r/TalesFromTechSupport - $50 Mistake Cost Him $$ MILLIONS $$

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welcome back guys to voic-- here and another r slash tales from tech support we all make mistakes but very few of us make multi-million dollar mistakes and when you're the tech guy to fix the problem you can name your price and that's one heck of a payday don't forget voiced veterans to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode this story was called I think I got the new girl fired some background started working at my current job about a year ago on help desk recently promoted to IC specialist about four months ago while still doing help desk things this stories from when I was still on help desk the characters army jerk manager who thinks I T should drop what they're doing and help him because any inconvenience prevents him from doing his job new girl jerk managers assistant been with the company for about two weeks and use of it was a typical day trying to knock out all my blocked tickets but the phone won't stop ringing we had been getting calls about people trying to access an excel file on a network share only to get an error that user had it open even though user isn't here today can confirm user wasn't logged in anywhere and hadn't logged in in over 24 hours I start researching it and find out there's an issue with this kind of document and network shares but there's a workaround but it doesn't work for everyone and can't remember what it was also I find out that even though it says user has the file open it's half correct the file is open somewhere but user was the last one to save the file I don't have a ticket for the issue so I'm not focusing on it but I pass on my findings to my co-workers the phone rings it's my turn to answer IT this is verbal how can I help you hey verbal this is JM I need to access file to make changes but it says user has it open he sounds kind of pleasant but I know it's about to change yeah we've been getting calls about this and we're looking into it q his typical behavior I need it now as I said we're looking into us and I'll provide an update as soon as we can find out more it is bull crap I'm sick of calling this line and you can't even do what your job title says probably about another thirty seconds of him ranting about how much he hates the IT department if you can't help me what can you do I can continue looking into this to try and get it resolved jerk manager back to ranting at this point I had a random idea on how to find out who had the file open open computer management connect to another computer file server shared folders sessions don't know why I didn't think of it before I see new girl has the file open I found it it looks like Angie has it open no she doesn't she's working on something else he goes on that I'm trying to get him off the phone and argues that I'm wrong while he's ranting I find out what computer Angie is on and remote into her computer we use some remote desktop software that allows us to view and controller user's desktop through a web browser she has Facebook open and she's playing some game I see down in the taskbar she has Excel open but it's minimized I'm just going up the information I'm finding if you could go check we could confirm my information is correct or if I need to continue looking into this JME but grudgingly agrees to go check and puts the phone down I go back to watching ng screen she's happily playing her Facebook game clicking here clicking there then all of a sudden the mouse stops moving for a few seconds then it starts to move towards the red X I figured she was busted and in my excitement of possibly being right I accidentally moved my mouse cursor over the web browser which takes over her screen and moved her mouse cursor causing her to miss the red X the mouse stops moving for a minute then I hear JM yelling through the phone but I can't make out what he's saying but I'm definitely sure she's busted yelling dies down then the mouse starts moving again closes Facebook clicks on Excel and voila Angie had file opened the whole time ten seconds later JM gets back on the phone no apology doesn't admit I was right just says he's all good calls finally stopped coming about file that day anyways a couple days later I see JM submit a termination request for ng not sure why but always thought that call had played a part in it James boss submitted a termination request for JM a couple weeks after though not sure why new girl wouldn't be the first person in her office to go on Facebook or be playing games at work but if you're going to do that you need to at least look busy and you don't want to have an excel file open that holds up everyone else from doing their work it's only gonna draw attention to yourself every night as she was new she probably had no idea but that's even more reason to just play it cool for a few months this story was called sysadmin Aang still sysadmin Aang I asked for ticket and for my sins they gave me one Monday morning it was bound to happen eventually can't avoid it if I tried so it may as well face up to it and stare it down dragging my butt into the office still recovering from a weekend of doing absolutely nothing but recovering from the last week exhaling the last cold air of dawn from my lungs and breathing in the stale hot air of the office air mixed with the smell of coffee and toast from the early starting staff members making my way to my cubicle I ignore the frantic hand waving of the human resources to lies for the price of one who are begging me to show them how to operate their computers for them since their brains haven't warmed up sufficiently to remember how to do their jobs I arrive at my cubicle my tiny corner of refuge my fortress of solitude that everyone knows about and visits incessantly firing up the computer I again mentally toy with the idea of making a false cardboard wall to disguise my cubicle as a storage room full of cardboard boxes the computer run I log in and start dealing with the email and trouble tickets from the weekend while my phone starts ringing off the hook I swear these people watch me on hidden cameras waiting for me to sit down I fight my way through the weekend spam build-up and make my way to the trouble tickets first one in the queue is from one of our branch managers on Sunday branch manager users finished up with us today Sunday please disable his access as soon as possible ok nothing like starting the day with an employee deletion even if this user wasn't one of the bad ones better than a cappuccino enema some would say started employee termination proceedings no need to refer to the instructions I wrote them do all the necessary changes in our sale system change in disable ad and backup then delete the user exchange mailbox just as I hit the delete button to finalize the user deletion the ticket queued ding I watched as the final step process telling me that user had been totally deleted then tabbed to the ticketing queue the branch manager had sent an update I made a mistake user doesn't finish up till tomorrow Tuesday can you please reinstate his access as he can't get into his computer that said FML Monday morning had one already and it was so early in the game I went outside to stand in the slowly warming Sun toasted ah well done you bastard to Monday with my hot chocolate and wished for a cigarette even though I've never smoked in my life I mean what he's supposed to do at that point you know that you're gonna get blamed for it anyway this is only gonna justify him later when he's not productive in the morning it's like well last time I was productive and got some stuff down really early I had to try and reverse everything even though I couldn't because he was deleted this story was called PC keeps turning off I was working in IT got a call from a users saying their PC keeps turning off I asked the usual questions to work out if the PC is shutting down or is it the screen going blank etc end result of the conversation was that the PC was cutting out completely and needed powering back on via the on/off button I headed up the two flights of stairs to the user expecting a loose power cable but once under the desk I was surprised to find the power cable nice and secure then looked at dust buildup and fans thinking overheating but everything seems to be fine I asked if there's any pattern to the cutouts does it happen when using a particular application or a particular times of the day etc she says no but after a bit of prodding says it often happens after she catches the PC with her foot thinking maybe an internal loose connection I give the PC a few shakes and a few taps around the case but the PC remains quietly well-behaved I tell her it seems to be working fine she then says no it happens when I catch it with my foot smack from out of nowhere she kicks the PC so hard I thought she was trying to clear a goal in the opponent's half sure enough the PC cuts power and she looks very happy she's been able to demonstrate the problem I tell her the PCs are not designed to take that kind of punishment and it's no wonder it's shutting down I didn't get back under her desk and move the PC and cables to the other side so it's behind her draw unit and not in the area her feet are I show her where the PC is now and say this should solve it as she now cannot catch it with her feet oh no I can't have it there where am I going to rest my feet you shouldn't be using your PC as a footrest how about we get you an actual footrest no the footrest too low the CPU is just the right height put it back after shuttering that she referred to her base unit as her CPU I informed her that the PC is staying where I put it I'm ordering her a footrest and she'll have to just learn to live with it how to request a few weeks later from her boss to put her tall footrest back where she can use it so had to call them and explain what the situation actually was boss had a good laugh and told me he had sorted out with her never heard anything more from either of them okay to be fair I'd be lying if I said I'd never used a PC as a footrest but it's not the only thing like the desk a second chair but calling your PC a CPU okay that's that's criminal for those who don't know CPU is central processing unit it's the processor inside the computer it's not the whole computer itself this story was called how a favor for a friend ended up costing a small company millions in sales and my service fees over the fourth of July holiday we had some pretty severe storms in my area I've been on a very long and much-needed staycation from work which has absolutely nothing to do with the release of shadow bring has nothing to do with that at all I was enjoying a nice cup of diet cola watching some epic cutscenes from the expansion when my phone rang if you ignore it they'll go away I go back to gaming when the phone rings nine more times I finally pick up what can you come help me out I can make sure you get paid my new computer in the new office is not working 200 huh I'm on vacation and that's my fee this isn't manager if you're worth it I will pay it I Drive out to his office and take a look at his PC it will post but will not move past that maybe the hard drive going to open her up and take a look I open up the case and immediately see the issue every cap is blown on the motherboard every single one how's this thing post no friggin clue did you guys have any kind of power surge in the building recently the building did receive a lightning strike know that irony is not lost on me nothing had power for most of the week did you not have a surge protector see those strips along the floor those are industrial power strips I am told they protect against power surges the things he was pointing out with those long metal offers power strips the ones that have no or very little surge protection capability those are not surge protectors merely power strips I look at every single computer in the room slowly the exit is just to my left I can just walk out and never look back friends boss is sort of in my way but he is scrawny err than me I can just Bowl him over no one will ever know try turning on all the pcs in this office please well hi why did you say that of the nearly two hundred computers in the office one booted into windows it was not plugged in at the time of the lightning strike what do you suggest you got warranty on these machines wait what the simple warranty we'll have to call del to see if it covers power surges after a short phone call FP walks out of his office with no color in his face the warranty we have does not cover power surges they said they can send out a tech and charge us for every computer that is damaged do you have insurance yes I collected my 200 and walked out the door thinking it was over four days later the phone rings and I'm currently watching the most epic cutscene SE has ever done with one of their expansions I ignore it and focus on the game as the most epic of fights followed the most epic of cutscenes the phone rings as I finish up the story line how much would you charge to rebuild all of the computers in this office how many I should just hang up right now all but one of them 50 bucks per machine there is no way he will say yes to that looks like you get to focus on titania Xtreme this weekend 25 per computer i stub am i miss calculating how much money fifty per computer was hence it was yes yes I was I dropped an entire zero on that number that is a lot of money but I also really want to play this brand new expansion 30 deal dominat I think ok I'll be right over to get to work drive out there and see a ton of Dell boxes all over the place the warranty guy wanted to judge 85 per computer after the parts so I just bought all the parts and called you I cursed myself thinking I shouldn't have low-balled it so hard okay if I'm going to do this you are going to have to help me get everything organized each disk will have the parts needed for each PC next to it and I'll get to work from there every PC needed a motherboard and psu replacement as well as half needing Ram or processor replacements only one HDD was damaged and it was the storage drive not the nvme SSD I go down the line and remove the side panel from each machine then remove the power cables from each machine then unscrew the dead motherboards from each machine and you can see how this went by the end of an eight ish hour day I had most of the work done just needed to boot each machine up and pray wasn't as bad as I thought it would be only to do a PS use that came out was able to head to Micro Center and grab two cheaper psus using my earned money the guy said he would reimburse me for it separately by nearly midnight I had all computers up and running and waiting for the logins there was one thing I forced each new desk to have there a high quality surge protector I am handed the largest check I have ever seen in my life and walk out the door with a smile that dude just got paid $6,000 for a day of work and yes it would be pretty tedious work and he had to give up his video game so there were sacrifices that were made but he definitely owes his friend something for that one and let that be a lesson to everybody here please use surge protectors it's gonna save you time money and stress first your stories memes and fair not at a slash boy see here don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode all right boys veterans I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 104,690
Rating: 4.8779821 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/talesfromtechsupport, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/talesfromtechsupport 5, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, best of reddit, ask reddit
Id: vSJvwH3jSig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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