r/EntitledPeople - Karen ATTACKS ME For Wearing JAPANESE CLOTHES! Then Calls Police!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends welcome back to our slash entitled people guys where you'll hear outrageous stories about people who think they should get special treatment and that nobody else matters like this person right here who makes a facebook post that says i don't think anybody should be allowed to have their own closed off heated pools in gorgeous backyards while some of us are stuck with nothing i don't trust the beaches because i don't want my kids swimming in disgusting water that's filled with who knows what kind of crap it really breaks my heart to see my son upset because he can't go swimming now i asked my neighbor kindly to let us use his backyard pool when he's not using it and he says he'd be really uncomfortable if i just came into his backyard all the time i mean i understand the liability of letting my six-year-old go by himself but come on i'll supervise him anyone else find it super unfair that people have private swimming pools and won't share guys this post is absolutely ridiculous like this person knows that public swimming pools do exist right there's rec centers and water parks everywhere your son doesn't have to be upset about not going swimming guys it's only a matter of time before her neighbor goes on vacation and she takes over his private pool tell me i'm wrong but with that out of the way guys you're about to hear some ridiculously entitled stories so sit back relax because we're diving in and don't forget to hit that subscribe button for future stories so my wife and i went to a yankees game a few years ago we got the tickets online and arranged to pick them up at wilcall once we got there we got in line which was about a 25 or 30 minute wait no sooner did my wife and i get in line that this couple who had been standing in a different line approached us and demanded that they were in this line before we were and accused us of cutting in front of them now this was a blatant lie but since it was such a long line to begin with allowing them to cut in front of us would have had virtually no effect so god forbid that we should hold these two idiots up from the 10 seconds that they would save by cutting in front of us a few moments after we allowed them to move ahead of us the gentleman behind me in line who witnessed the whole thing who also knew they were lying taps me on the shoulder and says hey do you see what i see and nodded towards them i begin to inspect the direction he was looking and quickly realized that this couple was holding their tickets i'm laughing to myself thinking yes instant karma now the couple thought that they were in line for the gates which ironically they had previously been standing in before moving to this one and demanding to cut in front of my wife and i so i turned back to the gentleman behind me and quietly said hey you think we should say something the guy looks me in the eye and then shook his head no with a devilish smile i then whispered to my wife who was slightly annoyed that the couple cut in front of us and i informed her of our discovery and she had to stifle a laugh she then loudly said ugh they deserve it for being such idiots right all three of us then loudly laugh at this inside joke as the line keeps moving so for the next 30 minutes it was the most fun i think i've had in a long time standing in a queue you should have seen their faces when we got closer to the will call box and it finally dawns on them that there's no gate there the couple turned beat red and stomped off to the line they were originally in which only added to the hilarity it was the closest i've ever come to literally rolling on the floor with laughter guys i love this story so so much nothing brings a smile to my face more than hearing about people getting what they deserve and in this case a healthy dose of karma when i was in high school my parents got divorced and my mom has never stopped being bitter about it she throws tantrums and tries to pull power moves to get more time or attention from her kids whenever possible since i live abroad she kicks this behavior into overdrive whenever i come back to visit so this particular year my grandmother on my father's side had passed away and not long before that dad's second wife had died needless to say my dad's had a rough couple of years and he really wanted me home for the holidays at that point in time i didn't have any money to buy a ticket to come back so he bought me one he even paid extra to get me a more comfortable seat on a direct flight so i could get there quickly and in comfort he was putting me up at his place for the entire visit and feeding me all the food i could eat he never once asked for anything in return the only thing he wanted was my company during the holidays and how could i say no to my recently widowed father and of course i can't go home and not tell my mom that i'm not coming or visit her so the first thing she does is give me orders that i'll be spending christmas eve and christmas day with her and my brother she tells me how my dad is selfish for trying to take me on the good days and she won't let that happen now i wanted to tell my mom that saying that to me is selfish and entitled but i bit my tongue and told her that's unfair since dad paid for me to be home to spend time with him and that she can have me on one day but not both i mean not that money is the most important thing ever but dad has put so much effort into bringing me there and he deserves the greatest benefit as opposed to the whiny selfish brat that i have for a mother so at this point she starts to whine and to lay on the guilt trip she says but you are staying with your dad he gets to see you every day that's not fair to me i'm only asking for christmas eve and christmas day christmas is about family and your dad clearly did not care about our family and i'm thinking yeah mom christmas is about family which is why i want to see dad his brothers and my cousins i tell her we were planning a sort of belated memorial dinner at my uncle's for grandma since most of us would be able to get together so at this point mom starts threatening to show up at uncles to crash the dinner since quote dad and i are still married in the eyes of god i'm still part of the family thankfully dad's side of the family was prepared for her drama and planned for us to go meet on boxing day but i still want to spend the 24th or 25th with my dad so mom brings in her trump card her last resort she says i already told your grandparents were coming to visit great she always uses her parents who i adore by the way to get what she wants she says they're only available for a visit on christmas day you don't want grandma to get heartbroken and die do you can you live with that it's not worth it to argue i talked to my dad and he's super understanding so i'm off to my mom's house for christmas eve so my brother and i are chilling out cracking jokes and reminiscing about dumb kid stuff mom is insisting that we have to eat the stuff she likes drink what she wants and watch all the christmas movies that she wants to watch the night takes a turn for the worst when i get a text from my best friend of 15 years his mother who's been battling cancer for years has just passed on he never had a father in his life so most likely he's gonna go through this alone i'm in shock i tell my mom i need to go to the hospital right away since he lost his mother to cancer on christmas eve my mom says it's christmas eve you can't go he'll be fine i told her his mother just died i'm gonna go there to make sure he's okay and my mom says no no you can't go i won't allow it christmas is about family i then tell her his only family is gone and he's alone and i'm going right now my mom actually shocked that i'm snapping back at her said okay fine you go see him since he's way more important than your brother and i thank you for ruining christmas thank you for making your own decision to abandon our family on christmas eve to go see your friend so it's 9pm and i'm done with her i told her i'm gonna go and i'll come home when i decide to his mother just died i walked out without a word i came home hours later and somehow survived the rest of the holiday my mom never apologized my friend was okay and while i'm super sad his mom died i'm glad i was there when it happened and yes my mom did whine a bunch about me spending time going to the funeral instead of spending time with her remember guys christmas is about family just not the dead or the grieving ones what a heartless entitled and selfish person opie's mom is not to mention super super manipulative like yeah it's christmas eve and it's time to relax and to hang out with family but a best friend of over 15 years would be considered family to many people out there clearly this mom is all about herself and she couldn't give a care in the world about how anybody else feels or what they want now this is a really dumb one but it was satisfying so why not share it i'm a university student working a supermarket job that's just slightly above minimum wage it's a nice enough job and the managers and colleagues are friendly so i don't mind doing it the customers are a mixed bag though so every single week without fail this old woman comes in and asks for four gluten-free pizzas with triple mushroom and triple bacon she always arrives super late into the shift normally when we're running out of ingredients and are about to close and it's usually a hit or miss whether we have gluten free bases in store and you'd better believe that she blames me when this happens now i don't mind making large orders but it's pretty inconvenient especially when she comes so late in the evening and even worse she always has an attitude that's overall a nightmare to deal with i've always worked with a rule that if a customer is nice and polite that i'll return the favor and be nice back if a customer is being over the top and rude i'll put in the bare minimum efforts in whatever task i'm doing for them so i finish at the same time every week 8 pm today at about 7 55 i was closing my department now i had put away everything i was cleaning and getting ready to go home midway through cleaning this woman rolls up to the counter i apologize and explain that i'm closing down and finish at 8 pm the woman immediately starts complaining that she's been told that we're open until 9pm i told her the store is open till 9 but the pizza department closes at 8 p.m at the latest and as i'm the only one working at that time i have to close everything down an hour earlier now the woman gets angry and walks off before returning maybe five seconds later after the thought of a sad pizza-less night flashes through her tiny brain and she tells me something along the lines of no you have enough time stop cleaning and make me my pizza you don't close until you've done that now i do argue back a little but she was getting pissed and as much as i do like to argue with dumb customers i don't want to get in trouble with my managers so i just look at her and say uh i'll go to the freezer and see if we have any gluten-free bases so i go to the warehouse knowing full well that we do have the bases and i just chill there for about 10 minutes or so i catch up with the warehouse team check my phone and you know the rest when i feel like enough time has passed i head back and she's still waiting there with the most deadpan voice i can muster i say oh i'm sorry we don't have any of the bases the look of anger and defeat that flashed across her face was so damn satisfying she of just threw up her hands before leaving and i got back to finishing cleaning up so the thing is i don't mind making late orders for customers it's super inconvenient and making a late night pizza means i have to re-sanitize the surfaces re-clean the utensils and go home late but if someone's polite to me i respect the urge for a late night pizza but if a customer's gonna be an entitled jerk there's no way in hell that i'm gonna make that pizza [Music] so this story happened yesterday with me and my boyfriend going to a japanese festival the festival gets held every year at a large temple and cultural center and this is my first time going now i've wanted to go for the past few years but for one reason or another something else always came up that prevented me from going so needless to say i'm pretty excited to go now that the stars have perfectly aligned for me to go now there's all sorts of events and activities going on both inside and outside of the buildings when we arrive there's music food educational speakers presentations etc and my boyfriend and i spent the day having a great time eventually we end up at a booth that allows people to pay to take pictures in traditional japanese attire we both dress up in a yukata a casual version of a kimono and at the end the extremely nice japanese lady running the booth tells us that if we'd like to purchase our own kimonos or yukatas that her friend another vendor is selling them i tell the lady thanks i think it's pretty cool so we go check out her friend's booth and i end up purchasing one for myself and my boyfriend both of us really excited and putting them on right away to really embrace the festival we end up going to get some food when someone calls out to us with a hey you two we turn around to see two women with a kid one woman is a white woman karen won and the other one is asian karen number two karen one says um hi there can i just ask if either of you are of japanese descent now before i go on i want to make it clear that my boyfriend and i are not japanese i jokingly said i'm not but i'm not sure about him though my boyfriend laughs and says nah i don't think so i'm pretty sure my whole family's irish karen number one then says well then why do you feel like you have the right to wear that pointing at my kimono me baffled at this point said i'm sorry i don't understand she then goes on and says that's called cultural appropriation and it's so wrong you two need to take those off and never wear them again my boyfriend looks at her and says excuse me karen too then chimes in and says it's just that if you aren't japanese you shouldn't be wearing those outfits japanese culture is not your fashion statement now this keeps going on for about two minutes the whole time my boyfriend and i were just lost for words the two seem to have a routine where karen number one is the aggressor constantly throwing out accusations while karen number two is just trying to guilt-trip us karen number one is getting even more upset by the second we try walking away at one point but she blocks our path and says so are you gonna take that off or what don't walk away from me now at this point her kid starts crying probably because his mom just yanked the hell out of his arm and is screaming at strangers on a hot day karen number one says great look what you did now you're upsetting our son my boyfriend then says hey you know what please leave us alone a japanese person told us that we can buy these and wear it at the festival so we bought these at the festival and we're wearing it you're just being ridiculous at this point some staff members have come over since we're clearly causing a scene karen number two starts speaking to one of them presumably in japanese while the others stuck with karen one berating them telling them that they should be ashamed of themselves how they shouldn't allow anybody who isn't japanese to wear things like this etc and she says that she's calling the police to shut down the festival so it's right then that we try to get out of there karen one spots us trying to leave and tries to grab my boyfriend who kind of just swats her hand away and says don't touch me she then lets out a scream saying assault and suddenly pulls out pepper spray and sprays it at my boyfriend getting him right in the eyes and shockingly they don't stick around for when the police show up they take our statements of what happened but unfortunately this place doesn't have security footage and nobody was recording the incident we made it very clear that when they're found we want to press charges but so far we haven't heard anything after that we went to the hospital to make sure that my boyfriend won't have any lasting eye damage there was no call from the cops but my boyfriend got a call from someone who is apparently a part of the people who run the event he didn't ask how high up the chain they were but the mean bones of the conversation was that they were calling to offer an apology and to inform him that they would cooperate in whatever way possible with the investigation they also told him that they would be making some changes regarding security and he seemed happy enough with the result guys what an absolutely crazy story i wonder how many people those two karens harassed before it escalated into something huge like this the fact that the woman grabbed op's boyfriend and as soon as her hand was swatted away cried assault and pepper sprayed him is absolutely pathetic guys i'm so angry that they were never cods and literally got away with assaulting someone so one of the top comments in the post is this this person says when a japanese vendor is selling you japanese culture it's the exact opposite of cultural appropriation you are giving them resources as a japanese person profiting off their own culture and this person says louder for the morons in the back when you purchase cultural goods from someone in that culture you are supporting them and their art buying moccasins from a native american who makes them is not cultural appropriation buying a kimono from a japanese seamstress is not cultural appropriation now guys i know everybody has different opinions and i'm sure many of you will share yours in the comments section below but all i ask is for you to be kind and respectful to one another especially when it comes to these topics remember guys the fight is against these entitled people not each other and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash entitled people guys we survived another episode i hope you got your daily dose of entitled karen's today and if you liked the episode do give it a thumbs up and if you missed the last episode of our slash entitled people a karen calls the cops because op won't let her son beat him in a video game imagine that getting jailed for being too good at a freaking video game guys check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 323,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, fail, r//, rslash entitled people, crazy stories, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, karen freakout, entitled karen, instant karma, entitled people reddit, karma stories, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled in laws, karen pepper spray, pepper sprayed
Id: CIWyjPknqQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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