"Rules Of Engagement" - Touré Roberts

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hey family pastor Toure got bless you listen this message that you get ready to hear is going to change your life I want to remind you about another message it's a message in my new book wholeness winning in life from the inside out that is going to be released on February 6 but you can pre-order it now I'm excited about that book it's going to change your life a lot of times and things that you're expecting or hoping for outside in life has to do with what's going on inside of your life and so the book is amazing it's incredible you can pre-order it now at a discount but for now let's get into this message god bless you that what you went through and 2017 brought you to a place of alignment what you have to cut off what you have to give up once you have had the faith to step into and embrace it was all about positioning what if I told you the hell and 2017 was all in such a way that you can take you got a line don't play with sex it ain't cute it ain't fun when you're bound up to something that God is trying to free you from but you can't go you're trying to leave but your heart is still you and I feel like God is saying this in the beginning of the year because maybe that's the thing that might be it maybe it's the last thing that God wants to get in order is your perspective and your consciousness about sex because every time you take two steps forward your sex life snatches you five steps backwards and I want you to be stronger than that I want some people to get their life back I want you to get your clarity back I want you to get your strength back I want you to get your power back I think that God is sometimes more committed to what he has for us than we are it's so funny so New Year's Eve the Lord released the word in his house about this being the year of becoming what 2017 was a year where you had to be placed sometimes even painfully into a position of alignment because things can't grow the way that God wants them to grow unless everything is in the right place and so I I started with New Year's Eve service with that message about this being the year of becoming and then as I prayed about what God would have me to speak the first actual message of the new year and it was about sex holler at me if you were here for that message or you you saw if you didn't you need to go immediately to youtube download the one la app go to the podcast do some get this message in your life it it's almost like you're not even ready for destiny until you have this revelation about sex it was on that level go and get I'm serious I'm not playing because I'm thinking like God why would you have me pre the first message of the new year why would you have me talking about sex it was called sexual wholeness and it was like it's because sex is one of the things it's not that my dream isn't intact it's just people have too many things that are keeping them things that are in the way that that are actually keeping them from progressing and sex is one of them and you get all quiet if you want to but it's true if you don't know how to handle sex navigate sex understand sex most people don't even know what sex is almost for like Reap reaching it you're like he normally doesn't talk about somebody brought somebody he normally doesn't talk about that no I encourage you to go and get it but I think that go and watch it rather I think that unlike any other time I just believe that God is so serious about you winning now not like at other times where you you were like this close but I really feel like like in this season I don't know maybe it's because the world is crazy right now and he wants us to accelerate and grow into all that God has for us but he's really serious so my heart is this my heart is is not to just tell you what God has in store for you but to really give you tips and wisdom and principles so that you can walk these things out daily and to avoid and escape some of the traps that will ultimately distract you and you find yourself in April talking about 2019 is gonna be my year so what I did was on Instagram this week I just was moved to to place some tips like I called them rules of wholeness for 2018 and and and then we're just it was five days it was Monday through Friday and and I just had these these tips and I put on my Instagram you'll find me at Toure roberts tou r e ro ber TS same for Twitter and Facebook anyway so I put these things I put these five things on there and and these are things that that I just really believed as we step into this new year we need some ground rules right because I'm gonna be honest with you the familiar is like you'll be back yeah your past and the old version of you is like the over any of you don't even have faith about you moving forward is that you be back I give it February twenty-seventh you you'll be back and I don't know about you but I'm not going back huh it's only forward from here I'll I'll do whatever I have to do I'll fight whatever devil I have to fight out I'll fight my own self if I have to but I'm gonna lay hold of everything that God asked me so I want to give just five tips five thoughts that as we step into this new year as we make plans to lay hold of everything that God has for us these five ideas I believe are going to help shape our walk and really allow us to be like the Bible says trees planted by the rivers of water so I want to start with Psalm 1 verse 1 through 3 this is why we went on New Year's Eve I believe this is your word for the season it says blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law he meditates day and night this is you for 2030 2018 the 3rd verse for 2018 for you shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season whose leaves will not wither and what so ever you do so prosper I'm gonna say it again until you see yourself in this verse for you shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season whose leaf will not wither and whatsoever you do so prosper who believes that in here right now who believes that if it's in there and is possible I can have it I'm gonna lay hold of it I believe that this is a season where all you're gonna do is win it's gonna be crazy everything you touch is gonna begin to prosper it's gonna begin to work because you went through what you need to go through to get into the place of alignment you have done the hard work and heaven is getting ready to back you up I see it I've seen let me let me just I'm gonna sit down for a second let me let me tell you what you can't do you can't think that this is simply a positive metaphor this is a positive metaphor no one can always win that's not possible like you know no one's perfect so no the Bible says if you get certain things in order he is gonna plant you in his river and you're gonna bear fruit in every season and see you know your leaf not withering means that you won't dry up you know a lot of people think that they're past their prime I just talk for a second to three people you think that your best days are behind you you passed your prime you withered up not in God there is no such thing as withering in God there is no such thing as being past your prime in God your prime is when you are connected to God and the Bible says even in Psalm 92 even on your old age you will still be flourishing although my outer man is perishing my inner man is being renewed day by day you can have this just just get position right you you were created to prosper and thrive you were created to evolve and grow and to be blessed and it has nothing to do with age and it has nothing to do with so-called missed opportunities I want to break the spirit of miss opportunities off of somebody right now it's gonna come back around and this time you're gonna be ready God is wise enough Kim Biddle God is wise enough to not bring the the right thing the best thing to you in a season where you would squander it he knows the end from the beginning what kind of God would it be if he knows you're gonna squander the ultimate blessing to present it to you in a season where where you would squander no no no no all those other things are tests I feel the Lord in here right now all the opportunities that you believe you miss we're only tests getting you ready for the time of your alignment and when the time of your alignment comes you're gonna be like a tree planted by the rivers of what you are getting ready before do you hear me it's coming back around it's coming back around and you're gonna be ready this time you ready this time I'll be ready this time we ready this time it ain't over you'll be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season I love that in its season in its season life is about seasons that's why you can't give up before you grow up right life is about seasons it's coming back around you ain't missed nothing that's why he created the earth as a rotating unit so that there would be confirmation in you every single day that is coming back around sunsets and sunrises what does that say to you it's coming back I feel God in here right now so I want to give you five thoughts five ideas cuz I want you to win I want you to win and the familiar is chasing you the familiar is chasin ya to pull you back and I want to help you escape it I want to give you maybe five thoughts that will create parameters for you that will become the parameters that keep you in the garden that's connected to the river so that you will continue to bring forth your fruit in every season so that your leaf does not wither hmm so that your leaf does not wither and whatever you do say process that your leaf does not wither that reminds me of Jesus says in John 15 he says I am the vine you are the branches if you abide in me you will bear forth much fruit and your fruit shall remain if you don't abide in me you can do nothing so my prayer is that through these these thoughts that we work through and with the help and the guidance of the Holy Spirit will get our garden together and will be positioned properly we'll have a healthy garden so that we can flourish fair enough all right let's go let's go number one number one this is what I want you to do we're talking about rules of engagement for this year first and foremost can you read that why am I going straight to relationships because someone did blesses the man the first thing he goes to when he's getting ready to tell you how to floors he says blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful he immediately addresses relationships because relationships will make you or break you and one of the things that I've learned about relationships and all of them have to be qualified but but they're a relationship is dysfunctional if it's one-sided and so I'm telling you cancel every relationship that only makes withdrawals and not deposits I dare you to take inventory relationships you're gonna be like you right never calling you you're you're always calling them never checking on you you're always checking on them never given to you you are always given them and you're saying yeah I'm just being a good friend that's wonderful but being a good friend is only reserved for those who know how to reciprocate just because you are a good friend to them doesn't mean that they're a good friend to you and you've got a soul wisely are you tracking with me cancel it [Applause] because when you have the wrong people in place it disallows the right people are you tracking with me that's the first thing I want you to do I want you to just get if I were you I'd bring every relationship under evaluation look at your mom like I'm kidding I'm kidding honor thy father my mother that it might go well with me I'm kidding but it's that serious because it's going to tie into another point that I make in just a second it's just that serious because you've only got room for so many people in your life and relationships are investments and what investment do you invest in that never makes a return what would banker would you work with we're all you did was so and so and so into your portfolio and it never produced a game cancel every relationship that only makes withdraws and never deposits that's number one just get that cleared up move on number two place a demand of excellence on yourself your team and anyone or everything connected to you hey let's be honest like like have you noticed is it just me have you noticed that all of a sudden for some reason this past week mediocrity stood out am I the only one like like because and I don't know if you know you you're fired up you're excited you know you're moving and you're functioning you look around and just like I'm gonna make a pattern the excellence and in that moment you've got a decision to make you can either say ah that's just them maybe it's just me maybe I'm just too hype or whatever or you can raise the standard I feel God in order to get where God has taken you this year you are gonna have to raise the bar you're gonna have to hold yourself accountable to another level of excellence and everybody around you you say pastor that's not spiritual that doesn't sound like Kingdom the devil is a lie the Bible says Oh Lord oh Lord how excellent is your name let me tell you something my excellent really quickly excellence in in some of the the I don't remember the time frame but it was in Europe it was like the 1500s excellence was a sign of God so some people regarded excellence as a soul-winning tool because this X is kind of it goes back to what I was talking about letting your light so shine that men might see your good works and glorify the Father in heaven excellence looks like God and so so sometimes we we will lower our standards you know to appease people or or to wait to the right people come along and you can't do that I watch you in your relationships in your conversations and your ministries and your business and your organizations I want you to raise the standard of excellence stretch people now if you don't stretch them now don't even try to circle back in February or March place a demand on yourself now is a perfect opportunity it's not necessarily that something you know this rule new thing changed it's just a new paradigm it's this the whole mindset of the the culture is changing for new you have a window to stretch everything around you to this place of excellence because you're gonna have to fire on a different set of cylinders in order to get where God is trying to take you this year are you tracking with me yes it is yes it is because excellence is about a rhythm excellence is about attracting equally hmm I almost want to say that better I don't like I'll be honest with you I don't really I can't I love everybody but I can't fool with on excellent people I won't do business with uh Nexen people are you excellent excellences of frequency are you tracking with me and only the excellent are connected to it right and you won't say anything you smile but you'd be like that ain't excellent and if it ain't excellent it ain't me are you tracking with me so when you're not excellent it actually keeps you from being able to attract things that are on the level that you're trying to get to and excellence doesn't have to do you don't have to be rich to have excellence excellence is an attitude it is a disposition it is a mindset it is a a failing to tolerate mediocrity and the second chapter wholeness one of the things that I talk about is mediocrity and mediocrity is interesting if you break down the history of that word a better translation that word mediocrity is mid Mountain or halfway up the mountain so I would think people think that mediocrity is normal or average or whatever no it's not mediocrity means you ain't there yet that's why it's unacceptable it is halfway up the mountain and how many of us know God didn't call you to get on the journey and get halfway nothing God has called you to reach the top of that mountain and when you reach the top of that mountain he's gonna bring you to another mountain are you tracking with me so I want you to place a demand of excellence on yourself on your team team is everything team is that who you roll with is everything your team will determine your success whether you win or not and so it's really important on your team and on anyone or everything connected to you that's number two number three I'm gonna run through these number three is this and this is so important especially in a new season start each day in worship meditation in prayer and I put it in that order for a reason because something might be thinking or not should start my day in prayer hold up worship is what will position you to even know what you really need to pray for are you tracking with me know what is worship so worship you start just dating worship worship is the steel place he who buys in the secret place shall dwell he who dwells in the secret place shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty worship is when you stop yes you were busy yes you've got seventeen meetings this day yes you've got these bills to pay yes you've got these things to do yes you've got a busy tomorrow you got a busy Monday yes yes yes but I dare you in the midst of that busy Monday to stop in worship the first thing you do in that day is to stop and let me show you something really quick let's go to Psalm 63 and one real quick 63 and whatever I gave you I can't remember which one it was but something like that 631 okay look at this look at this David now David had mastered worship he's written you know over three-quarters of the Psalms that we enjoy these are all songs of worship and look at his language he says oh god you are my god watch this early will I seek you oh I felt a lot right there this this this point right here hear me will change your whole life early will I seek you my soul thirsts for you my flesh longs for you in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water go to Psalm 5 five and one or the other Selma can't remem I think it's five and three so I'm five and three check this out pushes it says my voice I love this Davis David is talking to God and he says God my voice you shall hear in the morning in that dope Oh Lord in the morning I will direct it to you and I will look up in that awesome he's like I don't care if nobody else on earth talks to you today my boy Scott you are gonna hear up in here you're gonna hear the sound of touré Roberts calling on your name so this is important start each day and worship meditation and prayer and here's why you have never been here before the plans that you have for this day might change there's a passage of scripture that says man plans his ways but it's God who establishes his goings sometimes I will have things on the calendar and I will come out of my worship and my meditation time and my prayer time and send texts out saying can't do it because I understand that my steps are being ordered by the Lord and the only way that I can guarantee success and winning perpetually is if I know that God Himself is ordering my steps so worship is taking a moment and taking time and saying God I know I've got all this stuff to do and I know I've got all this stuff going on but I want to remind myself and I want to remind you that I belong to you and I commit this day to you in fact yeah these things are on my calendar but how let you boy real quick talk to me speak to my heart is my day in alignment with the plan that you have for me because I know the plan that you have for me and the steps that you have ordered for me will prosper me and I know I have a tendency to say yes to some things that I should say no to and no to some things that I should say yes to and so what I want to do to make sure I'm in alignment so that I can be the tree planted by the rivers of water is I want to be still I want to put my agenda on whole my vision on hold I want to put all of that on hold get still with you and let you either confirm or redirect my day are you tracking with me and that's just worship meditate is different meditating is rehearsing to yourself what God said to you see the the average churchgoers experience is this they come to church and God speaks to them so many things so many words of confirmation and validation and even words of direction but their only experience with those words are when they're sitting in these seats or watching via live stream that is the only experience I want take my time and hear that is there all the experience with the word right and it becomes a one night stand instead of an ongoing relationship I feel the Lord up in here when God gives you a word it's not for a one-night stand to tickle your fancy and make you feel good and for you to get your rocks off when God gives you a word he wants to make you one with that word he wants you to marry that word until you give birth to that word so you've got to meditate on that word were you thrown off by the analogy so in that time in the morning what you want to do is you want to get your journal out Laurieann you want to get your journey journal out and begin to rehearse what you heard as a Hebrew word from meditate and it doesn't mean simply think it it is and if you see rabbis they'll do it they're actually mumbling those words under their breath they're speaking it too so they're thinking it and they're speaking if they're speaking life they're speaking life God has given me a word and now I'm using my mouth to create it God spoke and it came to beat God 1 meditate what did God say to you that you just had it had a fling with he had a fling with the word and you didn't marry the word and that's why the word can't be produced in your life because you're playing with it and you're cheating on the word with other thoughts that you entertain so in the time in the morning before you start each day worship and then meditate rehearse what God said to you until all of you is fully convinced about what he said until that word becomes your reality and then you pray and you pray let it be manifest see never underestimate the power of what God can drop in your spirit in your time of worship meditation and prayer in the morning one word one idea one thought one gang huh one came changing revelation all it takes is WOD is what David said early in the morning I'll seek you I'm gonna direct my prayer to you because you have the words of life all I need is one shot it seems like I'm last but if I get the right word down in my spirit I will go from last to first like this are you tracking with me so every single day every day make worship start each day time three started staying with worship meditation and prayer are we tracking number four we're doing good this is really important you've got to manage your energy to manage your life there will always be more demand on your energy than supply therefore allocate your focus and time wisely here's what that means you know when God formed us he created us see he breathed the breath of life and to man's and nostrils a man became a what living so you I probably need to read your Bible more became a living soul he breathed the breath of life into man's nostrils and man became a McCamey what living soul living so and then we know that when we die we take our last breath okay so God breathes this breath into us we start breathing that becomes our breath and we know that when our time is up here on earth we're gonna take our last breath which means that our breath is limited but you tracking with me our our energy is limited we only have a certain amount the greatest the the most restricted limited resource that we have right now is our energy and God has only given us enough to fulfill a purpose a calling and our destiny now the reality of it is as we step into life there will always be more opportunity and more demand on our energy than we have supply for because we have a limited supply because our breath is a very limited resource are you tracking with me and so since I know going into this day going into this week going into this month that there is going to be more demand on me than I have the capacity to meet I've got to regulate it are you tracking with me emails phone calls voice messages his wife business friends you name it social media hello all these things are after your energy your time and your focus and just like a bank account if if you don't manage it properly if you just respond because there is a demand well since there's a demand let me respond you won't have the energy that you need for the things that matter are you tracking with me so you have to regulate your energy and one of the ways to do it is this amazing word oh I love this word this word is awesome it is so anointed in fact you can't even have the word anointed without the word know you take the know out and all you have is 8 or something like that you got to say no no's one of the most powerful words ever and sometimes you gotta let your silence be no no I've only got is this helping a little bit I've only got I've only got a limited amount of me I am a limited resource and all I've got to win is me all God gave me was me hello somebody in order to fulfill my destiny all allows me so I can't don't use that word I can't I can't just give me away I've got to be intentional about where I invest me because it's not enough of me to go around so I have to strategically invest my time and my focus wisely so that I won't end up being emotionally or spiritually bankrupt so when it's time for me to really move and I go and I put my foot on the gas because I need to accelerate to get through this door that I look up and my vehicle starts fluttering because I've invested all of my energy on stuff that don't matter are you tracking with me that's number four and number five we're done I'm the file stay motivated Rome was not built in a day you may not see progress but keep going all at once it will appear and some of you you walked into 2018 first week of 2018 you fired up it's the year of becoming door open for me now I command you to open in Jesus name and instead of that door opening you experienced resistance and you're like what in the world is going on it's 2018 this is a year becoming my life is supposed to be filled with yes not no I don't even know no I'd be rebuked rebuke you in Jesus name no stick with it keep going rome wasn't built in a day well things I love about God is God shows you at first but it's not going as it was Tricky's God was you something in a minute but it takes longer than a minute for it to be manifest and so you went from not having it to having it based on the word that God spoke but it still takes time the passage that I'm thinking about to encourage you with this Galatians 6 and 9 and it says let us not become weary and are well doing for in due season you're going to reap if you don't give up and one of the things I said I use those words carefully what I said I said you may not see progress but keep going because all that once is gonna spring up first of all we serve a suddenly God I suddenly got I I was thinking about I share this with the earlier service as I close I was thinking about when God first called me to ministry and I was 17 years ago and that was cool that was awesome and I went on that journey with him and then less than two years after that he told me to step out and he gave me this this huge vision of what what happened to this world because of what was on my life and sometimes God will give you a vision and it's in it's in it's it's you know it's big but that's all you know you don't know how it's gonna happen you don't know when it's gonna happen you just feel the bigness of God on the inside of you right and and and I felt that and I knew that and I saw myself that way and then five years past and I saw some progress but but my outsides did not look or feel consistent to what I knew God had placed on the inside of me anybody ever been there before where where where who you are and who God is has given you faith to see yourself as and what you're called to do and the influence that you're called to have there there there are moments where there is a disconnect between what's around you and what's in you and if you're not careful you can be become jealous and angry and bitter because you do have the truth on the inside of you that says that I'm great God has called me for great things anybody believe that near right now you're great God is called you for great things you know but but when you scan your surroundings and you scan your situation it's not measuring it up and then sometimes you start comparing your surroundings in your situation with other people and you're like God you lied and God is saying I didn't lie I'm just a God of timing I do the right thing at the right time and so so for me that was five years ten years ten years is a long time Kevin it's a long time to feel special am I am i striking a nerve in here I'm trying to ten years is a long time to know you're special but to look around you and to look at your circumstances and your circumstances would try to tell you you're ordinary but try to tell you you're normal what do you do when your inner reality is one thing and your outer reality is another thing I'll tell you what you do you keep going Galatians 6 and 9 says be not weary and you're well doing for in due season you shall reap a harvest if you don't quit due season in other words your season ain't due yet it's not due yet and and what you can't see is is what God is developing 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years then heartbreak can we have a real conversation and it doesn't look like you're progressing but you actually are you're just progressing on the inside are you tracking with me and then just when you think you're past your time just when you think might as well pack up and start doing something else the seeds that you have been investing at once come on think about it think about it the difference between seedtime and harvest the difference between you planting seed and the moment that that first grain of wheat breaks the ground is a split second split second and I wonder how many people in here right now are very close just a split second away from the harvest that got promised and you have been investing in I just want to recap these thoughts for you and I want you to use them as tools of thought to help you it's going to happen this year but it's going to require some things first of all I mean I'm serious relationships make a break here I'm concerned about your team cancel every relationship that only makes withdrawals and not deposits those are imposters you need people to walk with you that are going to reciprocate you need people to walk with you that see you right and that see your calling right and see who God has called you to be and feel a sign to help you oh come on come on that's not too much to ask for that's not too much to ask for they feel called and assigned to help me that's number one number two number two place a demand on yourself your team others everybody around you of the next level of excellence how can I be more excellent in this way stretch me Lord and when you see mediocrity within or around you deal with it don't accept it no I'm sending that back I don't want that it's not the way I asked for I had a vision see everything in your life is gonna have to line up with the vision that God showed you or it is no longer good enough I'm not talking about what was good enough for 2017 I'm talking about what's good enough for now this is what God showed me and I won't accept it until I see it number three every day start each day and worship meditation and prayer why because you need strategy it's one thing to have a vision it's another thing to have the strategy to execute it God is gonna be whispering strategy to you he's going to begin to give you the house remember this is new a new year requires a new you new vision new thought new ways of moving 2018 you should move differently than you move last year you should flow differently than you float last year because I'm gonna tell you something this is not the season for immature mistakes now for immature mistakes and so I've got to take time each day to worship to meditate and to pray number four and before before you got to remember there's always gonna be more demand on you than you have supply so you've got to regulate your time your energy and your attention you've got to be intentional I want to show you something real quick real quick go to first Corinthians chapter 9 verse 24 when I show you something real quick real quick I'll be real fast and we'll do the last one and what that real quick it says but no but you not know do you not know that those who run in a race all run but only one receives the prize I like that terminology right because life is a race but you're not racing against others you've got your own lane but you're racing against the enemy of mediocrity you're after it run that you may obtain it run in such a way that you may obtain you go to verse 25 real quick it says that everyone who competes for the prize is temperate has self-control you discipline you're a different animal this year you're not move you're not easily move you don't get all upset and angry you're too focused to be upsetting angry anything that irritates you has to get out of your life because you're after something you know what I mean you temper it your discipline right you have self-control it says now they do it to obtain a perishable crown but we for an imperishable crown it says therefore I run this not with uncertainty in other words I am no longer random I'm not trying to find my way and figure it out I've been spending time with God and I have a clear vision on where things ought to go oh and I just want you to you know I want you to fight against every thought of inaccurate inadequacy because it will always be a thought of inadequacy when God is trying to bring you into the next leg of your destiny are you tracking with me therefore I run this not with uncertainty I'm not random thus I fight I fight in the same way not as one who beats the air because I can't be swinging and missing in 2018 my good friends is a boxer one thing that he told me you know early on was it takes more energy when you swing and miss then it does when you swing and land the punch so it costs you more to lose and how are you tracking with me I ain't trying to lose in here right now I don't want to lose in this season so I'd rather hold back my punch until I know it's gonna land where it's supposed to land I'm not beating the air I'm after something and then he goes on the last one number five is this stay motivated rome wasn't built in a day it's gonna happen you might take five years ten years three years but stick with it because it both is going to happen and it is happening at the same time we think that when we see it is when it happens that's not true it happens along the way come on stand with me we got to go I want to pray for you here's what I want to pray for us specifically if you're here and you said you know what this is a new year and I want to recommit my life to God or I want to connect with God I've never really had a relationship with God but but number one of my new year's resolution is to connect with God in a way I never have before if that's you I want you to come down to the altar I want to pray for you you're here and you say I want to connect with God in a way unlike ever before maybe there's some you didn't know God and you want to connect to God I want to pray for you something is gonna happen because you need God we need God you're gonna need God for where he has taken you and I just want you to come I'm gonna pray for you really quickly I'm gonna pray for you it's on your list I want to grow in my walk with God I want to get closer to God this year I want to know God I want to meet God I want God I need God I want him to strengthen me and heal me and guide me and lead me I want to be his friend I want you to come I'm gonna pray for you thank you and you can just come while I'm talking you can come on praying just come come come come come you and God are gonna win y'all gonna win this year he says with God all things are possible with God all things are possible it's all it's going to show you self God's gonna blow your mind tell you something a relationship with God is designed to are you every single day every single day he will all you it doesn't mean that every day you're gonna feel the best and you're gonna feel awesome but you're gonna know he's there and he'll find a way to are you sometimes just being sustained through a difficult moment is all worthy are you tracking with me father thank you so much for this day thank you so much for allowing us this time to be in your presence to worship you to hear your voice to be sharpened to gain wisdom for what you have in store for us I thank you for every person here and I pray your hand would be upon them greatly and that you'll bless their life richly god they're opening their hearts in the mind are you saying god I need you I can't do it by myself I don't live off of bread alone but I live off of the words that come out of your mouth and God you've drawn them Lord no one can even come to this altar no one could even come to you unless the father draws them and so God I thank you that it is evident that your hand is upon their lives to bless them to keep them and to cover them to touch them and father I pray that you would do that very thing god this is a new season a new beginning Lord God and I pray Lord Jesus everyone here would experience a unique special touch unlike ever before Lord give them new wineskins we can't put new on an old wineskin so God give us the new wineskins first opening up to you and I thank you I just want you to repeat after me Heavenly Father I thank you for your love I receive it I thank you for Jesus thank you for making him who had no sin all of mine all of my weakness all of my shortcomings all of my limitations you placed in his body nailed it to the cross and once and for all put it to death and just like he was raised up free and victorious because I'm in him I'm raised up to my past is behind me and I declared my wholeness today and I'm running forward to lay hold of everything you have for me thank you for loving me thank you for forgiving me and now today I choose to forgive myself and love myself father helped me to be excellent helped me to qualify relationships helped me to manage my energy and to manage my time and give me strength to hold on while you're working it out and lastly the Lord use me for your glory I'll give you my talent I'll give you my gifts you gave them to me I give them back to you use them to make your name great in the earth in Jesus name Amen amen god bless you love you very much let me say this real quick before I give the final benediction if you're not doing it already I encourage some of you to fast you know when I was moved to say you can't put new wine into old wineskins the only time that Jesus talks about for one of the few times that Jesus talks about fasting in Scripture he does it in the context of getting rid of old wineskins so that you can hold the new wine so I encourage you to fast you can Google fasting but for the most part most of the time it is a food fast but you got to be sensitive to whatever medical conditions you have some people just give up meat or sweets just make it as sacrifice that doesn't kill you you might want to give up television or social media the idea is to kill something that your flesh likes eat your flesh loves to attract something that the spirit loves you tracking with me god bless you love you very much hey my friend I pray that that message blessed your life it blessed me for sure I want to also encourage you to pick up wholeness winning in life from the inside out this book is gonna change your life god bless you I'll see you next time
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 32,499
Rating: 4.8976378 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 55sec (3115 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2018
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