r/EntitledPeople - Pet Hoarding Karen STEALS My Neighbors Dog! ATTACKS Cops When Caught!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash entitled people where people truly believe the world revolves around them and that nobody else matters guys imagine if someone stole your dog and tried to charge you a finder's fee for it well in today's episode you guessed it a crazy karen is back at it again with her shenanigans and i hope you enjoy the lineup of stories today hit subscribe if you haven't and as always story submissions can be sent right here let's dive in [Music] okay so my sister is getting married in less than three weeks now i haven't been involved in the planning as i have my own life but from what my mom has relayed to me it's been a nightmare my sister wants a fancy wedding and she's micromanaging everything i have no idea how normal this is but from what i've heard she's broke down crying when her fiance bought the wrong shade of white napkins her and both my mom and the groom's parents have invested a lot of money into this too to the tune of over 50 000 now in my opinion i think the whole ordeal is ridiculous but it's not really my place to say anything at least until yesterday so yesterday an email was sent out to everybody invited to the wedding with attendance requirements so these requirements were a complete joke but not really some of them were just nonsensical like what color ties are and aren't allowed or that no one can talk to the wife or groom between this time and this time some were even more absurd like the fact that no one's supposed to take pictures except the photographer for the whole event and that no facial hair will be allowed if you attend or that any woman with shoulder length or longer hair must have it cut or wear it in a ponytail the worst though were the gift requirement according to the email a gift of no less than 300 value must be given if you don't want to give a 300 gift 250 bucks cash will do you will not be allowed into the venue if you don't bring a gift or cash the email also ends with those who choose not to follow the rules will be asked to leave immediately please think of the bride and groom's wishes during the stressful time now i'm thinking this is a joke right like i can understand micromanaging but that's just absurd so i called my mom to make sure this was not a late april fool's joke and it was real i told her i won't be going because of this now apparently that was the wrong move because my sister has been blowing up my phone saying that i'm being selfish and that i'm ruining her special day now the worst part is my parents agree with her and say that i'm being an a-hole my parents have told me that they'll pay for my gift because i should be going to support my sister on her day but i still think all these rules are a joke would i be an ass if i skipped out on the wedding so yeah guys this is unfortunately such a crappy situation to be in like yes you want to be there to support your family member on their wedding day but for them to be so demanding and that freaking entitled like i've read some bridezilla stories but this one's pretty entitled and we all know if she doesn't attend the family's gonna hate her forever right so in my opinion she's not the a-hole for skipping out i would have responded since my attendance at your wedding comes with a price tag it's clear you value gifts and money more than your guests so count me out for both have a lovely wedding and a happy rest of your life like in situations like this you have to try to make them realize that they are the a-holes for expecting this from people but hey having to make them realize that they aren't ridiculously entitled first that's pretty hard so guys let me know what you think if your family member expected all of this from you to go to their wedding are you going or not okay so this story takes place on remembrance day which is veterans day for my u.s friends in uk several years ago for those who may not be familiar this is a national observed memorial day that takes place on the 11th of november each year and a big part of the memorial is the two minutes of silence at 11 am so on this particular day i was working at a local supermarket at about 10 55 an announcement was made saying that at 11 o'clock the tills would close for two minutes so staff could take part in the silence when 11am came i was stood near the tail being operated by a new member of staff who i'll call elliot now elliot was 17 years old very sweet also shy and non-confrontational he had only been working there a few days at this point he was a brand spanking new employee he was about to start serving a customer who we'll call karen of the story when we all heard the beep over the loudspeaker the background music stops playing thus marking the beginning of the two minutes of silence at that elliot stopped what he was doing and lowered his head slightly a lot of people do this almost like tipping an invisible hat to someone everyone around him did as well staff and customers alike except for karen so the following conversation is a paraphrase of what was said but trust me it was worse to experience it in person out of nowhere karen says excuse me i'm waiting here what the heck are you doing at this elliot whispers back to her uh it's the two minutes of silence ma'am at that karen screams i'm in a rush i don't care just scan my items so i can go now the woman was speaking super loudly shouting in the otherwise silent shop the other customers were glaring at her but she didn't seem to notice or care elliot still whispering at her and says i can't it's the two minutes of silence to which she responds are you deaf i don't care i'm in a rush scan my items now so i can leave elliot looked almost in pain with how embarrassed and unsure of what to do he was it was at that point i quietly walked over and spoke to the woman i say to her miss if you can just wait the two the woman doesn't let me finish she interrupts me and says i don't give a damn about the two minutes of silence or whatever i need to go to work and you will serve me right now the last part of this was barked directly into elliot's face and he honestly looked like he was gonna cry so i whispered to elliot to sign off his tail and go take five in the break room and i'll take over now of course the woman wasn't happy she shouts at him as he walked away saying no he's gotta serve me come back here so i then get into position behind the tail and wait the last 30 seconds or so of the silence to finish and karen screams for f's sake just scan the damn item so i can go i just ignored her until the system bleeped to signal the end of the two minutes and the music began playing again with my brightest customer service smile in place i silently signed on to the till and proceeded to complete the most painfully glacially slow transaction that i've ever done i picked up every item turned it over looking for barcodes pretending some didn't scan so i had to type in the 12 digit code manually and some items i scanned twice so i'd have to go through and void the procedure every few seconds the woman looked so annoyed she scolded me for being so slow and so bad at my job in the end it took me about five minutes to complete the sale and send her on her way if she hadn't been such a complete toilet she would have been out of there in two minutes guys props and op for doing that slow scan and with all the petty stories i've read i may have gone extra petty on her and called someone for a price check as well to really make her squirm oh i'm sorry ma'am this item doesn't seem to be scanning i can't seem to find the darn barcode on this orange and laugh as she tries to maul me to death [Music] so yesterday my friend let's call him jose wanted to host a barbecue and he invited me over when i'm walking up i see a little doggo running loose that looks just like his so i tried calling it over to me it was one of the nicest friendliest little puppers i've ever seen just running around and i lead the doggo back to jose's so i lead her to the back and see jose with his dog a neighbor from the next complex sees the dog and starts screaming how i found her dog and demanded that i give the puppy to her now i wasn't thinking about it because she had several animals that she kept indoors so i gave it to her thinking it was hers well late last night at about 2 am jose calls me and asked me to come over and lo and behold there was the little pupper tied up outside with about four inches of rope between her and the tied rope with no food no water nothing all it had was concrete and there was barely enough rope for it to lay down so i knock at the door and the woman answers and she was complaining about the time how late it was to be disturbing her and when i mentioned the robe she said it was just an effing animal i then offered her a longer rope for the dog which i still thought belonged to her and jose offered some food and water at this she starts screeching like a karen whose son wasn't granted captain of his team it was at this point her daughter woke up and said something the daughter then asked if this is my dog and i denied and that's when she turns to her mom and says mom what are you doing the landlord said no more animals i thought you said you knew the owner and he was coming here around 10 o'clock to get it at this i say do you mind if i take the dog then the daughter tells me no take the dog please we have too many and that's when her mom interrupts and says no don't take that dog i then tell her look just put a longer rope on it so it'll quit howling and it can lay down or i swear to god i'll have animal control out here not only for that dog but for all of your cats the woman hears this and she says you try it and i swear to god you'll be dead i say fine it was at this point jose flares up in a loud mix of english and spanish demanding that she show the dog the same care and courtesy any living thing deserves and calling her every spanish insult that he's taught me in the years we've known each other i use this time while she's distracted to call the cops and just let them listen to him demand that she either let the dog go or put it on a longer rope so it'll stop crying and her mixture of racial slurs and death threats within the hour the cops show up they see the tied up dog and start demanding to check on the other animals she received tickets for animal cruelty and a summons to court on the animal front animal control was contacted the woman was hoarding about eight total cats and the dog in her two-bedroom apartment all of which looked emaciated and thanks to all of the unclean litter boxes and the hoarding the woman had done before her daughter was snatched from her home additionally at this point she was hit with several charges including endangering a child and animal abuse at that point after realizing what's happening she saw us standing around and she decks the cop in the face and tried to come after myself and jose the woman was charging at us and we were both ready to defend ourselves when she was tasered afterwards we noticed the animal control guy was still there watching and probably wishing he had some popcorn before he left i got the numbers so i could find out the process of adopting and i'm going to be in contact with animal control later today i contacted them and checked my emails a few days later and lo and behold the puppers family was found the woman had snatched it from a yard a couple of blocks away and was demanding a finder's fee for the dog she was trying to get 200 in exchange for the dog the family tried to reach out to me to give me a small reward and i told them i don't take money for doing a good deed the great feels and getting to watch an entitled person that deserves getting tased was reward enough give the dog a pat on the head for me guys all i can say is i'm glad op and his friend stumbled upon that dog that day and confronted the woman about it and the fallout was insane like losing all the pets she hoarded and her daughter due to horrendous living conditions yikes and guys i don't know about you but if someone kidnapped my dog and wanted a finders fee for me the only payment i'm giving them would be in the form of a freaking knuckle sandwich that's all i can say like how dare that crazy woman right so on this day we were having a day of hiking and picnicking in the park with my young girls i have a six month and a three-year-old so i bought a bunch of toys my wife went off to feed our baby and i was playing with our three-year-old and her dolls and she paired all of them into couples of men and women now recently we've learned we really dropped the ball teaching her about relationship diversity because she went to visit her uncles her married uncles and she threw a tantrum because quote only boys and girls can get married now we thought she knew they were married because it's certainly no big secret but we've definitely gone out of our way to correct that assumption since we basically try to point out you know these people you like them they like you it's no different than knowing a straight couple she's been super receptive to it and i think she's just hadn't seen any gay people on tv or in books and was oblivious to the one she saw in everyday life so she wasn't sure what to think so i said let's put these two girls together like your friend hannah's mummies and these two boys together like your uncle ex and uncle y the rest can stay as they were this way more people are included isn't that nice my daughter says yeah and we played and it was fine until karen comes into the picture with her kid i guess they were nearby and heard the conversation and saw my daughter playing with her dolls and had to say something karen says excuse me what are you doing my daughter responds playing dollies karen then looks at me and says sir excuse me hello i don't appreciate you talking sex in front of my little ones i then say when was i talking about that karen then whisper yells and says the g word and the l word i tell her hey i didn't say either of those and i can talk to my kids about anything i want so unless there's anything else now karen didn't let me finish she says i won't have you sharing adult conversations with a toddler here in public or anywhere which i say really that's too bad because once we finish talking about inclusion i was going to crack open a 40 ounce and read some hustler to her for a story time karen then says is that even your daughter at this point my wife walks by with our baby and karen tries to pull her into the conversation karen says to my wife so this man at the park is trying to teach kids about s-e-x now of course my wife was having none of that and she says what was he saying well he was telling this toddler about g-a-y-s-e-x now thankfully my wife knew this woman must be nuts and she says ugh hubby i thought we agreed none of that until her fourth birthday karen then says this is everything wrong with our kids today you are forcing them to grow up before their time do you want your daughter to have those images in her head you're going to traumatize her she then grabs her kid and storms off so 15 minutes pass and everybody's getting hungry so we break out some snacks i'm helping my daughter get the green tops off her strawberries when a park ranger comes over the ranger says to us excuse me but a woman reported that there's some sort of inappropriate adult activity going on at this site are you two doing something you shouldn't be doing in public or have you seen anybody doing anything like that here i say to the ranger what really oh no well i've got my kids with me and i can assure you we're not doing anything like that do you think we should move the park ranger looks around confused and says no no no no just keep an eye open for anything and if you see anything like that drop by the ranger station and let us know so about an hour later the woman comes back through and she says how the heck are you still here we choose to ignore her at this point and she keeps going on and says you know there's piles of studies on child psychology that say that what you're doing is ruining america now hearing that i wanted so badly to say something snarky but i kept my mouth shut she then directed her insanity at my kids and you better believe that didn't sit well with my wife she then turns to my daughter and says honey does it make you sad when daddy tries to tell you things that you don't understand my wife then tells her don't you talk to my kid again don't look in our direction get out of here right now leave so of course my three-year-old doesn't know why my wife's upset and she starts crying the yelling and crying attracted the attention of a different park ranger the park ranger comes over and says is there a problem folks the woman starts screaming almost incoherently while her poor embarrassed kid was like mom mom let's go let's just go come on mom my wife tells the ranger i'm so glad you're here we were just getting ready to leave when this woman who's been harassing us all day comes and starts talking to my daughter the park ranger then took her aside and then took us aside and we gave our sides of the story the karen was nearly in tears and we could hear her throwing out words like decency and innocence when he came to us we briefly explained but said that we were already on our way out so we don't want to take this any further he said we should just go so we packed up and we left the woman couldn't believe we were let go and she was still berating the park ranger with her embarrassed son when we left everyone should just mind their own damn business the end ain't that the freaking truth guys and that karen needs a nice big warm glass of mind your own damn business i mean come on if you don't like what people are saying you can always move to the other side of the park karen so a few decades ago i went from 70 to zero too fast one night and ended up in the hospital with a pen in my teeth signing a form on a clipboard held over my head that they could cut off both of my hands and my right leg because they were also mangled that there was a less than 50 chance of them being saved 18 hours of surgery and i woke up with everything i went in there with and a few extra metal parts to boot but it took years and a couple of dedicated physical therapists for me to be able to walk and use my reconstructed hands i've had four follow-up surgeries since and now i can walk without a limp but it's still difficult to walk very far without pain so i have a handicapped placard on my car so i found out real quick that there's an attitude among handicapped placard owners they all seem to think that they're more deserving than you of the spot you just parked in that plus fedex drivers used them all the time so my first experience with fedex was when i went to get my name registered on the sewer and water utilities for the house we just moved to there was only one handicapped spot and a fedex delivery truck was parked in it so i parked sideways and blocked him in and then hobbled my way into the building with my cane about five minutes later the fedex guy comes up and says who owns the silver infinity outside i tell him that would be me he says you're blocking me in i tell him he's parked in a handicapped spot and he says i was only gonna be there a few minutes to which i say well now you're gonna be there until i finish my business here the guy then tells me i can't do that and i say we can call the sheriff and see which one of us gets a ticket but the entitled portion of the story happens a few years later by then i was able to walk without my cane and i'd encountered more than one of these so i knew what was about to happen and i prepared my response ahead of time so on this day i had just parked and gotten out of my car and was walking into the wally world when i see the cadillac moving slowly by the window was rolled down and the entitled woman was about to lay out her case on why she deserved my spot and i didn't the woman says to me hey what's your problem i said to her excuse me she then shouts you don't look like you're handicapped i tell her why thank you i've worked really hard to be able to walk without a limp she then repeats and says i don't think you're really handicapped i say to her you could have stopped talking after the first three words of that last sentence and been entirely correct the woman then asked so what's wrong with you i then sigh and say well if you must know i lost my foot in an accident she then says really how'd it happen i told her i broke it off in some nosy woman's ass i then kept walking while she drove off angrily guys i love quick witted responses i always envy people who can come up with these lightning fast responses on the spot but yeah i've said this before you can never tell if someone has a disability that isn't visible that still qualifies them for a handicap placard so guys be kind don't be like this karen right and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash entitled people guys if you like the stories today hit that thumbs up and if you missed the last episode on the channel i'll link it right here and entitled karen learns that she's not so important when she destroys her own career guys check it out if you haven't and myself and stevie boy we'll see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 107,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, r//, entitled family stories, karen freaks out
Id: BeKaoH_DmsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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