Poirot S10E03 - After the Funeral [FULL EPISODE] Agatha Christie's Poirot

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[Music] [Music] we commend unto thy hands of mercy most merciful father the soul of this our dear brother departed and we commit his body to be consumed by fire [Music] earth to earth ashes to ashes to dust and we beseech thine infinite goodness to give us grace to live in thy fear and love and to die in thy favor [Music] my dear friend one moment please i am simply trying to ascertain why it is that i have been kidnapped and find myself hurtling through the countryside of england at a speed which is quite alarming we're going down to a place called lichitson mary there was a cremation up north the day before yesterday of a client and an old friend of my father's richard abernethy richard died a widower with no children they're a rather disconnected bunch the abernethys not close there's helen she was married to richard's youngest brother leo he died some years ago their son george is a bit wild but likable enough george mother we'll have to talk about it at some point there's nothing to talk about george's cousin rosamund went on the stage and married an actor michael shane don't ever do it nobody'll be fooled shut up michael you don't know what her sister susanna does good works for the church maude is married to richard's brother timothy he was too ill to attend the funeral lord i know you want to get back to timothy i'll whiz through things as quickly as i can oh please don't rush things on my account miss don't whistle and then of course there's cora richard's youngest sister it was always understood that korra wasn't quite the full shilling to foolishly not sub-normally you understand but given to making up stories and blurting out things that were better left unsaid and that day she was more excitable than ever to be back at enderby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've missed it so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] so thank you all this from corn plasters just doesn't have any gravitas does it why everything's the same it hasn't changed a bit i don't know why we all come really george is going to get the lion's share and the rest of us happens happening what oh yes well i might throw out a little monday money if you all promised to be good but helen says you're working for the church mission association susannah yeah [Music] richard most of the younger members of the family had only heard about cora i'd only met her once she hadn't changed much still as unguarded as ever dear dear landscape do you remember when you used to bring marines out to the treehouse for right hi how do who was cool we had a tree house in the grounds we camped out down there when they were parties and watched the guests arrive timothy your father leo your mother geraldine and [Music] me the doll's house oh it's still here [Music] and the same old toasting fork we used to toast muffins on [Music] the outfit is totally unsuitable look at that false hair don't be catty rosamund aunt cora ran off with a penniless italian painter which was just a girl it's rather romantic i have to go and see the old treehouse seems darn quite unbelievable looking at her now [Music] gilbert [Music] you come to pray for my salvation [Music] and then you read the will yes you see the family expected his nephew george to get the lion's share as he was richard's favorite while his brother timothy would get nothing at all they'd fallen out years ago as you may know richard appointed me executor of his will did he leave me anything after legacy's for the servants an annuity for landscam and a small award for myself the house and the estate are to be sold and the proceeds divided equally between timothy cora rosamund susanna and helen what about george it seems george has been disinherited how much well i can't say with any accuracy but it should be ample to cover your needs for the foreseeable future oh goody i shall go to south america i was as surprised as everybody else i knew richard had intended george to be the solaire yeah that's what had been in every version of the will i've been on leave so i hadn't had a chance to read this latest version and richard did change it frequently adding this and that but never so dramatically as this hello could i ask you to stay on and go through richard's things i can't believe that richard has disinherited george i was here with him at enderby almost to the last i nursed him he always led me to believe that george was to inherit the estate to change his mind without a word of warning he didn't say anything to me but at least you're all right your visits to him were a great help oh for heaven's sake it's george i'm concerned with and then cora properly put the cat among the pigeons still it's been hushed up very well [Music] of course it's quite the right thing to do i mean i can't do any good making it public i'm sorry i don't quite understand what you mean cora it was mad wasn't it oh sorry i didn't mean oh how stupid of me i didn't think from what he said oh dear forget i said anything it was really very stupid please forget it i i know i'm always saying the wrong thing sorry sorry i'll make arrangements for the house and the estate to be put up for sale as soon as possible you could have cut the atmosphere with a knife so this is why we're going to see this car and ask her to explain we're going to see her yes but unfortunately we can't ask her to explain you see yesterday afternoon cora was hacked to death by an intruder with a hatchet [Music] the doctor puts the murder in the afternoon no later than 4 30 probably much nearer two somebody smashed the kitchen window and attacked mrs galachio in her bed a particularly brutal attack as you saw six or seven blows were struck she was in her bed during the daytime she'd slept badly she sent the companion into reading to exchange some library books and took a couple of sleeping pills so she'd have been drowsy if not already asleep when they broke in so a hatchet seems well excessive to say the least i suppose the companion could have done it two women living together alone you never know what quarrels and resentments build up but by all accounts they got on well and was there anything stolen inspector just a few bits and pieces of jewelry nothing of any value and of course they could have taken whatever they wanted and this is the odd thing we found them shoved in a hedge not far from the cottage i suppose the murderer may have had a sudden panic or a fit of remorse but in my experience of criminals it's unusual so with your permission of course inspector i would like to pay a visit to this companion oh please do she's a sensible enough woman let me know if she says anything new and then on top of everything else i discovered there was a break-in at the office on the day of the funeral the nba deeds are missing and i haven't had a chance to attend to it but if the deeds are missing the house can't be sold and the family can't get their share of the money a break-in on the day was a funeral the deeds of the house go missing this is indeed a big coincidence promise you yes i suppose it is listen pirate you will take the case on won't you it would be a great favor to me if you did we miss you i will take the case inspector assures me if she didn't suffer the first blow would have killed her yeah i do hope so i'm so glad you've come mr end whistle mr puerto mumma i don't know mrs galachio's family i'm rather nervous about meeting them mrs galachio bought them at sales she always thought there was a chance of picking up something worthwhile they're mrs galachio's own paintings they're very good aren't they wait of course i don't know enough to judge although my father was a painter i'm not a very successful one unfortunately but mrs galachio knew a great deal about artistic things poor so ah it is the old paint yes she likes to paint in here and you got somewhere with your employer mum was that yes in some ways she was rather like a child she was not an intellectual perhaps more of an instinctive but she was very shrewd mr entwistle it quite surprised me sometimes how she hit the nail on the head then you had been with her for a long time three and a half years ah you acted as companion and uh looked after the house i did the cooking and light dusting none of the rough mrs panter from the village came in for that i don't think of myself as a servant mr antwhistle i would very much like to see the bedroom of madame galatio but if that is convenient inspector morton said it was all right to clean after the police had finished i haven't touched her personal things of [Music] course [Laughter] [Music] did cora talk about her brother's funeral she said the chapel was filled with flowers she was very sorry not to see her other brother timothy timothy yes is you these guns they're made by you i've always had a hand with cakes oh dear that sounds as if i'm boasting no no no not at all you do not boast memoire there tell me if you please how was madame galachio when she returned from the funeral the night she got back she was happier than i'd seen her for some time she asked me if i'd like to go to south america i said it would be a thing to dream about and she said it will go just like that i guessed her brother had decided to leave her some money after his visit here he came down here yes about three weeks ago it was a surprise for mrs galachio she hadn't seen him since before her marriage it quite upset her realizing he was so ill he told cora he was ill yes it reminded me of an old aunt of mine i wondered if he might be suffering from some softening of the brain why did you think this [Music] mrs galachio said he'd started to get ideas that someone was trying to poison him what please go on mom was it she dismissed it of course old people get bounces like that don't they [Music] um [Music] oh imagine the desperation of the people when the rain doesn't come and the crop fails it's hard for us here in england to believe there is poverty and hunger in the empire our vision of africa is one of exoticism and adventure but the mission at kazane is a hand-to-mouth affair most of the children there cannot read or write they have no means of improving their lives so they may escape from poverty in the future these children need a school our mission in bechuana land is to bring education and above all hope to the people living there i hope you will all give as generously as you can thank you for coming so few people are interested in mission work it's a little dispiriting susanna gilbert mr entwistle rang with the most shocking news it's cora she's been murdered what it seems a burglar broke into her cottage the day after the funeral he stole some jewelry and he killed her [Music] well she must have good nerves to stay in there on her own i suspect it is that she has nowhere to go until she gets another situation um monsieur i discovered this and please don't say anything to anyone about what i told you it may be a mistake your loving brother richard lord does that mean he told cora who he thought was trying to poison him perhaps announces that her brother has been murdered and then the very next day she is killed most brutally let us suppose that she was speaking the truth and that your friend richard avenatti was indeed poisoned who benefited from the death of richard not the whole family apart from george of course and myself to a small degree ah so you yourself are a suspect look here foreign sure we shall go to see the family and we shall tell to them that i investigate the death of korra only that way we may be able to cast them off their guard no it is necessary that i ascertain the whereabouts of each and every member of that family on the day after the funeral you're entering just a tad early in my sweet so i don't enter on and now he says he's going to show her the evidence no no no darling you enter on she despises him and you don't sit down immediately how exciting you're most rightfully famous you read people's minds psychology sort of thing it is the way of human behavior that interests me at this time so sensitive it is unfortunate is it not to lose two members of one's family so closely together it is isn't it although i can't think why anyone would want to murder someone like ankura it would appear that it was a burglar who broke in to steal some of her possessions please to forgive me but it is necessary that i ask of you both where you were on the day after the funeral we were at home till 11 then you left to have lunch with oscar i was to meet my friend jane but we missed each other so i had a lovely day shopping we dined after the show and go back to the flight about midnight you do not feel well now first night nerves i'm always queasy especially when it's absolute rubbish like this one i must say it's the most marvelous luck uncle richard leaving us all this lovely money just now it means that we can produce our own plays um i've got the chance of an option on a rather good piece terrific lead for me and uh a good part for rosman it will make michael's career larry olivier better watch out i'm afraid there's a bit of a delay with some of the documents for the house the money won't be available immediately but we can get in advance michael said we could it's terribly important there's no real hurry sir it's just a question of whether or not to take up the option michael excuse me i i think i won did ankur relieve any money she left what she had to your sister well why susanna i'd like to know michael if you would be so kind but she hardly knew me and there's her share of the estate of course well it all helps if you please to forgive me uh it is necessary that i ask of you both as to your whereabouts on the day after the funeral of richard amanathi no helen was at enterprise i asked her to stay on to look through richard's things thank you gilbert he asked me on the day of the funeral and i was beastly to you in return oh please it's quite forgotten i've come down for a few days to see rosamond and michael's play i'm staying with susanna george where have you been are you all right you're perfectly all right mother why do you ask i'll call us murders all over this rag george this is echo pueri i've asked him to look into the circumstances i had no idea such famous friends how do you do para miss you poor old ankora i got the feeling she was just about to kick over the traces don't be flippant about her george i tried to reach you the day after the funeral to see if everything was all right and i couldn't get hold of you yes i went to the races at hurst park had two winners as a matter of fact and you're whereabouts one was it i went to the piano shipping line to inquire about traveling to africa you're going to africa yes as soon as i can get a passage monsieur tell me if you please the two horses on which you want some money what were their names gay mark and ismbar ii you'll see [Music] when was the last time you saw correct no i hadn't seen cora since our wedding he didn't like to say to timothy your younger sister's completely batty but i'm afraid that's what i thought and she had this strange habit of putting her head on one side rather like a bird very odd very odd [Music] mr entwistle has arrived timothy with mr fuarro missed you good of you to come in twistle i uh i mustn't exert myself with doctor's orders well i can hardly believe it poor little caller killed with a hatchet what's the damn country coming to i'd like to know mr puerto is looking into cora's death oh i don't know what we want a private detective for my commiserations mr abernethy it is a time most difficult for the family i understand that your brother he also died recently oh this is what happens when you get into bed with socialists i mean the whole country is falling apart look at the state we're in we can't get decent servants more dears in a softer shadow messing about in the kitchen oh by the way moddy um i think uh lemon syllable will go very nicely with the soul tonight here okay of course and uh perhaps a little clear suit first uh i'll leave you to it do take a seat and whistle thank you now uh look here you know richard never said anything to me about wanting a cremation now who authorized that may i ask helen it was what he wanted oh there'll be some delay over probate i'm afraid we had a break-in at the office the nba deeds seemed to be temporarily misplaced oh well there's often a delay in these things but the will of your brother was a surprise most pleasantness but i understand that you expected to receive nothing well it's good of him to let bygones be bygones you know madame is mending the car oh yes she's had to learn how we can't afford the cost of garages and i mean obviously i can't do it that old heap's always breaking down broke down on the way home from the funeral didn't manage to amend it herself she had to take it to a garage ended up having to put up overnight or the cost of hotels these days you know it's outrageous wait say scandal now look at whistle i'm not well enough to have anything to do with inquests or burials you all have to attend to all that side of things for cora i mean order a wreath of course i don't know what one puts on a stone when it's murder you can't very well write entered into rest or anything like that o lord thou hast seen my wrong judge thou my case it is the bible lamentations yes yes it's appropriate if somewhat melodramatic don't shoot i never meant for it to turn out like this damn you you deserve to die for what you've done [Applause] ugh you two are terribly good oh yes you don't have to be polite thank goodness for that plays an absolute dog we know there's no advance we're taking pets will close before the end of the week one becomes an actor because one loves the theater when ends up playing the most appalling trait any actor would kill for good parts gosh it is enormous must be quite terrifying not when you're used to it on helen the audience becomes one's bosom pal drink anyone isn't it terribly sad about aunt cora i was looking at her at the funeral thinking one might as well be dead if one looked like that and now she is that is a wicked thing to say old episode faced and twisted obviously took what corey had to say about richard at the funeral seriously if somebody murdered uncle richard and then realized on cora knew they'd have to kill her wouldn't they otherwise she might go to the police and we were the ones who heard her say it saburo thinks one of us must be the [Music] murderer [Music] why didn't you come to the restaurant with us i am sorry uncle richard cut you out of the will it was a cruel thing to do but you can't make it send you off the rails and there's no reason to be so beastly to your mother and the country is every reason in the end what does the money matter you'd only lose it on horses or spend it on your drink well you're out of it now aren't you off to africa with the missionaries no they tried to pull the wool up on my eyes miss you they're all lying the whole family not all of them surely no way well they're all lying about where they were on the day after the funeral each and every one of them could have been illicious and merry and murdered coracolatu no they live very well they're all [Music] performers [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to end of here mr barlow [Music] say magnifique dr larabee i thank you so much for coming here to see me tell me if you please if i want you to poison a man who is sick and i wish that these doctors do suspect nothing how would i achieve this you'd have to use some kind of narcotic so there was no sign of cyanosis for anyone to spot and then arrange for his body to be cremated so that no evidence can be found not which is possible if i'd had any suspicion about richard's death i would have informed the police immediately but cremation is a choice most unusual for an english gentleman is it not well i was somewhat surprised i i must admit but that does not mean that he was poisoned he died of natural causes so you can say with certainty the richard abernethy he was not poisoned huh no i wish i could it is possible that someone put a narcotic in his food or extracted the oil from his vitamin tablets and replaced it but why would anyone want to do that would you please be kind enough to tell me in your opinion is it possible that mr richard avedy took too much of his medicine in error oh no sir the master's wits were as sharp as it always been right to the end besides mrs helenwood here keep an eye on things just in case so madame helen abernethy was staying here until richard died aye she was she nursed him right to the end and were there any other visits to the house during those last days or did anything occur that would have upset him well the vicar come to tea the day before oh and the morning he died we had some noon school what is non-skull nuns ah religious did they stay for long oh no sir they were collecting for charity i understand that mr richard abernethy he had some family to stay during those last weeks i they did first was miss rosamund and her husband followed by miss suzanna and uh young george came last of all was there anything unusual about these visits well the master and george had a terrible fight they got on well as a rule but on that day [Music] i never seen them [Music] both so angry and upset george was in a terrible state it was the day before the master died he never had a chance to make it up with george [Music] and you were one of the witnesses to the world were you not huh did you read the contents well he asked me to but the truth is sir the old eyes on what they were i didn't want to tell him i couldn't see in case he asked me to go but uh i just looked down the page and paige it was more than a page oh no sir i remember it well it were just one page [Music] it's not richard's signature it's very like it but it's not his signature it's a fake pirate the whole bloody things are fake how can i not have spotted it [Music] because my immediate is a very good fake very good indeed [Music] miss kilchrist susannah henderson and mrs glacier's niece i'm sorry come in come in miss henderson thank you i seem to have startled you you did actually i'm not normally a nervous person but i've been jumped here since the police constable left the doorbell rang half an hour ago and i could hardly bring myself to answer it which is silly as a murderer is unlikely to come back and ring the doorbell isn't he it was only a nun collecting for charity miss gilchrist encore left what she had to me i'll be staying a few days to go through her things now what are your plans for the future miss gilchrist i have to find another position well you're welcome to stay on here till you find one and i hope three months salary will help that's very generous miss henderson these are mrs galachio's own paintings she and mr glacio lived in brittany and then in cornwall fishing boats are so picturesque mrs galachio did say she'd leave me some of her paintings these ones she painted herself i mean as a memento oh help yourself to any of these you want did you want anything else oh no nothing more thank you she left me a lovely amethyst necklace one could always make picture piece cards from these did she copy no mrs galachi was a true [Music] artist george i didn't know you were down here i came to see if i could lend susanna han suzanne is here too yes what brings you down i've come to looking on miss gilchrist one or two odds and ends to sort out with cora's papers mr poro ah mother my benefit mr poirot are you here because you think richard was murdered by then i cannot tell whether mr richard happened that he was murdered or not but i understand that his sister made a remark with that effect of the funeral i don't like to speak ill of the dead but from what i know of cora she wouldn't let the truth stand in the way of a good story no but richard had been the visitor and that much is the truth mr poirot richard wasn't murdered he couldn't have been i was here with him almost to the end you stayed here often he invited me a few times in the last weeks he was very low in spirits your son george also made the visit during those last weeks i understand richard had all the family down not just george tell me madam were you surprised when your son george did not inherit anything from his uncle yes i was it was a cruel thing for richard to do i find it hard to understand no i do not think you were meant to understand mother what do you mean i suspect that the will that this inherited your son it is a fake did they get home well together madame helen and mr richard abernethy oh yes the master were fond of her very fond indeed she went to london yesterday to see miss rosamond show they seem to whiz up and down to london for almost anything these days she was staying here all the time until yesterday aye no no i tell a lie she went off in a car one day said she wanted to be on her own can you remember which day was that mother it was a day we had beef it must have been the day after the funeral she didn't get back till after midnight and couldn't face it and i remember thinking it was such a waste this were the masters bedroom and his medicines they were kept in here yes sir by his bed we'll see so this is where fears that's one of mr galachio's paintings racy i always such prude susanna oh excuse me oh my goodness you'd better come in mr gallacher glass it's mr glacier oh are you cora's ex-husband uh see and cora had written a letter asking me to come to look at the painting she had found which she uh she thought might be valuable gilbert andressa family solicitor pieteri susanna henderson coors niece i am sad to meet you at this sorrowful time signing george abernathy perhaps this is not the most appropriate time for the valuing senorina it's better to take the painting away no well chappa i don't think anything should leave the house no you must value the painting now that you're here mrs galachio hoped it might be an italian primitive do you think it's worth anything [Applause] [Music] there it is a wonderful thing it gives a pattern of romance to even very bad painting i am glad perhaps i do not have to disappoint poor cora this painting is probably not even worth the meager shillings she paid for it you were hoping for something valuable right susannah i thought you'd no interest in worldly possessions it's not for me george it's for school books in betwana land [Music] [Music] i tried to ring george to tell him about the will but i can't get hold of him he said he'd be at home i don't know where he can be who would hate him that much timothy he didn't expect to get anything but to forge a will is a crime more serious madam the police they will have to be informed it must have been substituted on the day of the funeral why well because until then it was locked in the safe at the offices of monsieur enter tell me madam do you remember anyone going off alone that day cora wandered off to see the tree house and george stormed out of course but that was after the will was read and i remember susanna going somewhere too it's no good there was so much coming and going i felt there was something wrong that day in what way wrong mother unexpected or surprising sinister even not sinister no more a sense of something not being quite right can't put my finger on what it was do not try to think of it madam sooner or later it will how do you say plop into the mind come on lord what earth are you doing here if the house can't be sold then we can't get our money we're just going to stay here until it's sorted out i don't see why you should have the run to my family home and full use of the servants well mard and i are struggling with no one so much as to make us a cup a cup of tea get landscape mod tell him to bring the chair corner was not an artist but she had the temperament of an artist she seemed to me a woman who didn't care tuppence about convention or doing the right thing admirable i'd say very refreshing as a girl she was um piena di vita uh comes er how you say here so full of life oh excuse me i must catch the train back to london senorina bye mr glacier it's very nice to meet you thank you bye i'd better be going to find my way back to the hotel yes it's easy to miss but you can see the so so what's this how strange the postman must have called this was behind the umbrella stand it's addressed to me but i'm not expecting anything do you know mr glacier well miss gilchrist no not well he's been here a couple of times it looks like wedding cake did aunt quarrel right home often well years fairly often i suppose it is who can it be from john and mary can't think who they are it could be dorothy's daughter her name was mary but i haven't heard of a wedding would i do if you liked some of this not for me i don't like food cake pour on court maybe i could sleep here on the couch no he mustn't take advantage of you miss gilchrist george can put up in the village george it just seemed odd to me i i thought i'd let you know right away it's the king's arms hotel of course there may be a perfectly innocent explanation i i will join you there in the [Music] back morning i didn't know it's going to turn out like this did i i certainly didn't think that painted little french popping j was going to be here sticking his nose where it doesn't concern him not if we keep our nerve we've just got to make it seem as if it never happened [Music] help me [Music] what's wrong are you ill i'll get you some bicarbonate and then give me an ambulance we'll call a doctor in the morning get an ambulance quickly i think i'm done [Music] miss henderson yes i'm inspector morton lichardson married police are you sure you gave the doctor a complete account of what miss gilchrist had to eat and drink last night yes we had the same thing macarenia gratin custard pudding coffee afterwards why she must have had something that you didn't have pharah somebody's tried to poison miss gilchrist with arsenic no that's impossible oh the the wedding cake i'm i'm afraid i've not finished clearing up in here [Music] you will put a piece of wedding cake underneath the pillow and you dream of your future husband and that is how the saying it goes nasper why on earth didn't she tell us know that because she felt that she would appear foolish having such hopes i am so very sorry man was it why would anyone want to kill me mr have nothing to leave nobody would benefit from my death i think you must not stay at the cottage but where can i go when you are recovered you must come to end of me it is the family home of the abernathy's and i myself will be there no no mr puerto i i couldn't i might get aggressed i am commissioned to find the mother of madame and it is possible that you may be able to assist me but i don't know who killed mrs galachio but you may know more than you think susanna what are you doing i'm going where i don't know anywhere africa you can't run away now don't be cowardly you are being beastly since you lost out on that money it's not about the money isn't it isn't that all we really care about don't go susanna come on we're too deep i'm frightened don't be frightened when you've done what i've done fear becomes somehow meaningless [Music] i have heard of you of course and me or so have you seen you your reputation it goes before you i am commissioned to investigate the murder of your late wife senior and i wish to invite you to end the bee it's the home of her brother richard abernethy are you sure i would be welcome i was not allowed in the house of senior abernathy when he was alive with the family they are choosing keepsakes from the house before it is sold and perhaps you would like to choose something on behalf of your late wife if you insist i come mercy so do you think he's the murderer i just get up to end to be myself i hate the thought of poor helen stuck there with timothy and maude i also wish to speak to madame helen abernethy i will meet you there money me but first i must go to the theater look please don't pester helen she had nothing to do with all this she wants to find out the truth as much as we do but she has no alibi for the day after the funeral she was at end to be no no no she left then to be early in the morning and did not return until late at night well well that's us maybe but she didn't kill anyone she wouldn't she benefited from the death of richard abernetti just like the others you are fond of helen abernethy it is easy to let the tender feelings cloud the judgment you said you'd get away tonight i'll make alfred on friday i promise hmm [Music] poirot um miss dayton and i were just running through some lines from the place i see so you rehearse your parts you're not trying to insinuate anything no no no i'm sure i never insinuate but i i was hoping to see your wife you just missed her she popped out ah i would like to invite you both to end the bee mr and twister wishes the family to choose some keepsakes from the house before it is sold [Music] you seem to be at home in this house mother it is sad that it is to be sold nesba one has to accept what comes in life mr poirot there's no point in regrets and looking back one could spend one's whole life regretting on the day before richard died what did he and george argue about oh how careless of me oh please i've um really no idea they were very fond of each other they were bound to have disagreements madan tell me if you please where did you go on the day after the funeral the day of the murder of coracollagio so i'm a suspect in your investigation i only wish to discover the truth and i understand that that is your wish also i went to scatter rich's ashes there's a place out on the moors he was very fond of did anyone see you there no it's an isolated spot madam i have invited the family to come here to end of me you're setting a trap for someone no i do not yet know enough but i do know about psychology madam and when people are together in the room and they talk the truth sooner or later it will always be revealed mr timothy the family has been invited here to have trouble with the breathing issue asmr chap since i was a boy there's worse amounts amongst the flora do you see timothy are you all right now really mr puerto he's a very sick man the deeds of the house i've just found them in my briefcase i must have been carrying them around with me the whole time helen the deeds they've just turned up so the house can be sold i'm going to the village to get these sent down to the office right away i drive up in the morning then okay oh i'll be late tonight i'm dining with oscar darling oscar give him my love he'll be pleased to see you after all this time anyone would think i haven't seen him in months we lunch together the day after the funeral how funny he rang up yesterday and said he hadn't seen you since the opening night of silva swan which was six weeks ago he's forgotten the audience is going off his head don't take me for a full michael you're nowhere near oscar that day what about you you said you were going shopping with jane jane's in america has been for months we do want to take up the option and get this play on don't we want to it's the part i've always dreamed of it'll make me a star one mustn't take too many risks then must one [Music] it is wonderful to be here at your beautiful english home no it's not mine [Music] senora actually rc senor are we choosing keepsakes because if we are michael and i want the green malachi table in the drawing room we can't have that rosamund we want it uh and for sentiment's sake we should like to have the spode dessert service we shall be quite content with that too late uncle supposed been marked down to me i'm afraid mark down what do you mean mark down nothing's been settled yet what do you want with the dessert service you're not even married i thought no material gifts could replace your brother uncle blast george keep out of it does it have to be that particular table rosamund oh do be quiet susan but if timothy really wants it oh no no don't mind me i'm only richard's last surviving brother don't upset him rosamund you know his heart is weak uncle timothy will outlive us all he's a creaking gate i don't wonder richard cut you out what do you mean the table is just right for the new play we want to give her the best chance we can we don't want it closing as soon as it opened like murder and mayfield clothes did it that's a surprise the malachite table is especially nice it must be worth a lot of money it will be deducted from our share of the estate of course i i'm so sorry i didn't mean the wax flowers looked so right on it really artistic do you actually think that table is going to fit in the car rosamund well we'll just have to michael i'm not coming back here for anything you really are the most stubborn i feel rather unwell mort i need to lie down of course timothy honestly that man does he do it moore spends her life waiting on him hand and foot yes it's extraordinary isn't it the way some women are loyal to buffoons of husbands when other men men who should inspire real loyalty are made fools of what was cora's cottage like susanna did you see any of her paintings yes they're rather rather touching i think she copied some postcards oh no mrs galachi would never copy she was a real artist i remember at least one occasion when she suffered from sun stroke because she wouldn't stop when the light was right and timothy has gone to bed miss gilchrist would you kindly prepare a tray of milk and biscuits he needs a snack when he wakes up what i i'll do it right away if mrs i'm sure our core did copy i didn't want to press it with miss gilchrist here why are you sure mom wasn't uh well her paintings are mostly seaside scenes and there's one of paul flexson the lighthouse and the pier but that pier burnt down five years ago i remember reading about it and her painting is dated last year oh yes and then in her bedroom i found an old postcard of paul flexon with the pair still in place was this the first time you made a visit to alicia merryman was there yes even if she did copy of you it's not a crime is it i mean the monster intuition informs me that interest in buying this house has been expressed by a conference school run by religious mercy you would say nuns nuns are a good bit so look after the young place it's hard to imagine anyone wanting to become a nun the outfits are terribly flattering when they revive the miracle worker sonja wells looked too glamorous for words i don't think one looks properly at nuns or priests at their faces i mean we don't look properly at anyone i remember reading somewhere that witnesses in court often give wildly differing descriptions of the same person is that true paul it is so i find it odd when sometimes you catch sight of yourself in the mirror and you say to yourself don't i know that person and then you realize it's you it'd be more confusing still if you could really see yourself and not a mirror image why because no one ever sees themselves as they really are though as they appear to others whenever one sees oneself in a glass it is always as an image that is reversed why does that make a difference people's faces aren't the same on both sides the mouse go up on one side down on the other and then his is on straight look i'll show you there do you see they're not the same here let me well [Laughter] [Music] you should be in bed mama rosario i'm getting mr timothy's cocoa can i make you some well that is most kind but i prefer to make my own i hope i'm not speaking out of turn mr poirot but mrs galachio is dead and nobody in her family seems to really care no that is perhaps because they did not know her as julian young people nowadays seem so uncaring they don't know what it is to be alone in the world [Music] the journey of life he can be hard for those of us who travel alone have you always been a companion to a lady oh no i used to have my own tea shop oh the willow tree it was a delightful little place mr burrow all the china was blue in a pattern so pretty and the cakes were really awfully good if i say it myself but a lion's establishment opened up nearby and my little place failed well this happens to many people in these times i think [Music] is mr timothy [Music] susie are you really going to africa yes i think so i wish you weren't not just now why you should come might do some good to do something for someone other than yourself he's become so boringly prickish i'm beginning to wonder if you haven't done something really bad and you're being earlier than thou to make up for it actually forget about the table i want this oh excuse me why are you intrude i know no no mr parrot do you come in oh there's something in here looks like uncle richards will this is the last will and testament of richard abernethy whereby i revoke all former wills made by me i i devise and bequeath all the residue of my real and personal estate and any uh property i have power to dispose of to george abernethe to administer as he wishes this can't be right but um this is highly irregular where did you find this rosamund but we really need the money i question the legality of these whole procedures mort i must teleport our own solicitor [Music] george i know this is what richard intended who would want to disinherit you just about anyone in the family i should think well whoever it was must have murdered richard i can't believe it and you think having the money is going to make up for what you've done no of course not i didn't say that i just wish i could make you understand i understand perfectly mother george you're my son you're all i've got [Music] you want me to say that it's all right and i forgive you but i don't i'll never forgive you [Music] because no one ever sees themselves as they really are otherwise they appear to others whenever one sees oneself in a glass it is always as an image that is reversed mr entwistle please gilbert helen what is it i'm sorry if i woke but you're the only one i can trust i've been thinking for a while now that there was something wrong on the day of the funeral and i remembered what it was but it doesn't make any sense it was something about the weather hello hello are you there hello are we all right helen helen [Music] how bad is it it looks like a severe concussion i'd like to be with her if that's all right of course [Music] gilbert i have a commission for you she'll be all right in a day or two if it's a concussion won't she i hope so land's come do you know where the wax flowers are they were on the green malachite table madame pelanetti broke the cover of glass by accident they've been uh put in the cupboard under the staircase with the things that need mending how can you be thinking about wax flowers when aunt helen has been carted off to hospital i'm sorry about aunt helen of course but we have meetings about the play next week i shouldn't be surprised if that galactico chap took them he got a taxi from here in the middle of the night well he's coming back isn't he come with me michael i'm not getting into any dark corners by myself after what happened to aunt helen what do you mean rajaman well she was cost wasn't she i thought she fell and hit her head on the doorstep it didn't be naive somebody coshed her oh george is she alright it's obvious a detective in the house looking for clues uncle richard poisoned aunt cora killed with a hatchet miss gilchrist sent poisoned wedding cake a faked will and now aunt helen struck down with a blunt instrument george whoever faked the will must have cost aunt helen you can't think anyone of the family faked the will and hit helen on the head there was no one else here oh you should be doing that puero you're the detective find out who faked the will god's sake it was me i faked the will i faked the will to disinherit myself all right everyone [Music] mercy [Music] so how is she she hasn't come round yet they sent me away so it was you who forced the will you feel better now that your conscious it is clear you don't understand i killed him it's not true she loved my father she would never have done that george we fell in love don't blame him i don't believe you leo is my father look i don't have much time this is my last will and you are my son george i want you to take over everything i'm not your son you're not my father you know my father i didn't want to hear what he was telling me he was telling my life to pieces he didn't seem to realize i could see he was sick i couldn't stop shouting at him that it wasn't true he wasn't my father then i had the idea of substituting the will a stupid thing to do i know i wanted to spite him [Music] my whole life is a lie you see [Music] but the real will was burning a hole in my pocket i had to get rid of him georgia [Music] i killed him i'm sure it was not an argument that killed mr richard up in that theme if you please to excuse me i'm here to question susanna henderson [Applause] she was at the king's arms hotel on the day of cora galachio's murder but she didn't bother to inform us it looks if it wasn't the casual crime we thought it was no inspector it was not a crime that was casual it was an attack that was most brutal and i know how and why it was executed but i would ask you to hold up your questioning for a short while i'm awaiting a concrete piece of evidence the final piece of the puzzle what kind of evidence i cannot say at the moment i may be wrong does not happen to you maybe it has happened twice in my career that's a relief to be right all the time might get a little monotonous i do not find it sir oh we had a rather curious piece of information from the mother superior of the convent in the next town she claims two of her nuns went to mrs galachio's cottage the day before the murder they couldn't make anyone hear when they knocked but they're convinced someone was inside that they become they are sure well there's no mistaking the day it's all entered in the convent book it fits it fits very well nuns that's a ridiculous idea puero no i expect that my ideas are never ridiculous oh all of the pieces of the puzzle i place what's your shame i would like to speak with you for a moment mr poirot michael didn't kill the aunt cora he couldn't have but he won't be able to tell you he has an alibi because on the day after the funeral he was with his mistress rosamund there's no point in lying michael would you prefer to be accused of murder and you madame on the morning of the mother you were seen in camdentown you know why madam i wasn't sure you see i'm an actress the thought of getting fat losing my looks someone gave me a name and a dress but when i got there it was so sordid i couldn't get through with it [Music] i realized i wanted the baby [Music] a baby and the visit to the nuns i felt ashamed i wanted something to talk to it wasn't enough how long have you known a while that's why you didn't tell me about the baby rosamund i swear [Music] it meant nothing it's you i love i won't see her again it's going to have to be big changes michael [Music] i mr here to end me to investigate a murder and to solve a riddle first richard abernathy he dies suddenly and then at his funeral his sister koro galacho announces that he has been murdered but then the very next day she herself is killed most brutally her maid father her companion mama gilchrist is poisoned with the arsenic madame helen abernathy is struck on the head and is rendered unconscious the deeds of the house go missing and the will that is false is read so now which if any of these events are linked beyonce whoever saw the deeds of the house would have to have been absent from the funeral you miss your timothy you have the great need of money and you that you would not receive any from the will of your brother so you hatched a plan that on the day of the funeral you would break into the offices of mr entwistle and steal the deeds of enderby oh that that's a preposterous idea no no no no miss you your wife she covered for you mort i know you want to get back to timothy i'll whiz through things as quickly as i can oh please don't rush things on my account miss don't whistle so realizing that you had as you say shot yourself in the foot you decided to try to put right your mistake that's ridiculous i'm an invalid are you a monsieur [Music] when i talk with you you claimed to have had an attack of asthma it's a lot of nonsense i think he's called your bluff timothy no no monsieur you were desperate enough for money to stoop to theft the question remains were you desperate enough to stoop to murder you mama search henderson you said that you had never been before to religious of mary huh but when you spoke to mr entwistle or the whereabouts of your hotel it was clear that you knew exactly where it was located yes it's easy to miss but you can see the church inspector morton is here to question you as to why you're in legit said mary on the morning that your aunt was murdered and why you did not inform the police [Music] the morning after the funeral george ranked to say he was going down to see aunt cora to ask about what she said at the funeral he doesn't have a car i offered to drive and did you see her no we didn't get to work we went hotel [Music] it wasn't planned [Music] but i can't forgive myself if we've gone to the cottage we might have saved our core's life oh my gosh it's it's all wrong so the two of you were in lichtsteiner and nobody saw you leave so now i turn my attention to motive because it is the psychology of human behavior which interests me each and every one of you would have killed cora galachio to stop our revealing your murder of richard abernethy but are these two deaths inextricably linked well richard abernathy he dies most suddenly but there would have been no reason to suspect the foul play had it not been for those words uttered by his sister cora gallacher at the funeral but because of those words you all believed that murder had taken place and so i asked myself a question that came into my mind you so suddenly how well did each of you know coracollagio how do you mean the answer measure me not well at all and so i asked myself another question suppose it was not karakalachio attended the funeral that day so aunt korra wasn't aunt korra somebody else was mad no no no no madam it was karagalacho who was murdered but perhaps it was not cora galachio who attended a funeral of richard abernethy no the woman who attended the funeral that day she came for one purpose only to exploit the fact that richard abernethy had died most suddenly and to implant into the minds of the relatives the thought that he had been murdered and this she managed to do most successfully nonsense what was the point of it permit me to explain if cora callacho announces that her brother has been murdered and then she herself is killed the very next day then those two deaths are bound to be considered cause and effect and for her the prime suspect would be one of the family but if coracollacio is killed and the cottage is broken into and their cube is not convinced by this burglary then where is he to look close at home the woman who shared her house with her you're not suggesting i'd commit murder for an amethyst necklace in a few sketches no no mom was there it was something much more important than that one of the sketches of car galactic was a perflect sunbe it was susanna henderson who observed that he must have been copied from a postcard because it showed that the old pier was still in place but in fact the old pier had burned down several years before and madame calacho always painted from the real life you told that to us mama's el gilchrist and then i remember the smell of the oil paint as soon as i arrived at the cottage you can paint can you not and you know a great deal about painting because your father he was an artist and then richard happened that he died suddenly and the plan it sprang into your mind how easy for you to administer a sedative in a morning cup of tea to render her unconscious for the day of the funeral while you play her part at the end of me don't you knew when to be well from hearing coracollagio speak of it so simple then to begin with a remark to make your lawns come to convince him of your identity dear dear nanskum do you remember when you used to bring moraines out to the tree house for us but that's preposterous nobody would have been fooled for a moment but nobody had seen coracle at you for over 20 years you wore her clothes you padded yourself out to show her again in weight no one would have suspected that you were not cora galachio and because coral galactic you always wear the hair that was false it was easy for you but mannerisms are remembered and core galactic had mannerisms that were most definite all of which you practiced most carefully in front of a mirror and that was where you made your first mistake you forgot that an image in the mirror it is always reversed so when you observed your reproduction of the bird-like tilt of the head of cora galactio you forgot it was the wrong way around and it was this that puzzled madame helen abernathy at the moment that you made your insinuation she could not quite put a finger on what it was but then with all the talk about mirror images and how one sees myself as others see us she remember so she tipped her downstairs to make a telephone call [Music] but someone else was about they followed her down to listen in and fearful of what revelation she was about to make struck her over the head i never did anything of the sort the whole thing is a wicked wicked lie it was you that day when we arrived i i vaguely thought i'd seen you before but of course one never really looks at you one doesn't bother to look at a mere companion help a domestic drudge but go on mr puerto go on with this fantastic piece of nonsense mercy man was there i intend to and then to cover yourself still further you planted a letter from richard abernethy to his sister of course in a place where somebody would be bound to find it and in this letter there was a phrase oh so cryptic telling her that he had not long to live and then you actually poison yourself with arsenic badly but not fatally mama said you know that is a device that is also very old it aroused my suspicions but immediately and what about the picture of paul flexon i commissioned the value of painting senor galati to go to the cottage remove the painting and take it to the london academy of art if you please senor [Music] if you please talk sir [Music] [Music] [Music] voila a rembrandt authenticated by two experts i recognized it immediately she didn't always going on about how much she knew about art and unable to recognize a rembrandt when it was under her nose she was a thoroughly stupid woman endlessly wittering on about this place and what you all did as children you don't know how truly startifying it is to listen to someone talking about the same things day after day and pretending to be interested oh yes mrs galachio and really mrs galachio and in truth just bored bored bought and nothing to look forward to but more of the same and then a rembrandt [Music] the rembrandt had sold in london a few weeks before for 5 000 pounds you killed her in that brutal way for five thousand pounds no no no no mom was that your mistake five thousand pounds would have bought and equipped a t-shirt you understand it was the only chance i'd ever get i had to have a capital sum a chance to recreate the willow tree my own little place freedom independence a servant to no one perhaps you'd like to come along with me miss gilchrist of course i i don't want to be any trouble if i can't have my little tea shop nothing much else matters ah very silly i mean i i always do the wrong thing uh uh please forgive me i it was really very stupid i'm sorry i'm so sorry i looked up extraordinary how did you work it out what made you suspect her it was the flowers of wax mozelle you remember when you and your sister were arguing on the evening that everyone arrived here mamasal gilchrist remarked how artistic the flowers of wax looked on the table made of malachite but she could not have seen them there because madame helen abernetti had removed them before she arrived so the only time she could have seen them was when she was here masquerading as corona how clever of you will she hang i cannot tell mama it may be that she will be admitted to an institution these were the courts to design i feel i should go give it a try at least i think it's probably for the best [Music] how long do you stay away for um [Music] and thank you for your hospitality thank you mr poirot for everything [Music] i'll go buy my dear don't stay away too [Music] [Applause] long [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: BritTV
Views: 277,649
Rating: 4.8622971 out of 5
Id: XSxtZZsZc9g
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Length: 97min 11sec (5831 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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