RTGame Archive: Temtem

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oh [ __ ] I already hit record will start I got one thing I got hang on okay hey hey folks how's it going good to see you all here let me just clean my glasses and pop them up uh no can you hear me okay we haven't gotten can't do an audio check just yet because the main menu for this game currently does not have music we're playing an alpha build of ish we can hear you fine cool how is it going guys good to see you yeah I'm popping on my glasses now and I'll pop out the stream notices too so once these are clean say again okay let's just pop out a tweet about the deal discord ping how do people feel about like the double discord ping and like the double tweets I've been doing lately I actually kind of want to ask just before we dive into anything cuz I've been trying to going to give more notice for the streams and I don't just want to feel like I'm bothering folks with that but you like the double discord things I know how people get about discord things the double is great okay alright I I just want to make sure people are actually okay with that because on YouTube like the reason I'm doing it this way now is goes on the YouTube community post it takes like two hours for it to reach people's feeds anyway so what I do is I pop it up like tree or two hours in advance so people have time to see and they kind of just gather on the stream so I've been trying to do that on both like Twitter and discord now as well just to say hey stream later I'm probably gonna start doing it on Instagram too because I know that you can do stories on lash so if people happen to be using mash like there's gonna be stream notices there too in future that's good to know too okay if you put people aren't bothered by that this is her stream from RT that I'm on early so I guess it worked true yeah that seems to be a good amount of you here I think it is working well actually got the YouTube notification this time you know the YouTube notifications are real weird but they don't like always appear in oh god but how is it going though folks you're all very welcome to the stream we are playing look at this game this one's called Tim Tim as some of you might remember this as a Kickstarter game from want to say two years ago 2017 well you know what I mean with look of like seven days in the 2020 this is an MMO that is heavily inspired by Pokemon but heavily inspired to the extent there's like tight matchups you catch you catch monsters and you battle them but it's it's an MMO so it's got like a really cool twist on it and you can actually see other people in the wild now I'm not sure how many who will have on because the game is not actually released yet I do want to mention going into this like thank you the devs were actually giving me a key for it they hit me up and they asked him I mean tries to it's like yeah I love my Pokemon so thank you very much fly it marason thank you very much for the rageous their immersion was just playing Tim Tam himself there thank you very much man hope you had a good one and I'm glad the key worked for you oh yeah so we're gonna dive into this I know I know there's gonna be like a lot of like comparisons off the bat so it's like you know the kiss isn't Pokemon but you know it it's not beating around the bush and like saying that like we're not associated with Pokemon or like related it's it's very clearly inspired and it's just trying to improve on it which i think is a good thing you know the more competition we have or games like that the more game for us the tribe of mainline Pokemon and this one what's good yeah let me just adjust the audio now that we got music I think it's slightly to live so hang on you just did a little more how's that that sound okay competition good monopoly bad basically and this one actually is an interesting take on it because again it's an MMO [Music] okay let's see so how are we gonna do this is there a randomize button all those are random okay right let's see who we want to get stuck with let's see I don't know if we're gonna be able to get like bars from our Pokemon play I guess this fellow we want that haircut do we want to keep randomizing that I think that's the guy I think that still won keep it keep it yeah okay all right well we can tweak a couple of things wait no ah [ __ ] I think I'm not my controllers broken am i okay this is kind of bad the right bumper on my ps4 controller actually isn't working it's kind of like stiff I have another controller hang up I'll swap this real quick okay okay it seems to be alright [Music] okay so we can't we can change any of the features that we well I think we're honestly ok with most of these oh wait no we can go in our Underpants hang on wait can we yes oh my god we can just not have a shirt like that so like oh no it got cursed real quick no okay keep keep the hair the hair is important we have a bag we'll make the bag yeah we'll make the by kind of match the undies there we go I will make will make the hair match the undies to hang on there we go go balls no we're not going bald I thought we liked that hair okay we're going bald Oh okay this is this is cursed all right okay wait we can pick head shape - no III think head no don't discard our current character I think everything else is good I think the eyes are perfect let me see yeah III I think that's that's spot-on I color we'll just make him gray it's mr. cleek it's so clean like you just got out of the shower oh no oh I'm just before I miss as well cuz cuz I'm actually by myself today out what Abby's and schwifty thank you for a hundred bees each bees bits thank you for a hundred bits each appreciate it guys okay I think I think we're good we can pick a style it's strong and powerful now I kind of like the strong imposing one is that we're exertion our presence make the eyes red okay oh and so that's how we'll look for animation he's coming for you watch I help okay how do we finish choose a name for your character we're not actually just gonna be mr. clean oh okay all right it's mr. clean at this point in the stream I would like to apologize to the developers for making the mistake of giving me early access to your game I'm sure they're already reconsidered okay it's mr. clean okay that's actually pretty cool if I have fair play a voice and we can we play the voice we like this one or we'll go the voice to what it sounds like he's 12 or something but no he's like a grown 40 year old man and he he's coming for he can't finish mr. clean mr. clean still sleeping come on wakey-wakey [ __ ] good morning mr. clean I had a dream well you better wake up fast they're all waiting for you hmm hi you sleepyhead you really don't remember what day it is today it's I always speak today is my apprentices Eve exactly my dear congratulations we've got one Tempe dia ok so this is our pokédex I imagine the quintessential device every Taymor should have the tempe dia records crucial info on every tempt him seen and caught yours is a present from is it ina is that her name aina ina i think your parents ina here's your apprentices present it's just what I wanted soon you'll be heading to the academia so I figure you need a good Tempe dia I love you too mom I love you too mystically you keep my kitchen like I could just lemony fresh so you know how it works and P do this all the time time I capture in stores info at them professor Konstantinos showed us how to use it that's a bit of a mouthful and now you have your own I'll hurry up they're all waiting for you oh boy I love mr. clean yeah oh you see moved pretty quick yep so again just to stress this is an alpha build this is pre-release alright so it says that we were mr. clean hash tag number twenty thousand nine hundred and forty nine yeah I'm playing with a controller too so I may not be using the text so much so people know I figured her a game like this it kind of makes sense to use a controller that are home sweet home [Music] it's mr. clean Congrats a few prentices Eve mr. clean all of the dire is here to see you in your underwear mr. clean just appreciate your fresh boxers congratulations mr. clean you know it's a big day for you but we're also going to miss you our kitchens are gonna go to [ __ ] once you leave got you a little pocket money for the trick it's academia it's not much but we've all chipped in oh thank you so much my dear neighbors mr. clean was your friend max this is max is the music too loud do I need to turn it down a bit yeah is that any better if I turn it down more I'm just making sure that we got it right it's good it's a bit better okay we'll try this hello max were waiting for professor Konstantinos a kid's that you're ready well hello sir Besser Konstantinos please take care of mr. clean adopting him our children they grow so fast and one day they're gone mom I feel like I've not been a child for at least like 30 years I look about the same age as you I'm gonna be honest with ya don't worry my dear I know I'll drop mr. clean and Max off at the akkad at the academia on my way to the University can we go with you feel a bit too young to come with me to university max who knows perhaps one day if you persevere what about you mr. clean big plans for the future launch a new line of cleaning products mr. clean isn't that good of handling Tim Tim but that's okay don't worry mr. clean and always stay here and take care of our ice Hey dude don't don't [ __ ] on my dreams max mr. clean max mr. clean sounds like a mr. clean cleaning product maximum cleaned with drop by the lives will drop by to my lab to grab a couple of things and it will be on our way take care of mr. clean I love you I know you will do great come on kids let's go although running Turk they're running in chair they use this to open yes how does this work this is the ten pedia okay so there's no slots in that so I do like d-pad thing like the touchpad on the ps4 controller is how I open the menu you got there trainer card I don't like that expression he's given okay oh so the top bit of d-pad it well the touchpad is menu the bottom half the bottom half is the map so that's actually kind of interesting and you can pan it and kind of see the region that we've got an entire island [Music] okay I'm just trying to get a feel for the controls you can also oppress just the right regular options button to kind of get everything here and get the map true here there's emotes cuz yeah it's I mean it's an online game that is the big thing here I don't know if we're gonna encounter other players I don't know what Martin's still here you encounter anima Martin because we are and I kind of like a closed alpha so I imagine there's not gonna be as many people you just barge into people's homes let me see where the overdose emotes so we can wave to people [Music] believed Lum um where are we professor Konstantinos lab please do not disturb he's going to the water Mordred's thank you for 1,500 bits do some bits for money I've been saving for a new PC also what the chances the devs will change it so you can't play a character new just because of you I hope the hacker would like change a feature of this game just because of me like that is an honor game developers have to spend more time and development because of me okay I'm so sorry I'm just having fun okay Yura thanks for Hydra pits SAP thanks for to it as well just well thank you being such an amazing streamer been watching you on and off for over a year now I think but only recently managed to get myself to become a bit more active in your chat your streams helped me laugh even I feel down I thank you very much man you're always welcome here are we flourishing with Clara mr. clean I'm so sorry I couldn't attend your big send-off kid I missed you at there Clara does never look for the pendant since early morning I can't find it I saw everyone finds out I've lost her I'll never hear the end of it where'd you last see it it's just here by the sea and was very warm I'm for a swim in a Solara River I must have lost it current pretty strong okay looking up and down in speech but it could be on the other side in Turk Ouisa could be anywhere sorry I gotta go find it for you Thank You mr. clean okay well we got a quest there what would a pendant look like I don't know if we're gonna be able to get it could be on the other side too Anglet so this is where we're supposed to go so let's just go let's go into the lab and let's kind of follow it before we go on during too much mr. clean come here as you know this is your apprentices Eve meaning you've already learned all the basics that to theory about Tim ten yes I know all of the ten ten now you're ready to handle your first Tim Tim oh I feel like I haven't studied for a test see those glass dryers each contains a different time Tim from around the archipelago hey teach do you have any digital digital tend time are very recent invention my young fringe they're very seldom found I have one that's a cool thing where did you get that okay right well yeah we haven't got one of those oh we're going like crossing over or digimon it seems that's awesome and the fancy is to the humblest of Tim Tim and is the tamer that makes the difference since max already has at em time let's get you on to take your pick yeah max you already have one you don't get too quiet please max shut up Oh ahead mr. clean see which one you like best make your time the first time time is always important moment for every timer Oh God so grass-type fire type that's not water crystal is a crystal tam-tam it's strong against electric and mental weak against fire and earth okay so we have to relearn all our tight matchups then we got crystal which is good I'm gonna have to take notes it's actually gonna take time to get a handle on I think those weak against fire and earth how does one the ashen plains of Tuchman here the amethyst barons okay that's my Z is a meal a temp temp it's strong against urgent crystal but weak against mental I want it in a pub halt once in lockberg heady days I like other a bit more adult with this game they can actually mention things like yeah I was in a fight at a pub if this professor's hardcore in comparison to like oak and that where it's like I I'm a law-abiding morrow citizen I know like oak we all we all know like you're you're selling these things somewhere okay and then we have that is who chick a mental temp 10 strong as neutral in meal a week against crystal I bought it from my alma mater in proper town college okay so mental is good against normal and meal a this is good against Earth and crystal and this is good against electric and mental okay so this one beats that so this is mental beats meal a which beats crystal and crystal beads mental okay so which one we feel and I I think wow most we're going mental okay we're gonna go with the mental on them so we're gonna get a who chick excellent choice mr. clean it got a new temtempo chick trait is mental alliance increases special attack by 15% of the ally is mental so we have stat sir we have HP stamina and it's speed attack defense special tax special defense okay so most of those work like how I would assume no one Pokemon stamina is you so I'm curious what that actually means because that that's not a Pokemon thing okay so and we can rename it to time to time nicknames no see between three and ten characters long so what are we gonna call it mr. clean and his trusty partner bleach okay oh that's terrible Brahmin thanks for trio droop its mr. clean uses bleach type strong as those stubborn stains - thanks road rupert's la vista CLE will cleanse the earth when you kill her I'll fire her Jay thanks red your boots as well ain't this game an MMO source yes this game is an MMO we're currently playing the closed alpha so we may not encounter too many players I don't know of anyone elses streaming this is anyone though I can't see as well out of curiosity how many folks are here tonight I'm just always curious bleach emotion we don't need a bleach remote 3.7 K well listen guys thanks for actually making it out then and given this a shot that's honestly great to see I'm only ever used to get in those kind of numbers when like you know I'm doing like a heavy hitter or like City skylines and minecraft it's great to see you all here though hope you're all as curious is mean for what this game actually has to offer [Music] eleven people are streaming this okay so there's a few people who stream an event go mr. clean the teacher's pet you think you're better than me don't you and now you have your brand-new Tim Tim huh let's see what you can do with it oh Jesus it's a 10/10 battle here we go Oh God so he throws it like a card okay we all use carrots right okay so what have we got so the thing I don't understand is also moves cost stamina points that's really interesting so it's not pp it's more akin to like magic systems or something from like a final fantasy RPG that's switch I don't know what that means this I imagine is items we can press details to so we can get at hypnosis put some asleep for two turns then sana in corpore Sano but the other way around damage is 61 and then we can do a kick as well okay let's use hypnosis oh no that's not ready okay oh so you got away from moves the charge - okay let's go for a kick choose a target lychees kick or use data burst Oh [ __ ] hell take that mr. clean my first victory horror I did not stand a chance I cannot compare compare to maximum mr. clean for those really tough stains that you can't get out of your countertop don't buy the cheap stuff don't don't settle for regular old mr. clean maximum mr. clean you're one max that digital temp em of yours really gave you an edge it's all about the tailor enough to tempt him didn't you said a minute ago teach yeah but dude you have like a legendary temp temp I'm just here with like a bottle of bleach I didn't get much of a start congratulations max don't let this first defeat affect you too much mr. clean never really stood a chance against Max's ohrid Digital Tim Tim our rare and powerful innovation let me take a look at your bleach it could use a couple of bandages of some balm they're all healed now your bleach has a scent to it lemony fresh the level the playing field I have something for you mr. clean oh he's giving me a letter 10/10 you got a new tamp m2y yay always wind has traded spoil sport damage my multi-target techniques increased by 25% this guy is good attack too they seem to have nature's too because one of them's highlighted in green and one of them's highlighted in red though his attack is actually really good and I should probably use that what do we would rename in Hawaii [Music] yeah we're gonna have all of our tent hems named after cleaning products beautiful no super Sayan sites saying thanks for 100 bits we've cleaned their minds to the mental tim-tim critical Marik's thanks for 5 in Tirpitz this game is inspired by Pokemon was perfect that when does the professor sleep with your mother I mean he's actually got into firefights he might actually sleep with our mom they might not hold back this game seems a little more like kind of adult than regular Pokemon they're not afraid to do stuff with it which is actually kind of cool I like that too I may not look like the mattress when the rare is 10 time I've ever found it could care of it I have reasons to believe there's more to it than meets the eye oh yeah we're in the MMO scenario as well there's other players hello guys okay well max guys were trying to talk to the professor I know you're all whistling at me kid for me two minutes a researcher is asked to I might react to certain places of power but I haven't found any on this island that's why I'm going back to our brewery to consult with my peers okay so - why is like an important temp time to keep center there's someone else standing in me to the you you can see look at these guys I wonder if that's what oh I evolved Zinta Jesus one can only assume [Music] yeah there's play I have to catch the airship but I walk you kids as far as the academia don't need a babysitter okay we can travel our own very well mr. clean max we'll go ahead and wait for you in recalled the Murr Murr Sal is a bracel tomorrow for sal de meyer you two head north and meet me dad listen up the past team would tempt him I have a few 10 card using the capture while Tim 10 so we have 10 cards in this universe so you got 810 cards a car like device used to capture and transport Tim Tim yeah okay since they won't go down without a fight have some balm to heal your Tim Tim after battle a lot a bomb okay this heals 25 HP good luck and remember I'll be fighting you and Bruce I'll the matter be prudent kids look at that platypus someone I want the platypus oh that's adorable oh hello friends it's good to see you all here so again this is like the big thing this game is doing in comparison the regular pokemon and actually is like an MMO so we're going to be on a server as we travel here I don't know how will it interact with like group player experiences if it's a game that we're all just in the world I do like that the time time [ __ ] follow you about we've been asking for that since HeartGold and SoulSilver to come back we got it in let's go that's actually really good to see I think this gang may be in on the stream too they seem pretty close to me I don't know if these are other people streaming it or like what story is how's it going though folks I'm currently using a controller so I may not be able to type much but you're welcome to come along on our team time adventure good to see you [Music] what consoles what platforms gonna get it on there's someone actually no I know it's on PC I think it's coming to switch I think which is good if it's coming there must be tear gas ax I'll go Theresa and it can't be this you know how to read a map huh hon win-win word for it must be real close now look at the pan son girl that's the other shore of the map turn around see the sea that's that side oh these these people are just arguing with each other we're lost told you so let me pass the other village and you insist it wasn't on the map anyway let's ask a local excuse me were quite lost can you give us a hand what's this town called I think it's the tower by an AK we're on the southern tip I'm going the wrong way since our Isola thank you looks like we're not gonna do any hiking and gift of bridges so you might as well enjoy your stay no problem bye and knack is that what they call God in this world game thanks for five good as well captain thanks for two good we didn't five minutes of this game maximize your keyboard and hop ever will it's true I don't know if you guys can hear the wind as well it's quite stormy outside today polities not guys picked up on the micah any point hi mister clean what a lovely sent off yeah i'd hope you enjoyed your first steps as a Tim Tam tamer at mmm tamer member seldom Eric come to visit I know you're such a nice kid good to see you again mr. clean hope the academia is going great they all have names too oh this one oh ok so let's see so we call a squad instead of a team I'm just I'm just trying to get a feel for like what everything does this guy yeah so this guy has higher special attack different moves have different levels of priority to saw wave kick so you can tell if it's if it's attack if it's physical or special based on the icon next to it and then the moves have types as well so that's the special attack and that's a physical one I'm sure I'm just really trying to get a feel for this wind blade that's a special Peck is a physical priority is very high on that we're already not as high on that tray with spoil sport ok and they can learn techniques too that's that'sthat's interesting I don't know what wind is good against I wonder l2 for equipping gear so they can hold items too oh it shows the way yeah it shows newest thing what's the s V's and the TV's what do they mean are they like effort values and like IVs I won't they might be I'm very I'm very curious III know I'm comparing this quite a bit the Pokemon right now but just got you know like Pokemon is my favorite game series of all time so you know um of course is very interested as to what this game is doing that's different so s v equals IV and T V equals the Eevee okay thank you very much see so yes those SVS are like the base stats then TVs when we train stats and I imagine if you fight different ten times you raise those stats okay what else can you compare it to I mean yo it's not hiding the fact that it's inspired by Pokemon you know even in like steam and that if you check the listening for this game it says that it's inspired by Pokemon what you know is fair enough but like it's still cool to see that this game is trying to do some different stuff I do actually really like the late the thingy the temp temp follows you because that is something that we've been asking for for a very long time and again I'm hoping that like if this game is really good and this gets a following it can only improve Pokemon basically I know this could become its own series in its own right I imagine so I'm excited for stuff like this I imagine those trainers here over welcome to pristine coast yep very well just watch out for a while Tim Tim they tend to prowl on the tall grass always a bunch of Tim Tim trainers along the coast they spoiling for a fight come across will ensure the challenge into a 10-10 battle okay so in this one were kind of closer to the days where it's time time in the wild cross trainers lock eyes as well we're fighting Pepe for our first Oh No okay well let's fight get ready mr. clean so wait what was that it was a server notice hang on what was that I think I died hang on [Music] okay well alpha is alpha there's gonna be trouble what do I do Oh I'm trying to see if this comes back I don't know if I've saved or how it saves mr. clean got cleaned let me let me try restart the game [Music] okay I'm gonna restart and just see if I can get like an official word as to what's going on alpha is alpha so stuff like this will happen they may even be testing something continue let's see I hope it's saved [Music] we're back in we're back in okay it's fine all right let's get a kick in I'm wondering how these ones work for like charging is I can't use them yet yeah we got a pyro and a piggybank let's kick the Pajaro I don't know what Heights anything is [Music] and we'll kick oh this is what it must be like to learn Pokemon for the first time I only did a half damage stare I've got to learn I thought of relearn everything Oh God okay I can use psywave now okay well let's just try and finish off the Pajero animations really good clean 60 LG the effects of bamboozle what's bamboozled he's using nibble so nibble was a physical type attack you gain XP mid-battle to which is interesting okay let's just kick that we're gonna we'll learn things types as we go okay give it a pack and we'll kick it beat the takedown bigger pick is knocked out okay hmmm up you've earned 40 tree son you beat me Solara take me you're pretty good for a kid mr. clean we're back we're back in again - he'll be alright would you care for a little friendly Tim time match a lot of the students are on they're probably on their way to academia you're gonna make them late for class sitted as a practical lesson then every times they're fighting two timers at the same time a fight alongside a friend like we always do let's see how you food ooh let's go oh god what types are they go bleach in Windex okay add this one's weaker so I think if we just get like a good advantageous headstart kill the one first that puts them at a disadvantage battery used tenderness that okay so that lowers attack so I want to use a special move and that's scratch make a kick on that will finish that one so I want to use wind blade on this take that one in the face Windex get in its blade and they're just gonna keep blowing our attack that's fine this thing's better for special attack anyway there's a side wave wind light instead oh that's times two effective so they must be either normal or melee type yes winix just learned shrill voice widely used by academia teachers this nutri technique defens the whole class a team so they have a bit of flavor on the moves - that's actually kind of cute because that does damage and that hits everyone which is good for Windex cuz he has an ability that improves that don't hold back coming at us okay alright we're learning more looky thanks for 300 bits well done you be a great tamer one day okay oh and you can hop that in ledges - I think that's an item on the ground hey you did supposed to be my spot you come to pick up all the sweet stuff flying around with me - is - tell you what let's fight let's go [Music] they pick a peck combo let's go bleach and Windex the music is really good I'm loving that with wind Blaine played super effective against these guys kick know that it only does half okay I don't know what type pick a peck is I'm gonna have to check your pokedex thing well that the Tempe dia even I'm gonna accidentally say pokedex a lot and refer them as Pokemon a lot by accident just when you played for this many years it happens oh wait actually hang on so let's use psywave on him and woody just use shrill voice and finish them ball off no bamboozle stops that okay well c'mon Windex that was good yeah it even says that his ability boosts the attack too so it reminds you of that it's a kick we'll just go for a peck truthful gamer thanks to a thousand beds is this bootleg Pokemon it's not a boot like it actually well it seems to be actual quality here I'm enjoying it so far flop faster than Pokemon like I'm already out in the world and like they're not even holding my hand that much I appreciate that I should try and catch some more temp temp shouldn't do I just run in the grass and like they'll find me I said if you stay in the grass like that's where you meet them okay we got an untamed pájaro oh god so we get still get to use to even we're in this kind of scenario so just kick it is this gonna be too much damage no I think I think it's fine I got to be very careful about weakening five to ten tends to use hem card this just past my turn that's switch oh this is the capture animation then okay right so it's just yeah so how that works instead of the ball shaking three times just how much is downloaded onto the card these this guy is a lot of special attack its SV is oh no is SV is just brilliant basically okay well we got a pajero I this is a wind type temp temp so I don't know if we'll use him actually I'm just gonna call him no I'm not calling him Tide Pods you guys can be more original than that this is for breeze come on God's name oh no it did sorry I was looking at trash they send to the squad okay I know ten times leveled up to group of game when I stand there 500 he's there ain't no hopper early on run run screaming champion shower they're a legend it's true I appreciate that I see what other time time we could find oh so you can it's wild double bottles too okay okay so we know that I think tank wind was super effective against one of these oh no sorry it was mental super effective maybe he'll bleach to getting a bit injured I need to heal both of them okay well hypnosis on you and then shrill voice I need to get a sense of how much PP really well like stamina you regain every turn to [Music] they're not really sure because hypnosis cost quite a bit there send him to sleep that's good okay that's just don't don't don't run from the battle yeah use a time card PC is wearing a little bit I don't know if you guys can hear that that's what seems to be okay mister was 25% HP and then restores 25 HP we'll get this in on Windex I don't know if it will play and Windex recovers he'll catch it come on download of the new temp in a soft touch assist rate when in fact in the sleep target it won't wake up that's going to cool it seems to be an all-rounder as far as its stats are concerned 12:12 12/12 ok well this one's gonna be named sponge n to the squad let's get that in let me see let me see the squad so that's the Dex [Music] oh it's hard to tell which ones highlighted so the white one means I think it's highlighter yeah it does ok so tricky to distinguish that this is sponge Oh of what type of scene neutral temp temp okay what's neutral good against if anything yoky player thanks for a thousand bits man Jason Leigh thanks for a hundred bits thank you was ever to everyone and subscribing and the next one Windex we already have one name Windex is there an equivalent of like a Pokemon Center in this game where I can just go heal if I go back and talk to mom maybe maybe I can get the free healing what are you doing well when you pick a peck yeah piggy piggy piggy out of my way little girl piggy oh [Music] you're a player you're back mr. clean let me take care of you Tim Tim okay yep so you can rest up at home that works as you'd expect oh so other animals in this world if she knows what a pig is well it's a piggy pack so they could still say piggy it's just the pick a peck go into the world would you play how hug with sarpy again soon imma feel like playin Hogwarts Rp again soon I'll play it again soon how I operate on the channel man I just play whatever I feel like for this game we have a very narrow window to play it because I believe the Alpha closes on the 9th of January does it probably be the only time you play it for like at least a little while until development continues but I wanted to get it in because you know we would get like a look at it before its release I choke you thank you for another fight well for five gift subs as well thank you very much incredibly kind and to get this and a revive yet this works as you'd expect it to go how's it going Mitty mr. disco next 100 bits the evil team for this game will be Cillit bang and the evil team leader is Derrick bum and as he says goodbye to daily stains and dirty surfaces with a new kitchen gun bang bang good bye mr. clean absolutely cursed keep going into the zone and go over here make it too much noise stomping around like that look at what you did you scare up all the water Tim Tim okay so there's water type ones you can get a surfboard apparently yeah so we can't get water type Tim Tim just yeah that's a cool yeah this is a Parris let's just kill this one real quick it seems to work on the basis of like there's no XP show or anything like that - so like we actually have to train our post them all one by one does it tell you what the type matchup is - I think of mine because that was a red highlight I think I mean it's half defective that's actually really good if it does that so you can actually work at the types little bit that way yeah so that was red whereas PEC is white that that's good to note it so we can learn the types bit easier I appreciate that because yeah I imagine a lot of people approaching this game for the first time yo what's a mental type like the problem would approach a Pokemon for the first time you got a catch-up Facebook you peel them Pajaro I think we're gonna use these two guys a bit so I'm just gonna stick one for now he told you my thanks 400 bids [Music] it's a relish yeah I don't think we're gonna use a different wind type because we do have Windex on our team I forget his actual name now was it - I I think it was - why these supposed to have some kind of relevance so we're gonna keep using it's gonna be so hard for me to learn the names we keep calling them cleaning products 4.1 K here for tam-tam well thank you everyone for making it out seriously honestly God warms my hair cuz I know this is this is like a game but most you here probably haven't heard of I'm glad you give him the streamers shot all the same it's great to have you okay under for a wallet em to me you know what you know what they say it's not how many you catch it's what you do with them let's fight that you enjoy I see I'm enjoying a walk in the grass learn to enjoy things kid not everything is 10/10 fightin when trainers lock eyes we half the battle what else do you do you're an MPC you're going to be here the rest of your life how is bleach doing bleach is doing good leaves things thanks to good IOT I love you twitches loner you can say hi to stinky neva she's watching thank you Nev you smell thank you very much Bobby Ronnie thanks for your hundred bits as well we not much else is new but why are you naked don't question and go up there the novice here pastors teach we had to climb we come all the way out here and he's left his gear back home oh so I need to get climbing gear I think got my climbing gear at the hotel now we're gonna go back all the way back to our Sola okay so you can go get his climbing gear I imagine and that's how you learn to go up there vital Apple that's fight these trainers uh I'm still kind of curious to see what the actual multiplayer component is - these are the lethal twins what but let's fight I don't know is that I want to see what the actual like on an online component is and what you can do online I imagine you can trade Tim Thames and you can battle off the top of my head it goes on the no-brainer features but like what else can you do what's the benefit of having everyone in the same world I guess so far is people running about so I want to see oh look at this beautiful boy pick him in the face [Music] experience the story together so because it's like everything's a double battle can you just straight up have a friend as your doubles partner and go to the game cuz that's actually really good if you can do that that it no that's basically like it's co-op in yes Oakland online co-op but that's really good yeah [Music] just play through the entire game with a friend cuz why not a shrill voice well shrill voice is really strong because of that ability use bamboozle but have failed he took some damage because a lot site patch oh my god it's adorable let's just kill it real quick yeah well we got to kill the pig oh that was times two effective two I think it only shows up if it's super effective then after you've already experienced that encounter Windex damage himself to two overexertion so you got to be careful of your stamina which overexerted last time so that's why you can pass the turn until you can just recharge stamina okay yeah so that makes sense in the V time time gets too tired then you just have to like wait there is a pass option yeah we beat the twins how'd you do it we need a new strategy last Sarah Sarah but can I talk to this guy nappy I can use text speak well well the text chat I think let me just see emotes there's a mount you can mount am time I think [Music] yeah luma is challenging you to a casual battle hey hey how do i how do I respond to that you don't have any notifications hey dude I actually do want to challenge you to a bottle [Music] if the click if I'm using a controller so I'm wondering hey Missy oh right trigger no it came up for a brief moment that they wanted to challenge me I could just try you the Madison keyboard for a moment just not sure of the controller there we go let's go okay this guy may just kick my ass mudra and oh [ __ ] yeah this is completely on oh no oh go my bleep dude dude what are you doing in the starting zone this is completely unfair she's gonna kick my ass make that one counter and some cool temps but retreat from battle key new get ready the dude was just showing off is Tim Tims oh this is complete how do I get out and help oh that's what my one evolves into I think yeah you're not gonna mess with me now are ya but he lost what do you mean he lost what just happened only win [Music] I'm too good at 10 10 bottles I just defeated a trainer at level 48 tempteth GG oh thank you very much for showing off the Tim Tims man oh those are some really cool ones you seem to have I don't know if he's listening to the stream or not but if you are it was lovely speaking to your mind as cool that we got to see some of the future Tam Tam so I kind of like that green MP hat that won't look really cool [Music] you have another bombshell here you are but next time bring your own I keep telling you fed no I know always carry plenty of bomb when you go home tonight just for God okay hey you dare come fight us that seems like a logical progression for that conversation well what's a new one okay can withstand the might of bleach and Windex so we remove the toughest of stains I don't I don't want to overexert myself so I should just be it's good to keep a low stamina tank basically have like action points each turn so you don't just want to take the most powerful things you want to be able to consistently hit and use something every turn oh that was a water one [Music] now what would be water I don't actually know I think if I kick that one again and just use a shrill voice that should be good okay went back he's in a bit of trouble that's all right the lies is dead we've learned tenderness really you're just going to attack some of this cute you get attack that only costs us three stamina oh so that's like to lower their attack is it you get attack maybe let's try it yeah so choo-choos the target so we can just use tenderness on that Windex going for a peck yes that's a low stamina sort of status move to lower attack that's good stair is kind of like an equivalent one that just lowers defense I hope that's shiny 10/10 does anyone know this does might be some people here that have been following this game longer than myself I've ever seen it way back in the day when the Kickstarter was announced there are SHINee 10 with him okay that's good to know we're not we're not hunting for him I'm making that clear right now because I'll be here forever and I believe the alphas gonna reset progress in like two days [Music] Alexa hunts I think it everyone's given bits - are you sponsored by tab time this stream no I'm not triple gamer they did give me a key I'm not sponsored very much iron Garrity nice around your bits I just came after watching one of your YouTube videos unfortunately school is coming back soon high school schools gonna be okay man don't worry sap thanks for to quit this game seems to explore some really interesting concepts I'm not too big in the MMO aspect because I feel very nervous playing with random people being able to play with a friend is an amazing feature I wish Pokemon had is there some way to turn off the online kind of servers surely there's a way that just play by yourself in your own time I'll be amazed if there wasn't hey snotty thanks for hundred bits ramen thanks for hundred true 4k max now 500 how do you play times MRT is he on Steam but it's not out yeah the devs gave me early access to the game it is not out yet this is alpha there isn't a way to turn off the MMO aspect okay only online so you cannot cheat okay uh that seems like a bit of an oversight I would say like possibly you know I cuz what if you do just want to play with one friend you know it's a straight MMO so there's no way to turn it off okay I guess it's a trade off with a game like this time cleanse the world no we're not we're not shiny huntin we're not we're not doing it guys it will take way too long we are just playing the game better time we'll be doing [ __ ] more shot Lulu huntin on Sunday come back then hey mr. clean it took you a while to get here right just kiddin how you doing how do you know my name look at the tempore iam and Bruce Alden mare friend the professor okay so this is like Nurse Joy oh wait no it's not the stall is and it's a proper tempo in buildings we can offer my mini tempo rooms like this one in strategic places okay second you can use heal 10 machines there the Healy attempt also organized a Tam Tam or buy stuff okay so this is where yeah so this is your PC this is how you heal your temp Tim okay it was such a really quick and this is the vendor though he sells more Tim cards he sells more medicine you can see how many you have as well what is the center produces untamed encounters for a while oh so that's like repeal okay well we don't want that at the moment cuz we actually want to see the temp temporary but that's good to know well we'll buy some more Tim cards I want to see if you buy ten if they do live like the premier ball they don't okay I would have been like a little like a cheeky little not just curious okay so that's basically like your Pokemon Center so it's temp or iums in this world alert streamers Canadian alert what about it of Irish Canadian okay come all the way from za'tari must be pretty exhausted too no I'm doing fine you get em seven all the fightin they're doing let's watch a temp time stamina if it gets too low they might injure themselves what kind of tempt I'm trained would you be if he didn't take good care of them keep an eye on a stamina and now I'll show you how to lose some stamina oh [ __ ] so you can talk to you for a bit before they even engage about it and bleach in Windex let's go God what types are these things I love that one on the left okay kick it in the face and we'll see if what that wins does here too windblade seems pretty good I think there's like some kind of stab because I'm getting like more damaging toxic spores so okay so status is a thing and tells you how many turns at last four - that's good to know [Music] let's see the side way of how we use drill voice is just really good let's just keep that in oh wait okay it's overkill here because that's super effective we might have been a me like like happy uses I see feel will shy shield plus defense up and again came out as well oh it's so cute it will have like a happy smiley face let's kill them both it's kick it in the face this one cost a lot costs less stamina so let's use PAC instead give that one a kick aku is knocked out it's ganky it's not kinky the Windex is no longer poisoned it's safe to drink now guys hanky gang let's kill this [ __ ] just unleash all our stamina moves on it okay it's that another one dad let's tempt him up tired tamer yeah we're doing good the important is to conserve stamina you wouldn't have beaten me otherwise smash someone just that high master streamer hello man how's it going oh there's a new one here let's catch the cocoon guy that's a squally okay though we need to kill the power Oh [Music] pick him off [Music] my guys okay on stats - what was that move - yeah my guys seem to be okay use a kick there and we get in don't use a wind blade because it just in case is super effective pick them off tie shield that's fine okay yeah I can try catch it from here I might just use a healing item on Windex these ones is just 25 HP the vital Apple is 25% so I think the bomb is just better for now like a potion then we use at em card on you mr. clean use bomb Windex recovers house ok let's go come on it caught us wali trait is shared pain Oh No receiving a consecutive attack in the same turn the technique gets redirected to the ally Oh God it's a nature type as well what are its stats are the towel makes it better sorry about the doors just open and closing the background - guys yeah let's rename him the - hole because we must protect him ended a squad Tide Pods the low-hanging fruit guys try harder I'm not gonna name anything that we can go back here okay well I'm wondering how the patches of grass work if there's like different patches of different encounter AUB's so like this what this patch seems kind of out of the way for instance oh i'm wonder if there's like a chance for like a rare attempt em over here just some Pyro's yeah well let's get just get some experience in anyway oh I got to stop using windblade on these guys same type matchup ever thanks for 2 quid thank thanks 400 bits the excitement new season Star Wars Clone Wars never seen it dragons repeats thanks for under bits to the already likes with over 110 that's a level seven one two this is a strong boy psywave - shrill voice for a bit more damage did you get back no it's something there just pack him down if - time time like bustle and the minam exists in the arm and Hammer we'll take names when we catch temp temp no point in like doing them in advance okay so this Patrick grass just seems to literally be power up so I think I think we can leave this one mr. clean runs away so you can basically just flee the battle yeah that I think this just trainers around here just flexing on us new players because they seem to have like these much stronger ones oh wait this guy has a to Olli as well is it not as rare than but to why even it's only got the one imagine if I use wind blade yeah that won't be very effective hi how's it going see you deck this nerd yeah he's only got one don't even doing that much get him in a side wave [Music] loving the battle music violins are just so nice okay well we did it pleasure aspiring when your friend enjoyed this fine morning she's the relaxed guy I'm gonna go back and heal in a moment untamed soir Lee bit of a David all good they're having fun yeah I am hope you day was okay we still need to meet up at some point uh guys I have your Christmas present for you he does a raft and it's sitting in my room I mean just I'm gonna hop back to Hill to get this in [Music] okay so just takes a moment to know who this guy is so cute yeah let me just I do wish I like there was something to do with like triangle and square do nothing right now but wondering this is gonna be like actions of signs up see the Tempe dia which is started to be filled and here's our II don't know anything about it oh and they have full descriptions they yeah so they tell you like the effort value yield it's like the TV yields hem value oh what is it called here it tells you all their abilities they can have the tight soft touch I appreciate that it gives you actually a bit of information like things like the stats on that you can compare them a lot easier in comparison to oh c'mon we're like you just have to kind of get a feel for it it's foam ooh so you get like the base thing seen and then if you actually catch it you get more information there's kucik the de lucha core ideals first meant to tempt em for novice trainers here emphatic and intuitive capable of understanding the subtleties of mentalism I'm glad I picked that one it seems like one of the more interesting ones as Kaku can't use it to see where you catch them which is interesting or at least I don't see how how many time time are there yeah big a pack is some 141 so does a good few as to why trying to see terrorize the possibility of 2ye changing dramatically if the relevant place of power could be found oh I wonder if it's gonna be yeah I wonder how this guy evolves that we've seen like it's someone with like an evolved - I earlier let's fight this guy well on are you wearing oh no the Alpha got us the history alpha is alpha gods wait a fresh new face heading back a TV I see I'm sure you could use some practice where you go your theory classes let's go don't let a phone and we work that something with super effective against that guy on the left give him a him a quick kick to do a wind blade on the phone [Music] Hank mental the super effective against him I think he's like a melee type [Music] now be careful laughs and strong attacks Oh psywave and just in case not enough of shrill voice and should finish the bottom yes that's times two cool we got the dr. platypus and Windex is just pretty strong header Gasland even the softest fetter becomes a sword if a hand is true Miyako proverb that's a hundred damage we got seventeen stamina Jesus that's it that's a really strong sort of like move to use but you need to make sure you have a lot of power he gets a gun okay he's got a he's got a pukey oh oh no one of the done TIA why did evolution go wrong I'll put it out of its misery yeah just just just Feder Gatlin [Music] put it out of its pain Jesus we took a lot of recoil for that tam-tam up what are you wearing sure potential you definitely are ready for academia okay I keep pressing triangle thinking that it's like the X button and it's gonna take you to the menu just use some balm okay I mean we're pretty subtle to use some Windex and bleach here what a Pokemon do we want to try this on the team I don't really want to use for breeze because the breeze is just another wind type we have one we could try to use Daschle oh [Music] you guys really want to use sponge okay we'll use some let's use sponge Oh move we use the sponge and Windex for a while we can have sponge lead the pack tube hello friend okay let's level up sponge a bit see what else we can find oh there's a pyro okay we need to catch this in okay so no not Pajaro it's the Kaku it's the Kaku that we want okay so kill the Pajaro need to catch this guy I'm gonna have to guess the Kaku involves is that other one we saw because they have the exact same things hey coccyx porous sponges okay the tank I want to be I want to be careful not to injure it too much just use Peck okay Windex can take a few hits come on sponge nicely done he's just racking up poison on our team bit annoying Bunge is gonna level up quick though cuz yeah he's quite under levels he seems to just be like a tanky boy like you guys a lot more HP already well the twenty tree but he's level three about too far behind Windex ok so just use a scratch there and then we'll use the chem card or we'll use at M card first ok sure nevermind we did it disability prevents poison and it's a nature type too so this is a type we don't have so we can use this guy on the team but do we want him or squally we want to try and get as much type diversity as we can because we don't know how all the types do yet HD thanks 400 bits a good pokémon like game what amazing music 10 out of 10 for me yeah so far I'm having a good time I have to like rediscover like what everything is that's that was kind of nice I feel as I can play in Pokemon for the first time ok people want to call this guy mop this mop end to the squad sponge is no longer poisoned it's let's try and level up the mop and sponge if we can so let's go to squad shy shields and toxic spores so we can only inflict poison right now ok so we actually need to level them up one at a time then because if we do the two of them together we're gonna be in a lot of trouble real quick I don't know what is good seems have very good stamina 48 there Jesus famine n attack seemed to be the ideal stats from [Music] okay well will level up sponge a little bit more than will pop and bleach for Windex Oh and poison persists evening the field for a little bit okay well we're gonna fight this just a LevelUp sponge more our Tina's favorite has for two-thirds of all 10:10 viewership well I'm glad people are here you know I'm actually having a [ __ ] great time so far it feels like a playing pokemon for the first time which is something that you know I've always wished I could do and you know it very much is that cuz like you know I got to learn all the tight matchups like I don't know what stuff does yeah I'm curious to see like the final version of the game you let's fight now if you say please no fight okay yes we're going oh he's the gang he gang got a twofer but can he withstand a sponge with some bleach on it Jesus take that ganky gang yeah yeah thanks 400 bits get well soon man I cleared up some hard drive space too yeah don't worry Clements thanks for 500 bits this game is so [ __ ] relaxing oh wait you say that but I might die in a moment hang up hey come on bleach yet there definitely is stab or something that seems way stronger sponge got knocked now I will get some oh my god the gang keys are getting us or getting ganked switch it to Windex and mom will go back and heal [Music] we can basically finish them we can only finish 100 mops in trouble nah oh we're getting destroyed we got to send in Dettol hey shrill voice and just I don't know what that move does that's alright this'll do it oh we're okay Jesus Christ Oh Daschle that Hill may have just tried to prove himself in comparison the muff I feel the feast bah okay we need to head back very badly injured excuse me we get a doctor [Music] you daddle as good as visas IV's you should keep training them yeah we should actually check their stats and just work out which is like strongest that way it's probably a good idea okay let's see the squad and let's let's inspect all of those things it's a sponge has some really good ass piece like that's a lot of greens bleach not looking too good the breeze not so much wind backs not so much yeah - hold dirt devil and sponge seems to be very good so let's say I'm you we're gonna you take - hole and set them up and I think I think that hole wins [Music] and then we'll keep we'll keep bleach and Windex around as well I'm gonna pop the breeze away we'll keep them off with us for now just in case we need a backup I don't think we want Febreze oh it's confusing me as well because the input is changing to like Xbox input for some reason okay and let's just buy I think we're gonna need some more BOM seems like you see that you it's just good to have like a supply of that handy yes a sponge and - holes seem to be actually quite strong let's get them trained up Baathist a ready I like it or not get the platypus I'll try find the platypus yeah I don't know where that is and found two eaters eaters of store stamina okay to go this way okay it's an attacker see I'm gonna start calling those sponges now because I've got a sponge on my team though what does this move actually do substance known as rush rush EO is a virtue verlan toxic agent poisons the enemy does 41 damage that seems like quite strong let's try it [Music] they go Dettol oh so it can poison the enemy it doesn't always okay scratch it use that again there we go yes there they're leveling up quite quickly brawlers thanks for 200 bits got to say I never catch your streams live and now I'm very excited for this game I also got to say I love how sponge is just the tanki boy I think sponge is gonna get real beefy I'm excited to see what he evolves into you might I imagine they all evolved i guys know we've seen some things that look like evolutions hasn't been said explicitly but you know it inspired by Pokemon what is the XP next to him oh that just mean you couldn't apply a potion okay let's get going how well do you actually know your temp temp did you know that each two type of time time is the fact of our week against a specific type yes for instance water temp temp what are they effective against fire temp temp water beats fire fire beats nature okay so you have that sort of basic triangle limit water nature fire the grass is becoming nature oh god it's a big boy this is what the derpy fish of all Zinta I think her Annie aunt Oh No let's get him down he's using a jaw strike oh he's level 11 - we might we might need to switch her wait we have a tight match up we can do it just - I'll make it kill - hole no that sponge can finish the job and get some of the XP we'll switch into switching to bleach [Music] battles in trouble get a kick in I think this what this guy will give a fair bit of XP but that was evolved yeah sure enough oh look at sponge go he just learned nibble many times I'll have this habit of gently chewing pack plants or furniture this is a little less gentle enough 33 HP now as well it's like he's getting quite beefy smug checks 100 bits user thanks 400 as well we're not going back to paint Ryan no is this guys doing actual streams yeah I think for 200 this is the game inspired by Pokemon that using monster cards to summon digital monsters into the real world and each have limited stamina and Lana this is a fusion of you he--oh digimon pokemon and back we got inspired by them all maybe thank thanks for their 100 bits and jacks thanks around RIT this game actually looks really good polish on the animation sound design is great you while you could use some work though but I'm sure they'll take player feedback glad you showed us this yeah I mean I'm sure if anyone's actually interested in this game cuz this is an alpha test people can report these things I imagine if anyone back this game on Kickstarter you probably already have access to it I would like to say considering this this would be like this did get its start there [Music] we're something there but yeah I'm sure they're looking for feedback I don't know if there's any devs floating about in chat I'm gonna be telling them how I got on myself or at least the rapper I was speaking to the rap I was speaking to I believe was from humble it was kind of representing the dance basically Humble Bundle is believed is published in this game full disclosure on that front to a cleric thank you sorry Kensi even Myra Kensi thank you very much for a thousand bits I've been able to what catch you streets lady with school kicking my ass but I'm glad to have caught this one happy late New Year happy light New Year to you too Kenzi I hope you're keeping well good to have you here this isn't Harry Potter this isn't game X this isn't minecraft I play whatever I want don't scream with me the play a different game I think it's a rule okay we got another I got a heal the squad a little bit that holes just dead right now and I kind of want to Train daddle you can use the revive might as well nah I'm not worried too much about spending items right now because again this is like the alpha build and we're gonna lose all our progress anyway authority play what he wants basically minecraft oh I'm so upset I've gotta back off or I'm post wait we do what we want on this channel okay we're playing temp demos web stream our dare you play different games basically look mama nutter tamer let's have a bottle wait a second little one we should introduce ourselves first hello stranger I am yota and this is my daughter agapi I'm mr. cool oh no my RPG experience is like a merc immersions being ruined okay let's fight then yes come on mom let's see if we can defeat mr. clean they will clean your sins oh look at this little dumpling Oh text it's so happy killer kill them both [Music] they will die okay that's super effective out to fewer battles and these guys should be like battle ready I think struggling a little bit right now [Music] sponge wasn't effect I think now you can sponge is already poisoned okay so nibble on you this one on this there's chance of poison here so it's more beneficial to do it this way [Music] kill them sac ooh [Music] I like that though I think she's very cute okay guys interests now you get the XP like well you know cuz you get that you it's made battle in Pokemon - what am I saying that is how it works yeah sorry fast to go up yep I'm just misremembering left shy shield it's so cute burnished I mean that's a philosophy for most of the wound population so what else is new you know get them down [Music] picking a bit of poison damage but that's okay that was fun and 59 very good mr. clean mr. clean is a grown up agape one day you'll be like mr. clean I don't know if that's a good thing to say to your child I'm gonna be honest here Yoda look your your child can do better than this really mom I want to be a tempt I want to be a tempting tamer not a cleaning product that just sits on the Shelf of course little one first you have to eat all your greens to be fit and strong Jesus another sponge phlegm in Section 5 bits can you catch the platypus you've got a name of Perry no no we'll take suggestions from the name once we catch it I'm not doing them in advance that we operate thank you though thank thanks are under fits RT your guy looks like Gandhi had a career change oh no hell no daddles no longer poison just get scratch need another attack and move on - hold that XP up is it always double bottles it does seem to be yeah okay though that was just a player running that way and a bottle here do I know you and we met at the aerosol a Doge yes I sorry I don't remember your name then well in that case you remember what Sophia told us last week go train with new people and learn different styles and since we're here why we aspired it okay let's go Oh they've gotten evolved form of the bird oh look at that a farik it's for Harrow for Herrick okay well we'll kill this one first I think just to get it out of the way oh this is gonna hurt Oh Oh in trouble at least sponge is a beefy boy that that hole may not be with us much longer yeah I'm gonna do a nibble and then gonna do act achill item use keep - all alive mr. clean uses bomb Jesus Christ [Music] one there I'm gonna switch into Windex I think because otherwise dad holes just gonna die yeah let's retreat from battle at least we can resist the hit with this guy oh you bugger yeah no he's going for sponge always overexert it though I can take him but just Feder got one wait no that that may not be yea he's half never punished though it's okay and Daschle still got some XP the end because he didn't die that was a tougher battle I mean the challenge seems to be there we're having like higher lovely stuff like even now hey man how's it going oh you're too kind I love your snake that looks cool yeah I'm gonna [Music] see I need to just use more BAM Oh mr. clean listen Zayn if I don't want to sorry tell you were a friend of mine whose ain't it someone I have a disagreement way you want it stop telling me about your life do you want a bottle it doesn't feel like it what do you know about tempt him anyway you can't really help unless you're proper tamer but I am and Zeynep and I well so everything was working until she this sounds ridiculous but anyway she really does wind timtam me more of a water Tim Tim sort of girl what's going on y'all understand it's personal water and wind don't go well together perhaps we're just not made for each other oh Jesus like she's more in the cats I'm in the dogs we can never be together this relationship failed maybe you can fight Xena can I help with Xena okay talk to Xena can I help it say enough okay hey let's go talk to Zeynep anyway is this saying it hello I'm mr. clean I'm here to solve the problems in your life I missed a clean sorry I don't want to talk you look like an easy opponent I will destroy you with my 10/10 oh it isn't no more attempt she's not she's no longer talking I understand okay they're just having a dispute and I can't help okay now there was an attempt that one's fun for getting stronger these I am Rosen have a question for you do you like boats I [ __ ] love boats it's tempting about two hours always subtly different different strategies if your type want to fight no time for that really I'm just on a break go back to mendon Akhil in five minutes see you around we made it to the next town what took you so long what why is your tongue hanging out of your mouth like that max like who would I beat a trainer with level 48 ten times okay I know yours like a Digimon but I think I'm doing pretty good I want to catch the airship after rush to outer solar right now otherwise have to wait for the narrow wall and I hear it needs extensive repairs they caught me narrow Olsen's dang thanks 400 bits Jambi thanks for 105 bits there no chance or iron gee moves in the game oh you're very she move didn't have a chance to poison there's no crits a chance to sleep etc or if she needs to be used as synergy move to poison who's the plus sign can be synergy oh okay right so they've kind of eliminated some of the our and G components to make it more focus on strategy that's an interesting change okay don't worry professor Konstantinos I understand go then my friend I'll take care of the kids thank you so much Sophia no you want drinks are on me the next time you come to our our Barry remember kids we have alcohol and temp temps you don't get that in Pokemon [Music] youngest disciple has arrived this 40-year old man right on time mr. clean kids let me introduce my good friend Sophia he's the dojo master of Arizona like kids hurry up give me a little tour for seldom are I drop you off the academia okay I'd see you professor it's got a leave for his airship follow me friends though shop here is loose Louis souvenirs stocks all sort of knickknacks for tourists good place to get your first Tim essence file no apprentice should go without one okay so we have to save up for five I told him what that means sap thanks for to quit for wind and water users who can never be together as stories as tragic as Romeo and Juliet you need to go like always so peaceful some days when the Solaria river is too crowded I come in to serve a bit and try my water temp 10 this bill um here's your academia okay max just gone in for it okay so we need to be properly trained in the temp aureum a lot of people would evolve Mons attempts is our local tempo room is when he's in every major town is where retainers come to heal our temp temp and by tempt him stuff if all you ever needed more so it's always a good idea to pay him a visit as soon as you arrive in new town okay that way to fly seen cliffs and the road up to iris Ola can be dangerous and never go that way without an adult max I don't know if you're an adult like I'm at least 40 but I don't know if you're quite there and the doctor that way if she's not even going to acknowledge him it's just like yeah whatever you say max okay that's a little tour class let's starting now kids have to go back to the dojo okay we've joined Tim Tim school heard of mr. clean making plays for academia faster than you like she said come visit me at the dojo one day loser it's a lot more aggressive than most rivals have had when's he just gonna tell me like I'm a bastard or something and they're gonna go over that fire with this game like hey mr. clean you [ __ ] gobshite how do you how does it feel to suck so [ __ ] much at Tim Tims okay on vacation can I get the file oh this guy knows our mom apprentice now I need a file here it is one dose is enough to heal your whole squad I'd hate the charge of family friend let's do someone else instead he's gonna give it to us for free and he's approved before he give you freebies he came from his diary he must have caught some wild Tim Tim on the way that's the minimum I expect from a tamer from me any Tim time from pressing coast any Apprentice worth the name should be able to I already have one I'm just so ahead of this game you can reveal that a helo 10 machine in attempt Orion and then some people do have their own supply of Tim essence so attend essence is like a priority he'll that you can use in the field and that also recharges once you go back to the center so that means you can stay out in the field longer so that's actually really good did he take my time time to or is that hasher always up there that's interesting you have surfboards sold the last one yesterday Oh Sofia Abboud okay so just presumably if we do stuff enough stuff with Sofia we get it the nest is flashed basically kind of yeah cutie you must be new in town he's student yes and I look in your eyes Oh in the right place for Tim Tim okay I will just see you later I kind of just want to travel about how are you guys doing in chat use mop please SAP diem thank you for another two quid I copped out early I'm sorry but thank you again man dang thanks for 100 the store and every town it looks the exact same I'm sorry to say I think this world has a monopoly we'd love them up we good guys like Windex that's good to know okay um a current quest is just further our training newspaper vendor have foreign papers what profit in times are very you need to hose newt mmm tournament lockberg Don's expected to lose I imagine this is all the region that we can explore that there's a lot going on there yet to find any digital temp temp hello friend you've got anything for me contra can you chop those Tomatoes no one busy cooking the onions do it yourself what a love and family why does this game hurt my eyes so much what do you mean it hurts your eyes it's not too bright or anything is it I think it looks falling [Music] colorful this is a hundred times better than the elevator it is wanna talk tempt Tamala gee dude no from the academia sorry we can't hang out tonight got to study for the finals oh come on okay I should go study too it's a very common color palette yeah it seems that it's vibrant you know like different like they're using like kind of like teal on a lot of green I like it I think it makes it stand out a bit more they love your town best bits are quite hidden if you ask me try getting to the other side of indigo Lake it's absolute bliss okay we could we could go to that then let's go back to indigo Lake now let's see how where we are on the map - yes we've travelled a good fit you can kind of see how the route is laid out quite clearly still got a lot to explore on this island let's go to indigo lake let's just see if we can catch them new temp temps that way [Music] not everyone's doing well in chat anyway I wish I had to surf for it we may not be able to go into the lake much I'll zip screw you buddy screw you too I don't need a surfboard I need a surfboard we built our house in the middle of a lake surrounded by water why would you even do that - hard flex I guess we gotta go to the doctor's Sophia's dojo murder our train and see what we have an academia as well I guess is where you can just learn tight matchups more than anything hi how is it going please take a seat and pay attention let's get started can recite all the elemental fire temp temp for me volunteers there's no one here sit down wait for the bell to ring just gonna wait here God he looks like he's completely naked when he sits down oh no oh no it looks like he's more naked than he actually is mr. clean no oh no anything the matter I can't get it to open what's the combination any clues oh he lost he lost the slip of paper helping Joseph I can't give you a copy because we don't have one we have to comply with riverine fellowshipped out of protection policies you see maybe he can find the paper he must have left it somewhere it's a goddamn locker mat oh dear what do you mean data protection laws about that exercise you got give you a copy of accommodation we need to find that slip of paper where have you been got up had breakfast went into tempura and get some spare Tim carrots and came straight the Accademia because I was running late you checked your pockets no it's not in there okay let's go as a temp for him which one's the temp or hurry him I don't know if we found that yet this one that's just a house [Music] in here oh they got some posters of the starters that's actually really cute cool yo he could just ask himself for the paper yeah why doesn't he do that that was the souvenir shop I don't know if I've been to the tempo room yeah is this looks like it using the tam-tam decals already captured Tim Tim woods no room in your squad okay oh did you fight can I have that it's Joseph's please I'm begging you or turn the combination have to do me a little favor in exchange Thanks okay found so many contempt and that's all yes I've used one of these so they have multiple stations set up because it's an MMO environment but it could actually realistically be quite a few players in here it's gonna be real interesting to play this game when it's like fully released I think I'm excited for that cuz then you're gonna have like all of these stations basically full I'm curious how that works like these are like PC boxes as well and that you can see that there's actually quite a few here's a shop awakener is for healing the sleep status I'm gonna get like 2 antidotes some more bomb lines will be formed it's gonna be interesting how that works so I'm curious to see how much they expand on the MMO idea of just having players in your world have you here come to contemplate the quasi oshi oceanic yes I salute you fellow ocean Oh feel nice meeting you an oceanographer what do you do study in the river it's not even an ocean you know Konstantinos okay but it's you're so hard to talk to there but dude oh god I need 2% Bob just drop in the West Coast end of beach on the North Eastern Shore that's why I have to go for that item that was that felt oh that was the clue there for the pendant north east and sharp shore this is the stress test yes of this okay so we got to go to the dojo then I think we've done everything that we can but you know we gotta we gotta finish a side quest first have the combination oh that's depressing no wonder I couldn't guess it it was just such an easy combination oh he's gonna give us the apples that's a good reward Oh dude you look like the less cursed version of me mr. Holland what's your name is inigo montoya oh that's somewhat unexpected in any case do please take a seat he's just like okay you're [ __ ] weird I'm not talking to you anymore oh that's great that I've got that in very cheeky this guy's just sitting down for class hey buddy I'm the headmistress as my office boss I'm terribly busy I think I can help you with something you could do for me yeah I don't know who they are where'd you last see him yeah I'll find him there's missing kids I don't know what they look like but we'll have a look-see oh this is like the statuses wait just fourteen cold and frozen everything gets cold twice we come frozen while frozen the temp team will be able to attack sleep trapped can't be swapped doomed and the can turn counter reaches zero the temp M is knocked out seized item can't be used poisoned it loses 1/8 of maximum HP burnt is 1/16 attack and special attacks reduced by 30% that's actually an interesting tweak on base Pokemon there's normally if you burned in Pokemon it's just your physical attack stat that is half Special Attack stat is not actually affected so they've actually tried to balance that there exhausted stamina caustically 550 invigorate it they decrease immune you become yep that seems good for generating the energies won't work with isolate okay you haven't encountered synergies yet neutralized that's interesting and time time have the two active status conditions at a time a new condition is applied the oldest one it's removed so you can almost heal some old status conditions than a Cavanaugh positive ones because there are some good ones there to get the can't be removed by swapping team time they rain even when you exit combat good to know okay he's given a to me for being late to class imagine being a teacher waiting for students one day I'm mr. clean comes in completely naked where it only Pines from a bag and starts reading through your books oh it's so cursed that's cool okay [Music] right so we can go along the bridge or we can just go along the grass which way do we want to take we can go towards the cliffs I think er this way people seem to be leaning more towards the grass so we're gonna go that way thank thanks for 100 bits when the game does go loud there probably no line everywhere just be swarming the machine probably but that's okay people are just staring at me there's some really cool ones that people have wonder what level that like you have to be to get those ones yeah well let's continue with our sponge for now many challenges you do a casual battle let's go how much stronger are you than me hera and Tula oh good god no I'm gonna die again aren't I wait I might knock there is a slim chance but they have six times em and I only have two julep I feel is gonna be the strong boy let's get started on that one nibble it down that only does half okay hard Jesus and nibble get it down we might actually win this one there is a slim chip petals dead Oh No okay we're gonna need that we're gonna need to up our game a bit send in the Windex yeah I think I can kill this one he's a wind blade on it that's fine we can do without sponge I'm gonna use my strong attack next go oh my god fleet [Music] with you get it you get attack down windblade is a special attack so it doesn't even matter okay shrill voice yeah I don't want a kick to Olympic and damage itself due to over exertion okay we have we have an advantage champ oh yeah stamina and to lift this down but kill one we just have to get true five more got a sponge gotta get this one down oh god Zeile is even stronger than the ones that came before it no it's not doing anything hey just barely enough using strangle it's not very effective come on Willa God it's got another one they're getting stronger - that's the worrying thing shrill voice we need power a fail just be effective strangle oh no that's not doing enough wind exits overexert it oh it's not going well it's not going well pop isn't even tricky Knoll up always been Center today and Windex has got a rest oh the end is nigh go mom poison them look we got two down it's all up them up it didn't even affect it it's a level three month versus like a 15 out of 14 come on ma you can do it oh now you're just showing off why didn't you kill me they just want this show off you an extra Pokemon of tavington sorry an honest mistake oh we're dead mr. clean lost the battle well [Music] who's a good cat for Gigi well Gigi you who there's a valiant effort is my team just dead right now oh no so they don't actually take permanent damage when it comes to player battles now that that actually is kind of a cruciate it's interesting again cuz it's an MMO environment like surely they should I can kind of understand why they don't I want to have to reward for winning the player battles is then maybe it's just for funsies is that a shiny platypus - yeah it's like a weird pink color [Music] that's awesome yeah how many people already have shinies bit of a shame too because they are going to reset the bills because like this is the Alpha progress is like it's gonna be all reset I think by the final release of the game I want that platypus the platypus is go [Music] okay we still need to get the climbing gear come on sponge everyone else's shiny pokemon well ten times but we don't need them where are you going our so Lola attempt i'm battling oh god we may be out of our depth now thirds haven't i'm are getting a lot bigger than wait there only level six it's okay oh I was worried for a moment there come on that hole oh so share pain is kicking in so sponge is actually becoming a sponge and he's protecting dental that's actually a really useful ability kinda make sense and why they're going for a double battle format and just to do something like different stuff with abilities you can kind of design around that if you know that's what you're going for [Music] it's a pick a pick one hit from battle here should kill that you need to catch him for displays that's super effective to is interesting I know this says times two I don't know what type I imagine us a water type its we're a nature type so yeah we crass beats water that's right I like that Tim Tim that one's cute kill him I imagine that's a water type to earth tell Finn beat yeah it is okay got it Oh almost a one shot get it with a scratch finish the job oh we're not gonna get the XP now a sponge will soak it all up it's okay what you won dude playing Japanese 10/10 many a year buy into the temp em centers in Tokyo gonna go back actually no I can use the [ __ ] I can use the vial can't I use Windex you know I do want to Train oh I haven't got this one have I catch one of these this is fun and cool game I mean I'm enjoying it so far it's like relearning a Pokemon right now if I'm having a good time I like the tam-tam so they're really cool designs I guess I just like the main thing about this game [Music] you'll be alright and we'll use that and then we'll just use some bomb on sponge catch one of these that's what I'm doing I'm trying to get one of everything come on got it you've caught scale this is a neutral type greatest scavenger mr. was 20% of max HP if another tenth Emmons knocked out that's actually really good then cuz you can get on I kind of like a roll that's really good HB SV is - everything else is a bit shy we'll call this guy's sweep I'm to the squad [Music] climene's likes an Eritrean Tirpitz is there any word when the game comes out and name a tight pod I don't know when the full release is this is like I like an alpha test and they're gonna be doing some more alpha stuff this month because it's only an alpha and maybe quite some time because you know we kept you know we haven't even got to beta or anything like that yet there is a steam page for it but you cannot purchase the game just yet wait it's a 21st of January is it is it releasing an early access or something like that because isn't an alpha right now Charlie it's gonna take a while longer it's an early access as of the 21st okay that makes more sense yeah I was about to say it's like how the [ __ ] do you go from alpha to like full release in two weeks you know early access okay so early access opens from the 21st might revisit this honestly I'm having a really good time you [ __ ] show off over there to looks like a shiny as it's not an alpha this is beta quality maybe they're like upgrading the beta and it's early access I think this is supposed to be like it this is a test for the server's more than anything I believe I mean the main the main thing I would say is for a change in this at this point maybe the UI stuff it's very high is that actually I I keep forgetting what's highlighted because like it's like white and a light blue their vote like soft colors so it's hard to tell what you're actually on because like look if I go there like what is highlighted it looks like it's squad doesn't it but it's not it's the Tempe dia because the mount option is kind of grayed out so you have to kind of remember that maybe make the icon bigger just make it red or something but I like how like it displays like all your Tim Tams on the screen you know having the chat option there is nice be nice it was a way to hide that maybe if you're just kind of interested in more single-player experience it seems to have time-of-day implemented - there's like a Sun in the top right I'm wondering how that works and if it gets dark it does get a bit figure yeah it does but I still think that should be highlighted like a different color I would say just from looking at this okay we'll save this for a bit well we'll use something other than Dettol we're trying to bleach some more heat sponge going [Music] can play with the d-pad as well or like the control stick I don't know how this would control with Madison keyboard I personally think this kind of game is suited for a controller more different time to have a knight possibly I would hope so cool you know a stranger throwdown Lester Scouts discuss Tim Tim ology instead Tim time up get ready to lose that's that's not a lot of Tim technology let's go thank thanks I'm not hundra can be fun to play this game with like everyone here too so I think it'd be good to revisit even in that sense cuz then we can get everyone on the one server Louis thanks for underbids love your content just you in general full homo have a lovely rest a week thank you very much man are you with the 200 bits that I nibble on him psywave on him no you're a meal a type I'm gonna I'm probably gonna look into it for the next time I play - just to learn all the type matchups just so I have a better idea of what's what I'm getting there I know oh wait bleach has learned energy manipulation do you want to change when it bleaches current moves using combination of nature Ally energy manipulation as additional damage and exhausts to turns oh this is a combo move you can do ok well let's forget tenderness hello me Bob thank you for the 13 quiz I'll go is Pokemon I mean not folk of all nothing well life's been a bit [ __ ] lately it's nice and helped me true it extremes of videos always help things make things with just a bit better sorry there that Bob hope you're doing alright oh my in things have been pretty good that this game is actually quite fun I'm having a good time here take your mind off life a while oh I'm gonna I'm gonna use some balm now - and not let sponge die there's no energy manipulation so this is like you complement this this is one of the moves at the plus using combination of nature Ally I will do additional damage so it ups from 45 to 60 so if I'm gonna if we resurrected Dettol we can try that one soon I'm just gonna put him to sleep Lewis thanks 100 bits sudden all of the Bob thank you very much sponges nature no sponges a neutral I think Zig normal nature is kind of like green it's like grass [Music] yeah we can use heavy blow and we can just go 404 a side way that uses all our stamina let me go sponges secretly mr. Clean Magic Eraser yes of course okay not a trainer dan why are all the Pokemon named after cleaning products dude we have like a bunny named gun in our Pokemon play chair oh this guy knows who are you who we are hey chopper how's it going hi Artie hello friend it's good to have you here hmmm showdown Sundays know spicy stuff top thank you for hundreds jazz likes it 100 as well thought to be heard about this game looks like a really cool concept realistic duck calls on the side pop sound sound like my iPod alarm though so the game definitely knows how to keep me alert I had Jesus check Sykes 400 as well take a shot every time i RT says take your mind off life a while and you can really take your mind off life oh no we need a gun emot-- now we riot we were I've listed most of the emotes ideas we came up with before I'm gonna start gradually swapping some of them over time I am mr. clean I'm up for a bottle or no it's a derpy fishy kiss at 4:10 temp just in distress I think we we can just annihilate this chap do a heavy blow and just the kick might be enough come on sponge I don't have a sponge does a heavy blow but we won't question it he'll shut up arty I love the fish he looks like he's in pain go for a cheeky nibble just do hypnosis on you get him there boskie thanks 100 bits u2's I have heard the interest for YouTube's do not worry I have heard it loud and clear [Music] see heavy blow and we're very badly injured I think there's only this woman that's alive at the moment or awake even do a side wave on it [Music] come on sponge [Music] yeah hypnosis is a pretty strong one to keep around I think Oh bleach is struggling get a heavy blowing going up for energy manipulation and we will fatigue if we do anything other than just pass I think it might just make sense to switch to Windex all I'm died like this [Music] there we go buns you're okay give him a scratch just get in a better Gatlin to finish the job was pretty fast too faster than Windex [Music] and idea 11 sanction over 200 the god that music is so [ __ ] good is a battle theme is really nice I liked that violin a lot aviators hikes 100 bits to neglect mop and we're IRT no and we did we not really use a mop right now are we the thing is what mop is he's the same type as in her attempt him like he's the same type as Dettol hello Dettol is dead right now [Music] you see we haven't revived I don't think so no I do have the time essence file I should probably use this because i can i can heal that - it's like estes is this game the derrick souls a polka bod no rit please the love a gaga when those goofy-looking fish i absolutely love them hey huh don't you mr. clean aren't you yes yes I am oh you've grown quick irony were a whiny toddler always running after your Pig pic even recognize me I'm Carmen they've no idea who you are how is she doing let's battle used to pretend fight with stuff to have time when you were eight remember and now we're having a real battle how time flies anyway let's tempt him up as kids say nowadays that's what they're all saying hmmm ah oh my god a little butterfly thing is what dental evolved Zinta low Ally let's kill it oh it's like oh wow it's so cool I love to design murder it end its existence kill this 10 mm ah no defense up get it doesn't even matter if it has a shield okay we'll do a heavy blow on you sly waving on you hopefully that's enough yes it is [Music] well I think I got that's gonna get like dual will type in then or something hey assuming this game is still typing I don't actually know sponge sponge is like becoming an MVP already a 48 held like just what a tank another heavy blow just kick them what you go sponge I was anime eyes on low Aledo a bleach is levelled up very impressive mr. clean oh the look on her face she looks like she's about to cry but I kick her in the shins or something during the battle yeah we'll give me your money [Music] upper indigo like how's it going [Music] he fightin I was the one with like multicolored hair look at that guy over look a peasant in typical sudden din his Gharib how thick how he Freddie's a bit of a big city boys who'll just calls out of people peasants we're just appreciating the rich and varied wildlife of the region the trees time to em the country bumpkins for crying out loud I will destroy you yeah I know I understand the feeling my friend the yokels getting cocky we'll bring it on rural guy this guy is such a gotcha I want to destroy this man can I use the bleach on him oh no oh he's got the starters yes I can't use the bleach it's good against the monkey we trained for this moment [Music] it's not good against him I can't can use energy manipulation isn't still do 45 not as good as the side wave I don't know if our one shot kill is the thing let's try it might do yes we'll get we'll get we'll get it and down the French so fever rush oh he's just kicking us it's alright and we killed hit like his Pokemon well his temp temp erst I'm so sorry horse a habit [Music] well I think I think we're doing good I would just use heavy blow [Music] does it resist its own type it doesn't let's get the note [Music] oh no sponge yeah but just get the experience on Windex I guess special status as well right now get them in grit sponge better Gatlin and just kick them we're in the clear but how other guy doesn't even say anything yeah sorry about my friend Kent back to the city boy oh how dare you that's only right good fight let's go you go away Siller loser much goodbye oh he speaks on the other person's behalf okay let's use the the vial that we have are we doing on time okay I'm good to keep going to the top of this arrow that I think but we'll get it we'll get a bit more in before we wrap up keep using sponge we'll get back to using Dettol unfortunately our progress will be reset come the next time we play this they've up because they have said that that's going to happen with the alpha test but you know we can we can just start over and catch these guys again work-in-progress content okaythat's of alpha is alpha the only so far not everything is here right now more fighter call time time tamer is not Tim ten fighters for a reason my friend Tim Tam is not about the fights but the relationship we develop with your temp temp yeah let's go I just look I just want to win money okay this is like legalized cockfight and if you think about it alright I can't stick my pet cat on other people in real life so I'll have to make do although the gang ki gang again just nibble kill her and see if we can do much here I mean sponge is gonna be able to get a fair bit in well these are electric type maybe that would make sense that ones particularly dangerous now electric flying interest in our electric wind it's scratch and we really got to get the other one down soon get a star on them oh god don't let the gang he's gank here basically I do need to catch some more I feel like I've missed out the opportunity to get some of these guys yeah I think this was good against him heavy blow on Yankee Oh God Almighty yeah that is good against him and next round we finish it all off come on get a scratch in finish this one off to all's well nicely done gang what do i level - will evolve things like we've seen like it's evolved form at level 90 oh they still got one more soon that's you pretty good we just get some free XP my dad was gonna push himself a little bit here just to finish the job let me go please don't die from recall Oh broken got a catcher tuna tamer did it Legendary's will be auditor in the early access period cool I imagine the legendaries are like the digital temptin if I have to guess because they've kind of made a point of that already I Jesus by the way Artie do you know why this game is perhaps called 1010 I don't why is it Hackett thanks for five your bits earlier I've only got a stream I was but not as good as a paint drying stream but I guess I could enjoy it how's it going cat you're very welcome to the stream Tim and Tim the legendary duo why is it called Tim times does anyone know I'm curious okay just punch in Tim Tim oh I know about synergy you fight alongside a friend it matters which time time you're using it matters a lot at the right combination of Tim Tim and greatly improved damage if you say if you using a fire time time when your friend is also using a suitable type of fire type fire Tim Tim then you might bolt and grease your fire damage or if your friends using a different type of I mean the difference being victory and defeat so you should learn about sanitary and try use to your advantage that's a pro tip for you let's fight em Tim up [Music] Walmart brand Pokemon I notice similarities the Pokemon are there but it's still pretty good I think that's unfair it is doing some different stuff and trying to make it more interesting like synergy and itself is a system that's just not in Pokemon well these are evolved once well that's the level 14 wonder now get the level 10 one first I would say oh oh [Music] sponge may not be doing too good here Danny goes okay that was a bit much okay we have synergy too though if we use bleach thanks to bleach we have energy manipulation give us our own synergy actually pretty good Jesus overexertion at least and he killed himself oh thank god he might know synergy but it turns out he's not kind to his ten times whatsoever it's forcing them to fight til they die thank God for that Laurie is that God bleach is no longer poison just a moment well I was coming to very close we got him though well play a tamer we're gonna need a bit of balm there I think it wasn't there's an item there patient over there it's go just follow me about this all right disease we sold it a good price work in progress okay I'll a shite fine furniture from den Z then design our designs denizen era designs Jesus as a mouthful the dude how did you get all these it's insane this guy he's just showing up sitting at benches as he goes along yeah he [ __ ] knows he's cycling dude such a yeah well I look I I got a bug that's wrapping like a hoodie okay don't mess with me and I was wearing just my underpants before it was cool okay you got nothing on me know what time to Milo shirt opens once development continues for the game my man we're not quite there yet so for the furniture shop they do actually plan to add the ability to make your own house in this game I believe but that is like kind of like a feature they have in it which is kind of cool [Music] keep fine wake up uef company you're ready to be beaten but both of us fight your boat mm up okay well we got all the fights are getting harder we just didn't like evolved territory now I feel we got to be very careful these are full is it gonna be effective against this one No [Music] my needs switcher get heads violin music is nice it really is I think we killed the bug first few shrill voice here this will be strong oh love that ability we need to get like more move variety for Windex I think oh that was super effective to weird cuz they seem to be the same type oh you know cuz the move is a different type that's right oh that was evolving this is what evolution looks like oh that's really cool it's snappy as well and now he has wind blade nice oh I'm just gonna I'm just gonna see is he dueled - now how does it work it's so Digimon I love it really is hang on so I want to see yeah so you have dual type so now it's a nature wind type that's awesome trade is botanist damage done when nature techniques is increased by 15% this guy this guy is like killing it in comparison the mop he doesn't have a nature type of attack which is unfortunate okay but yeah we've got a new one though that's pretty good so let's just use that on him we just use Peck on Eric my next is asleep that's so good yeah now we're resisting that because we got like our Flying type - oh c'mon who I only know 1010 let's see I choose the targets that si I thought I think means it's super effective I just do a shrill voice yeah that's what that means fill them there ma don't be so bad at remembering the name because like I've given them all like stupid dick today so disrespect bought these try and AV Electra hundred pips we need to get a derpy fish yeah don't use federal guideline actually yes just yeah just past the term yeah that's an interesting way of like managing mu P P and that actually does make it quite different oh yeah just get some rest don't take a turn recover some stamina data was overexerted last term himself and now we can go into back into you time we could just use a wind blade there we go it's not fair did it hit me here thank you for another hundred days well there's lost my first time catching your stream arty colors remind me of slime rancher yeah they do have a bit of that aesthetic don't they I can see that it's over here point acre is bungee-jumping prohibited oh no hon his name's Daedalus no oh Jesus Christ for a moment Lich thank you for the 5000 bits thank you screaming this so I know it exists it some bits for being funny thank you very much man it's incredibly kind I hope you've been enjoying the stream very much appreciate it man like that's a lot to give him one go dang thank you for a hundred eraz well they were approached by u2's you should get I won't die I think it'll be a great conversation starter yeah I just have like a miniature I won't die figure on my desk who's that oh that's I won't die like then they call like you know an ambulance or something cuz we're concerned a nice 400 you need to find the magic out for this game and use as your soul tempt him okay I bowled one surprising given a ute mm head seem to care about nothing when your fights and all that actually different I'm interested in changes changes of perspective it's a little high angle view we have here is just a taste oil it must be like to look down from high above I'm crazy enough planning regarding the high above don't worry I just want to see how we could understand their perspective pose we could view a little Den is from above the clouds of course I've thought about hiring an airship to take pictures but I would be way too expensive I'm just gives it an amateur intellectual curiosity how can I help we can use a properly trained flying temp temp we need attempt I'm strong enough to carry a camera science if science okay look at the Tempe dia bring a barn sheet strong but also intelligent how do I get a barn sheet Wow would you look at that don't jump yeah bye Oh No always Easy's considering jumping we're so high above it it's scary imagine just a little overhang just fell and it came crashing down on it whoo what makes me dizzy why is he excited to possibly fall off this cliff I don't understand dude you don't need to keep following me as well it's okay thank you put appreciate it first time in his trial how you liking the cliffs shut up and tempt him up just get a little boy [Music] and so 1v2 suicide is badass well this is level 18 wait but we have a bunch of super effective moves we had one super effective move now oh it's not super fast I was thinking of bleach no energy manipulation fleet please go first thank you we need that damage in before we die [Music] please don't hurt me thank you I can kill him that lowered his stats wait what was the benefit it doesn't matter I'm too good there we go that'll is getting stronger Oh dad all involves again Guardian thank you for the tree gift subs that's very kind thank you very much nap thank you for the tier 2 earlier as well twist thanks 400 bits very much everyone too kind do I have much in my backpack stores 25% of HP I only there's any point in using this I need to get back to like a center or something or like find one oh I didn't see you let's let's just have a fight I'm trying to say my fruit because it's 25% and I'll become more valuable as the game progresses thankfully we're looking out a bit with the power level I should probably heal bleach a little bit though at Clements thank you for the five gift subs it's very generous man thank you very much [Music] you have a go so floor I don't think so - good - you sitting bro finish that one and that one energy manipulation I like it when you start getting this energy involved cuz like you get this like extra layer the whole come on doesn't have with that for me and in proximity to another temp temp that gets stronger [Music] the big bird just keep using that on it this uses 11 I only have wood hypnosis doesn't do enough I have to hope that these two kill it it's not gonna kill oh that's it for Bleach I can barely hear the music turn off the max you guys can it the music's fine isn't it you guys who've been hearing it thick low the tubule isn't saying God the music's good you can hear it fine yeah it's fine yeah I don't what that one guy's talking about plenty loud oh jeez it's kind of loud defending yeah I'm not turning it up Jesus sweep doesn't have many moves got him sweep [Music] he's doing his best [Music] I think we got it I need to like go back to like a center or a tempo room does anyone know what the next one is or if I have to journey all the way back basically this sweep is getting some XP oh my god no I was just I thought there was some hello ma'am I'm mr. clean I'm very badly injured and I'm looking for a temp aureum what a lovely I'm I'm not wearing a hat granny I'm completely naked apart from my underpants well it's pleased to meet you - you care for a spot of gem quarrel let's fight I'm so badly injured I need to get back [Music] we're actually in trouble now mops mop is gonna have to pull some weight - we have one time ten that's still like alive oh there's a synergy with a toxic ally - [Music] that's what poison okay bright let's this is gonna be real bad it doesn't do anything I forgot that we may actually die here oh good god we're going to die need to get some heavy damage in [Music] so no please kill him up first bleep no the granny's going to kill us we're gonna be left for dead honey no we got sweep he's level six oh god I wish I trained them more he's a shy shield mop no longer has an attacking move get him it's not through it anything it's just a defense up doesn't matter when you have four HP okay I can get him down just apply some additional toxic no this wouldn't have happened if you had a whooooo it's not gonna have any effect because it's still on him and he killed he's almost killed himself because of overexertion oh no oh my god I can heal them by 25% it's not enough mops dead [Music] the team doesn't have any healthy tempt him left you lost we were defeated by a granny well at least we get the got sent back to the center in the end oh dear amber thanks for 100 bits hope you're doing well we did our best [Music] Oh God Almighty I think on that note I might be a good point the raffle stream but I thoroughly enjoyed playing this I'm very curious to check out this game again once it comes out in early access I believe them would be the 21st of this month I won't be here on the 21st but I would like to take a look again yeah it's quite promising for what it is it's just nice to have something that's different to Pokemon you know very much inspired by it but you know it's not hiding that fact the designs are really cute I like the temp temps I'd be good a be a nice 100 bits mr. clean gets bopped by your boomer Jesus amber thank you for literal hundred bits yeah people are interested in it you can like it too it's on Steam it's not available for sale just yet but if you even search there you should be able to find like a lot of social links for the game and that I imagine you just search time times it's going to come up at Lisa's later this month in early access at least I was good fun though thanks again to the dev so actually giving me a key for I actually thoroughly enjoyed that game I'm glad I was actually able to share with folks cuz well I can gather most of you here hadn't heard of it at all which is fair I'm glad to bring a bit of attention to it I'll be back tomorrow night I'm doing a bunch of exit streams this week I haven't decided what we'll be doing just yet but I'll be streaming tomorrow night once again so do keep an eye out and we're gonna do a raid just in a moment I'm gonna see who's going I want to send you towards have you considered curtail oh I don't know what that means okay let me see who alright was going let us see Oh God Shawn's dream of someone called gtfo I don't know I don't know what that even is do you all know just go I'll say hi to Sean he's just streaming something that says get the [ __ ] out gtfo I don't know what that game is but I'm gonna leave you in Incheon scare might know might know him as Jack as well but that's okay yeah go say hey to the man and I will see you all tomorrow evening we're gonna scream again all the best guys raid message justjust just say hi say hi all you need to do okay take care guys all the best you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 21,062
Rating: 4.9201775 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-532436967, rtgamecrowd, Welcome to an actual Pokemon MMO, Temtem, Twitch, Gaming, Welcome, to, an, actual, Pokemon, MMO, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: Sa_RJBy2BNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 29sec (10289 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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