r/EntitledPeople - Mega Karen Accuses Me of Using GANG SIGNS in Public! I'm MUTE.

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash entitled people where people truly believe that nobody else in the world matters but themselves and guys in today's episode an insane karen accuses op of faking cancer to get out of serving her rich family guys the stories today will leave you shaking your head so get those neck muscles warmed up i hope you enjoyed today's stories hit subscribe if you haven't and as always your crazy karen stories can be submitted to this email right here okay so the story behind this is that my family were looking for a new dog we wanted a puppy that would grow to be a large dog from a trusted reader so we were willing to pay quite a lot now since my sister is allergic to the fur we're gonna have to get a poodle crossbreed we end up choosing golden doodles we went to see the puppies and there were lots of color variants in the puppies which is rare for golden doodles we choose the one that was mainly black but had a little white stripe on her chin and stomach we reserved the dog until eight weeks which is the legal time you can separate a puppy from its mother aka buying it so after a few days since we reserved the puppy i get a text from a random woman at the beginning she was asking if she could trade the puppy that we just bought for 1200 bucks for a fully grown labrador that she had at the moment now i was a bit worried how she even got my number so i asked her and she said she was looking at all the puppies and wanted the one that i got the one that was reserved she then asked for it but the breeder said that the puppy was reserved so they gave her my number to ask for the puppy to see if we can work something out when she replied with that i just politely said ah okay sorry but we want to keep this puppy as we've already bought it and we really like her the woman replies with well that's my son's favorite i replied i'm sorry but this is also our favorite and we bought it first i'm sure there's other puppies around for sale so with that the mom then sends me 10 photos of their labrador i ignore the woman for a few hours hoping she'd go away a few hours later she sends me a video of her seven or eight-year-old son begging for it crying in the video screaming please give me the puppy i really want it now i shouldn't have responded to her but i felt like i just couldn't leave her on red for the third time so i respond i'm sorry we really want to keep this puppy she then responds yeah but it's my son's favorite so i left her on red again and after being left on red she responds a few hours later with you are such a why do people like you exist this is my son's favorite dog out of the litter you don't even deserve my labrador for it you should just give it over for free i didn't respond to that so after being left on route again for a few hours she says wow you really don't care about children do you i said this is my son's favorite my son is a child and you are an adult what do you have against children you pig i can't believe that an adult would do this to a child what's wrong with you so after this i contact the breeders to tell them the story and the worrying factor that they were willing to trade their own dog for my puppy they said they would deal with it and i haven't heard anything back since at the end of this i don't really know what she wanted she could have just been doing this to get a free 1200 puppy and dragged her son into it to make me feel sorry i don't even know if her son genuinely wanted it yeah at least the woman only spammed opie through text and didn't end up calling her right like i couldn't imagine hearing how annoying her voice sounds while she tried screaming at me over the phone and listen the real big issue here is that the breeder shouldn't have given out the phone number in the first place because sometimes you don't want random crazy entitled people to have your phone number right sophie does post a picture of this cute dog though absolutely adorable look at that look at that face so i'm currently a nanny for a family i've been with for about six months they always pay me on time and i adore the little boy i'm taking care of so we've never had any problems until now i recently found out that i have ovarian cancer and i need to have one of my ovaries removed here's the conversation telling the mother about my surgery it went something like this so i told the mother that i had surgery and she says did i not tell you about our family reunion which i say you did but unfortunately i won't be able to come and help because i'll just have had surgery the woman then tells me you'll need to reschedule your surgery then i tell her i'm not gonna do that and she says we've planned this for months you need to be there to help my family again i tell her i'm sorry but i won't be able to be there with that she asks if i'm kidding and i tell her no she then says to me well i'm not sure how much i trust leaving my child with you if you don't care enough to be there for our family when we need you i tell her i care about him a lot and i hope i've shown that over the last few months of working for you the woman then gets huffy and stormed off so the following day they called me for a family meeting i went in an hour early for the family meeting with the woman and her husband to discuss what happened yesterday the woman says were you able to reschedule so you can come to our family reunion again i say no like i told you yesterday i can't reschedule it's a surgery that i've been waiting a really long time for if i reschedule chances are that i'll have to wait a few months down the road before i can get it again the husband asked me what are you having to reschedule maybe we could give you some time off before the reunion so you can take care of whatever it is and still come with us having you there would really help us out hearing that the wife says listen we've already made plans in the evening with friends so we need you to watch baby no one's gonna watch baby the woman's clearly not listening to me so i say unfortunately i can't reschedule like i told you yesterday i'm having to have one of my ovaries removed because i have cancer now the husband hears cancer and he says oh my god i'm so sorry to hear that i'm sure we can find now before the husband can finish a sentence the wife comes in and says you're what 25 people don't get ovarian cancer that young what's the real reason you can't go tell me the husband says my goodness people can get cancer at any age why would she lie i tell her i'm not lying i'm so sorry it inconvenienced you but it's something i have to do and can't be rescheduled the wife looks at me and says i still don't believe she has cancer i believe she's faking the husband at this point tells her about make a wish foundation and tells her it's for children with cancer you can get it at any age the woman's flustered hearing this and she says well how was i supposed to know that i just thought she didn't want to go and she was trying to get out of it the husband looks at me and says i'm so sorry thank you for all you do with baby we know how much he loves you i tell him i do care a lot about baby and i've really enjoyed working for you but the incident yesterday was unprofessional and upsetting next friday will be my last day working for you if you find someone to replace me before then i'd be happy to train them now as soon as i say that the wife loses it and says what don't tell me you're just gonna quit it wasn't that big of a deal and you're quitting i thought you loved baby you just said so at this point the husband says that's enough the wife starts to choke up and looks like she's about to cry the husband tells me i'm so sorry to hear that we'll be losing you i'm deeply sorry for what occurred yesterday and any stress that may have caused you the wife stomps off crying the husband follows and returns alone after five minutes he then tells me hey why don't you take the rest of the week off and i'll still pay you for those hours but i think it's best to have my wife's mom watch baby while we figure things out i tell him okay i'll see you monday then he says i'll see you monday and again so sorry for everything then i left got some pancakes and typed this up guys all so she can have her perfect little family reunion gathering right like some people truly don't give a crap about others at all and i think it's so disgusting what little empathy this woman showed towards opie and accused her of faking her cancer like how dare your cancer inconveniences you have to reschedule your surgery you have to karen let me just talk to mr cancer here and see when he plans on killing me maybe the life-saving surgery can wait a few more months so you can drink with your friends and family and tell them how awesome your life is i feel bad for the husband at least he understands okay so i don't know why in god's good name that my mom thought i would be the one to come to we don't get along i went to live with my dad at 16 because she told me she hated me and kicked me out my older brother the golden child i know for a fact has a spare bedroom that she could sleep in right now as she's losing the house so a little backstory she and my stepdad bought a 7-bedroom house 10 years ago right after she left her job of 20 years to work at some stupid startup that was out of business three years later my stepdad spent the last years of his miserable life bed bound because he ignored every doctor telling him to stop shoving his face full of food at every waking moment of the day so he died 500 pounds and in misery i was more than fine with this by the way well when he died early this year it pretty much drained the last of the money my of a mother had remaining and now the bank's taking the house back so she shows up by my door for some reason and demands to live at my house i was often mistreated as a kid she always ignored me unless she wanted something ever since she married the thankfully dead land whale it's only me and my husband in our two-bedroom house we have a spare bedroom but that's his office the basement's my art studio and the couch in front of the fireplace is for the lovely cats there's no room for the wicked hag anywhere in my house but i knew this opportunity would never come again so i told her she could live with us only if she decided to follow the house rules the house rules that she made me abide by when i lived with her so here's the house rules number one all electronics were to be turned off by 6 pm if she was caught with any after that they would be taken away and sold at the next yard sale number 2 bedtime is 7 30. if i caught her up i would take away all of her clothing for the week number three she may only shower for five minutes once every three days any more than that and she'll be reprimanded number four all chores must be done the moment she wakes up if i roll out of bed and they're still not done she will not be getting her meals for the day number five she must make sure that she's alert at all times if hubby and i need something done it's to be done at that moment or else she'll lose her betting privileges for the night that's right she'll sleep on the floor number six she'll be in charge of cooking one meal a day that i choose if it's not made to my liking she will not be able to join us and instead she'll eat the cheapest frozen meal available number seven i'll be reading all of her mail text messages and emails i'll give her the ones that i deem acceptable communication under my roof number eight her car will be my own personal travel car she will also drive me wherever i wanna go she'll also have to pay for gas regardless of where i want to go and last but not least number 9 if at any point she displeases me i'll be calling my brother to pick her up from a nearby gas station i'll get to choose what she takes to put in a torn up backpack before dropping her off without looking back so after i gave her all those rules my mom calls me a monster told me that these conditions were inhuman and asked if i was insane now these were the exact conditions that i lived under for years as a teenager the exact conditions that her entitled ass tormented me with for years until she finally let me go live with the one parent that loved me and these would be the conditions that she would suffer under if she dared to ask me to home her worthless entitled narcissistic joy-sucking soul now i don't know where she went after she stormed out of my house my brother called me and told me that i have the biggest balls in my family for the stunt i pulled from the sounds of it though none of the spawn want my mother to live with them i hope she finds a nice park bench to stay on i couldn't care less guys the nerve of that woman to demand to live with opie after what she put her through like first of all i just want to say that no one should have to suffer through those ridiculous house rules and that mother is a piece of garbage like no technology after 6 pm you know what i kind of understand that like maybe showering every 3 days for 5 minutes yeah not a fan of that but maybe some parents want to keep the water bill down but guys what i hate is when parents think it's okay to deny children food and bedding when the kids don't properly cater to their entitled ass like not allowed to eat dinner if the meal you cook me isn't up to my standards boy oh boy that's where we got a problem guys it's very rare that these pose make me upset but reading this pose kind of broke my heart that opie had to go through that but i do love that opie's living a much better life now and that she has the upper hand over this woman now and i agree i couldn't care less about where this woman stays park bench is fine but hey maybe even that's too good for her so here's a little history of me so this makes more sense i'm non-verbal due to an injury and communicate exclusively via writing and sign language unless i want to feel like i'm pouring half molten nails down my throat i also love eating at restaurants denny's applebee's the little family owned mexican and chinese places etc what that means i gotta get my food which my husband typically orders for me to avoid me playing a game of charades with the waiter or waitress we were eating out and apparently this was wrong so on this day we were getting our food and this little kid near us who's maybe eight or nine years old was watching us since the restaurant was fairly empty so right after the server leaves the kid can audibly be heard speaking with his mother a woman probably in her mid to late 40s the kid says mommy what about her now the karen wasn't paying attention so i can hear her say hmm the kid then says he ordered for both of them the girl didn't talk to him at this point she takes a few steps over to us with her kid in tow and she says hi you too my husband responds and says hello the karen then says who's this motioning towards me and she asked your girlfriend husband says close enough do you need something the woman then asked us do you do that often do what often ordering the food for her husband tells her all the time to which she says could you please stop that can she not talk now before my husband can give an explanation she cuts off my husband and says just don't do it again i don't want my kid to grow up to be some barbarian at this point my husband tells her to feel free to leave us alone and she leaves with a huff and that seemed to be yet for the night at first as we got our food we start talking which is signing both clearly a little confused what this strange woman's issue was now when i'm saying crazy in sign language i use the ever known finger pointing to head crazy which i happened to start using right as she reapproached us the woman stomps up to us and says what are you two doing i'm not gonna stand here and let you two do gang signs around my child so stop it husband says we're not doing it it's sign i don't care what it is just stop it talk like normal people she physically put air quotes on the word talk which was classy the woman soon walked away and we continued our conversation with her angrily staring at us and trying to shield her kid from the horrific gang signs up until they left so on behalf of all people who don't talk i'd like to apologize for encouraging gang culture guys it sounds to me like that woman needs to go back to school she's lacking education now i think at that point i would have said as loudly as i could look lady i don't want to buy your damn kid for 10 bucks i don't care how much you need coke tonight i'll call the police don't think i won't see guys what i've learned from reading these stories is you gotta out crazy the crazies i might have also added some barking in there to scare her off i'm a 26 year old female and i moved from my parents after i turned 18. my relationship with them especially my mom was terrible at the time but over the years we managed to fix it more or less i visit them two to three times per year and once in a while one of them comes to my place recently it was my dad he's 51 and he was visiting me in my late teens and early 20s i was suffering from an eating disorder it's actually one of the reasons why i moved because my parents didn't understand that it's a real problem after meeting the right psychologist i'm now mostly okay i'm trying to eat healthy and actually have lots of fun preparing meals for myself my kitchen is always full of vegetables fruits sources of healthy fat like fishes poultry meats etc nonetheless i'm still getting nervous when i have to eat unhealthy meals for too long now for my parents real food must be deeply fried with a ton of salt or at least be a fast food when my dad comes to me the plan was for him to stay for a week he had to make us breakfast since i worked morning shift but i was gonna make dinners and suppers for the both of us right after seeing my kitchen and then the first meal i cooked for him i prepared pasta with chicken and zucchini he then starts complaining he looks at me and says no wonder you look malnourished look how you're eating now i want to note that i've been maintaining the correct weight for the last four years but for him the correct weight is when someone is at least slightly chubby then he said he wants real food while he's staying at my apartment none of this crap that i'm cooking i told him where the nearest grocery shop is and that he can buy whatever he wants to eat i'm gonna eat healthy but i don't care what he eats he didn't complain anymore so i decide the problem is solved so the next day i come back home from work and found that he threw out all of my food that he decided was unsuitable instead he buys pre-cooked food tons of red meat sausages full bags of sweet chips and for some reason a few kilos of potatoes my pantry was literally almost empty he threw out all my food at that point i start to cry i don't earn a lot and a big part of my earnings is spent on food he told me it's for my own good since evidently i'm still not in my right mind he was referring to my previous eating disorder he then tells me i should stop being so fussy and eat like a normal person it was at that point i packed all the food he bought in bags carried them in his luggage to the corridor and told him to get out of my house the train to my hometown leaves every hour or two so i was sure he wouldn't spend the night at the station he then calls me an entitled but eventually left my dad then tells the whole family what happened and most of them say that i'm overreacting and i'm heartless and how dare i kick my own father out my mom told me that neither she nor dad will contact me again until i apologize taking care of my eating disorder took me a few years and even now i'm not fully out of the woods i don't want to lose my balance again because of my dad's tantrums but i also don't want my parents out of my life so what should i do i'll tell you what you shouldn't do o.p and that's apologize it sounds to me like the problem solved itself by taking that train home and refusing to talk to you until you apologize like guys that man literally threw out all of op's food because in his opinion that food that they were eating isn't good now i don't know about you guys but like at 100 of the time i choose pasta with chicken and zucchini over some greasy fried chicken fries or the fast food that dad thinks is healthy so guys if you're in op shoes what are you doing are you calling to apologize or are you never speaking to your parents again leave your comments below and then my friends brings us to another end of our slash entitled people guys i hope you enjoyed today's stories i hope you shook your heads a lot because the stories were definitely outrageous and if you missed the last episode on the channel i'll link it right here a mega karen threatens to cop and and she has a pretend lawyer it's not even real opi exposes it it's such a funny story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and stevie boy we'll see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 294,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, r//, entitled family stories
Id: LcShlX0ebMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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