Ryan Reynold’s Speech Will Leave You SPEECHLESS — Best Life Advice

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don't take life too seriously because you'll never get out alive it's very true you know you're never gonna get out alive so have some fun while you're here i read that you were actually supposed to be in college and you moved to l.a without your parents knowing is that true i was supposed to be at quantum university in british columbia canada and i did go there for 45 minutes and i said no and i left i moved to los angeles to get into improv comedy i just thought i'm gonna go do this thing and i'm going to give it a year and if it works great if it doesn't i'll go back to school get a degree and go so join the workforce did your parents find out when they saw you on tv or didn't no it was about six weeks into my trip in los angeles and i called them and said hey i'm you know i'm in los angeles i'm not in school my father hung up on me and then my mom called me back and i sort of she was always kind of the voice of reason and then you know my father sort of came around i eventually ran out of money so i just asked an agency to meet with me and and i called about 10 of them and then i finally got my foot in the door with one really small agency and i bullshitted them i just said if you send me out on five auditions i don't care what they are what they're for i promise you'll come back with one somehow i got the fourth one i got i got a sitcom which was probably still the best job i've ever had because it was um the residuals no no nothing do with money because it was a live audience it was like kind of what i wanted to be doing anyway which was improv comedy and that kind of stuff was a live audience that would pour in and then you know the sitcom world is about a six or seven or eight month at most job of a year i mean you know you you finish your season and then you're free so i loved it because i would just go travel i would go backpacking all over the world and i would do all these sort of things i think i really spent that money that i made wisely at the time i got to see the world and have experiences so everything happened to me sort of in aggregate kind of way it was very sort of slow and steady so i'm grateful for that kind of momentum being very very sort of snail's pace as opposed to like a rocket ship because i've watched so many people in this industry come and go in various tragic ways and that's the thing fame is a weird animal to deal with i think for anybody so so you know for me it happened so slowly that it's sort of like getting into a bath over the course of a year you know you're not going to get shocked by the water be it cold or hot you're going to you know you're going to just immerse yourself in a way that's really really slow so most people aren't really offered that everything's all or nothing in hollywood it's either you're the biggest star they've ever seen or you're done yeah you know i somehow found that i got lucky and found that weird sort of middle ground where i was able to kind of just slowly build build my my career when you envisioned your life as an adult was acting the thing that you wanted to do or was there another career at five or six years old that you thought about no i mean i always thought i'd end up as in law enforcement like my family so i uh you know i didn't i didn't imagine that acting was a was a way to get out of the house it wasn't really like a passion when i was a kid it was something that i was i was already doing at home you know to to to survive so you kind of you know i noticed when i was a kid making people laugh was a great self-defense mechanism it really helped me kind of navigate my way through my own home it was a means to an end it was just a way to get out of the house and you know i could act i didn't necessarily want to i just knew i could well what was it like in high school the fact that you were doing this acting how did your peers perceive that i hid it largely in high school than than i never celebrated it was something i kind of really tried to keep as quiet as possible for me high school was a situation where i fight the more invisible i was the more kind of happy i was so i just wanted to get through that show and go live my life and a lot of the stuff i did was uh was shown in the united states but not necessarily shown in canada so i could kind of get away with that you're the youngest of four brothers including a couple who became cops my dad was a cop as well okay so how did you stay alive as the youngest of four uh you know you get by in your wits that's how you do it you don't get by on your fists so uh yeah it's kind of a rough household uh sort of i was less like the youngest brother but more like a moving target okay there's a lot of a lot of that stuff we're all super close now well how did that experience prepare you for life you kind of become hyper perceptive you know you start to really sort of think about how you're going to survive so so especially my three older brothers who were so sort of physical guys and you know there was just rough housing like for them was always funny for me it was like a life-threatening situation so you sort of uh you sort of learned to kind of get by on on using your mind not your fists so i became kind of hyper perceptive as a kid and i know that that contributed in in enormous ways to the different paths i chose in life you know particularly show business and that sort of thing i was able to kind of constantly mimic people or watch people and look for tiny signs and big signs of you know danger it was tough i was yeah i was a kid i had a lot of anxiety a lot of different kind of phobias and issues that i had to had to sort of work through and and it took me a long time to kind of recognize those things as assets as opposed to liabilities i still struggle with those those same things as challenging as they are and and you know they they're also gifts that come with those things you know and um it's that same sort of situation where you become kind of incredibly perceptive in ways in which you you otherwise wouldn't you know you're all constantly kind of sensing you know both real danger and non-existent danger so you're you know that's those are things that really helped me in my work what's the biggest lesson that you've learned about the business side of film and acting always just embrace this idea that you know nothing because you don't i mean you know as soon as you think you know exactly what how it's all gonna go down or or what audiences are really yearning for you know they it it you can be surprised you know so um i love that edict i like that idea that i i believe in film and any endeavor to be a process of collaboration i think you always have to listen and always ask for help and the best leaders are are the people that hire the best people um so that's for me that's that's the thing that i think that's the biggest lesson i've learned is like you know just hire the best people you can uh people that you connect with people that you love people that you know you can learn from i get excited about stuff that's kind of um you know inventive i love ingenuity i love anything that sort of i think is is interesting i'm not like a guy that sits around sort of rolling the dice looking at the stock market and that kind of thing i don't know anything anything about that i wouldn't characterize myself as an entrepreneur i would characterize myself as someone who has found a couple of different things in life that i believed in with every cell in my body and this is one of them in thinking about your future what's important to you family 100 as anyone will know it's almost frustratingly so for some of the people i work with is that i gotta make sure that my time with my family is prioritized over anything else you did something really incredible a few years ago where you ran the new york marathon to raise money for the michael j fox foundation for research for parkinson's why was that important for you to do that my father had parkinson's he died a few years ago but you know my father is very very proud man i mean i think he said the word parkinson's to me maybe twice in his 25 years that he had the disease so i think more people talk about it the more i see guys like my father who is a sort of the archetypal strong man the guy who you know don't talk about your feelings cram them down and sort of robbed of his physicality and he was strong he's an ex-boxer or cop you know i think part of his identity was that he was a very strong man so it forced him to kind of reassess all those things which was in a way a good thing but uh in the end you know that loss of of of self not quite knowing um uh where you stand in any given moment is pretty tough so i wonder if some of those underlying ideas or reasons we do get sick or sick or because we're not sort of expressing ourselves or letting things out
Channel: Motivation Mentors
Views: 3,151,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6OoEXMpldWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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