r/ProRevenge - Sleazy Boss BLACKMAILS Me When I REFUSE to Obey Him. I Destroy the Company!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash pro revenge we're in today's episode opie tells a tale where they single-handedly destroyed a chain of gas stations because the bosses were so corrupt and too greedy guys buckle up the stories in this one are super duper satisfying and i hope you enjoy them hit the subscribe button if you haven't and as always story submissions can be sent to this email right here so my ex-neighbor was pretty trashy she always had cars sitting on blocks in the yard smoked while nine months pregnant and always blasted kid rock tunes at all times of the day she was that trashy well this lady decided that paying a dollar per trash bag was just too much our township will only pick up your trash if it's in one of the approved purple bags so normal trash bags will just be left behind the trash truck drives right past them so her solution was to buy normal trash bags at the dollar store and have her eight-year-old child toss them over the fence into my yard now their trash becomes my problem so after confronting her she just laughed at me so i called the cops they said that since the kid was so young there was no proof that his parents told him to do it so there was nothing they could do so this went on for about four months me taking the bags of trash they tossed into my yard wrapping them in purple bags that i paid out of pocket for and putting them out to the curb that was pretty annoying not to mention the extra money i'm spending on trash bags i'm slowly growing to hate this woman it was annoying at first but at this point i was getting mad mind you i own my own home and she was renting hers now at the time buying a rental property was an idea for us so we decided why not let's reach out to her landlord so i get a hold of the landlord and i offer to buy the house for a decent amount above market value the guy jumps at the offer and soon i'm the new proud owner of the house next door to me sure it cost me 71 000 but what price do you put on peace of mind the very first thing i did as the new owner was serve them an eviction notice in person across that same fence that they threw their trash over that was 31 days ago as of today the unit is empty and i don't know where they went but there's someone else's problem now all because she didn't want to pay for her own trash bags oh the things people can do with money right guys oh i don't like you as a neighbor i'll just buy the house you're renting and evict you now mind you it might have been a totally different story if op lived somewhere where houses weren't 75 000 like it'd be kind of hard to buy the house next to you if it was like you know five times that much in which case op might have been stuck beside that nightmare neighbor so some background i'm a 35 year old male who owns a 72 unit apartment complex when i bought it it was in good shape and i spent several million getting all the apartments renovated the rent was an increase for any of the tenants and i made sure it never went up by more than 50 a year for the lease renewals shortly after all the renovations were completed i started the search for a property management company and ultimately settled on one that seemed well aligned with wanting to put the tenants first as we were doing the contracts i had my real estate friend look at them between him and my lawyer they recommended having a clause added in there so the short of it is if there's any legal actions brought up against me for the apartment complex due to the neglect of property management staff that the property management will be responsible for all those costs and any legal fees incurred now i do want to note that this wasn't added in secrets and the legal team from the property management company agreed and everything was finalized they took over the management of the complex a month later i was fairly hands off and only visited the site every three to four months other than that i'd have monthly updates sent to me by the manager on site a few months ago i found out that a couple of the apartments had been left in severe shambles after the tenants moved out and the cleaning crew we had took care of it i didn't find out until after the fact that that wasn't completely accurate i found out that one of the apartments apparently had a bad roach infestation in the storage closet outside the apartment after the new tenants moved into that apartment they brought up the issue to the site manager in the monthly reporting the site manager claimed that the maintenance staff tried to address it with traps and bug bombs now i didn't think too much of it and i left it at that the next month the same thing and the third month after receiving the monthly reports i called the site manager stating that there's a reoccurring issue that i wanted taken care of professionally at that point the month's rent was waived for the tenants who lived in that particular apartment and they were put up in a hotel for a week while the issue was to be addressed once they returned to their apartment is when the issue started the site manager either by mistake or by negligence didn't communicate with the exterminators the extent or the location of the infestation instead of the storage closet the apartment was fumigated and after that the roaches made their way into other apartments in the same building and the nearest building and the problem got so much worse the same option was given to all the tenants affected in that building waving the month's rent and putting them up in a hotel for the week while the issue was addressed they all took that offer up however one of the tenants decided to take legal action while i wasn't happy about it i did understand where they were coming from having their lives disrupted by something that should have been addressed properly to start so as we were misnegotiating with them during mediations my lawyer reminded me of the clause with the property management company and suggested we give them what they want now this is where i started my revenge i had the rest of the tenants from the two impacted buildings be suggested to anonymously that one of the tenants had filed a lawsuit for the damage and that they should do the same by getting in on it through the mediation i pretended to be outraged at the whole matter the negotiation started at three months of free rent but ultimately we settled on one year of free rent for all those tenants affected overall that came out to 16 apartments with rent averaging from 1700 monthly that the property management had to pay for due to the negligence of the site manager equaling to roughly 325 000 in just the lost rent they had to pay for and the cherry on top was due to the breach and service for the property maintenance they also have to provide free services for up to six months while i seek out a new property management company costing them an additional 146 thousand dollars and they still have to pay for the legal fees on top of that you know what guys i think op might be one of the only good landlords that i've read about on reddit and this really goes to show that having a good lawyer that knows how to properly draft contracts and know their stuff will ultimately save you like if i were op i'd be buying that man a year's supply of beer or cake or whatever he wants because without that clause being in there i couldn't imagine i really couldn't okay so i worked for a company for just under five years the company i worked for existed for 10 years prior to me while i worked at this company it ballooned to be the number one provider in the region for its unique service with about 75 of the market the place i worked at was a small business with about 15 employees now i loved my job and the skills i learned while working there were quite valuable i also loved my team and the clients we provided services for my twice yearly reviews with the owner were always 10 out of 10 with no recommendations for improvement i was exceptional at my job in every way i handled company operations hr payroll customer service marketing employee management schedules employee and client training and many other things at this company i was also able to step in and do any of my teammates jobs if they were sick or out on vacation the owner of the company was giving out a bonus late last summer and mine while being more than previous years was notably less than my teammates so i asked the owner hey are the bonuses related to performance and if so what could i have done to earn more the owner replies the bonuses are not performance related you're just more replaceable than the others i say to him oh okay i then proceeded to process each of the bonuses and then went to lunch i then called my spouse to gain wisdom and advice i was pretty angry but i didn't want to make a rash decision now my spouse is very intelligent and while they're not a fortune teller they do have an ability to foresee various responses and all potential outcomes they're business-wise and have been on the executive team of a large company for the past 21 years while also serving on several community boards and business advisory boards we decided together to continue forward with our scheduled vacation and use the time away to calm our minds relax have fun and to also determine the best course of action for me we were leaving after working one more day so i worked like all was normal the rest of the day and the following day i left on vacation while away we discussed several scenarios the possible outcomes consulted with a business advisor and a business attorney with all the advice i received i determined that upon my return from vacation that i would resign from my role with a two-week notice however as soon as i told him about my resignation in a fit of rage i was immediately terminated by the owner which was one of the scenarios we thought would happen so i was prepared for the owner's poor reaction during the next couple of weeks i created and opened a competing business offering similar services however i offered more customizable options with a higher quality service and results i knew our clients wanted these options and had proposed the set option several times at my old workplace but it was never green lighted to implement the changes the reason being was that the owner didn't come up with the idea so it was a stupid idea i also maintained communications with a few people from my old team my old team didn't relay the day-to-day happenings at my previous workplace and i never asked about the company however they would vent to me on occasion and i would listen without comment i knew that service quality and the work environment in general suffered since my departure morale went down and clients were less satisfied i also read the google and facebook reviews for the old company and yikes additionally two full-time and one part-time person was hired to fill my role and a portion of my responsibilities like hr and payroll were filled by outside companies i quickly built up my business and within three months was able to hire several of my old teammates the quality of previous workplaces offerings continued to fall which sent additional businesses my way and quickly caused incoming work to be non-existent at the old workplace my old workplace went from being the number one provider of unique service in that region to nothing in a matter of months my previous employer is now searching for gainful employment i know this because over the weekend the owner applied for a position at my spouse's company i think my spouse's company should bring my previous employer in for an interview but when they arrive surprise i'm the interviewer and all i say is how replaceable am i now my spouse rightfully so has said no so the moral of the story is don't tell your employees they're replaceable because they might create a competing business that's better than yours while taking your best employees and your clients which will leave you with no business to sell as the owner's whole retirement plan was to sell his business and now he has to start over by searching for employment under someone else it looks like your company was replaceable not me guys i have no idea why owners never recognize the good employees until they leave like i never get sick of reading these types of revenges the post where op quits and builds a competing business that ends up being his ex-company's downfall like success is truly the ultimate revenge and i also love how his boss says he's the most replaceable and then gets mad when op quits like if by most replaceable the owner meant the most amount of people it would take to replace op if they quit then yes op would be the most replaceable i don't know okay so on to the story at one point in my life i found myself bored i needed spending cash but at the same time like any typical college student i need a job that would work around my class hours enter c-corp not the real name now c-corp was a locally owned chain of gas stations in the southeastern part of georgia and parts of florida i forget the total number of stations but it was under 50 if that matters so i applied and was given a simple clerking position where i would work weekends and two nights a week for a total of about 32 hours a week on average sometimes more sometimes less i worked there for about a year when i was offered a position to help reopen a store with a promotion to assistant manager my hours were obviously going to change but at the same time i gained better pay and a new night shift which would help things out to be quite honest i even debated taking some time off from school to concentrate on the job as it was entirely possible that i would be promoted to manager of my own store there were veiled hints and suggestions of that very thing happening in a few months i never got that far but i'm getting ahead of myself here it didn't take long for me to start noticing some issues with the store and the company as a whole issues which i did my best to correct we were nearing hunting season turkey and deer the store started getting in several pallets of ammunition so now we had to figure out how to display the various types of shotgun shells and rifle bullets while also doing our best to ensure things didn't get in the way it was around this time that i found myself speaking with the store manager having been called on the carpet so to speak for refusing to sell ammunition to a customer i explained to the manager that i had attempted to check id on the customer who refused to give it so i told the manager that i knew full well that this was illegal and id was required by state law and furthermore you had to be 18 to buy them that started me on a path that would lead to my termination a few weeks later i start noticing company memos popping up in the office all that dealt with company practices regarding ammunition one even went so far to say that it was a terminable offense to refuse the sale of shotgun shells to a customer regardless of age now this one actually vanished a few days after it went up with me suspecting that someone in the legal department realized the trouble they could get into with it however the flow of ammunition did not stop so a week before my termination things got worse the state in question has the lottery of which the lion share is scratch-off tickets you know the type pay a buck scratch off and hope you win something now the lottery states on the back of every single ticket that the retailer who sold it must pay up to 599 dollars in winnings anything above that has to be claimed that the central lottery office in the state's capital retailers are warned that should they refuse to pay this they can be fined by the lottery commission or worse so imagine my surprise when i'm written up for following the lottery commission policy and paying out a 300 win to a customer i was told point blank that company policy was not to pay out anything more than a hundred dollars regardless of what the lottery commission said the final straw before my eventual termination came when training another cashier the very next day the count came up short by exactly 100 i refused to sign the write up which meant the company would have to investigate or so i thought the same day the district manager called the store and made some veiled threats about calling police over this and then he left me with a note that says if the count comes up a hundred dollars over today he won't say anything now at that i'm thinking oh hell no he didn't i waited till the manager returns from her meeting dropped my keys on the counter and told her directly i'm done i then walked out and didn't really look back i was pissed i was pissed at the treatment i'd been given over my time working there pissed at being called a thief hissed at what i knew the company was doing to my little community and pissed as far as i could tell that they were getting away with it so that's when i hatched the plan of revenge first and foremost i needed to talk with a friend one of my college buddies who also worked for the county sheriff's office so i brought him over with some good barbecue and a few beers and then asked him hypothetically speaking what would happen to a company if it was found they were doing something illegal like selling ammunition when they shouldn't be or not abiding by the lotto commission rules or something like that my friend knew that i'd recently left c-corp and the circumstances of why i left so it didn't take him long to ask what was going on so i thought i spilled the beans even including the reported theft i'd been accused of he was on the edge of a seat even going as far as to note that the district manager's actions itself was illegal and told me to come meet with my friend's boss the next day to give a statement so i did just that i laid out everything i told him about the memo of not refusing the sales which is against state law and then gave detailed information about the district manager's call also the incident itself and other things i'd witnessed regarding illegal practices by the company though not mentioned here it took four hours to get everything told and typed out by the way the detective acted i got the impression that i'd either given him one hell of a case to load or broken some case right open fun fun however i wasn't really done yet i had one more call to make the one that would prove pretty simple and short and involved me calling the lottery commission and telling them about my company's policy which went against the lottery agreement i was assured they'd look into things and that my information would be kept anonymous all i had to do was sit back and wait so the fallout two or three weeks later the local paper ran a story on the front page talking about a multiple department's thing that happened in our area the sting was investigating illegal sales of weapons alcohol and ammunitions to persons underaged in that raid c-corp had been hit hard with several of their stores being shot and several managers and district managers being arrested on various charges tied to this illegal activity the company itself was facing severe fines from the states well into seven figures and was being called into question whether or not they had proper licenses to even sell ammunition and firearms in the first place the only mention about what the district manager said to me came in the form of one of the investigating officers noting that the company had resorted to blackmail in an attempt to silence anyone who dared question the company's policies or practices the stores did remain open but you could tell that the managers were seriously nervous about what the future held sales of ammunition and guns stopped completely and overnight about a week after the raid by police lottery tickets of all kinds simply vanished from the stores big signs out front simply read we do not sell lotto the validation machines were gone and the scratch-off ticket areas lay empty lottery was not in the building the fact that they lost their lottery sales would point to it being a very serious issue at the very least that's or the lottery commission decided to distance themselves from the company which was under federal investigation yes the ammunition and guns thing went federal ultimately the company was a shell of its former self about half the gas stations ended up closing due to no longer being profitable and what gas stations didn't close were turning over very little profit the company eventually declared bankruptcy after a final scandal that brought them another round of state and federal fines in that case they were busted for price gouging after raising the gas price per gallon to about six dollars a gallon in cities where they had no other competition it's been close to 15 years since this all went down and c-corp doesn't exist any longer after declaring bankruptcy most of the stores were sold off to a competitor who ended up closing all but five or six of the stores due to redundancies a whole host of honest innocent people ended up out of work simply because the store decided to screw over one guy who wanted to do the right thing by law and state policies several of corporate staff were given two to three year suspended sentences while others ended up paying personal fines on top of what the company was facing the company has become something of a warning to others about what not to do when an employee voices a concern and above and beyond that why it's a good idea to follow the letter of the law exactly as it's written regardless if it hinders your bottom line or not i sometimes think back on the whole affair and do wonder just what they hope to achieve with that blackmail attempt some part of me thinks that the district manager honestly thought that it was the best option and may have been trying to help out an employee he liked that was something that always bugged me but looking back every interaction i had with the guy was a good one right up to him grooming me to be another store manager so maybe he was trying to protect me then again he could have just been the a-hole i assumed and that was him showing his true colors i guess we'll never know the guy moved out of the area a few years later and i sure as hell wasn't about to talk to him again not after everything that happened guys the fallout of this revenge is truly epic like holy cow and i personally think that opie did the morally right thing 100 no question but man i can't help but to wonder what chain of gas station this was 15 years ago guys a chain of gas stations in florida and georgia let me know what you guys think i did try to google it but nothing came up and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash pro revenge guys i hope you enjoyed today's super satisfying stories if you did hit that thumbs up if you're not subscribed hit subscribe and if you missed the last episode on this channel a rich entitled karen harasses her rich landlord without knowing it's her landlord and she loses her home it's such a satisfying story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and stevie boy we'll see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 170,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, karma revenge, instant karma, work revenge, retail stories from hell, family stories, neighbor revenge, bad neighbors, karen neighbor revenge
Id: bSrFTg9GpGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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