r/WholesomeMemes To Make You Feel Great

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he slaps you mum what are you doing I am NOT gonna slap anyone's mom I love mom my to death and she would kill me if I ever slapped a woman a picture of me and my mom my english teacher says we shouldn't refer to authors by their first names because they aren't our friends will you confirm our friendship and let me call you kneel on my american gods book report absolutely just a reminder to give credit to the man of the year Ashton Kutcher who slowed down his acting career to pursue efforts in stopping human trafficking with help from the CIA and FBI he also saved six thousand children from this terrible part of society thank you eating alone in public restaurant is another whole new level of loneliness eating alone in public restaurant is another whole new level of confidence using Wikipedia without giving back donating two point seven to five dollars to support an honest team that built a resource we all use daily customer with a full shopping cart in front of me you go first me with only two items a Sikh man builds a mosque for his lifelong Muslim friend because he had nowhere to pray my marriage has turned into a nightly routine of my wife and I running down the list of reasons we should go to bed early so we can wake up and get things done the next day then by the six hundred and seventy fifth Katja for a date we both yell how is it 3:00 a.m. worth it I love her our cow wasn't feeling good so last night my son went outside to spend time with her I woke up morning and found this boys your bodies are perfect you don't have to be 6 feet 2 inches ripped and have a 6-pack to be handsome it's ok to have a tummy or be skinny with no muscle it's okay to be short and have acne stretch marks and cellulite y'all are handsome in your own way pets are so weird like it's just this little individual that lives in your house and you can't speak to each other but you're just best friends somebody asked their grandma to post for this meme and she did a great job named a better dad I'll wait this kid comes and visits my grandmother every day four to five times a day he just told me it was to check on her to make sure she wakes up from all her naps my heart can't take this me everything okay sir may I help you or some old man I'm fine just waiting for my wife to come out so I can spook her someone who drowns in seven feet of water is just as dead as someone who drowns in 20 feet of water stop comparing traumas stop a little in your or anyone else's trauma because it wasn't as bad as someone else's this isn't a competition we all deserve support and recovery the six-year-old figured out she can sneakily stick a note on someone's back but she doesn't know they should say thing like kick me so they just have space facts on them note written by me and slipped to Santa my son Jack is 15 and has an intellectual disability he wholeheartedly believes in Santa please keep the magic alive Santa winked at me greeted him like an old friend Jack it is great to see you again kindness matters last year my son said he wanted to take ballet but that boys can't do ballet thus began several months off conversations to give him the confidence to take his first class tonight he goes on stage with a major ballet company to perform in the Nutcracker and I am so proud I have a friend who always asks me before venting or sharing concerns if I have the mental space for it now and I gotta say that willingness to respect boundaries and not demand a loved one dedicate emotional energy they may not have that day that's the healthiest thing ever what is the kindest thing a pet has done for you I don't remember this myself because I was too young my parents had a dog named Charlie who was absolutely terrified of the vacuum cleaner but after I was born any time my mother vacuumed Charlie would stand steadfast between me and the vacuum cleaner trembling in every limb my mother says but determined to protect baby me from the monster when we were little my parents threw a New Year's Eve party but set all the clocks forward so we thought it was midnight at 8:00 they put us to bed brought in the batter sitter and went out for the night this is the type of parent I aspire to be shout out to everyone making progress that no one recognizes because you never let anyone see your darkest moments you've been silently winning battles and transforming yourself be proud of every step you are making in the right direction keep going because you've got this Los Angeles offers tattoo removal for inmates who regret a tattoo or no longer wish to be associated with gangs and lifestyle to give them a wider employment opportunity well released from prison [Music]
Channel: CRedditor
Views: 282
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, r\\\\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny reddit posts, wholesome memes, r/wholesomememes, reddit wholesome memes, wholesome memes compilation, internet wholesome memes, wholesome memes reddit, best of r/wholesomememes, reddit wholesomememes, r/whomesomememes, whole some memes, top posts wholesomememes, top posts wholesome memes, dank memes, wholessome memes, r/wholesome, sickeningly wholesome memes, wholesome
Id: -N8gXEFfYhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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