The Safe House 2002 (Kelly Reilly & Geraldine Somerville)

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is McKenzie hello this is my kids he are you there [Music] this is McKenzie the division it the chisel does he know [Music] Vincent after McKenzie McKenzie [Music] [Music] [Music] yes and that sounds very interesting and I would love to help but the problem is I'm not officially here yet well it could be a matter of weeks look I'm sorry I I can't actually do that you'll have to go back to the main hospital switchboard dr. Graham your office is gonna be splendid yes yes I'm kind of surprised though how far behind things are there's another two months I'm afraid a new personal unit is causing quite a stir everybody's green with envy that I managed to lure you down from London Oh forgive me then look I'm sorry I've got to go and pick up my daughter's got to say how thrilled I am that you're gonna be part of this Thanks [Music] any of that we're in the marsh nobody lives in the marsh they don't save me come on my little tweaky nose let's get changed [Applause] the bodies of Victor and Elizabeth McKenzie were found at 8:30 this morning by their Italian cleaning lady the 19 year old daughter Fiona was found alive and is now in hospital Victor McKenzie was the chairman of carlo biomedical the pharmaceuticals company which tests his drugs on animals okay what do you got well from what I could see the cause of death in both victims is exactly the same anemic anoxia due to throat cuts by a non-serrated blade and a golf her throat was cut but they say she'll live and nothing sexual wasn't that something crying if she survives the girl may tell us well meanwhile until she's sitting I was looking a statement could return with policemen or police women I will if you will [Applause] I'm sorry to barge in on your highness um this is detective Inspector Baird and this is superintendent Matthews who's head of the local CID have I been burgled all three victims were savagely attacked it's a miracle that the daughter survived so we have a 19 year old Fiona Mackenzie whose parents were murdered three weeks ago it's a shame the unit is nothing running to treat her we don't necessarily need a unit after grim problem is there are no near relatives she's also refusing to see anyone she's a ladder GP a family friend Elizabeth that's it well it's start I say she should be encouraged to restore outside contact as soon as possible how's her mood well she's still not speaking much it's just limited recall but she's physically well enough to leave the hospital and we're struggling to find somewhere for her sort of halfway house if you like it has to be anonymous Dan secure of this thing weed out the people who kill their parents expected her to be there she'd only just got back from South America so we need to find somewhere suitable do you mean here I have to say Sammy your involvement would do the reputation of the new trauma unit nothing but good and we would put a police woman in with you oh no I couldn't possibly have the house turned into a police saying it was only to have someone around for when you talked to her when I talked to her do you mean questioner what if anything comes up about the murder I think I better make one thing clear primarily what I do is manage depression and anxiety I don't necessarily believe in counseling so if you see me as acting as some kind of criminal investigator getting her to talk then it's not going to work that's not it at all we need your skill as a doctor okay all right yeah you never know it might help us to talk about it although obviously that's entirely up to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Fiona Mackenzie hello Finn for short [Music] I just wanted to clarify that I have the right to terminate this arrangement anytime I feel it's bad for me or my daughter or anyone else for that matter yes of course let's just say we have every confidence in you thank you even though you don't offer a counseling service to your patients nobody gets to you doesn't it just seems a bit perverse plenty of people believe in it yes I know it's on offer at every second-rate health center generally from people you trained by watching TV talk shows I've seen enough there's no magic things I can't risk Finn because you want a result is it true you suspect animal rights people it's a line of inquiry you know I was part of a group of hunt saboteurs at university yeah we know so how do you know she'll be safe with me oh please don't kill her dr. Graham the investigations guys slowly enough disease I hope she'll be okay here what do you think well you've seen her notes you're the doctor no I'm not the doctor and the doctor nor a doctor I'm just a GP specializing in diseases of the rich no other one who knows all about there you'll know it says she had anorexia but I gather she's not eating much at the moment no there's a history of eating disorders never actually before she went travelling and so forth and with her throat injury was minor lesions to her vocal cords she speaks only very little afraid you've really got your work cut out one thing dr. Daley please know my name's Adam man one thing I want to be absolutely clear about my told dr. Henderson is that she remains your patient I exist on that from the start fine we're leaving to it shall we [Music] put your stuff in here an LC that's my daughter she gets back from school around 4:00 and I'm going to tell her what I'll tell everyone that you're Fiona Jones and your student staying here it's at all right and this VIN is a paper animal created by my occasional boyfriend Annie look I can make the wings flap look you'll find these everywhere [Music] in you'll save heaven you'd have to tell me anything you don't have to do anything but you are safe this is safe house Daniel cars here you're right yes Danny's just arrived you're okay to meet him Danny this is Finn then this is Danny sorry service starts at 11:00 good no Lisa I'm sorry would you go go for me then you can't go I'm not seeing people you have to try it's all right Finn [Music] [Music] behold god is my salvation [Music] but they need to see fit because I go back to Italy soon you shall write I bring presents for them well as I say if you leave them with me I'll make sure Fiona gets I can help do you know Fiona yes I do I want so much to see her I keep asking but they say oh right well I'm sure something can be arranged I'll talk to the detective you have no right whatsoever to interfere we want of great lengths to keep this confidential invited around for two you might as well tell the whole town suggesting that think about her if anyone speaks to fiona Mackenzie is us we have a job to do she said anything a proper crime [Music] why shouldn't Finn see her she needs to establish contact with someone from my old life might be a good idea don't worry about bad Finn's used to be doing really well now but I wish I could understand her life better I like a context boss Henderson will do about that why don't you ask him what does he mean not pretty much everything else ting you treated Finn's mother for depression afraid I referred her he never mentioned it yeah people gossip about anything around here but I don't know if it was held but why don't I take you to a drinks party on Friday you can meet people who knew the family well okay you sure there might be gossip dogs got it belly with me I'm afraid three and a half years divorced I'll introduce you to the full horrors of rural society oh I doubt they'd have me yeah I think they might say is what's she doing with that tattoo your GP I'm glad you went but I'm glad I didn't go am I your patient no your doctor de leus patient if you're anybody's so what am i doing in your house den am I in hiding a lodger a friend a sick person well you were beautiful that I suppose except the sick person mmm mrs. Burrell your cleaner she'd like to see you she's always really kind buys me little things so you'd like to see her yes okay good see a certificate will follow me wrinkled Odessa daily into the Coliseum parodies [Music] [Music] [Music] white class of that course quite clean that's good I'll see how do you remember them all it's our game our house it starts get a pool in the kitchen poker box on the phone gotta mail on the radiator and we keep adding it's a very old memory game you build a house in your head and then you picture the rooms you put things in them and then you add other things I wouldn't like to walk through a house full of memory there I might be frightened I wouldn't my house is safe wanna not repeat Reynoso need or disorder me hello yeah so dr. Daly mrs. Ferraro is expecting us for lunch Tennessee no no I said we just popped in for half of that okay fine yeah any that [Music] [Music] I still feel guilty about mrs. Phares suicide maybe if I'd gone soon then no one is to blame not you not anyone listen Sam do you remember telling me that I could talk about anything as long as it didn't harm me nothing out about that's true well who is Elsa's father he was a teacher suffered from depression we'd um we'd stop living together soon after Elsie was born last year he he went to London one day he was alright he seemed he seemed better but the idiot has stopped taking his medication and he he threw himself under a train listen thank you for telling me I didn't mean to be nosy well the truth is I I never talked about it to anyone apart from LC so be flattered [Laughter] it's so strange to be here you don't need to go into the house I could pack your clothes for you [Music] police will he kept asking I wouldn't dare it I can remember the noise I started in Christ you know I did when I had to fix them cut my head under the duvet like I just remember pain awful pain [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you can always take the to Oxfam or something no I don't want anybody else to have them to burn them in the moonlight well I gotta say you've got a great sense of ritual when I was in South America I went to this ancient site matching Picchu you go out of the full moon and they call it balletto not Juna it sounds silly but I stood there and I felt so strange pink Empire had gone the Spanish Empire and all that remained was me standing there with these ruins in the moonlight I always wants to go there and I never have I want it let's burn some more clothes all right that I can't afford twinkles bin special honey toast again I'll see why do you take a photo of Mommy and Me nice dressing yeah daddy will like that when's he back Oh who don't you start Elsie's bad enough come on we have to find something for you now this is perfect no I yes you could add Silva's parts of tonight coal hello we were just shopping I'm meeting my wife she's around here somewhere anyway it's good to see you both and drop in and have a church sometime dr. growl I'll update you but he probably thinks I'm being a little bit unprofessional not that you're even my patient but I'm in the way untie things everything in my life has always been in the way of everything else that's gonna have some lunch yeah they say her first husband made his millions Marketing veneer don't you just smell it what I mean yeah no stinking rich this is your sort of scene hardly never exactly top the financial mustard as it were sorry if I sound bitter but my wife went off as someone who was much wealthier all right well thank you for the chance to find out more about this and she actually used to work better that's it that's the way I know you and fold it back through there hello hmm look what the wind blew in Neptune enough I Drive over to see and what I find you're out on a date profession as I hate thing don't look you label what's missed me then made a car II would you believe I didn't return I think showing off my talents after going on an early start what the job would be finished for good in a few days he was staring at her well that's she's pretty isn't she look 24 karat paper it's very romantic if it rains make me nervous well I wouldn't want to make you nervous [Music] Sara and Clive are coming over next weekend will he be here I know Finn did it almost without effort okay okay we know no I don't cook so what do you think well I'm a student doing a thesis what about oh well it's not well it's van yeah please okay well it's about traumatic stress which actually started with what the Victorians called railway spine the symptoms noted in the victims of train crashes then in World War one it was attributed to share shock what fascinates me is whether or not it was really something you first they call it something then they've got something to treat very interesting so do you think it's an invention Amy hmm so how did you two get together Oh someone in my department at heard about Sam's research I have a background in stats and Sam had a spare room so it seemed like a good idea to stay here for a while I'm very lucky you know that was amazing I really believed you and he asked you about your research I just tried to think of what you might say if it was all right I wish I was as good at being me as you yeah I want all this to go on what do you mean well what I say I love it no don't smile I mean it I really do I love you and I love being with LC and looking after her and I think Danny is wonderful I just wanted to go on and on and on Finn um then I'm sorry but it can't anyway your best enough in you're ready to leave you won't let me stay there then I can be your friend I just can't be your family I have this image in my head to work away I see this house the middle of the night a window sliding up and I wake up with the tape around my face and the blade at my throat then they move to your then Tyrell season you just don't know you have no right to say that who are you protecting now Sam Tommy or you me then you knew you well I wanted to stay it's not a problem sir seriously it's not she's bound to feel a little taller I know I know that it's really strange Adam I'm beginning to feel as if someone out there really is after us I must be picking up on her fear but last night I kept getting up there looking out the window I know I know it sounds silly anyway she can't go on living with us I've suggested another fortnight right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] down to the garden and then we can play sometimes tonight one person and they're nice and warm [Music] I think we need another bowl [Music] [Music] [Music] did you remember to get a pack lunch [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's has gone for a walk that's what worries me look you better look at these they were taken last night [Music] what a mess dr. Graf or a bloody mess [Music] last thing as if we didn't have enough trouble show me so cupboard and its contents have been checked when few weeks ago sir they were here then we can be sure that we had a license for what were they doing barrel shotgun sir Ryo hooks yes I just don't want you to be angry with me Finn I don't want that where are you we want it mean Danny to be together stupid I know I'm so sorry salmon but now I just is he there you did everything for me and I just I thought I could leave my pills behind myself stupid form I might as well get on and finish what they started a get it over with and we wouldn't be in this quick and easy I want to speak to Danny Finn please put him on don't hate me Sam [Music] just remember then hello [Music] to return cool press three you'll be fine first his mom said she'd love to have you I guess you'll be there when you wake up that's great tomorrow I will collect you from school [Music] sorry I never swore but it seems they left an hour ago woman hang down very early and asked about our very bed it's a little up the coast [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] as we've heard the police have concluded that Miss Mackenzie fired the guns stolen from her parents home to kill first mr. Hyde and then herself either a suicide pact or in some final act of desperation the angle of the blast took away some of her head but dental records and blood typing conclusively identify her as Fionna Mackenzie who evidently never got over the murder of her parents now I have one final question for her GP Adam Daly dr. Daly can you summarize miss Mackenzie's condition just prior to her death well physically she seemed a little better but yes well I was worried that this was deceptive and that she was still badly affected and as we know miss Mackenzie was unofficially in the care of this specialist in trauma dr. Graham it's not for this court to attach blame in so tragic a matter it can only be the subject of regret to all that this dr. Graham was unable to detect the serious despair behind the mask [Applause] [Music] turn it side up Sam booty to club sake [Music] Sam Sam wait listen I found you I left messages I think we should talk do you yes you ran off watch the interest I gave you run to your house but you weren't there what is there to say Oh quite a lot listen you can play the professional victim all you like I don't blame you at least let me put my side of the story so please if he allowed me just one more sentence I was going to say what expert care she'd had and how few warning signs there were you knew how much better she was yes and I told him that she'd seemed to improve I could hardly say she wasn't deal events proved she was his LC all right I've talked to her about Finn and Danny I'm just glad for her sake there wasn't more publicity Sam I just want to say one thing before we met I read something that you'd written on trauma I mean they told me that you were here I jumped at the opportunity of getting you to help and I'd do it again just gotta get past this so when do you start the unit God knows I'm not sure if I'll stay you have to understand why I'm sorry the inquest was awful - I'm fine now I'm ready to start work as soon as possible well I have to tell you dr. Graham that when the unit is finally up and running you'll now be working under my direct supervision with joint responsibility joint responsibility look I I do understand I know the situation doesn't look good but I can't do this either you let me resume my job or you must tell me to go you said yourself things like this can happen look I'm sorry but there was a very real problem with boundary issues here as you know I never understood why Danny Hyde was on the scene look that is none of your bloody business all right all right let's talk about boundary issues dr. Henderson you never told me that you were treating Finn's mother for depression now isn't that something you should have mentioned I mean I keep hearing rumors about it I mean obviously I disregard them yes you should because they're complete rubbish surely dr. Graham it must have occurred to you that many people here expected us to review the terms of your contract and indeed some of your colleagues here hope that we would bastard he can't do that course he can he has every right you all right I feel like I don't know where I am anymore and and I don't understand why this has happened to me again she was ill he wasn't just turned out he didn't give a [ __ ] about me well I'm not so sure about that last time I was here Danny gave me a little private talk about Finn no about you he said he wanted to marry you but he was waiting for you to get around to the idea yourself all don't things change he was a creature spirit to the last but that wasn't all he organized a surprise wanted it sent to me so you wouldn't find out when did what sent I wasn't sure if it was for real so I didn't tell you and then they just arrived yesterday and your name's on one of them plane tickets for Venice they obviously would have cashed them in but he only just paid for them the third the credit card I was the last day was here why would he bother Sam if he was running away from the mess they made so me a long time to clean and then the police action to torched it well I should I know that girl didn't seem right you could see it she looked upset and what about him never did see him the other do not disturb on the door all the time heard a Tolkien so you never saw him or heard him no but the mess there were two people in that bed mind you the bathroom now think is it yes her things everywhere for now minds things I remember wondering about that no even a razor I want to speak to Danny then I don't let some more sashes okay bought the tickets maybe changed his mind but nobody saw him at the hotel nobody even Finn's depression is wrong because I saw her taking out pillars up to the last day and it would have been weeks before they stopped working who knows what was going on with her they found traces of another drug in both of them I think she got it from her parents house dens a DIYer pen pens a diver tranquilizer but if he was sedated I mean that could be it he was never at the hotel and then someone brought him to the beach and killed him I'm sorry but that is ridiculous why would she cooperate who took them there how exactly another vehicle you think we didn't cover that place when we got there there were only two sets of tire tracks his and yours and no other footprints I'm sorry dr. Graham but I've been all over this I just don't have time I've got murder investigation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't see what are you doing don't you see he's there no I was thinking maybe we'd have Kirsty over tomorrow be not at school there are other people I don't slit school like who now kangan of course no should come back for a while you scheduled a mummy no I didn't mean to why doesn't angel come into the house now watch my Lydia Kosygin [Music] [Music] LLC seems fine lots of kids have imaginary friends yeah but it seems to go so deep top-up no I'm fine thanks Raj you're hitting it a bit hard doctor so did you find out about the Benza diet pan yes I think that's what interests you your boss Henderson prescribed it for Finn's mother two months before she got murdered so it could have come from the house I think that Finn might have taken it when she came to get the gun and given it to Danny but it's hardly recreational and it doesn't fit with the theory that she was freaking out because of lack of medication but wait a minute supposing Henderson was having an affair with fence mother and his whole career was on the line and and Finn knew about it and then she told Danny well are you really so sure it wasn't suicide but now I am convinced that it was faked and that's why the Benzer dire pan is so important because whoever did this had drugged them okay so if Danny wasn't at the hotel you think that they got his body to the beach and then go away by boat Henderson has a big enough bait I know I don't even know if you get a boat in there well then I'm asking you Adam the police won't help me will you help me so do you really think it's possible they could have got in there unseen Oh I soon find out I suppose you could have got the got exposed in close to the shore and walked in the shadows or something I do that take us a couple of hours to get there get kitted up couldn't get my lifejacket yeah sure thanks [Music] [Music] don't come on just take it Sam you're upset you killed them you kill them [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no sign of anything he doesn't come back to the port tell me again what okay it was very rough when I'm seasick and we were hit by a big wave and that's when I fell overboard the shore was nearer to me from the boat so I swam there that's what I did you didn't see him in the water no no I didn't that's it is it well over doesn't get any more complicated because we have enough complications on this case to last a lifetime and you think this proves that he did it I saw Danny make that and he's never been near Daly's boat but that must have been how he got the bodies into the car by boat [Music] why did you tell them what happened because because they're already convinced I'm hysterical with guilt and anxiety can you imagine what they'd do if they knew that we'd actually fought they could charge me with manslaughter well if he is dead then it's over mummy did you see a man earlier on in the mass no I wasn't walking no he was watching like a statue earlier on when we came home from school they watch Birds don't they yes yes they do come on let's get inside [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Miss Daley's boat all right I found it drifting into Shore they've been all over it there's no sign of it and you say fraud if I'm sorry well they're going cross-eyed but they think some money has been transferred when Mackenzie fortune I know you'd looked into her yes I did the parents money is untouched but there is a minority of Fiona Mackenzie's account a year ago when she was 18 a large amount of settled on a buyer parents losses if a lot that's gone not that daily it's been through a lot of accounts but it is possible so that's not your doctor Graham was right after all how did she know about it you sure you don't want me to stay in it well pronounced to hear but was no she's got school tomorrow don't worry about it you'll be fine here by ourselves what's this oh it was Finn's good me need to take a look watched him I'm not surprised right Sam ruins of nearly $7 Empire to remains is just a Spanish Empire [Music] with these ruins [Music] Jesus what what she was copying it those exact words she she described this great transcendent experience in the moonlight and maybe she was lying about other things as well and that's why I got her so wrong isn't it maybe she just wanted to impress you yeah maybe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] put yourself together yeah this is bad we need you to come in now but what about my daughter don't worry dr. Gramm there's a policewoman on her way over to you should be with you shortly okay but again you saw the lump on his head he'd been at our butts summit Keo records it was probably stunned any ideas no did you attend of course they didn't as I said the wave was very big variable tsunami this wave dr. Gramm I'm surprised the coastline still inhabited why don't you just tell us the truth I am telling you the truth you're asking us to believe he slipped into the water because of this big wave and drowned no I'm not asking you to believe anything I'm just telling you what happened where'd you meet dr. Daley where did I meet him what do you mean detective bird was with me when I first met him so Daley took you out a few times did he you sleep together we once went to a party together I was the one who was suspicious about the suicide theory remember you didn't have to give us a full mistake [Music] they said daily I'd received money from Finn Sara I've got no idea what he did I have some sort of power over I don't know I'm trying to work it out huh no she's fine yes she slept right through I love you [Music] [Music] [Music] as they come here I want to play our game what's on the kitchen table yeah they born what's on the phone back of Coco Pops what's on the radiator I gotta yell and what's in the fireplace nothing LC I'm not cross but you did break it it was only a trick and tomorrow after school I'll play another one what I'll make something disappear just don't tell anyone and it'll be all right there's a clue and what's the tune something she liked that makes you one and you she angel [Music] [Music] l see what L see oh yes of course l see Graham her aunt came for her house he seemed very pleased to see her to her armed yes she said she was your sister Noelle she's not with me [Music] [Music] [Applause] see see [Music] [Music] [Music] something she likes [Music] I'll say [Music] [Music] something we did together that was it something we did together together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh see I'll see [Music] where have you been [Music] yes I remember come on we've been through this it can't be her it must be someone else it's her I know it's her you've seen the tests I don't care about the tests oh so we're moving into the realms of the supernatural are we no I don't care about the tests because okay look you checked the woman in the car against Fiona Mackenzie's dental records and blood perfect match fine but what I want you to prove to me is that the person who stayed in my house has died and that her body was in that car I'm sorry I'm not missing something here the person who stayed in your house was Fiona Mackenzie fine if you say so I don't even care about that anymore it's beyond that you have to prove to me that the girl who stayed all those weeks in my house who wore my clothes and cook my food and taught my daughter in bed at nights is dead that is what I have to know because everything everything is telling me that she isn't that is what I have been feeling for weeks as I told you if we were to take DNA tests from her stuff in your house her recent stuff would you believe us then yeah [Music] don't eat it if you don't want to just not hungry you sure your friends working it's working it's just they said they'd call hours ago hello yeah hello I think dr. Graham you better come back here it didn't match did it I bloody didn't he'd be long I'll be back soon I promise it's time for you to sleep night night before you go I think we should play our game don't think I'd love to but I can't I haven't got time no mummy we have to play now okay what's in the kitchen negative go go pop that's James what's on the phone then you need just you oh and what does it say it says carry on with the game what's in the fireplace somebody wants to see you what's in the bed God what does it say look under the pillow you mean the pillow at home if you know mommy pillow here you'll see what's under the pillow invitation can I read it if talks again [Music] [Music] [Music] well we haven't any idea what the faintest were real identities we assumed they planted together to get Fiona Mackenzie's money we don't know how far she was involved all the way otherwise why go through with it but but she had a throat wound and daddy had surgical skills he knew how to make it look bad the real daughter was drugged abducted to the boathouse and later on shot in the head along with your boyfriend and you would I was hand-picked wasn't I I feel so stupid the solitary trauma expert you were perfect I could keep up with you isolator and that's why mrs. furrow was a problem and I helped him all along well we none of us knew do you really think she helped kill all those people oh yes under her appearance fool you daughter she's been cold-blooded calculated and the motive was money she got to you didn't she yeah I liked her she was in my house she played with my daughter I knew her I felt something something good in her you know she may try to contact you you could come out with this with your reputation redeemed a professional hero that's not what matters now and past that what do you want [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you alright you look good for someone dead I could have gone Sam no I could of so easily but I wanted to see you to tell you what is there to tell me all right well I'm from London I was doing a lot of drugs and i met daley and he straightened me out and then well he he said he was in debt and that he needed me but I screwed it all out for him you know because of you he said I liked it too much and he was right I wanted to stay Sam and if you just said that I could then there was nothing he could have done about it how could you stayed god none of it was real well it was real for me Christ Sam I was cut up when you said I had to leave God I just I wanted to be part of something danny was pissed it was all me he felt so guilty about you and you know what he did the next day Sam he won't believe this he called daily and I was stupid too I thought Daly would have to leave it now leave me but I'll know he wasn't having any of that look Finn Jesus I don't even know your name look I need to ask you a question did you kill those people the Mackenzies and Danny did you know he killed them and he cut me he said I had no choice I couldn't stop him how could I know I'm glad Daly's dead Sam I hope you killed him did you no of course not oh you know I thought when I heard he drowned I thought she's done that hmm god that's another thing she's done for you and Sam if you promise not to turn me in then we can call it over but they know about you it doesn't matter no they don't know who I am I've got some money - we could have a holiday well we could nobody would know we could take Elsie it would be a sort of thank you far away a beach just can't wait look they were lies I don't deny that but when I asked if I could stay Sam I menu I loved it there just tell me you know some of it was true that's all I want to hear yeah yeah I know it works because you believe it but that's the heart of a good performance isn't it me Matt you beat you that was oscar-winning just something he told me to learn Sam nothing yeah yeah it was nothing to you but it was something to me like being Downey's lover was something being your friend all something I'm just asking you to forgive me [Music] that means [Music] if you give you of course you still don't get it do you I just wanted to be with you Sam I'm calling them bad I'm sorry it's not what we thought but I can't say more she's got the upper hand I have to take everything into account what are you talking about she's gone look you got it just tell you hell is going on I can't take the risk what risk but I'm sorry Sam I'm sorry if you give the word we'll come in but [Music] Paige you want us to come in [Music] found you this is what I wanted look mommy this is how we talked them to told me about the game oh is it's just to say goodbye I wanted it to be just how it was and then the game will be over vici no but there is just one thing you've got to promise not to go into the bathroom all right you promised me Elsi promise [Music] something she likes that gets you would get as you or gets you something she likes that gets you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] gun was on the timer or clothes in the bath and what looked like blood probably going to an extra minute not that she hated it as long as she made sure we kept our distance would have taken 50 men at least to seal the grounds off probably so all he wants to do I mean I don't know we could put some a guard you be never hurt us I know that now doctor detective good luck [Music] flight 507 to Leia I'm on my way [Music]
Channel: Amazing British Crime Drama
Views: 297,173
Rating: 4.4889588 out of 5
Id: jCMXQVhtoU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 51sec (6291 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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