see some larger separation with the 1500x 3D taking a little over a 10 FPS average lead ending off the 6900 XT benchmarks with modern warfare 2. we are starting with 4K ultimate quality and surprisingly here both CPUs give an extremely similar performance both showing a one percent CPU bottleneck going down to 1440p ultimate quality we once again get close to the same average but the 1500 X 3D actually takes close to a 10 FPS lead once again we will end off with a 1080p balanced Benchmark for the 5600 puts us from really high FPS numbers getting close to 240 FPS average but again The Benchmark indicates a 27 CPU bottleneck the very last GPU we will be testing today is the 7900 XTX starting at 4K and Max settings we actually very shockingly get close to the same performance with the 5800x3d only taking a small lead over the 5600 now once again doing worse in the indoor area at the start going down to 1440p the 1500x3d again is getting destroyed in the indoor area but once we get outside it takes a pretty large lead of almost 20 FPS and weirdly on occasion the two CPUs start to perform almost exactly the same honestly I would almost call this one a draw the results are very weird going over to Spider-Man remastered and starting at 4K with very high Ray tracing we see the 1500x3d taking a pretty steady lead over the 5600 it averages about 10 to 20 more FPS and never dips below 60 with a 5600 goes into the high 50s very frequently turning the ray tracing off we do see the Gap widen a bit where the 5800 x3d stays more consistently 20 FPS above the 5600. [Music] going down to 1440p with very high Ray tracing again the 1500 X 3D takes a pretty commanding lead averaging quite a bit higher FPS than the 5600 turning the ray tracing off shows the 1500x 3D really Skyrocket in terms of FPS compared to the 5600 averaging almost 40 more FPS than the 5600 does taking our last look at cyberpunk 2077 we are going to again start at 4K medium Ray tracing and again the CPUs perform exactly the same on this test kind of seems that this is an extremely GPU bound test at the end of the day changing to 4K Ultra the CPUs show barely any difference the 5800x3d gets a few more average frames but it's maybe a two to three FPS difference going to 1440p medium Ray tracing shows little difference between the two CPUs again with the 5800x 3D maybe getting a 3fps lead we're going to end off the cyberpunk benchmarks with 1440p ultra we start to actually see a more substantial difference but in all reality it's still kind of negligible the 5800x 3D at best is getting a 10 FPS lead here the very last Benchmark we're going to be looking at today is of course Modern Warfare 2 again starting out with 4K ultimate both CPUs do almost exactly the same I did forget to put on MSI afterburner for this Benchmark so please forgive me for that for making the same mistake again if you see some FPS difference I do believe it's the different patches this was recorded on once again as both CPUs at the end of The Benchmark showed a one percent bottleneck going to 1440p ultimate the 5600 actually has a 50 CPU bottleneck but what is strange is both get the exact same average FPS in the benchmark once again I suppose it could be the patch they are running on but looking at all the CPU performance stats it stays exactly the same so I think we are still GPU bound here by the 7900 XCX ending off our long set of benchmarks we are closing with the balance preset MW2 1080p benchmark kind of looks exactly like the 6900 XT Benchmark in my opinion and I think it is because we are very CPU bound this time in the ending screen we have a 99 CPU bottleneck to one percent GPU bottleneck so if you're playing at this setting and want an over 240 FPS average you would probably need to get a high rent CPU so I'm sure you guys are kind of wondering what's the conclusion with all this data to me by and large if you're into single player experiences over indexing and your CPU makes honestly no sense you can easily get away with some of the highest end gpus on the market at 1440p and 4K with a lower end CPU but as you can tell by the 1080p testing and Modern Warfare 2 if you want those High frame rates and competitive titles you start to really need the horsepower of a higher end CPU the 1500 x3d rarely slaughtered the 5600 in almost every test and just to reiterate I did leave out most 1080p testing because I truly believe if you're searching out these higher end gpus playing at 1080p is just an honest to God waste of money I do hope this video helps you guys make a better decision and have a better understanding of what kind of bottleneck you're going to run into with the 5600 and you know maybe you can save a buck on your next upgrade or PC build and I just really want to reiterate this guys it truly depends on what games you play but for the most part higher end resolutions and Graphics quality settings is going to be way more of a GPU bottleneck than CPU bottleneck and I think most tests showed that the 500 x3d again rarely beat out the 5600 at the higher resolutions because of that fact now don't get me wrong I do think the limit for the 5600 ended up being at the 6800 XT so if you wanted a more well-rounded system obviously slide in the 1500x3d but really the big purpose for showing this video to you guys is that if you have a build that you need to budget away for a higher end GPU and you're kind of wondering oh is it worth getting a 5600 if I'm gonna end up getting like a 6900 XT in my honest opinion there's always room to upgrade the 5600 so if you want to spend the money on the higher end GPU now go ahead and go for it and slot in a 5600 temporarily you're not going to be taking that big of a performance set if you're playing single player titles and you're not playing at like 1080p competitive Esports titles you can probably wait and get a 1500x3d later on down the line and make up that performance difference so with that being said I just want to thank you all for watching I hope you enjoyed the video today please consider leaving a like if you feel I did a good job if you have any questions please leave a comment or comment about what you found interesting in the video today if you've been watching a bit of my content please consider subscribing to the channel it really helps us out and once again thank you for watching and I hope you all have a good day [Music]
Channel: Legit Camel Retro
Views: 186,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryzen 5 5600, bottleneck, benchmark, 5600 bottleneck, ryzen 5 5600x, amd ryzen 5 5600, ryzen 5 5600 gaming, ryzen 5 5600 benchmark, ryzen 5 5600 non x gaming, ryzen 5 5600 vs 12400, ryzen 5 5600g, 5500 vs 5600, ryzen 5 5600 vs core i5 12400, ryzen 5, amd ryzen 5 5600g, ryzen 5 5600 vs 5600x, ryzen, amd, 5500 vs 5600 vs 5600x, benchmarks, ryzen 5 5600 review, benchmark lab, amd ryzen 5 5600x, ryzen 5600x, ryzen 5600, ryzen 5600 gaming, ryzen 5600 warzone, 5600 mw2, amd ryzen
Id: LlSKeo0cZ6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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