Ruby Jobs and the Strange Pay

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i decided it would be interesting to take a look at the current available jobs in ruby because i know that people are very interested in learning ruby and everybody knows that i am always interested in supporting the ruby cause so let's just jump into something i found on so we see here a few ruby jobs this is in new york city i just did a little search so here we go senior ruby on rails developer remote resort remote worker new york new york uh you have to pay them 22 000 a year so you look here on the right hand side indeed yes you must pay them 22 000 a year to work in ruby so we look down here we got another one principal software engineer uh you have to pay them 27 000 a year so that's very interesting this one there at the bottom senior full stack software engineer indeed flex staffing anyway so flex flex hours once again new york new york you got you have to pay vam 37 000 if you go to the top here's the best opportunity if you want to work in ruby in this particular senior developer job you only have to pay them thirteen thousand dollars a year so that's the one i would go for if you have your heart set on writing ruby uh in new york city then this is the job you wanna go for where you only have to pay them thirteen thousand dollars a year now on the other hand if you go do some php or c-sharp or javascript or java or python work they actually pay you as opposed to you having to pay them like in ruby that's just the weird reality of being a ruby developer these days so i have a strange thing going on with my audi so i have an audi s5 and when you're driving a german sports car it's it's the funnest thing you can possibly drive out there in terms of feeling and handle and so forth but they can be unusually inconsistent vis-a-vis their electronics so i have an older audi and i kept it because the electronics actually more sound less buggy less glitchy than the current crop of audi cars in fact i had a few audi representatives whose names shall not be named who have advised me not to buy a new one for those same reasons apparently my car with its faults is a little bit more reliable than the current crop of audi cars if you can get the problem i'm running into these days is that um i have an error that appears every now and then it's you know could appear once a month computer once in six months and it's an error where the car moves uh well i get a they call the gearbox error it's called the gearbox error and um it says you can keep driving and everything's driving but so the error would suggest that there's an issue with the transmission in the car which is a huge potential issue you don't want your transmission to go that being said when i do get this error the car is running fine everything's running fine smooth no problems and then i get this air poop and nothing happens now recently in the last uh month or two i've had that problem happen with i'm at a red light and then i go to press the gas and it's not going anywhere but everything seems fine um i put it into park and i try to put it back into drive again it still doesn't move so what i do is i just restart boop and it runs and it's like it's like resetting it's like rebooting the application and away it goes zing no problem and then no problem for a couple of months and then i had it happen one time one other time same thing i just go restart you know it goes again so i think to myself you know using the power of my nerd brain i look at this and it doesn't seem like it's a mechanical failure to me it seems like it's a software failure right it's like i'm rebooting machine boom and it works fine and no problems about seven well six years ago maybe i had a strange thing with this car as well we're out in the middle of nowhere and the car just wouldn't start refused to start i couldn't get it to start i tried everything resetting the computer turning off and on it just would not start so we had to flatbed it back into town we fly about it bedded back into town we take it to the audi dealership they work on it for a couple hours they couldn't figure it out so then they just uh detached the battery reattached the battery bing bang boom bob's your uncle cars running fine never had that problem again years and years later again they had to reboot the bloody car it seems these days when you're driving german sports cars at least audi it's kind of like driving windows xp you have to reboot the bloody thing every so often to keep it running smooth there you go so i love my audi it drives amazingly well super fun but once in a while like windows you have to reboot it to make sure you have optimal functioning a little tip
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 3,066
Rating: 4.7463412 out of 5
Keywords: developervlogs, developermentoring
Id: iQ74Ckdxay0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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