Top 3 Mistakes Junior Coders Make

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hey in this video i'm going to give you the top three mistakes that junior and beginner coders make so mistake number one they believe that everything that they build has to be scalable like facebook or instagram they want to always look at oh what happens if i have a million users oh what am i going to do oh my god this is not going to happen for 99.99999 percent of projects that you ever work on you do not have to worry about scale for the most part for the vast majority apps you ever work on why well you're not building the next facebook chances are likely that's number one number two technology is so fast these days whatever language you happen to work with even ruby chances are you'll never come close to hitting the load limits of a particular technology servers are so fast bandwidths are so fast the underlying technologies the languages and frameworks and libraries are so powerful that very few of you will ever come close to running into any problems so i wouldn't worry about having to scale your application i wouldn't worry about runtime speed one of my rules i've been teaching for years is that right time speed is far more important than runtime speed in development what do i mean by that how quickly you can develop an app is far more important than how fast the app will run because of the things i just mentioned another common mistake i see junior newbie developers make is they're always looking at the bleeding edge technologies and frameworks and languages they all feel that somehow there's going to be some sort of job or economic advantage by coding in some hyper new tech now sometimes that is the case but these days because software development has really plateaued in terms of the development of the technology in general of the space in general that's simply not the case anymore these days these days regardless of the language or platform you choose whether it be python or php or java or c-sharp whatever chances are they're all pretty neck and neck in terms of their ability to put out good functional and successful applications in fact you can find these days examples of ultra successful applications in just about all the technologies linkedin java instagram is i think ruby or it could be python youtube python facebook php wordpress php they can go on and on and on these languages they have their pros and cons there's no question there's certain ones that in certain circumstances are better than the other but at the end of the day you'll find that you take any language any of the top 10 languages used today which by the way most of them are like 20 years old and older they can all produce amazingly successful applications so don't be chasing after the bleeding edge tech it's not needed let the jobs and the opportunities and the job requirements determine what tech you choose not what's buzzing now on the interwebs another major mistake that noob nerdlings make is that they try to write overly complex code don't do it the difference between great developers and crap developers is great developers right very simple and easy to understand code the best engineers their designs are simple and easy and same thing with software development of course why does software have to be easy and why is the best designers excuse me why are the best software engineers why are the best coders the ones writing the simple code because they know that just about any app is going to need to be updated and if you have really complex code base that's very hard to understand and to debug and to extend and to expand you're a crappy coder i have let people go because they write stupid convoluted code strive to write really easy to understand code and you will rise quickly as a favorite developer in the team or in the business because they're going to say this person here writes really good simple code my final tip and a mistake that i see so many noob nerdlings make is that they try to reinvent the coding wheel they're reluctant to use libraries or frameworks significant number of young nerdlings who say i gotta i gotta write from scratch i'm being i'm cheating by using a framework or i'm cheating by using library this is antithetical to proper coding standards if you will in the sense that if you are a an ethical coder you will first look for libraries that are already out there frameworks are already out there because most of the time i would say 99 at a time a framework that's widely used or libraries that are widely used will be better than a code that you could write from scratch do not again do not make the mistake of so many young nerds their instinct is and it's noble i suppose it's a noble instinct i've been there to want to rewrite from scratch because you perceive perhaps there's some inefficiency or you perceive that you're somehow cheating by using other people's code guess what if you're using any language except for assembler you're using other people's code if you're using web servers you're using other people's code you're using database servers using other people's code you get the idea right so first thing you do is look to see if this code has been written already before you start looking at writing something from scratch so don't look don't look for code to write look for libraries and frameworks to implement trust me there'll be plenty of opportunity to write code and so you don't have to go looking for it in fact it's bad practice anyhow those are my tips i hope they're useful these tips are based on my 250 years as a developer trust me these are universal doesn't matter what language doesn't matter what framework doesn't matter nothing matters really these are universal principles if you keep these close to your heart you will advance much more quickly as a developer trust me
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 7,430
Rating: 4.960114 out of 5
Keywords: developervlogs, developermentoring
Id: 4Bgeumjhf4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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