Sylvester Stallone's Life Advice Will Leave You SPEECHLESS (Must Watch)

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okay here I go again putting in my two cents everyone has two cents to put in and everyone's philosophy quite often is kind of designed to help you get through Life as We Know It but I was talking about alligator hide and you have to be tough like that and resilience to be able to ward off negativity I mean people have said to me words don't mean anything unless they're true that's not true words hurt words are the same as a thorn on a rose they look nice but boy some of them can really hurt did anyone ever study an alligator crocodile and wonder how they survived so many hundreds of millions of years thick skin almost impervious shape that is an element that I think is so necessary in this day and age to be successful challenge all right that's a given you have to have some of that ambition yeah you got to have a hell of a lot of that and this fear of failure good help into that certainly inspires one to get out of bed in the morning but the most important thing is the alligator hide you have to be able to take criticism I believe that some of the most talented people in the world fail because they can't take the criticism they're too sensitive they're artistic part of them just can't withstand the withering intellectual verbal bullets that rip them to shreds in other words criticism believe me I was told a thousand times well not a thousand but a few hundred you're not cut out for this you slur you're this relax uh we can't fit you into any kind of category you should really quit seriously but you know what you should work behind the scenes and when well yeah thank you for that but everything you're saying is bouncing off it's like bulletproof and that's what I'm trying to pass on to individuals that you have to be able to be like a solid tree we all share certain traits for example I don't like to argue I don't like stress I don't like conflict but sometimes you have to face the conflict and the stress and the source of that and get it out of the way don't keep it inside somehow you have to purge yourself of this thing that's eating you alive there's different ways of doing it getting into someone's grill or you start to use your head and work your way around the problem without offending anyone but you're getting your point across but sometimes you just have to offend someone who's offending you that's fair and it takes courage actually it takes courage to do a lot of things it takes a lot of guts to stay in school it's courage it takes courage to get up every morning in bravery and pushing yourself when you don't want to to go to work just to apply food for yourself and your family it takes courage to stick your head above the crowd and voice your own opinion even though it's not a popular one but it's one that you feel is so deep in your soul that you have to get it out you can't go through life living on lies quite often you just have to stand up and grab Life by the throat and not let go until you succeed courage you all have it it's just pushing the red button keep punching am I going to be caught in this time warp called the past because quite often let's face it your problems are from the past if you didn't get the attention you wanted in the first five years being nurtured you're gonna have a problem for the rest of your life with Mercury and feeling secure for example I feel that nurturing and compassion and love and protection at a very early age meaning when your infant is more of a priority than food and when you don't get that when you're young you crave it your whole life and quite often it's also an incentive to do something with your life to fill it up with some sense of accomplishment or it's a release for anger whatever it is quite often I have found that the most damaged people have been the most productive I know it's a horrible thing to say but people that are missing chunks in their heart gaps in their soul because they weren't given the love and attention when they're very young that can't be compensated for those are holes those doors are shut so it's up to you to lay the groundwork for your future to not do what other people did to you so it's juggling juggling juggling juggling juggling so here's to you all keeping all these objects in the air and knowing that it's never perfect life is one big juggling act it's like how do you keep all these objects going around and then when you drop a few you got to pick it up again but it's juggling you juggle happiness with grief that's a rough one because grief never goes away it sort of Rises into the clouds you might say it's sort of seems as though it's diminishing and it does until something brings it back in there and is the cycle that's why quite often I find therapists for certain individuals a fruitless exercise because quite often these problems can't be extracted bad memories can't be pulled out and diminished they're there you just have to balance it I've come across some of the most miserable people that have everything except what is truly important and that is peace of mind and going forward without fear fearlessness it's not easy sometimes you have to lie to yourself oh I'm not afraid you're terrified but sometimes lying is good if that helps get you up those first three steps into the Ring of Life to face the indestructible opponent so be it lie to yourself sometimes lying gets the ball going [Music]
Channel: Motivation Mentors
Views: 421,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LymChaIRP7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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