Adam Lambert on 'RuPaul'

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[Music] do you live the rock and roll lifestyle I've kind of dialed it back 50 notches because I started going up game feel like crap what were you afraid of I was concerned about that he was gonna burn in hell [Music] [Applause] towba chair everybody is welcome at the RuPaul show [Music] we're in the middle of our three-week summer test run from New York to San Francisco to Charlotte North Carolina everybody say love that's right we can catch up we can't get enough of this love I saw y'all on the runway oh you know so it's time for my slay of the day and this time there were so many good ones I had to pick two I had to pick two and they are that beautiful man right there Victor Mature they brought you and then next to disco Jesus right there [Applause] [Applause] Monica from Miami Florida from Miami Florida and what's your name where you from I'm Zach and I'm from st. Louis Zach you guys both slay the runway so fabulously where do you learn how to do that I did you're a dancer and what about you I'm a gun both danta guns well you guys are gonna slay the runway down here together okay y'all ready okay go over there and I'm gonna tell you when all right go right there at the top of the stage [Applause] hi Ross hi Michelle come on turtleneck we did it again we did it again sympatico hey baby I know I almost didn't see you there well y'all we have a really big show today we have one of my favorite all-time singers ever he is brilliant he channels Queen like a champion please welcome Adam Lambert [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wanted to wear something special for him and the Tasha is my witness I almost wore the same shoes I swear I swear and I said I was like as I put this outfit on my boyfriend's like it's the perfect group off it yeah she probably has every piece yeah yeah well yeah you know it's funny because you know I I want to dress up for you I know you are a fashion nice aim where did you get that your mom your dad oh the jacket mom dad's like Birkenstocks Grateful Dead tie-dye t-shirts yeah mom's like Jewish American princess from Jersey oh I love that so she is always done yes yeah but and you're from San Diego yeah I'm from Sandia that's right yeah what high school did you go to Mount Carmel Mount Carmel yes I dropped out of several high schools in San Diego you know but it's a beautiful town when did you leave there I was 19 I dropped out of college you did I went for about five weeks I lasted five weeks in Orange County good for you weeks yeah and then I what were you studying what were you studying musical theater musical theater yeah darling yeah that's right up Michelle's alley and did you come out of the womb singing those high notes I was colicky mom said yeah it was a screamer screamer nothing has changed [Laughter] you made me want to listen to music again you know that all he really did think you were so fabulous you have a new album I do well do you know when it's coming out we don't have a date yet it's called velvet oh yeah remind you of anything okay before it now I'm you've worked with Mac smart and you've what worked with Queen you've worked with all of these great people who's on this new album who's producing you know it's kind of it's not like a big superstar name ringing kind of situation it's it's friends people that I've met over the last 10 years that I respect um a lot of queer writers as well that I've teamed up with more than ever I think more female writers jennifer Tranter Justin's a friend of mine yeah yeah Justin didn't write on this album but we talked about it I played songs from gauzy advice from him yeah so I I kind of took matters a little bit more into my own hands on this one you know because on the first album for your pleasure is note the price for your entertainment I love that what is for your pretty-girl oh my goodness I think that's a condom is it or no for her play that's your next out Adam's rib yeah so the first on the first album your hitting notes like Freddie Mercury did you know then that you were going to move on and tour with Queen I had no idea no I mean I chose Bohemian Rhapsody is my audition song on Idol yeah and then they came on to the finale and we performed together and it was it felt like there was something resonating there was something in the air there was a look that we were exchanging but it wasn't till after my first tour first album that whole cycle was done yeah and they called him said hey we got some opportunities yeah and how long have you been touring with Queen it's been like seven years since we first started really yeah maybe eight I don't know do you feel like you feel like you embody Freddie Mercury do you feel like he comes through your body you know I have had moments where there's been strange kind of goosebumps and synchronicities and all I've had like weird out-of-body moments with them I definitely have I think it would be presumptuous for you be like I'm channeling Freddie at all times yet I feel a presence elements for sure what the catalog of the Queen catalog what which is the hardest song to sing the most challenging song I mean Bohemian Rhapsody is really that's a big one yeah who wants live forever is a big sing yeah show must go on is the killer oh yeah this doesn't stop it just keeps going oh my god how do you take your voice on the road like that denial yeah okay networks that works I mean water sleep jeju vocal rest if i need to yell be silent for a day if i need to i try to warm up and then when all else fails a shot of tequila you know yeah well well that's that is rock'n'roll do you live the rock-and-roll lifestyle not quite as much as I was about five or six years ago aha I've kind of dialed it back a few notches because I started going okay if you like crap you know yeah I know it takes its toll yeah you know yeah so the new album is called velvet there's a single out what's it called it's called new eyes new eyes do you have new eyes I have a new boo I read about this yes and that that's why I chose this song as my first singles because I thought you know there's lots of different vibes on this album there's songs that are more up-tempo more like bangers but this guy makes me feel romantic and I wanted to sing a pretty song about love yeah well it's interesting that you would choose that to do that because your last relationship was very public relationship and the breakup was very public did you have second thoughts about sharing it with the public you know it's we're in the social media age which is like everything is bound to be out I think the more you keep things a secret the more salacious that is when it does come out so I just kind of wanted to say you know this is this is my boo we're in love we're happy Thanks and that's that yeah how did you guys need on Instagram you met on Instagram Instagram are you scared of meeting freaks on Instagram I love meeting freaks on that's the crap but I mean I listen you're celebrity you're very successful do you have I mean you have second thoughts about doing that you know I think after this much time I'm a pretty good judge of character I mean every once in a while I screw up but like you know I'm cautious I like you know take time and we were texting for a while then we went on a proper date he lives here in Los Zetas and it was lovely it was just a good vibe right from jump and it felt instant I love that good for you okay we've got more Adam Lambert after the break stay right there [Applause] [Music] we talk about dating and I was like and I knew it was coming yeah I was like my shoulders were up in my ears it's time to [Applause] Lambert is here we're talking about clothes and the fact that I almost swirl is that in fact can you bring my boots out here Natasha these I was going to wear these are my black boots and I was I was gonna wear these crazy and I have those and you have these ones here too I mean we what size are you I'm a 12 well what size are you an 11 a little extra room you know what's funny about all these clothes and I know you buy a lot of clothes I have a lie I wear them once or twice but you know there aren't many other people who I could share clothes with you know except you know so or who would be willing to wear something is crazy like this other than yeah I'm in yeah I'm in so let's exchange numbers yes we could do like a book club with the closet it's so funny and I could I love clothes we talked about your mom and that you probably got your sense of style from your mom definitely for moms and your mom is the one who pulled you out of the closet she did really she did we were we saw like a Speech and Debate tournament that my brother was a part of and one of the dramatic pieces was about a young man struggling with his sexuality and then his parents kicked him out of the house and he goes down like a bad spiral so I think that kind of planted this seed of terror in her mind because she hadn't yet had the discussion with me yeah I was about 18 we were driving home from it and she goes so can we talk about dating and I was like and I knew it was coming yeah I was like my shoulders were up in my ears I'm like driving the car she said you have a girlfriend and I said no oh do you want one nope when she goes do you have a boyfriend and I was like nope do you want one yep and it was there was it you know and the door was flung wide open and I said well why didn't you ask me this like five years ago and she goes well I asked for some advice I went to the Gay and Lesbian Center in San Diego and I asked them what to do and they said wait until he comes to you yeah well first of all let's just give a big round of applause to your mother the idea of having a child and then rejecting that child because of how it comes out is so weird to me yeah and the fact that there you know when when parents do break that mold and are accepting and loving and doing by the way what a parent should be doing which is loving their child and you're doing their child no matter what it's fabulous yeah and what did what's your relationship with her like now oh it's she's my mom but she's also one of my best friends like we talked about everything there's no filter yeah sometimes there probably should be what she's great and my dad is super supportive too yeah they still together no they're not together but when that happened when the outing happened after about an hour of like remember this one time remember that yeah that was the guy that I had a crush on it all of those stories came out and I said well I have to call dad and my brother yeah she said okay and I called my dad and I said hey I got to tell you something mom and I've been sitting here talking I'm gay and he goes yeah I know that I was like whoa but you know did you have to anything to ask me he's like Adam we figured this out years ago yeah yeah well it's just interesting because imagine a world where children are allowed to be whatever they want to be how how how much quicker they can reach the goals and live their best life without having to you know have to worry about whether they're gonna upset their parents yeah because all that shame is so heavy oh my goodness it can be so heavy and it can get in the way of everything yeah and your mom was right about the kid you were talking about who had gone down that road yeah that's exactly what could happen is she's very smart yeah about that yeah yeah how do you navigate thing because you know what the reality show in our other show all these kids come through our show and their insta we famous how were you able to navigate Fame overnight success like that it was weird yeah it was super strange and surreal and in some ways was awesome and exciting and you know it was a good thing that I was about 27 when I auditioned fried all right you were that old yeah I was at the end of the end if I just think of him as I think of him as a really young young kid well thanks no I was at the end of the the spectrum and that was the mean that you were they stopped taking people yeah it's like 27 is the cutoff oh is it I don't know that yeah I didn't know that so it was good because I had had you know nearly a decade in in Los Angeles living a real authentic life being gay as hell and having a great time and creating and making music and theatre and all that so by the time Idol happened I felt I felt like I was somewhat prepared to take the next step did you see a therapist a few times yes several million times yes I think this for all reality people who come through reality shows there should be an organization or a clinic for newly famous people to say okay this what to expect I agree when you become famous overnight yeah no is there anything like anybody know of anything like that should do you're exactly right yeah there's no handbook yeah there's no I mean especially being a queer celebrity which 10 years ago was like being in the mainstream culture as a queer celebrity was sort of a novelty I mean it's yeah I'm gonna know anything about no no no how did you deal with it well you know it's um breathe laugh repeat brief laugh repeat you take it one day at a time you know I was always I'm from San Diego I was always an oddball so even with social media that and all the criticism you get from social media that never bothered me either because of you know where I come from which is I know that I'm God's property baby and Ning nuttin go change that exactly right so now you've done so much and yeah I heard that you had a small cameo in the Freddie Mercury movie I did where can we find you in there I am the trucker that is cruising Freddie at the truck stop while he's on the pay phone to his wife wait a minute okay okay did you choose the role do they choose a 40 for me uh-huh I said cool yes I can do that how did you prepare for the role I'm not gonna answer that on public is gonna stick around we'll be right back I was coming up my whole life that came out the first time in fourth grade hold up yeah okay how about fourth grade well you have a Bugs Bunny Journal [Applause] I love this story Sara felt like she failed as a mother when her son Parker revealed he was gay after years of struggling to accept him she agreed to go to a gay pride parade in 2014 and that changed everything come on out here Sarah and Parker [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go to sit down what cute haircut thank you Parker cuts my hair I did for 13 years before things started blowing up for us so yeah so now tell me about this now you you sort of rejected the idea of your son being gay how did you find out that he was gay he told me okay he spent his whole life coming out to me but when he turned 21 he said mom I met someone and I need you to be okay about it yeah how did you meet this person let's just do friends and yeah and but I had you know had a few relationships here and there before but I mean we had never come to terms with that so it kind of pushed me a little further to to give her you know the ultimatum of you know you get to be in my life a hundred percent or I have to go live my own life hundred percent and that was kind of the the pivotal moment yeah had you planned on living the rest of your life not saying anything was there a point where I think I think a lot of LGBT people and any conservative area kind of have that alternate reality during them I could yeah it wouldn't be living but I could yeah you know and Sarah so no what was your first reaction well I didn't take the news very well I said some things and acted in ways that I regret mmm so interesting because you know I can't imagine being a parent and I first of all this just stop there I can't imagine being a parent well you know I'm just telling someone the other day that you know George my husband he loves children he loves children me not so much but you know it's a lot of responsibility and I'm a career girl and you know I don't want to be Mommy Dearest you know so I probably would be mommy but you know I can't imagine being a parent and then this human who comes through and has their own ideas their own philosophy their own person when he came out of them he you knew who he was immediately you recognized him and when was the first time you had an inkling that he was gay when he came down the stairs and one of my dresses and my heels complete denial what were you afraid of well I was concerned about my idea of that he was going to burn in hell mmm was my first concern but I hate crime hate crimes yeah hate crimes in Oklahoma conversion therapy is still legal sought out and paid for we're working very hard to pass a bill banning that yeah but I was just concerned about his health is well-being his safety sure you know things like that yeah and so um how has your relationship changed what's come of this this newfound relationship well first of all he's alive yes and looking gorgeous and but we we worked through it he allowed me to ask all the silly questions and and he just trade stayed true to himself yeah and I'm just so thankful that we have a relationship now that's healthy but it took seeing him live authentically and and in healthy relationships to look past my own fear and ignorance and I know the power of a fear and ignorance I know the power of getting educated and I'm just so glad so tell me about that turning-point conversation Parker well I mean like she said I came out I was coming out my whole life I came out the first time in fourth grade I just knew I mean wait wait hold up yes how do you know Mountain fourth grade well you have a Bugs Bunny Journal aha by the way Bugs Bunny is the gayest cartoon on earth and I wrote a poem uh-huh in this Bugs Bunny journal and I don't remember all the words but I do remember the first two lines were the tiles are gray and I am gay it's hilarious still but I remember at the moment like even the moment that I wrote it and I showed it to my friend in the fourth grade and they reacted weird and from that moment on I was like oh I have to get rid of this have to remove I had this shouldn't have been written you know yeah and I went home and like an idiot I was like I'm gonna throw this way outside which nobody had fourth no fourth graders like I'm gonna go outside to the dumpster to throw something away uh-huh and um you know she of course asked what are you doing and I showed her and it kind of was that the vomit conversation of coming out like I didn't know I was coming out today and there it was yeah but I mean I there were years she didn't even remember that happening it was just kind of instance after instance after instance of you know even finding notes in high school or web search history yeah oh dear oh dear you know just things like that where is continuously like how how do you not know and but I mean denial is a very powerful thing and I think when when we as the LGBT community can kind of X to our own denial I'm not saying we accept other people's but we learn how to have those conversations about I know I said this for so long I know I didn't say this for so long but this is what we have to talk about yeah yeah so tell me what happened at the gay pride parade well it's my first interaction with the lgbtq+ commissions in Oklahoma City mhm we stood with our son my husband I stood with Parker and his friends at the Oklahoma City Pride Parade which is not far from where we live and it was my first interaction with a community that I just fell in love with and I met a beautiful spirit-filled community and I realized how how how sheltered I had not only kept my own learning our education about the the history of human sexuality science and evidence and testimonies from lgbtq+ Christians but I needed to hear from someone who shared my faith that it's all right to search the matter out and when you do you get educated and so I'm accountable to those things yeah and so now i advocating listen i thought if there was a time that my son was going to hell then i fought for him like my hair was on fire and through getting educated I'm fighting for my son and Friends like my hair is on fire me because I'm accountable to what's been happening oh no tell me about the free hugs movement you started the free hugs movement what is that about well in in 2014 we stood at the Pride Parade with Parker and in 2015 I made a homemade button that said free mom hugs and I went to the Pride Festival and with anyone who made eye contact with me I would say could I offer you a free mom hug or a high five and because not everybody's a hugger see and from that response I would hug them and I wouldn't let go until they did and I would tell them that I'm celebrating you now and I love you and I'm glad that you're here I went home that day covered from head to toe with glitter I also I also went home with real horror stories in my ear the first young woman I hugged hadn't had a hug from her mom in four years there was a young couple living out of the car because they'd been kicked out of their home and so some moms dads friends and allies we got together and started taking up collections and offering gas cards food carts Target gift cards for basic needs just trying to be a loving presence in the lives of those who've been alienated from their organization that if people want to send donations to this place is there it is it's free mom hugs org yeah we have listen we have 48 chapters now of moms preparing today over the last year over the last year that you also will stay in for parents at weddings at gay weddings you will stand in as parents if the people yes I began advocating for the community as I began advocating some couples beautiful couples would ask if I would officiate their met their wedding so I did but in that in doing that I started hearing from them parents who weren't acknowledging their relationship or refusing to come to the wedding so out of frustration I made a social media post that said if your biological mom won't come to your same gender wedding then you call me I'll be there oh my baby I just want to say this I would have saved it you know what this here is what a real Christian looks like right here we'll be right back after this that is really what it's all about [Applause] [Music] we are talking with these fabulous people here sir Cunningham started the free mom hugs movement which i think is so fabulous she stands in for parents of gay children who refused to attend their children's wedding which is kind of weird that you would give birth to someone and then you would refuse to stand and go to their wedding she's impacted countless lives a few of those people wanted to say thank you take a look at this hey Sarah it's fun with Asia and are you from Santa Rosa California hi Sarah my name is Joe hi I'm Tabitha Castillo hi I'm Marla Castillo hi this is Tony Davis Jones from Kalamazoo Michigan hi Sarah it's me Blair Sarah Cunningham was our stand-in mom I think about the words that she said to me on that day every day of my life and I'm forever grateful for her being there it was a role that I didn't know I needed as bad as I did my mom passed away before I could come out to her so I didn't get to have that mom hug moment but I got to share that with you and that was more impactful than you know all that joy that you your fellow mother's and allies bring to the world is just the most special thing your hugs really baby hold I want to thank you so much for opening my closet door and allowing me to be a better parent to my child and also giving me more children than I thought I'd ever have it was such a blessing and an honor to see you meet you and perform for you I appreciate you and everything that you do for our community everything that you continue to share with us your love your support your happiness your smile thank you so so much from the bottom of my heart for all the love and support that you offer people on their special day thank you so much thank you I will be forever grateful thank you you love you Sarah I say I love you well it's it's overwhelming really and it's just I'm just doing something that I wish someone would have done when I was trying to figure it out but I'm just so thankful and it is my joy it has been my joy you know that's really what it's all about it's about moving the conversation forward and teaching people how to navigate and the revolution is starting one by one from the inside and each of the people here in this audience who are watching at home we each can do something to push the conversation forward we don't have to be in the dark ages and so many people are so that it's called free mom hugs dot org and if you want to send a donation or anything that can help further this movement or purely on donations and it helps us we help our transgender friends change their documents to match their identity we help with gas cards in very practical ways to be a loving presence in the lives of those who've been alienated and separated and we travel we speak at schools hospitals wherever we can to just try to make the world safer and kinder more loving that's a key word kind of kind of you know I I was lucky in that I never had to come out I was always out and but you know and I had my sisters and my mother they were all so lovely to me they knew that lil Ruru was was a special child and they support they've always supported me always have and I just I pray that everybody could have that experience really because we are here to experience life and we are all God's children yes and it is important all right we're gonna go to break we'll be right back after this I want to spend the rest of my life with him and I wanted to do it in a really big special way Demi she was like I got you [Music] [Applause] [Music] last year Shane proposed to Raven in the middle of a demi lovato concert the video went viral take a look [Music] [Applause] for the rest of my life will you marry me come on out here Shane and rave on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my goodness sit down how fabulous is that oh my god how did you pull that off oh wow well that was this one surprised me shook me haha Demi's a really good friend of ours and so you know I I knew I was ready for that moment no you know what I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and I wanted to do it in a really big special way yeah and you know there's a lot of history behind why I wanted to do it big but Demi she was like I got you yeah I didn't know what that meant and so the night of the concert I was in a dressing room she's like okay so what you're gonna do I'm gonna have you come from under the stage come up on one knee and I'm like oh okay I'll do that and she just she made it like so special and I was just so grateful and it was just I was terrified oh my goodness did you have any idea that this might be happening I had no idea he on the way out he's like you should probably change your shirt I'm like okay like he never says that usually I'm the one that's like you did the change yeah and he's like cut your nails I'm like still had no inkling at all you know I'd be looking at his hands I'm like you know I'm sure you'd want to have yells trim that I don't he said he wanted to take some pictures and he doesn't usually like taking too many pictures and I'm all you know I'm like okay he wants to take pictures I'll spruce it up today yeah yeah walk out the house we've been talking about parents of gay children how do you your parents feel about all of this when I came out to my family they were supportive and and happy for us which was a huge relief and rayvon what are your parents like are they accepting of the relationship well I'm from Virginia I grew up in the south and grew up in the church and you know how it is in the south especially being black it's hard for our community and there's an issue of acceptance and an expectation of masculinity that I feel is placed on you at a very young age and so we're still working yeah my family my dad is very supportive of me he wasn't around all the time growing up you know I was raised by my mom my sister and I single-family home but it's it's definitely been a journey for me and for my family and some of my close friends to accept me and to accept you know us our relationship well your mom come to the wedding rave on that I don't know I honestly can't answer that sorry the truth if I would love for her to be there and to share that moment with me and my family but I'm not sure at this time you all set a date I feel like we're I feel like on one level we've kind of been waiting for it to become a reality where we can have all of our family members there yeah well sarah has something to say to Ray Vaughn well of course I would I would hope that your mom will come around and I would just encourage you to continue you know the conversation with her as long as she'll have it just you know once she once I was able to see Parker happy and healthy and uh living authentically it allowed me to look past my own fears but I would I would be honored to to stand in if you ever wanted to if you if I could have a conversation with your mom I didn't take the news very good either and I I know a lot of moms who had a difficult time too but just continue to share your story with them and talk with them and allow them to you need to listen and consider their upbringing and you validate their fears and then you can educate them I love that that's lovely of you we'll be right back after this the nation [Music] [Applause] alright y'all it's time to lighten it up in here we want to play a little game we call name that Queen now Adam Michelle and I will be competing against each other Ross take it away okay it's time to play the game that's sweeping the nation name they got it okay you're going to all see a photo in the screen and the first one to buzz incorrectly and may wane will win the point at the end of the game whoever has the most points will be crowned the winner and robed in royalty okay it's time to go number one the show that Queen Michelle wait a minute we know in advance Michelle that is correct one point yeah there you go we got sound effects up in here Michelle is in the lead was one numbered Queen number to show that Queen Michelle we marry Michelle Michelle in the labor - but it's anybody's game Queen number three showed that Queen root for screen Latifah this is not Jeff party love it a correct answer Michelle Oliva to rue has one Adam come along all right a queen number for show that Queen fishery sorry Michelle could you let it cut that one this is Michelle the lead three rue one Adam real doom real bad ok let's show Queen number five show the Queen [Music] [Applause] all right Michelle's away ahead show that Queen is anybody's game now okay Michelle's are really far ahead okay Queen number seven go Daenerys Targaryen queen of the Dragons everything Wow yeah that's right all right so Adam Monroe each have one michelle has four billion toys five points okay show the next Queen this badge Michelle got another point all right that's why I'm trying to hit my thing I don't have my glasses on yes can you put your hands behind your back this way Adam Andrew take a look at this next Queen [Applause] Ricca Morris one Queen left show that Queen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll be right back after this we'll be right back now June is Pride Month so it's been an honor to tell these stories today thanks to all my guests and thank you at home for watching have a great day we'll see you next time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: RuPaul
Views: 695,556
Rating: 4.8858581 out of 5
Id: TsIxjhiuneQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 45sec (2505 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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