r/ProRevenge - She SCAMMED my dad... I EXPOSED her...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach and today's subreddit is our slash pro revenge all right first up is called spaghetti girl sell a broken laptop to my kid lie to me threaten me as you wish hi reddit this happened a few years ago on facebook marketplace to my dad i'm the kid my dad told me this story about one week ago when i asked why my birthday present a few years ago disappeared in mysterious ways oh boy was i not prepared for that please note english is not my primary language but i'll try to clarify anything just ass lots of backstory i was around 13 at the time now 19 i was hooked on minecraft and my dad and i spent quite some time on the xbox 360 version i got good grades in school so he decided it was time for us to switch to pc he already had a pretty good pc for his work as a programmer and i.t administrator and he wanted me to get a cheap laptop we had a hard time and almost no money so it had to be cheap and used he saw an offer on facebook marketplace from a girl he and my mother met at a club he was djing at a few years back let's call her spaghetti girl she was selling lots of stuff because she moved in with her boyfriend and her kids among that stuff was a cheap laptop nothing fancy pretty scuffed and only the network port didn't work according to her no big deal and for 50 euro or 54 us dollars worth a shot my dad contacted spaghetti girl and wanted to pick up the laptop just in time for my birthday he had to wait for his paycheck rough times when the day came he went to the agreed spot but she didn't show up she called later that day and told my dad that she had to wait for her boyfriend to wipe the hard drive as she didn't trust my dad my dad assured her that he had no intentions to snoop around in her stuff and he could help her with that after all he's an i.t guy no my boyfriend works for the c.i.a and he's a hacker yeah right a c.i.a hacker in germany by the name of hans huber name changed but a very german name okay fine she insisted that the laptop still works and that just the network port is busted after one week my dad picked up the laptop paid the 50 bucks and headed home he couldn't test it on site because the battery was dead back at home the laptop was of course dead he opened it up and found a mixture of nicotine coffee and undefined fluids close your eyes and imagine the sound of a velcro strap being pulled open that was the sound the keyboard made when he tried to lift it up i still remember that sound because i stood next to him and wanted to get my laptop going asap i cried the whole night of course my dad contacted the pasta lady right away she insisted that he must have broken it as it worked yesterday and that she also wanted 10 euro for the bag that she gave him with it my dad was calm on the outside but he locked up his office door for four hours and instructed us to not go in there for the next few days finally after a wall of text the autopsy remember that my dad was an i.t administrator at the time turns out he was pretty good at his job he was a guest lecturer at some universities held talks about data recovery on conferences etc my dad plugged in the still good hard drive into his work pc and had a look of course hacker hans only had formatted the drive he recovered some files to look for any logs that would indicate that the laptop had worked yesterday the last files were from half a year ago and it wasn't shut down as the dirty bit for windows was also set everything indicated that the laptop was dead for at least half a year great work hans on the second evening when my dad was looking for evidence he stumbled across some pictures one of an elderly man with a guitar a few from the nightclub back in the days i remember how i heard my dad laugh inside his office but i wasn't allowed in and the door was locked that upset me back then now i understand no spaghetti incident she had some pictures taken of her with some spaghetti meticulously rolled up into a circle on her breasts lots of spaghetti with a blob of sauce in the middle to cover up the nipples her boyfriend was sitting next to her with some chopsticks i mean who in the world eats spaghetti with chopsticks and who pays a photographer to take pictures of that my dad tried to ask her for the money back and even offered to help and get her her files back didn't mention the spaghetti pictures she went on to attack my dad publicly on facebook stuff like there's this guy dad's name who tries to black email me what should i do and no i don't want your pictures dad's name and to top it all off when my boyfriend learns about this he'll hack you a few private messages followed shut up about that stupid laptop and give me the 10 euros for the bag or else i'll tell everyone you wanted to violate me also a few insults my dad had enough of that he suspended his facebook account and went silent he almost lost his job and family over this but he was smart enough to save all the chat logs with her so he could prove to my mother and his boss that he wasn't blackmailing anybody and he wasn't sending nude pictures to anybody yet the revenge after a few months my dad had a new facebook account and everything was back to normal he landed a new job didn't add his boss on facebook this time and didn't use his real name he even joined the old nightclub alumni a group on facebook to connect with a few friends from back in the days one beautiful day he finds a new post in the group by spaghetti girl asking everyone for pictures of the good old days as a thief stole her laptop and tried to blackmail her with deleting the pictures my dad kindly responded he had this evil grin on his face when he told me a few days ago oh hey spaghetti girl long time no see i have quite a lot of pictures from the time found them on an old hard drive even some of you and your boyfriend at a nice pasta dinner and a few screenshots with old chat logs do you want me to send them to you via private message or should i just share them here nah just share them here as you wish hey there's also good news for her she also got the pictures of her recently deceased father back the nice gentleman with a guitar in 160 by 160 pixels the fallout facebook blew up that day and the weeks after at least in our little slice of the world a few things happened she was dropped by her friends they all cut ties with her turned out she pulled a similar thing with a bouncer of that nightclub got him fired and expelled from their group of friends he was the creator of said facebook group noodle bimbo and chopstick penis were quickly both tagged in all of the pictures by their former friends even her cat was tagged in one of the pictures her boyfriend hans of 12 years recognized one of her tattoos that he paid for so the picture had to be taken recently he recognized the bed she was on but he wasn't a chopstick wielding dude in the picture he was now han solo my dad never really looked that much of the pictures so he didn't see that spaghetti queen had laid out quite a bunch of drugs weed pills in a ziploc bag in the background of her pictures this minor detail was discovered by the chopstick master's current girlfriend who of course told the police cps or jujin jun ju jung yogan in germany i'm really good at german and both of their parents police couldn't do much their kids were taken away for a while i don't know what happened afterwards a few colleagues of her saw that post she quit her dream job of being a cashier at aldi soon after that she had to move out of han's flat she moved across the country if her new facebook account is to be believed she used the name of her cat i know i'm being a spiteful prick over this but i think she got what she deserved and 50 bucks today we sold the hard drive and the ram from the laptop for 30 euros each afterwards with the money my dad bought a used hp laptop for me minecraft at 30fps coming from the xbox 360 this felt right at home for my 17th birthday i got a back then brand new computer ryzen 1600x a gtx 1060 16 gigs of ram and a brand new ssd with no spaghetti pictures on it my dad and i still play minecraft together he is now a software developer at a bigger company and we have no concerns about money not rich but not paycheck to paycheck not all heroes wear capes but my dad does he went to minecon oh my god i know it was pretty long hope it was worth your time greetings from germany chris edit a few clarifications we were in a pinch financially because we had to pay double rent because we moved recently my mom lost her job and our car broke down that was a bit too much and it took a few months to recover my dad of course opened the lid of the laptop when picking it up everything visible without disassembling the computer looked fine the velcro moment was when he took it apart to see if it was an easy fix like a blown fuse on the input circuit some of you pointed out that facebook marketplace was introduced in 2016. however people have been selling stuff on facebook for years there were buy sell groups before then for me everything bought from facebook was from the facebook marketplace so i might have mixed that up when writing today i learned people do eat spaghetti with chopsticks i didn't want to judge you guys in germany this is very uncommon here's how hans formatted the drive of a non-working computer he took out the hard drive put it into a working computer put on his black hoodie and ski mask for full hacker mode and typed color a and format d or whatever the drive letter was for more hacking tutorials follow me on instagram okay first of all that pc for 2017 was a beast at least for me because my computer right now has a 1050 which is not great but soon i shall get a 20 80. but anyway this is a really cool story really heartwarming um even though i personally am not a huge minecraft fan i know blasphemy i just grew up with roblox and i tried minecraft back in the day but i just got bored man i tried it so many times just i can't get into it i just can't anyway man thank you for sharing that was a really good story and it's really cool that you guys can game together alright this story's called a tale of revenge on a nasty supervisor u.s air force edition this happened in the mid 80s while i was active duty air force i was a sergeant e4 my direct supervisor was a tech sergeant e6 this tech sergeant rob not his real name was a real jerk he was about five foot ten and a bean pole he lived on coffee and cigarettes and thinking of ways to bully subordinates well in addition to being a jerk rob had a very nasty sense of humor he could dish it out but he couldn't take it we had these old metal desks with plexiglass covering the tops he started in on me with super gluing my coffee cup to the plexiglass top needless to say when i pick up the cup everything went everywhere of course the whole office laughed hysterically i didn't blame them nobody wanted to be robb's target next he moved my car to another parking lot right before i called the security police he told me where my car was he kept it up not just me either but the whole office till one day he went too far we had just gotten a new captain assigned to our branch he was a nice man quiet kind and earned all of our respect he heard about all the crap raw pooled and witnessed a few of the milder pranks then rob got nastier i went out to the parking lots at the end of the day in my car a little civic was up in blocks i almost had a stroke rob went too far granted the captain made rob put my tires back on and read him the riot act back in the 80s the atmosphere was much more relaxed i.e you could get away with more the captain and i decided that i should get my revenge my revenge had to be carefully thought out and i had to cover my ass as rob could destroy my career first the captain changed my reporting official supervisor to himself this was to prevent rob from writing me a horrible or mediocre airman performance report or apr the timing was important as rob had just written my annual report so the change in reporting official wouldn't trigger another apr then i went to the base hospital and got a few letterheads from a friend in the environmental health office the environmental health office was the office that handled all the reports of sdis and did all the mandatory interviews i had to swear on my unborn child's heads that this wouldn't get back to them the captain and i went to work on a letter scheduling a date for rob to be interviewed as a confirmed contact of someone who was positive with an sti this was going to hit rob hard you see he thought the world of himself according to him he was his wife's master and he ruled the house and his kids he never had any other woman but his wife who according to him worshipped the ground he walked on also she wouldn't even leave the house to buy groceries without letting him know or asking permission i sort of believed him on that one as she called the office several times a day well the letter was written and placed in the afternoon distribution the captain made sure he was standing right next to rob when he opened his official mail rob was a creature of habit and always stood right by his distribution tray to read his mail coffee and cup cigarette in hand i was sitting at my desk watching i swear rob turned white and i could hear him say something to the captain i could see the captain reading the letter rob handed him so i moved a bit closer not a huge office and heard the captain say well rob have you been horsing around rob of course was denying this like really who would touch him yeah and kept saying i can't believe this it wasn't until a few minutes later when rob went to grab a phone to call his wife that the captain said wait rob he the cap looked at me and said do you think this is enough the captain and i both busted out laughing everyone in the office was looking around confused and asking what was so funny neither the captain or i would tell anyone what was going on rob knocked over the distribution boxes through his car key and started having a fit the captain stops rob's fit and basically told him quietly that he deserved what he got and he ordered rob to stop with the pranks thank god i had thought about changing my reporting official because rob would have roasted me not much later i volunteered for an overseas assignment it seemed the prudent thing to do my revenge did get around eventually within the upper ranks it seemed to be a consensus that rob got what he deserved yes he did um but if he was gonna call his wife right away that's pretty admirable alright as you guys know i like to have a little bit of a silly wholesome palette cleanser after a revenge episode or at the end of a revenge episode but i can't always do that but today i can because i found a cool little story called silly story from a not so bright customer and if you do enjoy it cool if not i'm sorry i was explaining our house cocktails to a customer at a table one of my favorites is called cheese ma we call it this because it tastes like sweet cherry pie it's a delicious tart sweet fruity bubbly cocktail i think she misheard me because she immediately says what kind of cheese is in it to which i replied oh no it's called she's my she then responds well yeah but what kind of cheese is in it i say no there's no cheese i think you may have misheard me it's called she's my because it tastes like sweet cherry pie okay she orders it i go on to explain another cocktail called deal with it the base spirit is aquavit which is like gin but distilled with dill instead of juniper i explain this to her and no joke she shouts oh so it's made with pickles i had a hard time holding back a laugh oh come on i feel like that's a situation i'd be in but i'd i'd probably catch on and laugh about it but i know nothing about all alcohol or cocktails and i don't know what people drink people do some weird stuff with alcohol so it's like this is a funny story i enjoyed it i'm gonna give it an upvote because i liked it wait i can't it's it's archived i read an old story don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 18,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: 7fzHku-Or2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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