RTX 4060 | Helldivers 2 Performance Review. 1080P, 1440P, 4K

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for today we're playing hell divers 2 and with the ARX 460 and we'll start it off at 1080p at the max settings all right let's pause the game here options here we are again at the max settings and for upscaling it's disabled as you can see right there so here we on the first planet it's decently intensive it's got a little vegetation everywhere which normally is quite heavy on the GPU and FPS wise so far in the mid 60s and the low 60s I've seen this go as high as like the 70s and the 80s in those easier scenes and overall the game doesn't stutter doesn't lag it's been quite good overall since I've been playing the game and yeah the game looks quite nice I wouldn't say it's next gen to be honest it really looks like a PS4 game at least at this resolution um as you can see the grass here doesn't look great it's pretty low quality and the anti- Ling is very soft looking so I'm not a big fan of that either but it's a decent looking game and obviously much better than the first one all right where's the objective it's got to keep going this way there's no enemies here though it's quite quiet and yeah for the vram guys we using up 5.6 gigs it's quite light which is nice to see and system Ram is at 17 gigs so you're all around doing quite well and the game again is very smooth there's no stutters it's playing quite nicely here we go calling some enemies on screen FPS falls down into the high 50s there still quite fun to be honest the game isn't lagging or anything it's definitely playable oh the M50 is there move please I am playing solo here if I have teammates this would be way easier but that's all right throw a grenade oh yeah all the effects on screen still again though it's feeling quite good definitely playable so yeah is is this game on PS5 only I feel like it is right and if that's the case I wonder why cuz again this game doesn't look NextGen I feel like it could be playable on a PS4 or PS4 Pro or something but I don't know okay let's pause it here enable upscaling and see if 60 FPS stable is actually doable I can't pause the game here uh cuz game is online only so I'm going to die and just reset okay back in here again with the quality preset for upscaling and to be honest the game looks pretty good still a bit softer but again it's very similar which is nice and FPS wise so far in the 70s and the 80s again pretty good let's head back to that area again to the objective ow and see if we fall below 60 FPS I feel like it shouldn't but regardless let's try it out and see if it does now there's no one here oh there we go someone's here let's kill this guy a nade will do he he dead sounds like it what's the objective here the eggs okay the eggs get the eggs out of here it's kind of satisfying I'm low on ammo and I can't read what I need to do for resupply I'm guessing it's down down to here we go put this down right here FPS is in the 80s quite nice stop it go away 70s here I'm okay I'm fully out of ammo now move I can't move oh I'm getting slowed down side step okay I need some healing ASAP see there we got 1080P and the ultra settings the game is definitely playable it does fall below 60 FPS at times but if you use the upcal mode you can have a decent looking game that plays at above 70 FP pretty much on average I would ideally go into the settings and disable the anti- Ling because it does look very soft as you guys can see it looks sharper here but it's a bit overdone so I would lower the sharpness here a little bit and trying to find the middle ground of softness and sharpness to have a nice looking image so yeah let's back out play at 440p and try again and back here again so far in the low 50s it's to be expected but again it's not too bad at all the aiming feels quite decent the graphics look way better I think the bushes here aren't amazing still but at least the game looks sharp looks very crisp and again guys there's been no stuttering it's been very smooth in that regard oh yeah here we go FPS is down into the mid 40s here crazy mid 40 is in this section still it isn't too bad I would say I think on a controller it's definitely playable but on keyboard and mouse obviously it's going to be kind of tough could play 40 FPS it's getting kind of rough here guys there's a lot of enies here oh the low 40 is here that is crazy yeah at this point it's pretty tough to aim but still can be done and still there's been no stutters I should use my abilities here but again I can't see it from the overway so I'm just going to try and survive with the gun alone hopefully I don't die back here again now with the city preset for upscaling and so far we are in the 60s below 60s so it might fall down below this please am I dead I'm so done here yeah they got me so quickly so much better way above the 40s the aiming on keyboard and mouse feels amazing watch should say amazing but way better than sitting at 40 FPS that's for sure now there's a high chance that you fall below this this in a heavier scene but on this planet it does hold 60 FPS for the most part all right time for 4K guys let's back out try it again and see 4K 60 FPS is doable at all with this card all right 4K time store the max settings and so far guys the game looks incredible at 4K it truly shines looks super nice it just looks amazing at 4K at 1080p it looks kind of mid if I'm being honest but 4K again looks amazing where you guys at let's see it all right move out the way oh there we go falling a bit under the mid 20s now the low 20s there for the vram using up seven gigs here and system Rams at 18.5 so you're pretty well optimized in that aspect but your FPS y is at 4K it is unplayable let's pause it here enable upscaling I'm going to go with the performance mode and see what we can do there all right performance upscaling at this point the game looks hm about the same as 1080p to be honest a lot softer and grass quality is definitely lower again but FPS wise we are sitting in the in the mid 250s here I'm dead again this is crazy so yeah if you're playing at 4K ideally play at the medium settings for example instead of playing at Ultra and instead of using performance mode use the balance mode or the claing mode instead and here's an example of that it's a mix of medium and high and for display we got using the quality mode and as you guys can see the game looks much better far sharper and looks far closer to the 4K resolution and yeah FPS wise in the 50s and the mid 40s it seems like it's pretty decent for 4K to be honest now I'm not sure how stable this will be but as of right now it is playing pretty decently again in the mid 40s and the low 50s so yeah that's hell div ver 2 with thex 460 I hope you guys enjoyed it thanks for watching I'll see you guys next time for the next video see you guys there
Channel: Javs Tech
Views: 15,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2 rtx 4060, Helldivers 2 rtx 4060 benchmark, Helldivers 2 rtx 4060 1080p gameplay, Helldivers 2 rtx 4060 1080p benchmark, Helldivers 2 rtx 4060 1080p ultra, Helldivers 2 rtx 4060 4k, Helldivers 2 rtx 4060 1080p ultra settings, Helldivers 2 rtx 4060 4k gameplay, javstech, javs tech, gamebenchmarks, rtx 4060, Helldivers 2 rtx 4060 1440p, Helldivers 2 rtx 4060 4k benchmark
Id: JAkO8qva9nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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