"Chain Reaction" - Sarah Jakes Roberts

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hey family pastor Toure here I'm excited about this message of getting ready to watch it's gonna bless your life and there's another blessing that I pray that you be able to avail yourself to I wrote my second book called wholeness winning in life from the inside out this book is going to change your life it's all about identifying and uncovering some invisible boundaries that keep you from your potential it's a great blessing with a foreword even from our Bishop TD jakes enjoy but for now enjoy this video this may be the last little second of worship we get has even away maker in your life has he works miracles in your life he's made a way out of no way and when I look back over my life I'm just so grateful for the consistency of God even when I wasn't consistent he was consistent even when I wasn't faithful he was faithful it was like he was just waiting on me like my faithfulness isn't contingent on your behavior my faithfulness is Who I am it's just the characteristic of who God is that he's faithful to us in every season and I'm just so excited about what he's gonna do in this church in through our lives in 2018 I've been studying I've been praying and I believe I have a word from the Lord to share with you if you're visiting you'll notice that there are a few hundred people standing it is because it is our custom at the potter's house of Denver to stand for the reading of the word luckily for you you don't have to stand for the whole service and I don't have the same anointing guys my husband where I start preaching the text while reading it so I don't suspect that you'll be standing very long last week my husband he spoke out of Exodus and it was funny because before I even knew what he was going to be preaching from God had already laid Exodus a particular text in Exodus on my heart I love how the Spirit works he just weaves things together and I believe that um this will be a continuation of what began last week my subject for those of you who enjoy taking notes is chain reaction chain reaction and I'm speaking out of Exodus 27 and 21 I also have Exodus 32 in one book marked at the potter's house and that was to say if you have it say Amen if you need a minute say wait a minute all right child it's Genesis and then it's Exodus there's the Old Testament the second book of the Bible the second book of the Pentateuch for those of you who are Bible scholars the first five books of the Bible written by divine insight from Moses exodus 20:7 and 21 they also have it on the screens for those of you who have maybe not found it yet and it begins in verse 21 it says in the tabernacle of meeting outside the veil which is before the testimony Aaron and his sons shall tend it from evening until morning before the Lord it shall be a statute forever to their generations on behalf of the children of Israel just to give context the children of Israel have made covenant with God and with Moses and as a part of that covenant God said many things but it was ultimately about the children of Israel being a set apart group and ultimately a kingdom of priests this is a fascinating moment in the text cuz up until that point the children of Israel had been enslaved for hundreds of years and yet they make a covenant with God that says that we're going to go from being slaves to priests it's a powerful concept we gotta wrapped our mind around because it is ultimately the foundation of this message and so I want you to understand this space that exists between them being former slaves and becoming priests first of all for me it speaks to the fact that God can use anybody I was I think I started preaching a little bit before I got alright alright that's why you don't judge people cuz you look up in the suspect in your own eye alright Exodus 32 and one at the same time that God is telling Moses that Aaron is going to be set apart and become a priest there's something taking place that Moses is not aware of and that is depicted in Exodus 32 and 1 and it says now when the people saw that Moses delayed coming down from the mountain the people gathered together to Aaron and said to him come make us gods that shall go before us for as for this Moses the men who brought us up out of the land of Egypt we do not know what has become of him and Aaron the one who God was ordaining to be priests at the same time that this was happening says to them break off the golden earrings which are in the ears of your wives your sons and your daughters and bring them to me so all the people broke off the golden earrings which were in their ears and brought them to Aaron and he received the gold from their hand and he fashioned it with an engraving tool and made a molded calf then they said this is your God o Israel that brought you out of the land of Egypt so when Aaron saw it he built an altar before it and Aaron made a proclamation and said tomorrow is a feast to the Lord how is it that on one hand God was ordaining him to become a priest but on the other hand it seemed like he was disqualifying himself from becoming priests have you ever wondered why God uses the people that he uses and I believe that God uses certain people because he knows that if he uses them that it will create a chain reaction for the same people who they had influence over when they were disqualifying themselves and so God we offer this this moment to you this word we offered over to you I offer myself oh God as a living vessel I don't want to stand up here if I can't do it without you I don't want to have this microphone or carry this sword if I don't have your anointing in your spirit attached to it so god I need there to be none of me and only you I need there to be so much of you that you take this word and you've crafted to hit the hearts of every person represented in this room I can't do that unless you do it so god I humble myself under the mighty hand of God and I say use me in whatever capacity you see fit because they didn't come to hear from me they came to hear from you so god I ask that this would be a moment of glory that this would be a moment that supersedes every barrier that could potentially separate us and instead that you would have a one-on-one conversation with your children God give me wisdom and divine insight and nimbleness of mine that I may certainly dissect this text but also that I may prophesy over dry bones and that I would help to raise up an army of generals who shake up their lives and shake up their families and shake up the city of nineveh know the state of Colorado know this entire world for your glory let your light so shine in this moment in Jesus name I pray amen amen Guerry Dotson was 22 years old when he was convicted of rape and kidnapping the year was 1979 and when he was convicted they gave him 25 to 50 years for rape and then 25 to 50 years for alleged kidnapping he was preparing to spend the rest of his life at 22 years old in prison and while this conviction was certainly fair for the crimes there was only one small issue and that is that he was innocent but the year was 1979 and science had not progressed in such a way that DNA analysis was as effective as it is now so back then his word came down to he said first as she said and as a result of that he would spend the next few years in prison specifically he spent 10 years in prison before science actually progressed in such a way that they could take a small sample of DNA and reproduce and amplify it to make it big enough to to make a larger sample of DNA that would ultimately allow for them to identify whether or not he was the suspect or not this process was called polymerase chain reaction PCR polymerase chain reaction it's when they take a small sample of DNA and it goes through this process and while it's going through this process it reproduces and amplifies a small DNA sample until it becomes a large DNA sample they can take one strand of DNA and create a chain reaction that produces millions of strands of ene when they made this scientific this scientific innovation it was in 1983 and there was a man named Kary Mullis who was sitting in a laboratory in Emeryville California who had absolutely no connection to Gary dachshund in Chicago Illinois yet their futures would be intertwined I love this because for me it speaks to the ability of not just the scientific chain reaction but also the chain reaction that exists when we're feeling one thing but God is working on something else he's sitting in prison this Gary Dotson he'd been there at the time for four years and while he was sitting in prison he had no idea that there was a man standing in a laboratory that was helping free him for prison I think that that's a word for someone who has found themselves locked up in a prison that it only looks like a prison from your perspective because while you're sitting in the prison God is working on a way of escape while you're sitting in the prison that that shame and insecurity and heartbreak and disappointments create that God is also on the other side of heaven working on the thing that makes all things work together for your good I love this as I was studying because I recognize that that is the beauty of a chain-reaction exemplified through the process of scientific DNA not just the chain reaction that existed in the DNA but also the spiritual chain reaction that is available to all of us what am I saying I'm saying that what happens in the physical also mirrors the spiritual that means that if we are created in the image of God like I believe that we are that we are born with the DNA of God did you know that you were born with this spiritual DNA of God you see sometimes we don't realize that we're born with this spiritual DNA of God because we have all of these other DNA's working in our lives as well we have the DNA of people who looked like us who can only accede to a certain level we have emotional DNA that has been passed down from generation to generation to generation but all in the mixer that is spiritual DNA and when you have spiritual DNA you have to be intentional about allowing it to create a chain reaction in your life because just because you were born in the image of God and you carry his DNA doesn't mean that there is a chain reaction of that DNA taking place in your life when I come to church I come to church because I need that spiritual DNA that's working down on the inside of me to produce a chain reaction that creates blessings and overflow in my life I know some people come to church because they want to hear the songs and some people come to church because they want to get cute and it's the only day of the week where you get to put on all of your makeup and not just your eyebrows that was for the ladies but some of us come to church because we're trying to find a way to drown out all of the other DNA that tells us we're not good enough and that we're never gonna make it some of us come to church because we think that God is pulling on us and we don't know exactly what to make out of this thing that he's doing it is in our lives but we know we want to produce a chain reaction it's not enough for me to just be touched and to feel good and to go back to living my life I'm trying to create a chain in the spirit realm I'm trying to create a chain reaction in my marriage I'm crazy enough to believe that I can receive a word from God that allows me to do supernatural things when I walk out of here for me this is a meeting of all of us who come together who have decided that when we walk back to those cars or to the bus stop or to our homes that there was a meeting of the minds here and we have been called to create a chain reaction at our jobs in our families the kind of chain reaction that allows for love and kindness and purity and innocence and faithfulness to return back into this world because the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds that means that we can do something in this room that if God sits down in this broom like I believe he wants to do like I believe that he's already done that there will be a chain reaction that doesn't just shake up Denver but shakes up generations of your family I don't know about you but I'm not just trying to be saved so that I can make it to heaven I'm trying to do something in my life that breaks strongholds off of my daughter I'm trying to produce a chain reaction I'm trying to do something in this church that makes it a staple in this community for decades to come I'm not just here to make friends and to connect with people I'm trying to produce a chain reaction this is serious to me I'm not trying to just live and find a rhythm this is serious I'm at war with something every time I turn on CNN every time I look in the daughter's eyes and I hear by bullies at school I recognize that I'm at war with something and I can't sit back and afford to look cute and to let someone else preach no honey I am the ministry and I just came to be refueled and recharged so that I could go back into the world and produce a chain reaction that serves noted or devils and demons that I am NOT the one because I know who my DNA is from I know what I come from I know I know what I come from biologically I am the daughter of TD and Serita Jake's but spiritually because I am submitted to their covering that's a part of my DNA as well and because he was he was committed to the covering of Bishop Sherman Watkins that's my spiritual DNA as well that's why we praise God for praying grandmothers because eventually if life progresses the way it should I will go from receiving prayers from a praying grandmother to becoming a praying grandmother because I got spiritual DNA I want to prophesy to somebody that you are about to change the spiritual DNA of your family I know you're the first one to take it this seriously I know you're the first one to be connected the way you are but I'm telling you that you just did something that shakes up the spiritual DNA for generations to come we know who the Lord is I'm in relationship with him we're not just churchgoers I changed the spiritual DNA my father is under the covering of bishops Sherman Watkins who was under the covering of another pastor but my spiritual DNA also has hints of Kristin Cain and Joyce Myers because I've listened and received from them did you know that your spiritual DNA isn't just who you listen to or who you're connected to is who you receive from that's a part of your spiritual DNA too so when you say pastor say are you preaching good I hope it strikes something in you that awakens your spiritual DNA and produces a chain reaction DNA that takes me through Joyce Meyer and Christine Kanan Aimee Semple McPherson and Cornelius the first Gentile to ever receive the Holy Spirit and Peter and Paul as a matter of fact if you tracking my spiritual DNA all the way back you're going to stumble into a man named Jesus that's why I don't play with this thing because it's not just about finding a good church I'm trying to find somebody whose spiritual DNA takes me back to Jesus when is the last time you took a moment and recognize that your spiritual DNA is not just about a message you received on Sunday this is about tracing your life back to Jesus Christ this is about chasing your life back to the son of David to the son of man you have spiritual DNA why do you need to know this because that spiritual DNA is what you tap into when you start laying hands on people and prophesying miracles over their life I couldn't do it in my own strength but because I have this spiritual DNA that backs up my prayers I'm sorry I just got happy because I realized that I'm not standing up here on my own you don't see him but there is a cloud of great witnesses on this stage there is a spiritual witness that is down on the inside of me that is proven the power and effectiveness of being a child of God I got spiritual DNA baby you've got spiritual DNA take a moment and receive that thing over your 20:18 I'm not in this thing on my own I don't need any handout from any man all I need is that's happened to this spiritual DNA that exists over my life the same DNA that raised Jesus from the grave will raise me out of my circumstance the same DNA that put him in a tomb and rolled the stone away after three days is the same DNA that will save my child save my marriage and break depression off of my life I got spiritual DNA and when I pray I summons angels and I rebuke demons and I pull down strongholds because I got spiritual DNA I'm gonna move on in just a minute but I feel like somebody needs to know before this year even gets started that you got spiritual DNA working on your behalf when you start praying that God would open up doors know that you're not praying there's this old lowly God please know that you are praying with the power of God backing up everything that you asking for heavens resources are connected to you chain reaction chain reaction start thinking about the area in your life where you want to see a chain reaction I want to see my spiritual DNA reproduce and amplify when it comes to marriage in my family I want to see the spiritual DNA reproduce and amplify in the area of finances in my family god I need to assign the spiritual DNA to a crime that's taking place in my life I need spiritual DNA over that think over addiction over prison over brokenness over promiscuity can we be real I need the spiritual DNA that you gave me before you formed me and my mother's womb I need to learn how to reproduce and amplify that thing in my life God please create a chain reaction of your DNA down on the inside of my spirit that changes my path and changes my rhythm that makes bitterness flee got any spiritual DNA to produce a spiritual reaction in my life yeah now sit down I just got started it's important that we recognize that we have to be in environments that cultivate reproduction of our spiritual DNA if you're taking notes I want to challenge you to make this a practice in 2018 when you're in environments whether they're friendship circles or choir stands all right or churches or at work or in your family that you ask God what spirit is this reproducing and amplifying in my life because the reason that most of the time our spiritual DNA cannot reproduce and amplify is because it is at war with other spirits that exist in our life so if you spend more time reproducing and amplifying the spirit of lust that's on your life than your spiritual DNA doesn't have power to overcome it when I got married to my husband your man crush Monday has become irrelevant to me because I'm trying to cultivate something in my marriage so that whole I'm married but I'm not blind I don't subscribe to that I'm married and I'm blind come on somebody there's only one man that I have eyes for and there's only one woman in the name of Jesus that he has eyes for he will be actually blind in the name of Jesus and yahwah had to pray for me because I love the Lord but I'm ghetto and I will let some have it lashes off earrings up all right y'all be safe that was not in my notes I apologize if you're visiting for the first time they're kind of used to it but God is still working I got back up - I feel it in the spirit realm yes you have - she said I got some oh jeez come on Denver does anybody know it's oh jeez in Denver's all right stay on the outline child we got to set y'all we meet after service but we got to stay on the outline or pastor's not gonna let me have Sundays no more as I was saying you have to ask yourself what Spirit in this in me is this environment reproducing and amplifying which means that you have to know yourself well enough to know what spirits are working down on the inside of you I know we're saved I know it's all covered under the blood but if you know you have a spirit of less then you can't afford to be looking at certain people on Instagram you can't afford to flirt that's not just your personality that is a spirit and if the Spirit of God is going to be amplified in your life you have to recognize what other spirits exist in you this isn't shade this is love this is how you grow in God is when you recognize what you're fighting against I got a spirit down on the inside of me I like to gossip so I can't afford to go out with certain friends because they amplify the spirit of gossip done on the inside of me I'm trying to win I'm trying to do something for real I'm not trying to just be one of those people who come to church and go back home and never change I want to grow in God so I got to recognize what spirits are done on the inside of me that are at war with what God wants to do in me I'm insecure so I can't be in environments that amplify those insecurities I can't be in relationships that amplify that insecurity I got daddy issues so if you're gonna abandon me I can't go back and forth with you I gotta cut you all out because I'm trying to fix something down on the inside of me and for some reason when I'm connected to certain people it makes me feel like that broken person I'm trying to overcome I gotta recognize the power of the environments that I'm in and so when we find Aaron in the text he's made covenant with God and God has made covenant with the children of Israel and he says to the children of Israel that I'm going to make you a kingdom of priests I'm going to give you my DNA but the only problem that I found with him choosing Aaron and this is just for me with my carnal eyes not understanding God it's like Aaron wasn't necessarily even a part of the plan to begin with you see when God called Moses Moses had all of these excuses about why he couldn't be used by God and all of these reasons why God should choose someone else and so God told Moses to get his brother Aaron and Aaron would be his mouthpiece because Moses had a speech impediment that he felt like what disqualify him so technically speaking God is going to use someone who was never supposed to be in the mix to play the role of high priests this is what I like to call accidentally on purpose it's when you accidentally find your way in the will of God Aaron wasn't necessarily supposed to be Moses he was just supposed to be a mouthpiece but because of someone else's insecurities God made a way for him to be a part of the plan that's why you can't be too shaken up when you start that someone's insecurity is close to you because sometimes when we witness people's insecurities that are oftentimes inflicted upon us we think that the exposure of their insecurities is a personal attack not recognizing that oftentimes the exposure of their insecurities was meant to put you in purpose sometimes people will highlight you with their insecurities to the person who has the power to bless you and you find yourself accidentally on purpose and so God decides to use Aaron as the first person who will be the high priest and ultimately the one who will go from speaking on behalf of Moses to speaking on behalf of Israel as a high priest I love this because in this moment it revealed to me why he chose Aaron to be the high priest it's because Aaron had learned the power of learning how to carry a word the Bible says it like this if you be faithful over a few things this was a promotion because Aaron had the ability to carry a word on a small level God said I want you to carry the word on the high priest level you have to recognize that not only are you a word because you're not just here by coincidence God spoke a word and said this world needed you in it you are a word and you are carrying a word this is just a footnote don't fumble your word don't fumble your word your child is a word so word from heaven your marriage is a word from heaven I know it's got flaws I know it hasn't been easy but it is a word and you are assigned to that word and until you can learn to carry the word that God has given you on this level you might have stop praying that he would give you an even greater word because he's seen you fumble too many times I prophesy in 2018 that this is the year of carrying that word all the way to the finish line I'm not going to give up I'm not gonna allow things to change my character to change my circumstances God showed me how to carry a word show me how to take care of the people you've placed in my environment show me how to be an agent of change for the people who are hurting me God show me how to be the bigger person I need to learn how to carry a word so that I can show you that I'm worthy of the things I'm praying for because I learned how to carry a word on a small level you're not just to stay at home mom you're carrying a word you're not just a teacher you're carrying a word you're carrying the generation of people who will ultimately come to change this world for the better what you do with this word makes the difference that's why you got to be careful and you have to use patience and wisdom when you start speaking into people's lives because your insecurities will put a toxin and the word that God is trying to purify you got to be careful how you carry words when you start recognizing that your relationship your marriage your child your job opportunity is not just this tangible thing but it is a word from God the God is divinely orchestrating to make work together for your good and so I realized that it wasn't coincidence or happenstance that God chose Aaron because Aaron had learned how to carry a word and so in exodus 20:7 we see when God makes the decree and there's just a nugget in here that I think is worthy of us really dissecting and taking a look at says in the tabernacle of meeting outside the veil this is in the tabernacle of Moses which is before the testimony Aaron and his sons that's a chain reaction he didn't just call Aaron he called his sons as well and this time Aaron is ignorant to the fact that he was being called but yet God was still calling him I needed you to recognize that there is a chain reaction connected to your promotion because the enemy would have us to believe that when we excel to a certain level when we get a certain promotion when we break a generational curse off of our life that there is a possibility that it could pop up and spring up again in a generation that comes after us but when God calls Aaron he also calls his sons the process of having your children call can be a little bit scary though because you go through some things before they actually turn into the person God call and I am a living witness my parents were not grooming a pastor they were just hoping that I would be a good person come on somebody they weren't grooming me to come and pastor at the potter's house Denver this wasn't no master plan this was spiritual DNA overpowering the DNA of insecurity and the DNA obtained pregnancy I feel like that's a word for somebody who's struggling with their children I don't know who you are and maybe it's just one person in here but I want you to know that that spiritual DNA is gonna rise up and overpower every DNA that the enemy has tried to put at war over your child I don't know who that's for and it seems a little random because it's not in my notes but what you put in that child let's see that you put into the ground keep watering it it's still in there I know they're acting a fool I know you don't know what's going on with them I know you feel like you made some mistakes and did I do everything the right way I came here to tell you let this be confirmation to your spirit that DNA that you put in in that spiritual DNA that dragging them to church when they didn't feel like it that praying over them when they were asleep I'm telling you that that word is still down on the inside of them and if you don't believe me just look at me because when this girl was 13 years old and pregnant nobody thought that she was gonna be a pastor but somebody knew there was spiritual DNA down on the inside of her and though she may injure be in trouble right now in this moment that spiritual DNA is gonna overpower every plot and plan of the enemy you put something in that child and don't you forget it you stand still and know that what I put in you is gonna come out sometimes you have to tell your children when they're acting crazy because now I'm a mother my children they try me sometimes I have to tell myself when I'm getting ready to cry myself to sleep that what I put in that child is gonna come up I don't know how God is gonna do it I don't know what they're gonna go through before they get there but I know that he is not a man that he should lie and if he did it for me the same God that I served is working down in their DNA and I have created an environment for their spiritual DNA to spring up I don't care who their friends are I don't care what music they're listening to that god I serve said that greater is He that is working down on the inside of them than anything the world could put around them cause Aaron and his sons to be priests and he caused them and for a moment I put myself in Moses shoes and I wondered what it must feel like to go from seeing the person who you needed the most become promoted in such a way that you no longer have access to them the way you once did my carnality told me you know what that's good for Aaron but what about Moses because it appeared that Aaron's promotion was Moses loss in the scripture when you look back there's hardly ever in time that you see Moses without Aaron beside him leading the children of Israel and the first person that God serves notice on transition about Aaron moving and being promoted as the person who needed them the most and then I realized that I was looking at it through the eyes of my carnality and not through the eyes of being in relationship with God because when I looked at it through the eyes of being in relationship with God I recognized that Aaron's promotion was actually Moses opportunity to rest because the weight of the children of Israel had been on Moses shoulder but God is telling him in this moment that I'm going to take the weight and start spreading it out to people who you didn't even realize that I had strategically placed in your life to help you carry the call that I gave you when we came to Denver we didn't know who was going to be here but God knew that when we came to Denver that there would be Aaron's strategically placed to carry the weight of leadership that Denver would require there are people in your life right now who are going to help you raise your children Aaron was going to bring grass to Moses and as I was studying I just began praying to God that I would be the kind of person that brings rest to the people I'm connected to that my promotion would serve as evidence for someone else that you can arrest in the Word of God I recognize that my prayer had to transition from God please don't take them from me but instead God when you move them promote me to God when you move them help me to be at rest with the way they've been promoted because I recognize that their promotion should bring me rest it's hard to express it the way I see it but what I'm saying is that ultimately when you are in relationship with someone if you are not whole and if you are not secure when that person begins to develop and to pursue purpose if you are not careful you will become envious and lonely as they begin to excel but if you ask God to have a chain reaction of his spiritual DNA down on the inside of you you won't receive rest when you see them kicking down doors that listen you don't have to kick down anymore that your children aren't going to kick down that there are going to be people in your life who get the opportunity to serve as an example even if it means that you don't get to use them or have access to them the way that you once did I also realized that while Aaron is completely ignorant to what God is working out while Moses is on the mountain that that God will always place a clue about who you're going to become within reach how to say it the way I studied it you see there at these moments like because at the time that God is having this conversation with Moses Aaron is down at the bottom of the mountain and he feels kind like he's not being used anymore like he doesn't know what its purpose is Moses spent almost over a month on the mountain having this conversation with God and as I was studying I felt like God was saying the moments when you start to feel useless or the moment when you start to feel like you know what I have become so good at what I do that I'm not sure that I'm feeling challenged anymore the data those are the moments when God begins to redefine your purpose Moses was changing Aaron's purpose at the time when Aaron was that his lowest when you look back over your life at the moments when you felt the lowest at the moments where you felt like maybe I don't know what I'm supposed to do in this world of note in the anymore I'm telling you that that is when God was aligning things in the spirit realm and opening doors for you to lay hold of the next dimension of who you are I'm saying that there are levels to this that there are layers to who you are and just because you feel like you have graduated at this certain level do not throw in the towel recognize that when you start sitting down that God start standing up that when you start sitting down and getting in a rhythm you're also ought to start looking out for clues God show me the clues because I'm too comfortable in this season and I know whenever I start getting comfortable that you start redefining my purpose so God awakened me to the clues that exist in this moment you want an example I got one for you here it is all right we moved into our house in LA in May it's a beautiful home in California the Sun was shining May 2017 was amazing all right and our old house my daughter who will be to next month and I we were sharing a room which really our whisper game was just really strong there's one I'm going to tell you and this house she had her own room I could watch TV I could watch not scandal TV in I could watch TV in without waking up the baby alright and then something started shifting in July when I was the most comfortable in the most settled something should have told me that God was about to shake up my environment and redefined my purpose and that's when the Lord started talking to us about what was going to happen in Denver and that's when God started burning something on our heart about what was going to happen in Denver I'm saying that when you get comfortable you also ought to get more alert because your comfort is a sign that you're doing things within your own strength and when you are in relationship with God and when you start praying that God would produce a chain reaction say goodbye to comfort I should have told you that from the beginning before you got all hyped up and started praying when you start asking God for a chain reaction release the idea of comfort because the moment you get comfortable God says see I stretch you so that you could wrap your arms around this now let me give you another blessing that stretches you beyond your capacity so that you can wrap your arms around this because I want to produce a chain reaction with the glory that is on your life I want to produce a chain reaction with the obedience that you have exemplified on this level I'm not just serving God so that I can feel good I'm serving God so that I can produce a chain reaction so whenever I get comfortable I start looking for clues God what do you want me to do now do you want me to host a conference do you want me to write a book do you want me to start a non-profit tell me what you want me to do because I feel like I got my arms wrapped around this and I'm only comfortable when I'm living in a world that requires me to call on the name of Jesus I'm only comfortable when I feel like I can't do this thing without you I'm only comfortable when I'm connected to you I need you I need you when I feel like I don't need you I get scared maybe that's just me but when I feel like I got this I get scared and so I start praying that God would reveal areas in my life that need another chain reaction because right now I feel like I'm on cruise control so let's go to Exodus 32 I'm almost finished Exodus 32 and 1 when idle from Moses Aaron begins to lose his way this is the part that I believe was just exceptional when it comes to the divine wisdom of God I read it earlier I won't read it again but ultimately when Aaron was disconnected from Moses he started creating false idols and making things out of gold in my opinion he started disqualifying himself from the things that God wanted to do in his life but then I realized that it was actually that this lowest point where he was that where he was creating idols would give him the passion to really fuel the purpose that God had for him as a high priest let me read it to you the way I wrote it I said that who better to carry the weight of the sin of the children of Israel than the one who knew what it was like to be them when they hadn't heard from God I thought that Aaron should have been disqualified when Moses came down from the mountain but I realized it was actually what should have disqualified him that actually made him perfect for the job because when God set him in the tabernacle and told him to watch out for the lamb that he would do so with such ferocity because he recognized that it I don't keep this lamp burning and they may go back to who they used to be if I don't keep this lamp burning then it may not produce a chain reaction this is the final point of my message if you don't keep that lamp burning then the chain reaction that you are praying for it may end with you but if you weren't there to keep that lamp burning that's down on the inside of you that is crazy enough to believe that with God you can do the impossible then the generations connected to you may lose but I came to serve notice on every doubt of fear and insecurity that the enemy has planted down on the inside of you that it is not what has disqualified you that will keep you from becoming a kingdom of priests as a matter of fact it is exactly what should have disqualified you that made you the perfect candidate to produce a chain reaction in the area of your life where you are praying you are the perfect one to demonstrate what it means to be in a godly marriage because you went through divorce you are the perfect one to demonstrate what it means to be a fool in person Karen because you are the one who had brokenness and addiction you are the one who can break strongholds off of your family because you know exactly what you're up against you know exactly what it's like to be down on your lowest moment you are the only one who can do it you are the only one who can do it Aaron was the only one who could represent the children of Israel before God the way that he did because he knew what it was like to be like them would you stand with me as I prepare to close the high priests plays a pivotal role as it relates to being in relationship with God because what the high priest carries into the tabernacle allows for sins to be forgiven for everyone they represent and God does this high priest thing we see a time after time after time in the Bible and I'm going to be honest not everyone lived up to the call of being a high priest and so one day he decides that there's only one man for the job there's only one man who can produce a chain reaction that lasts all the way through 2018 and beyond there's only one man who can do this high priest thing the way that I envision it and so God wraps himself in flesh and buries himself in the womb of a virgin mother named Mary and in a manger a baby named Jesus would become the ultimate high priest he would become the ultimate high priest with chains on his arms and on his feet and a crown of thorns on his head he would become the high priest in his lowest moment when they hung him high and stretched him wide it didn't look like he was going to become the high priest that everyone believed yet God knew that he had a plan and because God knew that he had a plan when they put him in the tomb in three days the stone was rolled away and he was resurrected as the high priest who sits right now on the right hand of the Father interceding on our behalf and when they put him on the cross I feel the presence of that they didn't just put him on the cross they put every other type of DNA that is at war with who God has called you to be on that cross - and when they put him in that tomb and they resurrected him they resurrected the spiritual DNA that is available to you that is working and functioning right here in this church right now maybe as I was speaking you felt like you know what first I believe that that I am called to produce a chain reaction for my family and in my community but the reality is I kind of feel lost I don't feel like I know exactly how I'm going to produce that chain of reaction but as you were speaking I realized that God has placed a clue in my ignorance and I need to receive prayer and impartation that God would awaken me to those clues would you meet me at the altar as I was studying I realized that for God to call a group of former slaves to become a kingdom of priests was not coincidental the slaves represents chains but the priests represent crowns I don't know what areas in your life where you have felt chains but I'm telling you connected to every chain is a crown and if you keep studying going to change you'll miss the fact that there's a crown attached to it so our prayer instead is God would you not just break the chains but awaken me to the Crown's awaken me to how the chains prepared me for the crown awaken me to how you can use my limitations my fears my insecurities to make me a priest because I need to produce a chain reaction in my life as I was speaking there were perhaps people in the room who felt like you know what she's talking to me but everyone thinks I have it all together and I'm afraid that if I come down to the altar if I stand up or if I clap that it'll ruin this facade but I'm telling you that this is you cannot replicate spiritual DNA until you get real about where you are and I am crazy enough to sit here all day everyone else can go home I will sit here all day waiting on that one person who knows that this message is for them because I need your spiritual DNA to win I need your spiritual DNA to overpower addiction I need you to be a monument of God's glory and of God's grace as I was speaking to you if you felt something stirring down on the inside of you I just want to invite you to join us can we just praise God for the courage that it takes to move at the urging of the Holy Spirit God didn't just say that he was going to make them a kingdom of priests because they came to church God said I'm gonna make them a kingdom of priests because they know how to hear my voice and obey if as I was speaking you know that you heard the voice of God and there's something down on the inside of you you don't have it all figured out you're not perfect listen we don't want those people anyway we want the people who are real enough to say I'm a work in progress but as you were speaking I felt like chains could break off of my life as you were speaking I felt like my child was gonna be okay as you were speaking I felt like I was the one who was supposed to break something off of my family you better come receive this word because when I posted about this message I said that I was praying that God would impart something in this moment that would shake up the next decade of somebody's life and I'm crazy enough my spiritual DNA it's crazy enough to believe that God can do something at this altar for everyone who was honest and we'll enough to say god I need you to shake some things up in my life that changes the next decade of your life I'm saying that you're not just coming further to the altar for you that you're coming to the altar for your grandchildren because you won't addictions tell that church grandchildren aren't gonna have to fight it that you're coming to the altar for generations after generations that you will may not ever see but will be blessed as a result of your obedience this is a real moment this is a relationship moment this is when it stops being just about church and becomes about exposing ourselves and exposing our brokenness to the power of God to change a thing maybe you're here lastly and you don't know the Lord and you just stumbled in here maybe you came with a friend maybe you were lost and confused you didn't have anywhere else to go so you said let me just see what this church thing is about we're really glad you're here we're really glad that you chose the potter's house Denver to be a part of your journey and to be a part of what God is doing in your life listen we love you this church family it's about relationship it's not about religion and if you want to know more about that high priest that is sitting on the right hand of the Father interceding on your behalf I want to invite you to come and know our Jesus as well anyone who just wants to go further maybe they've backslidden maybe you say I used to know the Lord but I got a little off sinner but as you were speaking I felt like I could find my power again we want to invite you as well because this is a church for everybody this is a church for those who know the Lord and have known him for decades and for those who were flirting with the idea of going steady but you lift your hands as we prepare to pray God you send a word for us you send a word that we cannot deny and you sent it to some of us in a season of dryness and God we thank you we acknowledge first that you were talking to us the two were speaking directly into our situation directly into our circumstance and God we ask that you would not let this moment end when the song ends but that this would be at the beginning of what you are replicating in our life God allow your spiritual DNA to begin sweeping over the hands of every lifted hand in this room right now where there was a DNA of insecurity I rebuke it right now in the name of Jesus God I call on behalf of the spiritual DNA that takes us all the way back to Jesus and I destroy strongholds represented at this altar I rebuke weapons right here at this altar I rebuke everything in anything at war with the knowledge of Jesus Christ right here in the name of Jesus I feel the presence of God I feel suicide of running down Florida Avenue because your spiritual DNA is beginning to reproduce in this place amplify it right now in the name of Jesus God allowed this to be the beginning of a new normal for their lives arrest every thought give us the power to walk away from environments that create the wrong spirit down on the inside of us and instead God amplified through worship through relationship and through this church the spiritual DNA of Christ God we want to be more like you we want to come to know you in a fresh and new way and so God we offer you our minds our hearts our patterns in our lives and we say God do that thing that you do when you breathe on a life and change it forever let us look back on our lowest moment and recognize that that was the moment when you took a small strand of our spiritual DNA and created millions of strands that changed our marriages that changed our children that changed our church and changed our country God because we know that you can do exactly that thing now if you're at this altar I just want you to repeat after me Heavenly Father thank you for Jesus thank you for the DNA of you living down on the inside of me I received my identity I am the righteousness of Christ no weapon formed against me has prospered so god help me to no longer punish myself for who I used to be but instead to walk boldly and the knowledge who you called me to be thank you for Jesus thank you for making him who knew no sin all of my sin all of my weakness all of my limitation you placed in his body and nailed it to the cross and when he was raised free and victorious I was to I lay hold of that truth I receive it I claim it changed my mind changed my spirit then shake up my life for your glory in Jesus name Amen and then can you celebrate with me remember family will see you here Wednesday night at 7 p.m. my husband will be here will worship together will continue to replicate this spiritual DNA that will create a chain reaction all over our city may the Lord bless and keep you may he make his face to shine upon you and be gracious towards you may he lift up his countenance over you and grant you Shalom Shalom in Jesus name we love you hey my friend I pray that that message blessed your life it blessed me for sure I want to also encourage you to pick up wholeness winning in life from the inside out this book is going to change your life god bless you I'll see you next time
Channel: The Potter's House of Denver
Views: 143,305
Rating: 4.903348 out of 5
Keywords: Touré Roberts, Sarah Jakes, Sarah Jakes Roberts, The Potter's House, Potters House, Potter's House of Denver, Denver, Colorado, Ministry, Bishop TD, Bishop Jakes, Bishop TD Jakes, One LA, LA, Preacher, God, Purpose, Reaction, Chain Reaction, Identity
Id: xpytqLlBuqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 33sec (3873 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2018
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