I'm going to show you RTX 4060 benchmarks BEFORE embargo!

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well we were given permission to kind of give a sort of an exclusive First Look teaser at the RTX 4060 which is interesting because if you recall during the announcements this was supposed to lift in the Embargo and be available in July but they've pulled it into June I don't know why the urgency I don't know if maybe AMD has something coming I'm not sure but we're allowed to show you guys some Early Access numbers on performance which I think is great because of the fact that I hate when embargoes lift on the day of availability because now it gives you time to look at the numbers kind of think about whether or not this is worth it to you so that you can decide on launch day if you want to get it but don't worry there'll be plenty on shelves if there's one thing we've learned about 40 series is the fact that they're not selling out so anyway 40 60. here we go it's probably going to be another bumpy ride [Music] the montek Titan gold ATX 3.0 power supplies feature a Gen 5 pcie power 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usually it's the 50 Series cards that don't have a Founders we had a Founders Edition 46 DTI anyway um we'll just start with pricing MSRP 299. uh technically that's the same as what like 2016 and 30 60 word but you know what I think we've already established that launching the new tier apparently at the same price is a bad thing I I think honestly in terms of pricing if you really want to earn the customer back I think 279 would have been a competitive price 259 would have been like yo let's just let's get mainstream gaming back but 299 is the MSRP which you know is going to probably launch for much higher than that but anyway we were sent a uh an Asus dual model I didn't choose the Asus it shows me I would have preferred a different brand you guys know how I feel about this right now but whatever this is what was uh provided okay so regarding specs we'll go over all this also in the full review where we compare it with uh all of our titles in our normal Benchmark Suite it's basically a 4060 TI that shaved down a little bit so in terms of memory it's still eight gigabytes that's for a lot of people that's not going to be enough uh even at 1080p gaming which is where this card is targeted in fact we're not even allowed to talk about 1440p gaming in this video probably because even though they've talked about this being the 60 series card being aimed at 1080p we still do 1440p testing so for us they were like stop it for you early you can only talk about 1080p but moving on eight gigabytes um it's got 32 no instead of the 32 megabytes of L2 cache it's cut down to 24. it's 128-bit bus just like the 60 TI it does that have that larger L2 cache because the whole idea behind that is instead of doing like hbm or stacked Ram which AMD did a while back and didn't work out very well with the Radeon 7 Series they are just having a bigger cache available to the GPU which means less misses when it comes to accessing Ram or at least actually seeing that cache data which means accessing the vram less which means faster uh uh quote unquote effective Ram speed so anyway whether or not it really makes a huge difference at the lower bus and the lower amount of vram I guess time will just tell anyway this is a fairly basic card I'm all a little surprised that this one actually had a dual bios on it so that's just a function of this particular card it feels like a Ikea prop if you guys ever gone to Ikea and you pick up the fake TV or the fake phones and it's so light it it we're just so accustomed now to the giant big ass cards that a 40 series has has developed this feels broken it just feels fake but uh what else do I want to talk about here yeah they've definitely targeted 1080p with this pricing I feel like it like it's a 299 MSRP and this is the way the pricing goes right now 299 for the 60 and the 60 only comes in one flavor eight gig you've got the 4060 TI 8 gig which is 3.99 and you've got the 4060 TI 16 gig which is 4.99 I feel like that 4.99 price is a bit extreme considering the fact that that was the price that a 3070 cost when 37 MSRP I correct myself 370 I barely ever sold for that price a 299 a 3.99 and a 49 and 4.99 SKU in the 60 series is just weird I feel like if you're Nvidia in in you really wanted to instill some confidence back in the buyer base and say hey we want Gamers to have game you know gaming cards that are affordable it should have been a 279.99 MSRP maybe even a 259.99 because the problem is if there's no Founders Edition card which I don't think there is or they would have sent us that and not AIC cards um as 299 MSRP means we're going to see 349.99 models and up when it comes to Asus eventually making its astronomically large strict 60 which makes no sense at all you don't need more than a basic card like this with the Dual especially when the fact that it's only a 110 watt TDP 110 watt also check this out the irony of the fact that they are using a standard 8-pin PCI Express plug on their lowest watt part do you know why you haven't seen 4080 cards and Below melting that connector it's because that's still only like a 371 I hate the fact that I said only 370 watt when 250 used to be the norm they put the the card with the absolute zero percent chance of burning a 12 volt plug with the old-school 8-pin PCI Express come on let's go and throw this on the test bench let's do some actual testing with it let's see what some of the real life performances the only title we're allowed to test it with the cyberpunk 2077 but I'm kind of okay with that and let me tell you why cyberpunk 2077 is our most demanding title that we test but it also allows us to play around with some of the features that Nvidia is known for dlss3 frame generation and Ray tracing I would have never in a million years suggested anyone ever turn on Ray tracing in a 2060. they're really comparing this card to the 2060 because of the fact that they know most people will generate up or not generate but upgrade about every two generation Cycles because of the fact that that puts you at about four to five years anyone still running a 2060 uh non-ti where comparison to 2060 at the moment would be uh running first gen RT course second gen tensor cores this is running 3rd gen RT 4th gen tensor cores the downside is as the generation of the RT cores got faster and better they put less and less of them in the graphics cards um this supposedly we'll do great at Ray tracing because of the improvements of DLS S3 and especially frame gen so let's put this thing through its Paces I'm going to put one of the wire views on here just because I'm curious as to how much of that 110 watt is coming through the cable uh I feel like all 110 of it should be coming through the cable if you want to know the truth there would be no reason to run 75 watts to the PCI Express slot although now if they come up with a 50 Series card probably with their efficiency gains they've gotten with Ada Lovelace they'd be able to emit the power plug altogether alright guys let's throw it on the test bench and see if it is worthy of your money or your interest so keep in mind this is not a full review um this is just a teaser but I was kind of curious as to what our line draw is going to be five Watts at idle through the PCI Express slot like I said I'd be surprised if they're pulling any wattage from the PCI Express slot other than just the basic turn on power like the for the Relay there's no reason to pull any wattage through there at all uh moving forward a couple things here this is my Benchmark sheet um we don't have our 2060 tested yet we've tested retested 2060 super all of our tests have been redone in all of our Titles since 40 series and we've been going through and doing our backlog tests on everything so we're not gonna be able to compare it to 2060 today but we will kind of compare it to 2060 super 30 60 and then see how it does like how far behind the 4060 TI is it in terms of pricing it's so weird because I didn't realize our tough our 3060 is a tough model that was 449 which is probably one of the most expensive 30 60s you could have gotten that pricing is also um like MSRP for that particular card this is clearly not a tough it is a dual I would never spend the kind of money they would want for a tough on a 60 series card that is wasted money because you could buy you could buy 3070 for that these days so anyway moving forward let's look at some of the initial numbers here with cyberpunk 2077 no RT we 64 FPS and 1080p ultra settings no dlss turn on no frame generation because 30 series doesn't have frame gin um and so these are just raw horsepower numbers now we'll kind of play around with the match settings and then we'll see what we can get the FPS up to while we're playing the game but I I did some price checking here 2060 on Amazon right now in our particular area which is Southern California 299 259 370 249 250 354 it's all over the place but 249 is our lowest right here I'd be perfectly fine with this particular like well actually that looks like an MSI ripoff doesn't it I thought that was an MSI card for a second what is what is Kayer gaming okay I probably wouldn't trust a brand I've never heard from regardless of what the reviews say so let's just say 250 what is 51 risk I've never heard of these brands so it's like if you want to go with a brand new trust okay 299 for zotek Max Sun okay I've heard of Mac Sun they're starting to become a little bit more mainstream but 2060 Ventus for 199 okay that would actually be an okay deal like okay ish deal the thing is you could still get a 1080 TI for that price and the 1080i would be at 2060. anyway moving on the new here and there you can see the pricing's still weird if we look at 30 60 they're a little more consistent 2.99 that's an Asus dual that's the same exact card as what's on here the previous gen in terms of the Dual so that's the same price as this card if you can buy this card for a legit 299 now Nvidia sent us this card because it's supposed to be an MSRP model whether or not it actually gets put on the market for MSRP because if you're Asus what what happens here you have two choices lower all these prices for your cards or inflate that one and I think you know which one that's going to happen anyway well I mean if you are looking at the market and you could buy a 2060 for 299 or 30 60 for 299 or a 40 60 for 299 obviously the 4060 is what you're going to go with but I would have loved to have seen it at this price point 278 you know 279 right there I was hoping there's another 279 for the Asus dueling white irony is that the white card is cheaper when normally the white card is more expensive I don't know another fun fact though these are um PCI Express 4.0 cards so are the 40 60s when basically like 40 70 and up is all pcie gen 5. doesn't make a difference honestly because this card is never going to come anywhere near saturating the bandwidth of PCI Express 4.0 16x never in a million years is that going to happen but anyway as you can see pricing is kind of everywhere here's the MSI 3060a gig for 269 269 269 well that's actually 350 for 269. so is that those are terrible deals terrible deals look at this anyway enough yammering about pricing because let's just face it the price is King that is what's going to determine if you're going to buy it or not performance and price we need to see now for the same MSRP are we getting more performance is it worth it let's see because Nvidia tends to really Bank on the we'll turn on the cool features like the LSS and frame gen frame gen in the titles that use it is a is a compelling argument however it's still a fairly short list of gen pcie or excuse me DLS S3 with frame gen those titles are just like 15 or something around there take your working gaming experience to the next level with the ViewSonic xg340c2k Ultra wide high-end display the xg340c2k 34 inch 100 Hertz ultrawide monitor features HDMI 2.1 AMD freesync premium Pro and 1000r curved screen Visa display HDR 400 and one millisecond response time for the ultimate immersive gaming experience and take control of multiple devices with KVM support while also taking full control of your display via the elite display controller to see the full list of specs and features follow the sponsored Link in the description below all right first and foremost we are running right now we're at 51c this I don't know if you guys know this the menu in cyberpunk is rendered so we're only at 41 40 uh you can see the clock is obviously representing that it goes high and then it comes down 1950 is where we're sitting right now uh but 53c the fans are not on yet why only 23 watts is getting pulled through the PCI Express but we're pulling 62 Watts total which right now it seems to be like doing a pretty good job at nearly splitting the load between the cable and the PCI Express slot so we'll see what happens when we go high load but remember this is 110 watt TDP if we go into um holy cow look at this power limit 120 what's minimum 78 okay anyway we're on we're on Ultra we're gonna run the the track Benchmark first this is how all of our gpus are compared to each other we're not benchmarking the game to say here is what your performance is going to be in the game when we use the Benchmark we are comparing cards to each other using the same test so it's a lot of people get confused of like well the the track Benchmark gives you more performance than the game but that may be true but we are comparing card to card using this as a dynamometer if you will so what we're looking for here is 64 FPS is what this exact test with the 3060 tough which is a higher clocking card got us I also want to point out I do believe we are in the standard bios right now not the performance bios but the only difference is the fan curve performance doesn't actually go into 0 RPM as far as I can tell it just lets the fans always run at a slower RPM for the sake of noise but you still can't hear the card right now but look we are getting nearly the full wattage through the cable so it's 110 watt card we're pulling 117.4 Watts 116 so I don't know if this card maybe has a lifted power limit at factory but we are going above the 110 and it looks like we're only pulling about maybe 10 watts of it through the PCI Express slot which makes sense because some power is going to be given there no matter what it's insane how look at this we're getting 80 it was low it was a little 70s for a bit there with 110 Watts the nerd side of me loves the efficiency okay our average FPS is 80.8 64 FPS is what we were getting with the 3060. so generationally with the same heavy load of cyberpunk with no frame gen or anything enabled we got a what 16 FPS jump from one gen to the other as long as the price can really be 299 I still think 279 would be a whole much more compelling the price point generationally that's a great jump it is this you can't deny that if you're getting that much more performance for the same price that's a good thing um where do we also land so it puts us a little behind the 3060 TI and then if we look at our 46 DTI 101 . so again a big gap we're talking 20 FPS between this card and the TI and that's what's so weird about this generation we have huge gaps between it 2060 super 67 FPS so if we compare this to a 2060 which is going to be obviously below that and the 2060 which you were seeing the prices that they were there would be no reason whatsoever to ever get a 2016 unless you can land one for like 200 bucks our Max temp as you can see actually came down throughout the run because the fans turned on and we never heard it it's completely silent that's the hunt that's 110 Watts you can't do it you can't fault that all right let's see I'm just morbid curiosity here power limit templipit next I'm gonna go like 100 megahertz overclock 82.33 okay so we gained an FPS and a half 1.5 it's not bad for moving some sliders but pushing an extra 100 megahertz probably isn't isn't going to do much because again the voltage limits all right so I'm going to put it back to factory because this is how we test we test a factory that way we have no uh impact whatsoever on the performance but look at that look at the temperature drop under load that shows you the efficiency of this cooler versus the wattage design let's now play with the actual game and while we're in the game we'll start turning on some of the tech like Ray tracing and stuff I actually did the gain the 400 megahertz I gave it went from 2745 to 28.50 so you see we didn't really gain like a little bit more power but that's it it might look kind of gross because this is a 4K native panel that we were running 1080p on remember these are ultra settings with no sort of dlss or anything on 60c oh look at where you're don't text in Benchmark I mean don't drive in Benchmark people okay we dropped down to 51 right there 53 52 it's raining in night City right now there's a lot of lighting stuff going on even though again RTX is not enabled because we did go underneath the 60fps magic number sorry this is hard on the keyboard okay they usually drive with a controller okay we're gonna go ahead and now start turning on some stuff so if I go to Graphics it's probably going to tell me I have to restart the game but we'll just start with dlss quality so quality is going to be the lowest amount of upscaling what that means is that that's the highest res closest to the native res and it's going to still give us some performance improvement though and this is the way I normally use dlss is quality because of the fact that dlss can start to look a bit smudged at the lower that base resolution gets now look at our FPS 90s man it's just like la come on [Music] okay all right frame gen time I cannot tell where the end of relations happening though like you can't tell oh crap now when we turn on Ray tracing it's we're going to lose a lot of that those gains but the idea is that you would turn on these features and you'd be back to having solid FPS but also all the reflection features Ray tracing on go for all of it Ray Trace lighting for medium okay we lost about 30 FPS but now you can see we are actually Ray tracing now you can tell by when you move the cursor and you see the the depth in the reflection changing but we're still at 100 FPS on a 60 series card dude look at this we're maintaining over almost 100 FPS what happens now if I go dlss off okay with dlss off things aren't really any sharper honestly it's this it's the monitor resolution but we dropped down to 60s frame gen is on with dlss off that is weird I would have never in a million years I'm I'm sitting really close to a 4K panel rendering 1080p but I never win a million years would have expected a 60 series card to be able to render nearly 100 FPS in cyberpunk with Ray tracing on you're like I know it sounds super chilly but if it wasn't for frame gen my bad my bad yeah I was just having a party my bad I mean if it wasn't for frame gen and dlss3 this would be hard and I'm well aware that you guys right now are like I'm ready I paid him nope they didn't I wish I got Nvidia money that way when I'm in when I am accused of being a Nvidia Shield I actually got something for it but I don't all right well there's our teaser look at the 4060 you know ultimately it price prices everything and 300 for a 60 series card although that has been the norm since the 20 series look through the early teasers right now this is the first time I got to see it running we literally brought you guys along for the the first fire up and the first testing I can tell you right now if you go back and watch my 2060 review 2060 TI review heck even 30 60 review I was like Ray tracing on a 60 series card is atrocious and for 2060 that was especially true because that was when not that many titles actually took advantage of dlss remember we were using Battlefield one or no Battlefield 5 we're using Battlefield 5 as a test for that and it was gross the first gen RT cores and the dlss was so new it just the feature it just was not it was not pretty it was not fun the FPS hit was so high I was telling people don't buy a 2060. there's no point if you're interested in these Ray tracing texts you needed to go high to your card 30 series change that we're going down to like a 30 70 was able to like give you realistic performance and then the 60 series cards were still okay but the second gen RT cores were getting better but and dlss had grown the lss2 made huge gains but it wasn't there yet as far as I'm concerned 40 series 60 series card with dlss3 frame gen on and running Ray tracing now to get you this kind of FPS and the title is demanding a cyberpunk shows now the extra feature sets are something that's worth considering so considering the fact that you get those features and that performance uplift for the same price as what you were getting with like touring back at 2060. I know probably people were probably going to hate me for saying that but I don't think that's a bad thing if you consider how much things have increased in cost since 2018. 2018 is when all that came out so yes 300 is a lot for a graphics card I I stand by wishing that Nvidia was able to make this work at 2279 because that makes it an ultra compelling argument but realistically we need to compare this to the AMD offerings around the same price point and it really depends on whether or not they really are going to cost 2.99 because I just showed you there are 30 60s that cost more so how are you going to sell 40 60 for that price if you're the vendor anyway there's our early our early look sound off down below I would 100 expect you guys to probably still not be willing to invest in in 300 at a 60 series card right now um although the 60 series card is where steam survey has shown it's like over 70 percent of people have spent their money so this is where the buyer exists in the tier but is it where it exists for you at that price point sound off Down Below guys and we'll see you in the official review later this week
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 436,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4060, rtx 4060, 4060 ti, rtx, nvidia, nvidia vs amd, amd vs nvidia, jayztwocents, pc gaming, pc, computer, computers, personal computers, best gaming gpu, best gpu for 1080, 1080p gpu, best gpu for gaming, cheap gaming, inexpensive gaming, 300 gpu, $300 gpu, $300 video card, video card
Id: AKoZvGi3um8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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