THR Full Reality Roundtable: Leah Remini, Kris Jenner, RuPaul & More!

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It took Ru a whole 48 minutes before he started talking about Judge Judy. Proud of her.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KatyaDelRey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

im glad alexis is getting as much exposure as the other producer of the show.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 66 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

What Seven year old can relate to the Kardasians?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Currently watching this and I love the Drag Race mini-promo at 3:45 when the other's got muted clips and screengrabs.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KatyaDelRey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

the "other people" shade to leah in the title tho lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Ru Paul and other people"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/acww πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love these roundtables but I haven't watched this yet because I'm worried the cringe factor will be too much for me.

To those of you that have watched: how cringey is this thing?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Inspector13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Queen Mother Ru with Queen Mother Kris? Im def going to watch this later

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/executive_fish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I didn't know that Delta Work was on Martha & Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kuhtcoon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] if we're being honest with ourselves tell me why you think your respective shows are striking a chord and what their successes say about our culture now I would say for me I think I'm proud of where our show is right now especially taking two different very different people and having them come together over what unites families which is food and a meal and hanging out with friends and I think it says that we're going in the right direction I think when you would look at it and you say oh my god I have a you know older white woman white collar you know kind of lifestyle and then you take like someone who came up through the ranks and is one of the best rappers in the world and go hey let's have a dinner party you don't normally think you go I want to be invited and I think America has taken us in and wants to join we're doing a show with as you know my entire family so I think that's such a blessing and the beauty of what I get to do every day and the fact that we're in season 14 is amazing they think that the reason why it became something of a phenomenon and such a great success is because there are so many of us so there's somebody everybody can relate to somebody in my family whether you're seven or you're 107 you know there's somebody that you're going to find and I think people just got emotionally attached and invested they've grown up on a show where they see this family evolve so they're getting married getting divorced having babies Courtney you know pulled Mason out of her tummy I mean it's like the things that go on I couldn't make this step up I'll go so I'm in the second season my show 14 Wow can you imagine so the second season my show and I feel like it's about me traveling the country and talking to people you wouldn't expect me to talk to you or you don't figure I should talk to you yep and right now and the last couple years of country sales hectic and the countries are divided and the country is like sort of splitting apart of the scenes and so I feel like what's happening is people who like the show like the season going around to actually go into those teens and see what's going on yeah this is a real thing that's really hurting people the doctrine the actual policies of Scientology are quite abusive and tearing families apart amongst other things where I think that people that really had no idea we're kind of seeing up to a boolean and very like much like what you said in a culture where people are feeling apathetic where there's nothing they can do about anything we're representing a group of courageous people who are saying no I'm going to do something about it and simply being on our show is taking a stand against this Goliath sure I think that I hope this was is resonating our show is a competition reality show it's fun to watch someone going for the goal but the subtext really is a tenacity of the human spirit these are low boys who are ostracized from society and their families a lot of times and here they have to be are blooming and you know thriving and it's interesting to watch someone reveal their story reveal their struggles and for the audience to actually relate to that not everybody goes for their gold not everybody goes for it right here are these kids especially doing drag for boys to play with girls things it's it's like a act of treason in a male-dominated culture so I think people watch for that reason because it's real stories these are stories of real courage and it's entertaining and fun too hello oh my gah gah gather round ladies Oh jolly na na you look amazing thank you so do you so if you've had a chance to meet my girls do you have any advice for them you know when you're having a bad day just to remember that I was nobody and then I became somebody one day and just to say right here when was the last time and I'll direct it this way but I can move it around the table if you guys have thoughts when was the last time you were genuinely nervous to to go somewhere to tell a story to sit down with people this morning before I got here on your show I mean every week it's the whole idea is I'm getting outside of my comfort zone and when I wife knows my resting rate is at home uh-huh so I was if there was a way to do the show from my house I would but every time we tell a story whether it's going to Appalachian talking to poor white people there or going to Dearborn to talk to Muslims you know about the election or it's going to the south side of Chicago where I graduated high school but I've never talked to gang members and Chicago about what it's like to be the gay every single show before we start to someone like alright here we go there's not it is not a moment and yet you reach the point where you say okay but this is worth it yeah I think that feeling that says the I think without that feeling I would probably like this Pisan worth doing like whenever the episodes don't feel like they're sort of starting anything like that in me it feels like we're probably doing the wrong episode we're shooting with the wrong people sorry I am scared every time I sit down every time I sit down I'm like I heard of what I'm scared to hear what they're going to tell me it's like I I'm shocked I'm shocked and I think it's worse than you think yes like you could be constantly hears because I've never missed yes pathetic thing about me is I probably never miss an episode of any one show and it is that we every week when I tune in like in the beginning I was like oh that's a nice story than what it's what is it going to be next week it's going to be the same thing in each week and I mean this lovingly no no we're horrified like oh my god this family had it this way for us you know listening to it it's like oh there's another layer and it's almost like I'm going through although I might not have their particular heartbreaking story I'm heartbroken for them I'm heartbroken for myself to hear like it gets worse I knew this policy existed in Scientology to do these things to people but I had an idea it was other people that we would be doing it to not I never thought I would be considered an enemy of something or they would be considered an enemy to an organization that's calling itself a church and what they do it literally my heart is beating as I sit down and I get my if I can say the F word she said everybody everything didn't matter didn't matter what was going to happen at this point all right I'd be divorced I'd be on the streets I can find me one of those shopping carts I'm okay now I'm going to be just fine they said it doesn't matter if they want to declare us to the moon and back they are not winning they are not ripping us apart we started seeing each other every day every day people who know me know I have a very big mouth and I and I've been that way since I was a kid it wasn't something you know I would go up against men and go like what we gonna do they were like okay I brought you out to Sonic that's right right you know I didn't you know I was that way anyway but I never want to give the business the organization of Scientology the idea that anybody scared we are not and we and the more they react in in the way that they do as dictated by their own policies it only makes me think we're doing the right thing because they claim thing that to do but it's not me Chris that's the thing I wish I could say look how brave I am that you are I'm not I'm not man I'm telling their stories they I have the protection of their face out there but I but they don't have this they don't have the ability people a voice well your aunt your you're giving understanding and creating you're educating people that wouldn't know anything about this and I think I appreciate you saying I really believe it's they when we leave they go back to their regular lives they're the ones who the church goes after they put up hate websites about like within minutes actually like we can when we hear shall I go just I text them I go just know like within minutes your daughter's going to be saying horrific things about you on the church website literally every single person who has done any story about Scientology has a hate website on them so how do you program it in and I imagine to a different extent this has happened to the rescue how do you prepare yourself or those who are you are putting on these shows for the possible repercussions that come with having a camera on you I was there was a therapy group that is specifically for reality into reality yeah right actually I brought this up to the producers just last week that we want to produce a video like an airplane when you're going to airplane they tell you the emergency out of air and safety fell we want to do that for our show for the girls because they need to be prepared for the trolls on social media and family members you know I always say to the kids don't have you don't have your boyfriend manage your career you know and just wear money or your money but all the things that to look out for because there's there's a lot of things that they don't know they see the fame they see that their career is going to be propelled but they don't know about all the other stuff that's for a lot of us it took many years of wrong turns to figure out and I find like one of the piece of advice I always give and must be interesting for you is stop thinking about what America will think when you go in when I talk to the kids or our contestants or whatever because I do from daytime talk to docu-series to competition elimination so it's a little bit different depending on what shows you're doing but for me I'm always like worried about your five best friends and your parents huh you want to be true to them you don't care what America think you need to care what those five people think you want them to be like of course Chris said that that I'm so Lea you know what your friends like if that were me you were totally clogged me out or you would have done it differently because that means you're being true to yourself because if you're thinking about it to become famous or to be out there I think you're thinking about it raw yeah I think the same that colored people that just are who they are and one of the things I do on my shows is I try to have dinner with people's families yeah especially when you're dealing with young people on the shows because they can come tell me they're whoever but if they'll sit next to their bomb and say it then you know it's legit and so with Kris like her family is always in it because she'll be like really you know like any other day like your birth time you know I know they are and I think that's what's interesting it's like not hiding from who you are and owning what you did sure I mean Christian I point how do you sort of prepare when you had you had two young girls coming yeah I mean how do you prepare them or what this is we decided you know to really let it all hang out when we started our show so we decided as a family if we're going to do this just show everything we're not going to remove anything so no matter how many edits I saw I wouldn't take things out you know I might have taken out well that dress looks really weird right there so you know but it was never a decision to take out an embarrassing moment like what's the point of making it not fun for everyone I hang out no we not happy we want to hang out with you you're the most fun girl we know not just jumping rope I used already today so us oh no get away from me well what can we I don't know I'm so annoying but we could have written a series so I I'm over all you people now I'm going to really members that I can is what I can't handle you're just so like you're so annoying it's like shut up so with that sort of philosophy and attitude I told the kids don't get on the Internet Ryan Seacrest who is my producing partner had told Tim about this little thing called Twitter and that she might be interested in and get on Twitter yes we barely had that level of social media there was some Facebook and this and that but there was an Instagram or snapchat or any of this other stuff and so now it's so amplified and so heightened to this level of like haters are going to hate and all that and you just expect it now for the trolls to be all over the internet just criticizing every laugh and then you do how do you tell your daughters to tune that out well that got really thick skin Kim Kim leads the pack she's the queen of six again and I don't know how she does it she literally counsels everybody alright and helps everybody else through a tough thing so if something happens in the family she's the first one I mean everybody calls Kim what should I do you know or how should I handle this even I will come and you know cross something to go kam what should I do and show okay mom calm down just blah blah blah but I think it's my grandchildren who I worry yeah because they're all I've six of them the oldest is Mason he just turned seven my youngest is six months old they're not you dare unless they don't have a choice so the kids are my my kids are really protective of the younger ones and I think that I worry I do because there's it's such a bullying environment so now Kylie and Kendall are both very act you know they they love to activate conversations and try to do things against you know like an anti-bullying organization and they know but it's so tough it's like whack-a-mole you know I trying to really create some awareness of how damaging that all of this is I'm sure you hear this and I'm sure your daughter's here at a short everybody here hears us that anybody who's on social media anybody's in the public eye is well you should be used to it by now I'm like what in what world and what your value thing is that we in the public eye should be immune to having insults pearl that I sold it like it's not normal and it it isn't normal and something does have to change because it is you know it's not easy to put your family on TV I did it for two seasons and I was like I'm out I mean what was that what was the break my mother's a pain in the end okay and it's like having imagine working with your mom like I and if my kids feel and I'm producing it you know and like we're in we're doing an interview and my daughter doesn't want to do it and she's like what am I getting out of this why am I here right now there's what I just want to give you know she wanted to be gifted I hear that Noah PLC does that and it's a contract you know but what I would say was it's none easy and you are constantly being barrage with insults and towards you towards your kids in the very beginning I answered a few of it and there's kimbuck on what are you doing do not pay attention but the couple of times I did by the end of the exchange make sure they asked me to be my assistant or they've or they think they want to job or though that paula jory all right it's wild they just want your attention right yeah well that's the thing about everybody on this planet if you dissect what humans are everybody wants to be validated people don't don't realize they're even alive what people want is to know they exist so a lot of times it's just voices talking I've been in the business for a long time doing something that people have issue with right so yeah tough skin but also on another level understanding the human the human struggle the human experience if you were to have x-ray eyes them to see who those people were who were there 11 year old with a heavy Wi-Fi connection and they are they're trying to find themselves and they're trying to join the conversation literally and figuratively in my I don't write it you you really can't take it too seriously I won't even look at my Wikipedia page because I know what I've done I don't you know I know what I did yeah so if you were to look at those people you'd realize they're sweet since there's they're hurt Souls and don't take it personally I've had them done but I think yeah absolutely night but here I find most times it's people that are there by default like they tried the other route they tried to be positive it didn't get any traction there's no fun in that right if I join the thing and then someone starts retweeting my [ __ ] talks right all of a sudden I'm in the mess I know what it becomes yeah she's putting her life out there right for entertainment you want to entertain you yeah you don't need to make a comment about the I work with the way I don't know migrant yeah what that is what moral are we living in like imagine laying on the street and somebody going you're quick [ __ ] I don't know you but I'm good on your truth-teller Lu I don't love that jacket buddy alright so now I'm turning to you for a second how much you balance trying to get the best television show with trying to sort of keep yourself and quite prickly your family too safe you're putting yourself into as you said at the beginning really challenging uncomfortable positions I mean it is a challenge my wife is going to be on an episode of my show the see oh yeah yeah yeah we're it's a whole episode about about the percy absurdist should i buy a gun to protect my family which means i yeah which means i have to talk to my wife about it my wife is she's a modern dancer she's a performer she's smarter than me she's fine to be on TV but the question was it was like well we're not going to shoot this in our house which is different than keeping up with us we were like so we're actively like not only did we not shoot it at a house did it be in the episode I revealed this is not my house just so I don't anybody because I don't anybody coming to this house thinking they're gonna find me here maybe sort of made a joke about at the end of the episode like nobody's going to know even about whether or not we bought a gun range everyone so the idea is like this is a TV show you know to miss jonno realities in the Charter document documentary I'm a comedian so it is being shaped you know actively I'm not a journalist I'm shaping I want to but also a person so you're not gonna see you're not going to see my kids on the show you know my daughter is about to turn six wings verse two and a half they haven't chosen this life and because of the work I'm doing because it is specifically like challenging things like sitting down with like upside down with the Klan i sat down with all right people if I don't you know all over the country like those people you know there is a sense of like all these people are hurt people I agree with RuPaul but somebody hurt people who want to hurt me yeah right and so there's this like trying to sort of engage with the public and also and sometimes who are activists who think I did things wrong I do want to engage with them right right because you want the dialogue yeah yeah yeah but it's at the end of day it's like I also there's a you know I'm going through the sound like how do I make sure that my family is done when's the last time your wife said I don't I don't want you to do that I don't want you to go there I don't want you to talk to these people she always just wants a phone call when it's over she suppose what's to like hi is that just everything is still fine just stay in contact she knows that like and she also knows you know I mean luckily I work you know working with seeing it and they got a lot of experience of doing this with people who are way more important than they need to protect than me Anderson Cooper worth more to them than I am so like they have a lot of experience without to do this though it's not a sense of like I she sort of trust that if I'm going out I'll be fine I'm gonna be safe and she knows that at the end of day I wanna come home so I'm not it's not exactly some sort of extreme sports adrenaline junkie guy who's like I'll do whatever it takes I will cut it off before she was like interesting and my dog like I can hide right yeah this for me is like a nightmare in a sense when I don't burn a ceremony yeah where yeah where I belong which is where I believe I belong in question is what would you do if your family's asked you to stop because at some point you know we are listening on myself you're a little I can't possibly do another hour except for that I'll do 12 but right so for you guys it's like I can't do another show but I'll do 16 like what is it what do you do at that point you disengage and then do it in another Avenue or you know you have to have those roads we're in and out sometime we're done right a car I think we have a family rule that if like when somebody's ready to have a break for example that we kind of all pick up the slack for somebody else so Chloe's been living in Cleveland all season with her boyfriend and we're like where's Chloe you know but she's flying back and forth and so the day she's here today for example and then she leaves in a few days and then we'll all pick up the slack for Chloe so I think everybody needs their breaks because we've been doing this for a really long time how many seasons have you been doing like 150 to see sotc so we're about to start our 10th season but we've done 11 cycles or 12 cycles ah yeah yeah yeah that's all we only do it once a year so that's why it's um fuschia because yours is twice a year yes to see your spin-offs and different yeah we have a lot of shows so there's like there's Kourtney and Kim Take New York and Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami and we take the Hamptons and Paris and we you know it's pay attention yes which is the life of kylie says she's been filming that which is a different model altogether because it's a little more just raw hmm interesting yeah I'm telling you talked about sort of wanting to be protective of the people you were sort of putting out there when does that stop does it when the camera stopped rolling and the show is over or do you wear the Jersey Shore kids still calling you and do you feel like you have to check in and make sure everything is I do and sometimes I feel guilty like if I don't along to them enough yeah because it's like it was possible because like if I do between you know probably about 10 shows a year right so what 10 shows you have 10 different casts and you do like to stay in touch with them my rule is here's my address here's my home phone number and here's my cell phone literally hit me up at any time if I know it yeah and like even like just the other day like I talked to Nicole I'm only saying that for her sake she spoke even like I'm trying I'm trying to let her grow but like she called me and she's like I know you're going to think I'm crazy but I went to this place and this is a TV show and like pay attention to this to me and tell me if it is and she's like people just blow me off when I say stuff like that you know what I got my whole development team and we got together and we just such shot a sizzle and those guys have an eye yeah and it's like from doing it is how you learn like I don't have any life skills right like I can't see your nails I can't fix your sink like I literally just have an opinion so at some point like you have to work with the people real there and I would say you know it's funny I watched last year as I watch everything and it's interesting to hear people talk and say you know it's all about the talent and it's all about this and it is but it's also about trust more than anything sure so when you're working with people like you know it's like for you with the contestants come see they don't necessarily know with you it's like I always say to them I have to trust that you are exactly who you say you are and you to trust me that I'm going to show you exactly as you are some weeks that's going to be killer and then some weeks you're going to want to kill her yeah I'm going to own it and we're all going to own it together and I'll also call them and if we're not in the same city I'd be like you know what's going down this week I wouldn't watch what grandma yeah but here's what's happening and talk them through the episode like how are you feeling now and I'll watch with them on FaceTime because there are times and you know there are more people that call you for advice like what do I do if someone has a personal issue someone could have gotten a DUI someone could be in a bad situation with a boyfriend and like I've gotten the call from jail you know whatever it is and sometimes it's innocent or like I have a problem with my mom I don't have the resources to get a great doctor I feel responsible because I do have contacts and stuff and that's what our job is if we're saying trust if I'm saying trust me with your life then when those cameras roll their life I still have a part of right instead of don't want you to be honest yeah I think yes that that is right Lee I want to turn to you how much vetting is done of the people who are going to tell their stories on your show is that something you have people who have to sort of make them prove their stories or did funny you asked that because when we started the show you know legal was like you know do you know this person person I said I don't need to know the person like just just know that they're telling the truth yeah I don't know I don't know why I thought like how dare are you uh-huh you will you know that's not a reality like this is not somebody who is getting paid to be on the show there are repercussions so they're being on the show and what what the hell Fame would they get from saying I divorce why my church to get an abortion I was raped by someone and the church hit it I mean I don't know nobody really wants to tell that story so what do you want to do prove it to me you know so there is no vetting I go take their word for it and then legal will let you get away with that well they have to that because they're my people yeah you know I mean they're people that if I don't know them personally they're reaching out to me and Mike Rinder hmm because Mike had a senior executive job in the Church of Scientology very respected it's like a militant person and as a celebrity in Scientology similar you know it's the same weight right and so they're coming to us because they trust us they trusted us when we were in and so late so I couldn't even imagine putting them through a vetting process do you keep in touch with these people do you do you feel like you you are going to take their call when they're scared because you know their daughters I thought I'll have my cell phone NAU ranks all the time all the time especially after if they are people who haven't actually had their families disconnect from them yet it's a very emotional struggle for them they think about things after they said it and they text me I have 50,000 memos on my phone for this story make sure Liat remind you don't put this in this one doesn't want to say that okay go to the next one this one didn't want to say that and some are editing I'm like hang on I got 50 pages I got to go through uploads but I do that because they were brave enough to come on the show and I made them a promise I'm going to take care of them you know you got to take care of your people did anyone tell you guys not to do these shows and if so why everybody on my team told me not to why not because they want me to be an actress they want me to do what I love to do you know acting is something that I love to do I but this is my passion and they feared you couldn't they don't want me to be known as somebody who does a show about Scientology and I'm like well that's what are we going to do not do it you know I often sit home watching documentaries going us that's um you know effed up I hope someone's doing something about that I'm like well they did they did documentary please so people like me get upset and do something about you know I mean like activate activate you know social activism means it's a thing you got to do but I feel shows like that on every level just do it I don't care if it's a family show is a competition show we're highlighting people that are either hyper normal like in the sense of it as I Kris just has a family what you know she's just a mom with a bunch of kids right if you actually break it down right and like Roos taking people through a community that he grew up being a part of and you're just highlighting people but there's something about people just wanting to hear other people's stories sure like I know for me like I think what we all do is so hard right like you I always joke around like my husband works in scripted if I must be so difficult you like put those words on the paper everyone's so beautiful when you get there everyone says those lines there's HMU and fancy crafty uh-huh and your story is just as you say it and I think a lot of times for us we show up to work and the only tool we have is our heads our hearts and our guts and that's our toolbox and I think sometimes that's a lot harder because it is on you everyone looks at all of us at the end of the day and we have to roll with it yes and if someone's having a hard day on one of your shows it's your responsibility to try and fix it sure no I absolutely did anyone tell you don't do the show I mean I get pushback about who I talked to on this right don't get in a platformer you don't get off platform platformer normalization two of the people's favorite word's yeah which to me it doesn't mean and you say what I think that's being intellectually lazy like the idea that you're not going to talk do that the idea that there's that which don't need to know all the knowledge in that and also the idea that we're all the thing I say is I feel like everybody because I know a lot of activists and cameras on justice but they think everybody's as well as they are okay and so they'd like because you know this person if this person is a Nazi or whatever love that everybody knows all the knowledge that you know and I just think that like the idea of turning over a platform to me is ridiculous unless I just sort of said here nah see you do the whole show I was like all right you know I get my do that right yeah but the thing is that I'm engaging with the people and you know so I think also a lot of people have this real it's a 20 it's a very baseline disrespect for comedy cuz I'm a comedian ya know how could you laugh at what that person said because it was funny right you know doesn't laughter zone agreement laughter like whoa okay alright or something life is like I don't know what there was close that is not consecutive we're having conversation they each say something crazy I'm going to laugh at it yeah believe me I know it's my wife too when I left the crazy things but the idea is that this is part of you this is a different way to engage you don't have to engage your idea you don't have to watch the show right please turn it on if you'll sandbox but uh you know but you don't have to like I didn't like it I'm really sort of grown really tired of people I think it's people in this hectic part of the country try to run away from the fact that things are hectic yeah and say okay if I don't see it I can just pretend it's not as bad as it is and I'm like I want to see how bad it is I get a better understanding of what life is like in these neighborhood Malik has set up a meeting between me and current affiliated gang members I'm totally not scared okay I'm a little scared I put some pee up wild wild general of course no mr. president wrote he wonderful Wow while the generals is the leader of his crew the pirate game here in off guard ins reportedly one of the hottest pockets of violence on the south side of Chicago if you know me you know I hate hot pocket he talked to us about the combination of having soup and Martha from eight how that pairing came together and what has it taught you about other pairs that you would love to see from you with Martha and soup I have to be honest we originally saw the cooking show to vh1 host list and it started a conversation it's not really different Channel it started as a conversation with Chris McCarthy who have brand new I want to say was his first week on his job I had never met him before and I was just going for a meet and greet and he said to me so you here to pitch I'm like no I'm like here for breakfast and he's like you're a producer pitch something I was you know would be crazy here's what we should do and he's like all right let's do it and I remember even close agent be like is that really going to happen and it was how did you convince them to then do it well that was kind of a combo deal I think in that gene it was like let's be smart about this what is the show what is the vein what would they want it to be seems like I want people in the show I don't necessarily know and Martha's like I want people I don't know because that's what makes a conversation great sure it's like you're having conversations but if not all with the same types of people it's a safe place and my favorite thing with season convincing people to come on and they're people like what is going to happen there yep and I'm like dude we're going to cook and we're going to eat it's going to be cool [Music] it's always been an escape thank you thank you what KK KK is Khalifa Kush oh okay that's the earth Walker that's one of those herbs that I'll be using tonight with my special change like my rosemary F I'm just like angel effect yeah it's just from a different part of the window you come back is the weirdest group of people ever on a stage rue you once said that at 15 you made a path with yourself and I'm quoting here if I was going to live this life I'm only going to do it on my turn and I'm only going to do it if I'm putting my middle finger up at society the whole time as you've had more success and more sort of acceptance won the Emmy you have fans across Hollywood is your middle finger still up yeah because I this is all hoaxes when I was a little boy I wanted to fit in I could never fit in but I thought you know what I'm smart enough to figure this out let me look and figure this out see what my entry will be I looked at it I figured it out and said oh this is all a joke it's all illusion it's all made up and I was surprised other people weren't going you know this is all made up right and I was looking for my tribe of people to do that you know where I found that child was on PBS Monty Python's Flying Circus not they exist my people are out there because they were sore reverent they made fun of everything else and you know and if I really thought about it before that was Bugs Bunny who was just heckling everything he's like don't take life too seriously if somebody said you're a green Martian well you know you're not a green Martian all right so it's like okay whatever it doesn't hurt you but somebody says oh I don't like your blue top you have to figure out yourself why does that hurt me so it's back to you it's not even about them right and actually their statement to you nothing to do with you and those are the kind of things you know when you uh when you look under the hood of these human experience and you have a perspective on what this thing is then you could have fun but I knew that if I was if I was going to take all of that seriously the world and identity and status and all that stuff I knew I couldn't I couldn't be happy in that we couldn't do our jobs without you guys you know and I think in sitting here with reality people like I feel like when I looked at the list I'm like well I kind of don't belong and I feel indebted to everyone at the table because I think there are people that yeah I had an idea to do this show but without Martha and Snoop it's not happening so I had this vision I have this combination but I rely on them to bring it to life yep you know and it's a collaboration and it's a partnership and although like you're telling a story everyone's telling a story about something that's deep and personal and their own life but in the end I have the opportunity to showcase your life and I think that's the thing to your points like you're giving the finger by just telling a story but and in the end that's the power that everyone's given it's like when Kris said it there's something for everyone in her there's something for everyone in a family like there are some weeks I feel like I'm Chloe there's some yes I feel like others won you know everyone goes to bio they look close you do glowing SS with root yeah I'm obsessed with her but but it's interesting because you sit here and for me it's like you say like why those two and for me it's like I couldn't have done it without that right no and it makes a lot of this show has to shape the people that are on it if you take a show and you try and take great personalities and put them on a show you'll just have a show yep I think that that makes sense so Occidental College either had or still has a course called reading RuPaul can't culture gender and subordination and the politics of performance at the end of semester what are what do you hope the sort of takeaway is what's the lesson you hope these college well I don't know the curriculum I mean well I just know that much about it but I would hope I would hope that these kids would learn how to navigate their lives in fact our show it really deals with that it it's about the it's back to the Bugs Bunny philosophy which is this life is an incredible experience have fun with it don't take it too seriously and try to try and try everything everything use all the colors in the crayon box and I would hope that this course at this college would teach the students really the one two threes of how to navigate this life everybody walks around this life and it looks like they have the instruction book mhm nobody does everybody's faking it you know and kids need to know that people need to understand that most people are faking it and to not take it all so seriously yep so what's on the cutting room floor because a network or somebody else on on your team did not want something to air you know you know a lot of times you know the kids come on and after the show they'll say oh I was edited unfavorably truth is they were we we used only the best of them we never want someone to to look that a lot of times we soften them they say a lot worse ha ha ha we actually softened them we don't but how do you name that decision because sometimes when when when they say things that feel outrageous I mean that to make for wonderful television so how are you weighing that it won't because it did for the story but sometimes they may go just a little too far you know and it's it's it's we know that if that got out there their lives would be hell I was also like you people are going to tune in to watch a TV show about people you don't like right so people are tuning in to see people that you like so I always feel like normal people have ups and downs you know there are weeks and days that you're good and there's weeks and days that you're bad now if you're doing a show like rooms like you know when you're doing a competition show there's some shows where so-and-so was the bad guy the Sweden but you only can show that when you know that the human spirit on the other side it comes out and when the contestants say you edited me unfairly I'm like hey real quick I'm gonna go in the Edit Bay let's FaceTime I'll show you of what would happen if we were live yeah you know and I'd love to show them that footage and they're like I love you got the word out cuz a lot of times it is that like on Mars and scoop we don't have that because there's nothing you know it's a pretty safe environment yeah but I've done other shows people question it and I'm like I just come with me I would love to show you what I had to choose from yeah what about you guys and have there been things that you didn't show for whatever reason this is we shot us tempered about Muslims living outside Detroit yeah and so they were sort of the natural inclination which I don't like the funds when who's anti is who's you know anti-muslim which I feel like I don't feel what I don't think I want to give all side of the argument I don't feel the need to give that side of the argument at this point in this country I feel like there's so many stories we can tell we don't need that but we get me booked somebody we sat down and it was just like it's the only interview that I ever walked out on the other person no I was like I said to the showrunner are we done he's again but I walked out into the walk for about an hour ah called my best friend like I think I'm going to the airport you know said he started talking down but yeah because I was so frustrated by the argument in the lack of the newsroom open not open to the conversation right much as people think that you know Tonya MacLean is crazy they were all open to the conversation and then the lack of openness of the conversation made me insane yeah why touring why doing a talk show yeah what you don't want to talk about I don't talk about your side of these right yes speak to or just want to yell at not yell at me which you want to lecture me yeah and so that was a I was as soon as I walked out as when I finally calmed down I was like there's no way that ends up in the show that just wasn't it wasn't productive right good yeah so the Klan I mean I just want you embedded yourself obviously with the Klan which not really embedded many other black I wasn't quite poster pal [Laughter] but the Klan later found themselves in within the sort of unscripted space at the forefront of a scandal with with another show on A&E having had that experience that you had how would you react to that story and sort of what surprised you about your own experience well yes because of my shows mention because what like much like a few months four and then the show that Andy started going into production started releasing press releases about it and my name would come up yeah I'm going to show how I showed some of us you know and a lot of it was like sort of imagining how they were going to do it versus how I did it yeah I sort of go in as the audience over going okay this is crazy yeah you know yeah I think there was fear around reality shows where you turn reality of people into star yes yeah I think that I was like yeah we weren't turning people into stars like you know maybe they were liked by their friends but there was not a sense of like trying to make them whatever we weren't trying to turn them in stars it was about reporting on what happened to my eyes so yeah I really think that you know especially we see when that with the duck dynasty guys like it starts out sort of cute and adorable if there's some point you get more of a summation like souza doable right you started with a clam if you're going to start to yeah yes me it was like I was I stayed out of the conversation because I felt like people were bringing me into it the way that I was like yeah I support all that stuff but yeah I think it's a very very big deal for us I think it was the opposite that you know people were fascinated by the belief system and I was like we're not doing the police's we're not talking about a belief system is then we're getting we're having a is a different show this is about showing the actual practices dictated by this policy of Scientology that demands for people to be destroyed that's what we're talking about you can believe in whatever you want to believe in you want to be a Scientologist that's great but don't deny these are the practices of it that are hurting people and their policy dictates that I am talking that and excellent ologist talking is an enemy so there that's what we're showing we're not talking about beliefs and we're not exposing anything we're explaining and showing what Scientology actually is so it's the opposite yeah the opposite where I would not put beliefs in we're not debating rights but it's also like everybody deserves a platform right so I don't find I don't know I feel like you know everybody's given a platform and we put whatever shows make it on TV or give it up I'm not talking about you yeah there is a mark for when bad things happen and recently I mean came went through something that was pretty horrific you have this you know dispatch with your audience that says we're going to show this we're going to show versions of it and what it did how challenging is that for you not just the producer side but you have a mom hat on - it was really it was really tough because we you know we had cameras were rolling because when we got to this terrible thing happened in Paris and then we had to make the decision well first of all we got out of there before the Sun came up so we didn't have time to think you know we just talked to the police got on the plane I was literally throwing things down the hall just having someone take something to somebody else's suitcase and get it I didn't care anymore we just needed to get out so we ended up taking off and when we landed in New York City Kanye was there to meet us and he had his videographers there because he always does and he was doing something else and thought well let me just I'm just going to get everything raw because they keep a lot of their stuff for real personal use anyway all of it and so when we got to the apartment and started you know decompressing and winding down we finally made the decision several days later even weeks later to go ahead and have Kim be able to tell her story which i think was so many people felt like they deserved the explanation of what happened because they had for the last decade followed every moment of her life and so then she felt like it would almost be a relief to be able to say it on her terms and explain what happened to where her you know the viewers or her fans would understand what she went through and I think that it was important because she couldn't talk for a minute because it was under investigation and then when they caught 14 of the people who were involved in the robbery and everyone was arrested and they actually you know were they confessed and it was you know the judge from Paris then came to New York and interviewed her once all of that was done and that was taken care of then she was able to really talk about and cover the stuff that were so bits and pieces but not the major stuff well they're long gone to another country I can't remember where but they're there moment and in there that gave you sort of pause about continuing to to do this and continue to have those I think that what it taught us amongst many lessons was it really changed all of our lives and the way that we live not only do we now have an enormous amount of security or that our that we you know everyone's armed everyone's front you know licensed and you know it's legit you know companies that protect all of us but it's just the way that we deal with our lives on social media it took a huge turn what we show what we don't show if we go somewhere if we go to Disneyland we're not snapping pictures of Dumbo we're wait till we leave and then you know share something we want to share but it also gave us great pause of what to share if you're you know bragging about something and you don't mean it in a shove it in your face ways like oh I thought you know this or that and you're proud of there's nothing wrong with working hard and getting something wonderful for yourself if you want to or that's what you're into but I think the way that we share it with other people really changed and you know you think five times about what you're going to put out there on social media but I think it didn't really change our desire to do the show because we get to work as a family even though that's hard working with your kids it's the best thing in the world it's my biggest blessing that I know that after I do this today I go straight to go meet them somewhere in film you know keeping up and it gives me something to look forward to every single day so that would wasn't going to change it was the way we lived our lives and the changes that we made but the decision to air it I think was amazing because it did help other people understand and gave people an insight to you know what what happened and the fact that we did have a little bit of Kanye's footage made it really I think interesting to see that point of view of how she dealt with it and how she handled it from within sure and that rawness that it was yeah yeah yeah no hard to watch but I'm glad she was able to do it sure yeah sure all right we're going to turn to some lighter questions on that note if you could turn the camera on anyone in pop culture right now who would you choose I would choose Judge Judy how come because I think she's fascinating she's so smart and when she's on the show she's very serious and you know working it out but off camera you can see there's a sweetness to it I'm just fascinated by a woman who is so smart and has just become this worldwide phenomenon because of how smart she is I would like to pitch to you the Ava Duvernay reality show what do you get out of being able to burn a baby Dubonnet she directed the movie Selma Maui in sugar on your network also is directly is the first black woman to be directing a 100 million dollar movie she just stood 13th which is a lot for the documentary of prison on Netflix and I think she's a like dick in 10-15 years be like oh yeah she runs all of everything yeah uh-huh and she's the president and I feel like I would like I feel like I'm really fascinated because she she came into show business a publicist yep you know yeah yeah probably because nobody was like looking for a black female film director you know so she comes through publicists as a publicist and suddenly she is now like you know stressed any people in pop culture and it also has engaged with the fans on social media and it sort of really matter a couple times and just it's one of the places hang out what that shall we do I think for me I like people that seem more unobtainable just to hear their point of view like for me I'd like to sit in a room with like Bill Maher and Hillary Clinton for a weekend after something went down and watch the news with them for me it's like to be a part of a group and see something that happened in the world and be at this table when it gets an hour yep for me I always love when a hate when something crazy happens in the universe but I was in Mexico the night of the election hmm working in Mexico wall building all kinds of conversations when it was going down and I was so involved in my show and it was 2:00 in the morning and some like you know what's going on I'm like wait what's happening right now and then you get back to it and I love being in a group of people with when something happens and especially in the collective group of people I think we see so much of the people that are we all consider interesting yeah I think I would want to turn the camera on somebody that's really creative like oh like an artist or like Basquiat and like we're in that mind does that art appear on that camp like how does that does that happen like what's the process and is somebody just sitting around slinging pain and like what's going on or or a musician just like how does Pharrell come up with the latest thing that he's producing and what is the creative process behind getting everybody into a studio and how it I mean just all that behind the scenes but without really a producer jamming over there you can do the cutting yeah you're on that potential be figuring artists I give us so much and I never really enjoyed art and music the way I do now that I've been I've been around for six decades you know what I mean you everything else kind of takes over and I had babies most of my life I was think I was pregnant for 75 years or something like that and I you know it's just so interesting to me now so that's the kind of stuff I would love to gup-c you know why I just realized that you're talking the reason I can't answer the question is because I'm not fascinated like this town so much like I don't I don't I think that's why I really sucked at it having a talk show yeah because I really could care like I was like I don't know being Hollywood yeah yeah I don't find them fascinating and you meet a celebrity their first instinct is this is what I'm talking about and this is what I'm promoting and I'm like is there a real moment in your life where you you know yeah maybe you're failing yourself or feeling are you like me do you feel you can be doing everything better being a better daughter being a better mother you have regrets give cellulite um do you are you the perfect wife or you like me where I'm like I'm not the mood you just spoke and now so now I'm not having sex with you and you know people want to portray a certain [ __ ] yeah for so and I'm not interested in it I'm not having like I'm whole like I have any education so it's not about me being that sit in your way and the idea that yes in what will probably would have been more successful have been more of a an ass-kisser and played by the rules especially being a woman I never thought I'd be that girl but now and I'm sure you're it's just as a woman if you say the same thing a man says you're considered too hard to be a heart you know for car to deal with difficult a [ __ ] and I'm all those things and I'm okay with it and it's hard though to grow into that yeah I my mother hi I really hard and it's okay you know like me I'm okay with it I'm not running around I'm certainly not hurting you know financially so it doesn't I just I'm just fascinated by people yeah that's it yep yep real moment real feel reactiveness yeah yeah like when you meet a celebrity they go wasn't he so nice when she I'm like what was nice about like I said I'm genuinely asking I'm not being confrontational well she said hello I'm at a bar a bar we said oh hi I got your [ __ ] up they said hi the drivers like yeah this one was really nice she talked to me I'm like if you're like a cool person and you're at the Golden Globes or you have any more than like [ __ ] I'm starving like and we're gonna I usually end up at McDonald's or in and out after these events you know and I'm like the in my pajamas I'd rather be there right we have just it's just genuine people all right last question first jobs in Hollywood were in Hollywood Holly really in any industry I shouldn't say hello yeah well I started out in nightclubs I was in punk rock bands and stuff I started out nightclubs even I'm from San Diego as she is know and I knew even as a kid I know is going to be famous and it was going to be in show business but I also knew that I couldn't go from San Diego to LA which is just a hundred miles away I knew that from Reading and Warhol Interview magazine I'd have to go to New York make a name for myself there and then come to LA and that's exactly what happened so my time I get out my job I think my first Hollywood movie I did a TV movie called I think it's called a mother's prayer for lifetime and I was out of drag in it and I think that was my first Hollywood movie I think that's what got me to sad card or Arsenio Hall Show was probably what got me the sad card got it yeah love it all right rephrasing what is your first job in the industry I think I had one line on head of the class yeah what you can shoot oh yeah oh yeah it was Michelle I was stand-up comedian so my first job she was at an open mic paying $1 to perform yeah you paid $1 they knew a tweet is written by drinks and food for after the balloting on stage that's not a bad deal no good only a month right here I was an intern at both the Sally Jessy Raphael show and the Howard Stern Show in the same summer I did every other day and it was like I'm going to count well oh yeah that's a lie degree is in and for me I was like I can count but this is totally fun and it just changed my life like being around creative people like that and seeing the process for me I could not believe it like I just watched what was happening behind the scenes I was less enamored with you know Sally and I are still close but I was left enamored with them and more an hour with the process and how they dealt with it and especially in the daytime talk world you know having produced that for many years going away and then recently going back with the real and launching that was interesting for me because I always think people don't realize what goes into those shows so you know everyone's like oh you show up with some lip gloss it talks and stuff and go home and it is like it is a bear and I had no idea growing up the amount of people that goes on I think the unsung heroes are the PA is like all this hero that like you think about your show and it's like can almost happen without me you know they couldn't have without that kid takes a video it does and I think you know that's important thing like it's their birthday it's that and I think you learn it's a family I think if you want to work in a cohesive family atmosphere where on your best day in your worst day it is TVs a place to find a home and to be yourself I love you snoop why you any of that jewelry I feel like that watched unless I did not really watch the a and the necklace hang on any of the necklaces keep it 100 call me about the show you never in my life oh yes he could and he just like said speechless and we had a great time that was a show you talking about busy people right our shoot day one was also rehearsal well so she would say one it was like hey let's up let's roll and we got through it we shot 10 shows in five days and I'm all consummate professionals and you know not even like really a rehearsal my first job I worked in a doughnut shop scraping glaze off the floor so that's not real amorous I know it was yummy and I got free doughnut holes for like life but everything but Hollywood thing I think the first time I ever did something was 1990 and we did infomercials workout infomercials and you know as a fort do you move this super step I remember that I just you render yeah yeah yeah yeah on your Reebok yes right here is waiting room infomercials and had the time I had the time of my life it was so much fun the very first time I had to do something I was on the super step and my line was and I'm Kris Jenner and I think I had like 20 take need to get it out right like I don't know if it was all in the line yeah this your name yeah it's my name couldn't get it right I'm Kris Jenner oh yeah I'm Christian that mutters it is a while on that note thank you guys all thank you thank you for a family subscribe annotation hi I'm Oprah tab ether a Kathryn Hahn Kevin Bacon Billy go absorb Elizabeth miles Kris Jenner Minnie Driver and thanks for watching thanks thanks thanks for watching thanks for watching The Hollywood Reporter on YouTube on YouTube hold on be sure to hit subscribe for more videos cool
Channel: The Hollywood Reporter
Views: 1,294,663
Rating: 4.8306117 out of 5
Keywords: thr, the hollywood reporter, hollywood reporter, entertainment, hollywood, leah remini, scientology and the aftermath, kris jenner, kuwtk, keeping up with the kardashians, emmy roundtable, rupaul, drag race, W. Kamau Bell, united shades of america, sallyann salsano, martha & snoop's potluck dinner party, reality, reality tv, kardashians, scientology, reality show, tv, television, reality roundtable, roundtable, roundtable 2017, thr roundtable, full roundtable, emmy, 2017, emmys 2017, e!
Id: hozcNbP77k8
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Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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