People Who Work On Movie Sets Share Most Entitled Celebrities They Met!

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our slashes credit people that work on movie sets what are the most entitled actors you have ever met I realize this isn't movie sets but I worked the front desk at the most upscale hotel in the city so I came in contact with a lot of famous people mostly musicians we have a giant yearly concert in the hotel's gardens every year but here's a list of the coolest and worst I've encountered by far more cool and awful journey by far the biggest Divis specifically the guitarist they came into the hotel at 3:00 a.m. and he got the biggest suite in the hotel the one the Prime Minister and the Queen have stayed in and he stormed down and said it wasn't big enough and he wants a bigger room after explaining to him that this was the biggest room he threw a fit and demanded we build him a bigger room or knock down some walls cool guy Slayer pretty grumpy when I told them how much I loved their music growing up Kerry King just scoffed at me Demi Lovato walked into the hotel and said oh [ __ ] that I'm not staying here and slept in her tour bus Martin she really reserved tried to avoid any contact with others Motley Crue weirdly very nice and well behaved Machine Gun Kelly Prague partied all night and caused a bunch of damage Tekken 9 really nice stop to talk to all the stars Paul Martin former Prime Minister of Canada he was cool I guess he shook my hand and that's about it Justin Trudeau current prime minister really nice nothing much else to say queen Brian May was cooler shirt he talked to me for a while and told me some old Queen stories Adam Lambert was a [ __ ] Robert Englund super duper cool I told him Freddy Krueger was the only thing that ever gave me a nightmare as a kid and he said well looks like I finally caught here in his Freddy voice got a pic with him choking me Masi gray amazingly friendly talked to me for a good half hour just shooting the [ __ ] called me a cool cat and gave me $100 tip screen another great guy he was super busy that I told him how much Alexisonfire meant to me so he talked with me for a bit and signed some stuff wrong million Hockey Night in Canada another great guy just made fun of done Cherie Magic Johnson absolute sweetheart I still can't believe I met him there's lots more but that's all I can think of right now I worked in fine dining and met quite a few celebs Shack was amazingly sweet and it was awesome to watch him walk through a doorway he had to almost double over to get through the pretty tall double doors attached to the hotel Magic Johnson was also pretty awesome to the staff when he came in one night those dudes can eat and drop some serious dough Jon Voight was a weird one he introduced himself to me by his full name and complimented me up and down but not in a creepy way just overly friendly and really enjoying the quiet restaurants at breakfast time he made me genuinely smile but I have heard he's a bit cuckoo my tea at AGM didn't recognize Ludacris and sat him in the very front window of the restaurant with his dates I immediately ran over and asked them if they would like to move to a more private booth in the back which he looked relieved about immediately he was nice but reserved and ready to keep his night going far as I could tell CeeLo came through the restaurant and had a dog wrapped in his arms he just hung out and spoke with some guests of his I think who was staying in the hotel it looked like business but he seemed nice enough my favorite was meeting the entire cast of alias right after its heyday including Ben Affleck in tow and Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Garner were the sweetest of them all Bradley has ice blue eyes and called me adorable for answering some of his questions about the historical downtown area we were in and Jennifer ordered over for coos of our chowder she was pregnant and Victor Garber and the rest just seemed so down to earth drew Barrymore cried over her breakfast about the reviews about her directorial debut whippet which I thought was a great movie just and long comforted her telling her they should just go off to a private island for a bit it was kind of sweet kind of escapist from reality she is very tiny iral I have more info / stories if anyone wants my bf also works in one of the biggest ATL recording studios and I worked in film for a while but not big time I have a friend who works on a lot of movies so she has worked with a ton of people from what I remember here are her thoughts on different people Jake Gyllenhaal's method acting style and requirements are annoying and strict so he can often be rude and hard to work with Laurence Fishburne initially comes off as a dick and absolutely hates when you call him Larry but he can swiftly turn that around and be a great guy and your best friend Kino Reeves is everything amazing you'd expect him to be but because he is so personable he doesn't have too many intimate one-on-ones with people Emma Watson is a bit self-involved Matt Damon is super cool funny and intelligent James McAvoy is stellar to work with apparently she also has a huge crush on him M night Shyamalan is apparently an amazing father and one of the best bosses to work for I've heard several stories about the work he puts in to being a great family man 50 cent is god damned hilarious he was hanging out on set with my friend and a white girl in a kimono walked by and he yelled out oh [ __ ] they got the Asian jump off in here Russell Crowe is apparently super down-to-earth but he can get a bit isolated if you catch him while he's focusing Christian Bale acts kind of like keno but he also can be so focused on his work that he kind of forgets to interact with people Ryan Gosling is apparently hilarious and lovely Bryan Cranston is also what you'd expect he's a super nice guy who acts kind of like a father figure to most people so to answer your question Jake Gyllenhaal and Emma Watson are the worst I've heard about so far I haven't worked on movie sets that I have worked in music JLo and Justin Timberlake would by far the most entitled they threw fits like children and were just overall very unpleasant tennis Swift was nice but her entourage was at times unbearable they had a holier-than-thou attitude and her manager acted like a damn dictator turn a stop to take a picture with some employees from one of the restaurants providing food for the artists immediately after her manager yelled to one of her staff members to go over there and make sure they don't use that photo on anything related to the restaurants social profiles website et Cie I get it you have to protect her likeness as a brand but you don't have to be a giant [ __ ] about it there is no need to berate and threaten some part time 19 year old girl serving food Chris Brown's entourage was incredibly annoying when it came to the gifting suite they all wanted to be let in even though it's just for the artists some random-ass entry-level label rep expected to be walked to the front of the line she wasn't even allowed in his manager even threatened to not have Chris walk through if there was going to be a problem that didn't work but in general the less famous they are the more entitled they act the worst offenders are always someone with one hit that you know was only popular because they rode the co tells of whatever trend is hot they buy into their own hype I used to work in a certain job for the movie industry my whole family still does there are a few groups of people on set who get to see the talent as they really are away from the spotlight who gets so good at not interacting with them that the stars forget someone is there and this one is one of them now in the piece you get treated a lot of different ways and most times you just shrug it off and act like a professional because you are being paid stupid good money to drive and everyone has bad days Plus this demographic of people use drugs and alcohol more frequently than most so you never really know what's going on with them and never want to burn a bridge for work because the industry can go up or down work is not always steady with that said the following experiences are about people who are consistently over weeks months or years insufferable [ __ ] to multiple people there is a documented set of data points to show a trend of indiscriminate ashy Larry over time one Kris [ __ ] O'Donnell hands down the worst this [ __ ] is literally the worst I have seen in the industry this extremely minor television actor and former model see his fattest neck thinks he is not only talented but divine and will wonder aloud why lessers are doing something near him Chris once complained to production that a slightly overweight security guard was assigned to an area near catering [ __ ] Chris O'Donnell Chris if you're eating this you are a [ __ ] palace maker and your neck is fat everyone laughs at you when you are not around especially production to Helen Hunt more like Helen comes three if Helen and Chris got together and got to knock in hooves the ground would open up and hell would regurgitate Catherina eagle for I watched Marisa Tomei yell at a PA who had just slipped and broken his leg in front of her to get out of her way v Jamie Foxx was such a racist and mean [ __ ] Andre that our driver took the meanest wackiest smelliest dump in history in his trailer extremely unprofessional but it immediately raced crewmember morale as everyone knew this [ __ ] baby came back to the trailer one day to find his toilet destroyed with remnants in and outside of it 6 Steven Seagal imagine forming your entire identity and life's work around being an action hero martial artist only to end up being a hairy lard ass it must be like starting out looking like Pierce Brosnan and pockemon evolving into Jesse Ventura there are also some really cool people out there my favorites one limes Cool J too much' Ngong Kelly even if he's just a big pothead 3 Lindsay Lohan I haven't seen her in a while I worked with her back when people didn't really know she had a drinking problem she pulled the old Gray Goose in a water bottle move I thought she was a great person just had problems I hope she found help for Howard Stern and the Stern Show in general Howard talks about how high-maintenance he is but his staff is very good about preparing you and he never gave me [ __ ] as long as my ducks were in a row I don't particularly care for his wife Beth seems like she's only nice to you if you're someone five Mark Harmon is the [ __ ] man here are some people who I found to be not good or bad just strange one Jared Butler is about 18 years old in his head too Christopher Walken is literally just as insane as you might think 3 Joaquin Phoenix's like that guy who wants to be your friend but is impaired by several layers of mental illness for samuel l.jackson is very into porn no you don't get it very big fan of porn 5 Tom Cruise is a [ __ ] wacko no surprise here if Tom decided to talk to you he would get inappropriately interested in money sure about you I mentioned I like three creamers in my coffee and he thought it was just about the most interesting [ __ ] thing he had ever heard in his life she a la boeuf isn't a real person back in 2001 actor Lois Stevens was just enough oncoming child star on the Disney Channel it was manufactured stardom of the sort that we've seen from entities like Britney Spears or Justin Timberlake but it had the potential to go a long way Stevens however had other ideas so he invented the persona of Shia LaBeouf he chose the name because it means praise God for the beef in the original Gaulish and his stated intention with the character was to have it be a caricature of Fame with meat over beef being a representation of both wealth and influence other actors have done similar things of course everyone is familiar with such a barren cohan's Ali G or Borat for instance and surprisingly few people realize that Larry the Cable Guy as a character played by Daniel Whitney who developed the fake southern accent he uses by meshing the Georgian and Texan accents of his college roommates the thing is there's still plenty of available evidence for those folks real identities when Stevens created she Allah be enough however he went as far as to hire reputation editors and public image consultants to erase any hints of who he really is in fact if you were to research Lois Stevens nowadays you'd actually find references to him being a character played by Shia LaBeouf it's an incredibly subtle piece of meaty commentary I'm sure you'll agree anyway in recent years the Internet has helped keep Shia Libya off alive in ways that Stevens couldn't have predicted while it's true that he has been credited as the character in everything he has done since adopting the pseudonym the vast amount of media dedicated to the fabricated entity has done far far more for example many people like to reference the song about Shia LaBeouf sung by Rob Cantor in which a standard Dane the fictional exes life is detailed or the infamous just do it clip that went viral some time ago Stevens has recently stated that he might Fatah the character soon but for now well the people who realize that she Olivia a fizzle I created by an actor and expanded by the Internet are in the significant minority here is a plot twist one I'm huge Chef Ramsay fan he is a hero of mine for many reasons so when I heard that the show hotel hell was going to film at the local hotel slash restaurant /div Eber I went out of my way to be able to attend how it went down was the night before the off ickle shoot started they were just supposed to be filming what the bar is like on a regular day I was one of the people drinking in the bar on this regular day the producers had me sign a waiver that I wouldn't talk about the show and let me in they said that Chef Ramsay wouldn't be coming into the bar or restaurant at all and the real filming of the show started in the morning the cameras were just out to get a feel for what the hotel bar was like before AM C gets there so I did what I usually do it the Murthy's hotel and I got blasted that night I blame the producers they kept buying me shots after like six or seven shots I went outside to smoke and unknowingly was right in front of ramesses hotel room being super [ __ ] loud laughs slash howling singing scream talking I was freshly 21 and didn't know better don't hate on me too bad I ended up finishing my smoke went inside and he actually followed me into the bar without me noticing and started abso-fucking-lutely screaming at the owners of the hotel slash bar who were just seconds before were stripping buying runs for the whole bar and one of them ripped his shirt off because the bouncer dared him to most of this part didn't make it to the show I think the shirt rooking made it and they spoke about the lap dances but the bar being so loud was the main thing they needed to fix on the show a few days later I'm having dinner and drinks at a nice upscale Bistro down the street and Ramsay comes in and let me tell you he is such a doll I have been a Ramsay fan for years and years and had seen everything he has ever done I tried apologizing for being such a drunk idiot I was so embarrassed i drooled over him and told him what a big fan I was and he hugged me and said that it was refreshing to meet such a sweet loyal fan edit shitty type here I work conventions and do interviews for some fame sites so here are some interactions I have had Tara Strong she can be really cool but I have seen her on off days so I try to remember to take it with a grain of salt she can be a bit stuck-up but she does love interacting with fans John DiMaggio a really awesome guy super funny and personable and he's more than happy to give you benders voice Morris la March really nice guy who is more than happy to pose for a picture or give one of his many voices if allows Estelle super-awesome I'm a little buzzed since she remembers me from various conventions and other stuff and often chats with me but she loves her fans daily Kevin Conroy he really is Batman and always will be in my heart he likes to make dramatic appearances with his voice and it's what the people want really chill guy - Demetri Martin super nice guy I actually went to the premiere of his film Dean in which he paid for everything out-of-pocket screening tickets that he gave away refreshments et Cie and personally thanks everyone for showing up I also stopped him after he did stand up to sign something and he was more than happy to do so and chat for a bit Jonathan Joss really nice guy he actually fed me and my friends when we were meeting him he then chatted for a while about his time on Parks and Rec king of the hill and other work he's done one of the nicest celebs I've had the chance to meet I guess I've just been really lucky with all the folks I've met I got other stories too but these are the main ones I can think of I was a cameraman for one of my jobs and also worked at cons in my home state in between for a couple of encounters seems camel Goku is a dick and takes playing Goku ah later seriously he is possessive about the role and insults others who voiced him he once asked Goku's JP voice if she feels ownership of all she's done she said no and she appreciates the character and the effects of it but that's not because of her directly he was in shock to this and kept egging her on to try and make himself feel better about how he feels doing the role ask him about his other roles and he's better he would love to talk more about Lucario and crowler don't ask him to sign stuff for a friend because he just thinks it's for you he put quotation marks around my friend's name who wanted him to sign as DBZ D movie case told Khan star fee was tired of signing material and wanted to end his session early Chris sabot Vegeta on the other hand is a genuine funny nice guy while he has gotten tired of doing lines he'll always play it off like a joke at first and do it for you you may think he's heard it all from fans but he's done multiple signatures at a1 sig limit line just because people tell him how much his workers Vegeta all might Armstrong and more they love and appreciate all he's done claim Crawford is a dedicated rough and tough fellow for his crew he made shorter no names and made everyone feel safe and comfortable when he directed his episode good man and glad to see him bounce back after the trailer load of [ __ ] Damon Wayans pulled vic Mignogna Broly edenal rick is weird I never saw anything to support the headlines but he always wore tight clothing and door plunging v-necks it was off-putting he wasn't a dick in general and if he wanted something he'd addressed the staff accordingly calmly if he could do something his autograph lines got egregious we had Christina V and Erica Mendez at the same table as him he stole their autographed time being at the same table since the majority of his fans took up almost the whole line Christina V rolled her eyes and Erica Mendez was exasperated by him all he said was sorry ladies got mine and you got yours that was pretty dickish of him I met Christina v the next day who had her own separate table with Mendez and they were better I spent half an hour speaking to Troy Baker about guitar Mark Hamill and convincing me I didn't need College per se to get into acting but dedication practice and a head facing what's in front no matter what to get somewhere all because I brought in the chairs for his panel he helped out bringing them out Kenan Shipka comes off like she likes her own circle of friends but loves to include production crew in her pranks and have them join in conversations Richard Coyle Blackwood's watched too much Harry Potter and kept calling his crew muggles and swine McNulty will start a conversation and awkwardly end it looking at you judging every time I didn't know if he was drunk all the time or if he was just like that William Shatner thinks he can be a dick and people will laugh at him for it no it got him nearly punched in the throat by security after he kept nagging on the guard being so tall had made him uncomfortable and many slurs against him later the security guard cracked and put him in a headlock the one that cracked him saying you're at the door and I'm at the chair because I can be in both positions you're only fit for the front to make me look good or the back where you're kicked out when you [ __ ] up Craig Ferguson once told me he gave me permission to punch James Corden in the throat [ __ ] James Corden Ferguson on the other hand oozed charisma and laughter like it's was breathing to him he joked about not knowing anyone but would shake hands call us by name and thank us after the show gal gadot I nearly missed meeting her when I was working on promo stands for Wonder Woman good god this woman is an angel handled a bit of the con she went to with Jenna Coleman and others this was before Wonder Woman even came out and she was inspiring the crew backstage the rest looked like they didn't want to be there at all spoke to her about her fast and furious tenure let's just say she knew about them wanting to a spin off with the rock for a while Jenna Coleman kind of came off as having anxiety not that she was offended just that she was short with her answers for the most part she was dismissive with staff until she needed her tights talented she would talk but not really be engaging she literally went to a con and asked us to del in her tights after being on stage for a bit and barely speak while gal kept trying to keep the energy up Jennifer Lawrence felt fake thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
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Id: _tqnnfxcpkA
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Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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