RTGame Archive: Subnautica [2]

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to so [Music] hey everyone how how y'all doing can you hear me okay oh what's going on lads it's good to see you all here tonight we'll give people a chance just to hop on in aol poggers afternoon hour t lad good afternoon good morning to some people ah how are you all doing though folks can you hear me okay i can hear the game okay the game can be turned down a notch at the moment some funky uh background music it is quite loud so i'll just turn that down a notch well i hope everyone is doing well though uh it's good to see everyone making it back for more subnautica uh we're gonna we're gonna try to get a good few hours in today we are gonna press on with the game um i i i've given it some thought because i i'm having a lot of fun with this game and i do want to see it true um but uh there's some things i want to mention before we go well one thing i'll mention when we get there uh one big thing i want to mention though what i'm going to be doing for today's stream um back in the day when it came to story based games like when we're playing things like detroit become human uh and minecraft story mode uh we pop the chat in sub mode just to prevent spoilers uh we're gonna be doing that again for this game because people seem very excited for this and even if i don't see a spoiler in the chat myself there's a very real possibility of someone saying well here's the entire summary page on wikipedia and you know someone else in chat reads that and it's [ __ ] ruined um so we're gonna we're gonna be doing that and i hope people understand why we're doing that because it is quite an engaging story um the there's a lot of cool [ __ ] going on i think we all kind of want to see where it goes so i'm going to be popping that on it once we actually get started here chloe it's good to see you here as well i hope you're doing well yeah i hope that is understandable uh there is one other noticeable change that i've made for the stream today too and i i i will mention that when we get there um it's something i have to do uh to prevent me from like puking on the stream and uh we'll we will get to that i i i have done something spider bear man yeah the ocean's now inhabited by like out-of-place bears we did it i wish ah dear okay uh i think i think we're gonna be i think we're set to uh start stream and get back into the game so what i'm gonna do we're gonna pop that on and again i hope people understand why that's going on for today's stream it it's just like stop people like kind of from spoiling the game for me and for other people watching the stream uh we're going to do that the mods on red alert and they'll crack down any spoilers from here this kind of just makes it a lot more manageable uh because there was a lot going on in the chat last time we played yeah i hope that helps and it should make for a more comfortable experience i think for folks and i hope that's understandable thank you everyone at subbing off the bat too jedi thank you for a thousand bits really understand the sub mode chat just want you to experience the game figure out your own pace daniel can't wait to see you get on with the game today thank you very much okay uh i think we should be good let's pop that on and let's pick up from where we left off trying to remember where we even saved this i i don't think we were back at our base we were we were deep under the ocean weren't we how to tell us do do lmao epic gamer moment i i because i was talking to this with jesse we were trying to spell out the lyrics for like under the mermaid like that that's what we were trying to get right oh what the [ __ ] has happened um okay that has to be a glitch let's just let's just exit the seam out real quick and we'll just hop back in okay we good where where even in the ocean am i at the moment there's the alien island there's our base there's the island and car crash i need to drink some water off the bat and not eat this because apparently it's awful okay let's orient ourselves and find out where we're trying to go first thing i'm gonna do uh it turns out if you just ignore the crash sites where it turns out if you just ignore the live pods it's probably a bad idea and we're probably going to lock ourselves out of something i'm going to turn this signal back on and we're actually going to find where you is uh she is down here so let's make a start down here we're going into the deep end i don't think it matters if it's night at the moment because we're going so far into the ocean i think it's going to be dark anyway so down we go immediate spooky star [Music] okay now i'm wondering better people who have played this game in chat i don't know if this is where the difference is going to kick in with what i've done can you see the difference maximum depth and even in where we are now it is is it visible is the change here okay yeah so there are normally a bunch of crab squids in this location now as we as i mentioned in the last stream i have pretty severe arachnophobia the side of them almost made me [ __ ] my pants on the previous stream so i've installed a mod that is deleted them from the game um and i have done this so that i can actually keep physically playing this game because normally at this point in time in most games with spiders i would stop playing the game skyrim i have never been able to play with the out of place bears mod i never finished dark souls 2 because of the spider zone i i don't know what happens i i just stopped in that game um so i have done that so that i can keep playing subnautica uh they've been deleted they're gone so now if the mod fails at this point in time then i will proceed to ship myself i will probably vomit on stream so i really hope the mod is working or i'm gonna puke all over my desk and it'll be funny for like two minutes until you realize oh god he's actually sick um because i i have i've i just can't handle them um and i would not keep playing this game if they were in it i can't do it so that's how that's how what the the big change for today uh how we're gonna be able to keep going let me turn off the lights there too because i feel like with the lights on it might attract some attention everything else is still intact it's specifically just the crab squids uh they have been to the latest god i want to try and get over this point because i got to swim down 200 meters thank you everyone give a bit right now iron guy thank you for a thousand um vlog thank you for a thousand as well my man here just come committed uh crab genocide live on stream yes i did and i do it again okay here seems to be the closest point we can reach i still hate this we're just going straight on down let's not waste any time i don't like the electrical guys thank you for the five gift subs thank you very much cyclops depth module mark one i think i've got that one already haven't i there's a pda in here too i'd have i have the mark ii def module i just need to find like the magnet ore and um i can i can actually stay at these depths what's this down here is this it that that's still just quartz isn't it i mean we need something more than just quartz uh we can take a bit of this for glass don't like you how much more is actually down here pick up a deep shroom what is this gold special equipment is required this is blood oil oh god there's a bunch of new [ __ ] down here i i i need to get the dash module i think before i can safely go down here because if i keep going down here i'm probably going to get in a spot of butter when i try to come back those are just regular crabs they don't bother me so much local scans show a nearby opening leading to a biome with extensive fossilized am i going to be able to make it back to the sea mountain time i don't think i can go much further here oh god though it's all green okay yeah we there's got to be a safer way to find the magnetite we need is this it is it no it's all it's all just glowy [ __ ] where's the magnets okay i i'm gonna have to head back a moment just because we're so far down i'm trying to see if there's anything else it's just a lot of courts interestingly the light from the daytime actually does reach all the way down here i'm surprised the [ __ ] are you oh what the [ __ ] are you get to the sema oh i don't like you you see he was coming real close a moment we seem to be okay he's left us alone oh i need to stop going down accidentally okay uh i i am trying to think where we might find this magnet or okay oh though those are the angry sharks there's nothing on this island as far as i can see i reckon we're gonna have to go back somewhere to search uh down here is too deep at the moment uh once we find the magnetite we can we can come on back i might go towards car crash just see what we can find you monday's content thank you for the five gift subs earlier thank you very much i get everyone is subbing and giving bits i do appreciate it uh we're we're just gonna keep exploring a while and see what we can find just ignore me okay come on come on back up a moment so there's a lot of the angry shark monsters here now i am gonna need to go back and get some food too uh actually no i i think i've got food hang on oh there it is thinking for a moment it's like did you just like disappear all together okay we can we can stay out a little while longer we've got some food and water drop that still got the ion cube uh the ion cube we can probably just store for now i've got the uranium uh we'll just we'll just keep that in there we have our adobe premiere too um there was there was a purple cave zone i remember seeing before we had like a tunnel and it was near the car crash i think i want to explore down there because we we kind of just chickened out of it before we didn't bother i think it was over here somewhere there's another body lad whereabouts was it it was near car crash wasn't it i thought it was in like the hills off car crash [Music] that's car crash see we'll make a way around real quick i don't remember being so near like like all the weeds i i sworn it was around this area it is hard to locate stuff [Applause] these guys have never attacked me as well wait is that some stuff tree spawn tree mushroom it's gonna be okay the music is always getting quite dramatic but we are fine scanned them yeah i should i should probably scan [Music] oh you mean the fish that's kind of fish get some silver here because we're always short on wiring a jelly ray yeah the these guys seem to be friendly enough but they haven't given me any trouble we didn't know we never really explored this area either we kind of just like ran through it before i think we were scared of something i probably need to repair this too okay well let's explore around here and like see what we can find the purple zone was somewhere near here like the red bit is that something salt deposit or lithium getting quite a bit of silver for once which is kind of nice salt these guys you can't pick up for some reason they don't they don't seem to be real or lithium let's go exploring it does seem to be a fair amount of resources down here salt gotta be a little careful in hey what is this wait what oh this is like um this must be one of the alien places oh because they had that in the big base hang on well we found aliens oh they got into the portal here do i need to go get the ion cube don't like when the music just suddenly cuts out like a new sound file loaded now you fight the dark souls boss this seems to be somewhere i can activate a portal too but this itself is not a portal i can use uh i don't have a beacon unfortunately i i i he probably need to start making more beacons don't i have to keep track of all this [ __ ] we find like we can know where that purple area is if i actually just marked it i don't think i have any on me is there any ore doesn't seem to be anything else here okay um chat it's on you to remember where this is good luck solely in your hands if we don't find it again it's completely your fault okay uh you're [ __ ] oh that was kind of tucked away too cyclops whole fragment two of three progress gotta keep searching around here we still keep an eye in the air once i have a minute left i can head back pre-mushroom no you can't scan that there doesn't seem to be anything dangerous in here which is something it does seem relatively safe it's like a bunch of mushroom trees very pretty oh i shouldn't have done that seems like a good place to get trapped by a creature i feel like that was another game like an enemy would spawn on top of you when you take his child table coral or lithium okay this this is going to be very difficult to get out of if i'm not careful uh see mod is back over here let's go back and get the seam out and we'll just keep exploring how do you hatch the egg i assumed i'd just be able to eat it or cook it or something i don't know if you can hatch eggs like pokemon logic that's a child rt oh look the commands gotta have his omelette okay even at the bottom of the ocean i need my bacon and eggs there's some bits here copper ore more metal salvage my inventory is very full right now so i may need to head on back this seems to be a lot more salvage here okay uh let's yeah let's get these and we'll head on back what more we can get uh drop some salt deposits take the gold dilation okay hop on back it really doesn't like transitioning out of the ocean sorry i really gotta get better at not killing the fish okay uh let's make our way back to our base we'll drop off all our supplies and we'll keep looking for the purple cave was it near the red bit or was it near the mushroom bit because it was one of them the red bit okay we'll go back to the red bit then and we'll have a look about gonna find it that's like a place like we uncovered and we like like properly just like noped out of it i think in fairness i think there were still crab squids in that one and uh i'm not about that life oh the blood moon is so [ __ ] close again sorry it's fine my base just loses stilts i feel like it's supposed to be supported by something oh there we go yeah that's fine all the way out there so aurora you're just gonna have to meet us halfway we've uploaded blueprints to the ships coming here uh yeah give me a second but we're gonna save here it's of our utmost concerns like yeah what are we having for lunch just tell her the regular dude okay she's like what's the regular all the way back up here the coach should be 2679. wait was that the code for what was that was that code for all the only information i took away from that conversation that he wants a ham and cheat sandwich i was so distracted this is the captain's office 2679 was it okay so we we gotta we gotta make our way back there at some point then um that that should be doable the code is ham and cheese oh no that's how we died we didn't make it off the island okay uh i need to break this down into titanium [Music] and then i'm gonna break the quartz down into glass try and refine a little bit of it uh i need my habitat tool because i need to make another locker i feel like half the game is just you're managing your inventory would you say that that is a fair sentiment yes i need some more courts and i need some titanium there we go can i make anything else equipment low and air pump pipes uh what was the beacon under what what do i need for a beacon deployables got one copper or one titanium i'm gonna make like five of them okay uh yeah i i i need to clean up my inventory some more so let me just see what i can do real quick i'm gonna pop like odd oddly well like things that aren't metals in there i think this one i know that when i ordered also have things that aren't medals uh the got i got some more diamond which is good i'll take the rubies i'll pop them in there and pop the lead in there uh a lot of salt deposits that's fine and then i can pop the rest of that in there maybe god so much [ __ ] inventory management uh okay so what did i i what i need for beacons uh copper and titanium i want to make like five of them copper or do i not that's all gold my god i'm living a life of luxury right now i only have two copper ore okay well we get two beacons lads apparently i only have gold it's all gold always has been oh no okay well we get two additional beacons iot games suffering from success now my life is just so hard oh it's a tough life being an influencer uh okay that that that should be fine i i should take one of the first aid kits with me and pop it in the sub keep forgetting to do that okay like i i literally just want mine to tie i think at the moment so i can go deeper i should pop more first aid in the sub why am i leaving it all at home i couldn't sit at home if i'm gonna like die when i'm out and about there we go it's an extra battery there's no there's a fire extinguisher already in here i don't think we need to bring the uranium with us everywhere i thought you said your wife was so hurt well kevin's okay right now don't worry about him okay i'm gonna put this fire extinguisher away confirm i i i can i can put some of this stuff down i think and it might be a good idea to do that just to clear space uh that seems like a good spot for a poster uh i was wondering why this was in the game as well it's the same doubts i i just didn't realize that at first it makes a lot more sense it's like wow they must really like natural selection too i don't know who that is though an arcade gorge toy i don't know what that is a reference to i assume it's one of the better games shameless plug ads in my games shaking my head oh yeah i need i need to go get some water in that okay access the battery charger go okay let's go get some food and we'll get some water too need you can i cook you no he's too big i can cook you though picked up cooked boomerang give me food just eat them immediately give me food uh those ones don't seem to be so good the papers seem to be the best ones yeah we need we need to get some bladder fishes too so we can make some water there was like a bunch of them over here i think when i was sailing over here like there was like a whole colony of fish yeah here they are this is where all the good food's been hiding hello friends hey want as many bladder fish as they can get uh fish populations and that that that all responds yeah i don't have to worry about like depleting the oceans here like overfishing do i i hope not let's hope so that's not good yes they do okay all right we we should we should be okay okay oh i keep forgetting to i i can use salt to make them last longer too probably my best interest to make them with salt because yeah i don't need all this food immediately do i let's make our water subnautica vr at 100 000 subs uh i don't know about that man subnautica vr seems like it would just induce motion sickness because like vr the worst experience is going up and down and like in this game you do nothing but go up and down fluids have been restored that's better for me in terms of food to keep longer okay and i have i have my beacons as well is there anything else i need to take with me i'm not like a vr just swim in the ocean i'm just good i'm just gonna like i get a like a swimming pool or something in my apartment and i i just go diving in that i put the cured peeper in there and i'll keep keep the rest of it just immediately on hand uh wait the scanner has charged does it oh god i mean i guess it makes sense but i never realized uh so we gotta go back to the red ocean or the red bit near a car crash okay 740 people for dad messing around in the ocean yeah thank you everyone for making the stream today i hope you're all enjoying it enjoy the band-aids and storage we'll take the laser cutter and glow and knife makes sense well i mean if i if i do no i haven't got an excuse i i should have one of the first a things on my person shouldn't i there's no good reason to not carry at least one of these on me pop a beacon in there if i of using the beach for an irl subnautica stream oh god i don't think that's a good idea considering the current climate of the world yeah let's just let's just pick a beach in florida you know let's see how it goes like i don't i think there might be consequences i don't think that's great oh dear okay here's the car crash um was it like up this direction i remember it being about here somewhere it's near the red stuff from something i look at the plague real quick oh no let me have a look the terrain appears to be struggling somewhat i don't like when i hear a distant roar soundtrack guy oh that's not soundtrack guys i thought it was just the soundtrack guy going yeah let's get in some like scary notes it's like nope nope that was a big boy fish who lives there yeah we appear to be safe now sorry okay uh there it is oh it's right here my god we were going so far away okay lads down we go don't like you are these like leech things friendly oh god no no they're not they all seem to have disappeared but i'm not i don't really know if it's safe [Music] buddy [Music] so many ocean sounds right now okay that's uh park the sub here it's just more gold in here golden diamonds all soundtrack guys going overboard again magnetite it is is there a smaller version of it because that's what i need uh have a look around it so we're in the right place there's [ __ ] more of it it's like taunting me give me a small slice please i'm not hungry enough for a full magnum tight the lithium deposit lizzium i have a lot of lithium right now it seems to be a good place to get diamond this so there's so many like big things but i can't get them right now all i'm getting is diamond i don't i don't think i need diamond right now oh god there's lava oh god okay go back and get the sub real quick because we need we need oxygen back to the sea mart don't do that right next to me oh [ __ ] is there outcrops of magnetite that that's only big magnetite i i can't actually get that did i get one oh [ __ ] i did when did i pick that up was it in the shale is this just in the shale outcrops do i need to find more no when did i [ __ ] pick up the magnetite oh i don't like it okay be brave it's it's own outcrop on the floor got it the [ __ ] why is that why is this here oh [ __ ] did someone survive and not die immediately because this is there's no way they could have just set up a light because everything else has just crashed life pods away from me proposed a gassy habitat this allure moment because like on the island there was like people living there too is this one up that's altera oh yeah this entire section in my pda called the gassy survivors maybe i should have been paying attention to this yeah this seems like a lot of lore that we we just haven't really seen art margaret and paul there was a storm they returned from the deep they made a curious discovery let's let's go down to where the proposed hideout is oh god i hate it where's i i need it like two magnetite wasn't it where's the second one it's so hard to spot hurry oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry sir i'm sorry oh he didn't like that he didn't like that oh oh [ __ ] you there's another bit in here ending here entire observation platform but i just don't see much all i find is diamonds it's not what i want diamonds and gold how many diamonds i have now oh good god i i assume that's gonna hurt me if i get caught in it are they spitting things or is that just textures do they spit things out make marshmallows lithium textures okay oh just gold and diamond it's worthless sorry it's very lovely okay wait i i need to make sure hang on how many of these [ __ ] am i looking for i'll make sure a little quieter well i got the diamond for the prawn suit i need it's just two i can get everything else there no problem oh the prawn suit needs step modules as well kyani i don't even know what that is welcome aboard captain kyanite is really late game stuff okay how do these guys even survive like a little while considering how [ __ ] dangerous this place oh there's a box here sir i just want the battery oh god here's the i don't think the proposed hideout worked out if i had to hazard a guess it's the [ __ ] leeches that got him bye i get inside basis rifle there's quite a bit here i got that one magnetite we're good we got the two we need where's the entrance to the base though one of these windows that has to be cracked drooping stinger i should not touch that hey hello sir okay oh this is a right old mess water filtration machine takes a while to scan apparently i can make that [Music] amber lord thank you for the thousand bits best item unlock is it that's good i assume yeah i assume like this log is just gonna be oh god we're [ __ ] or something if i uh had to either guess apparently i already had that one surprisingly little of the scan in here filtration system seems to be the main one like get everything pda on the desk is there oh yeah there is integrating new pda data oh okay don't get hit by the stingers even for a moment because i just take off most of your help integrating new pda data i i need to go get oxygen for a moment and some of these we do actually need a bit more 30 seconds titanium they really want you to have the stasis rifle at this point in time like here's like every box you can need oh [Music] i'm okay yeah mr leach was here to remind me too thanks friend that's okay i got the air all's well these are starting to decompose uh i might need to get the extra water that's in here i definitely need to cure stuff in future i got the two magnetite that that's the most important thing i came for here i can get my seamoth to like go down to a depth of 800 meters now i believe i have all the resources i need for it is there an easy way out of here it seems to be another tunnel up here yes there is okay let me just go in here real quick and i'm gonna pop down a marker right here oh this will be purple place okay we're good uh let's go back and upgrade the seam up then i i got what i wanted there and i can hop back to that zone the pdas matter um i don't read them anyway so i don't really care about them i'll grab them if i see them but i for the most part i i i'm not really reading them purple place i'm here the old game modification station what do i need for this i finally have the mag the tight i need two plus steel i need to get the depth module out too i'm i'm doing this one right now let's make this thing okay give me give me that lara thank you for the five gift subs thank you very much okay uh what do i need for plastial again titanium ain't gotten too lithium got any two of these total take the extra titanium don't think i have enough for at all what is it plastial and enamel glass [Applause] there we go gekko thank you for 12 good first time ever catching a live stream i love your videos the humor in them has helped me through some sad times in life oh thank you very much man i'm glad you like them enameled glass the last thing i need some regular glass and a stalker too i think i have both of them we go okay that module has been upgraded now we need another plastial and tree rubies i have the rubies i just need another plastic i believe i have all the lithium i need yeah i have a lot of lives here i've so many [ __ ] diamonds now uh pop this in here an empty battery uh bar red thank you for a thousand bits bdas give location markers that can help answer questions for certain things okay well thank you i'm still probably not going to spend too much time in him i think because i'm i don't know i i i kind of just like exploring if i just i might just click on them all frantically if there's a marker honestly i'm not too fast uh okay so what i need a titanium and got i have six titanium currently i need four more i could dismantle part of the base get it real quick but i feel like that's not the intended way welcome aboard captain uh let me quickly go i'm trying to think is there any wreckage around here i need one piece of metal salvage and i've got enough for this there's got to be some metal just sitting here yeah the stalkers love the metal yeah hey friend you got anywheres no he's just eating a fish at the moment he's got a bit excuse me sir i need that when you're done if you could just thank you sir titanium ingot class steel ingot there we go [Music] now with this modification station enhances diving depth to maximum i can now go maximum depth with the seamoth that's pretty good okay so what do i need for the prawn suit thing because that's the other big blueprint here i think at the moment a water filtration machine sea water into water and salt oh that might be handy i need arrow gel how do i get arrow uh a gel sac and a ruby i have a gel sack don't i i have one there's an arrow gel okay so i need three titanium and a copper wire then i don't i don't have any titanium or copper anymore i don't know how i ran out of those resources okay well let let's work on like improving our lives a bit sure first things first goes up to 900 meters now triple the amount so we can go really far down in this thing that is good i actually thanks for the two quid earlier epic thanks for 1100 bits actually you should really consider crafting the stasis rifle asap um okay we want the water filtration then prop the stasis rifle does sound like a handy tool doesn't it i need more [ __ ] magna cart off okay what's our shopping list we need titanium we need copper um titanium and copper we need magnetite titanium copper magnetite we need more of those sacks for the arrow gel [Music] i do do i have a notepad and pen i i need to write this down hang on i need to actually take a list of this titanium i'm gonna say we need like 30. copper i want to pick up like 10. i want to pick up a buttload of copper i need one of those like egg sac things uh i have the lithium i need some more quartz can you pick up some cheese while you're out too yeah go get some bread while you're popping down to the shops dad can we please get some chocolate bars oh god we're trying to build several things at once here i need magnetite okay the shopping list is currently titanium copper an egg sac quartz and magnetite is that everything we need i only want to make one trip i don't want to get back from the shops and you [ __ ] to be like dad we need ice cream diamonds we have we have a lot of diamonds oddly enough that's quick oh dear oh there's the anti-grav traps too uh we we need we do need to make some of them eventually as well those will be good ba reds thank you for 1000 bits alexa add accidental diamonds to the shopping list oh dear okay i i think we're good we need mushrooms can we get mcdonald's too okay i think that's [ __ ] everything oh i i do need to get some more food and water before we leave too all right let's get uh no wait no i i don't want to get him that way i i need to cure make some salted peppers that's the pose thanks for 10 50 bits don't forget to buy a healthy dose of pure terror i think we're doing pretty well for that already we've got quite a bit at home what's this oh it's coral i feel like i could use more water i think that's the one thing i'm running out of a lot ironically uh okay let's bring this back home aboard salt some food cured papers make a whole bunch of these you could always use more water hey jesse it's good to see you can we get some crab legs you guys are going [ __ ] all out with like can we get sushi but you can't just find a ready supply of fish like that red thanks for a thousand bits probably had a balanced diet to the shopping list eating the same thing over and over in this game as diminishing returns and all modes if i recall correctly wait does it actually you tell me it's not good if i just like cook 50 peepers no it doesn't okay you scared me for a moment there okay we got paper jerky uh we're gonna take that with us coral in there i have my shopping list it's actually occupying space on my screen right now you're gonna save it here too jf thanks for a thousand bits higher t how are you today i'm really enjoying this play-doh i'm so glad you like the game obviously when you read out that last bit donation my amazon echo actually added accidental diamonds to my shopping list looks like i need to go shop oh you like like if i just go on the stream right i'm not gonna say anything else if i just say alexa how many people have just like uh like the ai is just sprung to life it's like what is your will what what what do you want i have headphones in try hey siri oh no we just gotta set off like every ai program his voice resonates cortana okay oh let me let me put some of the water in storage too uh we we have to collect quite a bit this time there we go uh you know i'm i'm actually going to leave more stuff at home too because i want to i want to go all out with catter and resources this time i want to have bring back full inventory uh i'm gonna chance not bringing the flare we haven't needed it yet famous last words i'll leave the arrow gel in there laser cutter we can leave that behind everything else should be good look how many [ __ ] diamonds we have alright thanks for the thousand bits and been watching the played regular subnautica apologies for concern and for scaring you it's an apology i would say life who doesn't swell on your inventory you can just drop the knife if you need to eat okay so if you just so if i just catch a peeper yeah actually that kind of makes sense oh you have to chase them each time i imagine thank you for the thousand bits ultimate thanks for 500 bits hi i have google assistant your witchcraft does not work on me what's the trigger for google assistant let's get this [ __ ] i'm gonna make him regret this okay google oh no i think that's the most i've killed a fish thus far well you know it doesn't hurt to have more food okay uh right i need i need a bunch of titanium let's hop over to cara crash and see if we can find uh some more bits of scrap line about then we need copper copper we can get from the limestone ore i don't know where i got the egg sac thing i need to go get some more magnetite down below hello friends nice to see you too the exact was in the deep scary cave from the life pod was the purple cave or was it a different one so is there anything i can salvage here oh yeah this is quite a bit here scanning this as well i believe will just give me oh no i don't have that one okay let's see what else we can get gotta we gotta stock up at the shops well we can get the scanner room there's a fish flying real close to my head [Music] yeah thanks another thousand bits google ad getting a life to my priorities [Music] epic thanks for 1100 bits as well maybe let's just help you return safely because why'd you say return safely yeah we'll get we're getting more titanium at least uh as epic was saying uh let's hope he returned safely because when my dad went shopping he never came back oh no he'll come back with the milk soon don't worry oh the [ __ ] cues these days to get into the store been waiting a while it's a cutter okay what else bioreactor i think i have that one pretty good for collecting bits here there's some courts we do need a bit of courts silver i don't actually need that for once uh that'll salvage i think i'm gonna have all the titanium gathered like off the bat here uh because i i've found a lot we need everything it got dark real quick i think that's pretty good for titanium right now no we'll need more won't we we're gonna need so much more okay uh how much magnetite did i need i think it was just another two pieces so let's go into the purple cave and find that right now lee it was right here yep just two pieces i could drink two water to clear up my inventory some more see if we can get some more courts down here too i think there was quite a bit epic thanks for thousand bits don't worry you got eaten by a giant alien space monster well i'm relieved okay hello mr leeches i forgot to pick up some groceries don't don't mind me that shale it's all just diamond my life is so hard [Music] wish i could get these big things okay well here's the two bits of magnetite okay so magnetite is checked off uh i need a little more quartz for that bit of enamel glass i think quartz and copper and the egg sac thing is what i need now you could always get more if you wanted well what i'm thinking i can do it well i'm actually just trying to get as much as i need right now we have our shopping list oh i forget you hello something else here that line near the mushroom seems to be a mistake for these guys kelly thanks for 17 quid here to you cool guys to take my money well thank you very much man very kind soundtrack guys going a bit overboard again there's another one okay i got extra magnetite i went overboard game didn't like that uh brad thanks for a thousand bits you have to go back to the spiders to get more gel sacks if i recall which you would need for the prawn also the leeches are called crab snakes oh is the egg sacs not in here then can i not find because i just need one of those would i is it would there be an egg sac in this zone or am i just in the wrong place no okay um it there was a signal that i think was near him so we can have a look through our log in a moment you guys might be able to point me in the right direction you're in the purple place you need to go to the blue place god it really is just color coordinated is the red bit there's the green bit this purple place oh find your head makes it easy yeah i guess they have to kind of organize the line somehow otherwise would be a [ __ ] nightmare the navigate it still is a bit of a nightmare to navigate but it makes it a bit easier classrooms 3am 3am exit 700 bits how much do you own just 50 kilos of diamonds oh thank goodness i was worried with something more valuable so much diamond you can plant the gel sacks and the planters can you well i need more gel sacs over time i have one gel sac should i just plant that and grow more yes okay well let's give that a go i guess that might be a good idea yeah because if we do that then we can go get copper and more quartz and then we don't have to worry about the eggs because we'll just wait for more to spawn oh i need to can't drop here but i want to cook them okay fine we'll just cook them this way hd meal okay how close are we to building some of these things i could i can make the the gun already there was a computer chip in one of these boxes there was a thing of plastial just sitting here this entire time too oh my god so much [ __ ] diamond stasis rifle we have a gun it's pretty cool oh god wait what what oh god if he can do all that you can survive one more day oh wow okay so that's like a complete force field that has a lot of range on it yeah okay that seems pretty good smell some of the titanium down titanium ingot then i need to make one more thing of plastil there we go okay so what what else do i need i'm still trying to build the two things i have the plastiel [Music] i have one thing of aerogel right now wait did i use that egg to make the aerogel yes i did okay so i i i i can't plant that egg anymore i have everything else uh that's needed for that though i think now as you know i'm missing i have a single thing of course i need one bit of course but we put that additional diamond away so many [ __ ] diamonds uh okay so what what's the shopping list on now i need one thing of course i need i need one of those eggs for the arrow gel i have the ruby uh i need a gel sack one gel sack one thing of course i'm not even gonna bother with that yet because i don't know how to make a kian knight good [ __ ] lord torpedoes you can make sema torpedo you want perimeter defense system oh my to one of some of these things i can i can i'm using a bunch of the diamonds on that what was that one whole reinforcement lithium three titanium that that seems worth it yeah is it in the modification station how do i make that [Music] vehicle upgrade you need a moon pool for that okay all right well uh okay that that's for a different day i i have some other goals right now that i want to try focus on pop the diamond away i need the lydium for something else do i need a quartz i need an egg sac i need a lot of copper right thanks under a thousand bits thank you very much okay oh [Music] all right quartz and a bit of egg and then golden hydrochloric acid deep shrooms and salt deposits [Music] oh god the the crafting just kills me with the amount of resources i need it's so difficult to sort it all [Music] the reinforced dive suit diamond titanium and synthetic fibers how do i make synthetic fibers i need benzene and a fiber mesh how do i make benzene i need three blood oil what do i get the blood oil again i have one blood oil contains blood vine seed and to make this i need the habitat builder to build a plant pod uh which requires some titanium oh and apparently you gotta do that one outside like oh it's killing me with the amount of crafting that's that's an indoor growbed does this have to be outside okay apparently it does but to make this i need an even surface which means i'm gonna oh need was just giving me air i'm gonna need like a foundation and to build a foundation that requires some lead okay so pop that down get the lead get the lead sort through all my get the lead there's the lead [Music] thank you for another thousand bits thank you i gotta place that to place this pop this down exterior growbed is planted now we can interact with the planner plant the blood oil when that grows we can plant some more blood oil which makes it let's make the other acid which we can combine to make the second acid what are we trying to make again the suit thank you wait which suit though which th there's several suits now hang oh this is killing me yeah to make the synthetic fibers so and to make the synthetic fibers we need the benzene which we need the blood oil for so we're making we planted that to make the benzene to plant more plants for the blood oil which we can then use the synthetic fibers and a fiber mesh which only requires two i need creep fine samples now too oh this is hell this is so complicated you know this reminds me of you know in like minecraft mod packs where it's like feed the beast uh i think i don't know like one like some like the bucket or tech at once but this is like if you compound like five of those mods oh and i gotta remember the arrow gels in here too okay that's to make that diving suit progress is being made for that diving suit i just need an egg sack and some enameled glass i need a thing of course i need the sack and i need copper let's let's focus on that because i'm gonna lose my mind if i have to go any longer uh trying to like juggle everything else i need copper quartz and i need those egg sacs okay which pda signal do i have to go for the x-ax was it life part 12 which one was it it was use okay let's go back to lifepod12 to get the egg sacs and the quartz and hopefully find some copper i feel like i haven't studied for a test right now oh god almighty okay let's let's make our way down oh and i need to charge my c mark too because that's running out of battery okay you know when like you've been working for like a solid week and the house has gotten a bit messy and do you know you need to like vacuum the wood like the floor do the dishes do all your laundry just tidy up a bit but you've left it so long that it's like an overwhelming task where you're gonna need like three hours just to clean everything because like i feel like i need to stop playing the game or just manage my resources sometimes i wish i just had like unlimited inventory space or something the inventory space is killing me right now uh they have to go through every time bad time to get out of the [ __ ] let's keep going that was three of them i didn't bring the repair to a lighter did i oh no i brought the repair too have a section 10 quid you're not going to cope with the deepest depths of this game well are you it just seems like too much inventory management i love i want to explore the world more okay we're on a quest for eggs let's hop on that it's just the easy craft mod automatically pulls materials from nearby storage that honestly sounds like a huge quality of life thing and i i am tempted to just get that because it it's kind of ridiculous the amount of time like you just spend uh like looking at i in like your cupboard so just try finding the right things i'm gonna get the blood oil while i'm here too blood oil soundtrack guy [Music] any more jail sex his court's here too scared the [ __ ] out of me that tear too like why is this the music no i hang on hang on music wait that's wrong now we can play this game without getting an anxiety attack [Music] because i uh like otherwise like this is this is what it feels like to be playing otherwise and so it's like he's just going in here you're gonna die you're gonna die any moment now death is imminent your mortality will be tested he just goes a bit too far sometimes i think all right where's another uh gel sucks brad thanks for another thousand bits soundtrack guy be like uh everything must sound like a reaper leviathan he's just he's just going way too far i feel [Music] more thanks for uh 10 quid as well we playing the new fable as a trailer of fable tree love the content by the way i'm planning to do fable tree before i do the new fable i'm very excited for the new fable it's made by the same guys who made forza which is just the one really weird bit and i don't know how it's going to go specifically because of that forest is a very different game to fable okay i got all the courts i need i got the blood i got two jail sacks ah let's go this way and let me just pop the music back on make our way back home i hit a fish i don't even know there's so many sharks around here hello friend please ignore me only the music is coming back too i think i think we upset it i'm waiting for the music to come on again it's just going to be soul of cinder once more thomas thanks for six quid this just in local man gets lost in the neon real while humming mary tunes to himself in the dark more animal crossing we played animal crossing with jesse the other day highlight video before that stream should be up later this week animal crossing i think i'm just going to keep playing track the year uh good stuff kind of just happens they did um they announced in the update uh today that the dream suite is being added back into animal crossing which is huge news um so we're probably going to try and do a stream where we visit like we take some missions to visit towns i was thinking we could do when we just try and find the most cursed towns out there this is we can we can actually visit them in like a reasonable way now because it's back because before it was kind of impossible because you have to like open gate wait to load in then you can walk around but this you can kind of just do in your own time it's like a copy of the world i'll be i'll be like sharing my code from my town too if people want to see that and you can follow that through the year now as a play what's a dream suite it's a feature in animal crossing that lets you visit someone's town without actually without playing with them basically it creates a copy of the world that you can walk around at your at your own pace it was a really nice feature in new leaf and they brought it back for new horizons uh it's going to be coming back in the new august update which i'm just very happy about okay let's make our glass i can make a bunch of [ __ ] now i can make my benzene i need i i have two of the gel things so i'm gonna take i'm gonna craft one with a ruby right now that's the arrow gel i need it okay i needed one thing of enameled glass too there we go have i got everything for both of these things now did i do it i think i'm just missing copper for some i can make the prawn suit i think i have enough for that what am i missing i can make the prawn suit um i can synthetic fibers what do i need for synthetic fibers i need the fiber mesh i think i have a fiber mesh in storage in one of these things fiber mesh and the benzene okay we need two diamonds and two titanium thankfully i have so many [ __ ] diamonds so i i'm still good for a while do i reinforce dive suit do i just fabricate it there we go oh new equipment acquired we get some reinforced gloves reinforced dive suit we don't need the radiation ones anymore i think too i think we're good for those i got more blood oil too so i can i can go plat all that here we go rainforest dives here is pretty fancy i look quite dapper right now okay i i need to plant that other gel sack too don't i planner there you go okay dive suit is made i think the copper i need it for the [Music] the water room wasn't it where's the water room look it's resources and racks are in range that might be handy i guess that's only is that only around my current base i still need to make a moon pool i think i have enough for that uh but we'll get to that in a moment i yeah i need copper and aerogel for that okay but we we made the initial things we needed i'm gonna make a prawn suit i think i have everything two arrow gel two plasteel two diamond and two lead oh let's go pop that glass in that gold away vehicle bait one piranha suit to feel a please of limitless power prawn operators receive weeks of training to counteract this phenomenon you will have to make do with self-discipline oh this one doesn't float hang on excess upgrades this has upgrade modules too power cell its own expanded storage it is two power cells oh i can pick stuff up from when i'm inside this [Music] i can punch oh let me get like so much coral what i think i got it stuck it doesn't seem to work like that okay but that that's that's real interesting this can go to a depth of 900 meters okay so wait okay let me let me pop that down there for a moment i want to see how am i swimming uh i want to see what else i can make for this thing now what other upgrades have i got do i just have a new vehicle now i i can use the seamoth to get around quickly or if i want to get on the ocean floor i can use the prawn suit and that's specifically on foot i imagine it's going to have different uses compared to like the seamoth i can get a jet upgrade i don't have nickel at all [Music] i don't know how to [ __ ] to my can knight it's not it's not even like a list it's craftable i have the prawn suit that module mark ii but not the mark one why it's not very helpful you're the moon pool to upgrade vehicles further i'll get a moon pool before long uh i made the whole reinforcement didn't i no i didn't i need the moon pool for that too efficiency module an extra storage module charge the cmos power cell while in sunlight perimeter defense sonar uh this is the cyclops that a [ __ ] submarine oh i got so many like upgrades for this but nothing else there is like the uh efficiency module here's like sonar uh you can get to an increased depth in your submarine by the way we don't know how to build a submarine like why okay intake recommended oh i need to not die getting a bit peckish i need to take that with me too let me just uh catch dinner real quick vital signs stay here we go honey being able to just cook things instantly take them for water can't escape pretty handy oh uh okay well i i can go to a much greater depth and i have heat resistant diving armor is do i just need to make the moon pool right away now that's what i'm wondering do i need an additional like upgrade for the seamoth to go deep the depth module is defense perimeter you need the moon pool but what do i need from the moon pole here well these just seem like quality of life stuff like do i specifically need torpedoes i can just run from [ __ ] just do it that doesn't answer the question my man it's great to have what do i need from it though that's what i'm asking power i'm i'm honestly okay with power i i've just make sure i hop back i do have resources it's quality of life stuff but i don't see anything here that screams i need to have it the whole reinforcement wouldn't be bad uh moonpool's used for porn upgrades for the prawn suit yeah i get i'll get up for that eventually i'm just trying to like work out what i actually need to do next uh what what is required there's nothing on the radio okay two titanium ingots lubricant and some lead uh i have the lead it's the lubricant i need more for a titanium ingot i need 15 titanium okay it's uh hop on out again the crafting montage like what is if i take the seamoth down to the lava place can i not bring the seam up well i have to leave it behind i feel because i feel like i'm just doing a bunch of errand runs and i'm actually not enjoying that so much i'll have to leave it behind okay can't go that deep well that was only 300 feet the drill iron means you can dig up those big chunks of ore you saw earlier excuse me do i have a recipe for a driller i don't oh nickel or that i i need to go further down purple place is further down there's the prawn suit now so that gets located too what's in my inventory oh it's just a bunch of them i need copper i need copper for my hydration room that's actually my next goal uh where would i find copper i think that's what i want next might be a few scraps here i can pick up for that i think i needed some titanium too get these bits anything else in this wreckage i feel like i've plucked a lot of this dry i need a [ __ ] load of copper um actually wait no how much copper was it 10 copper specifically i need was it three copper wire i need it i do need copper i don't know if i just like picked an arbitrary amount though and said like that's how much copper i need let's see god i i i just want to explore the world uh at the moment i think i feel like i'm on like a wild chase i need titanium for the moon pool there's one copper wire i need to wait for the other thing to grow so i can make arrow gel i have one bit of ruby left you're mine he has water in him yo yeah i'm i'm i think i have the copper i need now oh i think it's is it two or one for a wire i'm close to the amount it's two okay so let me just load up on some more titanium then stacy's rifle takes up a lot of space jesus and once we get some more titanium we can just make our way back there's a thing sled quite a bit here i guess we're gonna have more copper makes like a special jingle every time you find gold you need four more titanium that was a quick match you worked out my man 14 yeah that's the purple place oh no thank you yeah i i don't know how i feel about this part of the game because i i i feel like i have to stop and get all this [ __ ] but stopping to this extent isn't i'm not finding that fun because it feels like i need like an overwhelming amount of stuff right now uh what can i i need that it's extra copper yeah i i don't know how i feel about the spit of the game i think this has been my least favorite so far i i have to go back to the captain quarters too and see what was in there i did get that code yeah it just it just feels a bit slow right now and i i've done a lot of grinding already i would have thought that it's like i can understand like yeah you gotta go get like new bits but now it's like you need like 40 more titanium and i was like oh okay you know that doesn't seem too fun to me mine's an extra thousand bits to start going back to work again so it's afraid to miss the stream you've inspired me to finally pick this up and it's been fun comparing and progress and seeing how we do things differently i'm glad man i hope you're enjoying it yeah even with me i i'm still like greatly enjoying this game uh that goes without saying i feel like this part i don't like just all the grinding that i have to do sometimes and that's that that's what might be my biggest complaint with it so far like i just want to get out and explore the ocean man uh i need i need more titanium too i haven't got enough so i gotta get back out there and i need more water uh let me just do that below zero has less of a grind well that that's good yeah below zero is like the dlc sequel kind of isn't it roby thank you for the 10 quid thank you very much hope you're enjoying the content man [Music] did not like me drinking that water epic thanks for a thousand bits as well thank you okay so yeah i got the water i need to go get back and get the titanium now i can't forget what i'm supposed to be doing too because i feel like there's so many goals that i just have to grind and collect for i think a lot i think a lot of it could just be fixed like the the inventory system was bigger because then you could just like gather more [ __ ] so like when you see something cool you pick it up and it's like less like uh back and forth i'm just curious what other people think about it because some people here like you know like somebody usually got like 200 hours in this game i'm just wondering what your thoughts are hey the pin recipes of the heads-up display and below zero that that's good yeah so you can kind of keep track of what you're working on oh that'll do i'll do yeah it just kind of feels like i'm going back and forth all the time right now don't seem to use the seam on inventory i do it's got some extra supplies in case i'm in a bind it's called like my first aid kit and like emergency stuff uh the stuff that i'm putting in the seamoth that's probably i don't always need but it's there it's like i got like an extra beak and i got like the iron cube a bunch of hell i got a bunch of my food in there i am using them go um okay that's the titanium ingots is that everything i needed for the moon pool i need to make copper wire as well thank you for a thousand bits as well thank you very much oh there's the blood oil that's come in the gel sac has only grown one i have to punch it i do yeah okay there's like a decorative busher pop down okay well that that seems fine uh okay so i can't make that just yet but i should be able to make the moon pool yep the sake of progress and enjoy it make a scanner room highlights all the material speeds up the grind a lot after that you'll be on a roll of making stuff trust me on this one okay we'll we'll grind up for that too then i think uh okay i i haven't used this bit at all if i like deconstruct this that room i can pop it on there goodbye room moonpool this this is not connect rotate it how do i rotate it again the moon pool doesn't show a connection but it will connect so if i build it here is it okay i can deconstruct it so just quickly too far forward but those are the two slots after weeks without human contact it is normal to experience psychological discomfort research indicates symptoms may be partly alleviated by adopting a pet or anthropomorphizing seems a bit okay yeah that that's just they gotta that's just a glitch they gotta fix that that's kind of bad okay but we got it working there we go okay moonpool has been established put the scene on in there oh yeah we gotta do it at least once let's let's park our car hang on oh wow no it picks it up oh that's kind of cool okay i gotta work on this a bit too yo okay so now i need a vehicle upgrade station do i vehicle upgrade console building the moon pool to upgrade docked vehicles i just need a computer chip for that it it never ends does it oh good god that was a 60 of the way so i need a computer chip for that what do i need for a computer chip i need coral gold and copper wire coral coral i have any coral no so i need to go out and get coral i'm tempted to just like go get like a hundred of each resource and just have a cabinet room just so i can build like everything because it just it just feels kind of stupid constantly going back and forth oh wait and on that that used the copper wire i had so i need to make a little of those yeah like you're like a hundred of each thing get that mod that lets you pull resources from cupboards and then just go crazy with it that have to go there has to just go against a wall that where it goes oh it charges when it's docked too that's really handy yeah so i never have to change the battery now and this is her fabricating what is this and change the color of it oh my god uh oh we got the name what do we call it the ss cosmo okay in love and memory of our departed fish kind of like just that yeah i think that looks kind of cool there we go that's much easier for us to see now it's mcdonald's colors oh we're gonna have the mcfish fill it okay give me a lithium and some diamonds [Music] i felt the ground i pushed the boundaries of the vehicles i had in the places i didn't explore yet yeah that's probably what i'm gonna i'm gonna do so don't don't worry too much there i guess just a way to go forward thank you though okay i'm making like a reinforced hole for it because that seems i need lithium i need four diamonds as well have i have i used all my diamonds oh my god i have i never thought i'd see the day if i put another locker on it does that expand the existing locker yes it does okay is there anything else i want that module i don't need perimeter defense don't really mind torpedo system i don't really mind a copper wire and two magnetite persona okay well i i kind of do want that do i want sonar or like more stuff like cupboard space oh my god i'm so much more yeah thanks for a thousand bits i see this is all just a ruse to expand mcdonald's to other worlds sonar people are saying sonar okay so any copper wire and two magnetite all right let me run back again upper wire magnetite run on back sonar that's a small storage locker is the it would is the one there bigger no that's a small storage locker as well well that's all the upgrades i can pop on it okay we use the light survival bits we told you you needed more diamonds i did i was a fool can't believe i had to use up all my diamonds i i think i think yeah we're gonna need to just explore more now um do i have i might be able to make the water generator before i go that might be ready now i just need one of them for one more gel isn't it okay what do i need for this one now too one aero gel one copper wire tree titanium okay so one two three there's a copper that for the aerogel am i out of copper already we need we need another piece of copper oh my god this is what i mean right now honey i'm i'm popping out to the shops i'm gonna get all the groceries is there anything you need yeah just milk nothing else milk's all i need you sure you sure that's all we need you know the i'm making the trip now i could try and bring more no just milk you come back 40 minutes later honey i got the milk why didn't you get the bread that that that's what it feels like right now i get the scanner room too i there's so much [ __ ] to crying for okay i'm just getting this getting this real quick these guys dropped sulfur i'm going to need like 40 sulfur for like the next bill of america i should pick that up too god only knows i'm gonna need like 27 pieces of glass i should get all the courts now i just need your silver i don't even know what i'm gonna need sulfur probably i guarantee you i'm gonna need it soon back in we go science copper wire water filtration machine it's a space in here for me to put this down no i can i can pop it next to my bed that that should be fine okay so that's gonna filter water and salt oh is that gonna that's gonna make both bottles of water for me then and salt is it what's going on what why oh god is it fixed i need to reinforce it your 0.5 hole how do i reinforce it is everything gonna be okay in storage the next while because like i'm not gonna fix this in time oh my god there's holes everywhere how did this happen at least the aquarium fish are safe oh my god okay so what do i need how do i reinforce it titan tree titanium and lithium i don't have much lithium i haven't needed lithium for much at all most of the game totals now six point did that fix it oh no i still need to plug all the holes what caused that to like just like compress what did i do we go i think your base will decrease the whole integrity i just didn't expect that to be so dramatic are these potatoes gonna be okay i think they've been pretty well watered uh oh i even like the [ __ ] moon pool hull integrity restored draining systems initiated thank god for that there we go you can get some oxygen again jesus christ okay so i i need to build like a few of those panels then do i let me let me just pop in a few right now just so we don't have this problem later we also have no power now apparently uh it just never ends it started with me trying to like improve my submarine i think i've come out with like a prawn suit a water filtration system whole reinforcement like a parking garage you know when you like go into ikea and you're just looking to build a chair and you come out with like like two wardrobes a dresser unlike like you know one of those like cuddly pandas like you pop in the back of the sofa i i i didn't come in for this much a bulkhead provides structural support and prevents flooding i can build those wherever apparently i can make a bioreactor compost organic compost organic matter into electrical energy um to like power out of stuff i want to do the least effort means of power and everything would it bees make more solar panels i need two courts titanium either i don't have more copper or do i okay lads we got to go to the shops again honey you forgot the eggs thermal plant with thermal work here have lubricant what do i need for the wiring no it's not warm enough okay so for a solar panel oh it just doesn't [ __ ] end i need one more titanium and one more copper i still need to make the scanner room too i haven't had time what are you doing all the way over here that i'm dehydrated and uh this thing's almost out of power okay honey i i i came back with the eggs why didn't you buy rice krispies why didn't you buy the seven kinds of cereal i requested gotta rehydrate look at the long march that is building in subnautica it's it's just so much after this i i want to just get back to the ship fabricators out of power now great vital signs stabilizing oh my god go back into the life raft this is broken oh my god i i just want to get back to exploring yeah we're gonna we'll we'll we're gonna go like make a move in a moment i even break i don't know fish must have come over or something i need i need more water too i can already tell you i'm gonna run out of water and i need to remember to recharge my battery unequip an equip i can use this one again let's get the titanium we need uh i have the titanium i have all the quartz i'm gonna make two more solar panels i hope to god that's enough for the next wall so i need a bit more titanium i need two copper ore yeah one more titanium and two copper so we made like seven shopping trips in 10 minutes honey last column i'm leaving now is are you sure there's anything else you want no i'm good [ __ ] didn't even drop any salt that does supposed to give me sulfur ah there okay where where is copper and just a cheeky bit more limestone there's a lot of creature eggs a bit more in here that i missed before copper copper that's all the copper i need a bit that i missed before i'll take the courts because god only knows i'll need more this is going to the store stream i want to explore but it's like i'm trying to build this stuff okay i have it i have everything let's let's finish the shopping trip hey honey i'm home and i'm filing for a divorce can't keep doing this to me let's build the solar panels i just pop them around like i pop them on there there we go yeah is that is that gonna be enough power for the foreseeable future am i am i good after all that [Music] here to build a submarine you need 70 solar panels it's mandatory to complete the game axis battery charger an equip i should have that in the battery charger apparently you can't charge that that's a power self i pop that power cell in the c mark will that charge the last of its energy we pop it in there we go that's gonna charge it okay that means i can pop this extra battery uh just in here okay i think i have enough first aid kits too i think like i take one of them and put it away pop that in there how how's the water filtration going jesus it's just dispense the cube of salt water filtration the water's no good but here's the salt we got that for you pop a cube in your next drink that one's almost there at least okay are we good we could on everything i think we are i'm gonna get a few more bladder fish just for some extra water and then i'm i'm done with crafting for the rest of the stream you're coming with me sunshine i'm gonna squeeze your neck if there's any more crafting get our water and we can go ah that's that's another one any more bladder fish here bladder fish oh don't like me those aren't ladder fish this right your filtration machine will have water too good enough for me i was only looking for one more there anyway oh i'll take him though here's to water has been acquired just here to kill these fish there we go uh sanzo thank you for your 1200 bits earlier trust vit the bioreactor is the best way to go in the long run uh i'm good with this the solar panels for now but thank you okay we have made water this makes large water oh my how much water weight oh i need to manage the inventory now of this thing and i keep forgetting that it's in the moon pool put them in there and now i just need to organize my equipment a bit i think i have everything i'll need i don't i i'm just going to i'll need that in my person i'm going to like the big ship so i i don't think i'll need most of this i'm gonna i'm gonna put in some extras like storage stuff here my god emergency power only okay let's put this stuff away it's just night time it's what happens when you make a base that's just solar power okay i'm good to go i'm good to go let's make our way the ship redo my half bar real quick because it's a mess at that i'll use the stasis rifle now i guess flashlight scanner is real good and i need the fire extinguisher for the ship i can sleep it's true wait when it's out of power isn't there no oxygen in here asleep no that's not that's not questioning it too much carbon dioxide poisoning okay let's go i'm ready press three for the sonar how does sonar work it doesn't seem to track anything right now oh oh okay i use a point of power each time i click it i imagine it's going to use more power it uses a lot of power don't mind me lads i've never taken the seamoth this close to the rear need to be doing okay all right all right we're here everyone keeps freaking out every time i enter the ship like the only time i've died here has been like intentionally going out into the water there like i've been fine otherwise i don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be okay let's make our way inside can i cook the no he crab drop anything oh you're useless okay make our way back on i think we have everything we want i never made a propulsion rifle did i do i need that to continue in this ship no you don't it's optional oh okay let's stroke a look okay make our way inside that was a mistake all right it's true here i have to go before it was past pran bay i think i think it was in the quarters over here go i do jump off of high ledges and casually break my legs oh no okay 2679 thank you we got it earlier captain's quarters what's in here an aurora miniature integrating new pda data blueprints the neptune escape rocket oh god how much am i gonna need to build this this is the end game this is what we need to get off the planet don't we after i i i need to disable the um the rocket well the cannon but then i'm gonna use this aren't i okay all right i'm in aurora poster too any any new furniture i can get that's is that everything in the ship then have i explored this entire thing because i thought that was going to unlock another section [ __ ] yeah we finished the ship okay do i want to look at the blueprint for this oh yeah good where where does it show up alien containment where is this that's a cyclops neptune launch platform provides a stable service from which to launch the neptune this is the first thing i need to build i mean that's that's not so bad to start with i think i have the lead i need a [ __ ] ton of titanium again i cannot even see the ingredient like the recipe for the rocket i need a computer chip to build a platform that's a good question just pop that on yeah well that was a relatively short trip inside this time is is there anything else i can get here for titanium because because i i gonna need a lot a lot you like scanned all the prawn suits stuff there's one up there yeah i can scan this real quick only gives two feel like that should reward a bit more okay um we're gonna need a bunch of titanium we're gonna craft our way off this planet apparently that's how you win you're gonna craft and grind until you get everything okay don't make the rocket yet there's no point well no because it's two goals to get off it it we need the rocket and we need to stop that cannon right so there is a point in building the rocket because we do actually eventually have to build it i'll see if i can pick up a bunch of scrap on the way back from here because i'm not out here as often so like there might just be a bunch of it lying in the ocean can't build it i can build the platform guys come on now no backstage was a big boy dive question is how do you shut off the cannon that's the thing yeah uh like if it's just like i got a craft for like seven years since like okay i can i'll figure that out eventually yeah the main the main challenge right now is working out where to get all the other bits i'm sorry working out the cannon oh that's him there isn't it i think i saw him i need to go use the sonar oh yeah that that that's him there let's get a move on it's a breed attacks for a thousand bits you can play below zero after you finish this game uh i don't know yet i'm having fun with this game for the moment i try not to think too far ahead and you know i i don't like committing to too much at once oh i need all of this for the rocket platform am i safe right now yeah apparently a bit dark which is scary but it'll be okay hello friend oh i i i forget i have the gun now too the inventory i can make enough space for this yeah i have enough now get that scrap there's one more there if i can clear two bits but i think i have it all i need it was two of the ingots which is um 20 i believe this is 10 a piece yeah so i have everything i need you know the game journey to savage planet i don't there was a capsule um hammy actually um one of our mods advised against getting the capsules because apparently people can just write spoilers in them which i i didn't actually realize myself the first time i got one seems like a bit of a shame and i wouldn't want people to just spoil the game while i'm playing i got one before and i got quite lucky with the resources but i wouldn't want to chance that every time just in case okay let's get the bed before the oxygen runs out of water real quick blacks thanks for 1000 bits i don't know what that means please don't spoil the game for me thank you drink one of them well people just subbing and inspiring the game if they do that then the mods have full liberty to just time them out for like a week or something i i i trust him on stuff like that okay so let's melt that down we need two ingots uh what else i need for the rocket launch i can make the platform i assume there's gonna be more to craft after it but i can make the platform i might as well i'm gonna need it eventually there did it go a computer chip and four lead one two three four that's not lead okay add a lead to the shopping list i think we currently do not have any how do i make a computer chip copper wire coral uh okay i need i need one copper and then i need some more lead uh the shopping trip uh never ends okay pop that all away for now uh yeah we'll we'll pop this in our home too get a nice poster there we go we have a model so just pop that there oh no it doesn't let me do that and just pop it on the bed there we go look you did it you beat the aurora part leave that there i guess you're gonna buy the ship that almost kills you every day exactly okay um what do i need another bottle of water okay so i need a lead and some more copper uh let i can get fire down i'm gonna say [ __ ] it and we go for it to an expedition at the bottom of the world how far down can i go what's the deepest we've been able to go where would that be go 900 meters now that was at the bottom of the purple place wasn't it ironically the message that i last right there in chat was be careful ah jesus canadian thanks for thoughts and bits thanks to streams from nautica i also fear the oceans i thought never play but now i love the game i'm glad i'm more so scared what you find in the ocean like i don't like the idea that you're being stalked or something just like [ __ ] jump attacks uh that gets me bored and i feel very anxious while i'm playing this game uh just because there's stuff all around you mildly terrified of what's in here diamonds i'm sorry i made fun of you before i do actually need them again what was the one i needed it was lead do i get lead from this one that i'm collecting right now it's sandstone for that one oh okay uh i mean getting a bit of diamond isn't gonna be the worst thing okay journey to the center of the air sorry there was a cave to go further down in here oh no soundtrack guys back in full force it goes over here more don't mind me don't mind me i blame the soundtrack guys over here yes yes it is okay all right we gotta be real careful here this is a good point to save is there a way further down oh guys do is the way further down in the hole no this isn't where i need to be is it not what cave are you guys talking about i've gone the wrong way it was the signal the 500 down one wasn't it oh we missed it oh no she's a kilometer and a half away ah let's let's head on back sorry leeches i took a wrong turn [Music] that's a better resource and that's always neat but true i i did pick up a few bits so it's not the end of the world okay uh yeah let's make our way back it doesn't seem like i can access anything more in the purple cave anyway so we seem to have picked up everything there we know where to come back from magnetite if we need that gotta be careful to not bop it on the way out don't mind me uh don't mind me she's the complete opposite direction okay i'm gonna like swing by the base we'll take the same out for this for now i know we just got the prawn suit but i'm worried if i take the prawns so i'm not gonna be able to get it back up because so that seems to just sink to the bottom real easy people doing bop it in chat because i said i know guys oh dear steph thanks for 100 bits good luck in the trial the master sword man okay we're gonna go down deeper than we've ever gone before cook it murder it bop it oh no blenders i know like mercedes gla still like the dream sponsor but i think if uh if blendtec ever approached me um i'd promote their products i think i would be very on board with uh making a video of me just blending different [ __ ] don't mind me friends i'd make i'll make the call thank you you already did a baby you could do more jesus christ get a sponsoring boat and blended chili what size blender would you need to blend as like a car why would anyone need this product it's just like a murder machine you would not want to be cleaning it almost down there there was a big ghost fish here wasn't there doesn't seem to be here right now it was a real big one though was this the cave now actually seems to be back up this is the cave over here all right we're at a depth of 500 meters this cave looks massive so we're going to save right here here we go [Music] oh good god it's very dark down here very green too apparently are you friendly it doesn't seem too interested in me right now but we obviously have to keep an eye on you [Music] like you the guy [ __ ] screamed at me oh good god it just goes deeper how far down does this go we're almost at 900 meters oh i don't like this at all i'm not going to be able to go much further what deposit is this even down here it's still just sandstone what are you regular coral just regular courts i think nickel was the thing i needed wasn't it i think that was like the new resource let me get back in the pod and see what we need for like the new deptometer i think the cmoc can't go any further i think i have to bring the pop prawn suit at some point um i've that module mark two but i don't have that module mark one and that just says maximums that doesn't give me any idea how far it goes this is the max for the c map but i think i'm at the right place we need to stock up on some resources while we're down here i just eat him raw i need i need the storage space okay uh pop the diamonds away like a hell kit pop the there was the fire extinguisher away i doubt i'm gonna need a fire extinguisher with this far underwater rectangle 500 bits you have the mark one already it's just in the vehicle upgrade tab wait really why oh yeah because it's modification station oh okay do i just need nickel i need nickel and yeah ruby i can find down here already i assume nicholas down here somewhere you friendly dinner oh and there's some kind of alien technology down here too oh oh that it has appeared it has been summoned this alien structure appears to have collapsed to the sea floor portal guys is still here on the piste i go inside hello detecting an alien broadcast linguistic analysis reads caution hazardous materials and life forms contained with ion cube here interior walls in this section are substantially reinforced indicating the designers were seeking either to keep something out or contain it within whatever their intention it clearly failed oh boy a lot of jellyfish things but i can't harvest those hey dinner oh [ __ ] the one time i don't bring adobe premiere oh but i hope it gives me one in here being very generous with the ion cubes right now i feel like do i have a beacon i feel like this might be an important one to my actually the beacon here might not be too handy because i'm so far on the water i had to go through like a huge trench yeah the best beacon is probably like the one at the start because i i can actually get down here from there beacon here would just confuse the [ __ ] out of me every time i missed the entrance [Music] class killer [ __ ] thanks for a thousand bits i played this game during high school english class in 2015. i changed as my teacher walked by years later my friend told me the entire class can see my screen clearly reflect on the window behind me oh that's funny now let me let me get into the sea mod again and just bring it down bring it in a little more just for oxygen uh oria thanks for the ten quid as well hey i've been watching your count for over two years now it's my first ever donation it kept me sane in uni or simultaneously chaotic and common it's magical subnautic is my favorite game too you have a favorite creature yet oh yeah the crab squid i'm mad about that one absolutely love it oh oh you scaring the [ __ ] out of me sea dragon egg let's stop the scan in here rib cage great specimens there's a lot of lore here not like that noise integrating new pda data data terminal uh it's an adobe tablet residual biological evidence suggests indigenous life forms were brought to this location and subjected to adobe study biological matter data pertaining to the bacterium is being downloaded caution detecting atypical fluctuations in blood plasma proteins a self bacterial infection has spread to the skin and pulmonary system okay i'm not doing too good it is you find a way to neutralize the infection oh god that's not good wait oh these guys are robots oh they they they weren't just fish oh no i'm am i gonna need to come back with a tablet because i've i did forget mine am i not going to be able to continue unless i have it is is there a tablet down here oh that bit of glass is broken hang on okay let me go back for air real quick another ion cube there isn't one here that's a real shame i'm gonna have to come back and just see what's in there skeletal remains remains of research specimen okay it's the is there anything else i need are we good now self scan is a bit worrying these days anything inside you i gotta check i'm gonna need to come back when i get a [ __ ] tablet oh i can't believe i forgot one one time welcome aboard captain [ __ ] you adobe so that that's just a robot thing that's not an actual fish it's interesting i'm gonna mark this anyway i think just because so i can access it when i go underground again easy it might be a good idea okay right on the map we won't lose sight of it now okay i still haven't seen nickel i'm still looking for that found some extra copper i know we did need a that's right you better run that can't be good so i i gotta get out of here i gotta come all the way back but just with a tablet i don't think there's anywhere else i can go right now down here hello friend that's marked on the back yep where's my [ __ ] jesus christ i don't like being pulled out of my ship i really don't like that it says this fell is is there like a hole up here somewhere i can just go through it's not like or if i gotta go all the way down every time to get here i don't i don't see a source a nickel you gotta go all the way that's that's a bit annoying deposits but it's all just limestone that's not what i need can i go in this no that that that is corrosive um is there anything down there of note can i go in no that's just acid the nickel is in there oh good gut what what does it look like because there is stuff under there you have to be quick nickel ore oh no oh god damn it you're right is is it is there loose bits of it if i go down here with a prawn suit will i be able to walk into that yeah i will and you can find loose ones too okay get little bits outside the brine too it's just so hard to see like i'm trying to like comb it that's all nickel isn't it oh there's so much of it is that me whoops a lot of courts under here oh it's not really courts it's just grass you might have better luck in another bit of brine yeah i think it didn't like that noise if i head back to a different area i might be able to search there i guess thanks for five quid your customer congrats and we're doing your lights for adobe malware check out our user's guide for details now to start off your time with this premium deadly viral infection now you don't it came from over here so let's go back that way is that a bit it's just diamonds dude nickel is small and it's gray that was a [ __ ] hand try i'm trying to just like concentrate and like pay attention the moment i go under i'm just trying to see if i can see even a piece of it like crazy thank you it's crazy dude thank you for the five gift subs thank you very much all i see is big deposits i don't i don't see a single standalone piece there's one [ __ ] it was a trick of the light oh my god i so i have to come all the way back here with my bronzer like that that's that's the only way isn't it i don't see any other way about this pretty much nicer just regular coral down here okay we gotta get back out then look how do i even get the big nickel deposits what it would because i i haven't found tech for that at all i don't even see tech for that down here dude get a drill iron for the prawn suit oh god is it in is in it's in that temple behind the adobe premiere room isn't it no it's not oh okay i could just totally see the game pulling that one on me okay let's let's get back out i need a drill arm for a prawn suit then but i i don't have a blueprint for that as far as i know i need to upgrade the prawns dude then to like continue going here i don't think i can get any further without it hello friend i'm just on my way home i would not like any trouble thank you don't do it i'm gonna come all this way back down with the prawn soup the adobe premier arm has a ham and cheese sandwich oh and the moment we come out of course like the soundtracks guys like oh it's nice to see you again did you miss me [ __ ] out the life part here the there must be a because of the way this game works and it's logic right oh it directs you towards the stuff you need the the drill arm it has to be a one of like the life parts i just didn't investigate if i was to hazard a guess but i think i've been to them all no you find it in the wrecks is there a wreck all the way down here is this life pods at the bottom of the ocean oh there's a big boy gotta have a look there are very deep down racks so so i'm gonna have to go down again because i even if i bring the prawn suit there right now i'm not gonna be able to mine that nickel because i i simply don't have a drill for it yet i don't like how exposed i am on the ocean floor here too there's a lot of shark guys so presumably there might be a sorry it might be a wreck the only rack here is going to be me if i'm not careful sorry near the island we go i'm a long way from home just make landfall here a moment oh [ __ ] big jump god almighty 100 points to dan thank you thank you [ __ ] you adobe okay let's let's make our way back home for now and i'm gonna have to think about where i'm supposed to go next i got the lead in copper i think i can make i can make the platform can i we should do that maybe just explore some areas you haven't seen yet yeah i i have been trying to i guess what i'd have to keep exploring till we find that drill because going deeper seems to be the goal in mind don't dig too deep i'll try not to i think i don't have any choice for some of this we're back home hello friend oh i can dock it i keep forgetting that okay here we go oh that was an expedition i forgot to eat him still restores one food though a meal is a meal all right what do i what do i need for this then i'm building the moon the the platform thing let's see what time is it okay let's see i always forget where it is it's next like the vehicles that kind of makes sense two titanium ain't got four lead and a chip oh [ __ ] i didn't get any lead ah you know i don't have it in me to go out and grind again i'm gonna call it there for tonight yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna call it there i think that's a good point because i have done so much grinding today that uh i'm i'm gonna take a break but thank you everyone for coming by the stream tonight i hope you all had fun uh we'll try and pick this up again before too long jesus christ the amount of work we have to do on our base that time it felt like endless shopping lists i was losing my mind trying to like micromanage everything i needed to collect ah god i cannot wait to get the drill if there's one in the game because well then i can just get a deposit and then presumably i'm gonna get a lot of a resource in one go just like real shopping next time i've installed the mod i am tempted to get the mod where it's just like it it sorts your inventory or like just pulls from inventory in your base because the amount of times i have to like dig through a cupboard to see if i have something it might be like a worthwhile investment oh that's even necessarily cheating i think that just saves like a bit of time and a quality of life improvement for when you're crafting ah there he's thanking everyone it's up to that that's a lot of [ __ ] subs yeah i think that everyone gave bits as well uh the next stream uh on the last stream i believe but you know it's not the last stream for this week because there is something happening on the weekend but the next stream is going to be thursday uh i'm i'm not going to be doing wednesday night and i i think i'm going to be changing the stream schedule just a little bit uh in the near future i'm gonna try dial back down from like doing the five day streams a week just because it it been doing that since basically march or so and i kind of want to just reclaim some time and have a bit more like kind of time off in the week just to make things a bit easier um so i'm i'm thinking of like redoing like the days i stream and stuff like that soon i'll keep people post on that when i know uh for the time being over this week there will be a stream thursday and that will be the next one uh that should be good okay let's do this thanks for a thousand bits right at the end uh live stream has always been a while since i popped by and i'm glad i did hope you have a good rest rt don't let the squid crabs catch you thank you very much thank you everyone for understanding about sub mode too uh i hope that that was way less stressful for me just i think this is a game where it's like like you have to learn it and i i i think just letting me learn is probably the best way to go about it otherwise i'll get frustrated um so thank you for bearing with me on that folks uh if you do want to stick around just two minutes i am gonna rate someone i'm going to leave you in the loving care of who who is going at this time of day uh ravs is doing dark souls 3 uh stream title is a magical boy destroys the dlc uh that sounds like good fun raz is a lovely lad go say hey uh dark souls 3 dlc as well is [ __ ] fantastic so you you should definitely swing by it's a real entertaining watch yeah thank you for coming though folks i will see you all thursday have a good night guys you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 65,051
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-693401063, rtgamecrowd, do do dodo do do do do doo doo, Subnautica, Twitch, Gaming, do, dodo, doo, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish, die, i want die, poespas, poe, minecraft, pokemon, woolie, callmekevin, forza
Id: v5r3I8pKxCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 17sec (13997 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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