Robert Downey Jr's Speech Will Leave You SPEECHLESS — Best Life Advice

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is the door to iron man totally closed because i don't believe it is every day the reset button the space bar gets pressed and it's like now what 30 years he has struggled with a dangerous drug addiction that nearly destroyed him and today he says he's clean he's in love and so by the time you're in prison that's not rock bottom for you nope it's easy to embrace hopelessness when things seem insurmountable and yet it's actually just a matter of time until all the elements come together for things to be all right i mean i believe that you know most difficult situations will resolve themselves if you are persistent and if you don't give up entirely and that's what i never did i never gave up do you still get urges to do drugs i have not even an inkling of a desire it's not that difficult to overcome these seemingly ghastly problems what's hard is to decide that thing that you're wearing around your neck yes being as you are obviously known as being iron man are you concerned with wearing a large thing in the exact same spot life is funny because i was doing this before i ever got fitted for the rt so it was more of art imitating oddball stuff i was doing anyway even more interesting because maybe you were born to be iron man because iron man obviously had that loosely pre-arranged destiny and what's incredible is how far afield you can go from it and still find your way back this concept of things just sort of falling into place i'm a big believer in that too what is that though is that you getting out of your own way isn't that 70 of it yeah yeah i'd say it's 70 maintenance of what can i do to do my part to stay out of the way and then the other part i always think of it as like this little super thin invisible thread but you can feel the tug and you just kind of you have to be really gentle you have to pause when agitated and you have to go for it when you're gonna like it there's four walls in here which one has the map behind it you it's that one and you knock down the wall and it's there you know yeah what is that though that's uh synchronicity yeah uh intuition i don't know right that's the big i don't know and i really feel it's so funny at this point in my life and being you know kind of middle-aged and all that well i know i'm gonna fly around the world i'm gonna sell some soap and i know i have a new project and i know i've just retired my jersey on this 12-year journey i've been on and and how do i want to start and it came up how would you like to go yes that's exactly what i'm going to do i'm going to go have the joe rogan experience and kick off this year and this season and this new chapter by doing what i love i think part of the reason i'm still so interested not just in life but also you know getting to do what i do is i'm a fan i love movies i love creativity i love music i love i love culture and the fact that i actually have a place in it while i'm observing it and digging it is like it's it's it's an honor even though he has a whole lot of money even though he's iron man dude here's the deal he's still nice my daughter is four years old and she says daddy don't you know iron man can't you hook it up it's my birthday can he come to my birthday can you make it happen daddy and uh this is at his height this is when it's everything is going and i text him and i said listen man uh my daughter you know she loves iron man if you've got time you know what i'm saying you know if you stop by and this is the day before her birth it's saturday sunday is is the birthday he texts back he says is 12 o'clock noon good is the door to iron man totally closed because i don't believe it is oh you guys can go through time now well let me ask you the question if i pick the jersey back up and put it on wouldn't you feel a little bit like uh crap no oh i love you as iron man so i would i would if you if they opened up this time machine and you popped out i just imagine the moment where everybody goes [ __ ] crazy it would be amazing it could be great i would love that but i would also love you hanging it up it's just i keep thinking see clearly and it's difficult because i i feel like we all just get buffeted by feelings and ego or fears or little you know chips of resentments or intuitions that are tied to something maybe higher but you think is out of your reach or whatever so i need to be kept uh right-sized because i can easily fall into self-seeking and depression and self-pity and judgment and all that stuff it's kind of a it's a bit of a default but i spend enough energy and i've had enough help over enough years to actually just say oh that's that's just awful destructive behavior you're entertaining in your head you know if i'm noticing anything now it's that we need to shift and we need new challenges and just like society and politics things are moving and morphing and the information age is making things so everything's learning and growing from everything so quickly and improving or disproving but for me it's just incredible our culture never encourages taking a break never encourages saying don't chase that thing because you've got it in your hands so confidence you know there's been times when i've felt i'm in possession of it and then you want to let go a little bit because it's only ever the moment in life guiding you the wind is so at your back that you're like wow are you just are you just you know jumping over the waves and all that by yourself and you're like you bet i am but there's a physics to the moment and the wind's at your back and then the wind does what the [ __ ] wind does and it changes and if you're left there thinking what you know so i think it's great to be in full possession of what you would call supreme confidence and then see what happens if you don't hold on to it so hard because it's great but it is a bit of an illusion because like everything else it's always changing always know what your action is because then when you come in in the morning confident or when you come in the morning you can't hit your ass with both hands you know what to do just boil down what it is you're doing whether there's a camera around or just what am i doing today today i'm showing up and i'm trying to be honest and and also to listen and learn but really my action today is i'm beginning a process of promotion you actually take comfort in the fact that your eyesight is starting to dwindle you want to chase it but what i appreciate is you know where you're at by what you're able to retain if you fight for it and the things that are going no matter what you do sometimes it's about i don't need to try to use something to hold on to everything i want to pick the five or seven things that i definitely want to hold on to and i want to watch the rest of it go in and out with the tides smile though your heart is aching even though it's breaking when there aren't clouds [Music] you
Channel: Motivation Mentors
Views: 2,615,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7vBb4-E-4Qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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