RTGame Archive: Forza Horizon 4 [PART 4]

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey old folks can you hear me okay how's it going lads oh sorry about the delay on today's stream only a few minutes off no that it decided to run like an update at the last minute so I had to wait for that to complete before I could go live how are you doing there lads it's good to see so many people here sorry with the go-live notification - I think it's not like I'm streaming Fable i'm i'm not streaming Fable you've been lied to sorry about that fix it since what's the music rum why it's from Forza horizon for as is the main menu theme okay start came you can hear me fine cool yeah it's good to see everyone here I hope you're all having a good day hope you're all keeping safe well it's a bit scary right now so I'm gonna do what I do best and that's do dumb [ __ ] on the internet and let's just take our minds off life for a while yeah it's kind of important right about now honestly um you know I might even try getting a few extra streams the next while you know god only knows I'm gonna have the time yeah let's play some fourth couple of things I want to mention before we get going with the stream to look at those sub alerts Mike is gonna come up again look at that we got a new sub alert epi has been working on a few new animations for the sub alerts so people aren't gonna think I'm like a bald man with glasses anymore because I'm not Harry hill and there's variants of those available to that you can see the regular one cropping up quite a bit but there's like the TR two ones and the Terr tree once there's one for gifts subs and the kind of coincided at all - we actually have new tier 2 and tier tree emotes for the first time in forever so I'm gonna just pop them in chat myself but we now have the fire lull and the gold level for those folks and I change like the lowell emotes name to low just to make that correct so there you go guys yeah that's something I've wanted to do forever and special thanks to at before I the [ __ ] blip it's still here and I apologize I I haven't had a chance to pick up my capture card yeah I don't know when I will have a chance now honestly just giving current events gonna be a bad idea to travel anywhere but sure we'll wait and see maybe I can like kind of figure something out with it soon okay and also I've correctly like installed the fortune Island DLC this time because I forgot to do that apparently Forza has owned social media channels and have to like they can go Instagram stuff net load thank you for the five gift subs thank you very much okay all right I think we got everything together I think the first thing I want to do for today's stream is I just want to hit rank 20 goes once we get rank 20 we can actually start playing with other people here we can connect online and apparently it's like a completely different game Oh once you get to that point so that's why I'm just gonna gear up for I guess [Music] okay let's see so like what level are we we're level 19 at the moment we literally just need to do like two races and we'll get this let's go do a rally Trail sure there's an online event every hour yes uh like we're gonna have to try those things I have no chance at all it's some cheeky warm-up here okay Riley trail great to see you've come down to check out your first seasonal championship we've added some challenges to mix a little bit can't make it too easy for you right this is a seasonal one apparently okay race cooperate with other players next PvP event begins in 35 what's a PvP event okay we got it we got to try this events starting in 20 seconds but I don't know were queuing up for what we're gonna find out let's let's play PvP let's destroy the countryside [Music] yeah with this way to get in do you want to begin matchmaking for any of it sure waiting for other players [Music] I enter at my init [ __ ] matchmaking for seasonal event do I have to sit tight or how does that work [Music] I have no idea this is my Viking well we'll just hit the Lego animals in the meantime or try to come on lads come on the can't dodge the car forever ridiculous thank you for a thousand bits hey I'm able to catch a stream for the last waltz do the work so here's some extra bits also why are we in Legoland don't question I don't I don't know if I have to do anything else or if that's gonna work it says it still says I'm matchmaking but I don't see anything we only need to do like one or two more races before like online online properly unlock so but we just queue up for the regular enter championship we'll just do solo it's a cancel matchmaking sure this is Legoland Carol I think this is the UK I purchase a new car I I have to buy one so I can either buy this one for like 500 grand are just a Volvo um I'm going with my dad's Volvo there's no contest here give me that Volvo and yachts be Sweden this is the worst spray paint job I've ever seen [Music] okay yeah sure let's buy this car so we can take part Jax thanks for eleven hundred pence up for a year and I can't believe it someone should have happened in my life since I sub two and a relationship left Toronto moved back started the last year my bachelor's and got into a new relationship things to keep me sane for all of it oh thank you very much Jax hope life is going well sounds ish it's like Kia brand car you have to build it yourself you know those shamone Santa let's gear up for this ie I don't know if this raises any different but we need this car to take part everyone has the same vehicle although they all modify their cars but quickly quickly know this isn't like preset tunes okay how bad can it be but how bad can it be let's just try it unmodified [Music] [Applause] okay it turns out everyone's in the same caliber character from this guy who like paid 50 grand for like the special one [Music] okay the playing field is pretty evenly I'm gonna have to actually try race if I want to win this one though it's gonna be fine it's kinda fine we didn't go that far off the track continue on our merry way it's like the this is probably the closest thing we've ever had like a normal race with like normal like race criteria we're not like crashing into the wall like every two seconds so I'm still crashed into the wall occasionally but it's not nearly as bad and we'll just slowly making our way to the front to beat these guys see no supercar no gimmicks since your dad's Volvo it is personalized license plate Oh I'm struggling a bit returned Adrian thank you for the five gift subs thank you very much Gilmore thanks for a thousand bits actually a bunch of cash from the start thanks loads to the last and company universe one-sided love from an Irish man down in Australia oh thank you very much man Adrian thank you for another five gifts up there as well Jesus Christ II hope you like the new alerts for those subs again thank you that be for working on those I thought I think it was like it's long overdue that we got some nicer ones let me just do this real quick can't wait to be online and just not able to do that if you imagine you just like rewind the race I hit that one apparently dream thanks for 505th aunty glad to see on 4th we're isin for again can we can stop blaming viewers in this wonderful game yeah like we're gonna gear up for it soon III don't know how it works to connect with people but we'll figure it out I'm excited for it cuz I know I know you can get like 50 people in our lobby which is kind of mad it's even more than that actually Lisa's thank you for the 5 Kip subs as well Jesus Christ thank you to everyone let's give them the gift subs I think we are at the highest sub count we've ever been on like in the channels history right now so I thank you everyone to support lately it does mean a lot 10 K hi I mean I think we still got a ways to go before a 10k we're the fishes I think we're like 2500 off or something like stupid like that you know so I'm not counting on that anytime soon but that's okay you know we don't need to ever hit that it's still kind of incredible sterlin thank you for five gifts up there as well very much did I finish first baby [ __ ] sake we were tied why do I come second it's the same time I think it more points to me oh you [ __ ] podium finished we had to see this Muppet instead with the jazz hands I've just off level 20 as well like Jesus Drina thank you from the return trip it's just so you know Artie for some verizon live lobbies can hold up to 72 players or you can only have up to 12 people in your convoy at one so that means you can only play with 11 viewers at once I mean I'm up for just drawing in like a 72 player server and seeing what happens I don't know how it goes for convoys like I'm hoping that I don't have to like go into like settings and start adding people individually because I don't really want to do with that just cuz it's too many people here just an unfortunate intrude of it you know it's kind of impossible to add people takes too long the new there's literally hundreds be a thriving Flyers it's at the fastest time on this roof light how to scramble we get to pick a car well let's pick this one [Music] know that these are all the joke cars wait no we do have the Lamborghini and this is this might be against actual players do we want to use the Lamborghini for once how do we want to use the carrier you can't see yeah okay let's race in a competitive environment online with other players there will be 72 people just driving about but you can have 12 those in the conrod enables collision you can take in two races five events everyone the server every hour okay is this online them did I gone online or I don't know now crack thanks a 300 bits you very much sorry for the 500 missed earlier I make no promises to catch every bit donation it's just the nature of the streams these days but thank you sterling another hundred as well the reason he lost is because the other person probably spent more money on their care and capitalism always wins you're not wrong I don't think this is against other people this is just me [Applause] [Music] okay all right let's set the best possible time in this thing turn around with only one camera view for us there we go I'm trial back up the [ __ ] Road now there's a lot of hills on this one too in this car I can't see okay I'm straightening straighten them Santa is a great driver making a listen he's checking it twice you better hope you're just not on it honestly because even if you're like noise he's gonna drive this thing for your living room that Santa's gonna get you killed you got to be mindful [Music] great driving up there one rival down only all of those names above you on the leaderboard to go look collect reward what they do it's all I have to do just have to go for like a laugh I'll take it your new rival is mesh Ducklin tree 602 you can just say no thanks yeah bring it I can do better than this guy [Music] ok so it's an hour against his time Pro [Music] but we don't get this oh wait no we do get to see him there he is yeah I can I can beat him [Music] she's got to be mindful going down this hill [Music] I can't see him but in fairness I can't see much of anything right now the reverse camera angle [Music] okay maybe we should use that yeah I don't think we're gonna be able to race for long like this I can use the mini-map to guide me okay we'll do it we're doing 120 with like our arm over the back seat oh there he goes okay that's the guy to be [Music] let's rewind real quick just rewind a little bit more okay and get this straighten that out go controls are reverse now too I do it miss the finish line no it just keeps going I can sit nice driving it listen to help me okay let's let's let's get out of that real quick ah Jesus amber and Leo thank you for the bits thank you very much guys your level twenty now you need to go to the rising HQ and get your wristband and watch the full lecture about online okay [Music] [ __ ] you Ducklin hang people santa really his eyes in the back of her head he sees all okay so we need to go horizon HQ i think i can i i've got a lot of stuff on lock now - i should have that available soon do i go back to the UK I will the Great Britain there we go [Music] you gotta lego island yeah I have some wheel spins there too yeah we'll use the spins later I will use multi I'm sure or something a little lighter could buy ten mark we require you appeal we already did the peel we're not doing it again you got a God to use something different probably gonna make a new car soon too with more money than ever in this game like we have like a million credits you can design a new supercar play the car of the Swedish flag we would just go on that way hey don't feel too bad for the drivers who got knocked out last round when you see this next round of events you may think they're the lucky ones rone sex is ago I don't think I'm okay right whatever prize and festival site let me just wait can I just fast traveler this one I think I can yeah just just just pay the taxi fee hop on over get Jeremy Clarkson's p45 I'm good crosscountry raised their entire island chaos half the time by the way that's okay okay join The Horizon life let's see what's going on hey Daniel congratulations on making the horizon roster but this is just the start it's only the start we're like 20 hours into the game okay experience with all the other drivers who've made the cut get out there and say hi because everything can be done with the convoy of up to six drivers we can play online now here we go an honor we only offer to the real superstars of the festival people like Alex and Rebecca or you know they'll get real good super wheel spins that tends to work otherwise you just get the purple quality respond or like the blue respond what are you waiting for I'm going to suck at this you to team up with other roster drivers to take on some of the most exciting challenges at Horizon okay for something more competitive online adventure offers ranked races against real her right yeah we're getting like a molesky tutorial yeah Jim was right they want to show us everything when you're ready enter ranked events and join a league for some of the fiercest competition at Horizon we need to see if we can get a convoy together or like like people unite it in just the one character we unlock the Northern Lights and Vikings this is fortune Island this is Iceland don't arraign horizon has ever seen and this is Iceland I'm going to die see to find fortune in the rising treasure hunt fame fortune and a whole new playground - this looks particularly brutal there's a lot of cliffs I could drive off Cara I don't know if this one's a good idea okay seek your fortune in the largest Verizon expansion yet will he'll conquer extreme terrain lightning storms and perilous roads in search of hidden treasure we've unlocked a lot of stuff just there welcome to summer oh wait no actually the letter actually cleared up it looked really bad for a moment oh god what am I looking at [Music] okay there's a lot of [ __ ] on the screen suddenly it's awesome and these these ones are coming up next week these are all the activities and if you get a high enough scores these are the car as you unlock weekly events okay even lock a lot of stuff now there's just stuff showing up everywhere now wait so okay Daniel we need advance scouts for our island expansion I'll bring the festival and the fortune along in a bit but are you up for scouting the island okay she's explained a lot of stuff hurry we have got to get out of here boys Cortana in the game now oh no it's the halo experience showcase and as an option to purchase a treasure map now purchase the treasure map to reveal the location of all bonus borns barn that cost actual money doesn't it okay alright there's a lot of stuff happening play online that work am ia now online then people find me I don't know I'm trying to see how it works is that all you do you just click that yes okay [Music] and yeah I'm not I'm not inviting any friends cuz I don't know anyone at home this I know I'm not gonna like start taking requests or anything cuz it would just slow things down way too much okay that's uh take this bad boy over there be Dino thanks for hundred bits thank you as ever though everyone's subscribing Sara Langer 100 bits imagine advertising your own game inside the game yeah like who would do with that you know just blatant product placement wait wait wait does that sign say [ __ ] mixer hang up yes it does all my cup it's right up there like you know all these non-existent radio stations which is Polson block party and the hospital which is advertising the hospital [Music] thanks Microsoft okay we got 12 kilometers to go let's make headway let's do this halo mission we'll get the online gang together soon [Music] okay [Music] hi I'm sure it's not that bad it's just you know I'm already set up here you know what's the point it just seems the most of people hop over it's like except the big bag of money to hop over you know like that's not right they pick a platform because you like the platform you know I'm not just cuz we were paid to use it but you always am for the trees and trees keep aiming for me okay I'm doing my best [Music] we've just got to get through this woman [Music] doing good recalculating route some people are just family a certain model of care but uh wait wait till I'm actually having to look at the cars myself that's alright you guys know how I react to just spamming a brand you know it never goes well so don't don't kill it before he even has a chance [Music] laughs let me just play my way over oh no we're okay you sure about 100 meters right Oh making real good progress now [Music] 400 meters Oh Aegis is really wanted to turn 400 meters got get on the [ __ ] road again awesome skill chain do it okay I'm going to lose this chain eventually like a goose no way I will maintain this I'm trying to keep on the road or even like states still long enough so that takes into account there we go okay now I don't need to carry make our ways to coast do you even like the hundred bits right he has a personal vendetta against fascist Church wait no I thought that was the place there it's over here yeah we made it to the beach [Music] yeah let's do the halo event and then we'll hop online initializing UNSC training protocol 165 FD look it's Cortana saying a thing Cortana says I [Music] I could barely remember Cortana with Cortana even in Halo - are we playing as Master Chief okay I guess so but can I be him but like in the Lego car yeah here's a brand new car the Warthog we don't think you have this one yet with the ongoing and evolving threat posed by an increasingly focused covenant all frontline UNSC don't miss the ramp apparently sleep the following training exercise upon completion of the training exercise please submit results to UNSC fleet comm for assessment so what's the force of law here then for these guys to be in the UK because like Top Gear kind of makes sense if you think about it apparently we're in the halo world now oh my god I gotta hit these checkpoints am I supposed to be immersed right now it's kind of hard to do that when I'm driving true like you know what Castle an old Scotland a my gonna be killing other people like whose banks someone else here he's poor people in like the Scottish countryside they're just like going out for like a lunch probably granddad's I wouldn't stroll in like the military is just running over his carrot field like all the being so funny clever it's like whoa it seems like he's people here he's gone there's another marine banshees banjee inbound try a little real treat but not that hostile they're not gonna kill us or do any harm this game doesn't have guns alerts veggies fast and low I think we're fine it's mostly like an epic chase sequence but this is Cortana - all air support units I'm sending you coordinates for an LZ requesting immediate evac repeat oh it's too [ __ ] dangerous in the Scottish countryside we gotta get you out of there I saw a sheep the hole was right over a sheep - I can't follow you through there I'll be on the other side that's not the most reassuring choice of words it's fine Cortana this cave is not a natural formation stop talking proton oh please my god there seems to be human life here what is this weird intergalactic species that I have just encountered for the first time you're not mr. Spock Cortana okay don't try to me Peter's coming we're ah Master Chief's famous catchphrase I am just straight-up masterchief driving this car superstructure begins to collapse and they destroy in the UK now hopefully only 30 seconds before Scotland dies what happened it's breakfast they're gonna close the border we gotta get out quickly escape to the European Common America's Horizon Festival training module complete initiating upload of results to UNSC fleet comm there well I hope that's the halo uh mission you all hope for can we get a hoorah hoorah 13 hoorah you got cross country around for rare push-up Samoan locked it's rare cuz you know we just kind of do him how does 4,000 people there as well how's it going Lots you already look to the stream okay Oh Wakko gave 20,000 bits ruff Jesus Christ man thank you very much that's unbelievably kind I think it may have even yeah those 20k they're like Jesus Christ it's unbelievably generous look that will get it hoorah get a second one in there just for that guy thank you very much man that's unbelievably kind I hope you're enjoying the stream that's a hoorah movement oh no stop don't don't make this become a thing no don't oh I don't want this one sticking around who are our vote no [ __ ] up okay I I want to go to Fortune Island I want to see what's going on here because we're very close let's go through the new world I really want to try find people online I get us all together do I just find people naturally in the world like am I now on a server and like they can come find me I don't know why I'm asking this right now cuz chat sinful who are load yeah you'll find them in online yeah I'm good I'm gonna head to fortune Island and hopefully we can find someone there back or like 300 bits think of Fable you were masterchief on there now you're Master Chief and Forza the channel is becoming a halo Lord Jesus Joe sorted out the transport things could get a little choppy on the way welcome to the fire harbor dlc it's time boat plane helicopter well so of all of you but really yes nice let's get going take a hovercraft crazy pounder thanks for a thousand bits as well thank you very much IIIi do want to try to get a lobby of people together if I can but I think this is gonna be hard to find them what's the best way to like organize people in this game I I just want to get everyone together you can start a Microsoft Club how does that work convoys are the best way to be honest which is the usual inviting drawing stuff okay if the mobs could pop in and slow boat - you guys got to go easy pop it in slow okay slow mode yeah slow valve that's alright thank you storms coming by special on a North Way hey where are we going guys apparently this is like an intro mission for the island this is an Iceland at all what's the shipwrecks inside there's like no one here that was probably an antique it's okay let's make our way onto the island okay I don't know who you are but okay count remember Gilmore thank you for a thousand bits your I have afraid of the patter I want done that's great Bob it's a cute cow I pop it in submode guys pop it in so vote well I want to go of that I want to go up that mountain that was cool if people keep doing up from here time in the mouth - yeah come on I got you calm down a bit calm down there we go okay well I like being able to read the chat but it's anarchy now you guys gotta chill oh they got weather effects its finest not that bad it's like a destroyed land like it's like you're really cool-looking welcome to the dark souls of the UK just unnecessarily jumping over stuff praise Einar King saw me on the map it's fine it's not in the chat yeah I mean this place looks cool anyway erasing the a privada City skies Iceland seen better days looking a bit rough here right now in fact just like jumps everywhere to your spine would shatter the moment you impact the ground there few people living here I'm sure this small town and community while volume yeah that's just ravage the natural beauty of this island I will make like a Formula one racetrack here sure hey Daniel welcome to Fortune Island this is the island conqueror a brand new tournament we've set up to find the fastest bravest driver here on the island make your way through the qualifying rounds and race for the chance to be crowned the island conqueror No somewhere beyond the horizon festival has hidden a chest containing 1 million unmarked non-consecutive credits to trace its location first you'll need to solve this riddle listen closely the massive truck stomps around like a t-rex roar through the speed zone at festivals apex just hang on ham let's see I'm kidding okay I'm not actually gonna do I'll have time for this riddle okay is it in a fixed spot every play true because I imagine most people just cheap obviously I imagine most people just look it up let's to get back to the mainland it's in the same place is it actually oh my god that's kind of funny okay we need to find yeah let's do we'll go do that race okay and I want us to get a new care and then pulling a racing online we're gonna say it this is the car we want other people to use so we kind of get like a gang of people together can I can I buy a new car here Carew's fast travel to the festival site you we've got some digs around the back of the festival yeah Sarah's home sure you wanna shell camp here okay what cars have we got them we need something new for us all to use and it has to be it has to be relatively cheap no matter what it is so it's probably not gonna be the Warthog because that costs like 850 million credits I'm not adding anyone to my convoy as well we're just gonna see if it's possible to get people in the same world but I'm not I'm not gonna be doing that that's all right I think it was a blip there too it might have been let's see what have we got the austin-healey Kyra type I I want like a retro muscle classic racers can I just have like retro cars well I want I was what's the oldest car I can get vintage racers oh here we go wait no these all cost 10 million God okay turn that off what can I sort by price affordable uh what is the cheapest car in the game and once 35 K this one this one's 25k 25 K is there anything cheaper than 25 K 20 K the sprite mark one value these ones are free so we can't count if it's free so we got Troy stuff like this Honda Oh God DP these are all 20k these ones here a minor 1000 in the 1958 Morris there's a beetle it's only 20k oh we gotta use the beetle okay this is the car that we want everyone to be in that's coming online now and that that's how we're going to know that you're watching the stream if you're in a 1963 Volkswagen Beetle okay let's let's pick this up the legendary vehicle for its time okay what's skins have we got to the Derby oh no oh you we need like a new color for it cow look copper will decide our own paint job yeah but did I get it sorry for the blip oh it didn't pick it okay Han sorry about the blip let me do it again okay we're get we're getting the cheapest Beatle we can like the 20k one that's legendary let me go back Adrina thank you for a thousand bits check the lobby listen just abs are in the same lobby nice Elina thank you for the thousand bits earlier as well you very much hope stay safe too wait the [ __ ] is the beat oh god gotta go further there we go it colors Oh God you can get like a real glossy thing what do you think guys do we want pink what do we want like magenta you wanna go pink blood for head now we've had a blood red one before okay we're good we're gonna go with pink select this is the car for me Gilmore thanks with 200 bits have fun a build-a-bear um I don't know what you want to call it not yeah you do it you do you for that honestly that's pretty cool though okay we can explode this one you don't need any other car this is perfect okay so now we need to upgrade ish let's just find a preset someone's got it up to nine six two but look how fast this is this one's 963 okay download and stuff 110 grand do I know no yeah 110 grand spending a lot on this this is gonna be a good beetle but max I won't be drivable it's too late for that man it's too late for that this is the best possible beetle we can get we just need a good car horn okay yeah what knocked it out of the park that's perfect hi Craig thanks to the four quid but a lot of time since last year we crashed a lot to get to catch this one love from Canada thank you very much darling thank you for to 36 bits as well just IO fortunately what I want to do the Baron fun game you get some nice cars summer season specifically when we make a lot of people happy I'm gonna leave the barn fine for now if that's all right I I kind of just want to dive in the races more okay so we're on fortune Island now yep so if any like anyone else who's on who has this game go to fortune Island go with a Volkswagen Beetle and we're gonna try and get the gang together okay I thought that is the goal from here who are you okay see you later bus how good's the care actually somewhat drivable it's not a good example I was hoping when those walls would catch me into the mountains we go let's just explore this is a this is how you get around Iceland you know the I can confirm I've been there but there's a few people up here let's go like meet our new friends the only car we me there's a lot of hills I want to go to the top of the world make my way up while we're getting so many points already just have constantly going over these things got a kangaroo achievement got taking a cheeky shortcut if we go hope we go oK we've lost a lot of speed there but we're still good Perry's looking keep climbing the mountain we must go higher okay Claire the moon make our way up yeah we're not we're not getting past that fit yeah yeah we just we just need a bit more momentum a bit more momentum oh we can get it we're almost there come on why is it still [ __ ] drifting go go no my bite it's okay yeah we just need a running start let's get one real quick it's [Music] getting a proper one Oh God wacko thank you for another five thousand bits rinds we have a mountain coke Jesus Christ might like it for everything it seriously okay here we go [Music] after man come on we're getting up oh no no don't go in the ocean don't go in the ocean we're okay I gotta get to the top I want to see other people with the Volkswagen Beetles making their way over here soon too let's try it again there is a road here okay all right stop here oh just just steer the car a little bit great J turn thank you doing my best okay we really can't get back up that there's no way I'll see I'll see if there's a way around nikka might be complete please just lay off the convoy invites to print out that's okay we're just going to try finding people in the world first No he's an accelerating okay all right you get another running start down here no you area discovered marrows perch no this is a popular tourist destination on fortune Island people get a take a cheek to spell out for the beach here you know it's just lovely at night when no one's about that we found a guy my man how's it going let's get him in Volkswagen gang I think I think I invited them to convoy there anyone who can find us we will try to get them into convoy there we go hello there we've made a friend other people please come find us on fortune Island we're gonna keep trying to get up this hill in the meantime once you find us I can add you to the convoy so you have to find us first good luck because we're trying to find ourselves right now [Music] I think we're okay I thought the car was stable [Music] the car was perfectly stable let's just make our way back down to the roadside hey buddy just reconnected you know he's doing okay [Music] god you have to try find us first I think before like you join up it's hot that's how we're trying to do it we will add anyone to the convoy that actually does come find us on the map yeah it's a hunt [Music] okay and I want to get to the top of this thing mother huh oh it just times you out after a while it doesn't even let you go all the way go to the mainland please now we're playing on the island [Music] we're here for the time being we got it we got him fooling around our Volkswagens here give it all of the DLC well we'll go back to the mainland later bye I want to play here for now I want to get to the top of this thing come on whether you get not any better right is this is this actually the highest point we can reach seems things I I this is just like sheer rock wall I don't see how you're supposed to I should get off this bed [Music] I know it's DLC guys I'm just having fun on the island [Music] great so that there is a slightly higher point here this is probably like the maximum height you can go through you know who's struggling tofu is not doing to hook I want to just want to get in left it okay we'll take a running start let's reverse a bit just a moment [Music] sniffle okay there goes Topher I think we're doing good to go up this hill instead no that's the best the solid rock oh god damn it no credit where it's due for the beetle it's a very durable care if you play it first person like like you know the landscape is just full of all these natural ramps in this world it really does like bucket around the landscape somehow I'm still not there [Music] and this is just a lot of cliffs you're gonna just like drive straight off - you know I appreciate [Music] 400 meters turn left [Music] Oh No doctor thank you for the 35 quid top RT Denmark just closed every school gymnasium University for two weeks because of you know what sucks balls but at least it means I can sit at home and watch them streams thank you for streaming good sir ain't no problem man we've pretty much done the same in Ireland town everything's basically under lockdown you know I'm gonna be streaming the next while cuz you know I think I think it's kind of important now so yeah there'll be a fair a few extra streams just the next while goes you know where else are we all going [Music] god [Music] okay all right let's go we'll go to the mainland then and we're gonna try get the beetle gang together we'll go we'll go to the mainland and we'll get everyone in okay okay how do i do i go back to the mainland I will the Lego Valley I will the Great Britain here we go [Music] Beatles reunion tour working for over the next three weeks in the Netherlands gonna be hard to light the distractions I'll be okay man like you know as someone no granted like I do work from home but you know my job is playing [ __ ] video games you know it just takes a bit of getting very stupid I would say basically you kind of like you just relegate hours and then like once you finish your work you know you're hot bomb so it's what I do for my editing basically you know the streamin part my job is that the funnest bit because you know I'm just mucking about I love it it can be like a bit of a chore okay where is the meeting point then where I guess if we just okay a horizon festival yep let's make it as easy as we can come to Horizon Festival in a Volkswagen Beetle if you show up in a Volkswagen Beetle we will add you to the lobby but that's how that's how we're gonna do it I guess as simple as we can make it for people [Music] the game only shows 11 of the 72 players in your Lobby okay well we'll figure it out okay here here's where I mean both wagon beetle at the festival site [Music] and am I still online player list Boris Johnson's apparently it's 52 players in this session I don't know how it works for joining in my session in particular because it is just random servers I have to sit tight tope tofu is making his way over now wait is that someone that is someone a mine a lot what oh it's not letting me at it because we were right next to the lobby site hang on [Music] okay here I'm gonna I'm gonna wander over just to the just over here so this way I can add people to the lobby so if you come over let's get the gang together it's going bad okay invite to the convoy we have tink a who's just going off in a camper van okay there we go we've lost tofu he's somewhere on the server oh wow I think does it enable collision or is it just for the races that's tofu [Music] yeah we need more people with Volkswagen Beetles it's a bullet swaggin van it's not the same [Music] we need to see if we can get anyone else I'm trying to join my guy just get your beetle meet us The Horizon festival site that's that's a different maker car wait what does that say hey Daniel Pig how long did that take to do this is like the next level communication right now he's only gonna be able to send like a message like every two minutes to because he has the spray paint is entire Carrigan my god I want to see if we can get a convoy of like 12 people in all you guys are just flexing what here at our cars okay they can stay if something so if someone does actually send me an invite to the lobby does that mean they automatically connect to my world or does it how does it work because is that a way of getting in people if I do just accept the request like will they be teleported in my world I understand it might be some people just on a different server let me see one person says yes I don't know low set up a club how do i how do I set up a club how do I do a club I think if it's a club tab create a club just make a public club name oh this is lagging real bad okay I'm just gonna be very basic here and set it to arty game arts arty game club the arty game club there we go we're gonna make it public I have to enter text must be three or four characters long RT G C get create my new club see if this works call it the Beatles the club tag you were trying to use already exists that's our it already - everything's taken to kill you it is he already exists seven seven seven eight what am I supposed to do everything's been taken a 5kl you okay we gotta eight 5kl RT game club because we just needed some random characters apparently so can people just join this from this point till I get in the game you at the home feed chat multiplayer you it's that the message of the day I I just want to play with people read the joint you you there we go okay I think that's working don't have a roster or anything today nobody is post to anything 40 people have just joined you how many of those are BOTS III don't know I don't know how it works for this okay so there are eight there is a club but how does that work from here there's no one online in the club right now you charity there's only one member how can people join who can create priority I I thought I don't know members here's all the club members but people definitely are in the game you can see it here everyone here is playing Forza invitation requests and recommendations so if I just do invite it's ads anyone in that make any difference [Music] we're trying to actually figure this out 64 players in this session I want to get the gang together you invited them to the club how do I get how do I get them in my game change the public how do I do that you got it you got to spell it out start a club party how do I do that I don't think anyone knows you demand the invite them to the game from the Xbox menu that's gonna take forever to do then multiplayer tab in club info [Music] let's see multiplayer start club party you I died I do not want you everyone you you you you okay we're gonna have to find a microphone that's fine everyone is muted look invite more invite the game is that the right one your friends oh wait so can I just do this invite invite invite invite trying to get people who are it says it's in Forza 4 has that done anything you [Music] still only have tofu and mine well yeah I don't know why this is so difficult to do I'm literally just trying to figure this out because I want to play with people zero members online now still what why is this so confusing and says there's no member still you confirmed who you wanted to add but then okay right so after that there's another button you have to hit okay it's a star club party invitations invite the game okay so if I just do this again invite selected people becomes an option you connecting have I done something invite everyone to the game tonight did I invite them to the game invite everyone's again you all right dirty games party of 16 people wait we have people all we have people but I've been disconnected this well this [ __ ] sucks right now why have I been disconnected [Music] this [ __ ] sucks I just I just want to play with people [Music] are they joining the convoy again call me MA thanks for having debates you have to press the button it says create post so you don't have to invite everyone okay everyone's like joining the convoy again so I have to go back into this I I just want I just want to play with everyone here if I'd ever on the game that work it says people are drawing the convoy but you know I dig you could have fooled me [Music] I kind of just want to play the game [Music] we have people of are they it weighs is slow complicated like let me just like say hey I want to go online or like hey here's the room I'm in a [Music] quick play adventure drift adventure find the team create team will this work team tag of tree F why you confirm are you online yeah I'm pretty sure I'm online you that a different Club now graph why you are T game am I still on line I I don't why I'm at I online [Music] there's someone I've now made two clubs I'm on my back in a convoy yep and we got mine someone else is joined something worked slightly a parrot is there [Music] these three people nope wait there's four is it finally working oh good god it's been an ordeal okay I think we have the gang oh if you want to swap out to a beetle to the foot oh I'm so mad right now I'm so mad right now [Music] I'm still online yep note the back I think they're back oh that is a beetle - it's just been like heavily modified I didn't realize one two three four please like and subscribe don't stop that demon if you want to if you want to gear up in a beetle - hashtag haha [Music] everyone you need to have your bezel we need Volkswagen here can we still have tofu beetle gang I think we're all here or at least it's working in some capacity i I don't know what to do from here or how we've done it but okay let's find an event for us all to do oh good what what are you guys feeling yeah let's start with like the the cross the cross country loop come on lads [Music] beetle gang assembled like leaders a puffed-up a flock of sheep [Applause] okay come on let's make our way to the race hope we got to stop colliding with each other yeah it's just down here lives you can just go through the grass it's perfectly safe [Music] perfectly safe [Applause] okay enter event PvP in coop or PvP with drivers you invite from your session okay [Music] do I have to pick my convoy specifically yeah cuz I wanted to be my convoy so it's everyone like in a beetle but we got it we got to make a custom event real quick I think crepe blueprint there we go now you need to set a car class slower fast small engine just just this one open class for a real free-for-all god it's given me so many options show showdown [Music] sigh crepe blueprint please let this work [Music] whereas everyone in the combo gun oh I [ __ ] hate this what what allocating server where's everyone gone [Music] why do they make this so complicated I don't know I'm like properly quite frustrated all of a sudden this is I just want to play with people on the stream [Music] have we got it [Music] it's way more complicated than necessary I'm tempted to give up and just play offline honestly okay can we go oh god love that one guy who hasn't modified his beetle there's someone who's just like in default Cara sentence they they haven't touched it your race starts in 45 seconds my god yeah well it's taken an hour at this point just to play online I think we're almost there well let's just sit tight let's find the treasure at fortune Island next time yeah more tempted to do that here we go let the race begin finally it's working oh it's beautiful oh hi evil I'm making a comeback for well it's been a long time coming I think several of them aren't with us anymore but that that's okay I'm here in spirit I'm not doing well keep I'll rewind and online to just teleports you back like straight up we're not even gonna mess about I'm so far behind right now [Music] it's adjustable see here the same problem too trash unsub I'm doing my best run this is so this is so much set up for I'm so sorry for this race too and like we can't even see half the people taking part in it now I'm glad I'm glad we get to do this but bit frustrated these are engines kicking in now come on cross-country [Music] get a power slide in there on the hill I think everyone else is finished already we think we did pretty good I'd say oh but no it's straighten itself out oh it's okay cuz he he struggled too but I was about to cross the finish line god damn it 99% I stopped the look at the other guy and I lost the race that's very upset their dream troubles is dreams okay isn't we turn off some money yeah we can turn off subhan and should be alright did that seriously destroy my entire convoy after that one raised two oh my god I'm not online again I this [ __ ] sucks all of a sudden I have gone from actually loving every moment of this game to like genuinely despising it in a very short span of time just because of how convoluted this is ah I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna try the Battle Royale and like see what that's like good just to do something different I I'm not going to bother with standard online anymore because I that's it's really [ __ ] that's been awful just trying to get people together for that we only got one race in and they're gone okay Eliminator what do you why are they there all of a sudden why was the Windows desktop notification sounds are we all are we all gonna be in the Eliminator together are we in a convoy [Music] hey I don't know anymore oh it's it's the horn isn't it I'm so confused there's no convoy anymore can I set up a new convoy [Music] now let me invite the convoy I'm gonna invite tofu [Music] why is it so complicated okay so I don't yeah cancel matchmaking no get tofu in my convoy okay everyone here sent me a request to join the convoy and I can get you in invite so if you all send me a request we can get is get using [Music] okay invite the convoy but get in there we're gonna make this work not a purse is in freemium thank you for the ten quid hey I think watching a YouTube con for a while I would never subscribe to the channel your content never fails they can you laughs hope to see in a Minecraft stream soon hope the stream goes better for you soon thank you very much mom I mean we're getting there have we got is that everyone in I feel like everyone sent a request at this point [Music] there we go that's how you know it's working because you can round insulin yeah that's fine during the convoy [ __ ] horn sound I get like a panic attack every time they're here though if joined the convoy not cracker thank you for a thousand bits this is heaven I'm just trying to get people in my lobby like the most difficult thing I've ever have to do in a game and it shouldn't be it really shouldn't be but here we are as everyone sent an invite I don't think everyone's in we got seven people how many carrots are there here [Music] totally difficult because you don't understand but III said I've tried a bunch of stuff though just to get it to work it should not be that difficult to even understand it that's the thing yeah I think we should like set our route to the mountains let's go let's just go on a long drive with the convoy okay come on beetle gang make our way in this world [Music] it does not have to go enough I'd like it doing my best you're gonna go as the bird flies man okay let's just just stick with me [Music] I won't lead you as a striking we go straight stick with me they're true the light thank Allah then we're gonna end up back here in the moment we go yeah Paris and there's another one hey guys you let the vault round wait so if we do a challenge then suppose we did like the Top Gear challenge would we all be in a Top Gear car and like we'd all be doing it together is that how it works then [Music] No okay but if I do races then like we're all in it together okay Rhett races specifically any challenges with convoys okay right Oh [Music] I it straighten out how wasn't so bad to expect to be the top see in the convoy no he's not for some reason you guys are cuz he can collide with them that's how you hope so much property damage Mr Bond I expect you to die [Music] okay beetle gang come on oh we've taken a lot of other drivers off the road I feel [Applause] you got to go up the mountain anyone who's not in the convoy currently request an invite of we can get you in yeah we're going up the mountain that was a bonus board Alex I seemed more like a bridge hey gang no it's like even the slightest bit of clip if you're over beetle gang [Music] make our way up okay everyone everyone just straight up by you the hills come on you make it [Music] we've all played Skyrim before come on it's just this final blip it's just this final blip you know we can go around no slowly coming back thank you oh thank you tofu okay yeah we might we've ended up the hill we're good [Music] yeah we did it we made it up the hill can we all do the hovercraft levels together does that work or is that gonna like kick us all out of the game if we try that doesn't work is it specifically just the racist thing any of the unique ones don't work I think it's max of up this six okay and we do have a bit more than six all right that's fine and we get a centipede going [Music] of God and who needs the battle royale mode and you can just like invite people to a lobby like this and just drive into each other constantly beautiful this car is like the stinky hey that's not a beetle that's not a beetle you can't just do that being Ram do it wait where's the nearest race the Glen Rock Trail yeah let's that's charter of course okay come with me friends whoa don't just try ram into me do it okay if we can we form a line let's see so form a line oh he's dead if we form a line here and like I will I will sign up by your horn when we're to all go no no don't just knock me off the cookie oh okay no no shop dude yeah send him off the cliff we didn't want him anyway and we can just form a lot I'm falling oh god damn it guys I might be stuck I'm slipping cuz help what do I do hey okay thank you thank you I appeared to be safe now thank you [Music] like [ __ ] sheep just falling off the side of this thing I want to try get a coordinating to jump together if we get all four of the light although there goes okay he he just flipped out of existence we got mine a lot [Music] no-no-no I'm trying to sit it stuck again oh thank you [Music] people just everywhere okay let's just go to the destination [Music] take our way over smoothly as we can down the moon pretty clean silence let's get us into the oven okay I take it I take it I save my convoy every time so say everyone is people who aren't necessarily here they get to come in to you and we noted the convoys that does reassemble after the race now - it doesn't just disappear my convoy shaman thank you for 500 bits Kyle thanks 100 flying coin for 245 half says this Top Gear episode is really [ __ ] over here Jesus and create an event let's get everyone in they disappear for a moment when it's setting up but they do come back it's really weird how it works all like the loading screens no care I'm playing with people Jesus launched an event yeah they flipped into existence for a brief moment there okay let's do this [Music] finally getting some online races going it took a long time but we got there thank it everyone it's stuck with the stream during that too here we go hashtag oorah no why have you done this [Music] okay play Beatles music I would but this copyright problems let us keep some classical stuff home [Music] [Applause] let's go come on beetle gang [Applause] comeback tour with songs we totally didn't steal from Beethoven everyone's gone invisible for like the duration of the rights to it seems now not to light off the many more oh wait no they they spawned in I'm so sorry [Music] just keep hitting the coroners men I've missed a check ball I'm gonna be so far behind oh it's Vivaldi this I'm sorry [Music] the break gives us another bezel thirty-second grace period the star ah okay but I seriously missed that one Mike just add me now [Music] make your way back up I'm stuck out in a fisher-price car [Music] thank God huh [Music] is that the pickle [Music] oh my God look at this guy that that's straight i've killed that child it's straight up a fisher-price car look at them go smiley face [Music] oh that's adorable yeah we gotta try to finish the race my god because we could still win it we just gotta be careful [Music] don't need a break there it's way faster that was hug that wall do another prize only good job we'll just stayed on the track right now [Music] you fairy has definitely helped Oh God trying to make for the next checkpoint [Music] get it slingshot around come on [Music] that's gonna be a bad turn [Music] The Beatles doing our best that did not go well that man the wood guy with the fisher-price care it's not a Beatle you can't just do that I'm glad we finally got this working [Music] simple well thank you for the type of bridge thank you very much little Timmy died in that race Jesus killer evocative bits guys would care to use them would you recommend it I mean the current one I wouldn't recommend because it keeps you on that blip it's no God o 4k regular gotta like the 60s worked fine I think I'm gonna try I'm gonna try the battle rail [Music] hello I can't pause the game [Music] oh I hate this game online [Applause] [Music] yeah do it I'm times do I just close the game I was I was gonna try cure for the Battle Royale [Music] turn off the music I'm just closing the game I'm just gonna close it you you oh okay I don't know if I'm playing this online again honestly it was loaded I couldn't press pause like there was no sign of where it was it's so unbelievably slow and I've actually waiting for anything there Oz my name is sometimes broken online why why why I'm tempted to give up and just play fables to you I'm reaching that point can wrap up some of the extras [Music] unfortunately this is probably the least amount of fun I've ever had with this game now like up until now it's been all kind of good [Music] [Music] Jesus it's a little oh c'mon sword and shield yes I'm still gonna finish that I even I might just keep playing this game offline honestly I think it's just gonna be more fun but I'm gonna try the battle royale if I can I think I'm because I'm just getting stressed cuz it's not working the offline seems like more fun to be honest yeah it honestly does it just works a bit easier Emily I'm not playing jack box tonight no I don't feel like Jack box if I go to a different game I'm good I'm doing table - that's the one I feel like bland you you know I'd be stressed do whatever you need to Thanks yeah like that just really sucked and that's a real shame you know like I'd probably been loving playing this game but that's like been the worst part by far well I don't want to touch that again I can help but thank you to everyone I did actually kind of make it true into the lobby in the end oh I thought that was a real disappointment though we got it just chilled I do I'm betting firm oh my man get an admin system [Music] okay all right let's try this got a load again it's not Bobby not trying to invite a thousand viewers I only invited 12 people but I tried to fill up a lobby that's it and let it was just broken most of the time there I'd have tossed the controller by now rage problems right there if I get everyone still making eyes at a stream hope y'all having a good time for them boys okay uh what I'm gonna do let's see am I am I in the queue for the thing final session yeah there we go thought you finished Favell - we were gonna 100% I just want to play that game one that's what I'm gonna do about the Eliminator for the lines more like gotta get off I'm probably the poorest online with the Mercedes GLA hopefully we can find a section for this keep going we're gonna have we're gonna make sure that we end this on a high okay Battle Royale for some reason it exists in this game choose your starting point remember buildings just drives the battle bus and kill people in the form of mini cooper I got that since an i back you stay still for a little bit you don't appear on enemy radar that's that's good to know I I'm not quite sure what the objective of this is I just have my mini though I've car drops and eliminate players and head-to-head races the area's already shrinking I gotta find a car boy 37 drivers are the left government I could I could just say my Mini Cooper this entire time I feel like I try and get something there is a pink line the goal is just survived like this oven over here of this [Music] looks like someone beat you to the car drop gotta be quicker next time I'm doing my best man I'm in a Mini Cooper I'm never gonna catch up full of a second he's miles ahead he's already got a bigger car yeah we gotta go through the trees come on gotta go pretty direct this is gonna end badly no we're okay I can't beat it not to be used Maximum Overdrive I'm gonna be like one of the first guys I would currently the amount of drivers left has gone up to come on oh I'm so close to but uh Dyke he's got better on the grass he needs to hit a tree or something right now give me like a Koopa shell and I can get the guy [Music] race finish yeah I think I think he won I'm out of the game okay play again this is cute maybe they won't talk over so much this home spaghetti great wanna go round again give it another go [Music] Eliminator level two apparently I'll take it give it give us a new horn or just a bunch of money sure needed some rocket boosters on a Mini Cooper am i right yeah we really did that's fine let's find a new session you can buy a house apparently too so I thought you could use a place in the suburbs it's not yet three super wheel spins this is the most beautiful city in the you want to buy a house you see the world if you ask Alex I don't know what it does okay let's invest in property alex has been after a place around here for years if you purchase it's our new home as home apparently that gave us we all spins to do it that's beautiful super sexy I've got a sword gotta try that you tell me does like a Crazy Taxi mission in the game oh I need to get my wheel spins into I think I'm just gonna be less stressed overall if I just continue to play this offline he's just the easier way to go cuz they're setting that all up before was just too much low stress is what we want basically yeah I actually bought like the here Hong pass for the game just today too so I could play it online but I guess I might not get much use out of that I didn't expect it to not work to that extent Oh keep it back most of the money on the house and we got Santa's mustache we can look more like Santa now the tank top okay I recollect a rank 10 let me pause it again well I guess I just have to drive the next well [Music] and make our way [Music] here we go you're going into the lemonade still yeah no more choose your starting location oh you can choose where you're dropping apparently I didn't realize we just need to make sure we get it a car so like we're in with a chance let's do this again started at two little towers this time go I'm going the wrong way [Applause] towards super wheelspin I'll take it [Music] other people are already dying apparently [Music] that's a racer is that a plane I don't see any planes right now something someone over there I think I did the driver [Music] you can do it Daniel I I just don't see an extra carrot that I can go right now actually define something I can use [Music] the dotted line is the board or is it we're going much cruder and cool anything here other people are still finding vehicles I don't see anything here destroy demands a you years word across that's fine it cuts up all races point towards the center of the arena Oh God not again let me take you by tree wait there in a minute Ulla okay I can do this come on they're going for the roads we're gonna cut them off through the parts it just got to be real careful with my driving this is actual consequences [Music] can't afford the crash too much come on we're in the clear we're in no no no no we were doing so well we were doing so well that cost us it I could have got it I I'm never gonna get it now [Music] absently got it [Music] devastated right now he's just he's already there you for real can't drive I went true that most of that forest okay I'll have you know Mac thank you for quit are we all gonna die use the god of racing games gonna save us Nutcracker like 300 bits as well joy sleeper watch is awesome great force of horizon straight it's up to you I hope you're doing the stream I want to see if we can actually get a different car in the battle royale mode and then like actually make some progress on it don't drive off-road I was trying to have two there though cuz I was immediately challenged into a race I was gonna be in trouble if I didn't go I had to have some chance of catching up with the guy because he had already had a head start the best place to find carries at the north of map spotting that tunnel where the train goes and then go to that place we climb the mountain so a character spawn always there somewhere oh I should be looking at the road okay [Music] but her drive along the train tracks - it is the Flying Scotsman again do not go past after the game the border I think it is okay let's try this again [Music] all right so you're saying that the mountains is a good point to spawn is it wait did I pick an area I don't know where I am jump the border I thought I have to press a or something so I didn't realize okay so ever you hold the cursor this isn't gonna go up back in the forest [Applause] [Music] okay I only the area's already shrinking I mean I don't even know the stakes out right now I don't even see the border well I just assume we're okay look for purple smoke smoke to find the car even I have I thought I could go through that shed [Music] let's just go further into the woods till we find something - you're right there was smoke [Music] I didn't see it the it's my left now quite a shed though with smoke [Music] in the back garden of the house what the one I went past was it down here [Music] I see flowers hey guys just having a look I heard there might be a car here somewhere I think it was just the flowers [Music] okay well let's go back into the woods sure keep driving so let's just have a little look no one's gonna catch up but us anytime soon we'll be fine stop texting a driving Naknek Sodra bits that we gonna live our G yes we are [Applause] and I was I'm trying to just see all no to someone here no I shouldn't stop the car oh he's going through the woods to to to to play at this game come on come on oh you're going down Radley I'm not losing again [Applause] but too many Cooper's like Belsen true these woods in Scotland right now it's going as the bird flies - all right follow the pattern it's just like the Italian job like I can catch up Oh okay that gave us the speed we need I can do it come on let me get a better angle than you just have to keep the speed up that's a tree [Applause] 400 meters I'm going [Applause] get just just cut across these corners you all have time to follow them to a tee I want to win at least one of these phrases if I beat some one of those guys in a race will will I get a better car it's not part of it yes okay all right I can do it I can do it drop the crackin as well I knew it was a bad idea to use novelty horns as wheelspin prizes Marty gonna quit with them well what's the crackin Karis cannot cut change my horn at this point in time horizon life sentence you have to go back to the house I just gotta first of all that works too hop on back carrot horns what's the crackin the Kraken that's a good horn okay finding the accession to the 11 ere I want to beat at least with one person I'm so bad but I can try man who dreams ever since I was a young boy only one thing I wanted in life [Music] sounds like a doomsday see ya everything is chatting I can't turn off the radio right now all I can do is talk okay your driving test apparently dear puppy a d-pad thing maybe you know I don't know why it's not letting me pick something else yeah let's try let's try try one more about over half [Music] I can do it start me up in the mountains [Music] very far away from society is followed to traffic about over you'd like force a creator skin in the Microsoft Store guys tape temper said in your next Microsoft point purchase okay we're pretty far away and we can go further wait it's the border up here see it smoke to the right there was it although someone's coming up the mountain after me don't you dare go away and lose them oh my let's go let's [ __ ] go I got a head start too [Applause] you're [ __ ] going down my man as the bird flies let's go he's trying to follow the roads we're going we don't need roads maybe maybe we should go for the road probably speed this up [Music] come on 400 meters turn left I I can go to the wood I could turn the left Luise right on top of me here we go come on not today [Music] well today right Vinny things don't hit a [ __ ] tree no I did it I actually did it I actually want to race Oh give me the Jaguar I can't see my car at all why the police this is terrible but what kind of upgrade is this the cars I beat someone okay I don't even care if I lose past this point [Music] I need to keep looking for smoke [Applause] he was in the convoy earlier was he hurt mini coopers now the hunt Mini Coopers oh if I go after them because I have like a better carry here Oh [Music] I was trying to look for smoke I was thinking that pot might be in my best interest there [Music] nine-one-one incoming the Kraken is near there's someone here if it went away there there was a car drop here apparently what make our way over there yeah we got do I get this guy who was near me it's coming in there we go [Music] there is beep probably as a better care didn't let me challenge him I press right stick oh you're not getting away hey might be I think he has a better care oh boy yeah yeah I got the honk back I don't know I wasn't working there for long smoke let's go get it chi-ching car job time give me the car [Music] look at they all look terrible okay the way I think it controls a bit better oh there's someone else that just got there too [Music] yeah we gotten this on now to power off great since we're gonna get a third one bored Raptor give me another one [Music] we got a big boy care Oh God oh no who what what has he got gotta go fast he's Johnson to me he's got a Ford Focus my car is too heavy I'm not going to be able to keep up it's from your crew I don't think I could beat him doing my best to dodge these trees nice try did you tell him to keep taunting me don't do it don't do it he slowed down waited just look you can't give me a freebie he stopped he stopped he's giving these let me win I don't deserve this little fishy win I'm Thank You QWERTY pickles for your sacrifice what Subaru or the Ford folk Subaru [Music] [Music] this is kind of good I should have got his carrot well it's too late for the huh we gotta make do what we could find higher number means better care does it oh no I didn't think about that if he gave me the win and I just like chucked away his character oh my god these people were like yes sevens and sixes [Music] [Applause] you can't miss Walker well it is safe to do so [ __ ] no so much for it I can do it I'll get some speed [Music] he's so far ahead he's like a category-5 Kara too No my windscreen ain't looking too good [Music] he was banking on that too if I didn't challenge him he was gonna challenge me can't believe I've lost at this badge this is quite embarrassing [Music] evade through the top 20 at least so I'll take the little victories god damn it this is what you get I can do it I can do it one more quick chat prepare to be eliminated phrase but I'm never gonna get to use left let's be real they give me a Honda Civic [Music] good so maybe it was just like the getting everyone the parity together that was just had to reckon because like this like you know you hop in real quick it seems to work as intended that's pretty good I mean it was just like the piratey systems was like I was trying to play with a bunch of people at once yeah I'm having proper fun with this you know I kind of suck at it but [Applause] that's whew we can [Music] hang on something I can do here oh my god [Music] please let this work I want to find like a PNG of like just bike handles in front of me I'm trying to see if I can find an image [Music] like PNG first person [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay this this isn't quite at hang on [Music] oh no it's one of those fake pn G's it doesn't even work no my god that's not a bicycle either [Music] and I just want to look at images like bike handles in front of you start over here keep it no it's gonna take up too much of the screen it's not a real PNG olden bike handles I don't see it how would that would be amazing if I could find it [Applause] [Music] so if you if you confront someone for a race you always race towards the middle is it that's how it works out okay that's good to know how do people start with like a ranked body Ford Ranger as well like I'm icing to all agree in like a mini but these other guys have like actual cars they just get lucky with the spawns [Applause] and it spawns like completely random [Applause] like location-wise whoa yes and no which is a bad [Applause] boy almost challenged that guy let's just find her own carrots to go in the roundabout here I can take [Music] [Applause] come on around [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] other people join in the race oh he's gonna be miles ahead now she points out into the woods [Music] you hit like one tree but you've lost but retire your career just end it you can never catch up [Applause] we have a chance [Music] I don't know I can only catch up if he hit the tree violation I need that guy to like break his spine the stand a chance of catching up to the tree you will end you [Music] [Applause] but I'm doing my best I gotta go straight up the mountain I don't have time [Music] no he's already left 48 so that the minis bad for offroad and we'll go to for seeing this top 100 but there's less than a hundred people in it wayside thanks 100 bits police AP for somehow worse than you I wouldn't want to be one of those guys yeah Dave Dave they seem to have a real bond it's like they must suck at this cake [Music] okay that's something over here I mean while this car this car is putting in work cancel all classes have a nice day hope you're doing alright done stay safe welcome to the screen you're gonna be screaming a lot the next well spirits and hopefully I've function in online multiplayer that's how I keep positive in life that I'm gonna try find one of these warehouses should be one in this area amber thank you for a thousand bits that's very cool to hear turn that well there just random thank you for hundred bits - very much use a drone to find the warehouse how do you how to use drone have no idea [Music] where do we want to start there let's just start over there she'll start so drones in the pause menu okay [Music] good tripod one those guys that says our team and he immediately hits a tree give me a good character please tarragon's I'm begging you give me something right now [Applause] with a Crown Victoria already [Applause] problem is I need a car that's good enough off-road because the only thing I know is speed I don't know how to steer my car I need to help I just get something that's fast enough compensate there's some small Wow I'm getting it I'm getting it better not be anyone else here the VW tour doll taken but we got it's better ever-so-slightly someone else got that car over there too he's ranked 6 he's ranked 6 [Music] outside a chance soccer-mom car my current car the ranked tree [Music] X I made you a bike PNG did you actually could you message it to me on disk or if that's okay thank you very much [Music] we got the mom care [Music] it's worth the money somehow like this car is heavy I feel slow [Music] sir electric trailer bits how long you playing tonight I don't know I feel like going a while obviously I think the next while like I'm just gonna you know if I can stream I'm just gonna stream I'll have the schedule and I'm still gonna follow that polite whatever I can squeeze in something I'm just gonna do it the next well [Music] 24 hours dream that's good with you and that's good with me now that could mean no III love doing this you know like grim reality of kind of the world at the moment is you know we're all gonna be spending a lot of time inside I feel the next while you know I can't go traveling or anything like that so you know I'm gonna do what I can as an entertainer basically make the world feel a little less [ __ ] right [Music] we love having you here staying safe that thanks friend [Music] no real change for me like I mean I know for myself like I've had to cancel a lot of travel plans like I was hoping to go twitchcon I was hoping to go to e3 Wow so I'm going to twitch London even this month I think they're going ahead but I'm not going myself let's just just seem wise oh there's the drop Toyota give me the Toyota give me the Toyota there's another drop over here where is it give me this thing it's a rank for it's a Sioux problem there's another one over here no no he's no he there it's just a goal they're challenging I can take this guy [Music] come on I can take them Chiqui shortcut I I need to get on the road I need to be on the road Oh [Music] why is my car feels so much slower how was that Oh Oh who's he so fast I'm gonna lose so I'm gonna lose every single race I initiate I need to stay on the road horn turn right [Music] like breaking racin yeah but like I'm not doing too well right now game he's quite aways ahead he's gonna win the waterfall I can do it next time do it I I need at least one race where I'm not like dog [ __ ] boy oh it spawns the beetle in here too great yeah I just parked me on this rock you know this seems like a good location I didn't want my license plate anyway I'm sad right now is there anything behind the waterfall [Music] might be no I don't think there is where's the secret chest yeah we'll just switches park here mom [Music] it's Christ thunderous think 300 bits I work sporting events in US and once my work is gone now for the foreseeable future hope doing all right man stay safe bagel thank 400 as well all the Irish schools and colleges are close to two weeks and the week actually come back Easter holidays that's a thing yeah like I like it kind of fortunate the way it's worked out those kids a good chunk of time huh basically the next month's here in Ireland those there's not much going on Patrick's that it's canceled I imagine Eastern Council the exact apron we go treasure-hunting fortune island soon so I I might even do not another stream honestly I'm having like a quite a bit of fun just with this bit I'm determined to like try and get a good result you can do fortune Island another stream like properly think some time into it [Music] oh I got a I got a pick a spa let's let's be down here did I press a give me a good drop wait there is something here good drop go draw you'd give me like a level 5 car I'll take a photograph in 17 car is not that good because it's kind of like bulky someone else is like a rank 6 like course I'm not too mad it's offroad guess that it would be something yeah got to find someone out there is another thing there it's a beeline over get here before anyone else does the Unimog take it rank tree what [Music] okay this is gonna be problematic oh this is slow why is this rank three [Music] what give me another cat No get off the road Oh get off don't you dare don't you there [Music] get away free No [Music] but he's over there still he's in a mini why did he challenge me I might be able to beat this guy I might just be able to [Music] recalculating route I've got a dirt track I could follow this I'm in a tank basically 200 meters oh god no go-go-go right there he's right there [Music] oh [ __ ] off get back on the road this car is too big no I [Music] wait I can [Music] I want to rip out my hair I just want to pull it all out strand my stretch one worries [ __ ] uni I'll get the bike get the bike yeah hang on oh thank you so much for this Matt hang on did this perfect [Music] okay so you pop that there [Music] thank you for making us oh it's be [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love it I love it this is the best idea uh-huh yeah you know I'm not for using a carrier to get the work anymore I want to be a bit more environmentally friendly that's why I'm doing 140 miles per hour on my bicycle I'm like just super [ __ ] fascist [Music] thank you so much for making that much oh no III did the good thing ladies first well sleep thanks for six pound you tell my friend live something supportive please also hope you do its well yourself live a hope life's going well I don't know you personally very mature you're a very lovely individual files lousy whales it here like you know I wanted me to say something nice about you you got a good friend okay let's go let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we got to keep a careful eye on the mini-map there's smoke okay I'm going on my bicycle as fast as I can there was something over here [Music] I just skid across the give me an Audi what rank is this this is rank six oh this is a really good bike it was actually to see what actually looks like or in business now [Music] oh wait no go back I got it's just I need to go towards the center of the arena [Music] best care in the game we gotta go we got to make a cheeky turn here [Music] they've never seen The Naked Gun well yeah you have like the title sequence like the police siren and it's going through all these crazy places if that's what this joke basically is that this bike is incredible oh how to be careful [Music] [Music] to get to the center of the map we have such a good care a'right now I'm not even having an issue but I go on this fast [Music] I don't know a way I'm supposed to go like am I am I in the border now I think I am I was minx here thanks do you like my bike it does a hundred and twenty on a good day I mean Radio AM o makes for a dish oh thank you so much I was gonna ride her one of it soon as I wrap it up I guess I've been streaming a wild hello everyone that just came in we got a bicycle in Forza and we're just taking it for a spin ok let's let's let's race a guy there is let's get that police guy thank you so much for the Ray that's very kind I hope you had a good stream what were you doing think it's not sweet for it earlier was that you'll have to lose their already race and oh okay I can I can sway this race by ramming into a my bicycle Oh No [Music] I'm okay I have to see Ted fastest man alive right now okay I have like this amazing vehicle and I haven't been able to challenge anyone with it he's going for casual stroll in the countryside right now 33 drivers left come on where where is someone please [Music] I need to use this on someone that's a different guy who's already racing oh my god this guy's racing too [Music] oh don't go in the lake okay the treat broker phone [Music] okay no three bathtub [Music] I just want to find someone to beat with this bicycle they're like this entire time I've done nothing but suck and we finally have a good car because of complete random chance at the start of the game we totally didn't deserve it and now I want to rub it in people's faces this is my game like this is my moment what's over it's just a mishap we don't we don't wanna miss that we got a bicycle this is your time to shine how you wearing a helmet no but I got some kneepads on you should be okay [Music] the bikes having trouble [Music] oh here's someone that they've raised us we got a goal from the ranks sick okay all right you wanna race no no I don't want to lose this race please come on 2.5 kilometres I'm so much faster than I can get I can gain on them oh you're going down you're so dead you're soaked [ __ ] you're so dead I can't afford the pop into anything else I'm doing 110 on my bicycle all right but but I can't see for the field [Music] I just got to not hit any crazy if this is come I'm going completely blind I [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] ok I think I'm done now I gotta go a little longer I got one more one more we're losing the pike producing the pike I actually got to be able to see I can't see [ __ ] right now one more one more without the bike we can do it do you ever give us a wheel spin to going home horn we know we're not going home yet no stop I can do it next time I almost have it it's an addiction I can quit anytime [Music] I could just use my beetle in the Battle Royale like I'd be funny like you know this bad boy is just the best vehicle post so fast when you don't hit a tree let's go starting down here and leave a nice 100 bits how you become an addicted to a care about Oriel game I don't know but said help please send help I'm not doing too good right now [Music] [Applause] give me like an amazing god tier try give me not Kerrigan and I can do it I'll take it seriously this time please please just give me the car again intervention look like it I get I can quit anytime I want but it's not a problem okay I just I just I just really enjoyed this game it's just it's just really good enough where is it good care give me some is that smoke no that's a blue sign doesn't help us at all go through the tunnel maybe the something true here [Applause] yeah got any more of them good cat [Applause] didn't equip Santa's bus - that's why you've been losing [ __ ] you're right that is why dojo nice 100 bits you're glad Cyrus drugs dream bike he's now seen because it's dope it didn't work [Applause] anything here game-2 just just one character just one more car I'll even take the Unimog again no I think the Union multi-unit house is terrible just just one care [Applause] fired kiss [Applause] he's a character no it's just the wilderness here feel tired thank 400 bits thank you very much block work bikes 100 as well first I've been able to catch the street without a bud - boy what a stream it is thank you very much I'm having a lot of fun now I know to start at least agree with a bit stressful was getting the online to work but it games been safe still go once the matchmaking works that is actually quick it's good fun you feel like that's closing on me I think I should get a movement well no the Paradis II have he's gaining on me I can't lose them forever [Music] got a slide the smoke there give me this quick MBG I don't know what it is give me the car give me the car oh we got it oh [ __ ] what is this this is six wheels that doesn't have a car those there's another car right here give me the car quick quickly I'll take the silver I'll take the super over this oh he's turning around we gotta go we gotta go oh he's gaining [Music] I gotta lose him I could do better off row than him [Music] it's the son of the Unimog oh we've got right now so close to the border - I got a I got a step what's there [Music] there's two of them that you guys race each other just leave me alone I'm trying to get out of here he's after me he's gonna get me he's hurricane oh don't like it at all I can go to the trees better than them if I could just knock a bunch of them down lose them [Music] keep on the move to the trees no no no no no I never find us here he's still after this guy's the [ __ ] terrific [Music] oh I gotta go I can see them he's not giving up I think we're stuck with this car for the forseeable [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] give me a car [Music] what is it Lancer take it take it it will despawn me for a moment it means it cannot challenge me to a race [Music] no go now I wish I had a truck [Music] where is he it's already ahead of me his car is just strictly faster gotta go through the trees every time I go through the trees every single time I go through the trees it's like that's how I die that's how I die I just immediately collide with one and that's it I'm just gonna set time however if I go outside the arena [ __ ] it huh [Music] drive into the abyss [Music] see what you're so close there we go there we go whoo oh I could have been an amazing jump I didn't I'm so disappointed I didn't even get to kill myself properly Oh [Music] we go one more do we we go just one more race so that we call it there [Music] intervention intervention go home yeah we're gonna go home left gonna just just just one one [Music] am I gonna get a rap on up with the Mac you know because I think we've done enough it's just you know one more I haven't got a problem I can quit any time I want [Music] Oh are you okay I think this games broke me you have come so agonizing close every single time [Applause] getting closer each time the mistake there was I trade a consumer because I was able to I will pay some while I was in the truck and I was doing some prep remarkably well oh [ __ ] it's a monument to you were cutting you up [Music] look I go I'm fine okay I'm just having a lot of fun there's no need to question my health at this point okay I'm doing pretty good we have to tell grandma Aleta like 300 bits sendin hugs well where we start starting the city gotta give us something good if we start in the city [Music] because you were so close to when the gamble last time doesn't mean you be closer next time you don't understand that's how the sunk fallacy cost works the more you invest the more likely you are to see a return you just have to keep investing the smoke there the [ __ ] get rid of the smoke [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a Subaru but I'll take it it's a start [Music] okay we just need we just need to look for more it's someone already here [Music] it's clues them over here the Hillman Imp what's the hill man in do I want it I got I got to make a split decision here it didn't challenge him no I didn't want that anyway I tried to take it back take it play these walls and destructible as well went over here no someone just took it got to get out of the city [Music] Elisa's harder for people to physically see us here they got the mini-map up we can hide in a different Street it won't find us but God he's got the Unimog on the left well he can take it I don't want that look I hope he enjoys that Oh [Music] his Ireland and Scotland [Music] after you I'm pretty passing this car yeah it seems decent [Music] on the road you know you can get 120 on it terrible excuse me - give me that tier 6 Carlo if I will that was like the best one and I need every advantage I can get right now caliber thank you for 150 Scotty blue line to 200 bits yellow the true enemies of the trees [Music] back inside quick before you timeout unless this is a sneaky shortcut Oh I'm never gonna make it No No kept a kitten but is it going so fast oh no it's stopping it's stopping oh thank god thank God Oh we escaped the man is right had a bracelet consider Oh God Almighty that was scary a fair bit of speed now 200 yeah I don't want to race you someone wants to race me we got it we got to see about losing this fellow the smoke over there I thought there was smoke where is it no it's still there it's there what have we got [ __ ] attorneys just think you're lyin I don't not good enough need to find another spot [Music] their car is very badly now you need to trust in minutes the Mini is surprisingly good honestly the ranks 6 when we go go go go I think I'm within the area where the borders shrinking so it should be okay it's it's a tractor do we do it for the meme do we do it for them I'm gonna listen I'm gonna live why did I do this it's the top gear tractor this thing can only do like 82 we already know this there we go can James may win in a tractor it might be the last man standing we're doing it for the meme that it's surprisingly good this does off-road real well the arena's getting a lot smaller that guy might have been going for me like interest outrun other people the next while I'll be okay they can't keep up with me like this even has like surprisingly good acceleration on the grass where are you going I'm staying away from people I don't have to beat them I just have to be the last one alive doing pretty good you're going towards the poor head I got a turn turn turn turn turn oh it shrinks in like a minute we're fine [Music] how does it handle trees probably not very well let's make your way back so that we don't get caught out see like it's acceleration is actually so good even on like this terrain other people are going to be struggling on at this point I say that but the valve it's a pretty good carrots here's a drop oh we got the RAM rebel what was it it's a rank five oh no I can take I can take come on I don't even need the road Punky's ever so slightly faster all my tractor it's slightly better wheels not gonna do it [Music] [Music] [Music] and now I quit we had a good run had a good run what cell type to the pride price together I felt like pick up my thumb with my other hand and put it on the B button [Music] and we got the lotus cortina from 1966 classic it's gonna just get our wheel spins in let's uh ease off this a bit with a different kind of addiction we gonna get the pizzicato horn and super wheel spin we got timeless heart T oh that's for the radio station we listen to that's pretty good can't believe I didn't win any of them I like even come flick top ten I'd suck so much of this game Laurence key thanks 400 fits it standard effort man uh Tim thanks for the raid right at the end unfortunately I actually haven't just wrapping up my stream i-i've been gone a while tonight but thank you very much I hope you had a good stream yourself man yeah well right at the end for breeze thanks 400 bits is the Gladys the first year I was able to attend I love your fours of videos thank you very much for breeze amber thank you for a thousand bits as well thank you very much okay well we'll do we'll do a raid in a moment we'll find someone who's still going and we'll pass y'all on to them but thank you so much everybody that came by the streams now to hope you all enjoyed it tomorrow so I don't I don't know if I'm gonna be streaming this myself just yet might do might not but I'm joining up with a bunch of Minecraft folks to take apart like a hungry Hunger Games thing in the evening I don't know if people know symp life s iymp life it's got like the all female content creators a version of SMP life and they're doing this weird crossover thing with SMP live folks where it's like one person from each camp on a team so I'm gonna be involved in that I think I don't know if I'm gonna stream it myself just yet but I'll be about tomorrow night I might stream and I haven't decided yet because I I know they're like the Minecraft Championships are on Saturday so I might just hold off stream until then yeah but simp like project simp yeah s IM p life so i'm playing with some folks on that that should be good get some rest dude yeah i die i I'm just a moralized I need to find motivation again will to live after I did so poorly at that battle royale as a very extreme like I think first half last stream was quite frustrating just because nothing would work but like the battle royale bits of that were actually quite good fun like when it actually works and you can find the lobby it's good fun I think the problem was just trying to form the party myself because I just kept disconnecting half the time that just made a head wrecking whale see thank you for another 10 quid right at the end my moment thank you for your message to live really made her day oh I'm glad hope the pair of you have a wonderful day sending lots of love Excalibur thanks 100 bits right at the end okay who we writing let me just see who is live who we got I'm trying to see I am gonna send you I'm gonna send you a cheese way yeah he is doing some Resident Evil 7 biohazard dream taro is wholesome family time so go say hi to G get in some resi get I'll see you guys in some capacity tomorrow night till then have a good day folks and yeah I'll be streaming again when I can take care guys
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 17,764
Rating: 4.8988762 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-566083279, rtgamecrowd, Let's stop, breathe, and die in a car crash, Forza Horizon 4, Twitch, Gaming, Let's, stop, and, die, in, car, crash, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: BR-c3UtWtoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 18sec (12738 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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