Best Of Jujubee 🤣 RuPaul’s Drag Race

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I've not yet watched the video, but can I assume by "best moments" they mean "every single moment Jujubee has ever been on our screens"?

👍︎︎ 85 👤︎︎ u/alexlduffy 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ok, how can this be the best of Juju without the black velvet lip sync or her iconic Eartha Kitt impersonation?!?

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/fluffnpuf 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

It always amazes me how Jujubee is so iconic, yet so....underloved by the franchise?

Like you would sooner see miss vanjie or alyssa come back 100 times every special/online photo ruview/lip sync assassin or something before you see true fan favourites and icons like Juju or Tatianna.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/lorelarks 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Everyone Loves Juju. She is such a iconic, gorgeous, funny, deliciously shady bitch. ❤️

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

35 minutes of iconic behavior.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/CapHillStoner 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is missing the bulk of her confessionals, as well as Eartha Kitt. C-

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/corndogwaffles 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

I started watching for the runway looks, and wasn’t that into the other aspects of the show, especially the lip syncs at first.

Jujubee doing Black Velvet moved me.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/DelsMagicFishies 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Everybody say thanks Juju for carrying the weight of AS5! 👐🏻💕

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Shaby28 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

One of the best to ever do it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lifeonthegrid 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
- What is in? - Hello. - My name's Jujubee I'm 25 from Boston, Massachusetts. - I'm Nicole. - I'm Juju. - Juju, I love that name. - [Tyra] Bitch no you are Kimora Lee Simmons. - Jujubee's just this fabulous Asian girl. She's very like poppy and like fashion forward. She loves accessories and she likes glitter because it's wicked sparkly. You guys still have all your father's yeah? - My father has cancer right now so. - Oh, mine passed away of cancer. He had lung cancer. - You know I don't really know when you don't know how long, yeah. - My father was always just really upset about it cause he knew he was going to die and he didn't know how we were going to take care of ourselves. - So sad. - Yeah. I mean it is, but just this Pandora, just tell him you love him, that's all. I don't want to talk about this anymore. - I don't either. I kind of put makeup on and I don't want it to smudge. - Yeah. Okay. - [RuPaul] Jujubee, is this a hostile take over? - [Jujubee] I felt like Eartha Kitt. I'm serving fish, honey. And this ain't trout. - [Judge] Jujubee fabulous. - Hey Jujubee. - Hi mama. - Are you preparing for your snatch game? - Yes I am. - Who are you impersonating? - Kimora Lee. - You're doing Kimora Lee? What is she like? - She's a business woman. She's a supermodel. She's a mommy. So she's kind of like a chameleon. - Where do you get your sense of humor from? - My father passing away. You never know when somebody is going to leave you so you treat every day like it's your last day and you just give the best that you can give. - [RuPaul] And that's why the sense of humor? - Yeah of course. Why not? - All right you get back to work. I can't wait to see your Kimora Lee. - I can't wait either. - Kimora Lee Simmons. Now I know that you're not Simmons anymore. - We don't want to talk about that. - [RuPaul] You don't want to talk about that? - It's personal. - Slutty Sally is so slutty. Last time I took a ride on her disco stick I got blank. - I'm going to cast a wide net here and say the last time I took a ride on her disco stick, I got an STD. - [RuPaul] Let's go to Kimora Lee and see what she said. - Scabies. - Scabies is not sexually transmitted is it? - It can be, I've had it. - Jujubee let's talk about her performance as Kimora. - As a comedian, that makeup on her neck, - [Lisa] That was a good detail. - You know the performance kind of just went okay but that attention to detail. - Yes and it's those little things that make a character come to life. - It's so true. - [RuPaul] Is this our Jujubee? - [Martha] The gown fits very nicely. - [Jujubee] I want them to see the full package so I'm going to go slowly and I'm going to be very elegant and I want you to see every single angle. - [Martha] Look at the back, oh that's beautiful. - [RuPaul] Now instead of a pearl necklace she went for the pearl down the back. - [Judge] Oh yes. - Hello my blushing brides. It's time to unveil your wedding portraits. Jujubee. Oh, what a cute couple. - [Judge] I hope you didn't sign that prenup. - Honey he's rich. - [RuPaul] In the picture she's not really into the groom but I think somehow it works. - Even though there's a man in that picture, it's still sort of all about her. - She's a man eater. - [RuPaul] Thank you Jujubee. - Thank you. - The library is open. All right Jujubee. - I'm not nervous. I'll read a bitch. - I will read ya to filth. Miss honey you think you're so soft? Not by the hairs of your chinny chin chin. - Oh. - And let me tell you something (foreign language) you won't understand this anyways. (speaking in foreign language) Get my gist? Do you understand? Pandora. Can we talk about sun tanning. And you, legendary you think you are, legendary looks like leg and dairy. - Oh. - This challenge is so different from all the other challenges because it's about us letting people know who we are. - It's such a pleasure to meet you. I've read all your books. What's the title you have there? - Memoirs of a Gay-sha. Jujubee's Journey And I'm Still Here. - Jujubee's Journey And I'm Still Here. - My target audience from my book is gay Asians. When you're a gay Asian male, they don't see you as that. They see you as a woman who was born into the wrong body. That's definitely not me. It basically starts out with my childhood, the discovery of my homosexuality. - Wait a minute, hold up. - I know right? - Your homosexuality? - I know girl. And then I touch on, you know like the loss of my father and then my move across America. - How do you say fierce in Laotian? - I would just say Juju. - Juju. - Juju-ah - [Photographer] Hello. - Hi. - What's the idea for the book cover? - I just wanna look good. - Whatever you want. - Let's try to work this (beep) up. Come on. That's manish isn't it? - You look a little wide. - Oh. Oh my God, there's nobody here? And he could see me, but I can't see him. - Why should you win RuPaul's drag race? - I have the full package. I have personality. I have sense of style and I have great big white teeth. - Why are you better than the other girls? - I just got finished writing a memoir and I call it Memoirs Of A Gay-Sha. - Where do you hide your candy? - There's a lot of candy going on down here, it's not true with this about Asians honey. - Jujubee let's take a look at your book cover. - Memoirs Of A Gay-sha, Jujube's Journey I'm Still Here. I just want to show people that you can go through things. Take that negative energy, turn it around and use it to live. It's a lesson. - Love the title. - It reminds us of a great book already. So that was very clever thinking. - There's a lot of candy going on down here, it's not true what they say about Asians honey. - By the way I know a number of big Hollywood moguls who would like to take you out if you're ever available. - It looks older than I wanna look. No. Let's see if we could get an attractive shaped one of these? It would make my face look a little thinner. - [Jujubee] I think bigger hair would make your face a little thinner though. - But didn't you see those though on me? It was just like. - No but you have to...just trust me. I've been doing drag too long to know that a flat wig is going to help out a big face. - Because what I was thinking, if we could-- - [Jujubee] Were you not listening to me mom. - No. - Just shhh. - How's it going out with your new mommy? - It's Contessa Touche. - Contessa Touche. Wow. I love that. What do you have planned for your drag mother's outfit? - She wants to just look really elegant and she doesn't want to look too old. - Or too fat. - Really the only challenging thing with Contessa at the moment is her confidence level. - All right, carry on. - All right mama. Uh ah, look more attitude. To the hip. The time has come for us to do the runway and rehearse honey, we only have 20 minutes. Hold your head up high miss honey, and then right up here we're going to stop, flirt, kind of rub yourself a little bit like this. Right. Pretend you're Celine Dion. Do you feel sexy? Confidence. Without confidence we're Tatiana. - Who is Oscar Wilde? - Who is Oscar Wilde? Who his Oscar Wilde? - Oh my gosh are you serious? - Who is Oscar Wilde. - That's no homosexual over there. - We are here to educate the young. - I'm sure he knows Harvey Milk with all the-- - Yes. Can y'all stop talking to her cause she needs to close her eyes. - Okay. - Well he can close his eyes and talk at the same time. - Well obviously she can't because she's opening her eyes. I was just like Mom, get your (beep) together. - Two queens stand before me. Ladies this is your last chance to impress me and save yourself from elimination. The time has come for you to lip sync for your life. Good luck. And don't (beep) it up. ♪ Shake your love ♪ ♪ I just can't shake your love ♪ ♪ Shake your love ♪ ♪ I just can't shake your love ♪ ♪ Shake your love ♪ ♪ I just can't shake ♪ ♪ Shake your love ♪ ♪ I just can't shake your love ♪ - It's hard to try to beat your friend. It's a weird position to be in. ♪ Shake it ♪ ♪ Your love ♪ (laughing) ♪ Shake it ♪ ♪ Shake your love ♪ ♪ I just can't shake ♪ ♪ I said shake it ♪ ♪ Shake your love ♪ ♪ I Just can't shake your love ♪ ♪ Shake your love ♪ ♪ I just can't. ♪ (clapping) - Bravo, bravo. - Okay. I've made my decision. Jujubee. Chante you stay. - Hi. - Darling welcome. Have a seat. How many of these delicious mints-- - Just two. - The two. I'm on a diet so I'll just have one. You were in the bottom two, three times. - Three times. - How did that happen? - Well, I've been in the bottom two, three times here and I've been on the bottom two a lot of times beforehand. - Tell me about that. - Just growing up you know, having people just make fun of you. I used to answer to faggot. - Really? - I just accepted it because I knew it wouldn't stop. And then finally I just said, you know don't call me that. - Wow. You know you got a lot of strength for such a young lady. What do you think your dad would think of you in this? - He would give me the biggest hug and he would say, go for it. You know, now it's Jujubee's journey. Talking to Ru today. She brought up situations that I never talk about and it was just so comforting to have her just listen. - Thank you darling. - Thank you so much mama. - All right I'll see you later on. - Hello darling, you gorgeous little shoulder padded monster. - I feel 100% confident about this. I was a theater major, honey. I know what to do. - And action. - RuPaul. - I can't see you before a show it's against the rules. - I'm tired of these rules. I'm tired of the challenges. I'm tired of this show. What about me? What about Jujubee? - Oh my gosh. - Jujubee came fully loaded and surprised by throwing herself on the floor. - You're jealous of my book. - Cut. Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut. Would you do it once more for me? - What about me? What about Jujubee? - Snap out of it? (slapping) - I'm Jujubee I love long walks on the beach, big (beep) and fried chicken. I'll read a bitch. Legendary looks like leg and dairy. - Oh. - Get my just? - Hi. - Jujubee's here and she's looking hot in some ready hair. - I (beep) miss you bitch. I feel a little underdressed. I look like I work at the mall. - You do girl. - Oh bitch. - Good. Limited time, what do you got? - Don't lose your neck. Bitch. Janet Jackson. - All right one more. You're done, thank you. - Jujubee and Raven, hit it. - All right. Juju and I were going to do dressed and undressed. - [RuPaul] Okay. All right. - Why the (beep) did I nominate myself to be naked? - I can see your penis. - [RuPaul] Give us that fashion darling. High fashion ladies. - I'm struggling. It's slippery. This (beep) is hard girl. This is the second time I've lost my lashes. - We have more than our work cut out for us for this challenge. We have to come up with a lot of jokes and then perform them while doing celebrity impersonations. The pressure is on. I'm going to do B Arthur. Do you know who you're going to do? - I think it'd be a really funny Nicki Minaj. You doubt it. - I kind of do. - Well who would you see? - You need to do one of your voices. - I can do a Fran Drescher. She's funny. - She's funny, but are you going to be funny doing her? You come up with this one. - I'm trying to, I can't do it. Girl I'm a funny bitch but I don't write no jokes. - What is a joke we could say about Alexis or Yara? - You know what we can do? Well Lexis looks like the predator and Yara looks like she's wearing poodles on her head. - (beep) - Writing jokes is not easy. - No. - At all. Okay. Now I'm worried. - Raven, Jujubee. - Hi mama. - Who are you going to be? - B Arthur. - Now why'd you pick B Arthur? - I think she is brilliant. - And she could land a punchline. - Yeah. - Even just with a look. - Yeah. - What about you Juju? - I decided on Fran Drescher. - Let me hear you do Fran Drescher. (giggling) - Very good. Now are you afraid that you won't be able to translate your natural humor into this challenge? - A little. But we've been coming up with some stuff that we find very funny. - Would you try one on me? - Hey B what's the difference between Pandora box and a clown? - Clowns wear more makeup and they're more entertaining. - Oh, are you done? - Oh, did Ru just clock us? - Well, you know it's early. He wasn't in character voice. Listen, I'm going to let you get to work 'cause you got your work cut out for you. - Yes. - All right get to work. - Yes. Bye. - What do you get when you cross Raven and Latrice Royale? - Brown chicken, brown cow. (giggling) - I heard Manila's a supermodel now. - Well she must model for the left because she isn't right. Cream my face. - [RuPaul] Rujubee. - [Judge] Stepford wives. - [RuPaul] Yes. - [Judge] Eat that Nicole Kidman. - [Raven] We are serving sixties mod realness hunty. - [Jujubee] I got my that girl wig on we look sixties savviness. - [Judge] Ooh, look at the booty. These ladies are having a Tupperware party and your invited. - [RuPaul] Rujubee. - Jujubee. You don't really look anything like Fran Drescher. - I don't? - But you really nailed the laugh and you really nailed the humor. - I think your look tonight is really great. You do look like you're going to chase the Beatles down the street. - I was at that Beatles concert in 1965 and I think that's what I was wearing. - [Jujubee] This challenge isn't about points baby, it's about personality. Oh girl I got this. - All right bitch let's go. I want you to persuade people to loan you $5. - Can I borrow $5? - [Raven] Oh, not him. - Can I borrow $5. - Well it depends, what do I get for it? - I'll give you a kiss on the cheek. - Okay. - Ooh. - We have seven minutes. - Let me see I don't have five bucks. - He doesn't have $5. - Tell him he can put a foam hand on his hand and slap you in the face with it. - Will you put this on. - All right. - Now smack me with it. Smack me with it. - Oh thank you. - Oh okay. - [Raven] We have four minutes get someone to moonwalk with you. - Will you Moonwalk with me? - Moonwalk? - Yeah. - Okay oh, Oh, Oh, Oh. - Three minutes left. - Okay tell him to hit it. - Girl. Really. - The next guy that walks by, I want you to try and get him to spray whipped cream down his pants. Grabbed him. - Do you mind if I sprayed whipped cream down your pants? - We have one minute and 30 seconds. - Can I spray whipped cream down your pants? - Sure. - Just Come here, baby. - Oh my gosh. - What? - Okay go bitch, down it. Down. There you go. - Can I have a dollar? - I actually don't have a dollar - 15 seconds. Do the wave chain. - Will you hold my hand and go like this with me? - Ah bitch done, time's up. - Oh times up. You know, I feel like Raven and I did fantastically and the whip cream, girl. - [RuPaul] First up Rujubee. - Ooh. - [Judge] Little Ravens are crowing. - [Judge 2] Dominatrix. - [Jujubee] I am giving you lace and leather. Who would mess with this nasty bitch? - Raven and Jujubee. I'm sorry, my dears but you are up for elimination. - Raven is my dear friend and I do not want to lip sync against him. But at the same time, I don't want to go home. - Two Queens stand before me. Ladies this is your last chance to impress me to save yourselves from elimination. The time has come for you to lip sync for your life. - I didn't know I would have to lip sync against you Ju, but I'm going to fight for my spot to stay in this competition. - Good luck and don't (beep) up. ♪ Somebody said you got a new friend ♪ ♪ Does she love you better than I can? ♪ ♪ I'm in the corner ♪ ♪ Watching you kiss her ♪ ♪ Oh oh oh ♪ ♪ I'm right over here ♪ ♪ Why can't you see me? ♪ ♪ Oh oh oh ♪ ♪ I'm giving it my all ♪ ♪ But I'm not the guy you're taking home ♪ ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ I keep dancing on my own ♪ ♪ I keep dancing on my own ♪ ♪ I'm just gonna dance all night ♪ ♪ Stilettos on broken bottles ♪ ♪ I'm spinning around in circles ♪ ♪ I'm in the corner ♪ ♪ Watching you kiss her ♪ ♪ Oh oh oh ♪ ♪ I'm giving it my all ♪ ♪ But I'm not the guy you're taking home ♪ ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ I keep dancing on my own ♪ ♪ I keep dancing on my own ♪ (sobbing) - I can't breathe. - Raven would you help her? Thank you, Raven. - I didn't want to do that. What the (beep) - [Raven] Can you stand? - I can do it, I'm sorry. - [RuPaul] All right we're going to continue. - You look so pretty. You looks so pretty. - [Raven] So do you. - See I don't think it. Okay, okay, I got it. - Ladies I've made my decision. You leave me no choice. Raven, Jujubee chante you both stay. - Yes, yes. - Thank you so much. - I say (beep) we have a top four. - I want fried chicken now. Shannel and Chad will you please step forward? - I love you guys so much. - My top four all stars, for next week's final challenge, no more teams. It's every queen for herself. - Hi Cheri. - Hi Juju. - It's time for my lesson with Cheri Oteri and I can't believe that I'm in the same room as this legendary comedian. - Let's see it. - Okay. So my parents immigrated from Laos to America in 1976, they swam here. I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding. - If you're going to make a joke, commit to it. - Okay. Let me start by telling you about my government name. It's Airline. - Well wait, is that really your name? Airline? - It is. - What were they thinking? - Baby I think that was the only word they saw when they came to America. - Okay that is funny, I think you should say that. I love when people talk about their family. - Okay. The funniest thing about my name is that my grandmother could never, ever get it right. - That's great. But what did she wear. - Okay. - You know and what did she walk like? And you can exaggerate - Okay. Stand up is so hard. I can be funny just being me, but forcing funny is not easy. - You know, you're really funny if your family never talks to you again. - Give a warm Hollywood welcome to Jujubee. (applause) - I'm so nervous right now. It's the final challenge. Anybody could win. Hopefully it's me. (applause) So first things first, right. I was born a drag queen and the afterbirth was glitter. When I came out, I had a Mac lip glass in one hand, the other one was a jazz hand. Everybody do a jazz hand with me darling. Woo. So basically I pop out and they named me Airline. I mean my parents must've been on some good shit. The funniest part about my name really is that my grandma can't say it. Picture this okay. Old Asian lady, titties down to here. Alin, Alin I come home and all I see, wigs, undy wear panty, blue Paul CD I don't know what is going on with you. Are you gay. Well kind of. Alin look in my face, you fucking liar. You go out with boy. You know, I feel really confident. I hope that crown is nice and heavy and shiny. - [RuPaul] Jujubee. Touch this skin honey. - [Jujubee] I'm serving you up some fierce, sexy, sultry diva. - [Judge] Oh it looks like a blue moon tonight. - [Judge 2] She must live in Asbury Park. - I am Jujube from season two of 'RuPaul's Drag Race' and season one of 'All Stars'. Third time's the charm. - Oh. - Come on grandma Barbie. - I have never been blown like that in my life. - Miss Jujubee you give good mouth. - (beep) you. I made it to top three, twice. It is time to take the crown. What about Jujubee? Give me the crown RuPaul. Can I have the crown? Please. Okay I am so dressed for all your funerals 'cause I'm going to kill you all. Get ready baby. - You've aged so well. - Oh like cheese. This Jujubee has stepped her pussy up. This is like I am the pussy staircase. You know what's kind of funny it's like if we were ink in a printer, it like it runs out by the time we get to (speaker drowned). - Mariah Paris Balenciaga. Great you're here so we have to change the name to 'RuPaul's Drag Race 'Some Stars'. Mayhem Filler. Farvey, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I mean Meh-ham Miller (laughing) Alexis Mateo. I don't want to be shady so I'm not going to bring up your weight, but when you work, do they pay you in pounds? (laughing) - Bitch. - [RuPaul] Jujubee, the shade. Please enjoy the vocal stylings of Jujubee. ♪ I'm sitting all alone, crying on the floor ♪ ♪ Thinking about the same old lies you've told ♪ ♪ I can't bear my broken soul ♪ ♪ The sun is shining bright ♪ ♪ And it's storm in my insides ♪ ♪ I can hear the silent lightning strike ♪ ♪ Tryna get you off my mind ♪ ♪ I don't wanna think ♪ ♪ I don't wanna feel a thing ♪ ♪ 'Cause your lies ripped my heart apart ♪ - That is passion coming out her throat. ♪ Love again no more ♪ ♪ I just need to drink ♪ ♪ Drink 'till I can't feel the pain ♪ ♪ 'Cause your lies broke my heart so hard ♪ ♪ Got me defeated ♪ ♪ I don't wanna love again no more ♪ (cheering) - [RuPaul] Jujubee. - [Judge] Yes. - [Judge 2] Can't decide that this is a trick or a treat. - [RuPaul] It's a trick. - [Jujubee] I am serving you the sickest, witchiest witch, she's the queen of Halloween. - Oh. - [Judge] I love this Mrs. Claus, you know Santa's really getting it every night. - [Jujubee] And then I am giving you a Santa baby. She's a little slutty, but she's still a good girl so she's not on the naughty list. - Oh my goodness that's Jujubee, the Beaster bunny. - [Jujubee] The truth is I really love Thanksgiving, but I was not going to come in dressed like a Pilgrim because of cultural appropriation. I do not want a Pilgrim to be upset with me. - A queen for all seasons. Jujubee condragulations you are the top All-star the week. - Thank you. I've been waiting a really long time to win something. Thank you. You want a carrot? - You've won a seven nights stay for two in the penthouse suite at The Grand Resort And Spa in Fort Lauderdale Florida. Hi Jujubee. - Hi mama. - You're making something here. Do you sew? - No. I've done it before. - So here we are in the Charles' family backyard ball. - Yes. - I know that there was some backstory with your family that your mother had left the family. - Yeah I was 15 and dad died so it was me, my two sisters and six months afterwards she kind of had a meltdown and left with some man and I was me and my two sisters we became basically wards of the state. I was very lucky I got to live with my aunt but my two sisters were put into foster homes. - Really? - Yeah. - Oh my goodness and how long were they in there? - We disconnected for, for about five years and then got back together. - So how have you created family in your adult life? - I've had to let go of a lot of the people in my past because it wasn't healthy for me. So most of my friends now are my friends that I meet at my meetings because we share the same spirituality, we're all broken inside. - Oh yeah. - But we're working on becoming better human being. A couple of years ago I made some decisions that would affect my life. I broke up with my fiance of 12 years and I also made a conscious decision to stop using drugs and drinking. And that has been very impactful for me not only as a human being, but as a drag queen. I'm not completely found, but I'm not as lost as I used be. If that makes any sense to you. - Oh that sounds like a gospel song. I want to hear Albertina Walker sing that song. And you stick with those friends in those places that you and I both know about because I think what you're going to find is they will help you. 'Cause I wouldn't be here today without those friends. I wouldn't be here. - It's a beautiful moment for me because I needed this meeting. I needed this and I'm so happy that there's somebody here that I can relate to with this. And it just so happens to be the person that I look up to the most. - It's a real, real gift. - Thank you. - And you can honor that gift by shining and sewing and cooking. - I'll bring the potato salad. - Is that your signature dish? - With raisins and MSG? - You can leave out the MSG. - No my campaign is Jujubee for MSG. Vote for me. - Okay yeah, okay yeah. Well, got my vote. I'm gonna let you get to work. It looks like you got a piece of fabric here that you have not cut, you have not patterned, you have not done a damn thing to. - I folded it in half. - You folded it in half. So I'm gonna let you get to it. - Thank you, mama. - Thank you so much. I'll see you out there. - Yes ma'am. - [RuPaul] Jujubee. - [Jujubee] Sorry I'm late, I didn't wanna come. I'm RuPaul's Asian bestie 'cause once you go Asian, that's all you be craving. My name is Ping, but everybody in my family calls me Amber. I hope you like my outfit. For the backyard fish fry, I brought my famous potato salad with raisins, which I made with potatoes and raisins and my secret ingredient, MSG. Today I'm planning on spilling a family secret. RuPaul isn't just my bestie, she's my psychological mommy dearest. Bye. She has had it. - [RuPaul] Jujubee. - [Judge] Look at the melons on her. - [Judge 2] Now do you spit or swallow? The seeds, the seeds guys. - [Jujubee] Ooh girl I am giving you the only Lappy Tappy Ms. Tappy, USA mama. I'm wearing watermelon's, my favorite fruit. My hair is just absolutely perfect and coiffed, nobody's touching this. I'm the watermelon lady. - [Judge] You've got appeal. (upbeat music) ♪ We ♪ ♪ Clap back ♪ ♪ When the haters attack ♪ ♪ Hey lady ♪ ♪ Clap back get your girl side by side ♪ ♪ Don't you hold it in ♪ ♪ Clap back ♪ ♪ Speak your mind, say it twice ♪ ♪ So they don't forget ♪ ♪ Clap back, when they talk to you like that ♪ ♪ Don't just sit and take it ♪ ♪ Just get right up in their face and ♪ ♪ Clap back ♪ ♪ uh, uh clap back ♪ ♪ uh, woo ♪ ♪ Girl it's me, Jujubee ♪ ♪ Your best friend until you act whack ♪ ♪ Fresh and sweet, I'm the queen ♪ ♪ Come out your mouth and I'll attack ♪ ♪ Try to keep it cute but it's true ♪ ♪ I'm the queen who will clap back ♪ ♪ Bitches wanna talk about me? All right ♪ ♪ I got my girls with me tonight ♪ ♪ Don't think you can ♪ ♪ Say that crazy (beep) to me ♪ ♪ You know I'll defendant-ly ♪ ♪ Clap back, get your girls ♪ ♪ Side by side, don't you hold it in ♪ ♪ Clap back, speak your mind ♪ ♪ Say it twice so they don't forget ♪ ♪ Clap back, when they talk to you like that ♪ ♪ Don't just sit and take it ♪ ♪ Just get right up in their face and ♪ ♪ Clap back, uh, uh ♪ ♪ Clap back, uh, woo ♪ - Do you want everything RuPaul's Drag Race at your fingertips? Then head over to YouTube now and subscribe to the RuPaul's Drag Race channel and you will get all the episodes of everything you ever want, including brand new episodes of What You Packin. Hi.
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Keywords: vh1, rupaul, rupaul's drag race, drag race, drag queen, Rupaul New Season, funny, Rupaul Drag Race All Stars, Drag Race All Stars, AS5, Drag Race All Stars 5, Rupuals Drag race All Stars 5, Shea Coulee, Miz Cracker, Alexis Mateo, Blair St Clair, Mariah Balenciaga, India Ferrah, Jujubee, Derrick Barry, Mayhem Miller, Ongina, All Stars 5 Cast, All Stars 5 Queen, RPDR AS5 Queens, performance, Shea, Best Of Jujubee, Jujubee and raven, Jujubee All Stars, Jujubee Drag Race
Id: tb_ApmgrWnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 52sec (2152 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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