12 Hours To Live | Full Thriller Movie

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[Music] it warms up [Music] construction [Music] what i do is [Music] are still above three a gallon [Music] tonight [Music] oh this is [Music] dad it's meg i've left what five or six messages in the last couple of weeks um you have my cell number like if you called me back um i'm near you i'm on a job believe it or not i miss seeing you [Music] uh [Music] i get everything to hold you if i could just [Music] so fast i can't hold [Applause] [Music] just waiting for the dawn [Applause] we i'm just not gonna be another one of the girls that you bring up here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're imagining things nothing happened with me and julia it's not what i saw what were you doing spying on me look amy we're just friends nothing more yeah i really thought it was more than that bj what do you want just tell me your vehicle just slip out leave the case come on come on down flat on the ground please don't kill me i just turned 18 i can't die yet flat on the ground now hey why would you want to do something so stupid look you can have whatever you want just let us go [Music] wait can't get you anywhere [Applause] somebody help me [Applause] for on a black 98 trans am carrying illinois plates stolen last seen in chicago this morning the driver is believed to be john lohmann wanted for six counts of bank robbery and for the murder of a federal agent by the way just hold him right there [Music] so sheriff we got bigger fish to fire than that trans am spit it out franklin what's going on a local girl was abducted at gunpoint at the lookout point got a witness [Music] so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] first week out how'd you do that i've been shooting guns with my dad since i was six lessons are gonna cost you extra well how about dinner instead it's megan right mark phillips i'll pass on dinner thanks what am i not your type well if i had a type he wouldn't be wearing a ring we're legally separated but she thought i'd be better off using my law degree to take down some serious corporate money instead of signing on here her dad disagreed we're gonna be here for 18 weeks why don't you think about that dinner invitation okay let's sell them that's good target work thank you sir top 25 in your class saunders you shoot like you were born to it good job so far thank you sir except so far sounds like there's a butt lurking in there somewhere well you know the protocol here at the academy we're not only discouraged romantic liaisons between the uh trainees here agent phillips is married sir i didn't know there was a law against having a conversation and phillip says he's separated i don't think you're hearing me if you're laboring under the delusion that this is a free country this is quantico there's no free will here with all due respect sir i'm not used to being reprimanded for something i have not done wow you got stones i admire that in a woman just be careful don't do anything that's gonna damage the progress you've been making won't look good in your report burgundy with illinois tanks repeat 0-4 suv burgundy with illinois tags who's in charge here well judging by your badge i'd say you are agent megan saunders that's a pretty fast response from the feds considering we haven't even notified you i was in the neighborhood out of chicago i'm on vacation i picked up your chatter on my scanner uh-huh ray taylor bell guard county sheriff this is deputy franklin hi looks pretty isolated out here yeah the young folks drive up here for the best view in town and whatever comes with it uh can you fill me in sheriff we don't know a lot yet a young girl's been abducted her boyfriend's suv was stolen have her parents been contacted we don't have a phone number or an address yet it's a boy ever cell number no where she lived i swear to god if you guys didn't show up when you did we'd both be dead girl's name's amy kennedy she's new at the high school not in the mainstream yet yeah bj here thinks that she lives over on willowbrook avenue says he has her cell phone number but it's not on him franklin why don't you take the boy home get him to give you the cell phone yes sir was there a gps device on the vehicle no that'd make it too easy hang on bj did you or amy recognize the man who took her no would you be able to give me a description uh it's a white dude late twenties he was huge let's say six four maybe two ten do you look like this that's him they want me to keep on getting that's really annoying and that drumming i'm nobody's kid what's your parents secretary if you're saying something like that they don't care how i feel i don't remember how much when i was raised i just don't give a damn old man beating the crap out of me for no reason but one day i beat him back harder than he ever beat me you hate your father uh i didn't father had it drunk didn't you ever want to do that [Music] did your mind ever scream out to you in spades move back to somebody was doing it here huh come on look i don't know your name forget your face i won't tell any what happened just drop me off somewhere okay not until i decided but decide what whether you're gonna be useful to me or not [Music] yeah well the most part we've got a county that people like to live in very low crime rate and we're very proud of that this kind of thing just doesn't happen here you know the car looks clean he may have just ran out of gas we needed to dump a hot car you say where he kidnapped the girl and picked up the new one is about a five minute walk from here yeah about that you can coordinate the search through my office okay as long as we understand who's heading up this investigation look i don't give a damn who's in charge all i want is to get that young girl back safely so do i i've been following this guy through three states i thought you said you're on vacation is that a statement or a question maybe a little bit of both look can i be frank i wish you would be i've got nothing against youth i mean take frankly she's going to be a damn good cop when she gets the hang of it so youth and female go hand in hand in this conversation all i'm saying is if you're haunt you in this operation i just hope you know what you're doing we can get into my credentials later we're wasting time look i feel it's never a waste of time to know who you're working with i was at the top of my class at quantico i've been on the field for almost three years mainly on bank robbery detail which is why you're chasing loma he robs banks i go after people who rob banks sheriff taylor follow me nice neighborhood if you got an extra million or two to burn mother carol kennedy she's inside father dennis kennedy he's flying back from a business trip he's a commodities trader she's in real estate they're both pretty shook up do you have any idea who would want to do this his name is john lowman he's a fugitive and he's wanted on a few charges for why why would anyone want to take amy i think amy and her friend were just at the wrong place at the wrong time what friend a b.j bisconia young boy from the high school you didn't know amy was with him no she was supposed to be at a school play with a girlfriend i asked her to call let us know when she was on her way home her life is in danger we know that ma'am the man that took you don't understand amy has type 1 diabetes her blood sugar swings very greatly if amy doesn't eat regularly get her insulin on schedule she could go into a coma and die when was the last time she ate and had her injection well she had a shot after school because i found her needle but what i don't know if she had supper without eating taking her insulin would put her in danger realistically how long do we have it could happen very fast how fast a matter of hours we're gonna have one hard fast rule here see the gun on my belt nothing bad happens it's gonna be all up on you we moved here when my husband was transferred in his job amy still misses her old friends she hasn't adjusted well to the new school how does amy handle her condition she doesn't like to be babied that's for sure but she's self-conscious feels it prevents her from fitting in with the other kids she's become very good at hiding her secrets does she use the insulin pen or does she just have injections injections we constantly have to factor and adjust check her blood sugars give her shots just for her to stay alive we bought her a glucometer so that she would always know where her blood sugar is you know how scattered teenagers can be that's amy with her horse she rides did we sold the horse when we moved here and what else could we do it broke her heart this one's better for the media sure you say her cell phone is new which is why the voicemail hasn't been set up well once we were notified we kept trying to call but there's never an answer we'll keep trying if the phone is used we can triangulate the signal between cell towers and get her location shouldn't we be prepared for a ransom call i mean doesn't the fbi come in and set up a phone tab or i don't think that's the situation here what do you mean what is the situation here with amy's condition she could die a deputy will be with you at all times will notify the law enforcement of her condition as soon as possible thank you we need your help mrs kennedy we need a supply of glucose and insulin as soon as possible yes of course i'm sorry anything i can do how many deputies do we have five that's not enough this isn't chicago agent saunders we have limited resources a woman's life is at stake make it happen whatever this is not going away just relax what if i don't want to relax suppose i don't want to do what you're telling me that even comes close to happening there we go nothing to worry about except your boyfriend left this riding on empty and stopped by the gas station he's not my boyfriend well you go up to a place like that with just anybody who asks you you were just talking he was gonna take me for a break or after school but uh hey i don't have to explain anything to you the reason could be to kidnap the girl i mean not necessarily amy kennedy but someone that's not his mo he usually robs banks and he kills cops too so it's not a big stretch to imagine he'd snatch someone for cash in any case he could be hiding out nearby maybe in the woods near cotter creek or by the old refinery you know more about our county than you've let on listen up people i need your attention for now this will be our tax force command center for the investigation into the kidnapping of amy kennedy this is special agent megan saunders of the fbi as of now you are all under federal jurisdiction our suspect john carl lowman is on the run for robbing a bank and the killing of an fbi agent he's been id'd as the suspect who has kidnapped amy kennedy now we believe that they are still in our area but right now we're more than three hours into this investigation we're at a critical point right now for more than one reason the chances of finding a kidnap victim diminish drastically after the first 24 hours in addition to that amy has diabetes she's an unstable condition she needs regular insulin shots and the clock is ticking so people we need to move hard and we need to move fast on this i need a direct line to the state police you don't have to look to sheriff taylor i'm in charge just do it frankly and you i need you to contact all neighboring counties and see what resources they can spare we need more bodies and we need them now around midnight the midnight blues with papa just an hour away it's your guide to the best new blues coming out of illinois all your favorite classics will be fine to help you wind things down get up are you leaving me here just get out [Music] why are you wearing makeup what's wrong with makeup trying to look older i'm not trying to do anything i think you are i just think you're trying to fit in right wrong you don't fit in anyway though do you trying to run would be a mistake i wasn't going to oh you were thinking about it he's lonely little horse freezing that butts out here using a nice warm stall under your hay worrying the world on who's taking care of him he loves him what do you know about horses i had one his name's buddy where we're going there's horses where you behaving you get to see him okay can i get back inside just don't try anything okay so the area that i was mentioning it's all crisscrossed by farm roads and there's woodlands around the outer reaches so i'm thinking and if loman goes in there now he'll be like your basic needle in the haystack do you think he's coming to bell guard intentionally i just haven't figured out why you never said when it was you were through here before that was a long time ago business i have some relatives nearby i've lived here most of my life anyone i might know i don't think so sheriff taylor you have a call online too thanks uh the cell phone company called says that she hasn't made a call since yesterday but we haven't monitoring the phones okay just keep on it can i ask you something agent saunders as long as you call me megan okay megan well okay i i know why i signed up to do this and i do not doubt that but you know there's a certain amount of day-to-day stuff to deal with and i guess i was just wondering do you have any advice on figuring out the alpha male yeah that about spells it out just don't get discouraged the fbi must be a whole different ballpark no not that much they still want to prove that they're bigger and stronger there's no law against being smarter than them is there no none that i've read why did you join up oh it was my sister she uh she was coming home late one night she got carjacked and she was murdered i'm so sorry thanks um while you're here if there's anything that you need just thanks dad megan i'm in bellegarde county on a kidnapping so far i'm coming up empty listen i don't have your address but i'd like to pick your brain [Music] [Music] i don't think anybody saw us maybe a good guy somewhere else what's the matter with you you okay i'm not feeling well i need something to eat um pick something up when when we get gas okay hear me look i think i'm being fairly accommodating here okay when i ask you a question i expect an answer huh okay yes yes what i'd like some food you'd like some food what please aha please good good so he starts his criminal career at the age of 14 by trying to murder his father with a butcher knife i'd say that qualifies him as having a screw loose institutionalized till he was 19. psych report said he can go off at any time and the judge lets him walk well there's hanging judges and there's revolving door judges spare me from the ladder thanks tony so a series of auto thefts and petty crimes follow a hard time in arizona and then again at my favorite getaway joliet then he graduates to the big time a series of bank heists you suspected killer of a federal agent there's nothing suspect about it loman pulled the trigger you say that with a conviction to someone who was there the agent who was shot was my partner well that explains some things i may just be a country sheriff elected every four years a bunch of farmers and loggers but i know people and i knew something was nagging at you it's a nightmare i keep reliving well the thing is when we catch this sob with or without the girl he's looking at a date with death row he's got nothing to lose that's what i'm worried about this is my partner who was shot sheriff taylor nothing short of amazing pressure is only felt by people who don't know what they're doing textured out of the manual my dad who also didn't want me to join the bureau [Applause] maybe we'll determine the number huh it's genetic i don't think he should be doing this getting to know each other dating well no we we're not even out on the field yet [Music] are you really gonna let jack bryan stand between us and we don't want the same things right we'll be discreet what does dark bryant have against just getting to know each other he's my father-in-law you were married to his daughter brian's been broad beating me to go back to her look i've moved on with my life and i want you there with me and he meant something to you agent we met at quantico and then we were put on the bank detail together so he was more than just a partner we were together for three years which makes it personal for you and that's not healthy i can handle it what's your intent to find amy kennedy and if loman's with her i'll deal with him after she's safe [Music] fair enough girl's mother's here dropping off her insulin this is all we had on hand the blue long-lasting yellow is short she's gonna need both how long will this last a couple of weeks maybe a month oh and i also brought this what is that it's glucose basically sugar water she's she's gonna need this maybe more so than the insulin if you i mean when you put i'm so sorry look come sit down sit down i'm so sorry i know i don't know how you're holding up as well as you are amy zoe she's my baby thank you sometimes amy thinks she's a burden to us she means everything to me can i get you anything no thank you i should go to the airport and wait for my husband before you go this isn't going to be enough insulin to hand out to all our units all right i'll call him his doctor i will call the hospital are there any more instructions i can give to my people it's just so complicated it's not like taking a spoonful of cough medicine her blood sugar has to be checked first her glucometer should help this is 101.1 coming up after the break you're up to the minute news to midnight traffic weather together all after this cool oh you have one too many girls i'm just hungry remember i've got a gun under my shirt i don't want anyone damaged unnecessarily do you no idea you speak out a ton you try to run you're the one that's gonna get hurt and i don't want that because i like you okay okay to fill it sure thing anything else for you tonight maybe some snacks [Music] jason knight assistant manager eleven to seven i'm your man once you go over that see if there's anything you like okay night assistant manager dan ryan it's a hell of a lot of responsibility jason sometimes it can be chicago skyway outbound has scheduled construction between statehood sugar directly on your managerial skills we run out of stuff pretty fast we're the last stop for 16 miles get the delivery tomorrow though well that doesn't help us right now does it go outside fill up the tank okay remember what i told you about people getting hurt yeah now go go you can't unlock the pump unless you've paid so will that be you know what i just didn't have my wall with me tonight jason so uh let's appreciate it no no sorry i i can't unlock the pump unless you're paid it's possible we need guys can't we have enough glucose but we need more insulin mrs kennedy's doctor will meet you at the hospital okay i'll pull my car around can we find her in time we're doing our best this is your area of expertise isn't it kidnapping i mean that is why sheriff taylor brought you in i had been working on the bank robbery detail you've never worked on a kidnapping case before this is my first i was in the area tracking the movements of the man who took amy then i joined up with sheriff taylor can't they send to someone who knows what they're doing i didn't mean that i know what i'm doing i've contacted the fbi field office in chicago there will be more agents coming i was trained for this it's unlocked good boy [Music] all i want is amy back in my arms again that's all amy amy is that you honey mom mommy amy this is meg saunders fbi i'm gonna try to find you do you know where you are i need to talk with my mom talk to me is the man who took you nearby he's inside yeah do you know where you are i don't know we've been driving around the room are you still about counting i don't know the last time she hit her shot what was the last time you had your insulin after school have you eaten dinner you was gonna take me for a burger i never made it have you eaten anything i just had it in the drink do you know the name of the gas station do you see any sign it says it's very very stupid amy are you there yeah who's this special agent megan saunders is this john lowman i'm not gonna answer that but i am impressed that the fbi's handling carjacking this is not a carjacking this is a kidnapping you took her against her will i need you to let her go before it's too late how do you know i have a hair against her will having a good time maybe she likes the adventure has she told you about her condition you told me that you didn't have a phone i said you didn't have a phone i forgot i had it with me yes yeah i don't have one anymore what happened she's with loman he hung up he kind of watches it please don't hurt me please just relax come on get in there [Applause] whitaker's with the cell carrier now trying to see if we can pinpoint their signal when i talked to her she sounded scared to death it's been 10 hours since her last shot yeah well even if that gas station is in the county i can guarantee you nobody's not going to be there when we get there but i'm going to do what i should have done a long time ago i'm going to go there chef taylor that would be me and you are jack bryant special agent chicago field office can we talk what do you mean it's not a good watch it monitors my glucose levels without me having to prick myself i have diabetes you gotta take medicine for that injections after i eat what happened back at the gas station jason this boy took too much corporate responsibility from his shoulders it's not like we arrived in the bank why would you do that he wasn't even a threat to you honestly sometimes i don't know why i did what i got what happens if you don't take your injections i don't think about it just think about tomorrow was there a ransom request none so far then what's the kidnapper's motive it just happened when loman's stolen car ran out of gas the new car had a girl in it i'll get to you in a minute i trust you've got all your resources on this case jeff yes well just because we're not a big city department doesn't mean we're a bunch of hicks glad to hear that specifics would be nice well fine i put out a bolo alert called in all off-duty personnel engaged the state police and we start our search parties at first light while we're standing here loman could be getting farther away the victim is diabetic her condition is severe if she doesn't have these injections i am sorry to hear that but you were on departmental leave yes that ended a week ago i asked the sac for more time and it was granted oh so you were freelancing you were tracking woman like a vigilante as soon as i assessed the situation i called the field office which is why you're here look if somebody just tell me who is in charge here yes that would be me if anybody knows loman it is me i've already set everything in motion you uh had your opportunity to take him out saunders and you failed and an agent was killed i need to see this to the end don't take me off this bryant i'm asking you not to you know i've had a long drive but we convene in the morning in the morning a young girl's life is hanging in the balance her health is going downhill fast well you said you have a search party organized for first light we'll reconvene then and you'll bring me totally up to speed i'm uh going to be calling the sac now and i will tell them that you will be reporting for reassignment you're making a mistake brian you've already made yours you should have been suspended or worse good night damn it there's a young girl's life in jeopardy and what we don't need here is an fbi turf war there is none it's over [Applause] i don't know when one of these cars is moving through the law you have to stay off the main roads going where you'll see you're not going to go and get sick like if you said you were going to are you if i don't get my insulin i will so [Music] [Music] there's no rear entrance if lowman shows there's only one way in and one way out well who's that no one usually works alone that could be him with the beanie and the glasses dispatch this is eight five two we're at tri-state national third and melville requesting backup federal agents hold it right there [Music] you got something on your mind [Music] hey listen while you're on the road keep an eye out for that stolen black suv we're heading into our number don't do it you got nowhere to go take the shot max line of fire [Music] [Applause] do you need out there foreign my dad mind if i invade your space wait as long as you don't preach to think back to you i never thought i'd hear back from you no i've been busy right now still going to meetings i hope 96 days sober headed for my personal best what are the vegas odds on that better than the money on you i hear you stepped in it i hesitated when i should have pulled the trigger [Music] it was a civilian or your partner my partner it's okay excuse me okay hold on hold on and i hit a wall now i'm being hounded by jack bryant he made a name for himself with some major busts earlier on media darling for a new york minute writing that pony ever since he's uh morally bankrupt as fans and management well mark was killed and he was his son-in-law ex-son-in-law how do you know that the bureau used to be built on honor and integrity still good people there and some remember my number jack bryant's wrong about me from his one of you your homewrecker and you gotta sound a little killed that's not what happened they were separated megan your pain doesn't matter to bryant he has too much of his own why can't i get over this [Music] i thought while i'm in town maybe we can do this again i could even give you a lift home next thing you know you'd be sending me christmas cards and who knows where that would be yeah who knows no this lawman he's got you hooked huh i just i have to find him go back to the file go over it go over it again there's always something you missed always go over it for what i'm done i'm toast how much do you want this i wanted it bad for mark i could make a call above bryant well i've never asked you for anything before dad i'm not gonna ask now i guess that makes us even because i've never given you anything [Music] he usually works alone but not the tri-state bank job we engagement as accomplice mark is hit while i'm radioing lowman's accomplice escape in separate vehicles there's always something you missed always known associates farrell wyatt daniel campos aka frogman victor kirk aka captain kirk franklin meg saunders i need a favor i gave sheriff a copy of logan's file and there's a list of known associates i need to run locations on them when any word on 80 where are you we're certain this is the station amy made the call from how certain this is where we found our cell phone yeah the knife manager was shot inside he's just a kid looked like he didn't have a chance there's a security camera right there is there one inside yeah we've already pulled the tapes and there's a monitor too you know i just about given up on you something told me you wouldn't go away quietly where's brian i spoke to him after franklin talked to you i thought we owed your heads up i thought we had your bacon settled what are you gonna do bryant arrest me you are impeding a federal investigation saunders no you are standing in the way of our finding a kidnapped girl with a medical emergency if this girl dies i will make certain my report details your interference including a cat nap you took when those hours could have made a difference brian yes i'll wait i say jack brian here sir i understand of course i understand crucial it is to finding this kidnap victim agent saunders input is definitely welcome we're on this together in fact we're sharing a significant lead as i speak thank you sir for your support i really really appreciate it must be nice having friends in high places huh is that what you do you know maybe somebody just recognized the important thing here is finding emmy kennedy couldn't agree more what he got frankly cheer up the tapes let's go she doesn't look like she's under any duress at all she could be with him willingly she could be afraid of him in that case she would do exactly as he says it could be the patty hearst syndrome she could feel he's her only lifeline she doesn't look very sick to me when i talked to her she was weak she told her mother she wasn't feeling well she hasn't had her last insulin shot since yesterday 101.1 7 o'clock in the windy city report just in a young gas attendant found shot dead in bellegarde county this is a big story like [Music] white males i'm thirsty [Music] you need one of those injections that's what you need the kid behind the counter is frightened alone yeah that's him showing the gun under the shirt amy's gone during this yeah he let her walk out the door she could have run that's when you're gonna run there's no place for miles and she's weak well that explains why we found the phone it doesn't explain where she is and we are running out of time the disappearance of a bell guard girl remains a mystery this morning amy kennedy a junior at belgar high school was abducted at gunpoint late last night by a john carl bowman as a suspect in the cold-blooded murder of a bell gargantuar i'm leaving here he's also wanted for a shooting death of a federal agent during a bank robbery several months ago near chicago you know we do a feature on the radio program you know it's one-on-one with the brother we have a tool of the day this guy has got to be the tool of the day put him in the toolbox man all right what's going on here this girl's sick oh i'm dr lighthearted veterinary clinic not a hospital she needs insulin you got insulin yeah i mean for the care of animals but it's an emergency supply she doesn't take her insulin she's she's gonna die so i'd say that's an emergency wouldn't you uh i'm sorry i can't help you i i'm not licensed for what you've all met hey you know what you don't understand because uh yes i have insulin but it's in bulk it's not an individual doses and and and uh i don't know the the patient's particular dosage it could be more harmful for her then i don't have time to argue with you what do you want to do this [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so he arrives with the girl without warning and just breaks in according to dr lecker's report he held a gun to the doctor and forced him to give her the insulin shot and he left with the same suv doctor gave me a description it's the same vehicle so he kills the service station manager for no reason but risks getting caught to get amy insulin why there is nothing about this guy that's made any sense so far maybe he's formed an attachment to her i think it'd be miles from here by now that could have been miles right after the kidnapping instead he goes in almost a circle from the kidnapping to the gas station yeah is that sophie's he's like biting time what why why is he here in the first place where was he headed and then he breaks his pattern and makes a direct line to the vet's office giving her the shot there oh before i forget i was able to run last known associates captain kirk as in star trek as in victor kirk he served time with loman at joliet and he matches the description of the accomplice to the bank robbery well his last known address was at glendon avenue that's at the farm here by the refinery let's get back to this all right so from the service station to here the route means he's going north to the interstate not necessarily i have a hunch no no more honcho signs just hear me out the interstate runs north and south what makes you so sure he's going north you want to debate this why is everything in debate with you there are hospitals and pharmacies near to chicago and said he risks getting caught and gets the shot near here well you know what amy got her insulin which gets you out of danger and buys us more time only the doctor didn't exactly know what he was doing she could be in more danger you know sana's against my better judgment i was ordered by my superiors to allow you into this investigation again you are not running the show we are going north to the interstate exactly is there any objections calling the shots agent brian all right i want the state patrol to meet us there are you clear on all of this i think i know where he's headed put it in your report stop that guy has got all the instincts of a blind squirt i just want to find amy kennedy if he's right i'm happy right behind you sheriff who ain't megan you're not coming with us brian and i are just gonna go back and forth like this it's not gonna help us find her it's more than that i think i know why he's in belle guard he figures to hook up with this curve that's why he's been here all night treading water yeah but that's a lot of trouble when you're on the run just to hook up with an old buddy an accomplice if victor kirk was in on the bank robbery the money was never recovered and you figured kirk has it if he took off with the money it's over two hundred thousand dollars well good luck to you if you need anything just radio us for backup what did i tell you horses huh there they are it's not with you i thought i thought you loved horses i do i don't and my eyes are getting really blurry i thought you'd be okay if you got your shot only worked for a while my blood sugar's gone down again [Music] you know what we're gonna take care of that first i'm gonna have a little talk with kirk about a daddy [Music] so if you're still [Music] feet me [Music] right there [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] mark [Music] ugh agent town agent town [Music] heart [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] who's that you never mind about her it looks so bad what's that beeping the money perk i i didn't think you were coming back chad i didn't call you because i didn't trust you you won't be trying to shaft me on a nice flat budget no please i got your money right but but not here i wouldn't be that dumb well even when no one can find it you sure are mine i i can show you a word tell me first [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] so so so moving you're dead i need to do this i need to do it now he's that agent i talked to on the phone she'll die if i don't do this look you don't do nothing unless i say you do her blood sugar is dangerously low i need to give her this shot i already gave her a shot i was insulin she needs glucose [Music] hang on it's megan i talked to you on the phone can you hear me wait you don't do anything unless i say so you must care about her or she would be dead by now is no one here answer me no no i came here alone if you shoot me she'll die you need to let me give her this injection and get her to the hospital hey i've seen you before i get that a lot no no no no we've seen you before what was that let me concentrate fine i'm leaving but if you try to follow me i will kill you amy can you hear me [Music] [Music] so are you feeling better yeah thanks did you tell my pants i'm gonna call them right now did he hurt you no he was actually okay to me but i know he did other things and you let him get away you're what's important amy we can always catch up with him later did he say where he was going he's going after some money i heard the other guy say that it was at the old refinery anything else something about a heating vent [Music] [Applause] [Music] great your parents are gonna meet you at the hospital and i'll check on you later thanks be careful i will sweetheart are you gonna hurt him bryant go ahead i found amy she's on her way to the hospital she's gonna be okay wait wait you went in alone without backup that's totally against protocol she was virtually comatose and loman he's on his way to the old refinery all right saunders you hold your position did you hear me we'll contain the area i will organize a swat team over there's no time over and out saunders turn it around we're going the wrong way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today [Music] [Music] so hmm so [Music] moment you helped save amy's life at first i thought about cutting you some slack that's not in your nature is it why did you take her with you who knows why we do we do i think you took her for insurance you thought you wouldn't get shot if she was in the car yeah whatever but then things started to change you started to care for her didn't you you know what think what you want to think okay that's not why you're here is it i'm here to take you in for robbery and murder you shot and killed my partner you want to kill me don't you yo it was me or him not you or me so [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] take the shot back [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] uh this could set a very bad precedent all i had to do was call the county tax roll and find out where you lived well don't just stand there grab a pole and debate box [Applause] [Music] [Music] the girl is okay she's lucky to be alive [Music] ballistics they come through the bullets taken from the gas station manager and victor kirk match the bullets taken from mark how do you feel about it what being able to pull the trigger when you're here to i thought it would make me feel better and now i don't know how i feel like i finished a job you know sense of completion but nothing more good that's how you're supposed to feel i could get used to this oh don't please who knows where that could lead [Music] yeah who knows [Music] so [Music] [Music] well love walks out the blue walking that's when your harlots begin nothing goes right when love goes wrong you sit at home listening to those old sad songs you can't sleep at night you just can't win good luck walks out who's walking [Music] do [Music] when love walks out you just wish that you were back to her together again she's got someone new and you feel so blue you only wish that she was thinking of you the blues have got you in that downward spin good one love walks out
Channel: Mediatime Network
Views: 568,850
Rating: 4.5343394 out of 5
Keywords: 12 hours to live, full thriller movie, 12 hours to live movie, 12 hours to live full movie, thriller movie, thriller movies, tv movie, tv movie 2006, 12 hours to live film, crime movies, tv movies, tv movies full, full movies free, full movie, thriller movies 2006, full movies english, full movie 2006 english, thriller movies 2006 full movies english free, ione skye, ione skye 24 hours, kevin durand, brittney wilson, george mendeluk, full movie youtube english, cinema
Id: RxGZoGuYB-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 24sec (5544 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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