Hugh Jackman's Speech Will Leave You SPEECHLESS — Best Life Advice

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just because it feels uncomfortable doesn't mean it's not good i think so often not only on film but in life we so want to feel comfortable but that doesn't always bring the best results if i look back i think some of my more successful things and my point of view have been the things i've been most nervous about and probably most unsure when i began there's something about jumping off that cliff which means you end up going for broke and probably end up taking a few more risks if you know what i mean where you want to get to in life is never as important as the way you want to live your life you suffer from a bit of anxiety when you're in front of the camera but that you name your your confident personality frank yeah oh my god and your and your and your anxious personality child what happened to me in film was it was random it would appear sometimes and that was something i'd never encounter i understand if you're scared of heights you always getting heights but some days i'll be fine and then some days i would just get nervous and get in my head so uh i don't know if you guys know uh anthony robbins you know the motivational motivational dude yeah yeah i mean he does motivate her he's not really a motivational guy actually he's really quite brilliant in breaking down how we think the patterns of behavior we have and so i met him we were mates i never went to him to i never went to one of his workshops we were just friends and i rang i said mate i want to come to you professionally i need to ask you a question he said to me what the biggest mistake people make with fear is saying i'm scared i hate this get it out i don't want you in my life this is not helping me and you get obviously really wound up so he said you've got to remember the times where you feel confident name that character so that feels scared and as you're walking on a set realize that the fear is good that it got you where you are that it makes you work the fear sometimes actually goes oh i better work really hard on this film so he said that for you embrace it work really hard and then on that day when you walk on set charles thanks but i don't need you right now and then be frank when the things most matter you're so desperately don't want to destroy it for being scared that you can really destroy it when i hosted the oscars i was i was like wow man this is a billion people and i just thought okay whatever you do just remember you're a kid from moronga in sydney you're hosting the oscars have some fun you know and luckily for me those turning points i've somehow always stuck to that idea of just having fun i genuinely like to be friendly with everyone in the australian film industry everyone talks to everyone and if they're not making fun of you then they really don't like you so there's a problem and i also when i first went to america i noticed there was an unspoken it's not people tell stories of don't look this actor in the eye and all that i've never heard that before but there is a slightly unwritten rule of leave the actor alone let them do their thing it could be a right process it could be because their style i'm not sure and i always try literally on the first day to break that down because i feel self-conscious in that environment i'd much prefer a grip you know making fun of me than calling me mr jackman and then i say nothing until they say thank you it's been great working with you you know i much prefer to feel we're in it together because i i didn't come into this business my first job was 26 i did not come in fully formed i always feel that i'm a work in progress and there is no absolutely i promise you no way i would be standing on the stage with this extraordinary honor if it wasn't for the many many people um and i know it's easy and you hear people all the time thanking their team their agents and it always feels like perfunctory well when i came to hollywood i was about 30 years old i wasn't a kid i felt i understood people a little bit i had no idea really i met a thousand people and three of those people i met are still with me today 15 years later and i my whole approach to meeting them and trying to decide who i was going to work with was the aussie good bloke rule because i had no idea if anyone could do their job i mean everyone seemed great to me so i just applies if they seem like a good bloke if they seem like they're true to the word if they seem like they're genuine then i'm gonna go with it raising five children alone there must have been some system of organization now i find it hard to believe how well organized it was it was chores written up we had chore sheets so five kids five work days to the week the weekends were a little different but so once a week you would your job would be the dishwasher once a week would be dinner so you cook dinner once a week would be the lunches once a week would be the washing monday nights would be the communal clearing of the clean washing on the table it saturday mornings we had chores uh sundays was always dad observed the sabbath so we had to go to sunday school and then we had sunday lunch it was it was very very organized and from age eight i was doing my own washing ironing my own clothes i mean i'm sure there's other kids who did it but to me it was normal uh to this day if someone cooks for me i automatically get up to clean because if you cook you don't clean if you clean you don't cook and that all these things that i learned from my dad and it was just survival for him you know he had five kids and a full-time job everyone had to pitch in and do something he had five kids a full-time job and he traveled yeah he traveled uh i think i started acting to try and work myself out i i don't think i ever thought about becoming an actor i stumbled into an acting class and i remember thinking everyone should do this this is kind of the breathing the learning to just let go of yourself have fun learning to trust your instincts and not be afraid of what other people think about that this is these are tools for life i probably thought that was going to be the end of it this is like a that's like a good self-help class you know um and i was probably 26 before i got my first job so it took me a while i was a slow learner well in general when i was younger everything i can be critical of myself just mattered too much i mean not just acting i can look back now and go come on you know it was it was a game of cricket it wasn't the end of the world but at the time it felt like that and i think at the beginning of my career it all felt like that if i didn't get a gig or if the gig didn't go well or the other thing for me has been choices making choices i've i learnt the hard way sometimes doing things that i didn't feel were right went against my gut on it that's hard and i do i really try to avoid that now even and and actually failure if you really believe in it when you say yes it's fine i'm with you if you know why you did things right and you're kind of pure and you're in that you can live with whatever the outcome is yeah because you can't control everything right so you can only control your intention and your kind of yeah your good impulse your your uh degree of engagement when you're free of the idea of the result sometimes the engagement can run so much deeper you know because you're not preoccupied and thinking ahead you're not getting ahead of yourself you're doing this for this it's a surreal experience i'm a kid from a suburb called warunga in the northern suburbs of sydney i have so many people to thank i am incredibly incredibly grateful you believed in me when i couldn't you've loved me with a passion and a depth that i didn't even know existed and i don't think i even felt that i deserved you have pushed and encouraged me [Music] when i was scared to venture out you have smiled me the smiling you have sung me into singing you have loved me into loving and like everything i do in my life i share this with you i love you thank you all [Music]
Channel: Motivation Mentors
Views: 111,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: V6SflD_VgRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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