r/ProRevenge - He thought he "Owned" me...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach and today subreddits are slash pro revenge alright this story is called be a racist and lie on your neighbors welcome to eviction population you okay i'll share another revenge i'm only vengeful when someone deserves it and that's usually often so i'll share one i did from 2011. that's funny anyone who's seen my posts no i used to work in the private security field not small cops but highly trained and skilled and armed security we worked residential buildings in complexes that were very high-end like two hundred thousand dollar cars in the parking garages high end now places like this are karen central imagine apartments full of karen's and entitled teenagers now the company owner was awesome a cop has his regular job he understood what we faced his advice was to be nice but put the hammer down if you have to and don't take their crap also that if we don't get two complaints a month about us for worthless crap that we weren't engaging the residents enough so this is important to the revenge each supervisor had 10 to 15 properties under their control regular officers betrothed them but we were in charge of helping with evictions attending town halls on security issues deciding on how officer patrols or updating what areas are being a problem or needing checked i had 12. now in this one apartment complex we had a couple always calling us we had an emergency line open from 6 pm to 6 am when we get there they cry about their upstairs neighbor it was a list of things they just changed stomping music talking cooking smells their dog going number one on the balcony and it tripping onto theirs valid complaints if we found evidence and we never did when they saw that we were starting to question if they were real they changed tactics and went racist the couple above them were a sweet and wonderful middle-aged asian couple husband was an immigrant but the wife was a born and raised american these racist cretans had only talked to the husband so they assumed as all racists do that they were both immigrants so this white sheet-wearing couple started making comments like those asians and they in america why can't they cook american food and i'm afraid to be in the parking garage when one of them is driving in it while it angered me those comments alone weren't enough for eviction my officers put exact phrasing in the report i did ask the property manager about the comments and she said if they didn't say them to the residents and the residents didn't complain there wasn't much he could do so i tried to think of some way to get them evicted not only were they lying to get a couple evicted but they were calling in false things and wasting the officers time to respond and they didn't call just every once in a while they called sometimes twice in one night usually five to eight times a week a month later the opportunity was handed to me the asian couple called me during the day and informed me they were going out of the country china for two weeks and no one would be in their apartment they told me this just in case the other couple started complaining i knew they were lying and asked to check their doors once a night to make sure it was locked and not broken into i informed the asian couple to not tell their neighbor none of them that they were leaving and beside myself only tell the property manager we had a patrol meeting that night officers didn't work one specific region so i told them all my plan i wanted them to respond each time they call and write down exactly what they said and happen and also any racial terms no matter how minor mark the report urgent and send it out we had an online system for all business emails schedules report submitting you get the idea so away we go during those 14 days they complained 18 times everything was documented and i took it to the manager she looked it over and said let's evict them side note the client gets charged more for emergency response than they do for regular patrols meaning their lies were costing money so there was no hoa because there were rentals in this situation myself the property manager and the tenant sit down at a table the charges for eviction are red if the eviction is security related then i say what violations have been broken etc not opinions just facts based on the reports which the tenants get a copy of then the tenants have a right to speak and ask questions the property manager then decides what happens next do they stay or do they go so they were sent a formal letter stating that they were facing eviction and had 10 days to set up a meeting if not the eviction will be processed they set one up i get there and the butthole couple and the manager are already present the wife immediately digs into me because i was armed uniforms for those situations are a dress shirt slacks tie and one weapon and one magazine thing ps i don't know like elections can be dangerous i just politely informed her that it was my uniform and not her call to make it she tried to say she felt uncomfortable and wanted to reschedule but the manager said this happens now or i will evict you so they agreed to continue now for legal reasons the sessions were recorded by video that way the tenants can't lie in eviction court or sue in front of me were all 18 reports and went over each one time date who called apartment number is false and what is true the only thing they said the racial terms weren't true at the end of each report i basically said the report is accurate in the fact that the tenants in the apartment xyz were playing their music too loud but you are claiming the comments about their race is false i got a yes answer every time about the seventh one i think the wife caught on she started complaining that i was dragging it out i just smiled politely and reminded her that this was my time and she had ample opportunity to object and ask me questions but only after i was done and then went through the rest and let them build a defense then after i was done getting them to admit to lies i informed them that the tenants in said apartment were actually out of the country at the time of those 18 reports and that the tenants provided proof that they were gone and my officers checked the apartment one time a night and confirmed that it was empty then i smiled pleasantly and ended my part but the look on their face was a mix of anger and fear they didn't have a defense basically saying myself and the manager were choosing immigrants over americans oh did i mention the manager was an immigrant that went over like a hand grenade in a collection plate once they said it she stopped it and told them she was that made matters worse because they said she was just taking up for her own kind during this i'm calm and collected inside my mind i'm thinking oh crap after a few more racial remarks the manager just stopped them and said guilty and she would process the eviction paperwork with the courts in the morning long story shorts they were given 14 days from what i heard the judge gave them 30 until they called him a racial name i was able to call the nice asian couple and let them know that it was over and they didn't have to worry because we would no longer respond to calls about their apartment for the next 14 days until eviction came through and the bad tenants left but they were welcome to call any time if they needed help or had an issue security officers want so bad to help but are limited by either laws property management rules or both so it's nice to do some good update thanks for the awards everyone i debated even posting this and didn't expect it to blow up as it has ah yeah you see this is ridiculous i hate false uh noise complaints because i am the recipient of many of those like i could just be sleeping and then the next day i get in trouble it's like oh you're making too much noise it's like bro i'm just sleeping man but all it is is just stupid people finding ways to complain about stupid things and in reality they make a lot of noise but but do i complain do i bang on the floor like they do no i just i deal with it because honestly i don't really care that much alright this story's called incompetent manager fires the wrong guy after i came back from kosovo with the us army i got lucky once and landed a really great job i was contracted to work as a liaison in several parts of the world our team would basically go somewhere figure out what needed done then make it happen for example my first assignment was back to kosovo and several towns needed various construction projects think like a bridge over a creek a small community center a waste treatment plants etc we coordinated with the army nato the eu dozens of contractors and would get jobs done we would secure funding then hire contractors and in some places we were involved in hiring workers as a means of stimulating the local economy the first team i worked with was amazing we were able to get so much accomplished and genuinely enjoyed working together we also had to figure out how to do everything our instructions were one go to insert place two find out what needs done three get it done somehow we figured it out sometimes it was happy accidents we made a million dollar deal because we accidentally ran into the guy we needed to contact for funding in a random bar we had been trying to find him for days found them in a bar at lunch sometimes we worked long days as much as 20 hours sometimes on weekends sometimes we had very little to do and now we're off time we explored the areas went to bars and restaurants it was honestly one of the best jobs ever anyway eventually our contracts ran out and i was the only one who signed on for another year my teammates had families and i was single at the time when i met the new team i knew almost instantly that this was going to suck a team consisted of four people a manager and three liaisons the two other liaisons were among the two unhappiest people i've ever met and i could never figure out why those guys griped and complained about everything we all got great pay often it was tax exempt we were generally safe we usually had fairly comfortable lodging where we rent but they were never happy you could shower those guys in the most beautiful escorts in the world and they would call you cheap because you got them used hookers one of the places we went we were easily living in the nicest hotel in the city with probably the best suites they offered but the shower doesn't get hot enough and i have to filter water to drink it we were on the only floor in the building where the sweets had their own showers or running water even worse than those two guys was our manager whoever taught this guy about leadership should be flocked he supposedly learned from being an officer in the us army and also from his business degree at ucla but somewhere along the lines he missed all the lessons about teamwork management and literally anything related to managing a team when we met i told him that i would be happy to help him start building a relationship with all our contacts and make his transition for the new team as seamless as possible his response i'm in charge of this team we're gonna change some things to start doing it right okay he also decided to lay down the law again reasserting that he was the boss also the new rules were no consumption or possession of alcohol no leaving the lodging or a workplace in off-duty hours we worked from 6 a.m to 5 p.m local time monday through friday basically on our off-duty hours we stayed in our rooms or within whatever facility we were lodged in you're not here to be on vacation you're here to get your jobs done we were back in southeastern europe at the time and i had a lady friend in town no way in hell am i sitting in my room and twiddling my thumbs i told him right away that there was no chance that i was going to comply with his commandments that company policy was clear that as long as there was no imminent safety risk that we were free to do as we wished in our free time to claim as safety required that he proved that his measures were necessary i said this is not the military you do not own all my time so yeah off to a real great start it was less than two weeks before it came to a head we had gotten nothing done nothing the manager refused to use the contacts i had acquired over the last year instead preferring to go through official channels so i started just doing stuff myself i made the calls i got the funding hired contractors etc and went and saw my lady friend after hours he had this really funny thing he did where he would yell at me for going behind his back then put his name on my tickets and pass the work off as his own i got sick of this along with the crybaby brothers not doing anything a shouting match ensued i pointed out his glaring incompetence he was mad that i didn't follow orders like a soldier in the end he got me fired i tried to fight it but apparently he was buddies with someone high up in the company i had the last laugh though just before i turned in my laptop and cellphone i went through and deleted everything some of the files that i couldn't get in trouble for keeping i saved my own computer but the rest were gone this was all my contacts all my notes how to get money where to get contractors private numbers for hundreds of people in the hands of even a moderately competent person this was a gold mine of information all gone i spent a while just kind of floating around before eventually going home apparently as soon as i was gone the old manager opened up my laptop and went to go through my files and was enraged that it was all gone the whole team was eventually disbanded when after another two months they were still floundering unable to accomplish anything wow sounds like someone was an essential worker that does sound like a pretty cool job to have and if you're scared of the lack of consistent conditions you'd be surprised what you can get used to like when you have no other choice and there's no other option available at least for me personally you just can't accept it you go along with it like when i was trying to go to medical school in pakistan uh the hot water there hardly ever worked and uh a lot of the time you just had to use whatever towel was lying around so there would be times where he had to use a wet towel after coming out of a slightly cold shower but it was all good it was a great time there that is if you ignore food poisoning and near death that does sound like a really cool job for a young person to have just uh you know work a lot and then freaking party and then work a lot then party great time all right this story's called speeder gets paintballed my family and i live on a street that turns into an elementary school whoa get an ass on this we have five children and we are always outside playing basketball riding bikes etc there is a teenager that lives down the street that likes to drive extremely fast on any given day there are 10 to 15 neighborhood kids playing in front of our house we have put up signs that say children play put out orange cones so drivers know we're here but this kid still drives like a bat out of hell i've gone down and spoken to his parents and they just told me kids will be kids i tried appealing to the sun asking begging him to slow down he laughed at me i asked him to go down another street where there are less children he called me a bimbo my oldest son borrowed a paint gun from his friend and hid in the bushes of an empty neighboring house across the street and waited for this kid to come home from wherever he goes once again he rolls through the stop sign and speeds up as soon as he was even with my son he popped the car with three red paintballs all three landing on the passenger side back door he slammed on the brakes gets out of the car and starts screaming and cursing about his car everyone on our side of the street just stands and looks at him he asks what we did to his car nothing young man we were over here i tell him maybe he should slow down to avoid hitting random things in the road he hasn't sped past my house again edit one this went on for almost a year before we did anything about it we contacted the police numerous times pleaded with the hoa and the parents after nothing was done for 11 months we took action i do it again bad ass instead next time instead of shooting his car with the paintball gun you uh you break his arm don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 45,005
Rating: 4.912374 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: MrkbD5h0Uuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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