C++ in Web Development?

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hey hey i'm live welcome to the stream so i'm going to jump into the subject very quickly then we'll have some random discussions and so on so first of course please confirm when you log in with your comments tell me that you can hear me say we can hear you and see you loud and clear you're always going to do sound checks when you get into it so let me know in the comments please say we can hear you we can hear you we can hear you that would be cool all right so uh cheers cheers hey friend how are you um so please confirm that you can hear me say we can hear you loudly clearly and then uh we'll jump into it and then we'll do a little q a afterwards so yeah yeah yeah i also appreciate the thumbs up yes steph we can hear you we can hear okay cool good good good all right so i was doing a uh one of the mentoring sessions today and somebody asked uh if c plus plus could be used in uh web development uh short answers well you could but you wouldn't um so if you're going to do web development you want to use some of the higher level languages like whether it be php or javascript or python or c-sharp java you're not going to be doing this in c plus plus now back in uh 19 early 1990s we used to do cj cgi cgi based development using a c so we write our little c uh code and upload it to cgi bin which is standard bit and a web server bin a standard directory other in a web server and then we would process uh requests that way but that was very early on they quickly moved on to pearl pearl-based cgi because it's just a higher level language easier to write in so why wouldn't you build stuff with c plus plus which because it's just it's not a language that has the infrastructure built into it to make web development easy now you could but you wouldn't now people might say well wouldn't you want to do in c plus plus because it's really fast yes it's really fast at run time but it's really super slow at right time there are situations where you might call c plus plus libraries and then to leverage c plus plus's innate advantages speed of processing so you might get you might make a call from say php or from c sharp or from java to a c library or c plus one library pull outside information do some processing get an output from your c plus plus code and then you would utilize the web technologies to uh you know to to display whatever c was giving you so there you go in a nutshell you wouldn't use c plus plus or web development c plus plus will be used for small device programming uh you know motherboards and hardware be used in game engine development might be used for the kernels of some ai for speed but generally speaking you're not using cgi for web development so i hope that helps all right thanks for everybody letting me know that it's clear all right here ruby12 ruby one two that's it ruby ruby one two all right so i wanted to also we'll do some q a so if you got questions so over the last i don't know what two three weeks my output of video content has been extremely low um there's a few reasons for it but one of the major reasons is i've been having uh difficulty minor health problems and don't worry nothing serious although i think i'm going to relate this little story to you because it might help you out so one day i woke up i don't know what day it was three weeks ago or so i wasn't feeling great that wasn't that was tired a little under the weather then i would start getting chest pains arm pain headaches so you start the worst thing you can do in that situation start looking things up on the web and of course you know given the way our lizard brains are designed you're going to think oh my god it's the worst thing possible so here i'm having heart attacks here but i knew better from a previous experience so this went on for a while just fatigue fatigue fatigue and i figured it was something else anyhow at one point it was going on for a second or third week and i said okay i gotta i got to us i should go to the hospital so i go to a hospital and i was there for six seven hours a bunch of tests et cetera et cetera blood tests make sure it wasn't my heart so as i suspected it was in my heart because i'm having these alternative symptoms headaches chest pain chains pains in my arms um after i'd eat i'd feel harder chest pains but at the same time i'd be able to bike up a steep hill and not breathe hard so i said how could it how could it be cardiovascular if i'm able to bite all this is very exhausting went off for weeks i never get headaches anyway long story short turns out gastric reflux so i was eating a lot of spicy food garlic i don't usually do that and also i was out playing tennis a lot in the very hot weather with no hat on and i think i also had sunstroke so i'm just coming out of it now and it's been a few weeks and so my energy is starting to come back finally so i'm still i'm taking this stuff now this helps a lot although i got some hardcore medicine from um from the doctor from the heart specialist but i didn't i didn't need to take it it's probably sex i don't like taking anything so this helps anyway i know moral of the moral of the story don't self-diagnose necessarily if you feel something's going on get checked up remember to protect yourself from dehydration especially in the hot days happening to me and don't overdo it on this food there you go that's my story i hope that helps maybe you won't i don't know hey listening from the philippines ah good good good um in your job it depends in your opinion java or python um it depends on the type of work that you're doing it depends on the demands of the job it depends on your personal likes or dislike let me tell you as a general rule i'm pretty neutral about all these technologies because i think that uh whatever technology you happen to be looking at python django java c sharp c plus plus pearl whatever classic asp it depends on the job at hand there's a lot of factors you got to look at the needs of the job the technical needs of the job there could be environmental needs not in terms of your environment outside but in terms of if you go to a company and they have a lot of money invested in the java infrastructure they're probably not going to want to move over the dot-net unless they obviously have to so those play a role and you know you in terms of your career it has to do with the type of coding you like to do some people like to do low level c coding writing code for devices other people like doing the front end with react you know and they're both good they both present a lot of job and business opportunities it just depends on which type of coding you like you have to figure out over time you know all right see me says hey steph so far i finished the html course and half the css course and i'm loving hey good man good work a lot of people don't complete what they finish whether it be cold courses or training in a gym or trying to start a business or going after a new career change you just got to keep going at it eventually if you work acknowledge where you make mistakes and continue to refine what you do you'll get there uh what was the question what was the question uh yeah where is it i just wanted to know that in the public profile section of the website where you can upload images it says it says hold on you can upload images of jpeg gif and phd types and i've tested it didn't didn't find it possible upload a jpeg someone should look into it and update the description accordingly really okay i'll take note of that a little bug there they creep in once in a while thanks for letting me know man and congratulations on completing html keep up the good work hey kate how are you hey stefan i hope you can help lighten up the mood among all the bad news recently what bad news kate oh are you talking about uh well what bad news there's a lot you know your perceptions of reality are largely dictated about by how and where you focus your attention be careful about that you know what i did uh about eight months ago so i'm just i'm i'm just taking my um my chest meds um i discovered about eight months ago eight months ago i stopped watching news for the most part you know whatever one you know whatever news you know the most uh iconic of course is like cnn msnbc versus fox for example i stopped watching it all together not that i was a big junkie or anything and about maybe last week i was at a bar or a sports bar or somewhere i know i was at a restaurant and had cnn on [Music] i watched for about 30 seconds it was so caustic it's so caustic it's like when you get out of that when you step away from it and then you look back in months and months later you go oh my god it's so caustic and on both sides so my advice to you is ignore that you know ignore that it's very damaging to your psychology you know you're again your perceptions of reality are largely dictated by where you focus yeah there's bad news all over the place unfortunately and some of us are in really bad situations and i feel for people like that and they have to extricate themselves out of there as much as possible but you yourself don't i suggest not focusing on that stuff because it affects you psychologically so yeah i hope that helps yeah just rocks you know good question can a junior dev ask for a raise after a year of joining the company have you contributed significantly do you think that you've really your have your skills leveled up quite a bit do you have good relationships with your coworkers with your boss have you made yourself a very indispensable person somebody that helps people out you want to advance in your career help people out make their lives a lot easier i'm telling you that will work wonders because if you're if you're the guy as a hush if you're the guy if they say oh we have a prom sahash will help us out so as a hash we can count on and get things done they're going to be they're going if you ask for a raise a year from a year after you know a vat they're going to want to give you a raise for sure so you have to ask yourself honestly are you like really becoming that indispensable uh employee at the company if you are then the answer is yes uh you're neutral on technologies but what about ruby on rails ah alexis yeah the the ruby on rails is a joke i i joke around because i'm not making fun of rubies per se i'm making fun of people who who put down languages and frameworks because again i i know from experience i can tell you in your own career you're going to be hopping around from technology a to b to c depending on the needs of the job so i make the ruby jokes i'm just i'm having a little fun that's all no big deal so there you go uh hello from iraq wow wow 442m thanks for watching dude cool uh i'm learning react js right now but i was thinking to move to flutter what do you suggest i would dabble a little bit with flutter see if you like it but also look at the job opportunities ultimately you may like a technology but there's no jobs in it who cares i know there are different things but i wanted to switch to mobile development well you can go react native but again look i would dabble a little look at the job opportunities see if there's any flutter jobs first spend like three days on each see if you like it you know do the hello world some basic example and see what you think and if you really like flutter as an example see if there's any jobs like there's going to be a lot more react native jobs i would imagine and flutter right now but it doesn't matter it's probably a lot a lot fewer flutter developers so it doesn't matter if there's far fewer you know you know react jobs flutter jobs this much but if there's less flutter developers then there are flutter openings you can still get a job so take a look at that uh each language is a tool you need to pick the right tool for the right job exactly exactly if you got a nail you got a hammer you're going to use a screwdriver yeah you get the idea i appreciate the thumbs up everybody it tells um it tells the google algorithm what's going on or kotlin or pwa yeah i'm i'm people know me know i'm pretty much somebody likes cross-platform solutions web stack based pwa responsive sites why because this gives you more flexibility and a lot of companies are moving to cross platform like flutter like react over native development but sometimes you need to go native c plus plus for web development that's funny unless you want you want to spend a lifetime developing product then okay c plus is only good for algorithm development use reactor angular for web yeah well front end or view exactly victor hey thanks for super chat dude coconut water on you i drink coconut water now i quit coffee that was another thing that it gives me problems my my gastric reflux too much coffee so no more coffee thank you for your videos and expertise this coffee is on me i appreciate it i will be doing your mentoring course soon i appreciate you ah thank you victor i appreciate that thanks for the super chat by the way hey steph i need help i keep language hopping similar to digital hopping every time i make progress in a language have a urge to switch do you have a job i think it's if you i i would just start concentrating on i based on what you're telling me it sounds to me like you can learn new languages fairly quickly i'm assuming you can write production level code or close to it if that's the case what i would do is i let i get away from the tech and let the jobs push you into one technology or the other get get paid to learn so i would just jump into jobs now start con switch your focus on learning this or that or the other thing and focus on how do i get a job how do i have money how do i put out a product you know and and trust me you have plenty of opportunity to find uh to learn new tech along the way uh don't do i hope you've been well man huge inspiration to myself and i'm sure to many others i appreciate that uh i'll be lurking throughout the stream man cool thanks for joining stream guys i appreciate it i do this because i enjoy it it's fun so yeah i drink a lot of water too i wasn't drinking nearly enough water that's why i was getting headaches and i never get headache hello sir hey man brakan thanks for joining stream go to dude what if the tools you're using for webdev are built on c plus pledge so you're using c plus indirectly is that a thing of course java is a part of java c plus plus and c so you're using that python i believe is written in c or c plus plus so these big parts of it uh i imagine javascript is as well so yeah c is is is there c is being used all over the place it's a stuck in it's not going to go away anytime soon uh oh yeah okay there we go i'm talking about the fall of afghanistan yeah i think that was um potentially inevitable um it's you can't it's it it's a cultural thing you have to get you have to change people's minds about stuff you know it's a very difficult situation historically you know alexander the great got stopped i recall in afghanistan the russians got stopped there the americans got stopped there and several others as well it is not a place for major empires to try to take over afghanistan throughout history is it's pretty much proven impossible so yeah somebody here know a road map for c plus plus what do you mean by roadmap start with the basics start writing code seems like a canon to kill a fly um yeah yeah yeah with regards to c and uh web development yeah uh python is built in c yeah but wouldn't you say you're working on c because how python extracts things away no you're not working on c you're going to python oh yeah yep uh let's say cb says this camera is so high quality looks fantastic well thanks i appreciate that yeah this is a canon cinema camera so it should look good uh before i was using the c300 three now i'm using a c70 because it's much more mobile it's actually better for my purposes hello oh i don't ma'am companies don't care about employers your job is as race against time my dad's friend was high up energy on his job let him go found someone who accepted less salary well you got to keep pivoting keep moving around you know you got to keep your eyes open that's why i always talk about multiple streams of income i'm a you know i'm a big believer freelancing and contracting and then if you learn about what i teach i teach about fu money i teach about money management i teach about freelancing and entrepreneurship this gives you flexibility even on the side while you're working on a full-time job maybe do a few freelance gigs you don't get the feel for that and then start learning to manage your money successfully so you're not dependent on the job in a short period of time that's the goal hyper dog gaming or dodge gaming there we go good evening stefan i just spoke with a developer in my area and he suggested i focus on learning one compiled language and one interpreter line what do you think of it as vice i think it works why not um yeah because you can look at compiled languages tend to be strongly typed they're very uh explicit in terms of the code so that will give you a different perspective about coding so examples c c plus plus java c sharp in fact gets compiled not in the same way c plus plus and then interpreted javascript python php ruby you know yeah that works um not absolutely necessary but it will work uh is the real money for six plus is in quant finance potentially still hey steph your videos are so relaxing and informative hey i'm glad i could help jack that's cool and uh i get that hello what i miss i talked about it in the beginning the subject usama um short answer is c plus plus is not used directly in web designer development but you can just watch the beginning of the stream and you see i get right into the answer right away uh yeah yeah how are thumbs doing here we go yeah if we could try to get get the thumbs up just a little bit guys again google algorithms thank you solomon i appreciate it i appreciate you guys coming on i enjoy doing this can you call see and c suppose libraries using python it's called binding yes you can sorry yeah of course you can you can call uh c plus plus with php with java i'm sure with c sharp do you have any experience with angular no i only looked at it briefly and i think angular is something it would be only for very large teams and projects that's my memory of it but no i'm not an angular person what is the minimum configuration you recommend for flutter development i have an i7 a gig ssd but windows alone use four and flutter as virtual devices use more than my a-game so get up to 16 gig can you put more an extra 8 gig in your laptop or in your computer i always recommend for development or any computer really if you're going to spend money you spend money on ram try to get minimum 16 gigs and next thing is on ssd so if you can get another eight gig in there it should solve your problems yeah i feel like learning c plus flush for game development but i feel it will be harder to get into game into a gaming company compare if i learn java instead and look at for java jobs well there's going to be a lot more jobs in java you know i couldn't say that i was about to say something there are more java jobs you just look at all the listings or more java jobs but there could be java server development that most of it or android development most of it where c plus plus is all over the place small devices engine development but gaming there's very few there's relatively few gaming companies but you know what learn it start applying you know start doing some snooping around to figure out what the gaming companies are looking for in terms of coders see what they say they're you know check out the job listings don't go in there blind just go to indeed.com find job listings gaming and click see what they're doing and then study accordingly is c plus plus good for back end uh not for web development no but you know c plus plus again watch the beginning of the video i won't rehash it here and you'll see the answer java is everywhere my opinion is that java would be easier to get into the field yeah well there's more java jobs so there's last time i say last last time i checked i'm getting my energy back so that's good that's good how do i get my energy back drinking more water i'm six two so i need to drink two and a half three liters a day i was drinking hardly anything i cut out my coffee i cut out my spicy food because i got uh gastric reflux problems so i gotta take this kind of stuff and uh of course sleep well and so on and lots of exercise i try to walk five kilometers a day uh hey steph from uk cool do you think it's risky for a junior developer to have extra part-time job around 50 hours or is it too much to do 60 hours development junior excuse me 60 hours of development for a junior dev see how your body and mind can handle it you know depends on a lot of developers especially if they're working for some high profile companies they could do 60 80 hours just working for one company so if you can manage it make some extra money and doesn't interfere with your work then do it why not you know now when my advice to you guys if you're especially young you're just getting into it when you start making that money as a developer and you will make more money than just about any other jobs which is even in the beginning and it starts it ramps up really quick in the first two to three years don't make the mistake of spending all that money get in the habit of saving start saving 10 then 20 and then 30 percent you know so if you're if you're paying i don't know say 500 a month rent well i'm just using our even number and now son you can afford two thousand dollars a month rent don't make the mistake of jumping into the two thousand dollar a month apartment uh start saving all that extra money you know and so you can save for a down payment on a piece of house or something or condo the earlier you get into the investing habit the quicker you hit financial independence you know so you can do it very quick i talk about that in my money course you can check out all the videos where i talk about that best payment api for subscriptions um i use paypal and i use stripe i find stripe is overall better they have all the code there for you so just grab it just dump it in your site so i would uh yeah yeah yeah stripe is easier for development purposes but they both work have you discussed c plus plus apis or webdev or websockets which you which do you like have you i didn't discuss that i just as a general rule uh c plus plus in the web space is a tertiary thing it's way out there in the fringe you know it's not often and that you directly use it but it can be exactly as you suggested via api uh your lessons are so nice and slow great for beginners i'm glad it could help good yeah yeah trust me by the time you get through my uh fun foundation courses you actually get into beginner intermediate level so it takes you you learn a lot there's hundreds of lessons in those courses hundreds of lessons as you know and over a thousand quiz questions nobody in the game nobody in the game has as deep uh as deep it goes as deep in with regards to the quizzing the inline code challenges and the uh the breadth of videos hundreds of lessons and there's a purpose to that you got to break it up into chunks reinforce the lessons with quizzing and cold challenges but there are literally a thousand of those and there's it's lots of iterations that's why people learn so quickly hey what kind of development can i do with c plus plus whenever i have someone they just say can build os compiler blah blah blah but nobody actually tells me what a beginner can build to get better at it um it's such a broad-based language you could build anything you know you could use it to build apps you know you could use it to build windows apps you could use it to build uh start writing c code for small devices for raspberry pi computers you start off like anything in like in this life you start off with simple simple things and you start building your way up in terms of complexity so learn the basics of c plus from a course or a book or whatever it is and then start trying to do simple things like you know get a raspberry pi computer to uh i don't know to send a a network connection or something you know and then you just build up from there c plus plus coding is typically very low level coding meaning doing uh you know processing a lot of data having algorithms uh handling basic input it's it's its own thing does learning html js vue.js and php in mysql ever make you a freelance or full stack there's no freelance versus full stack it's they're not it's like apples and oranges a freelancer just somebody who who uh gets jobs freelancing it could be writing c could be writing view it could be doing uh it could be doing full stack you're doing front end or could be taking photo photographs or it could be doing video freelancing is it's it's it's has it's nothing specific to coding a freelancer is just somebody who's hired to do jobs that's all um so you could use full stack like the most the most jobs you're going to find in freelancing is full stack development wordpress development shopify development that kind of stuff the web and php are king in the freelance coding world uh if you could go back in time when you were 20 with all your present memories intact and get to relive your life would you change anything um that's a good question because i like where i am now so all my decisions the good and bad have led me here it's an unknown because if i would have went in another direction there's friends i would have not probably have met and that would be regretful because i enjoy i like my friends or i wouldn't have i wouldn't have had certain experiences but i'm glad i had so that's question but of course i'm like a lot of people sometimes i go yeah i should have done that or i could have done this or could should have done that of course of course but i'll tell you what as a general rule i say i'll tell you guys this i regret nothing i've done even my total failures but i regret having done not done certain things so you know doing is to me the key even not failure so i regret nothing i've done i've only regret things i did not do but maybe they were good who knows you know maybe i would have done something i would have you know fallen off the side of a mountain or something who knows that's a good question though uh is there a moment that we reach almost the end of the technology advancing or the more the technology event slower and slower good question the web stack in terms of development has pretty much plateaued for the most part in my opinion so whether you're developing uh in ruby or go or java or c sharper php or python javascript whatever it's pretty much the same as it's been for years now many years now what has changed in the last five years uh even like devops is pretty stable now devops has stabilized i say seven eight years now uh deployment and server deployments are much more sophisticated today like which what you do today what you can do today rather is uh far more advanced than what you did maybe 10 years ago although the way we did things 10 years ago we still do that quite a bit now today so yeah i think that once you have a good firm understanding of development in general you have a good firm understanding of a couple programming languages it all becomes it's like when you become a great i don't know race car driver you can get behind the wheel of any car and drive it really well now even the new models that come out right all right so we got here uh most of the udemy courses have jquery in them do you think i should pass them even if jquery is dead um past them i think you should do my courses instead then you don't need to do any udemy courses that being said yeah don't spend too much i have two silos i have two categories of technologies to learn i have the key technologies you got to learn so if you're doing web stack to be html5 css3 some javascript databases sql if you're doing freelance would be php maybe node with express and then i have a category of technology what i call need to nerd meaning you only learn them if you have to so jquery is now need to nerd you may once in a while run across some simple stuff with jquery but it's not what it used to be so i wouldn't put much effort into jquery just skip it or maybe spend 10 minutes on jquery and that's about so you understand what it does and when you run into it you oh yeah this is jquery but that's about it if you try to learn even half of what somebody will tell you out there in the nerd zeitgeist oh you got to learn this oh we got to learn this oh you got to learn this you'll find yourself quickly stuck in um tutorial hell you don't want to be stuck in tutorial hell because you'll find quickly enough it's impossible to learn even 10 of what's out there nobody knows more than that so you have to kind of pick your battles that's why i try to teach people in my training i teach the foundations and then you have to specialize based on job opportunities or particular job at hand as i've told people many times when i was freelancing in the last few years especially i would walk into a to see a client for the first time and i wouldn't have any expectations in terms of what language i was going to use or what framework i was going to use i sit down with the client based on the needs of the job based on what their infrastructure was i would pick a technology stack that was relevant for that particular job and often times i would learn something new based on the needs of the job i hope that helps when i started learning coding i remember being terrified thanks to you now it keeps getting easier and easier alright cool i'm glad i could help man keep up the good work just remember try to do at least 20 minutes a day you know even on those days you don't feel like it just do 20 minutes that's why the studio web like my course my courses all the videos are like five six minutes each and a few quiz questions so you can you can just pop in there do a couple lessons do some quizzing do some code writing you're out in 20 minutes and you've you've moved the ball forward you've you've progressed a little bit the key is just to keep the momentum going somebody's racing their cars outside hey steph is it okay to build projects as a beginner using github code done by other developers yeah that's how you learn that's how you learn you know um don't use it in production code unless they've uh the other developers have [Music] made it open source but in terms of learning sure that's how you learn hey good morning nazeem good morning stefan how can i find job offers outside of the u outside of the u um you got to get yourself a good website up up there get a good linkedin profile i don't mention that enough make sure your resume is up to date and make sure you apply for jobs that align with your skill sets if you're a good got a good ability with python don't be applying to c plus plus jobs right you gotta know uh i want to get into software development but i have been hearing nightmare stories from my friend who works for a startup in the bay area i don't know exactly what she does but she says that they uh overwork her and underpay her is this common thing among software developer jobs it's not so it's not uncommon in startup culture i'm 15. oh so you have terrible that's a great age you got tons of time you have a terrible amount of time that's great i'm 15 so i have a lot of time to think about it is this what i am i want do not want so first of all startups will work people really hard that's why they like startups will typically hire younger people because they know younger people don't have lives don't have families and kids to go to number one number two they typically will do that because they'll promise you stock options or shares in the business so that's the payout so startups could be high risk but they could be very profitable if you're in the right startup you know all the first uh employees of microsoft and apple and sun microsystems and facebook and instagram they're all very wealthy now because they were there from the beginning so you're 15 you're quite young so i wouldn't worry about that right now um yeah let me continue to answer your question so yeah that's a startup thing but if you work for a normal software company depends on the company but generally speaking no generally speaking you'll have more normal hours start up a special thing but you get that potential payoff with a startup but you're so young i would just concentrate on learning how to code get and get your coding chops going and then start doing some little jobs for people installing wordpress uh configuring the shopify and continue from there and then you can start making money within the next couple of years and that's how you're going to be able to decide whether or not you like to code what type of environment you like to code you know working for a startup can be exciting if it's a good startup so i hope that helps but keep going man that's good it's good don't worry about that it's good that you're thinking about it you know thinking about your future and strat planning but don't worry about it right now let's see what's going on seems like there are more jobs for java developers because of the spring frame well spring is the predominant framework of the day as far as i know last time i checked uh so yes yes yes yes hey stephane do you think there's a big enough job market for developing ai and or machine learning software i would say yes um i don't think it's gonna like the web went like this the web was like it started off and then it's really skyrocket in popularity ai is is big there's a lot of money being invested ai but i don't think it's going to rocket ship as quickly as the web i just because of the use cases but there's plenty of opportunity you can't go wrong with that so i wouldn't be too concerned if you're like ai try it out if you like it i'm sure you'll find work well uh cfosplus is awesome but very code intense to get simple things up and running yeah pretty much that's what it is you use c plus plus when you absolutely have to because you need that performance uh with learning c sharp in my spare time in addition to the language helped me become a better dev a little bit perhaps because you'll see how c sharp how they do things see when you can compare and contrast different programming languages that will give you a better idea about programming in general but you guys want to you want to get you want to get into the real jobs as quickly as possible that's the key yeah pretty much pretty much let's see what we got uh okay we got that hello hello ozzie how are you cheers welcome to the stream uh [Music] did you do php i'm just going through some questions see what's coming up here how are we doing for time almost 40 minutes wow time flies all right i'll be answering a few more questions and i'll be uh i will be uh getting off i feel good when learning python programming because language because i i come from a scientific profession which is fisheries and aquaculture oh very cool because it gives me much hope in its diversity and its applicability yeah that's where python python is kind of like the glue of the programming world they use it all over the place i have fisheries in aquaculture i used to actually i used to work on centralized filtration systems for public aquariums and uh i used to be an importer of tropical fish i used to supply uh fish from south america and africa and asia to public aquariums and zoos in north america way back in the day and we used to uh deal in zeolites and ionic red ion ionic exchange resins carbons and other filtration systems foam fractionators that kind of stuff i think we saw kevin before was kevin on here kevin hey kevin how are you good evening kevin kevin from florida that's cool all right let's go down how can i make my own payment api using python why would you want to you could you know it um what you want to uh there's always you always gotta have a business application right before you jump into anything particular uh pointers are super important to learn how they work and what they do yeah and c for sure c plus plus for sure yeah don't need to do that in the higher level languages if you stop using php after a month i forget the entire syntax then reading php becomes a battle yeah well you just gotta write a little bit more code like anything else you know once you've written enough code it it becomes second nature to you what is your experience with paired programming or extreme programming i've experimented with that i find it can be useful in not full time like i would you know perhaps if you're doing some really complex stuff where two coders at the same time might make sense but if you're writing a lot of just standard code boilerplate code i wouldn't do paired programming i like tight iteration cycles for sure and maybe if you run across a bug a hard to understand bug then maybe two guys could get together two coders can get together rather and figure it out yeah do you think the influx of junior devs will start to push salaries down no because the demand for devs just keeps going up so yeah yeah aloha christie welcome to the stream twice in the same day uh outside seats plus and python what language would you recommend for cloud architect or engineer you know i think it would probably depend on the cloud uh you're working on i would imagine azure and this is just a guest they probably leveraged c sharp quite a bit there uh so yeah um if oracle does oracle have a cloud i'm not sure um yeah i would just look at the particular cloud architecture see what they're they're interested in i would imagine in azure world in microsoft world c sharp will be big uh google i imagine they're doing it with a few languages you know so i couldn't say off top of my hand i think it's specific to the cloud uh what do you think is the worst downside of python nothing's perfect there's pros and cons with every technology some of its personal tastes like i don't like the way they uh define cold blocks in python using indents and spacing i rather use curly braces that's just me is coding gadgets like arduino or cars is it more difficult than computer programs that than computer program no it's just different you know you're going to be coding arduino and cars probably probably with c c or c plus plus you know this is different uh are you vaccinated i am i am i had to i got the vaccines because um i won't be able to go out if i don't have them we're having laws up here in montreal it's 33 year old too old to start learning programming no not at all because you can you can be up and running with your first job within a few months to a year and you're still quite young so i would say jump into it try it it doesn't hurt you can't you can't you're not hurting yourself by learning something valuable like coding can you be too old to start learning to code i'm thinking about changing career probably a lot of people ask about it i feel like there are so many kids calling already and i'll never find a job because of it no it's got to be good transition though transition into it meaning if you're working now start learning a code i always suggest start 20 minutes a day just 20 minutes a day pick it up and uh you'll start to learn how to code yeah yeah yeah what am i looking for here now okay uh is learning linux for server-side essential is it and is it difficult no it's got to learn the basic syntax it's not essential you may find yourself uh doing a type of development where you never have to do much more than just push files to a server i don't believe that developers should be server devs i just don't at some point every now and then and the the cycle changes everybody figure you got to learn everything about configuring servers i think that's nonsense and it's not just me aws google digitaloceans amongst others they're providing turnkey server solutions so you can just concentrate on what you're supposed to do is write apps not configure servers uh yeah yeah static types are uh it could be easier just to read the code right but yeah google cloud python is the best what social media platforms are good to be on as a freelancer in terms of publicity linkedin uh freelancer linkedin miles more job a freelancer maybe facebook depends it depends um yeah if you have skills all over the place do you think that could impact your ability to get a job you have to have something that you're you've got deep knowledge of a particular language you don't want to be like a lightweight in five programming languages you want to be able to most importantly you got to be able to show um completed jobs completed jobs so people are going to be much more impressed with oh i've done work i did this freelance job and look what i did here i did this freelance job or implemented stripe and i put it into the django app or implemented stripe inside of php or i created a plug-in and wordpress for this person here they're going to be much more impressed with that than i know php i know c sharp i know java i did three courses on this and that they're much more impressed with you showing real projects wow and debts are really painful in python yeah you need a good ide you can look at pycharm i think ps code has a good plug-in for python now okay how are we doing for time all right almost 15 minutes crowd i appreciate the thumbs everybody why not juice you php laro for all web development that's what i do we like php and it's it laravel makes php laravel is the key to php success a big part a big part of it in terms of app development it would be nice to make a video on projects for c plus developer folio looking for big companies you studied a big company each big company has a different need right they're doing different things you might find a big company is doing ai kernel development if you will i call it the kernel i know what they call it in that space and that type of c plus plus development very different but if you work for another company where they're doing hardware we're writing c plus plus code for their their mice or something you know so check out the company see what they need and then base your job hunts on that db says i have a degree in statistics with the cs minor and i'm currently working as a data analyst in your opinion what's to actually learn quick to quickly transition to swe i'm currently in chicago swe the software define swe my mind is drying a blank right now uh software web development i don't know let me know what that means uh our excuse our junior devs and is our junior jeb excuse me our junior debt is 30-something and was an i.t guy before crossing over rest of us over 40. i went professional 41 so no time is too late so there you go there's your answer so uh no problemo what is your favorite ide or text editor my opinion would change over time right now i would look at vs code this uh microsoft that's a good one but if you're doing like c sharp i would probably use visual studio from microsoft as an example you might want to consider pycharm from jet print some jet brains the company for python intellij for java from jetbrains depends what you're doing uh what do you think what do you mean about jetpack compose with kotlin as a multi-platform in future i don't know i would have to look at it but i don't think it's going to supplant web for multi-platform that's just me as oops [Music] as expert how long it takes for a new developer to get out from tutorial hell it depends on the individual i've had people as quickly as three months and i have people who started in a few months they were doing jobs like wordpress jobs and shopify and then they said you know what i don't like that so they transition and they're transitioning now into python and django um it depends on the individual i don't know how much effort you're going to put into it i don't know your predispositions or attitude aptitudes um the key is is to not try to learn everything the key is to get your fundamentals and then jump into the real deal um the analogy i always like to make is i used to do a lot of martial arts boxing judo and wrestling and a whole bunch of other things for decades in fact and i used to compete and so on and i remember the story i tell i i went to when you go to a gym some gyms i was training in an mma gym we had professional fighters we had world champions in there at least one and there's a group of people who would do the boxing or the thai boxing where they would do the classes they would do the pad work and the drills they'd hit the heavy bags and i call these people the pad hitters it's kind of like being a tutorial hell they never wanted to jump into the ring and actually fight because they're always i got to work on my technique and work on my technique and they were always worried about getting into the ring the irony is though if you want to get good you got to get into the ring as quickly as possible that's how you develop your skills and your technique same thing with coding i structure my whole training regime whether it be in my mentoring program or my solo learning courses on that principle get your basics down get your foundations down plus a little bit more then you want to get into the ring otherwise you'll be stuck in tutorial house so being stuck in tutorial hell it's more about your strategic your plan your tactical or your strategic plan to getting to becoming a paid money-making developer and the plan is to get into real world projects as quickly as humanly possible and that means you don't want to be caught i got to learn this before i do it i got to learn that before i do it no no when you learn one thing you can let's say develop a website that's responsive you can do basic credit operations with let's say php and do some basic validations with javascript maybe a little ajax or with javascript you're ready to go do you know everything not even close but you're ready to go to jump in because your job partly as a developer as you when you're first starting out is to learn new things that's okay right you got to be you know in fact in my pro courses i released the html5 pro and the other ones are coming out now one of the things i teach is when to use stack overflow how to use google to do searches for your answers how to check for errors and stuff and how to use error messaging to advance your knowledge and we did that today a little bit in the mentoring session just looking at the error message understanding what the uh what the server is spitting back at you in terms of errors so you can figure out what it is is causing the problems and you can't learn that through tutorials you learn that by doing jobs oh by the way people ask me about my camera so watch this this is what i'm looking at behind the scenes so projected so i'm using a cinema camera here you see that box on my head that's the ai based ai based autofocus so it's it's using machine learning to differ differentiate between a face and an object so i put an object here speak it's able it's smart enough most of the time to know that this mouse here is not a face because i set the camera right now to say track faces so it's tracking my face so as i go back and forth this is this is all recent technology so this is ai live live ai so the code to operate this camera to show you all these statistics all these things that's going on uh it's all probably done in c plus or c i would imagine because it's on a camera so there you go um i know if guys i think i figured you guys might find this interesting uh this little chart here the green chart this is showing how my exposure is doing how whether i'm well lit in the face or not it's kind of cool so anyway there you go a little behind the scenes look at the uh the camera doodad i'm working at i'm i'm working with rather all right uh just showing down we go down i'm learning code for side projects i think it's a great thing to know if you want to make personal projects for yourself and by doing it you understand the modern world around you a little better exactly that's exactly what it's all about if you even if your goal is not to be a professional developer by learning about it it's such a valuable skill it's it will reward you tenfold 100 fold in your life just learning how to code even you don't intend to code like learning the basics about a car understanding you know you know i've had my car for a while now my audi and just understanding the audi understanding its quirks understanding engine understanding how it feels it's super knowledge it's super valuable to me even though i'm not a mechanic knowing you know how the you know how the engine you know how the battery works it's how it packs things so coding does give you the same similar advantage but a hundred fold so yeah i would definitely agree with that statement so yeah you ran out of money dude um what's going on what's going on let's go on what other developer career paths can i take then when web development and app develop that other than excuse me other than web development and app develop what other developer career paths can i take other than web and app development well there's many others you could become a python scriptor for example a friend of mine work for animation house and to to manage all their rendering computers to render all the videos and stuff for using games and commercials and movies in fact they they control all those rendering computers the render farm via python you know so you could be a python scripter you could be a python scriptor to automate all kinds of server-side tasks um just a couple examples i'm thinking of uh you could be an ai developer you know developing ai probably in c or python you could be a small device programmer there's so many different areas so many different areas that's where you got to figure out twice once you understand your basics once you can get past that and get by and you understand it then you have much you have what i call the nerd eyes the nerd eyes will allow you to discern reality of the the landscape rather and you'll be able to figure out what's good for you [Music] we have a lover of vs code estefan from iran yeah very good web development only java web development is a lot of java a lot of javascript a lot of php some python uh let me go down a little i'm gonna be wrapping up the stream it's been over an hour time flies uh uh well that's a good reason right there you can get a certificate from udemy they're they get zero impact because there's no testing in the certifications and even with certifications where there is actual testing like studio web certifications which schools use i still say that certifications proper certifications with testing are worth maybe this much good portfolio is worth this much so concentrate on a good portfolio and certifications with no testing are worth zero because everybody knows there's no testing uh but that's cool good whatever inspires you man all right i think i had another super chat i should get to edward i've been coding for five plus years and can't find a job now i'm on java and using laravel for years off topic but i don't love it i'd quit okay so you love java okay it's interesting you can't find jobs yeah well figure out why you can't find jobs just because there's so many coding jobs out there it could be uh you're you're applying for jobs or not related to your skill set it's hard to say but keep working on it man you'll find jobs at some point i got hired by ruby shop to write python that's cool uh i came across all this about a week ago and decided to follow my strong urge to dive in and act on it so i ordered a laptop can't wait to get it and physically start my journey love your videos hey cool divine well congratulations again once you get your laptop um the hardest part about learning develop the hardest part about learning to code and develop is the first few months the first few weeks so just do 20 minutes a day and get the ball rolling don't worry if you hit roadblocks where it's a little frustrating that's normal don't worry drink a lot of water give your time give yourself time to let things sink in so you can learn how to think like a developer so i'm trying to answer i'm trying to figure out what your question is edward here now i'm now i'm on a jab after using level for years off topic but i didn't but if i didn't love it i'd quit ah okay fair enough fair enough hmm i've been coding five plus years now you say you've been coding for five plus years have you gotten any jobs as a developer or you just got laid off uh see once you learn your basics of code then you gotta get into the real world because there's a lot of skills outside that you can't learn from a course vis-a-vis making money with code so that's why it's another reason i want people to get into code as fast as possible in the real world hey from syria hey man welcome is vim and emacs used for large projects depends on the company it's all company specific uh if you're going to be designing websites you should learn at least the basics the basics of graphic design very basic basic color principles alignment principles basic page layout principles you have to go crazy that's ux and ui you may find that you may find that that helps a lot lack of portfolio i'd imagine i'm not a talented ui developer so you should use templates in that situation but i can solve almost any problem also many of the dev jobs in my area require security clearance military talent ah there you go just keep working on it dude keep refining keep refining uh spend a decent amount of time looking at the jobs out there don't blindly pursue learning a tech without that decision being supported by using job opportunities or money making opportunities to kind of balance that out trust me once you get into the real world of coding you'll find that the the job will pull in all kinds of different directions all right is hacking related to basic programming uh it can't depends and it's vaguely related sometimes these people will just exp just be able to understand how to exploit uh certain vulnerabilities without not necessarily being a developer i am going to community college for free and taking cs classes after watching your videos i'm not going to go to university it's not worth the money these days i'm going to learn on my own very cool man friend yeah just get keep keep working at it write code every day and try to get into the real world as quickly as possible code start offering your services free the more experience you can build up the better off you're going to be so cool man should watch my videos on fu money and how to get a coding job in seven steps it's on youtube and if you really want to get into you can get my money course which is on my site but yeah i've only done a few jobs for local businesses nothing impressive i should have used a more linear learning track but i get better every day thanks for the advice that's cool man yeah just it's good you've done a few gigs put up a website make sure you profile that you've worked with real clients and just keep you know don't shoot for the big jobs yet just do a bunch of little jobs and slowly you'll get more and more complex jobs next thing you know you'll have all kinds of opportunity oh i was busy when the stream started what i missed out you're gonna have to watch the replay i've been at it for over an hour my voice is getting hoarse what are the most common problems people may face when migrating from high level interpreted language to c plus memory management memory management and you might get frustrated with the which the how much time it takes to get things done in c plus plus uh yeah so memory management and pointers uh what do you do when you cannot find a solution on google books start talking to people i've never but i've never run across a situation where that happened personally maybe on forums and i don't know if you're i have a problem with django go to the django forums user communities specific to the particular stack you're working on how is a job how is it a job where software engineering needed rv senior roles danielle i'm not sure what you're saying you know in the software world they really pay attention to more uh your practical skills that you can show if you can show that you can do something that's what will get you hired not the degree so much so it's very skill oriented and the reason it is because software development it's very tangible things are very tangible and immediate in terms of the results if you write good code it works if it works the business works but if you can't write the code you got enough the business doesn't work right assuming you know assuming that the code that you're writing is key to the business so it's very very boots on the ground if you will it's very tangible as a result businesses pay much more attention to what you can show that you can do because they just want to get the job done [Music] i like statically typed languages much more i can see that with learning typescript be a good idea i hate javascript it's my understanding many companies have moved to typescript for scalability many large scale companies may have moved the typescript um again um it's job specific you know if you know if you can learn a little typescript you know just to get your your your hands wet with it if you will but again i it sounds to me like you you you're not a code i'd be concentrating on just securing work and if you see his typescript job apply to it learn some typescript and when you go in for interviews say yeah i know typescript i just i did a lot of javascript i've just been learning typescript no problem it comes to me easy let me take it from there okay yes dan you are correct sir best way to get a raise is to change jobs yeah i've seen that so many times asking for raise i think is the worst way you can contribute tons to a company then they either give you breadcrumbs or let you go depending on the company but yeah it's very common very common where for people to get to rise up the ranks they have to go from company a to b to c then back to a you know that happens so often it's it's it's not funny uh you should be able to show so the question is how much a junior junior should know before apply for job you should be able to show that you can do real work so i always tell people once you got your basics done you should go out there do two to three little projects for free and that is uh that's how you're going to learn i'm 43 what course do you recommend for me please check my link below i have a a mentoring program which is my most comprehensive training where you get coaching sessions and so on and i also have solo loon courses which are very inexpensive check them out links below this video uh you'll learn how to call for sure uh it's a studio web project so you probably want to do the web stack stuff uh no not probably definitely want to do the web stack stuff what can i show what can i show here not that hold on where is it i'm going to show this guy bear with me guys sorry about this no it's not that boy oh boy where's my hold on here we go give me a second studio webb this is the school log in when we go store so if you're a beginner go to packages i would probably do my web developer package 39 bucks very expensive hundreds of training lessons hundreds of training lessons and you can read some of the comments i do my uh my uh testimonials now i get them i put them all from google now i think uh it's a little bit more legitimizing so you can check out all the various comments on google anyway so check it out if you want to know the code i would recommend this course here very expensive and you learn everything you need to get going with regards to uh development all right hope that helps all right i think we're good for the night uh what are we doing okay hour and fourteen minutes i'm a little tired thanks for joining stream guys i appreciate it if you do like the stream give it the thumbs up if you haven't uh i'll leave with this um golang is a need to nerd tech if there are jobs learn it um i know people like it but i don't think it's going to become super wide stream thanks christie for the plug i appreciate it and uh christy is part of the mentoring group and uh let's see and with friend my school's curriculum has me taking four physics classes for cs what does physics have to do with cs absolutely nothing unless you get into certain types of very specialized programming that 99.9 developers don't do unfortunately um in the universities and colleges they have a lot of courses that they have you do because they want to have you do a lot of courses uh ruby joke uh i appreciate that i'm glad i could help uh thanks for your great advice no problem thanks for joining stream guys i appreciate the thumbs and i like i appreciate when you guys share my videos have a good night take care remember to drink your water remember to do a little bit of coding every day if you're learning don't get discouraged if you're looking for jobs take your time you have to think of when you're going after work for the first time it is a job to apply for jobs you got to to work on it so bonus everybody from around the world i was going to kick that people from iran iraq and syria and pakistan and u.s over the u.s and europe and asia watch the streams africa fantastic very cool cheers guys you know i'll leave you with my asmr boat do i have my asmr boat here um no unfortunately not
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 8,967
Rating: 4.9699998 out of 5
Id: HZYbo1y_YdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 2sec (4622 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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