r/IDontWorkHereLady - She did this for a "free drink"...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host that does not understand why people like adding eggs to things i like eggs don't get me wrong i appreciate what an egg can do but why do you add eggs to things they don't add flavor and all that texture they're just mush when you add them to stuff they don't offer anything uh zach and today's subreddit is our slash i don't work your lady and i'm not talking like a cake or something i'm saying like where you can clearly see the eggs or added to it situations like that it's usually breakfast food but like why i get there's protein and eggs maybe it's a thing where like oh at least it'll fill me up a little bit better sure but like couldn't you i don't know if you if you have the option sure eggs are healthier than like sausage or beef but like wouldn't you rather have that in your food all right so first up we have a really really long story called ethical irony i don't know what makes it ethical and i don't know what irony would be unethical but here we have ethical irony i found this reddit via youtube and i have been lurking anonymously for a while now i understand the rule about no politics and politics really doesn't play a factor here except to perhaps shed a bit of light on the swampy nature of the swamp a sufficient time has passed now over 30 years that this tale won't compromise anyone's identity nor touch on any politics of the current day except perhaps to show that the swamp is still the swamp and that yes virginia there really is a swamp-a-claws background in the mid-1990s i worked for the u.s government printing office now the us government publishing office i began work there as a journeyman printer proofreader gpo was one of the few agencies that had trade unions print craft bindery book binding pressment etc it is also one of the few non-appropriated agencies that is does not get its budget directly from congress but rather from providing printing services for the united states government paid from their individual print budgets and providing the public with print and electronic versions of government publications it was at the time the largest printing plant in the world and was the emerging world leader in large-scale electronic publishing technology that took so many tries to say right at that time i had already worked in trade there for eight years but had provisionally transitioned to a white-collar position assigned to the office of production manager while i waited for an opening in their development division creating and implementing technologies to convert ink-on-paper archiving to electronic archives and direct to press printing publishing and the newly emerging internet a topic for later post perhaps because i actually knew what a computer was and how programming was done the office had a congressional liaison section that catered to the print and publishing needs of congress the office not only tracked jobs through the plant but did troubleshooting and when needed direct liaison long story short they needed someone familiar with a certain in-progress job to coordinate the house printing services for the production of the house ethics manual h.e.m basically a guide for house members and their staffs on what was and what was not acceptable for them to do in performance of their congressional duties volume 1 covered all the laws statutes house rules and volume 2 was filled with examples of the various aspects spelled out in volume 1. because of my unique qualifications i was asked if i would be willing to liaise with hps for that and other projects up on capitol hill sure why not a change of pace is always welcome in the chaotic world of tight deadlines cast of characters oh boy okay there's ethically challenged entitled lawyer i would do the voices later because i don't know what's going on here uh who is the chief of staff of the house of ethics community there's the house printing director okay guy but too much under the thumb of the politics of his environment columbia typographic 101 union representative blue collar printer proofreader and the union shop steward big red nunzipium of gpo's night production manager we had butted heads a few times hey he was irish and no beaver sausage as was i about a technical and procedural issue here and there but respected each other as being non-beaver sausage people focused on getting the job done on time and in the most efficient manner plus we were both damned good at our jobs but he was my boss i knew it he knew it and no overall issues and more than a fair bit of respect for one another public printer the current administration's politically appointed head of gpo in other words a political hack whose daddy owned a publishing business but wouldn't know helvetica from garamond or the contents of the us government style manual even if he read it essentially the production managers actually ran gpo print and publishing operations me u.s gpo liaison to hps journeyman printer proofreader not at trade and known in-house at gpo as rambo because someone was in the army once upon a time and has a zero tolerance beaver sausage meter and a shorter fuse when push comes to shove but always within the letter of the law but basically don't beaver sausage him or try to intimidate him you won't like where it goes because he gives exactly zero f's about politics and brown noses ethics part one battle of blunder hill nice the first few months went extremely well volume one of the hem was accomplished on time and even under budget something appreciated by the house printing director since it made him look good several other ongoing projects were similarly accomplished i got to work in a quiet fairly posh office on capitol hill albeit buried in basement bowels of the sprawling maze of tunnels under the capitol and its house and senate buildings during the pre-production phase of atm1 things went along without issue and i had distant interaction with the actual committee staff mainly via marked up manuscripts and various minor questions on typography and layout atm1 went into production and was printed now it was time to begin production of hem2 again at first things went swimmingly various drafts came and went marked up by yours truly and revised according to the us gpo style manual a few minor clerical interactions to the staff to explain why so and so was revised to this and so typical pre-production and again things were ahead of schedule and under budget house printing director was happier than a clam that missed the chowder bowl his reputation as an efficient manager was acknowledged on many occasions during that time frame and to his credit he was efficient just that house printing director had a backbone made of overcooked spaghetti at some point unknown to me neil or the entitled lawyer who i'm gonna call eel because she's supposed to be slimy eel had interjected herself in the pre-production process she decided that her jd qualified her as an expert in book design layout and topography the page proofs were returned with scrawled notes and a sample that looked like it had been clipped from cosmopolitan it should be noted that there are proper annotations used by printers and proofreaders for copy markup none of which were used the textual changes i implemented posthaste but the page proofs were returned in typical gpo style in layout and typography again the proofs were returned with a note scrawled with red marker across the cover page used previous style and a scrawled set of initials the actual manuscript was pretty clean at this point so very little was needed to prepare a new set of proofs i scrawled previous style not gpo compliant on the cover page and sent it off the next morning went south faster than a goose in winter with its tail on fire i was sitting at my terminal sipping my morning coffee and reviewing the day schedule when i was rudely interrupted oh that non-professional invective removed do you think you are as i feel my house id torn from the cardigan i had over my shirt and tie the office was always chilly i know exactly who i am as i looked up to appraise a furious face shrew who was clutching at my torn off id badge and was bending to thrust her face uncomfortably near mine and you are the last given in a rather frosty tone as a i was not yet done with my morning coffee priorities right b she was exceedingly hostile and invading what i consider to be my personal space see her snatching of the badge had snagged and ruined my rather expensive cardigan and d that's not how interactions in hps or gpo are done i am eel chief of staff of the house ethics community how dare you having survived more than one actual combat related ambush her demeanor proximity or words did not fluster me a whole lot i replied sternly but still politely dare what miss change my manuscript normally any disagreements on almost all matters are passed on through the proper channels that is she should have voiced her displeasure to either the office manager of hps or giving her position to the director himself she had absolutely zero business in this back office work environment and absolutely zero business conducting herself in violation of hem1 not gpo styleness if you have issue at this time having been frantically informed by the office manager director enters in stage left eyes wide in horror eel now screeching like a puma in heat i will have you fired you insert more invective perhaps suited to bar brawls but certainly not capitol hill director stammering eyes blinking like a [ __ ] semaphore what's going on i want this insufferable insert more decidingly unprofessional invective fired and escorted from the hill director could only flap his lips and make incoherent gurgles in his throat i reach under my snagged cardigan and withdraw my gpo id on its lanyard miss i work for gpo and you can't fire me i looked at director and reached down turning the power off to the pc i am terminating my details to hbs i'll be off to gpo now i am not done with you perhaps not miss but i am entirely done with you i gathered up my coffee mug ejected the three and a half inch floppy the one with the entire project stored on it from its drive and slid it into my pocket i did not give you permission to leave ma'am i do not need your permission i left at a leisurely pace unfortunately i'm not good at whistling else i would have as i sauntered out and headed back to gpo neither director nor the stunned eel said anything ethics rise of rambo i walked back to gpo from capitol hill it's a bit of a walk but it was a pleasant spring day and i wanted eel to vent to whoever back at gpo i didn't really relish the prospect but i was not overly concerned first not only was i protected by the rules and regulations of the civil service but i was also a union member and i had all the protections built into the contract between gpo and its various unions it once took five years to fire a typesetter who showed up drunk every night and slapped it off during his linotype machine news can travel fast sometimes in government particularly from the high and mighty to some political appointee bad news travels even faster so i knew as i trekked back to gpo that some version of what happened would have already been relayed from hps or house ethics committee to gpo se la vie say la guia guerre i arrived back at gpo and went to my desk and sure enough there was a note telling me to report immediately to ep's office pp is a public printer by the way there was also a bevy of urgent emails saying pretty much the same thing first i sauntered over to the proof room and gathered up uh columbia and clued him into what was going on he laughed and shook his head and made some remark about rambo on the hill i left next we went over to production and somewhat surprised found big red still there his night shift was long over at this point but good hey red there's gonna be an excrement show in the public printer's office you might want to come oh oh what the heck have you done now rambo yes he actually used that rather than my name reputation is an awesome thing i explain well f me you poked the damned bear with a 2x4 i had to laugh as did colombia because red had to suppress a grin and give me his official manager glare of disapproval at the same time we arrived in short order on the top floor on the way up big red had made clear that he would take charge and that i and columbia would only add what the situation needed both columbia and i were fine with that big red announced that the public printer was expecting us to the receptionist she buzzed her boss and we were admitted without delay public printer pacing agitatedly behind his desk i have been on the phone with eel i will not allow such conduct by anyone in this agency do you care to explain yourself by all accounts public printer y'all stepped out to bounds he was a looming figure had his arms folded across his rather substantial chest and had his big red don't have with me scowl etched in his face public printer ignored big red and attempted to intimidate me with a hard-eyed glare something rather akin to a stuffed panda bear toy that had feasted on lemons you will write an official apology to eel before the close of business and submitted to be for review columbia elbows me and answers he will not the union would like to file a formal grievance for an assault by a congressional staff member against a brother of our union big red was really pissed off because the public printer had bypassed his role as my superior red was a stickler for chain of command he uses public printers first name in a rather disdainful manner you need to hero p's account before dictating things like that to my people soldier big red is a no-nonsense hard ass and that hard assery extends up and down the chain i give a concise recount of events that is not how she and director relayed the events i am back at gpo now and don't need to use public face niceties i don't give a rat's ass what that piece of sashimi ivy league lawyer said or whatever director chimed in with while licking our boots that is what happened it's as big red and colombia said they will officially apologize to me in writing and renumerate me the cost of a new cardigan i gesture to my ruined cardigan if they do not colombia will lodge a formal complaint via the union and i will file a formal complaint through civil service is that all public printer was blinking while big red gives me a scale you and colombia may leave i'll discuss the matter with big red a week or so later i did receive an official apology from the chief of staff of the house ethics community and my next paycheck included an incidental expenses amount to cover the cost of the cardigan that had obviously been knitted by alien fairies on mars judging by the amount word went through the plant gpo had more than 4 000 employees back then and the legend of rambo grew beyond even the bounds of epd the electronic print division note also hem2 was published on time and on budget following gpo style i understand but cannot confirm that a memo was circulated to the staffs of the various committees about interactions with other federal agencies including the gpo by then i was in the development division and working graveyard shift big red would shake his head at me from time to time when we passed in the hall wow okay so that was a whole lot a whole lot of stuff but let's break down everything that happened in the story okay so he's just doing his thing lady throws a hissy fit destroys his cardigan and then they she tries to get him in trouble and then uh victory switcherooni and all that jazz not a lot happened here but there was so much information and i know a lot more about the government printing office u.s government printing office publishing office or whatever the hell it's called then i did when i began i didn't even know that was a thing all right this story's called entitled karen pushes me to the ground over a free drink so i a 14 year old female work part-time at a friend's parent's store so i get to hang out with my friend and they get an extra employee i usually love it they are really friendly and i feel like i am part of the family almost however today i had my first interaction with a karen she came into the store and for this week they are raising money for charity so whenever you buy a sandwich you get a free drink if you donate anything so karen came in and grabbed a sandwich and a phone cable i scanned both and tried to let her know about our drink deal but she just sighed and the conversation went like this look little girl i am a regular i think i would know if there was a deal going on don't you trying my best to be polite yes ma'am however it is only on for this week so unless you came in yesterday today was tuesday you would be unaware of this offer she rolled her eyes and hissed how dare you talk back to me get me a manager at this point my friend's mom has heard my situation and came out to help me may i help you ma'am this little girl is trying to tell me about some silly offer you probably don't even do which offer was it donate for a free drink if you donate it's not free please lower your voice ma'am or i will have to ask you to leave fine keep your sucky sandwich she throws her sandwich and charger on the floor i bend down to pick it up this kid's assaulting me and she pushes me to the ground before running out i was fine just a little shaken up but really all i did was offer her a free drink if she donates people are confusing that is a nice offer um and yeah it is free in the sense that the store is not necessarily getting anything monetary out of it so yeah it's free for them what are the benefits of doing something like that because if you donate something to the store okay that store then donates that to the thing and so it's as if the store's donating it right so that's one of the things they get and if you donate stuff at least at a large enough scale it results in what tax write-offs i don't even know what that means don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 24,915
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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