The Intel ARC A770 16GB in 2023!

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hello guys crisp here and welcome back to another video in this one my friends we're gonna be testing the Intel Arc a770 16 gigabyte GPU in 2023 why was that blinking what what the heck now the rk770 released in October of last year for 329 US Dollars MSRP but it took a really long time for it to be widely available in the U that's why I have only managed to get my hands on it right now really really late to the party so I bought it for 379 Euros a couple of weeks ago and I've been using it as my main GPU for gaming ever since and guys I gotta say the drivers on this thing still need a lot of work granted it's way better than it was before when the GPU released I mean the thing couldn't even run DirectX 11 games properly now it can thankfully as we'll see in this video but still I've been seeing a lot of crashes errors or just bigger loading times for some reason which is pretty weird I am pairing it with a ryzen 7 5800x3d and 32 gigabytes of ddr4 3600 megahertz cl14 and that's going to be the test system for this video now onto the specs of the arc a770 it has 4096 shading units 256 tmus 128 drops 16 gigabytes of gddr6 vram like that's actually pretty nice if you want 16 gigabytes you gotta go to like a 4080 on the Nvidia side of things for example and that vram runs on a 256 bit memory Buzz which is also interestingly the same same size memory Buzz as the RTX 4080s it's almost like Nvidia selling mid-range gpus for absurdly high prices the a770 is also capable of running rate racing with its 32 RT cores and it has 512 tensor cores finally it consumes 225 watts of power which is maybe a bit too much for the performance it gets but I'll give it a pass since it's Intel's first generation of dedicated gpus and speaking of performance let's try this thing in some games shall we first up we got Red Dead Redemption 2. a 1080p using the balanced preset which sets the graphics mostly to ultra it's like high to ultra settings right here the presets will vary depending on the graphics card that you're using for example a 1050 TI sets everything to low on the balanced preset anyway this is good for around 70 to 80 FPS and I am really impressed with these results because I tried the RTX 3060 yesterday and it was getting around these FPS maybe a little bit better actually but using the hardware unboxed settings those are optimized for the best visuals to Performance ratio but here you don't need to worry about that because it will get 60 plus FPS all of the time even without you optimizing the settings let's go Rojo nice jump boy what the hell are you doing dude okay finally we're here it's starting to drop slightly into the 60s as you can see like it's getting down to 69 at times but it is actually really damn good guys it's not gonna drop from 60fps no matter what you do 2560 by 1440 using exactly the same settings I didn't change anything else obviously and at this resolution soon things are still looking great in terms of FPS although it will definitely drop from 60 frames per second okay here we are guys yeah 57 look at that in the middle of the city you know people are already shooting at us oh boy just because I stole this Chariot thingy or whatever this is now die ever everybody dies because you you start you started it you started yes let's try to kill some bastards shall we my friends oh boy okay come on there we go one dead okay going near the water this time around and yeah things are still pretty stable around 60. yeah it it will drop from 60 FPS as you saw but not by too much and since this is a single player title um I think I would still be happy with this experience honestly and if you require 60 plus all of the time just a just a couple of settings in the menu and it will get just that next up is another Rockstar title GTA 5 at 1080p this is DirectX 11 Title by the way so I'm really curious to see the arcs performance in this one we're using two times msaa and the very high or ultra settings the only thing that's not maxed out is post effects as well as the advanced settings now I think we should definitely try to find like a blue car that would go very well with this Intel GPU right no are you kidding me no do I refuse to go with this car or not no I will go with it let's visit Jack with a smart nice this is decent performance you know it's getting a hundred plus FPS the thing is GTA 5 is 10 years old already on the PC it released 80 years ago but still it's a 10 year old game and it's stuttering if you lock the fps to 60 by the way it won't really stutter but yeah this is a bit concerning and this is all because of DirectX 11. Arc was not made to run on Old DirectX versions like 9 10 11. so it basically performs pretty well in DirectX 12 titles as well as Vulcan titles but not so much in the X11 and now we're finally arriving at Jax hill now this is gonna be the most intensive place oh boy it's already dropping into the 60 I'm not sure if this car has what it takes to go fish is it Jack actually hello Jack how's it going buddy everything all right uh yeah dropping into the mid 50s at times instead of these bushes where's Bob what where the heck is Bob what you know what Bobby's probably the reason why this struggles a little bit in GTA 5. now we're playing Apex Legends at 1080p using the maximum settings aside from this one which is broken and uh well we're playing with DirectX 11 instead of DirectX 12 which is in beta and dx12 actually runs way better but I can't get into a match guys inside of the main menu it actually gets like 30 or 40 more frames per second but whenever I load into a game it gives me this error so in order for us to play I think there's someone behind us pretty sure in order for us to play the game we need to use the X11 and it kind of sucks using dx11 I mean the FPS are still very good but the GPU is not maxed out most of the time you can see it go down to like 79 at times and the FPS fluctuates by quite a bit so then is a shame guys because this is one of the most played games on Steam oh Kathy just leave me alone dude please what the hell I'm just making a video here yeah I was seeing like 99 usage all of the time right now but as soon as I turned myself back over here it's it's ah God damn just leave me alone there's a guy right there all right wait you know what why not why oh they're out of there nice oh no wait that's just the Mirage thing oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I went to see some explosions yes exactly not like that but I guess that works as well oh boy oh boy okay A Little Bit Of Mayhem right now with smoke and stuff and it's not really that bad guys it's not dropping too much which is interesting I just don't know how I'm still alive guys we got another ultimate ready now and this time I really want to be inside of the explosions to see how much it will drop to where are the bastards now very close to us no no no this is it finally seeing some explosions doesn't drop by too much like I thought it would drop more than it actually did here oh boy nope now this is Battlefield 2042 at 1080p using the high settings and 100 resolution scale and we're getting around 80 frames per second I thought it was going to be a little bit better again because the 3060 got slightly higher FPS than this card in this game right here people are saying that this is better than a 3060 and it usually is in some games but in this one look at that it's dropping into the lower 70s at times where the 3060 got 100 FPS on average or something like that in my video but anyway it still provides a great experience here at 1080p uh I I just wish it was a little bit better once again I feel like I'm repeating myself but maybe the drivers still have a really long way to go I also started by playing this at 1440p ultra settings that's how high my expectations were for some reason I guess because a lot of people are praising these Arc gpus and you know they are actually good value especially in the United States but here in Portugal they cost more than an RTX 30 60 12 gigabyte by the way at 1440p high settings it was consistently dropping from 60 FPS I think it got around like 60 on average in the new renewal map I think that's what I played previously no no no no no all right I'm super low HP right now I need to be very careful careful instantly enemies he says Christ we're definitely gonna lose this one oh boy we're playing the Beast Now The Last of Us Part One at 1080p using native res these are all turned off right here and the high settings preset guys and it's getting uh bad FPS actually I I was expecting better coming from this no this is not even an intensive area you know I was thinking around 60 would be good for an a770 a 1080p high this is a really intensive title obviously but no it is actually dropping quite a bit over here it's also touching 60 FPS look in that direction as well now it gets really intensive it drops into the mid 40s for the price that I paid for this GPU I'm not happy with its performance I think the 3060 once again is a little bit faster than this and I was expecting like 30 60 TI 3070 performance coming from it because I've seen it in the comments people saying oh no the rk770 is really fast it's like a 30 70. so far it's not been like a 370 at all guys it should drop the most right now when we turn this corner right here guys see the FPS right there oh 39 Oh my gosh I want to go outside I want to go outside I don't care I don't care just leave me alone leave me alone oh boy this is gonna be the most intensive part of my little Benchmark run all right and looking back yep 35 Jesus Christ This is not 380 or Euro GPU performance anyway very intensive title and very underwhelming in my opinion let's move on now it's Forza Horizon 5 shut up shut up we're playing at 1440p using TAA no xcss but we'll try that out a little bit later and we're using the ultra settings preset and while Forza Horizon 5 is a super well optimized title so I'm only gonna play it here at 1440p resolution and it's getting around 100 FPS on average it's also a battery smooth experience vram usage is going over 8 gigabytes right now as you can see 8.2 8.3 gigs um so the 16 gigs are at work although maybe like 12 gigs would be more adequate for a card like this you know but still it's better to have more memory than less memory Nvidia I mean yes in general now compared with the 3060 TI guys this is actually pretty similar in performance but since we have more vram it's a little bit better because we won't have those annoying warnings saying that we're running out of vram every once in a while so it is I would say a little bit more stable than that card it's also quite a bit faster than the RTX 3060 12 gigabyte in this particular game that's not the case in every single game as we saw like in Battlefield 2042 3060 was actually faster than this one but it's good to see that in some games The Arc GPU can have a big lid over that card now let me just try and set the xcss to ultra quality to see how it looks is it looking better actually it's definitely a little bit sharper than it was at Native resolution and I think we're getting around like five ish more frames per second than native res at the same time yeah I guess this is a really nice option to use in Forza Horizon 5. I mean I'm not really seeing any jaggies or more jeggies than I was seeing at Native rice so that's pretty impressive all right pretty nice guys let's get to the next one next up is Diablo 4 at 1440p using the ultra settings over here pretty much everything is maxed out now this game runs extremely smoothly on the arc a770 thankfully sometimes it will have the odd stutter here and there whenever it needs to load in some new enemies and new areas in the game but most of the time it's gonna be really really smooth and those stutters also happen with other cards as well so it's not like Arc related you know the 16 gigabytes of vram also help it a lot in this game because Diablo 4 for some reason uses a ton of vram and I've seen it maxing out like a 12 gigabyte card even at 1440p right now things are a little bit better at like 10 gigabytes of vram usage but I guess in some other areas things can go up and it's good to have that Big Frame buffer but yeah you can see that even with all of these effects and all of these enemies on screen it's not really dropping it might drop of course if you are playing like a huge boss and you have some more advanced effects and the the the Spells yes that's the word but I doubt it will drop from 60 and even if it does this is Diablo I think it's playable even with 30 FPS so the a770 provides an amazing experience in Diablo 4. next is cyberpunk 2077 and in this one we're playing on the high settings preset with high textures we're disabling XC super sampling or xcss and the motion blur as well obviously and we're also utilizing the 1080p resolution all right here we go 70s damn that's that's nice actually okay it won't really drop from 60 FPS you know it's it's very far from the 60fps mark in the good direction so nice this is not bad this is native resolution this game is super intensive by the way goodbye Bob right now oh he didn't die wait a second now he's dead well that was a fast death of Bob great stuff my friends and going around this roundabout we're seeing uh 70s doesn't even drop into the 60s dude that's really good let's move on to 1440p then and that native resolution it's already dropping from 60 FPS then that was an interesting death right there it's probably Bob's friend or something but yeah it's getting 50s around this roundabout which is not bad that means that in other areas that are a little bit less intensive in this game uh it will get higher FPS but I would actually enable XC super sampling what do I call it Texas super simple it's weird xcss to make it run above 60 all of the time and that's exactly what we get on quality it's getting 70s and 60s right here so he gained about like 10 frames per second and it is looking very similar once again like xcss is actually a decent competitor to dlss and especially FSR like it probably does look better than FSR and we don't see any ghosting issues in this game either like with FSR it also gets a little bit sharper than native resolution because of the built-in TAA and it gets 69 FPS on average so that is absolutely perfect it couldn't get better than this okay let's enable rate racing I want raytrace Reflections local Shadows Ultra rate race lighting yeah and I think yeah we're gonna do this like that and it's getting 30 ish frames per second okay and those Reflections are really low quality just like with the LSS guys yeah it kind of looks worse right now than it did without rate racing enabled still it's pretty impressive that it can achieve 30 plus FPS using RT in this game because again it's a really intensive title now let's go back to 1080p using Ultra quality XC access Android racing as well and at this resolution we are getting around like eight to ten more frames per second than we saw at the previous settings that we tested so it's not a massive boost in performance it's not really a great experience yet even at 1080p but it's a step in the right direction for Intel now it's CS go at 1440p using High textures and the low settings for the competitive play and in this one I'm not really playing it in real time because it took a really long time to record without any stuttery footage at the end of it because of the freaking capture card with The Arc GPU I did it really annoys using DirectX 11 this game and the arc GPU is capable of achieving around like 300 to 400 frames per second most of the time so that's enough for a competitive experience it felt really Snappy playing this game I could control The Recoil pretty well I could do everything that I could do with even a higher end GPU from like AMD or Nvidia it just it's the same experience CS go isn't really that hard of a game to run but I remember seeing people complaining about the arc gpu's performance in this game because of the X11 well the rest assured this is not a problem anymore okay they have fixed those issues here in CS go and it runs extremely well it's actually not even fully utilized as you can see the CPU is a bottleneck here in this death match that we're playing so uh yeah let's move to the next one Valor and another competitive shooter now in valorent I chose to play it at 4K using High settings with 2 times msaa because well that stresses the GPU a little bit more okay and as you can see GPU is now the bottleneck it's at 99 GPU usage and I did really well in this match I actually think I ended up winning this one so enjoy some nice kills here and some really high FPS as well like again the experience was insane you could pair it with a 4k monitor if you're playing valorent in like CS go as well that would work extremely well um and yeah it's just a great experience here periods these these are not intensive titles so that's to be expected kills remaining one dead five kills remaining one kill remaining one more now to mend what we have next up we got Hogwarts Legacy and we're playing at 1080p 100 resolution scale no X CSS 4 now and the high settings and to my surprise I think we're getting a little bit more FPS than Nvidia gpus here with the 5800x3d because of the driver overhead on the Nvidia gpus so it's not present here or at least it's very minimized with The Arc a770 and I expected the opposite so GPU usage stays at 99 throughout Hogs mid over here which is very very good to see with high FPS as well like 90 FPS on average or so now this isn't where the FPS dropped the most if you don't have a CPU bottleneck and obviously we don't have it right here so let's try out a bit more of an intensive area for a GPU to handle over here it's dropping into the 60s as you can see there so 70s most of the time 65 okay okay yeah it's getting more intensive I think this one is where it drops the most yep 64 right there but it stays above 60 the entire time so if you want to play this game at Native 1080p resolution using the high settings it will work very well and if you want to get rid of the stuttering issues which aren't caused by the a770 by the way they're just because of the game being kind of broken and optimized and you just need to lock the FPS using a third-party software like River tuner for example which is what I use and then it's buttery smooth and it gets rid of like 90 of those frame time spikes that you see now it's fortnite I mean still third night Battle Royale 1080p using DirectX 12 and the high settings without nanite virtualized geometry and the Lumen settings so these aren't really Ray traced or they don't have any rate racing whatsoever let's start counting our FPS and drop right here in the mega City area it's getting really high FPS actually I like what I'm seeing and so far it is not stuttering too much wow those are some beautiful colors look at that that is looking amazing dude wow I mean fortnite every single time it has an update it ends up looking a little bit better it's amazing this game in terms of visuals and look at this outside you still see a lot of Reflections on the ground that's pretty good even though the Lumen isn't enabled this is just buttery smooth High refresh rate experience at high settings while the game looks very very good is very great let's grab the car over here and get out of this city maybe like with some vegetation it's gonna drop a little bit more here we go a little bit more stuttery while I am driving this by the way yep some big frame time spikes but it's it's just a feature it's in the name itself of the game you know stutter Knight now we're getting close to another guy I think yep he started shooting at us first got the shotgun out 14 HP off of him and switch to a decent weapon and got that kill that's great and look at efps right now 144 on average so for those 144 Hertz monitors is going to be really good now we're playing at 1440p because I'm really curious to see what it can do at this resolution and it's getting around a hundred frames per second that is not a big drop coming from 1080p to 1440 guys it still feels extremely smooth it's not as high refresh rate of course but it's definitely super playable and I would enjoy this experience all day long on an arc a770 as long as it doesn't crash again because that's sometimes a little bit of an issue with this GPU and its drivers you know I'm really impressed with the performance here in fortnite and I think we will get two more kills over here yeah one down wait can we get three kills though two down three down oh yeah boy I didn't remember I did this nice very good crisp from the past very very good indeed next is Call of Duty war zone 2 at 1080p resolution using the minimum settings preset with 100 resolution scale High textures and that's it let's go alrighty here we go as usual we're dropping in the zarqua hydroelectric which is a very intensive area in this map and I'm gonna re-shield a little bit of course oh boy no no no no no no no no no no not right away please God damn it why why do people do this so often dude okay let's run away oh he's still after us he's still after he's coming come on God damn it I'm missing yup yes Rex boy oh yes this usually doesn't happen guys we got the best dude let's keep on going dropping into the water things don't really drop an FPS by all that much usually with other cards we see a bigger dip dropping into the water now in this game this is very far away from the performance of like a 3060 TI and 3070. the 3070 which I tested recently ish like a month ago in war zone 2 was getting around like 165 FPS average using these exact same settings so that means that the 360 TI would get like around 150 and this one's getting 100 so that's quite far away still I mean the experience is okay yeah it's minimum settings it doesn't look great but it it hardly looks any worse than the ultra settings and now I really want to check it out using some xcss so here we go I'm gonna set it to Ultra quality right here huh we're seeing almost the same FPS aren't we like that's a very very similar result to what we saw and it's also a little bit blurrier than native resolution without any upscaling and I'm just gonna disable it I think it's better without it guys and lastly in The Benchmark round we have this tiny little foresty area which is not really a forest at all but it's a little bit more intensive than usual because it has some vegetation and it's not really dropping by all that much into the 90s only so uh this isn't like great I actually was expecting a lot better coming from the a770 in war zone 2. but it is very playable anyway next is Spider-Man remastered at 1440p using TAA and the very high settings preset and we're getting 80s that is really good and I gotta tell you guys this is a really smooth experience especially compared to some 8 gigabyte gpus they kind of tend to stutter a little bit after a while in this game because the vram usage will go over 8 gigabytes in just a little bit and well the a770 just has the normal stuttering that this game has which is not really that noticeable and I can definitely leave with that in some games The Arc GPU is very impressive in others like version two for example um it's it's not so much you know but I'm glad to see that if you want to shoot some webs out of your ass and I mean the hands you can definitely do so here in Spider-Man remastered with around like 90 to 100 FPS even at 1440p needless to say that if you want to play it at 1080p with this card it will be even better of course and as I was saying guys by the end of this Benchmark run the vram usage is going over 8 gigs so it's great that we have the extra Headroom right there and now it's Far Cry 6 at 2560 by 1440 using the ultra settings preset and dxr Reflections and shadows that's rate racing guys no FSR 1.0 is being utilized so this is native resolution and honestly guys in this one I was really impressed to see these results initially I thought well rate racing is surely a little bit too much for 1440p you know and an arc a770 at ultra settings but nope you can still have some decently looking Reflections there on the ground and stay above 60 FPS the entire time now that's not to say that in some areas it won't drop from 60. it probably will so you might want to use some FSR 1.0 on Ultra quality for example with it or maybe drop a few settings here and there maybe disable the XR rate racing but uh yeah I can't deny this impressed the heck out of me like I don't think I saw it dropping from 60fps and the numbers from the actual Benchmark show it 63 FPS minimum there that's just great guys and finally before we go to the conclusion and the final Benchmark we got Resident Evil 4 remake and we're playing at 1440p using the favor quality settings or like the one below rate racing which I don't remember the name of um but yeah it's like high settings ish something like that's getting around 60 FPS in this area so far it hasn't dropped from 60 but now this area is a little bit more intensive than usual and uh well look at those averages couldn't be more perfect well not anymore though uh so I guess we should probably kill all of these people baby I I don't know there are too many of them uh I only have 10 bullets left uh this is bad this is very bad oh boy oh yes the controls are way better than like uh The Last of Us Part One when shooting and they're not perfect but still but yeah this is super buttery smooth as you can see very well optimized title it looks amazing as well and it's getting 60 plus even in an intensive area like this one now it will probably drop from 60 again since it's already close to 60 sometimes but that doesn't mean that this is going to be a bad experience again it's a single player game doesn't really need 60 plus 100 of the time and I think it's super enjoyable with The Arc a717 it's also a very recent title as well all right guys it is conclusion time you can see Assassin's Creed Valhalla running right here at 1440p very high settings it rains very very well still yeah from what I've seen in this video I think the arc a770 is actually quite capable and a really nice first dedicated GPU our first high-end dedicated GPU from Intel I like the performance in almost every game there were a few older titles especially with DirectX 11 that didn't run as well as they could as well as like Battlefield 2042 and Call of Duty war zone 2. those were a little bit underwhelming and I thought the a770 would do a better job there so things are not super consistent you know sometimes it is performing really well close to like a 30 60 TI for example but other times it's actually a little bit slower than something like an RTX 3060 and with all of the driver issues that I had it during the making of this video would I recommend it for around like 350 to 400 bucks which is what it costs here in the EU probably not I I say like go for a used RX 6700 XT or a used RTX 3070 or even 3080 6800 XT is also a really decent buy by the way with 16 gigabytes of vram as well and more mature drivers so consider those instead of this one but if you find a really really really good deal on an a770 well it's pretty decent for recent titles so that's been it for this one thank you very much for watching this video don't forget to like And subscribe if you haven't already and I'll catch you in the next one very soon love you all bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 311,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i3, i5, i7, i9, graphics, gpu, card, benchmark, games, testing, test, fps, performance, zwormz, gaming, cpu, pc, computer, laptop, desktop, nvidia, geforce, gtx, rtx, intel, core, series, amd, gt, radeon, rx, 3000, 4000, top, arc, alchemist, intel arc, a770, a750, 8gb, 16gb, graphics card, intel graphics, hd, ark, popular games
Id: r8GTQ_t1Zss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 53sec (2153 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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