Rummaging RENNINGERS Flea Market!

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and what's up everyone good morning check this out another beautiful day in paradise look at that it doesn't get much better than this middle of the winter sunny skies palm trees and we're about to go to the flea market um we're going to renninger's flea market in melbourne picking up some coffee going to the flea gonna see if we can score anything look around and try to collect supplies for an upcoming video at the same time look for look for gold and maybe potentially later tonight we might be going to like this afternoon we might be going to this skateboard mecca i'm not going to expose any more information about it because it's not a guaranteed yet but it could be something really really cool for me and for you guys to see too on the video so getting the day started off right about to get some coffee before it claims and then head right over to the flea market so really this flea market that we're going to go to is like uh one of our favorites ever and they don't have the best stuff but it's just so fun to walk around and look at everything um and we had some really really fun times there in the past so stay tuned see you guys in a minute [Music] okay just pulled up to the flea market so thank you to debbie page for the starbucks this morning she sent us a card and yeah we're about to head in here in this spot so we discovered this place only about two what is it two years ago at the top at the most two years ago yeah that that sounds great yeah it was probably better than um than it is now but it's still one of our favorite flea markets and it's one of the easiest excess the most accessible ones it's about 15 minutes from the house down here but we're just gonna give you guys a nice walk through and see what we can find so let's do it let's do this i'm bringing this backpack just in case i get anything and i don't want to have to carry it so i have my bag my flea bag got my wallet and my phone and we're good and this little piece of bread here i'll give you these birds see if they want this trying to feed these little babies i don't know if they would eat this bread but i think they probably would [Applause] they want that yeah that was like a insanity of look at the guy on top has a big piece i was going to put it in the buffet but that's not you hold this north entrance flea let's do this all right stepping into the renningers melbourne location flea market so they got a food court here doris kitchen got new stuff here like purses stuff like that this is all made out of alpaca wool we showed that last time we were here they got scooter rentals that they could just print that for the day to cruise around i'm just thinking like somebody was coming here thinking oh how am i going to get around maybe that it would be nice for people to know that you know so we're cruising into the new section newer section there's squirtle pikachu pika [Music] pikachu might need him hey we have char char squirtle yeah bigger zero wow harry potter tails and zero oh my gosh this guy so cute this is the boost that we didn't get to see last time because we never came down this way so they have like new mixed with old i can't believe we found that i mean you guys only knew i was so excited what is that this is what i want this is what i want in our yard that's what you need yeah they're expensive but crazy cat lady lives here it's true these are cool though some of these are like ones on there obviously another one [Music] and the burner comes in the plane's coming from both sides [Music] look at this lamp and let it go all day and it gets down because you've got five burners and just place them in there they get nice and low low no they don't they don't they do but they do though the simpsons action fairs skateboard not bad janice [Music] that's a funny one man that one's actually cool that was the weirdest thing ever the mr bill character so weird because he like doesn't really look like this but he just gets squashed his face isn't like real it's just like two ready yeah i feel like used everybody's have these right like i used literally see this side had more um uh older stuff than i remember right [Music] but [Music] i want no you're not you're like an old room no they don't just have this right here for the takens all right you might have to i have to give some some tick tock lovers a bunch of jerseys here i like the hockey jerseys the most to be honest i like hockey jerseys the most to wear anyway i was wearing one yesterday actually got some cool camel signs florida gators blankets sammy found all the cats in the back hey little chicken nugget these are the flea markets cats i think it's a little nascar hat it's not old though no no it looks like backpacking across europe that sounds fun several times that sounds fun give me a really long time to finish college yeah took us all a long time the cats in here are they just part of the flea market yeah they live here like the first time i came here 14 months ago i wanted to take two of them home because i knew they were because the ears are clips though yeah so they're sterile are with me all the time tiger and the black solid black one but it's windy today yeah they keep coming over and visiting they're so sweet and on hot days they crawl by finding a cool spot to stay in a cool day as they try to find the sun and i can put a blanket for them yeah we see them every time we accommodate their shoes we love that we love that those two are real friendly there's more of them but they're narrow but there's one that's starting to be it's gray and white and he let me pet him the other day and so he's slowly becoming the tiger will still bat you like she doesn't really love because i feed her so she's wait which one's tiger the one that looks like a tiger real heavy one you think what color like stripes like just straight yeah with a white belly that might be tiny he's like striped and white that's him yeah he's just he hearing flying over there saw something that scared him somebody must have snick snacks thank you good luck have a good one it looks nice all right we got some vhs tapes so wow i feel like i saw all these dude i mean that would make sense to be just we've probably seen these like five million all right so all we have is a vcr and a tv like an older tv here so i'm gonna check them out and see what we got see if we can find any all right there's some goodies in the bottom of here whatever that is i can just stay up here all right that's it nothing nothing today from the vhs lot [Music] that's your stuff right yep the vhs tapes that's all you got under in the one box yeah yeah okay that's nice right i was just looking at it here another day in paradise that's the way to do it i like the parrot yeah that's cool they're not really that much the kiki one [Music] i like it [Music] she likes to act like she never tried these this is so funny that is these those are those they're shoes your teeth oh okay [Music] all these vhs tapes and this store is not even open wow look at this thing sweet all right they got a golf shop all right keith i'm gonna keep some of these clips sure dark holidays it's like tombstone arizona all right let's go down this section right here some really cool artwork here cat really cool leather shop motorcycle dreamers and placed hand sanitizers god bless america this is my favorite here leather jacket american flag on the back eagle now we're talking right and you just go on it and it you walk that way goes really yeah like a treadmill dude all right i don't like turtles what's the price tag on this baby [Music] twenty five hundred dollars all right we'll cruise down this aisle that's an old jacket oh i thought it was a track suit because this did you see this down here i mean it looked like it was the pants like a motorcycle outfit kind of look like [Music] look whoa this one's wild looking hot never know what you can get on one of these racks here not much today there oh these little golden books we used to have these when we were kids also the dr seuss the most famous dr seuss i guess is the cat in the hat but the best one is obviously the grinch [Music] see like that's pretty cool that was all hand on little 49ers reebok jacket it's pretty nice actually how much is this tell us what happened all right so i made a friend made a friend and this is her business this is her business but her and her husband do this as well so which is really cool so this is their booth here nice those are huge though why are they so big well they have the head on for one if you look at them without the head on okay you understand what i'm saying so the head comes off but i use the head like i boil my rice water or my pasta water the head and then i strain it and make my rice some pasta in the water gives it a lot of flavor i make i make a lot of chowders and things like that like tonight we're doing uh shrimp stuffed mushrooms for dinner what are these i thought they were harley davidson news at first they're they're leather [Music] steel these are these are bigger but it's a seven it's a lot bigger though because she's like what are you like a six six and a half seven and those are way too big but they're not men's right obviously not right they might be like um wide style shoots like why oh look at all this golf clubs golf balls baseball bats softballs baseballs baseballs baseball gloves wooden baseball bats yes they got it all river miami could be zero and 10. i was thinking if we get i hope they lose better drought positions yeah that's like a boy scouts thing isn't that uh no way it's worth money yeah but what would it be what would it be charge what would be the price tag on this i don't know i guess the main guy back there let me find out how much is this there's more here that might be part of it huh this is yeah this is girls oh that's the girl scouts i used to have them yeah so how much is this ever had this many pens fuzzy's got all the license plates oh this is all this stuff yeah he's apply for this okay we'll take that all right this is a big setup this took years to set up huh yeah what about the girls get it too i don't know that one's five i think two right yeah yeah that one just came yesterday okay five for them i don't get much of it my books go out the first time it looks the older older books fosie how are you great good you've been here forever huh since five well here but uh 52 years ago started doing this the sign over there that was your original location right okay well we had all this we used to go up to that wall over there that was all ours we got rid of a lot of it just too much right oh yeah and the older you get you don't you don't want to handle as much you know oh you guys got it going on organizations yeah yeah no i got a boy scout shirt today did you pay them 10. okay in the end there was a church hanging out and now it was the boy's car is it here was here smoking so the last one i i didn't get the price on it i would say just about my angle on the left side and it's hanging up a hanger the only one shirt hanging by itself you guys you got va test tapes back here huh you got any vhs tapes back here uh videos videohs no we got that no no tacos ready to get those okay this is all books right those are mine this is all mine i'll check it out fuzzy the man the man has all this this is the biggest spread they got in here oh these are books she thought they might be vhs tapes because the way they look not these are books books thanks if you're right you can always get down there where's george he's always got it george down there there yeah so last one down not the guy with the fishing stuff though right yourself george yeah his name's george but he said on that side he has one table because up and there's one thing headed up i couldn't quite see i told his military he said i was boy scout but i said well you're kind of big maybe the kid was 14 and just for 5. it could be good like when they know these are what are these to throw the there the ball yeah all right yep that's high line what's it called it's highlighted the earthquake here is elbow and these are chestnuts chestnuts yeah i saw one time in like a um and then they put their this size like and you tie it up and when the ball comes off you just you know and then you got to go like that because the ball is really coming fast so they have to control it before they throw and they want to either throw inside outside all depends on where they put the ball here when they get it the ball is coming at 100 over 100 miles an hour and if they get hit with that pilata it's like a brick yeah so there is like a leg break the arm that's what they did that's where i saw it was in the like a jackass movie yeah they hit him with it and that's what we used to play that behind the school we had those things and we had a tennis ball and hit it against the wall and come back so but you could never use a pilate that thing would come off the brick wall no it's a goat actually when they sit before they play they're sitting on a floor the eight players and they have to work on making the ball it's where the goats can have to put it together and all those highlights that this players can make their own ball did they do that every day almost every game they're sitting in that thing there because they come out to play eight will play seven one and two will be stitching a ball getting it ready then they put it in water let it stretch and they finish and then once it's done drying it closes up and the ball is like rock yeah that's i don't want to golf balls not even as hard as a pilate pilata yeah all right thanks man yeah have a good one appreciate the information all right no problem sure the pilates i'm gonna go play later look at this that is one cool looking clown there kiki all right made some friends that guy was cool they were all cool this is the same guy that we went to before and got the guts yeah it was like good girl harley-davidson like this if it was like a small you put like a little he's real he has really good stuff and he does get new stuff i think they're only five right some of them were two this shirt right here are you gonna get those and then that on the back redneck girl no that went way too far i mean this shirt i said on it but i didn't even know that then you put underneath and if you want to make it a little bit more girly and not so loose if this doesn't actually fit you just tighten it up it's pretty nice it's not hardly official though it's made in turkey though it's nice vhs huh space jam these are just little posters if you need any help folks this place didn't even know it was in here they closed this they probably did right no i thought this was a mirror isn't it i didn't notice this place this is the first time i ever noticed this store yeah 14 years late yeah this is like a rabbit hole i didn't know this was back here 14 years going strong thanks it's cool it's got it really really really well organized it doesn't smell bad not many but some it's fresher in here than it is outside no yeah it's keeps it dry in here how's this pokemons it's pretty solid so gold honestly what's up with this table one dollar each see this stuff is everywhere without even knowing it take a peek precious moments we've got 260 men we got a dollar table by the christmas tree and a dollar on the makeup area we got any pokemon plush pokemon yeah you i get some of it in but not much a lot of animals sometimes you know a lot of the figures mario merchandise from along with new and used merchandise furniture jewelry on the other side and pet supplies personal items medical needs auto services antiques collectibles and vintage plus so much more oh and don't forget the side road specialty shops so many hidden treasures here i got here this is a nice salad spread here they had chickens here well they have these little pins in that cage and i don't actually sold them they used to make a lot of squawking noise over here they were real little things little chicken nuggets chickens oh i'm sorry you're fine these little ones are kind of cool right little pumas why are the laces look like ballet uh straps right it's supposed to be like still that's what it's supposed to look like kind of cool that is cool these are um for kids we've got some reeboks down there though it is it is no i don't know is that that's like a newer newer age one look at this and i went online and found out and i was like okay it was a cool cover they did shut up christmas [Music] right there look at that guns and roses pull stick that's that's pretty cool i don't know if it's even home though this is all vhs tapes in here vhs tapes can i look in here is that okay i'll put it back on top all right oh what's this i don't know what that is thank you [Music] what's this i don't know south florida it's dude nice it is really cool for that too crazy what's that that's me what's that called what would you call that it's a movie bro it's a movie prop from what movie do you know german artillery oh that's cool that's really cool artillery reproduction really cool actually how much is this 30. huh no i'm okay i'm okay it's okay thank you though i appreciate it though the best dr seuss spoke is this one though from 1985. it's the best one what's this society billiards i mean that's pretty good this is where you can find gold if you had like that spot to put it all up in all right you know what i mean you just pull out something so crazy out there something so cool out of here though you never know [Music] that the dragons like um and then ammo can like emma can just yeah like attack it hey how much is this two bucks does it work yeah it should work yeah cool so you can use batteries or or plug it down yeah which is cool i gotta yell out do you want me to i don't have a two dollars five dollars what are those they're blue jeans and they've got like um barbed wire wire it's all this awesome stitching and graphics on it this is a nice cage right here for peru after what she was doing oh yeah i know the rabbit tree about 50 oh dude the snap on jacket snap that's pretty much legit that's about as nice as it gets it is for sale what's the price uh this has never been worn man 75 yeah it's really cool it's new oh yeah a little out of the price range but it's awesome it's super cool thank you what's your offer on it i don't know i don't want to be disrespectful i was going to say 20 but that's too loud yeah when i bought it was like 200 yeah yeah cool though right thank you thank you guys why why did they put these patches on here so wrong i have the same one but it's bigger i mean this could never fit me anymore it's kind of stylish or you hate that i like if i'm wearing a jersey it's going to be oversized that's like an awkward fit for me yeah this is stitching just i remember that i never played it but i had a bunch of them one time gap jean jacket that's good all right congratulations i think it's probably 30 years and that one party's not over the party's not over right i think it's like um that one's adjustable too did you get some from here before yeah before this is kind of cool i don't know what it is this thing is that alpacas yeah that's cool he-man star wars my favorite what did he got look at this picture [Music] all right and that's the flea market so always one of our first and favorite stops and wow it got busy here since we got here i thought we were late right so we did get some scores a few items a few very few items but i think i said already but the pickens are very hard to get here for cheap and good stuff and a lot of the items like a lot of the vendors just sell brand new stuff so always fun to look yeah it's always popular i mean i didn't really expect for them to have like any like gold gold but i did expect it to be a lot slower and there's a lot of people a lot of people here i'll show i'll show the gold i got though yeah all right about to leave the flea market and this is what i scooped up damn not old but really cool but new but new but not vintage but still a throwback large 2003 and it's got a nice logo on it like a big one and this was this was this i would just say the unicorn of the day even though it's not even that great but check this out bam vintage it's got like a little marker but it might be able to come off five bucks can't beat it nope really wanted that snap-on jacket but you can't be spending those 75 that's like the full value of it if i wanted to resell it so those and then sammy scored a few thanks this purple i'm gonna put like two marbles or crystals in there and then it you plug it in and water can come out because he likes dragons he's a nerd i got a vintage made in hong kong suede and leather camera strap these are a little bit rusty but i think you can replace those it's super cool two bucks two dollars this was two dollars too so four dollars and then i scored this is a girl scouts lanyard and we've had like pretty good luck selling boy scout patches in the past like made good money off of them i don't know why i guess people collect these but this is the lanyard the patches and pins for the girl scouts um this is boy scouts cub scouts just a little i thought this was actually really cool it's a little bandana scarf whatever you want to call it and then this is a boy scouts lanyard with the patches so i guess he got this accomplishment but never set it on isn't that funny yeah you pinned it it was like not doing boy scouts anymore no because it just flips around oh flips cool so that's what it looks like on on her camera so it just makes it easier to hold obviously i put it all the way around but it's not true that like uh to be like filming like skating or something abusive that like is over and over again just to make it just have it like like this and then you'll be all right i'm about to go and then you can like get the trick and then you're like killing again all right we're out of here on to the next adventure all right so we just left the flea market we're uh in this parking lot of the shopping center sammy brown in to grab something out of the store and i just got off the phone with my friend tyler vick who's actually from salt lake city utah and he's been down here they're in orlando um for the last like week or something a couple days four or five days they've been filming a bunch of stuff for their youtube channels and they do well actually his youtube channel i think got like taken down for terms of use uh strikes because they do like really outrageous stunts either way he just he just i just called him and he said that they're going to be going over to this guy's dalton's house the guy from california that we met up with vinnie and dalton and he was skateboarding on the back of the truck the car that clip i can show you just right now really quick and he has where his parents live they have a property that has all of these really really epic skate ramps all over the property and there's actually like this water slide thing that goes like this up and around back down and then it goes again like that look at this thing i'm not really really into skateboarding like i used to be but when i was like 15 that would have been this would be like a dream skate spot to skate at so i'm pretty excited um we're actually going to be doing a stunt there too which i don't think i'm going to include in this video just like i just said because of like terms of use and um that just for like safety so that the video doesn't get it down basically um but yeah you guys are gonna see i'm gonna go over i might actually edit the stud the stunt part into another video that i may put on our other youtube channel and it will be available there i think if i do do that either way the other people that are going have youtube channels and they're going to be using the footage for their channels so it'll be available somewhere online to see but i'm excited it should be a fun night uh we're probably gonna go there in about an hour and stay for i don't know two to three hours and then just come back uh tonight to the house so i'll keep you guys updated and let's go let's go skate this should be fun okay so we're actually going to end off this video right here and just just keep this video just the flea market we ended up showing up at dalton's house and found out we were there for like two hours found out two or three hours and then found out his parents were big time collectors so we filmed a whole bunch of stuff at the house and we can't put it all in this video so we're just making that a separate video on its own you guys are really going to enjoy it so stay tuned for that yeah this will be the end of this video so keep pushing everyone and we got a ton of other cool stuff coming so stay tuned for the dream peace [Music] you
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 19,354
Rating: 4.8699808 out of 5
Keywords: rummaging, renningers, flea, market, flea market, swap meet, yard sale, picking, renningers flea market, vintage, buy, sell, pick, rummage, antiques, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tucker upper, florida, fun, enjoy, favorite
Id: NU-oVBNq8dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 51sec (2991 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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