RuPaul On "Rupaul's Drag Race"

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Papa's got a brand-new gag this is the game show we're not to be gay to play but it show do help my squirrel friends are here to play I don't brush up on your pop culture kid Shonda Rimes come up with the term but JJ when big or small you'll always get a nice package you gain Japheth play game show starring RuPaul new series Monday April 11th after an all-new drag race 100 episodes 100 contestants but only one Queen reigns supreme you ready kitty girl it's Derek who else has been carb-free for two weeks are you kidding me get ready for a fabulous cruisin it's our 100th episode hello as a 100th queen to turn it out oh and baby Jesus bro get hit for some serous hey already shady in this group oh if I want to do ratchet drag next week can you give me anything you wanted to like memorable drag Nix baby the shade the shame and some ruthless competition this is season 8 and people are just stringing it a bus comes by I'm gonna throw her first we're gonna make drag race history I want a front row seat for this that's effort Wow yeah yeah oh my god I want her legs new season premieres Monday March 7th at 9 this is the most emotional roller coaster I've ever been getting good do you have a side is that your good side ok your part is on that side I mean I know but I more bald on the part side so I buck that rule and I just do this side oh please everyone sit down that is too much a standing ovation rule look at you you've out gave me with your outfit today I'm and we have mad you're full-on certainly ring is busting out all over never seen that Leslie Uggams thing on YouTube where she's singing that song but forgets all the words to it I think I have yeah it's so good something for the kids something at home if your computer people look how young you guys are I know oh you're just covered in afterbirth yah welcome to our discussion with the one and the only RuPaul Charles I'm your host Leslie Uggams they don't know who Leslie Uggams I don't I'm not even sure I know who Leslie oh my goodness she's a Musical actress she's a Broadway michiga like a wiz she was not in the Wiz but you know what's funny is that you know get Chi and the remake of The Wiz on NBC know oh she was not ok but you know get TV antenna TV and me TV they're showing all those old shows and so she was on Merv Griffin uh-uh Merv Griffin the other the other last week and it was like it was it was like Lainie Kazan Merv Griffin uh Phil Phil Spector oh and the moms Mabley and they would have those two people they were like a health-food people but they looked so terrible yes Marilyn diamond fit for life it for life sorry we're having a private conversation people that lived in the 80s would talk about yoga but anyway um so a hundred episodes of RuPaul's Drag Race premiering tonight on logo hello gasps you can applaud how does that happen I don't know how that lasted for a hundred episodes well you know I've been in show business for just under 300 years okay I thought so yes and you know I tell this to kids all the we were talking about this backstage it's stick with stick with it nests its luck but it's also ambition and not burning bridges you know I've been working this this block here for a long time and what ends up happening especially for you young kids out there is that keep in mind the people look around you those are the people you're going to be working with for the next 30 years in fact the producers of RuPaul's Drag Race I met them right here in the East Village thirty thirty one years ago and I'm still working with them you know world of wonder if you're old if one wondering yes you're one worldin how did drag race even start I mean like where did the I did you have the idea did you take it to the producers how does that process happen well we're you know walking down memory lane well um world of wonder had been doing reality television for many many years and they wanted me to do it now I thought it was I didn't want to do reality because I thought it was mean-spirited and now this was in the 90s they they were doing reality TV and um I took some time away from the business like from 99 to about oh three oh four I stepped away I wanted to just live my life some and when I came back they said are you ready to do reality right and I've never been ready to do reality by the way uh because I'm I love the fantasy you know right um so Tom Campbell who's over at world of wonder wife known for many years also came up with the idea of a competition reality show that is like a drag race that is literally the the pun of it being a drag race right and it was Tom's idea and then um but they had been after me for to do something for many many years well it wouldn't be RuPaul's Drag Race without RuPaul so I'm glad you did not be that Wow now and then did going even back further I mean when did you first you know when did you start in showbiz and how and then you were a supermodel and then you in a talk show and then you had a recording like you've had a lot of different careers within showbiz so like when did you first get the itch and be like hmm I think I want to be an entertainer which I is what I like to refer to myself as an entertainer entertained her with Jessie yes exactly when I first start well you know when you when you talked about that I was thinking about Jane Fonda and how she's had so many lives in one lifetime and I love that idea because people live longer you know and so you got to be prepared to do a lot of different things at any given time but you know when I was a kid my mother everybody told the story that when she was pregnant with me she had seen a psychic and that the psychic said a it's gonna be a boy and he's going to be famous so I grew up yes so I grew up with this idea that I was gonna be famous right and so I didn't know how I didn't know what but I was in children's theater and I did you know shows in the backyard all that kind of stuff and then finally you're like The Little Rascals I'm a productions you know no no sure yeah all right but that's exactly right and finally after I left high school I got into a band and hey we started doing uh you know punk rock at the club and all that stuff and once we as a gimmick we all got into drag just to see you know right just to do it but the reaction I got when I got into and this is gender f-word drag this is right you know smeared lipstick combat boots and ratty clothes it was drama dirt ratchet drag that's what the young people say yes so uh we did that and the reaction I got from people was was pretty incredible I'd never had that reaction before and I said oh make note of that you know right and then one thing led to another and years later I thought I thought well I'll use this as my as my vehicle and right and that's that's really how it started fantastic yeah and how did the how did the music stuff I mean really you were in a band and then you the music number one single well the music was always a part of my thing music has always been the place I found my refuge you know I was always a weird little kid who who would read album cover liners you know in LA all in fact we just drove past Electric Lady studios which is right down here on on 8th Street and it is legendary I get chills every time I go by there because so many great great albums were producer in fact Electric Lady is where I met Taylor Dayne the first time who's who I've a duet with her on my lady's heart tell it to my that only told half the story right away uh but uh she's we duet together that's what duet means you know the French for - yes um on my new album butch queen and uh great song I met her at Electric Lady but tell us about the new album by the way butch queen is out right now on Amazon and and is it like a real CD could you actually get something in the mail or is it just a downloading mysterious email from Apple saying you OS 1199 right right no it is a download but at drag con we will have physical CDs practice drag con you're speaking what drag cut is a drag is a convention that is happening in Los Angeles California City of Angels um on May 7th Lynn 17a that's the Saturday night Sunday yes it's a huge convention last year was the first time we had 15,000 people right we have already more than doubled in ticket sales this year I heard I saw estimates like maybe like a million people or yes two million two million yes yes will be attending it's gonna be a big hit what goes on there they meet their favorite drag stars it's you exactly it's it's the drag race experience brought to life you remember Snoopy ah nice yes I know that would be on I yes well this is like that but it's drag queens no ice right it's like calm like comic-con but people aren't it's quite as weird yes I'm looking at the season eight Queens um that's a fantastic photo by the way how fun and fresh and gorgeous so what are we on what are we looking forward to this season well it's a funny question because the thing is this you put drag queens in anything and it's gonna take on a life of its own and I get asked the question all the time like what you expect this season hilarity car say a polarity calamity all of the t's okay we're not the shade none of the come of the shade say we'll be there but it's crazy this show has been going on for so long 100 episodes it's outrageous it's crazy you add drag queens to any situation and of course their backgrounds as you know of lone wolves right really comes out and and brings a whole nother narrative to the situation and I just love it we need one of those at the Republican debates just to spice things up a little bit why don't we I can't Alaska Thunder work there yes or I know you can say bad words on this AOL business but I just can't do I can't do it either but or why don't they do a lip-sync for their life the candidate thank you last night we asked you to prepare a lip-sync version of the star-spangled banner' this is your one chance senator Cruz and don't it up impossible already happened no what should happen it does happen I'm looking back at the photo and having so many memories and um be I'm a guest judge this season but um are you a guest no you were regular like a recurring judge yeah what gives you miss certain one is two couple had to go on a cruise for work though yes right stars I was this really bit I was busy but on so many fantastic guest judge Marc Jake can we say the people will humming and we've already know so yes Marc Jacob yes I mean a guest judge um Gigi Hadid Gigi Hadid super fun sitting next to her for seven hours feeling old and ugly yeah um they liked you need powder I'm like I need a facelift um I need a whole new head okay so I'm gonna sit next to her Col Richardson right David Harris yes Amy Sedaris is on Ross Matthews is there Michelle visage physis yes um so it's just it's a great you know the families all reunited yes um now I know we're getting we're putting the cart before the horse so dispenser right um but you have a fantastic new game show and I only know about this because I was there uh-uh-uh so tell us about gay for play gay for play is a trivia game show where two contestants get an opportunity to win over $5,000 in cash and prizes there's a panel of celebrities who help the contestants answer the question if the contestants choose to take that help and of course Carson is one of the the celebrities it's it's a cross between Match Game Hollywood Squares Deal or No Deal and Family Feud right yes it really is all of those things and we've got these gorgeous dancers Oh come in and play dance the gay for play dancers who come in and out of commercials but the show is super sexy it's super cheeky and I think we're gonna be doing this for the next uh ears I hope we do like five thousand a person I love I hope they are wheeling us in there each week yes just connecting our oxygen yeah shoot the show and then we go back to Palm Springs yeah but it comes on it comes on uh for 11:00 which is right April 11th on logo Monday I think maybe it's Tuesday will you have a phone look up April 11th and put in your thing just reminder to watch it's really good it's really good and so many great people like um Jerry O'Connell and Rebecca remain well I don't think we've given those names yes they're just they're watching um no they were they were in the press release yeah oh they were good yeah they were we're good yeah I think yeah I'm gonna see Rebecca later tonight are you yes because you know the UH what's the show um skin war skin wars we do a show with cold skin war appalls on every TV show show that's in production right now do you know this is a good thing for the kids to note too is that you know I've been I have been doing this for many many years you got to get set yourself up so that you can do a lot of different things think Jane Fonda think Quincy Jones who has done everything you know a lot of the old thing was that you would choose one thing to do for your life and you would do that forever right life isn't that way anyway no and that's even um when I tell like fashion students like that's the same thing it's like you're gonna probably have three different jobs yes yes so have some variety and it's it's more fun that way well but you just being versatile you know I mean you know a thing or two I sure do yes yes what it's just and and I think that's why I've been able to stick around for so long because um you know I do music I write I produce and I'm able to host and you know it's important for young people to understand that to develop lots of different skills and you know know thyself know the different areas of your consciousness that you can sell to people right you know like prostitution yes yes I I've dabbled in it yes I did a little nude house cleaning who hasn't yahoo hobbits ah hey didn't even pay me yeah I left streaks everywhere um just on the windows ah I think we um yeah here we are hi everybody yeah I just said this is a little current events and I knew you would have something really amazing to say about this because I've worked with this gentleman for a long time and um he's smart and creative and fun and very wise and I thought I still got this thing you know when you get like the news feed on your phone and I'm just like I don't care about news let me get to Instagram uh but it was a thing about gay programming being banned on all of the TV industry in China Indonesia oh and Indonesia - no it's China China yeah so there is no drag race in China yeah that's terrible I'll be gonna be bootlegged into China I hope so yeah that's been huge in Beijing yeah mark yep yeah uh but yeah they did they the Chinese government I shouldn't be reporting on the news right now because I don't usually get things right basic gist was that the Chinese government issued this proclamation saying that um no um sexual abnormalities no same-sex relationships they lumped it in with all kinds of crazy basically no gay stuff on TV I was like well good luck yeah good luck okay cuz it's not gonna be very fun without the gays well no that's an interesting point because we talked about this with gay for play the crime show because you know in pop culture it used to be that the mainstream gay uh mainstream pop culture would get gay lingo ten years later rhyme ever when the girlfriend thing was a girlfriend that right ten years old for gay people right yeah that but now because of social media its accelerated that pace so drag race is responsible for it you know Katie Couric saying oh you slay you slay right yeah or I'm eight on the news they talk about oh she's throwing shade you know so with gay for play we decided to take all of that gay pop culture vernacular back and show these how it's really done thank y'all right that yes yeah all I have to say to that is pick up well anyway I thought you'd like that no I don't know I remember that because it I thought it was just Indonesia ya know but the truth is when you try to keep things away from people it becomes so so coveted they want it so bad especially young people around the world people for years have been you know downloading drag race right places where they couldn't get it but that did not stop them like Oklahoma um no it's true when queer I first came out they wouldn't air it in the certain area in Oklahoma in Tulsa and they were instead they were airing old reruns of coach and then I was just like after six weeks of Craig T Nelson they'll be begging for the gays ha ha ha I think wind is correct yes you keep it away just it's it's the real world there are gay people yes get over it get over here right although I have a little thing for Craig T Nelson do you I think I do I thought he was hot and poltergeist yes yes and in Silkwood he's in super sexy and so yes yeah it was my first daddy crush really was that really honestly I think so I also had a thing for Jamie Farr and Nash that's I like Ray ghatak I like exotic no that's really crazy itíd to this day to this day I can't watch married with children without getting a little tingly because I have a thing only for fur yeah what's his name um ed ed ed o'neill ed o'neill yeah yeah i have a real thing for him it happens your hand if you know what I'm talking about at all do you anybody have a thing for him like an image he's like a bowl TV crush on someone that you probably shouldn't be attracted to I yeah yeah very happy for me yeah it happens sometimes I feel that way about inna Garten huh what yeah you know what's funny her voice is so calming we're talking about the Barefoot Contessa exactly something about her you know actually because what happens is here in New York when I'm in New York um she would come on after Judge Judy so I watched Judge Judy and I in my bed he's very busy very busy area busy and I would take a nap - I know garden right right Gorton Garten yes um because of the sound of her galleys she's just slowly whipping butter I the whisk over over a flame yes I'm talking about when her husband comes home Elmer oh god you gotta find out another hobby I don't know I love her love what are some of your other um guilty pleasures on TV what do you want no I do i watch how to give with murder uh yes yes and I love of course Judge Judy in jeopardy I always watch me but I've really been into the jail Oh shades of blue - oh the cop drama I'm it's very good it's got a sort of a gay um it's got a gay side story Neil it's very sexual ah this is very good we should try out for that show why not yeah there could be like a murder and a club but yeah solve it I love that halo arrests us cuz she thinks we're too close to the crime wait a minute are you pitching a cop drama with the two of us yeah yeah where we play cops and we have crime yeah yeah oh my god that's great yeah hello that's really really undercover yeah see people like it we just didn't an item oh oh did a test Marketing Group the world if you're watching everybody wants that CIA no I think I'm I was begging for it and be safe um a cop drama it would be like the movie with um Oh partners with wine one'll and um who was it either at John Hurt yeah no I was thinking like the this millennium oh right yes I don't know anything about um the lady that's in all the movies right now Melissa McCarthy oh right Oh heat the heat yeah he's yet yeah yeah we could do a version of the heat but like the gay Heat oh the koe yeah Oh we'd be in Miami and we'd always have a fever oh hi Lee and I would say thanks to you in the quad car do you want to get a doughnut no I'm so hot I think like all of our suspects would be hot latino men mmm yeah yeah yeah anyway no I know what's of that no objectifying but a speaking of that you know the other thing that I'm obsessed with and I don't think I've ever stopped being obsessed okay is murder she sat down and she wrote here oh yes habit cold oh honey baby i watch it every night what channel is it on it's on Ivan on TV t okay but it is on the Hallmark Channel okay it's on the Hallmark Channel every night okay a lullaby heart to heart there's some great clothes and all that and fantastic cars like everybody has like in 1974 Lincoln Continental Mark four yeah they're at longer than this actual building yes I'm an Abba based convertible top and a fake continental kit anyway I love it I'm punchy addition is Siobhan she or the bells last yes we're the same person ah so now I'm gonna do audience Q&A and I'm gonna go out in the audience like Sally Jessy Raphael my god that's great hands red glasses love it I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna touch the people oh goody don't worry I have this errors and omissions insurance which they say will protect me from a harassment lawsuit oh haha this kidding you look like you have a question I can read it in your eyes I'm fine no question I think it's the way to a person all of them what is the question there's about what's your name and where you have what's your name and where you from okay I'm Carla and I'm originally from Venezuela oh oh watch ami Chamma Chamma i'm very international I love that I dated a lot of Venezuelans yeah I have three years in New York and I consider myself a New Yorker cuz I love New York City um but yeah my question is this as many of us I'm pretty sure I'm in in entertainment business too and I do a lot of different things as well and sometimes at this point in my career at the very at the very beginning I must say I think it's a little hard to pay attention into so many different subjects and still because sometimes you people will say well no you have better to speak one thing and stick to that and be the best you know in that one thing and only but I think it's really hard when you're live in New York and there's TV shows and theater and dancing and singing and stand-up and so many other things um and so I don't know I'm having a hard time trying to know I got it know it know that I'm not just doing nothing in to know you know you know the whole theory of the ten thousand hours you know that whole thing what it is is you have to find your own voice whether you're an actor or dancer or whatever you do you have to find what your frequency is and then you apply that to all the different things whatever the job comes up but that's why know thyself is so important find your own frequency and you can apply that to many many different things we're talking about the Givenchy Lincoln Continental yes you know this is a designer who lent his name and aesthetic and voice and frequency to an automobile and it's the exact same thing so you're on the right jet you just have to give yourself time my 20s were all spent trying to please other people but huh you know and it seems like such a waste of time focus on finding your own frequency your own voice great answer okay thank moving on who else has a question over okay oh you have a microphone already look at you what's your name and where are you from um hi I'm Haley I'm from Connecticut hi um so I think a lot of us drag race fans you know probably agree that snatch game is probably her favorite episode um and I think I live for adore Delano's Anna Nicole I thought that was like my favorite but um do you have any personal favorite you know characters that people came up with well I thank you for that question I love snatch game to a gay for play is very similar to that I loved when jinkx monsoon did a little Edie from Grey Gardens that was one of my favorites and when Pandora Boxx did Carol Channing was another one of my favorites but it's you know snatch game is not as easy it's probably harder than you would think because you have to embody the person and you have to think like them and it takes a real crafty person to be able to play that game and also stay in character and if I guess if I were to do and I'm gonna ask you this question oh yes if I were to do snatch game I'm sure that I would impersonate LaToya Jackson hmm yes and this is my Latoya voice I'll tell you what I actually heard her say these words I'm thinking champagne now person if you were to do snatch game Oh would you impersonate I was gonna say LaToya Jackson but now um I actually um I would either do Nancy Grace why would she leave that baby in the car or I would do I'm Katharine Hepburn from on Golden Pond oh no I mean you didn't pick a single berry you oh um I have a couple in my repertoire um those are mine yeah thanks oh you have the next question I believe what's your name and where you from uh yes hi my name is Miguel and I'm from Puerto Rico Oh buenos dias Miguel como esta hola Senor ha be an shining star of the Caribbean oh hey bring the heat bringing the heat so uh one of the things that I love about the show is other than you know the glamour and the shade and the dresses and everything you take your time to teach us and the Queen's more about being yourself about knowing that that sometimes you have family that are not your you know the family that you have given but the ones that you choose and also they have to let you love yourself first you know beyond everything so my question is were you always planning to have that as part of your show is that something I came up or were you always you know trying to put that out there as well as the show and everything else oh it's a lovely question and I'm thank you for asking it you know if you look at YouTube videos from of me from 83 it goes back to 82 I have the exact same message in all of them and I have you know there's a there's a sort of a pallet that I always say you're born naked noises drag everybody say love if you can't love yourself how in the hell you gonna love somebody else that's always been my platform and I grew up loving show business and knowing that I had to have a doctrine to present myself with and that's what I chose at a very early age I knew that I wanted love to be my platform and so that and self and self-acceptance because I got to tell you you know it's a daily to daily practice you know um you know every day I meditate I pray I stretch I do all the things that you it takes to maintain a life on this planet you know we're all born with a DPS system and it's your job to learn how to navigate with it use your feelings and your intuition to guide you through this life and to navigate and then you learn things along the way but one of those things that I like to practice is is self-love and a half and it's like every day it's I wake up with amnesia because I have to remember to do that every single day and that's that's why my message is that because I'm not only reminding you the audience I'm also reminding myself can I get an amen we have time for one more question one last question hi what's your name and where are you from hello my name is Larissa Gomez I'm from Brazil Oh tudo Bain okay so congratulations yes thank you you said congratulations obrigado and I have seen the seasons and I have seen transgender drags like Monica Beverly hillz and recently I also saw a group of women doing drag in London so I wanna know your opinion about other genders doing drag because yes I'm a women I also want to be a drag but I'm always like no I'm serious I see it as a form of art sure and um but I'm I was afraid if I show up as a drag in a club people are gonna be like you know get out of here first of all you can't worry about what people have to say that's the first thing what's your name again Larissa thank you for that question but we we celebrate everyone who is who has charisma uniqueness nerve and talent and that is the only criteria you could be whatever but I've always like I said you're born Nick in the resurrect everybody it's in the sound of my voice is in drag you are you you're born again whatever you put on when you get out of the shower is your drag so why not if men women whoever if you want to put on a character if you want to put on a persona why not it's all there for you you know this this world it's really an illusion so why not wink-wink nudge-nudge along with it and do drag have fun I believe in using all the colors in the crayon box so Larissa go do drag do drag god don't care what people say or what I don't care what people say what other people think of me ain't none of my GD business exactly yeah yes Amen you do you did good out there have you ever did you did do a talk show didn't you my Hodel I have I've been I've been on many yes never done one right yeah we're probably gonna pitch that along with our cop drop salute and you're gonna be in it uh-huh both Karissa yes um we'll be in it as well um cuz we're gonna be huge in Brazil I'm yeah they love but you know our show actually drag race is yes huge in Brazil huge and I want to get down there I want to go God is that have you not been I've been there twice oh I you gotta go I love it hmm uh but the thing is you know I'm busy doing the shows in LA so I don't get to did get to go to struggle for two weeks yeah you just got back from Australia right from Australia I was it do you love it I it was great was fabulous we were part my favorite part was actually was taking the train down to mantra' oh yeah yeah that's right down that way were you did you go to Perth at all uh yeah I've been to pith I've been to the Indiana Tea Room are they're giving us the rapid ah-ha-ha so we're gonna carry this conversation on on our periscopes ah we're gonna be upside down cuz we're pretending we're back in Australia yes so thanks for watching AOL build and give it up for our special guest today RuPaul Charles don't forget to watch the 100th episode tonight RuPaul's Drag Race on logo at 9:00 8:00 central and gate for play starting Monday April 11th also on logo yes gay for play thank you guys so much
Channel: BUILD Series
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Keywords: #aolbuild, AOL, AOL advertising, aol build, aol inc, aolbuild, aolbuildlive, build, build speaker series, content
Id: i0uHiJ7_aSA
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Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2016
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