Michelle Visage Talks "RuPaul's Drag Race"

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At the end of the day, she has to share some things in commmon with Rupaul.

👍︎︎ 72 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Willam once said he was on season 3 in a podcast.

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/Harlegrenade 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

I mean, I would expect no less.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/kumquatbreeder 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

At least she was consistently one season off. May this kickstart a conspiracy theory about there being one more lost season

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Needs more walnuts.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Send her crosswords and brain food STAT.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/MonaVanderwaal 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

In all seriousness, this was a great interview!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/writersblock4 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

I absolutely love this host. Hope he does more interviews.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/miloennit 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Oh dear how's her head?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MinnyPiez 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] hi welcome to build we are live from London and today we've got a very special guest with us in the studio you've seen her on RuPaul's Drag Race you've seen her on Celebrity Big Brother and most importantly you've seen her on track nine of The Bodyguard please give a big warm welcome to Michelle visage thank you thank you before we get into it anyone's got any burning questions for Michelle and earning very well hopefully not thank you any regular sensation question Michelle feel free to tweet us at build series LDN or drop them in the comments below and we'll do what best scatting - Michelle before the end of the interview indeed Michelle hello hello got a lot to get through and we've got to talk about drag race got to talk about the LGBT community etq community but before all of that I want to talk about Squarespace number oh yay drag-and-drop technology darling nicely done yeah no I want to talk to you about season 9 of RuPaul's Drag Race so this is the first time ever that the UK fans have been able to watch along with the US on Netflix it's about frickin time right so as I self-professed Anglophile you must be really pleased that we're finally caught up very pleased because I as you know whoever watches drag race knows that I am really probably well yeah I'm responsible for anything and everything that happens if everybody's favorite Queen goes home I get the snakes and if it's not on Netflix I'm in charge I have nothing to do with any of that darlings but it's very rewarding because for the first time ever the simultaneousness is a beautiful thing versus don't tell me please don't tell me I got to unfollow you and it's like I do my best not to spoil but such is life yeah I mean nobody wants a drag race spoiler so it's nice to get up on a Saturday morning not know what's going on and then be able to tweet about em and then you can watch untucked right after that on Wow presents on YouTube which is amazing untucked this season is really real is yeah my favorite part was Alexis's and how could you guys let me go out there looking like that I'm not going to win this challenge and how are your fault how many weeks a row did you say that all set thank you on the subject of season 9 it's been a lot of big moments and we're only like three quarters of the way through it I want to get your opinion on all of them but let's start with the most recent one a lady I like to call Valentina which of course was my fault again so a lot of people here I'm guessing saw Valentino's elimination masks and all shocking a shag mask the mask you're a liar that's my personal hide so let's talk about that mask vision lip-sync yeah was that like to watch in the studio well if anybody saw it which y'all did my reaction like because the music rule likes the music really loud because he wants the girls to really get into it you know like deafening loud so you saw me when I looked over to Roo and usually I whisper I'm really I was like it's like I saw myself when I was playing did you really get like it was screaming but I couldn't I couldn't sad on that she knew this was the lip-sync and I was really honestly genuinely confused and that's why I said to Roo she's going to take that off and we was like I don't know and we were like literally couldn't think that she would stand up there and do that and that's why we was like hold it hold and I was like oh boy ghen Roo seemed pissed off well wouldn't you be because here's the thing I say that a lot the thing is you come on RuPaul's Drag Race you know a few things there's going to be a snatch game you're going to a half - so you're going to have to perform and act you know acting whatever it is those are things that you're going to have to do the most important glaring thing is you're going to have to lip-synch at some point because even if you get to the final you're still doing it in the Rue video at one point or another you're going to have to lip-sync so the fact that she knew it and thought I don't need to know this I'm good they love me I'm pretty she did spoke volumes as yeah I think I already know the answer to this question but a few people accept that maybe she should have been given a second chance because she's been so strong up to that point when when the wambulance is coming to pick you up at the end of the day the competition somebody has to go you misstep and you're going home look here's a great example tempest dujour was the first to go home in season 8 was it season yeah she is a professor of costuming what she does for a living is sewing and making costumes she went home on a sewing challenge that doesn't it's just sometimes you misstep this was unfortunate with Valentina she has been amazing yes indeed but the challenge itself you saw I directed it I was literally like what is happening I think I said you think a script might out it was like to me I couldn't believe we were at this point was that as crazy it was crazier so crazy or a world of wonder made it look better than what actually happened and so when I thought I was like oh it didn't look that bad but it was bad and then she looked gorgeous she always looks gorgeous you can't never fault her for what she looks a she looked like Linda Evangelista if you could and in that moment the club kid challenge was not really that but if she's still gorgeous I would say you know that doesn't really matter but at the end of the day when you combine the main challenge which is what I'm judging and then not knowing the lyrics why why would we go okay you can stand cuz you're pretty fat huh no and let me ask you about lip-synching on the show in general how long and I think this is something a lot of fans want to know how long do the Queens have to learn the song for the lip-sync long enough okay blown up they know in advance what songs they're going to be lip-synching long enough to learn it so they got enough time because I think the thing is that song in particular it wasn't a single it wasn't like a huge hate yeah so they knew it wasn't like they gave it to her while we were deliberating okay she knew ample time ahead of time to learn it takes me a long time to learn songs I'm that person who the song has to make sense and sometimes you say lyrics and they make no sense and they don't stick but she had ample time so I need time I understand she had time a lot of people did clock in and took the saw she wasn't actually listening to the song hello my point exactly because she thought she was saved yes she's beautiful she's a new queen to come that far and look at that gorgeous and what ten months is amazing amazing but we say this a lot on drag race looks are not everything honey that's the last thing that I look for in a queen but to me confidence talent all the things that make me engage and engrossed in a human is what I look for in a drag queen pretty is icing on the cake but pretty and everything honey Oh welcome to the world and it's not going to save you in a lip-sync exam no sorry okay let's go back to the beginning of the series Lady gaga yeah so that was obviously like god of the century when she came in in the trailer right that wasn't my office that was a huge deal when she came in what was it like working with her what was the most surprising thing about having Lady Gaga around well for me I obviously I was excited you know I'm a huge Gaga Stan so I love her but for me the moment was I'm just like I'm a New York chick I'm gonna act like I know her and like we're regular so they are gaga now I am gonna and she was literally looking at me like and then in time I think because I was being so regular she started she was guarded and then she started loosening up and loosening up a by halfway through when I dropped my Zika bomb she understood that I'm just a clown and then she got she opened up a lot more but I would expect somebody like her on her level of super stardom has to protect yourself because people are coming from all angles out of the woodwork for things me an exploitation it's not the other thing so I'm imagining three years of being scorned she has to protect herself and then after what she loosened up she got it by the time we did we did our podcast she was like eh yeah so it was great but for me it was just an amazing moment to be able to connect with her like this and see that she's human underneath all that the thing is as well actually must be used to having her guard up because you know she must be used to people treating her like a star so I guess if somebody treats her like a normal person I guess I was liking when Jess you wouldn't know how to react in such a long time what's your best memory from having Gagarin sat on her touching me she touched me she actually touched America can you tell us where a private story this is a family show just habit listen having somebody of that caliber we have great guests judges and I'm just going to say for the record everybody that tweets me saying hi visit listen we ask all those all those names you're thinking right now we ask all of them every season it's just a matter do not think that I have begged borrowed and steeled I have offered to do anything to Madonna that she wishes we all which and then some but it's a matter of scheduling it's a matter of them being in Los Angeles Gaga never stops touring which is why it's taking this long so we asked dolly Liza share we asked them all so it's just come down to timing so having her on a star of that caliber it just shows you that this show has touched so many people on so many different levels that it's it's it was our blessing to have her on yeah definitely I remember like before she was announced I was like oh god so all the Lady Gaga at whatever who even track you know and she was stood there and I dressed I was like yeah Gaga Vegas we all were and we've got Kesha oh my god door oh yes I a she was lovely lovely lovely yeah that's oh yeah yeah great great judges yeah it's been a least there's a lot of analysis this season is what the thing with RuPaul's Drag Race that's an anomaly that has never happened I think in the history of television according to me is that our biggest numbers like we've ever since season one and you know season two and then season three the real season one yeah that's that's when things really spiked right but the numbers have done nothing but steadily climbed which doesn't like our highest numbers are in series 9 like that really doesn't happen you guys most people are way close shot by series 9 so four on a reality show that's what I need it's ongoing but like there's no end in sight real when I will be held up by cranes will still be judging nice so immediately after we had Gaga we then had Cynthia come back right or within the fan community that had kind of been a bit of a like badly kept secret book you read Jackson alright but at the time that must have been a big surprise did you know that Cynthia was coming back and was it a shock when she came out I did not listen they're rude tells me mostly everything but not everything because there is an organic nature to my reactions because I am a bit dramatic we haven't know it oh why I bet alright oh so they didn't tell me because they wanted to like I didn't know the roasts I honestly didn't know the roses with me being roasted is my favorite thing so obviously I'm letdown good I love being roasted baby on the spicket so I didn't know Cynthia was coming back I didn't know the roast was mine I found out about Gaga like the day before so they like to have you organic even when we do things like still say do you want to see the final product if they're filming something that I didn't direct like when they did the morning shows with Ross morning [ __ ] as that one they said you want to see them or wait until Ronstadt I said way to onset because they feel like it's more of an organic reaction to me so what you see is really my reaction what do you think could that even answer your question awesome and I was about 10 questions okay god I'd like that good what did you think of Cynthia second throw of the dice you think she made the most of it oh I think she did better this time around for sure but she did have the wherewithal from being on it once before shortly so I think that she knew how to play the game a little bit better and the one thing about Cynthia is she is just a sweetheart in real life she's a darling she might annoy some people but I think that it's misplaced because she is one of the most loveliest that's not right most lovely sister that's redundant no yeah I just wanted the loveliest people you'll ever meet in your entire life honestly truly so it was a joy to have her back and her energy and I think she brought a different energy to the workroom and with those girls I felt like she was a bit of a stage mom to some of them okay we talked obviously you don't feel that way I'm impartial I'm a very professional host I don't have any feelings about anybody okay hi glad she's gone okay let's move on um so we talked about Valentina's lips saying let's talk Charlie hi Charlie Lee that's what we call the mix triage Holly you bit my finger okay Charlie Hyde's here's the thing okay the thing is when you go onto that main stage there is going to be a small chance that you're going to be lip-syncing I would never wear heels that you cannot move in and that's a big deal because you know if you kick those shoes off you're going to get the eyebrow of death from me the many of those shoes come off I'm going I've got chills yeah exactly so I think that was mistake number one mistake number two is I don't want to hear that you're not I sing live all the time that's what I do you know millions right so the point is if I'm a performer I'm still a performer don't make excuses perform how bad how badly do you want it she didn't want it badly enough because if that were me even if I had to if I was going to kick those shoes off and get the eyebrow of death I was I would be doing whatever I could do to make up for that because I do understand her not wanting to break her ankles in those shoes as well but she looked beautiful she's quite a contender I think her drag is on point it made me sad because I know what she does I've seen her you know so that was really a letdown but she's only really letting down herself so that's interesting know that you blame the shoes because she well I did you see those shoes I did see the shoe cuz she only brought two pairs of shoes didn't she and they were both like yes yes but that's not a lip-syncing shoe it's not definitely not a lip-syncing shoe it's not really a moving shoe it's an existing [ __ ] yeah it was standing there and approaching as we say Madame Tussauds yeah okay so you don't think that she could she's claimed that she threw the lip-sync on purpose and she was have to lie no but Michelle what do you really think Oh so whatever throw a competition for the other person no she fought hard to get enough she gave up well I have I just think personally this is just my opinion but I think you had Trini and she turned it like she was that that was the literary neeraj players to play oh sure he is and I think that was her moment when she was like sorry get really got was like cameras here and stuff I know she did and that was the moment for me when it was at all Trinity's here but she lip-synchs so well that maybe is Charlie was just like I'm not going to compete with this - why even try that's copping out to me that's giving up I mean I understand but that's your moment you've got to quote Hamilton you do not throw away your shot this is it this is your moment why would you give it up you suck everybody every drag queen fights that applies to be on the show fight see it on this show you've you've heard some of the Queen's seven seasons to get on four seasons to get on you know so I don't know for me if that were me I would I would have done cartwheels I would have done I would act like a fool because Rue and I are an easy laughs that way I would have done whatever to stay on that's just me is that frustrating for you as a judge to see somebody kind of of course it's like Yara Sofia in season four it's so frustrating to see somebody just what are you doing just let it all go away of course it's so close you could touch it but we did get that fabulous lip-sync from Trinity and we did get the iconic line Charlie come on which is really good at somebody nobody and let London's walking through slowly in front of me I'm just like Charlie Kailasa oh and that's what about the Michelle visage roast you've said you love a roasting my favorite thing yeah and it was mixed reviews compared to like the RuPaul roast couple years earlier it is it was they were terrible no heil obviously what did you think I love roast so much that for my 40th birthday my husband had organized a roast for my birthday like that's how much I truly loved being roasted because it shows creativity I could take the piss out of myself better than anybody that's why when people try to come for me these kids online honey you ain't seeing nothing that I haven't heard haven't said about myself because I don't actually care but to be roasted in here something new that I haven't heard I mean that's a treat and some of these kids like I have not been roasted harder than anybody by jinkx monsoon detox Bianca Mimi Imfurst those Queens know how to go in yet so they had I mean they knew what can be done you know and they didn't deliver I wanted more I mean Sarah was painful I said well I wanted to ask you specifically about fara because everybody sort of made quite weak joke but with Ferris she just they weren't really joke it was just your shake ya know and that's kind of all it really was so did you think that she didn't understand roasting is a fine art that's why over the years there have been if you saw the old school roast you know the old old ones the Rat Pack and all that stuff Dean Martin that's the name I was looking for they would it's all in love and comedy you know roasting his comedy it is meant to cut but it's supposed to be fun me it's not just hatred and our farm forwards and I fare as a sweetheart so she did not mean it to come out the way that he didn't think she wasn't even convincing now seeing your she was I own your kind of [ __ ] did you see the compilation video that somebody made up her aqua Paz is inside like she was like they lose ha ha they lose them all together it's brilliant I did see the fab video of the they inter interpreted someone else's laughing in with Perez and I was like that's amazing it was a nice twist I went in an Alexis with the green nurse full football it was quite a week was there just I just sat there you saw my face like half the time I was gone okay so yeah that was interesting okay I'd like a redo next year again yeah so we've had seven seasons two all-stars with you on the panel and your Roos right-hand woman as constantly reminds us she has the final say it's her show darling yeah have you ever like disagreed over who she sent home never never ever Roo and I share a brain that's why I'm there we've been friends and co-workers for so long that I can finish her sentences she can finish mine so we don't ever I don't think ever have disagreed on anybody I am very partial to Raven however me there were moments of you know I really but then when you look and see it makes sense like Tyra was amazing in series two she really really was and still so beautiful talks crazy sometimes but still so beautiful you know I mean so you can't really argue with Bruce choices because they're always right okay I'm Shawn Michaels as well obviously Chad and all you as you say as well on the podcast quite frequently all you get to see is the runway you don't see the workroom you don't see the cutaways and all of that business correct but that makes sense they don't closet I'll finish your thought well you tell me the question I was going to say what I'm a host a fan in the audience it's cool who is when you watch the show has anybody really surprised you with like how maybe quick they've been with their colorways or anything like that like maybe someone hasn't lived up on the runway and then you've seen them in the workroom being different no that question makes no sense okay let's say like someone like Katya in season seven okay so she was she never really nailed it on the runway in some fans opinions but in the Qura ways in the workroom she was always really fabulous really witty that's not made her a favorite right someone like that been surprising to you like seeing the other side of them oh yeah many times because I do only get to see the runway and that makes sense because that's the challenge I'm judging if I get start to get to know them maybe you I would be more biased be like oh I'm adopted they're adopted you know there's a connection type of Inga so I understand why they do it though I am really good at you saw on all-stars too with a door then I'm very good at separating friendship from my job my job is my job and I take it seriously and I am there to make those queens the best Queens that they can be if they leave the show and do nothing again that's not going to me if they leave the show and succeed that's just going to make me proud the bottom line is it's not going to affect me either way but I would love for them to go out and achieve all of their dreams it would make me so so happy that they can be the best them that they could be which is why I'm so stringent with it and so strict because I know what it's like out there there's only one RuPaul there's only going to be one RuPaul but if you want to last that long you got a really fight for it right so if I saw them and got to know them I might be they were afraid that I'm going to be a little you know soft in the heart over it so I have seen people that I saw were one way and I'm watching the show for the first time with y'all I didn't get to see any screeners I'm watching it live with you guys and seeing the people how they are in the workroom it's like oh god this brings like I didn't yes and I can't say so certain characters I can't talk about that are still there but you'll see it as an info no just bill it's all right yeah I got not just going along for the journeys is interesting you know for me it's like oh I didn't know that or you know this person's kind of [ __ ] and this person I didn't know that there has been the biggest surprise for you in that respect when you watch the Sherlock um ah I started this season just ever yeah I won't I won't talk about this season but ever I think jinx jinx was a big one for me because I was not getting her you guys know that I was getting her from the beginning at one point I looked at rue when I go what am I missing because I'm not getting why y'all love her and they knew what was going on in the workroom and it wasn't until I walked through the workroom to I think it was the comedy challenge that they were doing and I was talking to them about doing their comedy and I talked to jinx and I was I left the workroom going I get it now because when I don't have that sometimes it just doesn't come across and then jinx was the biggest probably the biggest surprise to me and one of my favorite people because they know you're like a deer running spawn riot huge yeah and I was pulling for her because you want to know why she listened she took every critique and she tried to make it work not to make me happy but to show me that she cares enough to listen hmm I would never put somebody push them in the wrong direction ever not ever well I mean you're the judge the confession of the right I can if you tell them to do something that would be awful yeah well you hope but they don't always do it they try to do it and it doesn't you know always work are you talking about darks eyebrows is that what was being referred to you r.i.p listen she tried she definitely tried she definitely tried redden up to here wasn't what I was looking for is just I'll not knows I think we have some questions in the audience a as well we go up to about here and this is how much we've got that so let's do throws over so let's do an extended mix who is opposed oh yeah hi hey Michelle how are you good you not too bad um in your opinion who are the unsung heroes of dragged unsung heroes of drag not on our show just in general Lady Bunny sherry vine Jackie beat Salman new yorker hmm there's a lot that I grew up with over there when I grew up drag was kind of like a joke within the community it's not taken because of RuPaul's Drag Race it is solely because of RuPaul's Drag Race that it's turned into the amazing viable art form that it is today but I grew up with at 17 18 years old with drag queens with trans people who weren't trans people they were still cross dressers even though they lived as women we didn't have words like transitioning you know getting hormones wasn't as easy as going to a clinic the way it is now so for me meeting them and hearing their stories and getting to know them it's how I grew up I was weaned off the sock teats of drag queens to per se so for me it was amazing to see these people working even though it was in the gay community drag queens were made fun of looks like oh you know she dresses like a girl for living it wasn't ever looked at as an art form but I always thought as all my pieces these beautiful men are dressing as even more beautiful women and making money doing it and they're funny and talented and London's very different to New York because they didn't perform live in New York comedy and stuff throughout they're like but here everything has always been live and cabaret which is why I love it so much but there's so many but mine are mostly New York Queens thank you can I just ask you your old into that as well and I just asked you could you've been involved in the LGBTQ community for quite a long time what would be your advice to maybe young people who over the past twelve months have seen a bit of a change what would be your advice for them my advice is always know your history because a lot of people don't know anything apart from Stonewall and Stonewall it's a great place to learn and find out what it was even about and people some kids most kids don't even know that gay pride started because of Stonewall Stonewall created gay pride so they don't know the history of the trans movement and the gay movement in general or hiv/aids or protection and stuff like that they don't know that HIV is on the rise they think prep is there and they're safe and that's not the case so these are things that kids have to know but they also have to know that you are loved you are worth everything we are fighting for please do your best to put out the way you want to be received meaning let's use Valentina for an example when that happened with Valentina I was immediately amid the onslaught of hate from a community that I speak out for every day and fight for every day was the saddest thing now it didn't make me sad but what it did was it those children became my teachers and it made me realize oh my god the work that we're doing is not enough because if these kids think it's okay to treat another human being this way then we're not being loud enough strong enough and working hard enough these kids need to know that you're not allowed to speak that way to another human being because we are fighting so hard to be taken seriously as a community equality and then some for our brothers and sisters in Chechnya in Russia in Saudi Arabia and other countries where you're not allowed to be openly homosexual or bisexual or anything other than the heteronormative or cisgender then we're how are they going to take us seriously when we can't even get along within our own community so if we can spend time focusing on lifting up each other okay maybe your favorite queen got sent home is that a reason to call anybody names RuPaul me anybody else no stop stop yourself look we didn't say dammit that sucked but that's not another reasons never another reason to attack another human being the kids that get bullied in school I love you you are loved I'm telling you your life is never worth anybody else's misery love yourself know that you are loved and you have a future do not ever let anybody outside affect who you are it's super important yeah and that's the thing is well the other side they all you not yet because they just hate that's all they do hey are actually hate and we have to fight it constantly constantly so imagine if we just came stronger build stronger love and barriers that people couldn't penetrate within our own community imagine if we could do that it's like when women take other women down it's the most soul-destroying thing to me why does a woman have to look another one be like AI you slag know if she wants to wear white stretch pants with no underwear then you go girl bring it after up lift her up I'm sorry that's just us the white sweat pie yeah I'll not no I think we have another question from the audience hi we got some from Twitter and all-stars three hylia top picks oh you think I can say that no no way I don't go there uh-huh if I give some names and you make feet Oh what about someone in the audience shouts and names and you make now I make faces move on okay we got another one from a Gokul journey she wants to know why you hate the color green oh this is funny I don't hate all green I'm Hungarian Italian and Irish so my skin is yellow so if you were to put a mustard yellow like that beautiful color on this but or a yellow based green I look instantaneously like I have hepatitis C now on some people like RuPaul who's got beautiful brown skin caramel skin Lupita Nyong'o no Peter lang go that dark dark chocolate beautiful skin yes you can wear any color I look like Jeff so when madame laqueer came out was wearing that green she's fair as well and it was just all shades of wrong 50 shades of No so that's where the green I love emerald green I love jade green certain greens I wear but now like I'm doomed because any time I wear green and my eyes are green am I supposed to pluck them out of my had I'm doomed we only anchoring your hatred of green is actually just projection from lieutenant it is Bennet RuPaul now you need to conquer you're in a saboteur now I just don't like yellow green what did you think of him alexis is green ensemble especially in Honor did you think of it well I thought I genuinely thought she was dressed as a ninja turtle I know I did and I thought her standard was going to be based around the tail I thought it was going to be an Elphaba from wicked reference because I'm a theater queen she's a beauty queen got none of that no no gravity was defied so I was like alright who's next hi hi Misha hi pretty dimple imma go stop perfect and I'm talking about the one on their face and what would it take to get you back into Celebrity Big Brother house Oh a lot a lot of money no I actually feel like I've done that like I didn't I did I did not have a sexy calendar to pimp I didn't have a line of clothes I didn't have any Tanner that I was you know selling I went in there because I was a fan of the show and uh and if I was going to be in there it's going to represent the community that I stand side-by-side with so for me you know I did my job I came out of there unscathed people like me I'm cool yeah just jump on me back with Hopkins cuz I would be the showdown of life life um how did being in the house compared to being upon like how would you tackle oh it's really different because you watch it and there's edits mm-hm I know I don't like to talk about the attics on drag guys I want to hear about the editing everybody complaints the editing it's 24 hours they film of course they're going to edit you see 47 minutes yeah but it's interesting how much they can control what to show what not to show but I'm very happy with the way I was edited because I came out great being in it there is so much downtime so so much that when you they make you go through a psych exam before you go in which is so how did have those people pass coloring in oh my god so when we go in they Serapis says to you what you have to be aware of is the downtime because you're really bored and boredom breeds content and it was a very interesting the house as well that was all that was to do with hell that was about was stressful the first two weeks I was like Big Ang r.i.p I had no voice remembering how sick I was I was like this the first day what was my favorite thing as well was that there was no mention of the fact that you were ill and then suddenly you were walking in your lap I was loud Michelle going on here I got I caught some kind of laryngitis sing on the plane ride over and that's what happened so grim yeah really grin and then the aircon is like do you remember Nikki Graham the aircon right that's what was happening she wasn't lying like it's constantly on your face and you're trying to heal it's never going to happen at least you handled it a bit better than she did no well yeah she had nothing to lose didn't she she just went for it that's her the silent disco with my favorite part a Garriott SIA was a fan and what was this she had like to think of new with a mouth ulcer yes yes yes yes rimi who's next in the audience Ari sure and so you mentioned Madonna earlier but what we want to know is if you were to invite a thousand Madonna's what would you run my lips being well I like to think that I did a really good one because I did desperately seeking Susan down to the jacket which I had custom-made the pants I got the e sailor on glasses I got I copied exactly every single chain every single bracelet the rosary is the only thing I couldn't get identical with the earring so I did as close as I could I would go old school like I would probably 100% wear the wedding dress that she did on the MTV Awards that she rolled around so it was a lot of netting and like why didn't anybody do the wedding dress how many nobody's done that yeah me neither I got a borderline hat made it's on my Instagram like I'm a bit of a stalker so there's a million it wouldn't have been a friggin kimono ever not ever not once what did have ever been a come on there cuz I'm like the biggest Madonna fan as well what hilarious is on season a when they announced it will do a quiz Lea we'll sell it properly and when it the analyses nape now if there's a Madonna I was on my going I definitely do a kimono can I bet nobody would do it and then our they all came and I was like oh not as original as I thought no and I wasn't on there I was shocked that that many people thought that oh this is the look I'm going for really all them as she's iconic she's done more looks than Lady Gaga she has done so many iconic looks you could have done just the boy toy boy toy belt with the skirt and a little hatchet for sure this is healthy from that with the rosary you could have done Italians do it better with the blonde hair oh listen the true blue who's that girl go on I'll not know I'm sorry but I've always got time for another 20 minutes but we've got to go so everyone please - hi it's Caroline Flack waiting Caroline Flack I'll get my violin right here I just got a bit dizzy everyone I'm not no everyone please give it up one more time for the amazing Michelle Bazar [Applause] you you
Channel: BUILD Series LDN
Views: 116,036
Rating: 4.9180961 out of 5
Keywords: BUILDSeriesLDN, BUILD Series LDN, BUILD UK, BUILD, BUILD LDN, BUILD London, entertainment, live, build speaker series, build series, build london, interview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 44sec (2144 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2017
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