RTGame Archive: Minecraft [PART 23] - r/place

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[Music] hey folks can you hear me okay you know very welcome to the stream give me just a moment just to get set up here hi folks yeah you're all very welcome tweet ina discord notification hope you can all hear me alright yeah the music's fine I'm not too loud or anything [Music] it's all good I commute it a half what a sick Mamie when is someone said that has actually been funny I was like oh six your Bader moment you know we live in hope for the day but I like I don't think it's possible quĂ­ oh dear how's it going the folks the over ultrasound [Music] [Music] I'm sorry guys I was cut off I was intercepted oh dear how you know it's time second [Music] sorry about that ah we're good for real this time I have my glasses yeah don't worry okay let's get this set up um yeah so we're doing something cool today I think this requires a bit of explanation as to what's actually going on we're playing minecraft we are playing on the Twitter subscriber server this is only for twitch subscribers so you have to be a twitch stuff to take part in this we have a blank canvas we have cleared a massive area and we are going to try a bit of a social experiment today people may remember back in the day a experiment called our place on Reddit where the idea was every person on the site could place like a color tile I believe like every 30 minutes or something like that it was like basically a limit on how often you could place these tiles though and the idea was to see if people will just replace everything that everyone had already made and just have complete anarchy or if people could build something just completely uncoordinated we are going to try and do it the same on our minecraft server with this massive area we have some special plugins in place that will make it so you can only place a single block every minute and also delete a block every minute so the potential to actually build nothing is is pretty much there right off the bat because if everyone just decides to place a block and delete a block every minute well you know we're not gonna have like a net gain and blocks like ever so this is what we're going to try and we'll be getting people in here in a moment the mods can just like going to open the flood whenever I think we're good to go yeah we're just gonna see what we create a lot of people suggested this after this terraria stream because we kind of create a lot of pixel art there and it just looked very nice from a distance for this we're going to try and make it so that you just place on the bottom layer so like like you just place like literally here on this layer and we're gonna get it all topside and if you start building anything naughty and if anything inappropriate or like kind of you know hate flags of the like will crack down any we will just get rid of it and you will most likely be banned so just heads up don't be an arse Golden Rule we often have when we do this we eat we can adjust the time whereas we go to is I believe this is like a 250 by 250 block canvas so like that there's a lot of space everyone's just kind of making their way in at the moment everyone has creative mode as well you can take any block you like I believe just find a spot and you know let's just get to work it's let everyone come in I don't know if anyone's placed a single block just yet or if they're carefully considering where to go let's see if they can place them and I'm just gonna get my little discord chat for my mods open so I can now oh yes oh okay oh sorry yeah so you're limited to concrete cut colors okay right so it's actually closer to our place yes you can place any concrete block I believe yeah I think I can get started as no one's place anything yet though who is being very careful can't place anything okay they can't place anything at the moment do we have to delete it like a thing of concrete or am I going to break it instantly can someone place in there there goes right oh no no we're losing the balloon I think so what's still under there that's their fault the music isn't definite night or is it James has 100 bits pigeon things are 100 bits thank you everyone that's up there too Oh yep here we go the first blocks yeah so you can destroy a block and place the block every minute I believe interestingly I think some people can destroy the foundation here we don't want you destroying the foundation we kind of want you to just feel flattened we're gonna look at it from the top down someone has decided to place a bucket of water hey they shouldn't have access to that is there's gonna be a slow burner stream because obviously we have to wait before they can place another block oh it's gonna take quite some time someone popped down like a lectern as well like I don't think it's restricted to only concrete honestly cuz like there's quite a few different blocks that are already here I think we might have missed them I think I think yeah it does like sponge be in place and everything to someone just absorbed the water that had been pop then let's just make it let's just leave it open so they can place any block maybe and we'll just see how it goes I might add some more texture to the picture we'll see I'm gonna also change I think the timer already is gonna be changed to that time 30 I'm gonna change it to 30 seconds just to keep things moving a little bit more but you still have to think about the block you're placing no no like just just let them place whatever block ash it's fine I actually don't mind if it's not concrete concrete I'd like to clear you're like kind of pixel colors if you want to go for them but you know just place whatever because we already have some sponges in that down someone's already started like a series of cake blocks and there are people just kind of scattered to different ends the moment it looks like we were just horribly robbed what did someone do over here already other they oh no it's a mod okay it's here I will endure it for a moments like that seems like a little quick [Music] okay she's just working away over there Sierra's cheating the system okay we'll let her work away with let her work away just try not to take up too much space over there if that's all right and we'll focus on over here well it will compare at the end ha strike that barter down bright thanks for 500 bits this arises that one psychology experiment where the child can either eat a marshmallow or wait ten minutes to eat two marshmallows oh I've never heard of that one but that's very interesting yeah Oh someone is desperately trying to dig and not having much luck yeah well we're gonna be here awhile anyway it's only one block every 30 seconds we do want to keep it as limited as we can I think 30 seconds is a good like timer to set we could up at the 15 if we think that will make a bit more of a move I think I'm yeah what do we think should we do 15 we started out a minute initially but I think a minute it's just a terrible idea because it's going to take so long to actually 15 yeah okay okay and I'm gonna keep a 15 all right so we can see progress just a little bit faster let me take a place four blocks a minute so I think that's pretty good make the field smaller well we're giving people a lot of space to work with you can place four blocks a second right four blocks a second and the server has capacity for what like 125 people 125 or 150 so four blocks a minute that's right like 600 blocks that can potentially be placed a minute yeah and we're in a 250 by 250 grid how long would it take to potentially fill up this space 250 by 250 I divide it by accident my calculator oh okay that's an area of 62,000 blocks I think if it's a 250 by 250 grid so they have a lot of scope to work with so let's see so assume it so that divided it by 600 then 100 and 4 minutes to fill up the entire grid that's just under 2 hours so they can actually do it with the current time that's been set it is possible to fill the entire space so we're gonna see if they can do it yeah we just did the maths they're hip so this will take just under two hours to fill all this space and we're just gonna sit back and watch we're gonna just chat well I wanted to sub but mash it will be like slightly impacted because the air is doing a little bit of a build over here oh and what is that awful noise [Music] turn blocks off how people have started the bells okay that explains it I guess when you have so little on the server or like at this point of course you're just going to spam click the bells until everyone dies or like just wants to attend mute their audio Big Dawg top of the book this going on YouTube yeah probably like it's more of like a social experiment streaming for today like we're literally just gonna be sitting back and chatting and just watching as things unfold I'm gonna try and get like like a static of a camera as I can at least the start off I believe cat is testing a time lapse tool on the server as well just to see if that works you talk to me in the macho if you're doing that cat there I remember you mentioned it before let's just sit back load thanks for fighting to bits go to the iceberg in the far right of the Congress with the stream Waluigi image oh do we actually have one back here hang on let's have a quick oh look the iceberg on the far right of the canvas I guess this one over here you got to find like the secret Waluigi that's hidden on every map now Oh yep there he is that's absolutely cursed okay I think gold mario has been cut out I hate it okay I had in-game music turned on but it's just stop playing such is minecraft music like it kind of just comes and goes oh just wait for it to come back if it doesn't come back soon I'll just pop the soundtrack on myself right thanks for 100 bits after observation I've come to conclusion everyone the server side her a child or a childhood a drinking permit block likes her hunt repents as well first time catches the stream love when you do these huge Minecraft projects thanks very much clock turn the bells back up no the bells have been disabled is that the Netherlands like right off the bat as well or it's like possibly France from one of these sides the Dutch are invading we want pebbles do you guys have wreaths I don't think you want the bells I don't think they've been turned off already howdy thanks others here too it's very kind now we just got to sit back we have like some cake we have just void the Netherlands unlike the spellbook perimeter we have the Bella line and we have a couple of like kind of fringe builds over here someone just took the time to say hi the beginnings of the German flag yeah if you want to do like regular country flags that's okay just as long as it's not you know the Nazi flags I think we should be okay we'll know we'll know if we need to crack down on it I think it's very clear know someone's eyes this is all the more upset and considering how long this guy has to take to finish this who will like it's gonna take him at least a nut rogers to leave a block it's gonna take him long enough like this man has to work too right ooooh what's this oh no he's been cracked the mods are not tolerating it Batman has lost his sign Asha's rude guys I think if they work for something like that here I think I think maybe we should allow it I think if they do as long as it's not like you know god-awful I think we should just let them work away we'll know if it's something naughty or like something really bad but I think it's that are in the work that actually takes to spell something like think about it's four blocks a minute if you want to even do like a character like see that takes one and a half minutes that's just one part of your word freedom of speech is non-existent in virtually no yeah we'll let them lie I'll just say it from the mods will let them spell out words if they want to just because of the time it would take to actually work in it but like you got to do the frame and things like that you can't just do it on its own you got to make it look nice all the Netherlands are expanding as well they have gone down an extra layer can we still got the fringe rainbow colors over here German flag is looking great just wooden guy who's determined to represent Germany and that's the beginnings of Norway they're making a start over here I got the like a fox head here if we want for like position what we'll say is because because we're gonna trot good we're trying to look at this is like pixel art I like all one direction we're gonna say that this is like the upright way if you want to build this way so like this is the like like so like that's the top up there this is the bottom that's left that's right I think it's like just so we can like get that sort of indication going free whoo-hoo oh no call this IRT place oh my god instead of our slash places RT / plays it's perfect get like a little sign or something maybe on the mountain just to say that I don't know if one of the mods want to work on that because like this is actually like right for the picking for like a little sign or something tour the build if the mods want to do that like that could actually kind of cool free ok look tell you ok here's what I'm gonna do like the man was building it so I'm gonna like be a bit cheeky here and I'm gonna like pop it back to the progress that it was ash okay okay we got a woo back well let them take it from that no no we don't want this back who's trying to put it back but now other people are destroying it I like taking the time to remove it from the math oh no if people don't want to on the server we cried guys be place for her trip it's I've always wondered was the artiste ad for NRT gate which doesn't stand for anything and if anyone says otherwise in chat their loin get induct ice road trip it's just like what real leggo creativity is punished if you have the audacity to stray from the instruction books in this Lego set like I it's gonna look like [ __ ] how it works building the Millennium Falcon Timmy you're the guy I don't care if you want to build a house you want to build a house out of the Blenheim Falcon said it's gonna be ugly it's gonna be great you're gonna have a bunch of space blasters you don't know what to do it you're not gonna have a working toilet and I know I've got someone's actually taking the time to do feed again and they're working on the exclamation point is this gonna just come back are they gonna go like all the way across not again I take day after work so hard to do this it was hot again and yet we're gonna need some music cuz like this is just eerily quiet my relaxing minecraft music playlist relaxing at minecraft music cuz like when it comes to the vault well like the highlights for YouTube like I'm gonna just idle it anyway and I'll put some different music over it doesn't really matter if we have the sound effects of the game okay let's get this on [Music] there we go there it's a plea to play on this guy's it'll be on like it'll go through a long placed alpha now I think 15 seconds was the right amount of time too because it takes long enough to actually place a block now that was not a good piece of music hang on there we go okay we get we got a plane now okay let's just sit back I think one of the mods is already taken to the cliffside yeah because this is all been flattened out how's it going guys yeah you guys just want to work away here like that's no problem give you something to do it cuz of the whole build limits a Sierra has still to start to something here we can revisit it later sure oh it's developed into feed us that's actually different from the terraria sign this is also different from the terraria site you you just want to make sure you face it this way guys because like this this is like the upright way we can have a lot of people say like feed aside ways this guy's just committed to Germany as well he's just gonna be working away let me get my bit alerts back nude thanks for five good play pokemon go song ten-hour version I think I'm good lunar thanks 100 bits sorry you must wait zero seconds to places that are block come people let's start trying to do something with redstone this is gonna be really interesting to see if you could pull this off or like what the plan is here I guess you can't you can do that yeah it's gonna take you a very long time to actually place the redstone but he's working away this this audio this is like the worst minecraft music class I've ever seen none is standardized there we go oh that's so much better isn't it cuz we need some music cuz we're gonna be here a while can you hear that okay [Music] pigeon thanks 400 Pizza I'm not I will only play style if people stop asking for it only if people stop because it's being spammed right now stuffy thanks for 100 bits persona 5 ha I really want to play that actually because I have it on ps4 I've seen a play trove and it looks amazing but I the Royal version light like the expand like persona 5 plus version is coming up out I believe next year so I'm kind of just waiting cuz I don't see the point in playing true it now because it's such like a long game to play I do want to play it though because like that game actually does look brilliant well no I've seen it actually is really cool conduct thanks 100 Pitts IRT conducted social experiments confirms my theory that IRT is actually the long-lost Vsauce for Jesus haven't heard if he sauce in a while now Wow yeah this is the stream someone started a fire over there we'll revisit it later we'll see what's going on we're just gonna sit back it's gonna be a very chill stream oh let me just gonna make the music slightly louder there you go okay gonna stop adjusting it yeah I think that's good taco thanks for 500 bits a or T thanks for letting me get my mind off of working life your content is always amazing I love watching your streams music is a tad bit too quiet by the way I turned it up there hopefully that's better thank you to everyone at something to is actually are a lot of people subscribing very kind yeah go get back to the build buddy get back to the build go on there subscribe you just to play Lego subscribing to literally just place a block like every 15 seconds and it sleeve me along the server if that's alright if there's repeat offenders for just getting in the cameras face then you'll be booted so just don't do it don't do it [Music] let's go work away on the server [Music] Meem thanks 100 bits somebody built the lyrics to country roads I mean you have that power you definitely have the space for it could you imagine if we did something like this and literally everyone on the server just came together to like make Bob Ross's face or just like one singular image that we kind of spooky if that was the end result so yeah like we just left them loose and literally everyone wanted to make Barbaro's they would nothing else was built don't know how they did it pyro thanks 400 bits that requires actual coordination tragically so someone is currently spelling out hi arty but they've been cut off by like another sign [Music] or the cookies was trying to smell Hiro Hiro hard to tell someone's got a lull in as well someone's working I think on the word magic Oh a rainbow who is been rebuilt from the ashes and we got an upside-down creeper face Oh norway's coming along Oh while people are actually recreating the blue corner this happened on our place as well it was just a corner that was blue it's gonna be interesting to see how well this goes like remember you can put you can place a block and delete a block every 15 seconds so it is possible to stop this corner if people so choose yeah what have we got here doctor just ignore that as a shrine to waluigi oh this is the beginnings of hack kid I believe that's what Sierra was working on okay will that hack kid's face stand but then like maybe if the mods don't do anything else in the canvas but you you guys feel free to do things I like the mountains here view like clear space just so we can keep this area as clear as possible okay let's just sit back it's Luigi or Luigi making progress an enormous cheerier thanks for the 500 bits it's very kind Joel Merritt thanks 100 bits hey Artie really appreciate your streams started Union recently it's always nice to take my mind off of things in distress oh you're very welcome to the stream line I hope you're doing well Scott thanks 400 business well you sound like you're about to fall asleep oh I'm good do I sound okay I almost think I'm about to fall asleep yeah I said okay you sound okay cool you're dead you sound chill no I'm quite relaxed right now you know I don't even have to wander as much for this trip I can just like stay in the spa like every now and then we'll tour a bit just to see what's being developed on the server it would just we just got to sit back cause like this is the stream today there's a lot of potential for like something else too for any highlights of this lake we just sit here an hour I think could just take any moment and put hop that up is this your job Artie yes it is I stream and do youtube full-time now which is honestly kind of insane well he's only been a year and a half of doing this full-time now my communit so we'll build that on the server to try and make a funny joke it's been like 20 minutes just to write save my community [Music] do a time-lapse I believe cat is testing something for her time-lapse today Kara thanks for 150 bits I've been saving these bits for you and finally got a chance to catch a stream since he got back missed you a lot oh thank you very much Kara it's very kind hope you're enjoying the stream it's very chilled on today oli thanks for 135 bits well play wizard 101 I'm not sure what that is Frankie thanks for Andra have you got your glasses on I do [Music] Rihanna came in to remind me at the start of the stream - so all's good now I'm just gonna I'm just gonna sit here for 20 minutes let's just talk the chat like just let people have a chance to build cuz right now it's all such early stages of everything but like it's hard to tell what's actually going on I can see the blue corner but like we can revisit the blue corner in like a little bit I was a Dave my dad it's been good it's been very busy was Ed in this morning doing some cleaning around the house now I'm streaming how long you plan to let the stream go arty uh at least two hours because we did the calculation and we figured it would take two hours to slow up the entire space so we're gonna see if we let it run for that period of time if they can actually do it so why not well God someone's starting like a beginning of a curved rainbow down the bottom left you can see that's gonna take a while oh and the Netherlands are being framed you can see that with a lovely shade of orange like just stayed stationary but you can still see it if you just look just stuff and folding everywhere hey Artie when's your birthday at a thirteenth of April same birthday is Samuel Beckett Jill thanks 400 bits thank you for making me laugh I've tried to watch all your thoughts and they make me laugh so much thank you again oh no problem Joe hang on this is soundtrack out loud again well someone set up the means for fireworks now are you gonna make something no I'm gonna sit back and let people build I think for this one as if that's any different to any other time we do these streams no I I'm not a good bill I'm just kind of sitting back for it don't forget style someone ask for it again gonna take longer to play now you got to stop asking okay something's going on there oh it's another feed okay so that there's another Waluigi have a look we have magic spell that would spell books i turn off the sound of exes those those are annoying musical sounds players off there we go best minecraft youtuber that never actually built something well the whole point of like the minecraft streams and why we do a tease is because you guys are just doing the cool stuff you know what I like I'm just trying to see you like if I can like vaguely organize the whole thing but like the emphasis is on you guys and the cool stuff you guys make like half the time we do these things you guys think of something that you know is just brilliant or like no one would have guessed I even the recent terraria stream like that was just because someone built that on a different stream it was just a really cool idea so I go come up with like like we'll have like a theme or something like loosely try organize around that but it's how you guys take it that's actually interesting I think with the streams are you doing say Artie's I'm very tired I'm good I don't know why people keep saying I'm tired though they concerned about latley I'm good I'm just pretty chill at the moment dan why don't you make a giant cube we're 200 players at rafting kappa that sounds like a fantastic idea i'm sure every minecraft youtuber will do that once one of us does it so i was like it's gonna catch on i can't wait to like a week from now it's like there's gonna be like 50 people building sorry and minecraft just keep an eye out because it could very well happen is that more relaxing normal and people are interpreting as you being tired yeah because i am actually quite relaxed i'm just i'm just sitting back i don't have to think about the stream much i've really hate those cape sounds i wish i could turn that off there we go off did you turn off your accent today that's a bit harsh doc oh thanks road trip it's hair to your stored please stop Fox X around Rizzo how many bits for your just tweets hashtag free ooh whoo you cannot possibly give enough bits for me this tweet hashtag free ooh whoo it's just not gonna happen tell you what Noah because I as the age old like impossible goal we've always had which is like just if we ever hit 10,000 subs if we hit 10,000 subs I will type hashtag dab now that's roughly gonna cost like $35,000 but good luck and I'm not gonna say where I'm going to type it on [Music] the buyer has been set the only twitch loves play yes the reason we do it that way is because if we let everyone on it's just complete anarchy we have to have a way to moderate the server so it's the way we do it like the minecraft server was initially set up specifically for the twitch subs like even back in the tf2 days like like that's why we like it's something we had then that's how we kind of moderated it and so we've kind of just like maintained that ever since he's gonna type hashtag Javid a text document and never tell us I will type it though that's the thing and all it takes is like roughly $35,000 that's money well spent oh my stream my chat just deleted itself hang on Oh make twitch is having a bad day I can't see is any more let me just try and fix this the chat die for anyone else there oh yeah it did okay right that wasn't just me then okay I think that I think that's literally everyone we just said yes all right okay well it seems to be back now someone just gave ten gift subs wasn't the twitch chat was down there ah penny thank you very much yeah there we go just came up there that's very kind man thank you very much just like 9990 more subs to go now and we will type hashtag dab Oh Germany has been like encompassed in something to see how you ate $35,000 but one simple trick Jesus Oh God though we always put that as the marker for like if we get 10k subs we'll do something stupid because realistically we're not gonna get it because like we're like I think seven thousand subs off or something ludicrous like that like it's like a fizzy you know how like twitch subs fluctuate and like I've been away for like a solid month also so it's kind of like a bit lower than it normally would be so it's like impossible client that's why we just relegated all the stupid stuff for there because then people can stop asking what are you doing this it's the Berlin Wall of God I don't think it / come on lads II didn't specify how long the deadline is you got five minutes five minutes to hit it gotta be quick well [ __ ] oh geez Oh water lava buckets are disabled in that thanks ash that's good to hear yeah they kind of just cover a bit too much space Oh someone's reminding me to wear my glasses very slowly I'm going to take them off now until this message is complete feed us No oh and here's use waluigi just drown in a pool some rainbows starting over there we have a slime from dragon quest we have I think a bullet let the guy from enter the gungeon like a little face penne takes about a hundred bits are you challenging for me Oh God so what's already built like a door contraption is this is a good use of blocks this looks great but just be like flickering when we look at it from the top down and the blue corner is starting to be a bit more contained too oh we got an RT plaque oh wait no there we go oh that looks lovely guys thank you very much it's arty place think you can just see it all from here okay works begun in the United States and you know it's just progress everywhere else I think there's someone else doing a different United States flag there might see some more between the two [Music] just sit back according Jane thank you for the 1500 bits parity I just want to thank you in my own little way you've helped me get through some tough times some hard times I just want to thank you as well I want to suggest a game called I expect you to die it's a puzzle VR again that I think you may enjoy anyways thank you very much well thank you very much Gordon I do actually have that on my computer that's like on my list for VR games that I want to play I've seen a bit of it before and it looks really fun we'll hopefully be able to do some more VR stuff soon because you know I just have the means to do it now like I actually have a headset set up which I think was the biggest hurdle and there's actually space in this room too for me to do more VR stuff we do have something very special on Thursday though that's not Viera but that's gonna actually be motion controls the game newly released force which I was gonna stream it initially yesterday but I was just absolutely exhaust to come to evening so I'm gonna do it Thursday instead we're gonna be playing some ring fit adventure oh no it's not a sideways sans who's like vomit in Germany that's incredibly upsetting this there's still time if people want to prevent sans on the server like we can avoid this penny extra letter 100 gifts elves more gifted subsidy badge to pronounce my twitch name correctly oh geez is it is it 10:8 rant a flea ash I'm so sorry can I get a ride darah takes her drew bits you play five nights at freddys I think I'm okay know where that was the game that everyone was playing I like like the map hat would have a video on it every second day I like lunchtime I was like the talk of the Internet and then they made like 12 more and no one really knows what happened those are the days he still makes videos on it really he doesn't he made like 50 at this point I guess if I keep making them you got to keep making the video replies stuffy thanks for 200 bits at least sciences and Peter Griffin I don't say that there's still time yep penny an extra hundred you failed it's German for annoying fly oh I'm sorry it's like a weird optical illusion with this one that looks like it's rising out of the ground or something doesn't it I think that looks like it's got more height to it fire play it to the man who's actually just created an optical illusion on the server because that's mighty impressive what's going on here some would item frames can that guy stop for like a moment something's wrong here he shouldn't be able to do that new door length no - good I love your vids I Street plotter coaster tycoon every once in a while be amazing have you checked it out well thanks very much man that's very kind hope you having fun with it very much approve the building of roller coasters oh it's an SOS that's on fire it's honestly fitting okay America continues over here the Fox is now doing a Hadouken okay so we gotta just like I just want blue I think they determined to just keep this going it's just it's just very uninspired like they've already done this on our place we got to set the new benchmark you could at least do red I feel like we should contain this it'll be contained as time goes on people will just be fed up with I'll just delete it I'll crack down turn to blue quarter to sweet yes someone get on the huh oh just be the IKEA corner perfect it's already lined up for you just have to knock out a few blocks popping some yellow okay something's under construction here it's very hard to tell what that is here's nightmare wall Luigi what does this say I I don't know what that reads oh it's America right that's an a right it's very hard to reheat now you just destroyed a bit of it but people have started placing fire I think what fire threat is definitely if you're in Dolph people abandon the bells quite early on - these have just been kind of left here Canadian thanks for 5 good you should have them all to store the world the end of the stream and the floor of a natural disaster I think rain and lab and play an iconic song would increase the fanfare as well cheers I think we're OK for that I think we should be fine it's actually been close to like a year now since countryroads was last aired in this channel it's like we haven't been playing City skylines nearly as much about 666 was a plate then it's like bring it back I know we got to move on to like yo new songs like hey baby I hear the blue is a column you know we can't just hang on to like the same meme the entire time gotta be like be looking onwards and upwards you know yes we can solo hey guys welcome back to City skylines episode 346,000 today we're gonna build a city oh no the city is destroyed country roads please take me home you know hey I think we had a good run I think it was quite fun what we did you know you gotta take a few do to you things like I won't die wouldn't exist if we didn't do new things maybe hear the Blues a column wouldn't exist if we didn't try new things I invented those songs yo John Denver stole it from me Mercedes GLA what's everyone's favorite me let's see name next 100 bits I already said 250 bits I think you missed it can't believe all these bits come in all sorry name yeah that the alerts are moving kind of quick thank you very much for the tree 50 bits China or thanks for 200 bits as well ERT love your content you so genuine call me Kevin played NBA 2k15 will you also no no I won't I don't I don't don't think that would be a good fit thank you though for the bits bluey thanks for hundra wrecks it yeah brexit is a popular meme on this twitch channel blueberry muffins and me milk of humour wouldn't milk lose a meme Mercedes GLA the blender aspire the fish Ross Bob we have a lot of them like immortalizes emotes now too if we ever do hit 10k subs like we need to like immortalize a few more I think cuz you will you unlock 10 like a new emotes lots if you do actually get it she's the only reason I ever mention it just seems kind of ridiculous because it's like the marker before that is like 7 K subs and then it's like you need 3000 more now but we'll give you 10 and one go it's like God Jesus press Q the nuff died yep my favourite meme is you that's very sweet God signs is still being developed and I don't like it it means that the German flags going to be ruined as well because sands has taken over this space but Sierra gives 100 bits and says hey Artie good to see you again have you any plans to use the friends - theme tune with gunshots again that's a normal question for this channel hey arty have you any plans to shoot Matthew Perry anytime soon stay tuned for when we streamed Fallout New Vegas I will have the chance to kill him then [Music] dear mr. thanks 400 bits as well I don't know this is like a teeny Peter Griffin [Music] all right tell I hope it's not it seems like it's someone different cuz he's like actual trousers by Aunt Green Hayden thanks 4,000 bits I don't give a crap about country roads I just care about cities also what the devil le you're talking about when you say we got to change it up a little bit when you've played Minecraft since 2012 I mean you're not wrong I I did do a let's play back in the day but I mean it's kind of different now we're doing new stuff with it I can think of new stuff to do with City skylines I'll go back to city skylines but I can't just be country roads again like I did most of the ideas actually want to do with cities and I was like an increase in progression as like poor low streams with the stuff we tried very happy with how they all want Corki thanks for 200 bits try and learn thanks for 200 bits please end to game Matthew Perry I would appreciate that Soave to multiplayer city skylines mod would you stream it I mean I try it it sounds like it'd be very janky we tried started you Valley before with like 20 players and that was complete anarchy I don't know how a building a city together would go how many pixels gonna be in this I believe sixty-two thousand so we're gonna be here a while but people are filled in the space I'm making progress we're gonna keep the stream going quite as long as we can or like we'll see where we are actually at the two-hour mark maybe that's the better way to do it it's still a lot of space to work with - like we are quite high up you'll close the written you could definitely like put someone in here it's thanks for two quid thank you very much let's just sit back hi Artie nerd someone else's started work on feed nope got changing the peed that's disgusting the beginnings of what is possibly Garfield as free whoo-hoo-hoo as the American flag that kid is coming along Oh God someone's building like a slice of a world that's actually very cool they're gonna make like a little picture or something how's it going Katie's thanks trip it's arity always love you stream can we join the minecraft server here in America the link doesn't and then your message is cut off there a bit should H yeah you should be able to join if you're in America there are people who in the States on the server right now I believe it's like global server like yeah it's based the server is based in Europe but like you can log in from anywhere Oh someone started working on a font die it's actually class that's gonna take so long to finish so what else is making like a little cat also we got possibly I think that's a poison to potato there's a terraria guy its height we got pride rainbows Zach thanks 400 bids college was extremely stressful threw the dice just to relax and watch your stream glad I was able to catch it no problem at Hope College is going well minecraft but it's in slow mode basically yeah because we just slowed it all down I think we have someone who's build like a pallet of every block here or something yeah that's exactly what this is like there's all these different orange ones bestiary almost everything you can build with that's pretty cool gonna be like a museum Oh Holland they weren't happy with just a flag I need to make their presence known RL we are glasses it seems like a coherent message and it's free there's a pokeball while luigi has just been like nailed to ground here I think we'll just leave him be oh and someone start the red corner they did oh this come from the blue corner iron Vaden though have a different color in every corner as time goes on what's the most creative thing we could do with all this space I want to build blue like so like every block at your disposal it's a blank canvas I like blue that's this corner mium thanks to the 100 bits how would read the tweet I am the meme oh [Music] dear oh we get we got a type hashtag dab first [Music] like that's like that's like the Kickstarter goal or this stream right now we got enough subs you know some people do it so it's like every 20 subs you know I call like I read out a poem so sub wrote a subscriber wrote in chat or like you know I'll do like a little dance move or like I like do like a sick like play review people have different like kind of sub goals like markers on my channel it's just if we hit Ted K I'll type this one word it requires a minimal amount of effort I feel like I'm a bad twitch streamer sometimes yeah it's like for every like you know sixty minutes that you spend in the stream you get some sub points you can redeem those points for like our teen bucks currency and you can use that to redeem song requests on the stream and change the music if you give me thirty five thousand dollars i will type this word [Music] that's my stream in comparison good deal entire engage chat is a war over signs yeah the sign seems to be having some trouble like they can't but can stop signs there's still time people just want to protect Germany I think you're a bad 2 H 3 where were the idiots you pay you for Jesus bluey thanks about hundred bits while Luigi died for our sins will you guys thanks for 100 bits when sturla mental illness for a long time but watching your videos from Posse has truly brought me joy thank you so much arty glad I could help man it's very kind of you to say protected Germany that's what the EU is full what do you think science is anty anty EU no that's not that's not let's all over that quatorze it's gonna get real political real quick Jesus do you think science is a conservative what ended a political spectrum do you think sans undertale falls under this is this how you like destroy your stream Oh No sans ich sands voted leave oh no this guy got transferred in the Peter Griffin as well someone changed the color of his pants and it's like mutated Peter Griffin too do you think sounds likes pineapple on pizza oh dear Artie please no oh that made chatt worse than anything before this is interview science to find out the important like the ask the important questions in life yeah that mean I can set this up and this is this is gonna be the real science okay the what question what question are we gonna ask science live on stream what do we can ask them one question what's it gonna be pineapple on pizza okay signs do you like pineapple on pizza that's answer this [ __ ] ha well that was a good joke that was that was like comedy gold like I can I couldn't hear you guys I'm on the other end [Applause] okay well that what else have we got so I okay Oh what else Pavillon the server that's just like how to keep touring about Oh someone started working a cactus that's very cute Oh hmm as an Irish man I feel like that may need to be removed this is okay how the hell's fine you're British now Jesus come out a black intact oh no wolf thanks 400 bits is always good to see his three but I get back from a flying lesson also would you ever play war thunder thanks very much Milan I don't know if war thunders for me honestly I've seen it though ninja thanks 400 bits higher to you the best I later just got home from the dentist no cavities what's going on what if I miss thanks for being here thanks very much man I will reconstruct an error place just taken a long time there's still a lot of space for people to work with I think we'd go in that hour hour let's see how much we can fill up and here you know I'm gonna be RL set time 10 seconds just a little bit faster let's keep things moving still got a lot of people just working away on the server release the Kraken hey sans is now crying but they have finished his I like the science war continues there's a lot of people on boat like I think these guys are on both sides here so we will just delete in signs and in the others trying to construct them oh we got a little cat face coming along here the Holland sign is making progress well like repertoire of every block in the game come along - we got love always good to see the Gil thanks for eight quid hey arty last time I donate I suggest you try it in san aquarium I'm still waiting although jokes aside thing be a good game to watch you play all stirred you ever play the XCOM games I tried XCOM before but it just wasn't for me I find it just bit too intense and very stressful thank you very much so why restrict block placement time to make people think about the block they place because if you can just go like instantly then like the place is just gonna be like mobbed so we said to lay sort of people kids like have to build quite slowly yeah we're just trying to replicate our place in that sense too which by the way we're much faster than our place ever was I think our place is like half an hour or like a day that you could place home ring thanks for five at your face have you ever ever heard the tragedy of Derek plug is the why he's it I was like a famous build narrow place do it like they actually typed out the entire thing our blades yet to wait five minutes okay yes like we're might like we're only ten seconds but I think that's reasonable let's see if they can fill it like there's a lot already here we're gonna start getting tighter on space as time goes on someone wrote out all man with an upside down creeper Canadian thanks 105 quid and then we're gonna keep the world intact but thank you Dan thanks 400 bits to take my cash Gail thanks 400 pics Danny we're doing corruption / the voide well I mean it's not strictly terraria this time people are just like slowly finishing off fat kid now - yeah the mods are actually following the same time ran out yeah they got like a big initial start on us but now it's just once every 10 seconds how's it going guys - IRT it's nice to see you - about we got a ye no ha though and the potato has started pooping a rainbow it's good to see I want to he's coming along as well god he's actually done the entire silhouette there's another flag coming up here I don't know what country this is of [Music] braless people are saying no that it's not a country but I'll say is it okay that's an I know an exclamation point [Music] okay blue corners doing fine - yeah while the ouija takes 400 bits ninja thanks to another 100 bits and II do thanks 400 thank you very much guys free seven yeah he's still struggling the German flag I believe has but built further into his face they might finish him yet but I don't think I have to respect the bills that came before something else is being like tattooed onto his head as well on the cat's gonna say oh okay amazingly against all odds there is no anime on the server Apple s he can't Peter Griffin actually quite surprised because there's almost always on time to fix that don't mention it Pokemon okay I guess there is a pokeball but like that's also video games you know and I think more people associate Pokemon with the video games in the anime that's a fact I guess you could cut that's half an anime you can have camp that divert crusade gorg eat extra bits I support the German flag integrating sentence it's a new German flag oh we've now got cool eat us eat us no oh god someone's doing the RT logo that's very cute lucky that coming soul is gonna be work on that book the next 20 minutes then dress know everyone's just kind of gone off to do their own thing because there actually is a lot of space there I wonder if we should eliminate the space a little bit more kind of force things closer together but a same time this is the space we grind it so we'll just let people work away I mean that's alright we'll see if we can fill it all like this still is quite a bit here Waluigi is an anime browse a is not a country it's a character from Delta rune oh god I haven't played it I have no idea fool thanks 400 bits oh we got a kirby in a Mario coming along now - that's cute look at this guy's picture you did earlier but it's coming along he's got a little home the red corner seems to be like losing support as time goes on very few people here now he was one guy still destroying bits of the red corner he's holding down in that bit trying to place blue on it like a war going on here it's very Rudy that's a lot of cats own corner it's everyone here can we just rally everyone the server if we can just get like everyone's attention to the blue corner and just like and make it red because like these guys are just being dicks they've taken up all this space everyone could just come over here and start playing the red come on guys oh the server's struggling Josh these guys are just being rude fall of the blue corner turn and ride red with the blood of the blue corner it's a slower Zhou flakes road trip it's paint the town red score Phoenix are to quit the server queue is broken so we start our own physical cue get in line or drown oh god is there an actual line outside I can't hop out because you know we're already here ninja thanks to there are 200 pits geister thanks for 100 shadow thanks our Andra thank you very much guys okay I'll put Lu corner in their place maybe we can just like box them in or something with the red wall just on the exterior just so we stopped the spread yeah there's a queuing system so the remaining slots are all reserved thought so it's not broken okay good to know yeah it's impossible to form like a little wall it has chickenpox okay we'll leave them beat we'll leave them to it I think someone started working a small yoda here and still love something under construction there we have the beginnings of Mega Man X Polish flag I think is being is that is that the Polish flag I'm not sure I thought it might be missing a layer here or something what flag is this yes it is RT okay I had knowledge of flags okay hat kids coming along we got this happy fella I don't know who he's supposed to be but apparently he's from the states we have a Minecraft sign that's been built while we just been like it's kind of abandoned over here maybe they call it a day cuz this is all white space that didn't want to fill it in even that up to everyone's imagination yeah you know that like town playmat that a lot of kids had we're like the roads and like a couple of buildings on it was just like a colorful mess when you take it all in that's basically what we've got here I love that the best of math like everyone had it I think it's just all over the planet hey that's all we've made here I'm still got quite a while to go I think the music keeps stopping now it gets super quiet there we go keep that going earth place mush blue-corn as a colony now oh yeah there's some bacteria growing over here oh no don't be doing that get rid of that please you catch someone doing that mods just ban him on the spot no tolerance for it is the music too loud now yeah I mean just suggested gibble thanks for our tree quid is my first time watching one of these dreams before and I must say scene in here in your talk but at the happy upbeat background music is just eerie well they're supposed to be background music from the Minecraft soundtrack but it's being rubbish and like it's not plain so we're gonna go with the terraria soundtrack she know that we had that last time just something relaxing Pokemon music yeah sure and city music [Music] does that minecraft soundtrack is being shite today this keeps getting quiet [Music] Oh disconnect it what happened there we go [Music] that's hot back in that's all fine again they're too cool I plant distorted I surrender bits please help us of in the line four years now we're starving well I don't think people are leaving honestly so like that's probably why Oh everyone disconnected there oh never mind [Music] yeah there was just like a straight-up server disconnect there everyone's have to rejoin what happened let me get my mob chat up oh right yeah it's fine yeah we can just keep going [Music] we may have a few new people on the server now but that's okay here they come hey go construct lads you forget the Sony people in this space to like you can see them all here but they're very quickly all spread out [Music] it's like it's much harder to spot [Music] okay you guys have about an hour more to keep building so let's just see what we can do we'll keep the time live on ten seconds [Music] we play copyrighted music Harry I mean I count on the stream like it's fine might just meet the volley but that's okay the music is too loud no it's not in the music it's fine [Music] ya know we're keeping the music currently we're not taking suggestions keeping it at this finally got something that works I just want I don't want to worry about it I will never play it if you keep spamming it okay that seems now banned never playing milks been banned everything I see in chat is being banned right now uptown command it's banned the word no you know I would say you have to say yes now that's how Jim Carrey got into the situation in yes man [Music] it's banned yaaaay bread it's someone's posted bread buying that too [Music] but my said food I was already bad [Music] oh thank god I think the Garfield started transforming into a pumpkin over Garfield that's great to see oh yeah it is he's popped wooden here for a reference that's so cute how's it going man now he was trying to work it out so he's actually looking at the pumpkin see you can see all the pixels a lovely [Music] German thinks too good a RTO give you an hour to books to be correctly pronounced and translate this word I'm not even gonna try thank you though scorpy texador - good while the cats come along that's very cute little boy what I want dies almost done as well you ever seen like a lot of progress on just everything here kind of a Mikey line of pixel art I love this theme on nostalgic meat you can't wait to someday stream I can't live I still want to do a Nuzlocke on it great fails the drift fail team yeah so good no Gen 5 is the best music out of like any Pokemon game it's why I pop it on the background it's like so many of the highlights for like the Minecraft videos in the city skylines it's just so good it's like one of my favorite game soundtracks again try this Bastion I'm very happy to see a lot of Gen 5 Pokemon have actually made it in the sword and shield as well but they're taking a lot of the good ones jealous since in it like Galvan Sheila Ferro sawing really good to see Jen for gang rise huh [Music] now Jeb for school to gen-5 is where it's at though let's be real Jen five is like patter Jen form and I think pokemons kind of stumbled with every Jen's instant like Jen six like they got more competitive stuff right but like X&Y you just kind of lackluster in comparison to other games mega evolutions cool we should bring that back more gen7 it's like Z moves who cares and then they hold your hand the entire game there's like no post camp [Music] like I hope with sword and shield like they do something right I like bring it close to the gun five again this Gen 5 believe when you finish the game it's like you had so much protein content I like more I would say than gen - there's like Jen - when you finish it it's kind of like a waistline where you just explore Kanto like there is nothing to do with our battle trainers where is in Gen 5 you got like you got like the challenge like the bottle tree you have like the Pokemon world tournament you a bunch of legendaries to catch you even have like this these secret meetings you can find like n and like the post camp which is amazing and they give up half the region still to explore I like like the final level of trainers gets up to like 80 by the end like it's actually quite challenging [Music] and for story is the best now Jen fives better then 5s got a compelling villain and is actually kind of cool and he's not just like a dick and evil for the sake of it like kinda has a point which is very interesting but most of it just like I want to commit genocide and that's the plot of Pokemon whereas he actually want eats like an animal rights activist who kind of just wants to liberate them I thinks it's inhumane it's just an interesting take on it and is the best antagonist like it really is [Music] you kids will never know the pain of getting left foot against his hand and not being able to look online oh I remember that but you know I don't quite cuz I was a day at gamefaqs it's like you could still kind of look at us there's just very heavily buried and often time unreliable when I said Peter Griffin wasn't on the server why did someone think to themselves you know we need now can't go one stream without anime is it pixel out of some kind of character [Music] the cactus has a face now that's cute [Music] after that point now it isn't there Oh someone's deemed monetizing like this entire project okay and you know Germany like still going strong science didn't stop it for long Healing Center five quid last night is a promise idea from minecraft building and the line of chaotic underwater city embracing the madness of the old gods uh I kinda do want to try like an underwater build at some point that might be like an interesting one and just not give people creative mode for it would be in survival mode [Music] we kinda did it before but like the island paradise we were put under it [Music] bright stuffy and lunar thank you all for the hundred bits there five is whoa do you fight to one good guy in the series which gen5 game would you recommend black and white to but I would recommend though like just you know start with black and white get black 22 then after it's like black and white to is the best one it's like that's the one that actually has like a really good postgame feel like the story and the base black and whites better Tom like 300 bits Peters the antagonist of Gen 5 minja thanks for nervous thousand bits you and Rihanna the best starting the Christmas season of giving her that were giving you more of my money thank you very much it's very kind we're gonna what you're gonna do a christmas stream this year thanks for being here I might do yeah I did actually stream Christmas to a glass to her I don't know if I'll do it on Christmas Day again but I'll be doing stuff close to Christmas kind of stupid that's what's gen-5 those x and y know that's gen six genital is black and white black and white for remakes i live in hope like if they remake gen for like you will never hear the end of it from me asking for a Gen 5 remake yeah I just I just love those games and like I hope they do it like they some black and white 2 and take all that game or like merge them into one or something because it's like different content like between the first and the second one the mystery dungeon yeah I hope they do a new mystery dungeon - that'll be nice to see oh we got a law sign complete [Music] Triforce has been assembled it's got a keep looking and seeing what's new PI R there's another pumpkin someone's making like these at the Android icon something is hard to tell how the cat's almost complete that's so huge very good boy these guys seem to be working together on it to look like some of them are just like refinement xx next to quiz fire thanks 100 bits and Roald Dahl's me my favorite I don't like emerald for me I'm not I'm not Gentry found like it's sort of like my least favorite gym I just don't have any fun memories with it my second-favorite Jen and people send to me this too that my second-favorite Jen is probably Jen for if I do love on HeartGold and SoulSilver like Jen five is the best day I hope and sword and shield is good it looks really promising some stuff they've done which is kind of weird and y'all don't really care about and to hold Dynomax Giga max gig and to max thing like who cares [Music] but we live in hope it's on switch so it's gonna look nice but we'll hung me out are you gonna get sword or shield I'm actually getting shields reason being is Tyranitar is exclusive to shield and that's one of my favorite pokemon yeah so I'm getting shield I think Rihanna's getting sword I figure more people are gonna get sword too so it might be nice to get shield just for something a bit different no sword just sounds a bit cool what a Boomer shield sonamoo and I got moving before [Music] sir fetch is in sword Bob probably not gonna use them my plan for sword and shield is literally just get a whoohoo and kill everything that's all I want to do all hack it's coming along the little picture it's looking so good gonna be finished in time for the end of the stream somewhere just right I have purple okay I guess Peter Griffin is depressingly almost complete I think someone's out someone's actually making Garfield and worse it's Italian Garfield I think he just loves lasagna so much he's going to Italy getting next to 100 bits not only do we need a new Pokemon Ranger we need ukelele Picchu and smash I never played that one actually I played the other Pokemon Rangers [Music] Haiden thanks for hundred bits Joey thanks around Roo Tom thanks 900 this is the first year I've ever tuned in for and now I have a new respect for how much time and dedication you must take to edit the highlights together here I have so much dessert which cryptocurrency for your troubles all thanks very much no I do my very best as I just whittled it down to like about 10 minutes each time for this one it's gonna be particularly interesting with the highlights cuz you know like what do I feature like gradual construction of a thing and then we revisit at the end it's gonna be on auto in the workout I'll get there though ones making a duck [Music] corgi thanks for 150 bits I've ever played a mr. pokemon mystery dungeon games yeah I have I played all of them on des I love me some explorers of time [Music] start the video at the end like thanks for watching folks oh no this is this is General Grievous now but like merged with Peter Griffin it's very upsetting we have some more flags join the roster here alba album are they trying to go for Abba or something [Music] TCB days are too good hey I'm watching you from Chile under a national crisis shouted to my Chilean friend and stay safe I hope you're okay man yeah I haven't heard anything about it myself I've not watched the news today thank you very much hope you doing okay [Music] oh there's the RT logo let's finish it [Music] oh mama this one is still like an optical illusion all they're doing like the Dark Side of the Moon cover like the pyramid that's really cool toxic thanks for 100 bits hope you're doing well man beans and gents sakes I compared a little bits really good but like the actual games it's kind of rubbish X&Y just doesn't have a lot of fun stuff in it like there's no replay value when you finish that game the locker mission at the end is cold but it just kind of ends them there's nothing to do we were robbed a Pokemon Z as well the flesh out Kalos oh there's like a border that's been erected truth like the middle here look at this have a divide the bullet is finished - very cute cat oh I won't die is done oh wait no not quite his hair still being finished but the get in there it looks really good yeah I think we just gave because we gave people so much space everyone's just kind of done their own separate thing and we just have this like almost like mash of it all the only real like proper a dramatic crossover is the guys who tried to build Sons and got quickly overruled cuz they were just building on top of other people can't just crash land sands like that should play a Minecraft Monday I think up I think I'm good [Music] ninja thanks 100 bits who's your favorite Gen 5 starter I actually don't like any of the during five starters it's my it's my favorite gen but I hate the status for and they're all kind of blind I don't like any of them it's like Gen 5 is the only game Pokemon game I think I ever play where I ditch the starter right off the bat cuz I don't like him it's got something bad Pokemon but like yeah overall it's got the most Pokemon I love not even sniffing no I don't really like sniffy favorite jenefor starter only one correct answer well it's Piplup obviously there's a little unicorn that's been built that's cute and here's how you know that pick flow didn't invent the color prism right but to have I know they didn't but like they have the iconic album cover that is a couple of prism Turtwig yeah unsubscribe Infernape or die or Jesus I already like the starters for Gen 6 I'm they're all really cool is he a grass fight and water Derek in like fire psychic which is just really interesting combinations like greninja is one of my favorite Pokemon this thing that gen 6 itself was kind of lackluster like the region and that's just it's just had something missing the Pokemon are really cool what's your favorite starter overall I mean I tend to go with cyndaquil cuz that was my first one [Music] ulster thanks for ulster main thanks for just 7 could I heard that in the news it's about time I'll be caught I wish you a good sim chat very much I love how just certain patches there's this fire oh wait no someone made a cigarette that's bad for your health [Music] come on now guys killing your lungs when I talk about something controversial on the server it's really creative it actually is very cool yeah it's like an amazing like simple idea to do oh look it's a chubby Pikachu that's in the works I've won too many puffins can't believe they've brought fat Pikachu back for sword and shield he's like a Giga forum take a chew Jen thanks for 200 bits we've been waiting for pokemon mystery dungeon 5 since 2015 every day is agony but it will be worse personally I hope they just remaster like explorers of the sky because I think that's the best one just remaster that like put it in HD maybe like add some more postgame content in that like that is the best story by far I'm like I don't think they've ever topped it since then who are you picking in gen8 probably score bunny the rabbit but the real starter is Wu Liu let's be honest here basic tisk tisk of the harsh [Music] okay let's get the overhead view again see where we're at Oh Yoda is finished and so was a little death star that's such a good view of everything snapping a quick screenshot please don't die there we go can just see everything even works well with the sign arty place the red quarter became blue oh it did they started a new red corner though on the bottom left the ones saying hi Jose mama as well [Music] I think we need this to run longer because like we still have a lot of space I'm gonna adjust it again I think [Music] I'm gonna adjust it down to five seconds to maybe see if we can fill some more this is too quick we'll set it back we go [Music] see if we can fill some more in we're gonna go another half hour see how coordinated we can be are you going to help free spaces filled I mean maybe not every space but a lot of it filled because we're starting to run out of space so people are gonna have to get creative to just put more in I think at this point let's just see how they build on toxic thank you for the gifts up there - thanks ma'am [Music] I said two seconds don't get greedy we just doubled it there let's just sit back dad look thanks 400 bits it's been really interesting to see what everyone has done and how its developed for memes to actual pixel art well thanks hundred bits man that is the coolest thing about this because it could just be absolute anarchy and no one achieves ever anything but VR beyond like the blue corner like people are actually trying to make stuff even little tf2 logo and they were just actually kind of cute spoil it there someone change the sign to say ten out of ten maybe it always said that I couldn't see it before let's just watch the ant colony work away this is a surprising amount of stuff built there is yeah and again outside of that sands like most people have just respected there's like the space like that one just crash land on a bunch of stuff but everything else it's like no it's God's own little spot that kids done it's awesome up there [Music] really shows the kind of audience you have not and how could surely create if they are oh you guys are brilliant like you got we can give you a theme and you'll actually run with it but I imagine there's some folks who try these mass multiplayer kind of things and it's just chaos and no one actually does anything or like somebody would hose grief and destroy everything you guys aren't like that and that's actually pretty great to see because that means we can do cool stuff like this and keep doing stuff like it it would never work if you guys just destroyed the world every time it's chaos but in a good way oh yeah there's still a component of anarchy to it you know cuz you don't know how the bill is gonna go if you guys could not follow the cameraman please - just leave me be Thanks [Music] yeah thanks lads [Music] are you forgetting the massive multiplayer area with the instagib spawn zone yeah that's why we haven't done terraria sessions ever since that game brought out the worst in people I don't think we can ever do that one again because yeah that what that was that was real bad but in minecraft though actually kind of works Oh [Music] someone's making a pig on the bottom yeah I think this is the best place to just stick the camera cuz we can actually see everything unfold just if you're on the server just please don't you know we'll just try fly in my face like it's actually really annoying I appreciate that [Music] like you shouldn't be up here probably got to be about to pay money to get in I mean I well in Paris yeah I think that helps because it means someone's not gonna join just grief because if you're drawn in grief you know you just get banned like and you know you're gone and it means I felt like an anonymous vote person can't just like hop in and just try ruin everything there's no real point in Neuman like that's why the like the server is twitch sub only because it would be anarchy otherwise I think I know it wouldn't work to nearly the same degree Jordan nine to ten quid are you kidding me where the hell is the Toblerone yeah there's no Toblerone right now we slack it on that front Germany's having a bad time I mean Germany will live on I think that signs is East and the German flag though which is unfortunate but what you're gonna do like a Toblerone with perpendicular to everything else no we can't do that we got everything's got to be flat it's important [Music] I prefer to think of it as sans puke in Germany basically science and Germany are allies now the cute kitten wants milk it the kitten is very cute I thought and I won't die over there really well done I do love the Hat kid as well [Music] dear what's your opinion on Gen 4 it's my favorite our Gen 4 is my second favorite I think it's really well done I just think that Gen 5 is better in like almost every way I like for me it's just the perfect Pokemon game I just big-time do you know German 985 you guys are quite alike I actually met the man when I was in San Diego for twitchcon we shared some wine in a baseball field at the twitch cotton parody and it was awesome the man is like my hero but he's my favorite youtuber so it was like it's really surreal experience he's such a nice guy flying sounds like German I told me if I talk about I'm just just like to make sure that I mentioned he was like acting real strange ideal he wouldn't let me in italics be in like the same row in the baseball state I don't know why as I got a pretzel and he just took half of it and like tried to play it off as a joke I don't know what his problem is no I love the bad I really do [Music] he's eaten Germany like her Oh God [Music] this is born well it's a gradual process like it takes time I replaced it wasn't built in the day I was meeting Remy and Beau all those guys are lovely pickle bet them twice now I'd let the mind steal my cred silver it was built in tree days exactly rome wasn't built in the day it took a weekend a come on guys you can't be so impatient Oh like afraid speed built do you see out over here it's a freight Bob currently says Afra on him but he's coming along on the voids been started in the middle here cakes are still ongoing [Music] did you ever hear the loss and incident flag of Denmark did you ever did you ever hear the loss of Denmark a story the Jedi would tell well someone made loss to the left of it they did oh my god just zoom in real quick yep that's lost the maze now you can just tell by just beerus and not escape it on the Internet [Music] can Pumpkins almost done - what the [ __ ] of people type in here does this say eight nine two six five three five eight nine seven what are they oh is it what saying it's pi where does it start I know it's three point one four two star where is it they're working the way backwards it's fine no they'll that they'll get there [Music] it was right there I missed it IRT afraid is now saying whoo-whoo the bells are back people have actually continued them we got a yeet don't know of unicorn Isles here but she'd be very happy to see that there's a ramp the rainbow was preserved I really like the block Museum it's very simple but like it's just nice like here is every block he's just adding to them like fair play to you man why is it a blocked word I think we have to block it back in the day because it was spammed way too much can probably like change some of those things I think and take them off the filter I haven't cleaned it out in a while oh it is another little picture here Horace toot mushrooms but the pony's finished with the unicorn [Music] and as a happy dog swiftly followed by the roblox guy oh it's George oh I love it even more now it's a shame he's right next to waluigi he's such a good I miss him so much I want dies looking good there's SpaceX oh the Dragon Quest slime got like sliced in half that's unfortunate that was a nice one too that's the I'll say character okay Peter Griffin completed depressing yep of a so hasn't been more Pokemon like on the canvas like we've got a pokeball on the Pikachu if you are now doing bulbs or just consider how much we've been talking about it there's Hatsune Miku as Mario in Minecraft sure that's like a video that's been done like many a time new German flag next to waluigi Pig is complete yeah I like this corner I think the most is like this corner is starting to look really compact although no that and I say that it started a little compact everywhere there's a few gaps like over there sorry what the blue corner has been largely abandoned I think everyone there feared they would be consumed by the blue corner in here is really interesting looking because it's all on top of you each other there's a lot going on this is the 5 second time where people have been moving yeah I didn't the 5 second time I was like maybe the best one to do because it means you still have to think about where you pop your block but like it's fast enough that you can make progress quickly like people even finishing the rainbow at the moment you can see them working away I think science is just gonna forever be like Asian Germany as if it was noodles they've even like that made it part of its design [Music] band's just eaten the German flag Germany is spaghetti free sans No [Music] freights coming along to do I'd do like afraid I think he looks really cute here it's never free us sign we'll just ignore that [Music] jf thanks four thousand bits I Artie I want to say to you hit my video in the new DLC map was one of the funniest things I've ever seen I thought your atom was incredible on that one so I don't know my favorite videos now I still wanted to say that I won't be donating as frequently for a bit to save money but I should be starting an apprenticeship soon they'll be able to start donating again then thanks to being an amazing streamer I'll jf like thank you very much I do put yourself first like don't worry about donating I like it it's completely ok like you've given a lot in the past to thank you very generous I thanks I'm glad you like the hit mine video because yeah I like the one on the new map like yeah I actually do think that's one of the better ones I've done the time in like worked really well for just like a lot of the jokes [Music] so it was really happy with how I turned out it's empowered way I'm like my own editor cuz I always worry that like if someone else took it they wouldn't get it that way or they would have made like separate hit 9 videos add like the two maps we did where I was like I felt like there was like enough for like it was like just enough for like to put both of them together and just make it one video I made the climb thing it's own one because that was kind of like a bit of a different style it was kinda like Groundhog Day you think they'll make though make let's Joe let's go Joe doe games I I think they will yeah introduced like the Pokemon go cry oh just like the games more but they might as well like I take like a Joe doe and on switch why not might be a bit dumb down probably missing things like the battle frontier but still be cool it's a casual stroll planet thanks 100 bits wow they're really trying with this like prequel meme did you ever hear the tragedy a Denmark just crash-landed [Music] Oh Abbi thanks for hundred bits - and the stream isn't tight they've all been in the stream its entire time the cuher miss you Artie but thanks to the fun the queue all thanks over found yes are you can only fit so many people just on this space and one go doing the best we can [Music] we've planned Red Dead Redemption when it comes out in pc i have it on ps4 and i haven't played it yet so I don't know [Music] to give people a little bit more time I think we'll go to like another 10 or 20 minutes or so see how much progress we make see if we can fill some of those like little spots are left I like how this rainbow is like extended all the way across the blue corner is still expanded as well some people are still working on it it's almost recovered from that time it was attacked earlier I love all the rainbows yeah it's really colorful I love like the Rainbow Bridge it just starts at the bottom and goes off like the top right you should put it in maps and put them on item frames oh I mean I think that can be done somewhere on the server I imagine it's like a bite-sized view of how it all looks [Music] imagine ubi site if you make a map of like this space on the server and can you take it over to like the survival server I don't know if you can it's like different worlds might be able to erect a little match shrine or something just next to it maybe you go in the twitch carny you and may I'm not sure just yet that might be I just noticed the Doge that is a dog the dog in there I don't see a second one oh there he is yeah next to waluigi looks like a Pokemon like that can you walk through the map I mean we've been walking through it as we go I'm just like every now and then I'm just hopping up here just so we can take it all in we'll pop that back down in a few again and just keep exploring what's new it's cool to be able to see it all like this so I know this is a very slow stream comparative to some of them we've done it's just because like we have such a good view in point that we can see everything here science is almost finished I think they're gonna keep like him eat in Germany is just part of the design that's how we're going to coexist Germany's about to have a bad time it was I want to his first birthday yesterday was it actually was it a year ago that we streamed Wii Sports Resort oh my god that's actually insane yeah I thought I guess I was looking at the YouTube highlights video so that's not accurate but yeah so it would have been like a day or two before that's insane yeah I still don't ask the best story I've ever done happily that was a year ago Jesus where'd the time go [Music] October's almost over - it's gonna be Christmas before we know it [Music] it was only just back from Japan when we did that now I'm living in the UK over here you've already hit your prime ouch as a bit harsh man the golden years are over Daniel it's all downhill from here [Music] now people just call me a boomer and amp that's the stage I'm a forester even OB takes about a hundred bits you miss the spire in the UK no why would I miss the spire it sucks [Music] Sam thanks for hundred bits I'm gonna buy in the word boomer like you guys gotta be more original call me a Jar Jar please we will buy in that word gotta be more original [Music] you damn [ __ ] Jared I see that man's got the right idea he's being aggressive with us is some power charger he'll still say it says some woman I'm a talking in the stream we're gonna go just a while longer Sam thanks her hundred bits [Music] danger thanks for the 100 bits thank you very much man it's just so colorful like Star Wars movie Binks a Star Wars story could you imagine Zoli thank you for the 500 bits it's my first time catch you on stream I've watched most of your videos on YouTube and I really enjoy your sense of humor only one problem I always watch your videos in 1.5 times speed though it's a bit strange to hear you speaking normally but you just try speaking out 1.5 times speed for a while I I feel like I'll just tire myself out yeah be talking in 1.5 times speed is dangerously close to like by hey gamers voice hey gamers let's go it out good to see y'all here you know like that that's me at 1.5 times speed and you just want to hit my head with a hammer [Music] good make it stop more gamer voice to guys like the gamer voice hello how's it going guys I I think I think it's agonizing myself what if I only tell it like that would anyone still be here [Music] cool how's it going area teen gamers welcome back to another sick minecraft Street but this Tuesday make sure to smash that Twitch prime sub I was looking SADS undertale the server oh you got a special guest a we're gonna interview SADS tell the video is gonna be a I called sides it undertale a tree am youtube content how it works right so that's the sound your soul make links gamer voice ASMR let me try it hey as a girl yeah so good to see you up here it's actually really difficult to do like this because I gotta talk so much slow stop wolf thanks 400 pits mister discotheques road trip its wish we could have come to see on Saturday eventually go to the Pokemon Center yesterday after the four-hour wait in the queue probably go again before it closes the completely ran out of London Pikachu at around 3 p.m. and I'll die if I don't get it all I fix can be found on my Twitter and Massud I responded to one of them that's [ __ ] awesome man I hope you had a good time I really want to go to the Pokemon Center - it looks class I didn't go when I was at AG xeo today because I had like an hour for my train and I understand like they closed the queue I'm gonna go in like early November or something just like be there for 9 a.m. trying it in then really wanna go there I love the Pokemon centers in Japan Phoenix thanks for 10 quid air tea I love you videos over watching ever since you famous poop volcano with city skylines I love your videos and I always find it hilarious keep with the great work in the videos thank you very much man ninja and Kane thank you for the bits as well never be a gamer again well its rival my gamer voice why don't you want me to live I can do goofy and said prefer that I could slip right back in no I guess they'll tolerate me till I've no gaber what about a game or goofy hang on the Wolves up gamers it's your boy no goof Meister tree Towson played some fortnight battle royale you'll I just killed Donald on the battlefield dear God [Music] stop right there criminal scum [Music] Oh God pastor thanks for the shoe good have you played the new mobile Mario Cart and if so where do you think no I didn't because I saw cost like [ __ ] 90 quid to get diddy call me or some ludicrous like that like it seems like a [ __ ] waste of money you didn't even bother [Music] totally hikes 100 bits I regret my words and TE Jesus never again for the love of God a dirty jar jar stuffy pyro ninja thanks for all the bits at the gamer flow true you I thought I think we're starting to near the end I think we're gonna wind down soon why did they finished the rainbow over here look at that a lot of flags at a rainbow Garfield on the scene Sonic's been added over here yeah this this space has been filled up his little Ewok someone put a crying emoji in I'm gonna wrote Jar Jar soup it's not a meme that has anything to do with me Bree Hong Kong revolution at prayer time [Music] mcat thanks were under bits you channels the peak of humanity but the gamer voice might be a federal problem dark thanks 400 bits now I'm just roaming here oh we got a little boo too like the Ghost Dog I appreciate the Irish flag to see what else is there I will just spelled out Sweden like okay what does it say Waku all the pictures finish why doesn't our world look like this okay welcome to my minecraft world you can't see [ __ ] and it took a very long time to make I like this view of the build purple that Jesus this build was incredibly ambushes it took so long to make way of america LFC I'm not sure what that is cool feed us now give a Smash Ball got some more flags the blue corner just got quickly taken over by IKEA Nordic yeah it's all the the Nordic countries we have a bunch of flags there do tree thanks 400 bits dark thanks for that 100 have you played destiny - no I haven't no I I've never really gotten into another MMO Bauer will the Warcraft I'm thinking part the reason is if I was to play any of any MMO I would want it to be World of Warcraft because that's when I have fond memories with [Music] which is kind of a shame in of itself because ERDAS probably not a good time to play World of Warcraft [Music] let's be real [Music] please write howl and I'm not really being noticing unique chives and help and it's a great game oh yeah holo nights fantastic I want to play more [Music] in fact desire to have such a high view distance I just bumped it up and my pcs been loading it fine I think this is like my super PC now this one seems to work like it's the same parts as the last one but I think it's just like got better cooling or something cuz the case is like bigger or think more efficient and the last one was it's like it seems to be running better did my PC and Ireland ever did it which is a combination of that and like new internet connection those things have just been going well each other like two pcs work at the same time now I'm gonna be doing that in future like dual PC streams at the moment it's just one haven't set it up yet super greasy plus minecraft with 60fps yeah I'm with streaming it too so like everything is pretty good like we stream VI already other day and it was fine you know I thought for sure it has to drop the quality on that one [Music] let people keep going you ever hear the tragedy of they've almost got the first line in the trying so hard I like how the rainbow is assumed like a background role now to like they didn't cross over this like pixel out character they just filled it in I do have to say though um seven colors of the rainbow right why is Brown here I don't remember that when we in there and there's eight colors now [Music] so we're just decided to add on it's like this is a sticky addendum weenie oh it's a pride rainbow is it sorry is it actually I thought it was just a standard rainbow for pride is around in the prideful I thought it was just a standard rainbow it is part of the rainbow now Brown isn't part of it oh you you guys are winding me up yeah fried rainbow is just a regular rainbow yeah okay yeah eysan i mean i just view it as a rainbow of stretching across the world anyway I think we're good they just put it there to be funny the injure beta control upon my own chat [Music] bulb thanks for 500 page this will be a good bill to leave it for a week or so after the stream with 30 minute or so timer oh I mean we could set it up so that we do leave it for a week could be an interesting one to do but it wouldn't really make a good stream or anything is the thing you know we stream here I'm not gonna I can't just straight leave the stream on for a week [Music] they amended the Zoomers to the flag representing the new Zoomer generation the wash if you do not do an inset replace leave this one yeah it wouldn't be here it would be a different canvas it's an interesting idea the thing is I think people might just forget about it I think you need like a constant stream or something and I like streaming and I wouldn't like just you know leaving this on for like a week [Music] [Music] story battalion Xtreme died hang on the Pokemon route music now okay let's keep going yeah I I feel like I should wrap up the stream but it's same time I just want people to keep going because it's actually quite fun to watch you guys would want to go with a longer we'll just keep talking well it's true even till you stop streaming well set [Music] okay I'm gonna I'm gonna have to put a cap though it like I have to wrap up for like 10 o'clock I think so like we'll go in that are 25 minutes and then I'll start the wine and the stream will go just a bit longer give people a chance like finish up some stuff oh god the bells of spreadin forget the blue corner alright it just bells everywhere oh and they got the German flag out of sans mouth it's a long time coming surprisingly difficult everybody put up quite a fight Germany is free IKEA - IKEA was so good they made us eat stuff he takes for - a trip it's about a elves way to the end gotta go for class though can't wait to see the highlights all the best man take care right and Gucci thanks for another 100 bits each Gucci thanks for 200 bits [Music] the ones start in the green corner [Music] walrus thanks for Hunter Pence mom wait kind why so much toby fox stuff well i mean there are fans of undertale you know we're just letting people build whatever they want science is kinda like just a meme on the internet in general it's like i'm not surprised he's here I love the afraid cat boy Hulland those people are carving out a little bit in the rainbow too except the style music disco let's become a night here 21 not quite forever 21 but we'll take it Gucci and darkness 100 bits each thank you very much like you guys have just been constantly don't name like steadily even okay that just says line [Music] Alba irt God has a lot of tech it gets very hard to read over here because like PI with all the numbers this is where it starts to good to know and they flipped it over there [Music] okay American flags come along if someone's squeezing in something there I like how people just filling at the space now or even just adding like a bit of background to everything even if it's just like a complete array of bells it's still cool to see like it looks really compact over here now I think it's starting to look compact everywhere like like this space still needs to be filled out a bit more well the game crashed [Music] all it actually crashed [Music] om says he could try the small server up that set to a week at a dynamap in and people can watch it yeah that could be cool Jim we could try it out sometime was it signs like crash it yeah I believe so [Music] okay let me try reconnect okay we're back in old as well this is like the build zone entrance to that the mods made just before the stream which is like a massive blocks which i think is really cool like a canvas and like a paintbrush there there are no mistakes only happy accidents like this is like the build world hub where you can see all the pass builds that we've done like for people who actually on the server and don't know about this like see and it's all dated like here's the climate change stream if we that's the terraria stream that's the Lego stream this is this was the stress test it's like the initial one that this was like the Ute the two million sub stream das kneel and say it's like it's all archived so you can actually go back and visit it like we've kept this like since the new server because it's in like it's in like a separate zone to the survival server and like it'll all it'll be added to as time goes on like some people are always asking like can we explore the map after that's how you just hop on the server and you can go in oh god the waters come in [Music] okaythat's weeks has been flooded they're trying to flesh that out real quick okay the bells are still coming God more stuff is just popping in they're so close to the first line Darsh playas playing yes however you pronounce it they just need to write why it's so close [Music] the pyramids complete - over there there's still a lot more space if you want to build I think the belt I think they're gonna fill in all the space in this little section cuz that's gonna be water that's gonna be like a mix of red and bells over here is just being turned blue still let's try take it all in again chugs a little bit when we go up here cause it's rendering a lot [Music] okay I'm gonna take a picture hang on as you know I can wait till after the stream it's taking the picture my crashing JK thanks 4000 bits I just joined the stream what happened oh it's been going really well actually that's all this happens we're almost finished he looks like a giant board game it's rich it's just really colorful like these are the things that are dear to people's harsh well hearts they include sans Peter Griffin and Garfield the Internet in a nutshell [Music] laughs right in the middle yeah it's right there it's not even that highlight it but you know it's lost science has a crack in his head he's fine he ate a bit too much of Germany earlier it's getting to him you have a disco it's server I do if you type exclamation point discord oh if you just look below in a stream there's a bunch of buttons there is discord and Twitter we organize everything on the monitor the minecraft server truth the discord moon thanks 400 bits so cool-looking I think we just got to watch from here for like the last bit of it we'll get the group photo out like the portal entrance and after as well I all that people know when we're hopping over there I was your romantic date with Kevin well I had breakfast with his the next day so I think it went pretty well can't complain don't tell Ariana no satins blood is pure Germany oh they're making it go true is my oh no moving thanks 100 bids check next to Mario's hedge nerd okay I think Mario is over here yep here's Mario oh god it's it's struggling to render some of the blocks now oh here's the bite-sized map you can just see the regular world - just like next to it like what happened on this Minecraft world that's actually pretty cool puts it in perspective we got a map on the map question is is that map represented on that map Jesus looking pellicle low thanks for those thousand bits really love of this bill turned out one of my personal favorites so far thanks very much man yeah they just do my best to keep them creative or in anything because like we've done a fair a few builds at this point and I know it's easy to just pump out a build after bill that I have to build have to build until like the end of time like even make it a weekly thing but like I'm trying to make keep it so that like it's always something new every single time and shop not just more of the same and it like this is an idea that like a lot of people suggested based on the track after the terraria stream well I thought will be interesting and I want to get special thanks as well to like Jim for actually making a little plugin that kind of regulates the blocks and like the speed you can place them so it so it's only really possible in this form because of that and then of course thank you to all the mods for just you know actually maintaining this because without them like the server would not be possible whatsoever [Music] kind of flying about just trying to take it all in the wise that they got the first line and did you ever hear that the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise my god inception in blue he thanks 400 bits each just got back White House there are home or dog and why isn't this merchant can buy fighter thanks for 105 bits I love to stay with a group full of I need to head to college now the stream was a lot of fun I look forward to participating more of them in the future all the best man have a good day at college thank you very much oh that cop turned the lava this is all on fire which is not bode well for all of these flags of varying countries elaborate metaphor for climate change I feel ya sands sands is not looking too good I think Germany the German flag is gonna kill him like it looks like it's going up true it's cool look he's seeing Germany you can see a bit of it here [Music] ERT is now on fire what else is new the blue corner actually kind of just stopped of their own volition which is surprising still a lot of space they could have expanded to you like there's a wall over here if they want to stop somewhere then up here we just have like a lot of pixel art like this space was left below more so and there's a bunch of flags a cool Pixar over here to hack it's awesome we got a we got a thunk we got a multicolored corner I don't discriminate here moving thanks for 100 about the bells load man I feel like it's gonna kill my PC cheese it's like you just fly over it ok well we're in the final moments guys you got 10 minutes left get in as much as you can [Music] just sit here awhile try and get the best view I can there we go so we'll build a goose it's our last chance if you have 10 minutes left you can place the block every 5 seconds then it's 12 blocks a minute so you can place 120 more blocks so yay so you could actually build a goose even if you started now 120 blocks is a good amount I think it's possible to fill all the empty space with the time that's left I thought the dog was gonna be a goose yeah me too but it turned into an actual duck tag yourself I am soo [Music] how's it going right children are there right and Oh stinky in the corn I think they are yeah blue corn has kind of been taken over a bit [Music] now I mean even if we fill up like half the map and it's still gonna be impressive like every block filled because like the rest of it is just like good it was a really nice collage still a few spaces people can squeeze in stuff if they want to [Music] I thinking before we've done it's really well done yeah science is definitely dying because of Germany Germany has fought back and is breaking through his school like in dramatic fashion and it's also being usurped by Finland for some reason we have all this time and still and space left to build new things and there's some people just still at war like we could be building more but still time like Finland could fit somewhere else there's a load of room for Finland but now I want to put it here Louie takes 100 bits on a serious know can this be merch think it'd be really cool but like a tapestry ourselves that are like just even a poster tapestry might be a bit ambitious for much [Music] that would be so cool make it a blanket very colorful blanket [Music] sticker will be cool house wallpaper that's the merchandise more youtubers need to go home but do you want to plaster your home with my channels logo well now you can literally introduce an arty brand wallpaper it's literally a picture of my face for every room of your home I was like what a shocked expression now you'll feel like you're being constantly watched also introducing the arty brand carpet rest your feet against my face with this lovely skin color carpet that's the merch people need [Music] signs may completely destroyed yet Germany got him couldn't resist [Music] made from real human skin it's limited edition because we could only we can only find so many people arty bride napkins like wipe your face with my face introducing our tea napkins weirdness potato on your face and you're an animal and you need this [Music] party body pillow toilet paper have you made a right mess in the bathroom and do you need someone fit for the job introducing IRT brand toilet paper represent now you can represent this [ __ ] stain of a youtube channel by using it to clean up [ __ ] stains [Music] Oh God Artie gum [Music] well other music do we need was I urge our team towel ITT condom for Maxie do you just not want to get that I get anyone pregnant introducing Artie brand condoms no one will want to come near you Jesus [Music] the best contraception no to that Jesus Christ entirety Brian to blender how be cool this is like a little roller coaster at the top that goes like spins around wildly wait get out of the cameraman not cool arty phone [Music] aarti painkillers they just make the pain worse have you got a split and headache and for some reason you just don't like paracetamol introducing irt painkillers they'll make you long for debt but take your mind off the headache you were previously experiencing could catch at it as a record forward of my ideas twisted so horribly bluey thanks little hundred bits [Music] dear yeah they're full of merch ideas now Archie microwave meals op sans is dead yep self Germany Ghana signs could not survive taking the economic powerhouse that is the Germans sands I will never forgive the chair of it dear Londo nice to George of it's arty Brian coffin no direct thanks 400 pits Gorgon extra bits who would win the entirety of Germany or wooden pony boy [Music] okay I think we're gonna wrap it up soon it's gonna have I know we've been saying it a lot off of the still space that's the thing there's still a lot of space here to be filled in I kind of want to keep going but it's getting late at the same time I think we will have to wrap it up so do you think we'll be possible to just keep the build open maybe a little bit after the stream because no people can like finish off maybe we get some of the background in because like here for instance to just add in blue to everything No yeah it might be a bad idea to keep going after the stream is the only thing yeah I would not recommend that little yeah people might run amok we can polish it up manually but I might take a while to do if we get everyone that's still on the server just working on background for like all this space here like we need people working in like this corner over here in particular feels like it's missing a lot there and people just they expand on this side people want to work on filling up the space so it it's like complete it might resurrect sans true you know also I can t be everyone to sign for the group Road don't do that ash because sometimes the server like really struggles with the TP it will just tell everyone to come over and I'll tell me what I'm taking it I think it's just easier [Music] yeah just everywhere all hands on deck to finish up and fill this space I'm gonna even take some stuff myself I am gonna help the blue corner here we go [Music] let's go boys Artie brand knife [Music] aarti bathwater I'm sure that's the merch we all want why even have a bath I don't oh no I do have a bad here I don't take baths build ends in three minutes okay let's go people we've only so many more blocks we could place get go we got to fill this space [Music] all hands on deck [Music] there we go [Music] everyone's like piling in this area was trying to finish it up slowly thanks for 100 bits could you make so people can't destroy blocks only place them the problem with that is what if someone reads places a block that's the thing this is people working in other areas right now see there's like some people just like patrolling over here these guys are trying to finish up this space I'm stragglers over here just kind of add in some extra detail like this corner over here is like completely done I think it's all filled over here yes it is no there's some gaps God and there's gonna be gaps no matter where we go someone got a Goosen we have to fill it [Music] oh my god Sonic's been dug into a little okay come on lads I'm here to help hey what else have we got [Music] put it in yeah the cactus is safe don't worry cactus is protective irt brown Pandora's box merch we need keep going people [Music] I could set the time for the tree seconds for the end but I'd that might be too quick it's the only thing keep going blue corners spreading in over here we're trying to preserve help us let's just add some more every block I put down is like five seconds saved if someone else has to wait five seconds for it cactus has done this in here I think is good now half the map is now filled some people need to clean up this little spot over here I think there's people on it trying to add more bells they shall have bells well I got to make sure they face in the right way [Music] it's chugging is a stream okay if some people get on that area over there other people just continue the blue over here or however you want to fill this space it's like finishing the sky and terraria again oh we can't the building was turned off give them a little longer ash a little bit longer go go another five minutes and then I'll wrap up for realsies we must finish the best we can let me help you build ends for real in five minutes okay go open as much as I can someone vandalized roblox man look like I gotta get them back [Music] yeah that's just the duck or the goose Jesus Christ just look at it hey four minutes guys trying at least get the background in for all of up here some guys are doing green and working their way down let me help out the green gang [Music] if any of the mods on the server just want to be like on the floor just trying to fill the space best you can and we'll get this in we've got three and a half minutes bluie thanks another hundred with the merch actually half and I'm sure bows to chat will buy I first to take a 60 by 60 poster wouldn't be too bad we do actually need like a new poster we've only ever done one and like that was like the Ross wobble and when the shop launched say we do need to get some more in I don't know who he's supposed to be I just add some tea to this guy or will that ruin it [Music] does this space hasn't been filled okay they're on it okay blue is coming in here green still coming down from there people are filling in little extra bits over here if they see them over here is gonna be a bit more of a wasteland I think I don't think there's any way to fill out all in time two minutes left [Music] okay let me just pop in some blue bluh bluh bluh bluh just pop in some purple there extend up by one [Music] there we go okay men and a half guys I don't know I don't know if we're gonna do it I really doubt it let's go let's go let's go [Music] this all needs to be in with the [ __ ] go up 60 seconds come on folks come on [Music] James just like Papa that blocks wherever he sees face like all hands on deck scenario forty seconds Oh a being ready to write at the end how's it going well thank you very much we're still trying to finish don't give us five more minutes ash get I don't know when to quit mm nothing we need more time for realsies realsies keep going we need to finish dan go to bed I will not go to bed [Music] I need wood just this is supposed to be a two hour stream I was gonna go shorter but like I'm too far gone all this space over here is now covered people are just scrambling can we do all this in the next five minutes timer just as our tea smells now haven't used enough blue lately I'm gonna use some more blue [Music] there we go it's the green corner ot I wanna sleep please stop you gotta keep going I think even if this one ends up as like the only white space I think that's okay fill that I would to like this rainbow here you see this one if we fill in this space between the rainbows and then finish filling out there now I think we're good how long do we have three minutes we can we can fill this space in three minutes this is a much smaller quadrant like Goldman [Music] we must complete it [Music] it's like oddly inspiring music playing come on hey remember when I said let the blue corner was being too aggressive it was bill no Hirota builds how that works it's a good background color okay I got class soon look this is more important than your education you're not a real fine if you don't skip school to watch my streams yo just just quit your job just watch me what do you need to work for life isn't expensive you don't have bills okay will do please sub to save my family two minutes guys come on but I need a job for subscribers got a drop out of life now people are building with beds over here okay good call Abed takes up two blocks [Music] at one point this was like a very interesting social experiment even siddur what to do with their space and now we're cramming beds into the location this used to be good yeah we're gonna we're gonna stop this time when the timer runs out we've got that space fill' we're gonna leave that as like the empty like untouched white space the end is nigh justice please are they gonna finish the space yeah they finish it they filled it in with beds okay perfect there we go but an honor building what you meant it's dial on back to see the final result although the chunks haven't loaded get builds over we're out of time let me just get the chunks in get the chunks in okay [Music] look at that it's actually really pretty it's like a lot in there you got flags crying emoji science was completely defeated at the very end Germany just got him well pleat please don't stand in the way of the camera would appreciate it I got you all just make your way down there for the group photo in a moment I'm just gonna take interview this is so everyone the stream can see you just leave me alone for a moment the evil has been defeated I think it looks good I'm actually really happy with how that one is you just think it's gonna be disorganized chaos and nothing is accomplished but well we actually we've got like a colorful coulis okay we can close the server for now we're done statins will always be on Gigi he's only been buried by Germany he'll he'll rise again okay we're gonna take the group photo by the portal everyone make your way over to it everyone stand by the portal point if the camera is going to be here there we go there we go thank you everyone we're coming by the stream tonight I hope you all had fun this is a cool little experiment I would like really happy to have this lent thank you to everyone who suggested it to those there's quite a few people who did suggest this one coming off the terraria stream server is open 24/7 if you want to keep playing on it you're more than welcome to you can just hop on over to this survival server you can also tour the past build worlds if you so choose that's all there I just hope you enjoy it okay and with that let's see for all the credits thank you everyone here for coming by to Jesus that's moving fast it was a lot of subs yeah thank you so much everyone for coming by we're gonna do a rage at the end just to pass on the people I find someone who's going in just a moment [Music] hey I do hope people enjoy this I'll be back on Thursday and we playing some ring fit Adventureland I was originally gonna play on Monday but you know just wasn't feeling up for it but we will still do it it's a fitness RPG I cannot stress enough it is an RPG and it's also an exercise game but it's gonna be class I can't wait to play [Music] I'm trying to see who's go I think it's Lewis playing hearthstone right now oh no that's the Alec cinema okay he's not I was about to say no I don't I don't know if he's back yet or if we be streaming at this time because it's ten o'clock okay we read wolf again today anyway and they passed today we've got to find new people to write I think do one more for wolf go say hey he's playing Minecraft but thanks for coming though folks hope you had fun I'll see you all Thursday take care guys [Music]
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 19,134
Rating: 4.8255816 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-498106752, rtgamecrowd, We're recreating r/place - everyone may place one block every minute, Minecraft, Twitch, Gaming, We're, recreating, r/place, everyone, may, place, one, block, every, minute, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: maeV_kilEA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 31sec (11611 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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