RTGame Archive: The Sims 3 (06/08/2018)

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okay so we need to choose a household no we can't do that hang on okay let's go back in that [Music] create a household Oh God oh no it's not letting me do it the way I want to I want to just create a law there's definitely a way to do that isn't there who is this [ __ ] she would what is this supposed to be well okay sandals and leg guards the woolen shorts okay we found the NuStar all right we're gonna do this differently than let's make the family first oh yeah we're keeping her but you can't just randomize this character away there's no way Caleb thanks for subscribing as well okay out what is her name IIIi don't want to lose this character like this is just too perfect blue suburban thank for the hundred bits I don't want to subscribe I still these bits thank you very much I spend fires well thanks and Ribbit's why are people saying Wario for her name who are the flash infinite no we can't call her flash infinite what why is everyone screaming Wario see Gertrude we already had Gertrude when I was gruntilda that we had we didn't have great Gertrude lumpy toast thanks for subscribing okay what does her name looks like it'll be it's not what he's guys you gotta ease up a Wario it's not gonna be worried that's not our name [Music] okay we'll be in the middle Wanda is a good first name [Music] don't so I I was thinking maybe something that incorporates like cheetah because she clearly seems to like cheetahs like she has matching like guards and a hat we're gonna go at Wanda cheat on de okay let's go with that everything here is fine I wouldn't dare change her for the world let's just go to personality durable cockroach next Avenger bits I will expansion so you have asses Phoenix wolf I don't actually know I'd have to check again I got like a bundle of this gift of Jimmy yeah we can randomize the traits this seems good can't stand art neurotic hates the outdoors natural cook and hydrophobic ok our dream yes just to be surrounded by the family you know she just wants a wholesome environment hey favorites in some hop yellow that sounds good astrological shot sign isn't there like 13 of these in the real world now like add it one or something what's that right app record sure okay so we all we all we only need like one or two characters for this to work we don't actually need to fill out the full family just yet we're gonna get a dog this time we only need one or two characters just to get things started with the house okay oh you can randomize some name okay yep sassy coats perfect okay can I randomize the appearance breeds it was a randomize button for just like that's the general dog wasn't there we got this with the cat before Olivia rules thanks to subscribing sassy coats we're gonna keep that as a name where's the randomize are there oh oh [Music] thank god that's his feet but that's his feet in the bottom I thought that was something else okay I thought that was something else just how the angle lined up okay sassy coats look that knows though oh no okay you can prop you can probably work out what I thought that might have been just so we got that camera view I'm just gonna feet oh they're calm have etic thanks for subscribing how's it going okay this is gonna be our dog he looks like he's been stretched in ms paint his face just like dragged out to the sides that's good deep voice its traits and be a hunter hyper and non destructive tang destructive there we go friendly a but shy I'll do okay that's all we need for the household that we don't actually need to get more people it's so much smaller family I still can't get over what she's wearing like I just they what climate is this for like that that's my real concern like would what scenario is she going towards is it hot is it cold why does her legs need protection hey wall protection and in sandals I don't understand okay step the family i fashions going to the skate park oh god okay so we need the biggest plot of land we can possibly afford if I let's see is there any way to give myself more money like right now even what it's like that family okay I'm going to need so was it shift control see if this should just work shouldn't it does mother lode know what Earl already what was the money command oh there's no a but that doesn't seem to have worked we don't have any more money okay we're gonna have to just move them in somewhere on the map and we will just like kind of make the plot from there it feels wrong to build the house there because that's where we were last time we're gonna go we'll live here this time purchase law that one seems good is there any bigger loss than that if I can freaking biodome there I think that maybe Mac sighs these ones are all kind of smaller unless just one over here I won at the end is about the same size hangar dog next 100 bits my bird decided to buy it in a smaller dish today good good he times oh that's adorable okay we're gonna move in here I'm gonna shut the window too is the children screaming in terror actually not as hot this morning I might be okay okay so let's pause the game so I want to brace people for what we're doing here like the next hour or so the stream is simply going to be designing my house because we have a lot that we need to do I'm going to call this house as we start it's gonna be called the arc so we just need to try and get started and so let's see so mutter load we're gonna need a lot of resources yep so let's just get this all in probably will need more than this but it's a good start you got a spell at motherlode don't worry mr. muffin I got it a rice thanks for the heads up though got it in the end and for some reason I don't know people can see that the scanline just move in as we zoom that does not look right like waves of grass okay all right so I need to work out a couple more things before we can get this going now first and foremost is there a way to do yep there is hedges okay these are going to be important we can get a lot of hedges we I need I just basically just need to see what we have to work with I can make rooms okay the first thing we need to do and not extend beyond the edge of law okay okay so it has to be at this corner okay I need to move the mailbox we'll put this over there move the trash can - there you go this out I hope you guys just enjoy like Grand Designs cuz like we are going to actually just be designing this home for quite some time this is going to be a very elaborate one [Music] okay we're now to send it in the darkness and now we need to keep bumping this around gay Chloe Oh case note is a case whole sorry I there kind of misread apologies I thank you very much driving to join us for the grand design stream okay we need we need to actually get rid of these hedges for now move them away [Music] touji day oh nice is describing as Oh Rick Dogg thank you for subscribing - how's it going folks and we just need to keep design in the home like this is going to be quite some time just to get this set up you can probably work out what I'm going for already this is the first layer this is to make sure that people like don't enter that on leave easily oh no that one's too narrow oh no I didn't make them even we know did I know I think I did that one's not too narrow okay that's okay there's just so many layers that like it's starting to play tricks on my eyes I thought I messed it up keep going oh we just need a single wall as well yeah we don't even need to do like the room stays a bit time okay okay welcome to the floor plan that bit in the middle is gonna bother you much as it's gonna bother me this entire stream we have the floor plan so now we can finish this floor like immediately here let's make this like really different so it upsets people there we go fix the bit in the middle hang on you wish is my command [Music] hey you so much okay so we're going to we now need doors so let's see so we'll get Matadors so they start here to go in here to go in there in there there there wait no I don't know they're gonna cheeky shortcut there hang out this is this is quite difficult to line up then they go into hair and I thank you yeah I think it should work out the like they go true here every time hopefully this makes a floor plan that actually works saves us a lot of time if it does there you go there we go there we go okay that's the doors lined up and acts just just to upset people even more I need to hair lay on this bit of wall and that one bit of floor there we go I think you can get all the way in and this is just the first floor as an FYI just to remind everyone this is just the start okay we need to do for the edge covered by floor tile can i okay I can't do a very controlled one of that that's okay we don't we don't need to control them okay what we need then is go up a floor wells in the level two of the arc nope that's the wrong one hang on [Music] level two now basically the idea is we're going to have facilities on each floor for everything they could possibly need once they enter the arc we're gonna construct the perfect utopian society there we go now what do I put the ladder [Music] stairs & railings they sent a sim ladder cool spin fire thanks 100 bits this is both horrific and beautiful some people just ought to watch the world burn I think that goats her everyone watch it ins there we go there's the ladder I think we need a different floor as that's actually point-like wreaking havoc on people's eyes cuz the tiles seem to be moving so let's see if we can get like a nicer design I'd I need something that's just like flat let's just get some do the metal is worse that should be a bit better I think it's gonna wreak havoc up like it just a bit no matter what we put it to I don't see anything that can solve this problem I need just like smooth untextured color that one isn't so bad I need something brighter some much better yeah I think no matter what floor we picked this is going to be a problem so we may just have to make two I go with that no that's definitely not better press G Oh Oh guys you should have said something okay yeah that all is is that anybody okay yeah I think I think that's better okay so first room though we need to fill this with furniture and a sort sort by room door my room isn't really narrowing it down oh no wait no kitchen okay well going to have everything these Sims could ever need is there a way to just like I know hold click on something so that ah yep shift I'm going to upset people so much by just like getting things like slightly off position people that just go to be screamin [Music] there we go that looks good we'll go to need a nutter wall of just counters I'm not even trying to do this intentionally that's that's the sad thing like it's just me like genuinely miss clicking but we're gonna have to make do this people are a sheet look it's fine guys okay yeah we have the counters so we have the line of fridges we have the line of counters we now need a line of ovens [Music] in every single facility cater for I actually ran out of money we spent so much hang on grande noodle thanks for subscribing how's it going and James PCE thank you for subscribing as well we need more money we spent so much and just ovens and fridges this is still just like the second floor that's gonna upset someone [Music] stop please I beg you I've says do you enjoy watching people suffer explode your bits okay so we have the fridge wall the oven wall the counter wall what's next we now need a dishwasher wall no it's important to do the dishes get our line them Achilles stand on nice 145 bits I'm currently playing Sims tree - and your poor home design skills inspire me to make an actual effort I've built my Sims mansion hey listen you're criticizing my house building skills but this is the Ark okay every sim in the neighborhood will soon live here without question you know you criticize it now but just wait until this house is the life of the party okay we got the line of dishwashing sorta we now need that doesn't want to work all these have to go on counters I think okay well we now need the bins get these lined on up the best way we can you need to make sure there's multiple layers in that one room separated by walls no don't worry it's all gonna be one room we're going for an open floor plan for the arc okay there we go yeah we have stoves we have counters we have disposal we have the fridges you need phones oh okay that I apologize for this one in advance this this one ain't gonna but it did this one's locking all over the place this one's not gonna be clean this is because the the snapping everywhere okay well there's the phones I want to save soon yes a it's it must say from live mode yeah let's just save as we go along the arc Oh a misspell doesn't know it should be a cake is it's not that kind of Arc well that's okay nobody's perfect not even the arc it'll be a ton of Windows to erotica and improve privacy don't you worry Achille sends up okay safety safe because we will lose a lot of progress if the if this decides to poop itself okay back to by mode I'm not done okay cabinets lights don't need any of that stuff okay next we're going to need the Betts changed my mind I want this bed get these lined on up are you going to put two of every animal not a house too if I break it authentic also I need to stop giving you bits of nobody but whatever thank you for that 125 no plants or animals as of yet at Jack's co-op thanks for like the five quid 555 all there for to open console kappa and chat oh wow what good advice well thank you very much in the five quid man okay we need oh god I just thought of something horrific with the mirror hang on you oh now all office isn't doing it guys it's shift eight players max perhaps oh do you have another plan for that yeah we're gonna try a very big party and the whole town is gonna be invited at the TV's they go they can watch TV you all in bed that's that's amazing hold alt f4 why people tell me to do that no guys what's going on look I'm gonna give them some plants okay yes shift isn't doing it it without alters I'm doing it it's shift I don't like he was screaming Oh something else and shift that sounds like are you guys just trying to get me to close the street or so that sounds like you like go wrong alt disables the grid oh so it does how but I want the grid how will we know it's lined up unless we disable the grid well unless we keep the grid off important guys [Music] yeah we have the flowers my last year - you good sir I find the ugliest piece of furniture place it in the middle of the room but slightly offsets was not perfectly centered your wish is my command don't you worry I sort my function what's a more entertainment you know I want people to really enjoy themselves here Oh God we got so much stuff she can I can I I wonder okay well let's have the swimming pool intersect and apparently but why does it work in that one spot it's not much of a swimming pool is it okay well I mean this kind of works [Music] kinda oh it's cause of the way the walls are down below okay well we have this moon pool there at least how do I add the other features for this moon pool great pool a pool objects [Music] pop that there and we go every need catered for [Music] Artie you fool your bottom floor oh oh no yeah this is hmm okay yeah know that this introduces own set of problems well okay if they manage to make it in here what we'll just do how they can get it we didn't need that space anyway or CK thanks for subscribing okay that still works we'll just have a lot of doors we have the pool we just need to get back to lane it some more furniture what else do we got rocks shrubs flowers v8 fountain oh no this is the seven the wall stuff too so we can't create a phone a bio mode these cars are really expensive and we can't do cars we will need some cribs for the babies that of course come into the ark there we go we will need stuff for pets we will get [Music] okay we need some litter boxes litter box in the future Firefly 3 100 bits will have to [ __ ] catch your head dry do this thank you for this guy may be crazed right next to the pool perfect place for your coals perfect place to raise your kids y'all they can go swimming every day yeah we need some bowls it's really difficult to line up again err t just say love this channel and hope your would you I think the message got cut off and twitch alerts for some reason it just says hope you're well thank you very much I'm sorry about that I don't know why that seems to have cut off I will get all the pets in here we need stuff for the horses too okay we can afford one horse up here you don't really have enough space for the horses we'll pop that down there I need some more fun games so we're gonna give them some mad lamb of foosball [Music] they'll need some treadmills to keep themselves exercised oh we got treadmills this supposed to be the nine circles of hell they're lovely home it's the Ark let's just keep going what else do we need yeah we probably use a line of books I might get bored otherwise put them in there there's some books I think we have everything is you sort it now I can't think of anything else they need oh they don't have a computer I'll put a single computer I can't put that out they need tables then you table some chairs that's what I'm missing I keep it I love God please stop you're breaking my eyes please puppy can't climb ladders happy truck oh oh okay and Clemens vector as well it's been fire arty the pest can't get up they need stairs okay well we'll sort out the pets in a moment just hang on I have a plan well guys you think I'm so like woefully unprepared when it comes to these dreams I know exactly what I'm doing like this is all pre-recorded anyway so like it's not like admirers you know like I thought so far ahead but like the stream is finished I just sat down like last night like whatever you say now has no impact he's like I've already anticipated it I've predicted every possible development of this stream who will donate how many bits it's all pre-recorded but we're not even live I'm often like another animal cafe in Tokyo I'm just not here hiding away a comfort dining chairs get those in there we go but excuse me toilets that's freakin disgusting mine we're gonna make a new floor for the toilets we can't just have toilets next to them get your mind out of the gutter we're gonna just make an entirely new floor this would be the toilet floor and that's gonna be so bad on the eyes oh that's much better a tubeless license seven months not live that explained this I anticipate this I know it's very easy to work out when like the Rhys ups are going to happen hey thanks for seven months I anticipated that mr. glitter I saw you enter the stream a day in advance thanks for coming it's just the gift of foresight guys you know it's nothing too special you know I'm a very gifted man as you can clearly see I have many talents okay so next floor the toilets let's get a safety safe while we're here - just so we don't lose that floor I'm here to give you a scripture donation for the day be pooped up see I take ya I knew this was happening thanks goodly so it's all perfectly calculated a darkness without a darkness with like numbers thank you for subscribing all calculator you know my child and Matt what can I say okay I'm getting kind of lazy when it comes to the toilet can I just put the sink there Hooper there the bathtub there and I'll put a shower in this corner okay next floor that's the toilet sort it we're not done yet okay time for the next floor let's get another ladder there we go how tall is to build them going to be I mean we gotta use the available space you know we're not quite there yet okay um what's for the next floor I guess oh wait no I know what we can do okay so if we just make it so there's two ladders here and we jump another floor we can make a swimming pool floor insufficient funds again how do I keep running out of money that's all right there we go this is gonna be the next floor and we just kind of temporarily do that Oh Diana floor another ladder so we can make this a swimming pool floor I've moved two objects on into console and enjoy you can move things anywhere you want even people oh yeah I remember that one from students too that's my plan thanks glitter okay it's time to build the pool that's intersecting apparently [Music] there we go [Music] now we need a bit more land just so they can get to the next floor after this [Music] that's gonna look real weird from the outside too because it's just the pool [Music] ladder there okay next floor we're not quite there yet because the game is still letting us build stuff oh no this is the highest level we've actually reached the top okay that's it we can't go any higher what we can do is we can pop stuff on this floor let's just get that nice nice old carpet in no that was to Jared on the ice let me just that one's also that one's worse that looks good okay well it's time to pop on the roof see hipped roof all gable now the dome Oda can't be applied it won't let me pop on some of these roofs okay well we can go for the cheese which as you know III like to look at this one a bit more it's actually a new roof design too there we go let's go for the box and we got to give it a nice roof pattern yeah that's a lovely okay go gray one looks kind of like watermelon steel yeah okay we'll just stick to our guns we go we'll go for a lovely terracotta there we go now we just have to paint the walls this even supposed to be Oh fairytale castle oh it's gonna be a castle guys look we can even hide up the swimming pool this our Disneyland's got nothing on us this is this is true Irish like look at this your neighbours so cool all without like the lovely little like columns that they have oh they got some nice stairs to walk into your house are you living a [ __ ] castle history Lantry exactly right all its glory can we make a basement is that possible only I can go down any more floors a high vine says you should make a basement how do I build a basement then because I I can't I can't put another ladder the stairs won't work either mainly cuz it's not enough space from it's a tool where is it Oh basements no I can just do this oh and now we can go underground wait can I add a basement on the basement how many more layers to do we now have how far that no this is the lowest-level okay so we have some additional levels to the house now baby game please I'm begging you I'll save it I'll save it I still need to change the ingame settings so that they don't all die in like two days can I just do that from the main menu oh no I can do it here I'll thank God okay all right yeah we don't actually want people dying when way in here epic lifespan okay they will just be alive forever this time we don't have to worry about the management basically they will live for 1928 sim days how long as I didn't like IRL and that's like at least five years I thought going to be alive okay I should still be alive a lot yeah they're all fine you okay they now live forever so they cannot die in this place five years let's save a lot a while guys okay we still have some more floors so like what are we put on all of these we have the two pool floors we have the bathroom we have the main living quarters we have the entrance that's well died for our sins and this is definitely yeah didn't know we have a kitchen we did a twofer with the main floor I'm good I'm while people are making suggestions I'm just gonna get us some more money to make a sexy time lounge says cardinal nope this is it's a Christian household and they're not carry on now beds we have beds they've plenty of beds you guys need to stop complaining about the lack of beds look how many there are on the main floor okay that's plenty let me see I want one floor of just knows okay this may take a while so I'm just gonna like look at chat [Music] this will actually take quite some time to fill I'm gonna get repetitive strain that's right I wish it was like a way to just drag a box and gnomes and have them on every square it's kill furniture we have some treadmills and bookcases already I have an idea for the next photo I can make does your family watch the street see family know what you're doing my mama looks at my Twitter which is very sweet but no they don't actually watch anything I do and it's probably for the best you know because they still think like good of me thanks fire five min a hundred he Roble thanks 400 as well have a dungeon for the ones who don't pray for the one true God oh don't worry they can just pray to the gnomes look that's a lot value just rice as we place more of these this property is worth so much three-quarters of a million to liver [Music] we're about half way now I'll stop in a moment there's always tell funny nose like in place my voice plays pick up a fire hazard to the whole town thanks officially rock mine invest in the know market well it's strong thanks for the trip it's okay I think we have enough gnomes maybe just a few more [Music] okay though the gnome basement is complete oh we now need another ladder I think that comes up where I wanted to yep that's fine cool if to navigate the gnomes if you want to get to this for okay another floor we could you think this one the carpark you know that they are going to need cars get to work and everything yeah we'll set this up for just carries then I might take a while to [Music] car park in the cottage perfect it's this underground parking you know how you don't have to worry about finding the spot you'll always be able to get one yeah we're gonna need a lot of money to get them these cars it's like these are no okay we don't need a lot of money we just need a lot of sloppy joe Toffees oh thank God for that I was worried I'd have to get like different kinds of cars just give me I just really like this model give me a sloppy jalopy the functioning car it'll work Cardinal thanks for a hundred bits I'm just here in my garage but you know what I love or my brand-new cars knowledge yes I prefer Oh regardless it's a sloppy jalopy [Music] Oh God everyone's screaming at me hey Artie odd a second toilet Artie if only they had a second tour that they could use so you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna add a second toilet people are just losing their minds like a second toilet this is gonna upset so many people oh this ain't even Starfire t stop stuff do something a few of these in oh yeah those it this this makes it a lot better like a pot to the second total it's too much power someone to the desperation that message someone please stop this and we can we intersect them as well Oh [Music] diagonal walls aren't allowed here it's okay we can just make some more walls here Jay man says hours thanks Jay I'm on four hundred bits lemon you're actually creating a psychiatric loss for the whole now this isn't the psychiatric hospital this is like the prison of the mind postmodern statement to society [Music] thora enter thanks for subscribing frog master Timmy thank you for also subscribe diamond do think the to quit you are a perfection but you do realize if the horse can leave the second floor right so I'll pay too good for this and we get my buddies were and use all 255 characters I'm at 16 out I love your videos hope you stay cool I'm out of Carrick a person was cut off thanks for the 2 quid ok for plants looking good here we just need to add some doors I'm sure they'll be able to work out a path to the toilet somehow [Music] [Music] I'm sure there is some routine ok then we just pop the toilet there we go they have to have a toilet now are your happy guys you can finally use I guess we don't need the other toilet if we have this one now let me just write a lot it has the gnomes as the car park is the toilet the ladder has no door oh yeah you're right Oh after all that they just get locked in there that would be very sad kind of that there should be the door now for them to work with just to be sure [Music] there we go I should be fine now okay last floor what we gonna put that in here a door to the tour there is the door to the toilet this one behind it although that one's not connected okay well there we go okay now it's possible there's some sort of root you can work out there that's fine can we get some trees in here let's place the entire object one these places on terrain I just make this like grass only exposed to rain coming out of it damn we can't change that I should hire you to be your architect god I do a really good job chocolate room pretty sure you can see Premium you know I'm always sold out my work okay we have one more what we have to make this one count this is the last room of the house and the entertainment hmm Pat essentials vehicles kids storage atronics not really great fountain half walls rain paints ponds rocks shrubs a Ross Bob shrine always the skatepark then anyone with a skate parks under gonna be entertainment [Music] now that's gonna intersect everything we can have an ice-skating rink this is basically a shrine and some guitars some telescopes in case you want to see the stars in a lot telescopes I think people are really gonna want to see the night sky is just beautiful you know gotta make sure the people and observe it chess boards pepper a few of them and there are some easels there we go and because that's the previous floor we'll just pop the ladder here and hope they can find it yeah I think we're good the house is finished we're now going to live mode plz don't crash until I can save the game people that screw even at me to do so many things please don't crash for the love of God thank you save ah we had a beautiful little home now we got to just round up the entire town look she's already making her way inside you know if we do walls cut away look they're already like getting used to new living conditions I have the time in our lives okay so a couple of things we need to do we need to throw a massive party I need to improve the relation of the sim though how do I make it so that there was a way that we did this with Ross ball before we made it so he knew literally everyone in town how do I do that I think I need to enable the debug mode again I won't add dog stairs until we get everything all set up and the dog will die so I'm holding them hostage until you guys help me so help me put the cheats if to click on the mailbox no interactions oh you mean in this right no no interactions shift right click with this on is it shift-click I'm shift-clicking testing cheats enable true there we go that doesn't seem to be working hang on Eston sheets enable true a known command shift-click on the mailbox I I am shift clicking on the mailboxes it's not working oh there we go make me know everyone make all happy make friends force visitor what's force visitors this force visitor just how people like show up is the mail that's the mailman they're starting the journey into lives oh look some people are starting the show up oh this is perfect can I just have them all come inside horse visitor oh this is spot on what I want to do okay so we're now just gonna load up every visitor in the city people her everyone's just here to check out the house it's the talk of the town and literally everyone who's making over [Music] welcome everybody everyone come on inside getting difficult to click the mailbox cuz there's so many Sims in the way don't think I've got everyone the time just yet keep sending them in okay now we just need them all to go inside the house they're waiting to walk in okay hang on let's just we can just make it so it's like an archway or something put that there for a moment but now they can get come inside she needs to answer the door but go go here make your way back we got to greet the visitors who are all here we have to let people inside invite everyone in okay that's just teleporter cool okay let's go here we need to invite everyone in let's have them come in they're all waiting to get inside come on everybody are they gonna come in it happened some trouble with the door one person has made their way inside he's the ice-cream van he's coming to visit - okay everyone come on in we need to get the ark lunch why is the dog walking backwards friends thanks for subscribing yeah I need everyone to come inside set us the front door [Music] they won't come in I can just pick some of them to add to my family as well just started often Simpson come on in just come on in add to the family okay we have we have some Sims gathers portraits ain't looking too good that's fine look at the chat Artie please so set the arch as the front cool they're starting to celebrate birthdays hang on how do I set the arches the front unset' front door oh I know I can set I can set like this one at the front door or something no I can't do that there's only one sim hijack bunch this is leach a bunch Colin do you want to hang out all over that is just delete the front door okay I just want to get him inside oh there goes some of them no they're leaving I need him to come in we've only got like two guys at the moment a few more of them are making their way in delete the wall yeah well let's we got to get these guys inside this start they're starting to we are starting to save some folks in the arc we just need more of them you're like once we seal this thing it's sealed for good everyone everyone make their way in I'm just gonna start inviting more guess we are starting to get them in the bays rotor is such a good book funny you should mention the Mazer on okay we're starting to get more visitors in a startin to make their way got more and more of them are entering the new wave of visitors seems to be had inherent in him although FB I'd like to report an active coles makes the 202 rock bad what do I tell you about the move objects sheet great may and put a horse in the pool trap them all oh we had cleared of whole you're right I could just force objects now I miss that one before sorry okay we can move objects to get the stragglers in because it's gonna take a while for we're gonna wander the talk to everyone is it a move objects can't be picked up what's the command again we're starting to get some of them move objects troop okay so we can only get them when they start standing on our property but that's okay and MN oh this is a beautiful romantic move hey I know reunite them okay it's still hugging which is poppin bolt in okay I'm gonna get some more people in the house then gotta get the Ark popular wonder how many of the game can take I mean we're gonna find out I've gotta go bye only we want to him in the Ark anyway that's okay okay they're all starting the show up get game is chugging pretty bad right now but that's okay this should be enough people so we just take all these guys and pop them inside oh we got a twofer that one she is a baby Swain for a few more of them to walk on the property okay we're good welcome to the Ark everybody ah if all is sealed and I having some trouble moving but that though they'll work it out in due time has anyone made their way upstairs yet yet there's they're starting to climb up I think getting ahead in your career is really attractive nice it's dark unfinished room room is fine Oh Sassie doing squeaky clean doing well where is the dog oh there he is okay okay they'll work out eventually that like they have to go upstairs to survive we already have some of them making their way here look there's Agnes crumpled bottom there's Connor free Oh as Nick Alto is jarred free oh yeah you just come up here what we'll do in the dogs case if I just uh if I just pick up the dog we can move him upstairs area don't have to worry about the dog anymore ah the woman with the baby though she's on her own okay this took a lot of prep to get this housing operation but we're finally here and we can now start playing the game at safe you top ten rescue missions okay welcome to the ark day one they already found their way to the sound system be like this sick mumbo beat we're gonna have gone are we gonna be hearing a lot the dog is currently digging a hole inside where's Wanda yeah Wanda needs to get up here because she's like orchestrating the show how's everyone doing downstairs as well there's still like wandering the halls it seemed to be very confused to what direction they're supposed to head but more of them are making their way so whatever I like to send in the ladder did anyone go downstairs no not a soul no one's in the carpark no ones have to go use the toilet no one's having a shower and no one's in the pool yeah well it takes time you know like they gotta get used to new surroundings the Ark is perfect in its current form look they have so many TV channels like who wouldn't be happy take your pick up like a 90 vs a guy in trunks reading the water the same program but from different angles what's going on in this TV what am I supposed to be watching this is this is really creepy and psychedelic all your favorite characters dandy-lion guy the Explorer and who can forget the bunny rabbit the weirdest version of Barney I've ever seen no dog well there's lots of dog balls some of them are even empty okay it's fine look this woman's feeding them all good on you Jaime y'all he's gonna be fine there's so much food we have the entire population of the city now inside the Ark people don't even using the swimming pool there has to go soon she's supposed to be somewhere else well that's a shame Claire that's a real shame because the Ark is now your home why does he keep saying that I'm losing $10 as well what's causing that yeah well we're doing well people are still navigating the halls some of them I've given up they're just not even attempting more of them are starting the brave the upstairs know if they want to survive they have to go this way I don't like anyone's decided to go downstairs yet the gnomes haven't enticed them that's okay Wanda's just currently freaking out it's a new life let's just fast forward a bit and let's see if we can just push them to the first night when they have to start using facilities they really like the sound system I think that much is clear they've got a lot of music playing they like the TV's too the water in the stable looks kind of trippy tomorrow just yelled at Nick Alto this one epic feeling shake and shout and machen either of them will forget soon nor will the neighbors oh okay mr. world finally getting ahead in your career is really attractive why does he keep saying that I need to go home now bye looks like it's time dude good luck they ain't leaving just trying to get them all upstairs start they've the game now we don't we only disable again we're fine I'll save it in due time we don't eat we don't need to constantly say we'll be okay okay so we seem to have hustle and bustle of activity form and now they like the treadmills they love the swimming pool they really like the sound systems there's like three different songs playing okay that's all right complaining about bed yeah Bates why aren't they using them y'all saying they're tired go to bed oh look and freakin she's going to use the showers she's the first person to brave it upstairs first person the journey to 100 floor it's our very own Wanda hey she's usually gonna go have a shower you need spaces between the beds all right okay we can do spaces you know I was trying to be efficient I was thinking we're gonna have a lot of people there we're gonna need more beds there we go you want spaces we'll lose a few beds we're just gonna have to make do oh I mean we need to like bust open like the room here I'll just delete this oh I can't delete the sofa he's on there we go they can now make it like outside it should be good I'm night they can make it to the fridges to cool we're doing good this is my dream house I mean I'm why wouldn't it be it's got everything you could ever want and literally all your friends even the friends you don't know yet all standing about their underwear for some reason why are so many people naked it's cuz they use the pool and they just haven't changed okay this guy's just taken to living here I'm just working away on his laptop okay let's just fast-forward again so we can get the circumstance it's kind of picking up because they keep saying that they're gonna leave but there's no way for them to actually leave we're just gonna fast forward and speed up time they all keep saying I've read love to stick around but I gotta go they don't they don't have a sayings wait how is she drowning there's a lot Emma she just how did she die pow there's a ladder right there well killed her oh she's gone I don't I don't know how our first sim just drowned in the swimming pool next to everyone else somebody's very mixed response some people are just annoyed I was looking for the toilet some are frustrated [Music] terribly thanks 100 bits I can't believe someone just immediately died we don't even know what her name was her Reaper can't even enter the damn house yeah where where is the Grim Reaper I didn't even see him I thought he teleports [Music] apparently her ghost is already haunting the place but we're like where is she at least they're all starting to like gravitate their way in like that they've given up like hang out in these atolls they've realized that their needs for survival are in this room and sleep because let me music well they can turn off the music they have hot power [Music] everyone's in the right already okay Wanda what do you need Wanda just go just go to bed sleep go to bed Wanda you're really tired everyone else will eventually work on how to get food oh they're all upset about this guy dying that's a different guy no that's not the one who died we're trying to pull thought it was like a woman who's this guy who are these people they're lamenting they're all thinking about them in unison but Wanda just got to just get the bed don't whine that car okay look Little Billy you had your pee get inside the house okay we're gonna need some cleanup duty here the mop situation is getting kind of bad that's a lot of piss on the floor they do have a toilet why aren't they accessing the toilet that's the kid it's the parking lot they do have a bathroom in here same whatever air it is it's in here somewhere why can't they use the toilet go brainer thanks for subscribing there's no ladder there is a ladder out of there ladder there see a lotta down here a lot of right there no one's even bought oh jeez the skating rink I think that was a complete waste of time look a while to make that hay well they're starting to sleep at least [Music] Granta is it's in the puddles of piss on the ground which is an ideal but you know the goodnight RSL the same and he trying to get to the toilet but they can't all do we need more doors okay all right let me fix the problem apparently they can't use the toilet well that's okay we'll just get some more doors this should hopefully solve any issues put them by the top left okay all right well put a concentrated pocket of doors and now there's no way they can't make it here okay there are doors literally everyone they can't make it now then it's their own fault okay like I don't know what to tell it's pretty straightforward you know he just got a coming the lighter you open this door you open this one you lead past this door here into this door here follow it into this room open that door so you can open this door open those two doors they open that door side door they're true this door here side door here not a door in this wall none adored in this wall around here true these two doors and then you just open the store at the end you know that I wouldn't have a clean route they're just a bunch of whingers if they can't make it now there's a lot more piss on the floor this is kissing okay Emma hatch is dead I think Emma hatch is the only - everyone has to go soon okay they aren't starting to work out how to make money at least you know it's starting to make food this guy how did he get himself locked inside the horse pen what does that even happen you shouldn't be able to walk in there okay well you know they're starting to adopt into your life at least they turned off the Simon systems which you know is a big step up they're working on how to make food they have the counter space that they need it own Pro sure thing [Music] like they have everything like it okay finally they've our two stars have gone to bed so they're gonna get some rest you know if they can survive for even a Roses and chicken that I'm pretty sure everyone else can say I started ever fresh to light supermarket everything is 35 percent off for the next day enjoy the savings oh we better rush on down it's just fast forward a bit again they can make food if they're hungry don't know why they're all so upset [Music] yeah us thanks excuse me if you look in at this corner you look in this corner of the house we have a sink you can achieve down the expenses how could you no expense spared all right this house costs thousands of dollars to make game is chugging hard yeah I don't think it's designed for this many people in one place it is it is starting to have some difficulty yeah we're gonna force them to use the resources they have they have to learn you know only survival the fittest at this rate Wanda's gonna have live ammo cuz she actually knows how to go to bed Lisa are starting to have a good man you know why we got the carpet floor know some people can make themselves comfortable look see more of them are in the beds they're working it out carpool throw Zelda we'll come to that who's Zelda I think it was just one person who just couldn't swim with jumped in the pool they forgot they couldn't swim and just died drowned instantly oh that's their own fault really it's all 78 huh yes can't sleep in beds but they're not just guests anymore a part of the family everyone's in the family now why are they all glowing green there's a shower upstairs it's like hygiene is an issue Zelda's late for work without that's a shame that's a real shame you know oh thank god the pace kind of evaporates after time so we don't have to worry about it forever it does actually go away that's a relief they are starting to gradually work it out some of them are passing out like from exhaustion before they get to the food like this guy's trying to make some food having a bit of trouble okay let's check back in with Wanda where is she right now she's hanging out with her friends hey Wanda Oh serve lunch like some mac and cheese a gross Bob proud you know what about the dog the dogs fine how is he struggling with social skills this dog it's so many people to talk to how could you be upset about poor social he needs to destroy something - sure give that to Jack Bunch go start chewing on the flowerpots hate your destruction up still batana me off now autonomies on we can do whatever they want yeah hi free will maybe the dog or doesn't like talking to strangers maybe glasses harsh he needs to get structured up when he can not interested in any of these food is too low to destroy but your mood is low because you want to destroy he's going nuts well you got it you know they're just chew the flowers Oh eat them dog Oh - old ladies there you go dog so much happier yes I'll go is real shy that's what's playing against them can someone answer the phone I don't know who's that is just a panda gamer skyvan basketball Akron Mik basketball let's go hundred bits do or spend guy complains but he has his own personal space it's true know of anything is like a luxury this guy's in here yes zone hey you guys have to worry about food anyway are they still passing out as they try and make it to the fridge having a lot of difficulty just making some food it's like a plenty of like salads like all over the place - or some reason all Wanda has done is just constantly make salads and it's actually kind of unnerving why is she made so many salads okay that's someone else Wanda made five solids and left them all on the ground okay dogs doing good Wallen is doing good she's getting kind of hungry I'll have a salad it's just speed up time really chugging on my screen no it's true it's chugging for everyone it's the game having some difficulty but you know this is the arc this is where humanity lives there's no other life in the world now it's just us so we got to survive and do our best you know oh they got the music back on that's nice so how just more salads are being made in the corner they just keep making salads what why is it just so many salads everywhere oh that's disgusting go use the toilet and nobody's going to the bathroom because there aren't ladders to the basement there are ladders to the basement all right you know we're gonna do all right one toilet there we go yep someone's already like running for it come on go use the toilet throw up a finished rolling up finish peeing yourself just go use the toilet it's fine I also Ryan's embarrassed rained discussed it unfinished room smelly I have a toilet now so they can't complain Oh cup of noodle how's it going thanks for subscribing I've been hurting me you know I hope you strain something going well you join us in the creation of the ark we're trying to save humanity and just our beautiful home here I don't know they don't have to worry about the outside world anymore and they have every facility they could need but for some reason everyone keeps pissing their pants and a hat they have a toilet they just need to use it we'll get it sorted though I learnt either check the other floors I don't think anyone's gone on the other floors yeah no one is using swimming pool floor there's honestly a shame this is such a cool floor I don't think anyone still in the halls game is chugging I can't move the camera hang on no one is in the halls anymore they've given up on that no one has shown any love for the gnome floor or the carpark and they still haven't been able to find a way through the toilet down here I don't know why well you know they're in the main room at least [Music] we have a brighter future oh I missed a bit donation Oh Firefly nice 100 bits RT add everyone to the household RT there guess they can't make food or sleep please please RT how do I add everyone to the household I thought this like a limo I can make them old and make him older let just make everyone have a birthday [Applause] [Music] everyone's birthdays today happy birthday folks follow it nice garden yeah see yeah they're only being so sad now everyone's all growing up [Applause] happy birthday we'll make this guy grow up to see there are better spirits already all it takes is birthdays so if we just space the birthdays now we can just keep them happy it's actually a great idea we can do if we just constantly have it so it's someone's birthday they have no reason to be upset the best idea I've had so Zelda - birthday Christopher no that was the wrong button [Music] Mortimer your birthday Michael your birthday Malcolm your birthday [Music] everyone's having their birthday guy in the cage has been trapped or all your life happy birthday and yeah I could I can make everyone happy with this to make all happy make friends horse NPC oh we can call around the Grim Reaper horse NBC let's just have him come in someone died before but like we didn't get their tombs town so we'll horse in the shop there we go just another beautiful day in the air look it's someone's birthday happy birthday have a floor salad great pancakes excellent quality if you ask me happy birthday [Music] what's the burglar I don't know if I can there's a car parked outside there's a lot of cats that's okay though I'll figure it out we're not interested in society anymore we have the Ark we can just force everyone to be happy it fulfills all their needs too they're all sustained now garbage can garbage cans have a whole line them I'm the earth a cage guy he already looks pretty old Carly can be even older guys are gonna miss that man it's gonna be unbearable Boyd has reached a level status good job Boyd [Music] so much happiness in one house it still is impossible after the passing of Roswell but today we enter a new age the age of happiness I am just gonna make it soda everyone is constantly happy in this house I can just I can just forever trigger it it's perfect [Music] that's hard to orchestrate them is the only thing what else can I do if I just shift-click object like what does that do object still eat it it doesn't really do anything for us we can only just delete stuff bless your Sat serve and lunch fire off the ovens boys we're gonna make some mac and cheese some mac and cheese for everyone tinker-stinker I hope they're still so happy because there's always someone's birthday dogs having a time in his life we don't need to worry about these people like they'll just forever be okay just fast forward we can go even faster it's ultra speed to occur in action okay let's just wait until night falls again repress Bob's horrifying back and cheese that way a putrid quality salads that's even better [Music] fire would be the Angelus there's no way to like force start a fire is there I don't think I have that power happy birthday there is I can get fireworks how do I get fireworks we could have a firework show get a unicorn how do I get a eunuch poke about fireplace to get fire yeah hot no but we can we can get fireworks how do we get fireworks entertainment artis all snow cones bars firepit I mean we can get a few fire pits it didn't have doors we're an outdoors you need a computer to get fireworks that's really weird okay well so I'm gonna order them online or something okay well let's get a computer in yeah we'll go to Wanda Wanda dr. Petch a Triton more purchase additional home don't need an additional home and in objects just delete it go to the computer and order I'm trying to check whether that's hard we'd like to chat this is Dori Hart want to talk sure Rhys Webb that's on there sir so that's your slump [Music] where is it I don't see any just like order fireworks save the dog save the dog what's wrong with the dog dog it's fine yes Hara wants to know if tomorrow donor would like to go on a date no thanks guys press more more doesn't do anything come on the guy our purchase additional home online dating check neighborhood you can't order fireworks so I don't know how we can start a fire and like tests of survival instincts unfortunately they they're all doing well though they're in good spirits you're not on the computer then why did everyone tell me they're on the computer yeah just make a fireplace okay well let's make some fireplaces fireplace [Music] we'll get some pyro pits now the problem is positioning these is we already have so much stuff we probably don't need as many dishwashers think in hindsight we may have gone overboard with the dishes oh I accidentally broke the wall there too Oh giving them a faint glimmer of hope let's just correct that oh god what's going on with like the position okay that fireplace is messed up [Music] all right we didn't need that one anyway [Music] okay there should be enough fireplaces in your neighbor fireworks if you enable to buy the bug cheat ie debug okay what is that okay so how do I now get fireworks from that the very least we can get some fire started everyone goes start a fireplace you have to go to buy mode to get them what where are they I'm in buy mode how do I get it people keep telling me get buy fireworks but like I don't see it what do I do where do I go save the dog save the dog hey Artie have you considered saving the dog Artie save the dog save the dog save the dog hey Artie have you considered saving the dog I think I'll work himself out guys don't worry hey Artie save the dog save the day did we find dogs growing up don't worry guys he's gonna be okay I just he's just gone to the farm he's gonna be okay dog saved y'all don't worry about him anyway - snap got him there we go y'all's worry about the dog anymore guys it's okay I know everyone was very concerned like Archie get the dog out of this house you know Archie I'm worried about having that animal in the house don't worry dogs gone now go buy fireworks and I poke the fire start poking the fire we've only got one fire play foot and everyone is just constantly pissing themselves right now I bet a lot I'm out of the house you guys weren't specific you just kept saying save the dog get him out of the house so I did it he's saved he's out of the house you guys weren't clear I was just listening the chat and now everyone just keeps pissing themselves I did I thought you died as well you look awfully like the person who drowned [Music] it's our faults as a guy in chat you guys gotta be clear of the instruction when it comes to just the high vine yelling stuff not me otherwise it's not gonna go the way you want [Music] the dog is gone he's safe I got rid of him just as everyone asked everyone was screaming at me to get rid of him get him at Laos how do I get fireworks can I now buy him on the computer check whether chat more now there's still no option to buy fireworks I think I think you guys might be thinking of a different Sims can hire Jack thanks Howard your bits he says why [Music] go into buy mode where is it then go to the store in the map and buy fireworks [Music] oh that's gonna be a problem that is to save the dog emotion well I would have but I say I said that's gone too cuz that's what ever wanted go to question mark oh this debug these spawn is bird spawners snakes but I can just spawn snakes in the house oh that's supposed to kind of curious as to what this will do okay let's get some snakes get some snakes soil rock and metal insects miscellaneous oh wow there's a lot here okay we need some more money get some snakes dinosaur statue bron-bron own evil mister you just get evil gnomes why anyone see fireworks yesterday's news why would I want that oil fog emitter tombstones fireworks around here somewhere I just got a search from we currently don't see them [Music] in the middle somewhere Oh red glare ah perfect oh that's snakes again hang on rainbow sparklers yeah we can just get a bunch of fireworks okay so we just need them lit now light fuse white people side spare the horse now there's no horses Oh Agnes isn't looking too good probably shouldn't have eaten these waffles pancakes even well she just flipped out of existence then okay that's fine Algrim Areva makers in this tone just make grim reaper birthday Oh doctor Bunch the horse cage guy oh no he's fine point is good it's still not how he got in there hey I miss is okay just try not a new dress she'll be okay police officer in here what's it become in okay well I this is gonna be okay if you can just if someone can just get on the fireworks light the fuse stop morning council a lot come on Wanda hey Wanda yep and speed this up there we go hey we got fireworks oh wow those work really quick [Applause] it's okay they have extinguishers that they'll be able to put this out [Music] we're just testing their survival skills okay but fine like the heaven extinguisher is enough people here really if it flies out of control it's their own soul who's beeping this one guy oh this one person in here it's like why is she late for work the waiting hit for ages why won't you show up good life in the arrogance is going to well you know [Applause] okay Wanda whatever you're done panicking about the fire there's oh there we go the fire's out so Wanda whenever you're done here don't let a fire work for you I see they're okay they survived the first one she died of natural causes like that wasn't related to the fire you can hardly blame anything up she can also cool also natural causes not related to the fire not my problem oh there sure huffing like like how are they all died how are they all died and what happened they just fell like dominoes we lost six people their true natural causes no fault of my own mind you I always causing the fire real though real God for a thousand and fifty bits a joint kind of late and I'm kind of confused welcome to the arc hey God how's it going thanks for the 10 quid let us help out for a boys locus intercepted ìletís shipment heading to the restaurant it was impossible for them to toss their world-famous salads I would be less concerned about the solid side maybe like the seven deadly sins are like playing Cyrus weeping the land right now a swarm of locusts just intercept it food for the restaurant okay let's accept Boyd also natural causes not my problem [Music] let's just make him happy again oh no I can't make him happy as the cameras jumping back okay we're gonna win out a few of them then we'll see you deserves to be made happy they're doing fine miss having a ghost party and look I'll make it easier for them we'll just delete - again don't worry about it I think that'll eat the ghost as well but that's okay this is how career is gonna be busy off of thinks of the awesome strange oh no problem Cardinal you know I do my very best to ensure the only quality entertainment makes it onto my channel I really do prize myself aside kind of putting on a bit of a show if you will and you know I think this is like I know the wholesome family content we've all come to know and love on this twitch channel facially pleasure hundred Spitfires extras all RT day i starving the daiquiri weave he's got a big job today oh yeah no he seems to have hit the jackpot how many people are dead how many are we more no well this list is getting out of hand this is oh this this is just no this is just going wrong Grim Reaper reason even coming to pick them up we need to save these Sims oh okay what we're gonna do all right let's see so they still have to walk Adil yog has been breached we're gonna give them a chance it's the Telex surfer hey I found thanks 100 okay there is now a way out they can escape the real God within our 510 I by this will be the first on bit boarders thank you very much mochi thanks for 100 as well good to see you again how's it going okay they now have a means to escape so it's on them it's completely on them yes some of them are starting to make the track this guy's just running to get out BK drummer thanks for subscribing how's it going where's Wanda hey Wanda they're still in our fire work over here okay a cage guys gonna be fine we have to cancel all of these morning's action Q is just full okay I'll cancel him in a moment - don't pass out Oh Wanda hey Wanda we gotta get you on the firework light the fuse whenever you're finished passing out what why are you walking somewheres in particular to pass out I don't understand that cage guys having the time of his life he's fine okay Wanda's out of action every sim who's in the family has like passing out okay no this guy's just see okay cage guy Heijn guy you're our only hope right now we need you to light the firework come on I'm gonna let you out just for this hey good job cage guy well keep him in reserve just in case we need him we're not firework go I won't just explode it normally I think we broke the AI over here too like they're not even moving anymore well no cage guy hang on all right again cage guy the only one here has got his head in his shoulders the firework off dude how are they leaving the house the where's cage guy going oh he's using the toilet okay well we'll grab him that much before we send him back in cage guy who's confident saying these guys are just broken like what have we done here they've all just stopped their action cues are like chocolate block right now yeah well let's get let's get Wanda a tear go over here Wanda you're okay give a name to evil mister no okay she's gonna go make some goopy carbon err yes anyone else want some food from the fridge I'm gonna go make some lunch it's literally just cage guy and Wanda who aren't broken everyone else is gone I don't know what's happened with these Sims H guy and Wanda are the only ones oh no no cage guy just broke okay though this labs when he keep him out of his cage too long you know maybe I should hopefully fix them yay making breakfast Oh Wanda rejoin the action gonna make a lovely meal what are we making that's great what are we making continue cooking I'm more interested with home cooking specialties have we got this morning hey the morning breaks them I really it uh it's all of a sudden really quiet without their screams but they're completely broken like I don't know what's happened to him and she's going to use the oven come on Wanda Wanda cross cage guy flees the family we're keeping is just the two of these what's his name like boy Duane right okay so if we get anyone out of this scenario it's just wander and Boyd aka cage guy let me see if I can just fix them with the mailbox or in the mailbox code oh god I think we build a fireplace over it okay that's fine make all happy that they're still just frozen yeah well let's get rid of like some of the other family here let's see if like a birthday fixes everything okay she's back alive also have your birthday yeah we got a few of them fixed now no we just killed her okay well that's not the command I was looking for [Laughter] [Music] everyone's stuck waiting for death okay we're just we're just gonna round them up and put them a cage guy yeah we got to get the stragglers this is probably the darkest obsession we've done by Hawaii just thinking about the circumstances I know we've done some pretty messed up stuff with previous family but like this is just bad funny we've actually broken everything and like there's just bodies on the floor that won't disappear of just previous Sims has actually gone horribly wrong yeah we'll just hurt them up pop them in the cage hopefully it works some action what do I do about these people whatever they're - they're just sleepless towards a cavern you're one evil [ __ ] we need wheat yeah we need to force the Grim Reaper actually yeah you're right it's good we put the devil out of a job not the devil the Grim Reaper different guy horse visitor so that's a different kind of visitor force NBC Grim Reaper we need - to show up again because everyone has just broken they can't get over the passing of their friends I didn't wanted to get in the cage - she was on the other side of the room okay well she's in there - Grim Reaper is having some trouble showing up I'd like to point out they can leave now I don't think anyone made it they can just leave the home at this point but it's so horribly broken that I don't know if they can well if they will be very stuck in traffic we broke the Grim Reaper - yeah I shouldn't have deleted them whoa gee thanks from that 103 start the game I think the Ark is falling guys it's taking a dark turn the ghost won't even leave like we broke every MVC let's just get Wanda out of the house and see if that helps Wanda and Kage guy but no we gotta be back there hey will they do anything ask about the day they're just motionless dough here okay though all right though they will move when I give them commands I think I've seriously broken the AI all more people are dying some of them seem to actually be working I delete the cage no the not theirs they're still stuck oh my god howdy hi see daven so far i'm it is I'm pretty good just woke up decided to play some Sims you know Wanda is going back in to mourn the passing of another person Wanda why would you go back at this stage like jokes aside about the Ark why would anyone do this just get out of here Wanda you know where is the Reaper he's gone we deleted him is there a way to like reset or level the house he's clearly insane now I just like mass delete the house I think at this point this is the only end for this string like this house needs to be cut gone that was his monstrous meteor can you do that it's not just City skylines can I spawn a meteor how do I do that I can bulldoze the law do reset same Grim Reaper this I don't know how I get a meteor I think we will just recite the city skylines Oh Wanda just went back up to say hey to everyone and she's just staring active like that they don't know how to interact anymore this seems phone is ringing and she's just not answering it oh gee thanks for not 100 no no you can do a meteor it's with the snake spawner oh okay I didn't mean to pick up the TV meteor with the snake spawner these are insects boners these are miscellaneous objects meteor is just a rock yeah meteor spawner huge summon a meteor I don't know if that works ramaa ties to the point of no function yeah I mean like things have just gone wrong I don't know how we get rid of these guys Wanda is she's just not looking too good the meteor doesn't seem to be working move her outside okay he's outside yeah I don't know if the meteors gonna work guys I don't see any meteor strike in the house Bochy thanks for that 100 probably lay like in the city's games okay well that's just fast-forward a while and at this rate we're not gonna have anyone left in the house who on the meteor strikes save and reset yeah okay let's try that I'll save the game but the grim reaper has come to collect a member of the household where's the Grim Reaper darling he's here somewhere okay well that's just safe most of all of us why the fireworks buggin out oh okay I'm gonna buy more meteors bonus then Maxwell medius bones takes a couple of days for it to come down okay well let's just get as many meteors as we can and let's just purge this Hell on Earth that we have created I don't want to miss there's meteors wait some people are moving Destin how has he done this Dustin just realized like what he is he's become sentient he's just legging it two of them escaped they just realized though it like their sins oh my god don't let him escape stop them deviance oh there we go deviance okay well not the running back though they don't have anywhere else to go you're faster now let him get out guys they still have free will they're just inside the arc you know and who wouldn't want to be in here only Wanda and Kage guy are let out I'm still waiting for the meteors to strike that's just okay let's save the game again and let's just fast forward until the meteors hit I know too much okay so we're gonna say we're gonna go to the menu and then we're gonna load up the game again and we're gonna see if that helps of the gameís pause but that sim just died already we'll probably have to watch him die again when we open up again let's try this welcome the cheetah cheetah family there's just a ghost in the family it's a freaking lot preview [Music] and it's continuous a cage guy was the friend we made along the way [Music] why is there dog back to ya the dog dog shouldn't be here anymore okay well they're all thinking about swimming at least so that we're moving up in the world - is finally back well that's good so we're not gonna have this horrific scenario where everyone just sticks around forever he's cleaning up the bodies - has a lot of work today oh my god he's got to go one-by-one to all the bodies just look at him go but this person isn't dead how is this one just hovering she she's not dead okay she just thinks she's dead okay - is just gonna keep working away no we seem to have broke him again hang on nomu hit clear a patch Jesus clear a path for - we with some of those snakes out of the way there we go - just clean up - is puddinin' work he responds and kills death we have to see anything on the meteor front compliment cleverness at least cage guy and wander again oh well yeah we'll just let - work for the next two minutes I'm sweep up here [Music] using telescope outside makes the meteor come faster really okay uh wait wait a Wanda go he's trying to get back in okay Wanda you don't want to go in there okay how are we going to do listen I don't know where we can put the telescope just we just delete the door here that means we could take out this bit of wall which means we now have more space telescope okay it's our new house here let's get telescope with my function entertainment hobbies and skills get this telescope oh come on des okay look through the telescope once you don't pee in yourself I'm sure he's fine look through the telescope so we're just waiting on a meteor to strike the house let's just speed up keep looking through the telescope but you go you wants to express her fear of swimming the cage guy okay never you got a moment mood is too low well I am in charge here you're happy now get on that telescope hydrate hydrate sip oh my god I'll get a drink soon I'm gonna get one once the string wraps up I just want to see the meteors come in and just destroy this abomination of a house we deserve that much liberate us from this hell how was she stuck Wanda you gotta stop hanging out with cage guy he's a bad influence come on Wanda stop talking the cage guy we should probably put cage guy back inside because what is a repo man wait the repo man can teleport inside how is that even possible and I just okay problem solved let's keep looking at night telescope oh I guess Kara disappeared too okay keep looking for the telescope we're waiting for that meteor strike let's keep going Wanda we must summon the Commish it's gonna take her a while I feel exactly as a repo man do I keep repossess this stuff you know you don't pay your bills in our case we can just delete them though okay keep searching Wanda you're looking for the comment we have a hundred and sixty-four note notifications let's just hide those they're gonna keep popping up I'm just waiting on the meteor gotta find it stop thinking about our pockets it's okay Monica Morris would like to chat does Jamie Jelena want to talk sure they keep stargazing Wanda long into the day long into the night how are they doing inside oh my god the AI is fixed cleaning up all the bodies has actually fixed them oh my god wait at these are the meteors I know guys that's not gonna do the job I thought it was gonna be a meteor hit the house meteors have just spawned inside that's not the same thing great meteors incoming guys it's just a regular meteors crying again okay well you know we can't destroy it with a meteor we'll just have to do it the old-fashioned way let's get some fireworks a hydrated IOT don't worry officially I have seen the message thank you very much one hundred bits [Music] yeah I guess if we can't do it we're just gonna have to get some fireworks there we go now who forgotten the inside who we can avoid wants to see a ghost that doesn't actually seem that hard that enough people have died in his house now he should be very easily able to fulfill that okay go light the fuse there we go no the fireworks are just escaping ma'am I don't understand is there a bit of wall missing somewhere fireworks I'm doing like the same amount of work now maybe I do need to seal up this huh this bit here let's try it yeah there we go that's sealed just keep wanting to Irish there we go she can just keep playing with the telescope I think it's spire close you think enough okay well let's get some sparklers no wrong way [Music] holiday cannon sounds like it should be bigger rainbow sparklers arty let's use fireworks fireworks nope basically I don't know why I like the they don't want to go off but you know we're gonna get it [Music] snakes motors I feel we're I'm a bit of a mistake the snakes don't seem to do much they kind of just chill there that's okay you know we gladly accept them as part of the family okay let's try light the sprinklers light fuse light fuse Thunder has just started okay oh my ghost yep that's fine okay let's get everything lit chai thinks there's no roof there should be a roof oh my gosh no you're right I'm to the roof I was the freaking fireplaces let's just knock these down no we can't get rid of them okay when the roof disappear I can't place anything because of the fireplaces I need to get rid of these Adam one by one oh there's a slight hole there - look at that let's wall that up there we go slide hole oh there we go got the roof fashion look what star we gonna go for I like this one cuz it's really tall perfect the pool is a hole let's keep the water in though let's see if this works with like the fireworks we have lined up now oh there we go I don't know they're trying to put it out how do i I'm sorry it's your birthday I'm sorry tomorrow yeah there we go okay birthday trigger works everyone just stay calm your birthday's happy birthday okay that's actually killing some of them before the [ __ ] kiss okay we will save them from this everyone just have your birthday real quick [Music] the kids are loving it there we go get them out away from this place [Music] I don't think that went well the house is still standing how do I just get rid of this birthday party was lish the birthdays been a disaster it's not gone well the hammer and delete everything is there like a drag tool for the hammer oh my god there is I just delete the house roof yep just just get rid of all of it [Music] what does that sell what's not actually getting rid of Etsy I'll get rid of anything everything's still here [Music] bulldoze the law how do I do that got all the snakes selling the snakes doesn't help but cage guy died on no cage guys fine he's out here [Music] go to Matthew real estate that wasn't it how do I get her to fish I need to destroy this house you need to click on edit town that's not it Matthew where's edit town if the tree Dawson the tout and wait where is it okay more people are still dying in the house hang on tree dots edit town now I'll edit town while saving your household is having a birthday oh sorry okay I guess no you know there's limits on being God you know someone's birthday gig real talk that stuff is serious you can't make changes even the game has a limits you know it's okay if I freakin just kill everyone in the house someone's birthday anyone I had the town hotel [ __ ] phone you know that's not cool cannot do that someone's having their birthday is everyone doing with the birthday I hit it at the townhouse oh okay no it isn't just birthday when you see when your household is Chinese well they better hurry up then I'm a busy man you know I haven't got time to wait around all day everything getting any younger yeah I think everyone's gone it's two guys left and the third now just leaving can I now edit the town we should save your town before continuing yes save sassy coats could have fixed this you guys want the dog gone I tried to stop you y'all just kept yelling at me though you know it's a real shame a chat is so monstrous but they don't even want a dog in the family you you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 6,141
Rating: 4.8769231 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-303174669, rtgamecrowd, The Next Household, The Sims 3, Twitch, Gaming, The, Next, Household, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: 0_oN_zhUOhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 2sec (12422 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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