r/Trippinthroughtime · down the rabbit hole

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pug owners my little cutie the puck i actually really like pugs but they do have trouble breathing and now even mating because they're so inbred hello everyone welcome back to easy peasy i'm today's narrator cougar and today we're taking a huvian trip through our slash tripping through time so if doctor who was written by redditors with that said let's get to it when people have the termini to call you two-faced when you don't even have one face how dare you sir alexa play imagine by john lennon my name isn't alexa it's dematrius the great flute player okay whatever just play the song mom i'm in the school play i'm a snowflake oh that's that's wonderful dude when the economy is so bad you can only afford half a dog yeah be that way man 2020 has been rough on the wallet and 2021 hasn't been helping i want it done by naptime i don't care how many legos it takes just make me my damn palace sir when can i be the king never me explaining that ancient mayan art has untapped meme potential the job interviewers who asked if i had anything else i needed to say my friend you're not getting the job zoom meetings are just modern seances there's someone who wants to join us elizabeth are you there we can't hear you can't you hear us now seances have better reception and don't yell at me to do my schoolwork like my teachers do over zoom she's having a heart attack we need a doctor i'm a doctor of philosophy she's going to die we're all going to die i don't know how to say this to you just say it worcestershire worcestershire worcestershire there's a bunch of ways to say that weird when guests come over and your mother offers them a range of delicious snacks which you were not previously aware of mom what in the hell dude you've been giving me the freaking plain teddy grams and they got chocolate and cinnamon ones come on mother why don't father so cruelly restrict my conception of such bountiful soil what i oh god that face no thank you roses are red violets are blue i was beaten with clubs beheaded buried under the cover of darkness disentered by my followers and you commemorate my martyrdom by sending each other chocolates and little fake flowers oh saint valentine uh gladly remembered daddy how was i born eh i guess you had to be there to understand my dude i guess you had to be there mozart showing his latest hit to marie antoinette circa 1785 colorize it's quite the buying a refund to say me playing every game ever i don't need a freaking tutorial i know how to work the up and i killed my character the freak you worshipping cross is for what part of my story makes you think i like crosses i was nailed to one my dudes there is a statue of woody harrelson in budapest hmm okay yep okay okay yep okay sup sup sup sup sup sup jesus supped with his apostles john xyi14 or i4 okay then me and the boys trying to out pizza the hut my friends we have come here today to defeat the pizza of the hut jonathan yes my liege have you brought the sausage yes my liege michelangelo have you brought the pineapple yes my leash get the hell out michelangelo i like the wizard hats so tell me son are you catholic yes i've been addicted to cats my whole life catholic that's great fashion changes charisma doesn't okay then i'm gonna take your word for it every student ever only five more years of college for cougar before he jumps off a bridge cougar watch his video of professional guitarist shred like it's nothing me struggling with twinkle twinkle little star am i too good me do good i'm going to start cussing people out but with some biblical crap like i hope your crops wither and bear no fruit and the ravens eat your mustard seeds mustard seeds sounds like a sexual innuendo might everyone thinks that okay bravo henrietta yes that was rather splendid what else can you play men and i can play their wallets too damn it i blinked paint it again i said do it again when you get high at the paint of family portrait but you can only draw one face yeah yeah that looks pretty good i'll just say they're all twins i'm gonna get the new iphone and why so girls can ignore your text in higher resolution freak you cougar actually i'm the one who bought the new iphone for no one texts him ever when you see a historical mime and understand it without using wikipedia god damn i'm smart the fbi be like have you seen captured when you binge watch your new favorite series and you're left with nothing else to watch hello darkness my old friend i've got chicken hands and chicken legs me unattractive af opening and only fans account because i'm also broke af come on babies come look at cougar's caboose it's totally not worth the one dollar he charges when your anxiety is worse than ever and you never sleep well so you just show up to everywhere looking like this hey can we just can we just put a little cougar name tag on this guy because this is pretty much my entire mood and look 24 7. john are you paying attention johnny was thinking how many effing buttons were on that dress and how the hell did she button them when you ask your friends for help with the homework but you're all dumb as hell now you see this is common core no i think this is common core i don't know i'm just going to drop out and be voice actor like cougar i'm sure it will go well it did not go well it did not go well at all when you notice the lunch lady's haircut and she gives you an extra mashed potato here you go sweetheart oh thanks no joke i'm legit friends with the lunch ladies at my school they're like the nicest people you're not getting a knuckle sandwich you're getting the whole knuckle buffet jesus it's like the human centipede married some creepy thing when the catnip finally hits yeah my dude me yeah why do you have just a one star rating on uber because i'm so slow i bet he calls you a donkey first today you're on mate you're on when you run for 10 seconds okay guys i'm a voice actor i don't work out oh god i need some fitness in my life i wish i was jack he's the hot one off the group poems and chill and it really poems and chill violets are red roses are blue i don't know poems but i sure love you i wanted the d tonight herald i wanted the d not the d in dictation what gender pronouns does he chocolate for yours we don't know uh her slash i don't get this one i might be stupid i just don't get it this reminds me of my girlfriend yeah because of the smell no butthole her name is anton that's so dumb me and hell someday looking back at all the memes that got me hell there of these are like rated 18 plus times a million come on i'm saying that even i think this is messed up that one was quite funny also every goblin and you know devil's face is gold in this but can we just address the one getting his like eye being stretched in half at the bottom what is going on down there they're having their own party nudes are an art you aren't a you are michelangelo okay i'm gonna use that one day as a pickup line play the soldier something epic as they march into battle i got you fam this is the type of bot i play in bnd just to mess with my teammates are you just going to smoke all day no i'm going to play a playstation two mode hasn't been invented yet what can i say i'm tripping through time see what i did there trying to find the hot lonely mills in your area how it keeps telling you about seems they're close but i just can't find them come on when you haven't skipped a single leg day and even jesus is surprised by those quad gains damn my dude you lit af let me get that butt cheek workout ah yes that's it right there two girls stunning simply stunning can legs bend that way paint hub me on january 1st 2021 i'm sure this year things will get back to normal me on december 31st 2021 eats a raw bird because i haven't had anything to eat in weeks after the other collapse of civilization mad props it's not easy to catch a bird trust me i've done it at the beach once showing off my r slash tripping through time post to my friends aren't they beautiful i'm sure the easy peasy and mk fam will love them i shall call you my main of the round table the entire global financial system excel come on excel you can do it buddy fix america's 13 trillion dollar growing every second debt women in the past were modest and had more respect for themselves here's angie sorel who had her grounds tailored to expose her favorite in the 1440s you do you girl respect well if you've made it this far thank you all so much for watching feel free to like comment subscribe have a good day and remember be good people and stay golden pony boys and girls [Music] you
Channel: EzPz
Views: 31,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, Trippinthroughtime
Id: xxJg8m67LA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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