r/IDontWorkHereLady - Idiot 'KAREN' Demands CUSTOMER Obey Him! Gets Car Ruined!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash i don't work your lady for karen's continue to mistake regular joshimo customers as employees and in today's episode op gets berated by a rude idiot at a hardware store and decides to teach him a lesson he'll never forget guys i hope you enjoyed today's stories hit subscribe if you haven't and as always your stories can be sent to this email right here so for some context i use a walking stick for mobility i'm 29 and do look a bit younger so i do encounter random and rude people armed with misconceptions about disability anyways on this day i was in a large supermarket on my own i was browsing some condiment jars when a woman comes up to me the woman was a good bit older than me dressed in a business suit and had the look of someone who thought their crap didn't stink the woman asked where the bread was now i was taken off guard so i had to pause to think as i was about to respond the woman says hello how do you not know where that is you work here are you new now i want to note that the employees wear black trousers and green polo shirts i was wearing a black maxi skirt and a baggy pink shirt i say to the woman hey i don't work here but i'm pretty sure the bread's down towards the bakery you're in the condiment section the woman then looks at me a bit and i kind of just stare at her blankly and she says well aren't you gonna take me there or do i have to call a supervisor i tell her look i don't work here i'm actually trying to do shopping at this point i turn to leave and she kicks my walking stick she then obstructs my pathway knowing that i'm not very able to dodge her she then says to me why do they let cripples like you work here anyway you're useless you should be fired i tell her for the last time i don't work here i'm doing my shopping now leave me alone or i'll get an actual employee so at this point an employee springs into action he tells the woman that i don't work here but he can help the woman walks off tutting something about useless cripples the employee told me he'd seen her hassling me and asked if i was alright i said i'd be fine and thanked him for bailing me out of the situation he likely doesn't get paid enough for dealing with this nonsense yeah so i don't know guys i think after receiving all that harassment from that woman and the fact that she kicked opi's cane while they tried to walk off she definitely deserved a smack to the shin with that walking stick so this happened about a week ago i had a meeting at work and was recently promoted so i decided to wear a collared company shirt i bought a couple of years back with slacks and a nice set of professional shoes my wife had given me a honey pickup list so after the meeting i stopped by america's favorite two in every town store walmart now it was a small list three easily carried items so i didn't even grab a cart or anything so as i'm moving through an aisle to grab the first thing a sweet old lady asked for my help reaching something on a top shelf no problem she asked nicely and i'm tall and actually don't mind helping my wife will actually see people having issues and volunteer me from time to time it's all cool as i hand it to her she smiles thanking me and i get tapped on the shoulder one of those bony nun finger types of taps all of a sudden i hear hey come with me you need to take care of your employees now my mind instantly realized that i might look like a manager and a karen found me so i say to the woman i'm sorry ma'am i don't work here she then says i don't care if you're corporate or local or anything follow me now i'm thinking this could be fun so i follow her and a couple of miles away there's a lady tasked to do shopping for those online orders with four partially filled totes the karen says i can't find any of my stuff and she won't show me where it is you need to reprimand this employee now the poor employee tried to keep smiling despite looking so tired and fed up with life in that moment i say to the woman ma'am i'm sure she's just following the directions of her boss i i don't work here it does seem that you need some help though do you need my help now as i said that i pulled down and straightened the chest of my shirt in case of wrinkles and pointed to the slogan underneath the company crust the text read helping individuals with disabilities in living independent and fulfilling lives now i do want to note that i really do love helping people and work for a company that works with people with mental and physical disabilities she glances down gets a confused look on her face and looked back up at me which had been what i'd been waiting for she then said are you effing stupid and then extended one hand towards her and say ma'am do you have staff or family here with you are you in need of assistance the woman then gets red and started making a squeaky choking noise she then starts looking really pissed but unsure of what to say next she finally clenches her jaw and just stormed off i then turned showing my shirt to the actual employee and wished her a good day as she tried not to laugh sadly i didn't see or hear anything else from that lady the rest of my visit oh my freaking goodness well played sir opie's the hero we don't deserve right like it's always nice to see a karen rendered speechless and just stomping off and we all know if she was a boss level karen boy oh boy oh boy fist would have been flying she might have tried biting opie and ultimately being arrested thank goodness she just stomped up at that point so my brother-in-law was decorating his apartment in preparation for a holiday and he asked me if i could go along to help him as he's not brilliant at interior design i happily agreed as day shopping with him is always fun so we enter the local home furnishing store and prepare the shop being a former retail manager i'm pretty good at figuring out a store layout quickly so i know exactly where to go for each item that big bro is listed we're casually making our way through the list as i point out where we need to go when a lady grabs my arm with this i instantly tense up and here's how it goes down the lady says excuse me but there's other people in the store that need help you know if you take this long to help him when will you have time to help others the woman was still holding onto my arm and i say uh kindly let go of my arm please she says no you've been helping this guy for ages it's my turn i then tell her he's my brother now get the hell off me i then shake her off my arm and she gets all huffy saying you can't give preferential treatment to family members honey you have to help all customers i say to her no i don't i don't work here lady she says yes you do how else would you know where everything is because i used to work in retail hearing me say that the woman says so you do work here my brother then chimes in and says no she doesn't she said she used to the karen interrupts him and says you stay out of it you've hogged her long enough she needs to help me at this point a store employee comes over and asked hey is there a problem the karen screeches yes this employee won't help me but she's been helping this other customer for ages she then points to my brother the store employee says ma'am she doesn't work here she's not even wearing clothing that looks remotely like our uniform she's a customer too to which karen then says then why does she know where everything is this store employee looks taken aback so i decided to rescue her and say because i'm not a and i can shop by relevant department contents the karen goes several shades of purple and she starts screeching for a manager the store employee just tells me to carry on with my shopping and they'll handle it from here later as we're queuing at the till my brother and i see the karen at customer service gesturing wildly in my direction and still clearly in full rant mode we pay up and i can't resist but to give her a cheeky wave goodbye as we head out the store guys 10 out of 10 on that comeback that op had and i only wish she blew that karen a kiss while leaving the store just to see the woman's head explode and guys i'm not sure how working in retail relates to knowing where things are like i shop at the walmart by my house quite a bit and i know it pretty much inside out so yeah maybe that woman was a so i live in australia and we have a supply chain of hardware store here called bunnings warehouse picture a hardware store for everybody both tradesmen and your average show i was a teenager at the time and i was dressed in more clothes i was working for a carpenter at the time steel cat boots work pants the whole ordeal the most important about this is my work shirts my company uses a black button up shirt short sleeve and collared now the people who work at the hardware store they wear red polos with green writing the logo for their company now i was riding shotgun with my boss he had gone inside the store while i was in the timber yard collecting some bags of concrete for the footings we were about to put in i was moving some of the bags one at a time to my boss's work truck these bags aren't overwhelmingly heavy about 20 kilograms which is 45 pounds i was moving them one at a time the walk wasn't far but this was the start of the day the last thing i wanted to do was injure myself before the real work had even started i was on my sixth bag out of the 13 when this man comes up to me he was your average diyer certainly not a tradesman just your average bloke 50s balding and wanted to show off that they could successfully screw together a garden shed the man was just staring at the pile of concrete bags he then asked me what concrete he should use to put in some fence posts i told him he would be looking at the rapid set it would suit his needs perfectly considering he needed to ask what kind of concrete i imagined that he actually hadn't done any sort of work like this before so i gave him the lowdown you dig your hole pour the bag directly into the hole wet it with your hose dome it off pretty simple so he said thanks no issues here so i grab my next bag and begin taking it back to the truck now here's where the fun begins the man says what where are you going now i'm quite confused at this point in time and i responded with oh uh i'm gonna go put these bags on the back of that truck is this a problem the man responds with hey my car isn't that one it's the white camry over there now it's always the dudes and the white camrys at bunnings any tradesman who goes to bunnings knows exactly the guy i'm talking about anyway i stand there trying to figure out what's going on and he says well i figure out that he thinks i work there and i say oh sorry mate i don't work here i'm getting concrete for my job i'm on a tight schedule again i'm sorry now usually if i don't have to be somewhere i would have given a hand moving these bags suck but he doesn't seem to believe me and he says what look at you of course you work here you've got the right clothes and everything i know these bags are heavy but don't lie to get out of helping me move them it's your job again i try to reply and he doesn't want to have any of it he goes off and says he's walking away to use the washroom he then tells me you better have all 30 bags on my car before i get back step on it and i'm thinking well my dearest friend be careful what you wish for now it didn't matter that i was busy this was a new priority i decided to get petty his exact words were you'd better have all 30 bags on my car before i get back now his car had a box trailer i knew exactly what he meant but no no sir i tried to tell you otherwise but you didn't listen now i needed to move so i'd start moving the bags two at a time and placed them all over his car he had 12 on the hood six on the trunk and the rest perfectly layering the roof i then see him walk out he sees his car and the man's jaw hits the damn floor he nearly had a heart attack he then screams my car what the f have you done to my car now i had a grin from ear to ear i say i put all 30 bags on your car just like you asked at this point i was giggling like a toddler now after much screaming i told him to can it and he could move it himself as late as it was and my boss was getting impatient he watched all of this and he was laughing too i then say to the man sorry mate i told you i don't work here i have to go to my actual job now and you're gonna have to move this yourself of course the guy wasn't happy but hey at least the bags were now significantly closer to his car so the guy sucked it up and began to move them cussing at me the whole time i was walking back to my truck but the thing about these bags of concrete is if you don't support them underneath and just grab them from the sides they tend to split clean down the middle dumping all the contents of the bag in a messy pile underneath the bag so as soon as the guy picks up the bag on his roof the bag split clean down the middle the thing spills its contents all over the roof and windshield of his car and it was the funniest thing to happen yet the guy got the job done eventually but not before splitting three more bags all over his hood and trunk his whole car was covered in concrete dust i left him there car covered in concrete while he admitted defeat this one's on you camry guy this one's on you guys talk about a perfect malicious compliance thrown in there right and in a perfect world it would have started raining right then and there as soon as the bags of concrete split and that's silly man though expecting to tow 1300 pounds with a mid-size sedan that's not meant for towing at all so to preface this happened a few months ago my work requires me to wear a white collared shirt with the company logo stitched on it along with a name tag i just finished a 14 hour shift and i needed to get some groceries before getting home still wearing my uniform name tag and all i'm walking to the dairy section when i hear an old lady behind me say excuse me young man could you tell me where the flower is now the woman must have been at least 80 years old and i did happen to know where the flower was so i decided to help her i then say here you go ma'am and that's when another customer starts snapping and saying hey to get my attention i look over and there's a karen and she says get some butter for me while you're at it i'm in a hurry i say to her uh please ask someone else i don't she then interrupts me and says i don't have time for this just get it for me i tell her i don't work here and to ask someone else the woman says clearly you do you're wearing the uniform if you help that woman there stop being so rude and help me at this point i realize i won't be able to convince her that i don't work here so i just start walking away the karen's having none of that and she starts snapping while yelling hey i'm not done with you i need to see your manager so i continue walking pretending not to hear her i'm almost at the registers when she puts her hand on my shoulder to stop me saying are you deaf i'm talking to you dumbass and that's when i get lucky because the manager of the store happens to be by the registers so he gets over to us and asked is there something wrong here the karen says this idiot refuses to help me i tell the manager i tried telling her that i don't work here the manager also says ma'am he doesn't work here the karen keeps going on and says then why is he wearing the uniform you're just trying to get him off the hook the manager then tells her look at the logos they're not the same and that's when she goes silent she looks around for a second at her shirts and then she walks off the manager says sorry to me and he walks off towards the karen the sweet old lady heard all of this and she comes over to me and says i'm so sorry i actually thought you worked here guys i truly believe that in a lot of these posts the op would be more than happy to help like just be nice use your please and thank yous and don't come at the person aggressive and demand help just ask but then again if most of the stories were like that the sub might not even exist right so thank you karen for being so rude and aggressive in high school i worked for a national movie theater chain while they've since changed them the uniform at the time consisted of navy blue trousers and a red polo nearby in the same plaza there were several restaurants and fast food places among these places was a panda express which is a chinese restaurant in my area during my 15 minute break i'd been at panda express and in line ordering and waiting to pay for my food i was minding my own business hoping that i could get out of there quickly enough to have time to inhale my orange chicken prior to darting back to the box office when my break ended i'm a bit zoned out so i became rather startled upon hearing an abrupt hem accompanied by a tap on my shoulder i turned and looked in the sight of what we all know now to be a karen i say oh sorry was i on your way but karen says i said i need to go to the bathroom i then point and say uh well it's over that way i think she then says i know that obviously now hearing that i was confused because i'm not at all in the way of her getting to the bathroom and now she's admitted to knowing where it is i don't know what's going on she then shouts at me and says i need the damn key at this point it's time for me to pay for my food i figure maybe she's trying to get past me to ask the cashier for the bathroom key so i step back and make room for her to go ahead of me and she doesn't she then looks at me and says i asked you for the bathroom key do you not know how to do your job i finally realized that she thinks i'm employed here i guess maybe it's because my work shirt is red and so are the employees uniforms there i then awkwardly point to the cinema logo on my polo and say i'm just on break i don't the women must not have looked at the gestures i'd made to the uniform of the company i'm actually employed by and she says is that your manager she then turns to the cashier and says your employee is so rude just because she's on her break she's refusing to help me go to the bathroom she needs to be fired the cashier then says ma'am she doesn't work here will you be purchasing a meal our restrooms are for customers only at that karen sputters she turns and storms out of the place to terrorize some other establishment with a public bathroom now they totally allowed people to use the bathrooms without buying food by the way i think they just wanted to have her leave the store because of the scene she just made guys good calling that cashier for coming up with that lie on the spot definitely worked well against the wrath of the karen and you know what a part of me hopes that she didn't find a public bathroom for a very very long time afterwards like i know that's a terrible thing to say but she was acting rude and terrible to op so you know i don't care so i recently moved to a new city to live with a relative for a while and until i can find a solid job that'll actually pay me what i'm worth i've been doing food delivery and grocery pickup and this happened last night around 8 30 pm i was taking a quick 30 minute break from driving to use the restroom and to get a water and snack and also to pick up some things that were needed at my cousin's house since she's not charging me rent so i decide on the red bullseye store because they had everything i was looking for i was browsing the small home appliance section looking for a pitcher that filters water so you can use fewer water bottles i had just found the perfect one when i hear someone yelling now thankfully the yelling was less angry and more pure excitement it was a little kid between the ages of four and six the kid runs up to me and says hey where's the oreos i say to him oh i'm sorry i don't know the kid looked visibly confused and he says but you're wearing a red shirt why don't you know where they are i tell the kid oh i don't work here my shirt's just red i was also not wearing a name tag i was wearing gray sweats and flip-flops and i guess he didn't know any better but he wasn't being rude he was just a confused little kid so i scanned the floor to find an employee but couldn't see one however this kid seemed nice enough and i still had ample time on my break so i decided to help him hunt down the oreos the kid must have not been able to read because we were already near the snack section as the sign set the little kid then tells me my big sister is not feeling good we're getting oreos to cheer her up i tell him that's nice of you who brought you to the store the kid says my mom she's at returns getting us a new toaster oven because the other one doesn't work so after finding the actual package of oreos he requested double stuff so his sister would be double happy and then walk with the little kid back towards the front his mother was still standing at customer service and she looked confused that her son was with me seeing the mom the kid yells i got the oreos this nice lady helped me but she doesn't work here she said her shirt's just red now hearing that the mom looks embarrassed and she said oh darling i forgot to tell you to look for someone in a red shirt with a name tag too make sure you tell her thank you i'll pay for them up here and then say no i'll pay for them the mom says you can't that's too much trouble to which i say it's okay ma'am i hope your daughter feels better now i didn't feel like four dollars was too much to spend on a little kid that had made me laugh having a marginally humorous experience like this made me smile a lot i normally work with kids so this lifted my spirits a little and that was my i don't work here lady experience guys what a wholesome and cute story right like the kid requested double stuffed oreos so his sister would be double happy guys i'd say that four dollars was well spent guys if you have wholesome stories like this i'd love to read them please send them away and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash i don't work here lady guys i hope you enjoyed today's wonderful stories if you did hit that thumbs up if you're not subscribed hit subscribe and if you missed the last episode on the channel i'll link it right here a rude entitled racist karen thinks they own the whole neighborhood and they learn a lesson they'll never forget guys go check it out if you haven't and myself and stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 170,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, mistaken for employee, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, mistaken employee, darkfluff idwhl, darkfluff, entitled women, instant karma, entitled people reddit, entitled karen, reddit, entitled people, karen freakout, karen story, funny karen stories, reddit funny stories, entitled, racist karen, instant karma on karen, i dont work here lady stories, karen freakouts, karens in the wild
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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