PHP is STILL King, but Ruby is the Jester!

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hey so one of the things i've been talking about for many years now is how important php is in the development world now a lot of people have been proclaiming php's depth for years and in fact i used to get into um i don't know this is pre-twitter uh you know or in the 2000s mid-2000s and so on i would talk about how php wasn't going anywhere for a whole bunch of technical reasons i won't get into now despite what people thought there is this opinion that i think is diminishing though there is this false negative opinion about php put out there by young nerdlings simply because they have this impression of what php used to be from the 1990s now modern php is every bit as capable as any of the other top languages and in certain circumstances it's better it depends on what you're doing there's no one language that's particularly better than the other overall there's no any there's no particular language that's in the you know in the tip in the top 10 or 20 that are particularly bad in anything in particular except for maybe ruby that being said um what i want to do is bring your attention to an article that was just published recently on uh ours technica brought to you by and i forget the dude's name but somebody in the audience and you can put your comment under this video if you want to take credit for bringing this to my attention so ours technica they said all right uh php maintains an enormous lead in server-side programming languages oh my god don't say it's true but it is true so let me scroll down the little chart here this paul article was published in uh september 13 2021 so you look at this little chart look at all these squeaky lines at the bottom here you get the blue and yellow and the pink and the red you got the red one here what's red red is but looks way up let's look way up and we have this green line what the green line is of course is php so let's read a little bit here one thing i'm going to point out here ruby is the only server-side web language that experienced much growth over the last decade and the closest remaining threat to php despite having a only a 6.5 percent uh but presence despite having only 6.5 percent of the presence okay that makes sense i don't know ruby is not a threat jesus christ all right so let me just look at this here so ruby is blue asp is is red php is green so here's asp up here yeah yeah ruby looks like a real threat to php so you see uh since uh 2010 a ruby php rather has gone up and it hit 80 percent it's very stable around 80 there's a little slight decline here and you see ruby um actually interestingly enough when people were trashing ruby i don't know who but when people were trashing ruby and you see uh from january 2018 it's gone up it's gone up slowly but steady it's gone up from practically nothing to next to nothing well 6.5 is nothing it's pretty good is still far more popular so let's get into the article and see what they have to say the venerable web programming language php is a source of frequent complaints and frustrations but according to a report to a report for w3 texts released today it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon i find personally you know just anecdotal i find personally people complain about php don't actually write php whereas all these people up here using php code they seem to be still using it anyhow that being said nothing's perfect the w3tx web server survey looks at four technologies used by use by site so they're looking for technologies used by site in alexa's top 10 million lists today's report includes year on year chart beginning with january 2010 running all the way through to 2021 so it's pretty good survey the survey only includes top sites not out of elitism but as one part of its efforts to avoid data skewing returns from domain parking services and spammers which would otherwise dominate legitimate websites through sheer volume so let's continue within that data set the story told is clear apart from php which held 72.5 share in 2010 and now holds uh 78.9 share as as of today only one server-side language ever broke 10 share only one other rather and that was us of course which held an impressive 24 share in 2010 but was down to 93.3 in january and 8.3 this month so if we go back to that chart is actually in quite a decline that's a pretty decent decline whereas php just kind of steady eddy you know in all fairness php is way up because of wordpress and other content management systems wordpress probably being not probably is the main reason it still doesn't take away from the fact that php is still widely used um and i think see i think wordpress in terms of being a sales platform and a content management system i still think it's by far king as far as i understand you cannot count out these technologies i know wordpress is far from sexy trust me i'm the first to go but i still use it and i know php has been very unsexy because yeah i remember when i first learned to write php code and at the time i was a very active java programmer and a freelance client basically forced me to to write in php since they had an infrastructure already invested in php so they didn't want me to start writing all kinds of java code so then they would have java code here and then php code here and what uh that's that's that's so good that's a recipe for the disaster if you own a business so that gives you guys an important rule by the way if a company has their investment in their technology stack in a particular language or a particular stack they're oriented they're java oriented they're python oriented they're php oriented et cetera they will not want to move off of that because it was just it's just a bad move technically and it's a bad move business-wise so keep that in mind when you're looking at the php job market given how dominant it is even though it's a lot of wordpress and content management systems this is going to make sure uh this is going to ensure rather that php is not going anywhere oh let me show you that chart look at this chart here right well oh my god php is not going anywhere so let us continue um let's see amongst the small fry the only truly impressive growth to be seen is in ruby which at 5.2 percent this month is still seeing continued uninterrupted growth in the w3 tech survey this might come as a shock if you're mostly familiar with ruby on rails which itself remains viable but seems to be on the decline in popularity so i guess other ruby-based implementations are coming up anyhow there doesn't appear to be any clear contender for php to worry about in w3 text results either the inexp index or absorbable decline of over years hasn't produced a significant boost in in either php or any other single language in all likelihood likelihood most of the disappearing sites already includes some php which would have resulted in a single site being counted twice in the w3 text results while having little or no impact on the other languages as service services quietly deprecate yeah it'd be interesting to see what happens it's um yeah microsoft strategy over the years since the new guy came in charge the new microsoft ceo came about their strategy has been to provide tools for developers and they become um language agnostic they say well whatever you want to code you want to call it pi5 and go for it you want to go to javascript go for it you wanna do c sharp go for it one of the things i hold on one of the things i try to do in this channel is try to elevate everybody's game to start thinking like an advanced developer not like a noob advanced developers they have their favorite languages and their favorite libraries and their favorite frameworks that's true but they also know that the job really affects which you're going to use anyhow once again i want to dispel that myth now just to show you that i am very biased with we figure ourselves we go back to my site the venerable killer php so i did a little search on ruby and i started writing articles back way back in 2006 will ruby kill php so let's click through and uh anyway so let me just read the first paragraph and i'll give you a little context here with the recent rise in popularity of the ruby programming language largely driven by the excellent but not perfect web framework called rails i've noticed a little fear in the air fear on the part of some people in the php community so will peach ruby kill php the short answer is no anyway so um back in those days you have to understand a lot of people thought that ruby was going to take over and destroy everybody else so that i wrote that in 2006 and 2008 i continued i was consistent consistent in my attacking of ruby uh yeah here we go um ruby on rails a paper dragon uh anyway i was going to start off as with some let me try again i was going to start off this off whoa let me try one more time i was going to start this off with some analogy on how ruby is like dating some hottie that turns out to be crazy but i just couldn't make it work anyway i don't know where that came from anyway so um i get into it you don't have to read this because it's going back many years but i want to show you guys that i have been consistent in my feeling vis-a-vis ruby php why did i talk about ruby and php in these pieces because at the time ruby php scripting languages php was very very big in the scripting game for small website development ruby was coming up and a lot of php people thought it was competition um anyway i argued in several articles going back i said no no no php is never going to go away don't worry about it i was right um yeah so there you have it that's the story is this a ruby bash video no not really it's just a realities well i'll give you the takeaway from this particular video so number one number one when you have a technology it's so dominant as you see with php here that means there's going to be a lot of jobs no matter what right also number two php has been around for decades now it has actually risen popularity up until 2014 but it's pretty much held the 80 percent share plus or minus one or two percent and uh there's a reason why it maintains that level because it works right if it was a disaster it would not uh hold this position it would not hold this position um so that's number two uh number three uh what you call it um what we see here in these top languages based on what's being used in the actual web you see uh you see it's php ruby java scala that's weird javascript static files that's just you know non-dynamic sites python code fusion pro these are all really really old technologies so when you're looking at technologies when you're concerned about something dated or not you have to be less concerned about programming languages in that regard so because if you look at i've showed all kinds of different lists and surveys the top 10 languages are always the same group php c-sharp c java javascript python sql sql is not a programming language but you know html css these languages the usual cast of characters in the top ten they've been around for decades and they're not going anywhere in fact python which is i think it's three decades old now it's actually risen quite a bit in popularity so when you're looking at learning programming languages you know any of the top ten are good when you're learning these languages even though they're quite old they're still the dominant players today so you don't have to be so sensitive about oh is this language new or not in fact i would argue that these languages are so entrenched they're not going to be replaced by anything really you see a little nibbling on the fringes with typescript or something like that but the point of the fact of the matter is that though these languages are not perfect especially ruby they still are good enough to get the job done and oftentimes very good at what they're doing so it's they're not going to be replaced this is kind of a lesson of software development what you have to pay attention to though are the frameworks the frameworks will come and go much more often than the languages themselves frameworks and libraries so for example at one point in time jquery was huge of course i just did a video where showing how jquery is still in high demand so there's there's two worlds often times the world of the developers the youtube developer world where they live in their youtube developer bubble world and then you have the actual jobs the actual technology people are actually implementing on real sites and real businesses and though jquery is not something i would run out and learn you know i call that a need to nerd technology it's still widely used and according to this up work survey that i just talked about in a previous video a lot of people are using it um all right that's it for now so there you go php is still king all right we'll do some thumbnails let's get the mic out you
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 2,438
Rating: 4.9175258 out of 5
Keywords: developervlogs, developermentoring
Id: caTKQr57B8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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